Medway Community Healthcare provides a wide range of high

Sharing your information
Medway Community Healthcare
provides a wide range of high
quality community health services
for Medway residents; from
community nurses and health
visitors to speech and language
therapists and out of hours urgent
Leaflet reference: MCH 057.1
Your information will only be
disclosed to those who have a
genuine need to know and who
agree to keep your information
confidential. For your direct
care we often share
information with:
NHS hospitals and clinics
Social care
Who to contact
Podiatry service
t: 01634 718113
f: 01634 730732
Podiatry Appointment Centre
Hawthorn Road Clinic
Hawthorn Road
Strood Rochester
Kent ME2 2HU
Podiatry service
Customer care
Please send any comments about
Medway Community Healthcare
services to: Customer care manager
Medway Community Healthcare
7-8 Ambley Green, Bailey Drive,
Gillingham, Kent, ME8 0NJ
t: 01634 382266
f: 01634 382700
All contact will be treated
This information can be made
available in other formats and
languages. Please contact:
Communications on
01634 382211 or
Medway Community Healthcare CIC
Registered office: Unit 5 Ambley Green, Bailey Drive,
Gillingham Business Park, Gillingham, Kent ME8 0NJ
Tel: 01634 382777
Registered in England and Wales,
Company number: 07275637
When we walk or stand, our body
weight is carried first on the heel
and then on the ball of the foot,
where the skin is thicker to
withstand the pressure. When
this pressure becomes intense,
growths in the form of corns and
callus may appear. Sometimes
certain parts of the foot can
protrude or rub on shoes e.g.
hammer toes. This can cause
areas of high pressure; the body
tries to protect itself by laying
down skin (protection). If
untreated it builds up and various
types of corns and callous can
Under pressure
There are a number of different
types of corns. The two most
common are hard and soft corns.
Hard corns
These are the most common and
appear as small, concentrated
areas of hard skin up to the size
of a small pea, usually within a
wider area of thickened skin or
callous and can be symptoms of
feet or toes not functioning
Soft corns
These develop in a similar way
to hard corns. They are whitish
and rubbery in texture and
appear between toes where
the skin is moist from sweat, or
from inadequate drying. A
Health Professions Council
registered (HPC) podiatrist will
be able to reduce the bulk of
the corn.
Seed corns
These are tiny corns that tend
to occur either singly or in
clusters on the bottom of the
foot. They are usually painless
and caused by frictional /
sheering stress i.e. slip on
shoes or shoes that are too
large, or dry skin which can be
improved by applying
moisturising cream daily.
Neuro-vascular corns
These have their own nerve
and blood supply and are very
painful and difficult to get rid
Vascular corns
These corns have developed
their own micro blood supply
and will bleed profusely if they
are cut and can be very
Fibrous corns
These arise from corns that
have been present for a long
time. They are firmly attached
to deeper tissues. They can
also be painful.
What you can do for yourself
Don’t cut corns yourself,
especially if you are elderly or
diabetic. Don’t use corn
plasters or paints, these can
burn the healthy tissue around
the corns. Home remedies, like
lambswool around toes are
potentially dangerous.
Commercially available ‘cures’
should be used only following
professional advice.
You could use a pumice stone
or foot file to remove the
thickened skin a little at a time
after a bath/shower or relieve
pressure between
the toes with a foam/silicone
wedge. Ensure footwear is not
rubbing the affected area
causing the corn. If you are
unsure of what to do or need
special attention, consult a
HPC registered podiatrist who
will be able to remove corns
painlessly, apply padding or
insoles to relieve pressure, or
fit corrective appliances for
long-term relief.
What we can do for you?
If pain or redness in the lesion
persists, the podiatry service
can offer a course of treatment
for your lesion. Pressure
redistribution via insoles or
silicone devices may be of