Synod Assembly — June 19 and 20, 2015 March 25, 2015 Dear Congregation Members, Ordained Ministers, Diaconal Ministers, and Associates in Ministry: The 28th Annual Northern Illinois Synod Assembly will be held at Augustana College, Centennial Hall, 3703 Seventh Avenue, Rock Island on Friday, June 19, and Saturday, June 20, 2015. You may access map and directions to Augustana College at You will find enclosed Northern Illinois Synod Assembly registration materials and related assembly information. These materials may be duplicated. You can also register on-line at Please note that this will be the only registration packet mailed. Should you have any questions, feel free to contact Nancy Corey, Synod Registrar, in the Rock Island Synod office. You may reach Nancy by telephone (309.794.4004), fax (309.794.2088), e-mail at, or mailing address of Nancy Corey, Synod Registrar, Northern Illinois Synod, Augustana College—Lutheran House, 639 38th Street, Rock Island IL 61201-2296. Northern Illinois Synod Assembly Registration Due April 20, 2015 Synod Assembly Resolutions Due April 20, 2015 Northern Illinois Synod Youth Assembly — Thursday, June 18, 2015 Registrations Due June 1, 2015 (Refer to page 4 and Youth Assembly Registration materials at end of this packet) Congregational Voting Members When registering your assembly voting members, please keep in mind these NI Synod guidelines: Two lay voting members are elected by each congregation, normally one of whom shall be male and one of whom shall be female. Additional members from each congregation normally shall be equally divided between male and female and normally there shall be no more than one voting member of the Synod Assembly from a single household. Also, each voting member of the Synod Assembly shall be a voting member of a congregation of this synod. Per Synod Constitutional Bylaw S7.21.A11… each congregation may elect 1 additional youth (a voting member who has not reached the age of 18 at the time of election or appointment for service) or 1 young adult (a voting member between the ages of 18 and 30 at the time of election or appointment for service) to attend as a voting member. A congregation’s delegation will be responsible for the youth voting member. Please see the Youth Assembly activity information provided in this packet for additional opportunities for youth. 2015 Northern Illinois Synod Assembly Fees Registration WITH PRINTED Assembly Bulletin of Reports . . . . . . . . $66.00 Registration WITHOUT PRINTED Assembly Bulletin of Reports . . . . . $36.00 [Assembly Bulletin of Reports to be downloaded from Synod website at and brought to Synod Assembly] Complete Meal Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00 Partial Meal Plan Friday Lunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11.00 Friday Dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.00 Saturday Breakfast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 9.00 Saturday Lunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11.00 *On Campus Housing Single bed & shared bath (per person, per night) . . . . . . . . . . . $38.00 If you choose to pay using PayPal there will be approximately a $3.25 convenience fee per registration. * Campus Housing is located in SWANSON COMMONS, 1010 38th Street, Rock Island. It is a student dormitory with “shared restrooms” and equipped with basic furnishings for student use (only bed sheets provided; NO pillows, blankets, towels of any sort, drinking cups, toiletries, room service, etc.). Hotel Listings enclosed for your information Or visit: Some congregations due to the size of their baptized membership are allowed additional voting members. You may refer to the Additional Lay Voting Member Assignment List on page 5 to determine if your congregation may register more than two voting members in addition to a youth or young adult voting member. All congregations not listed are to register two voting members and an additional youth or young adult. Those per sons selected as alternates may be r egister ed as visitor s. Please note that rostered persons On Leave from Call or Retired, who are not elected as voting members, shall have voice but not vote at Synod Assembly. {S7.23.} Exception: R etired leaders on the roster of the Synod shall be voting members of the Assembly if they have pre-registered by the date of Assembly. {S7.22.01.} Assembly Fees Lay Voting Members: Congr egations ar e r esponsible for all expenses. Youth or Young Adult Voting Member: Congr egations ar e r esponsible for all expenses. Ordained Ministers, Diaconal Ministers, Associates in Ministry Under Call, and Intern Pastors: Congregations, agencies and/or institutions are responsible for all expenses. Ordained Ministers, Diaconal Ministers, and Associates in Ministry NOT Under Call, Agency and Institution Representatives: Unless other wise pr ovided for , they ar e r esponsible for their own expenses. Retired Ordained Ministers, Diaconal Ministers, and Associates in Ministry and their Spouses: Registr ation fee is waived. All other costs will be their responsibility. Visitors: Visitor s ar e welcome to attend the assembly. Visitor s ar e r esponsible for their r egistr ation fee, meals, and housing. Visitors are requested to send in a registration form. 2 Assembly Schedule Friday, June 19—Assembly Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. in Centennial Hall Lobby, Augustana College, 3703 Seventh Avenue, Rock Island, Illinois. Friday, June 19—The Opening of the Assembly and Holy Communion (Opening Worship) begins at 10:00 a.m. in Centennial Hall (Auditorium) at Augustana College. Saturday, June 20—Prayers of Remembrance will begin Assembly at 8:30 a.m. in Centennial Hall (Auditorium) at Augustana College. Saturday, June 20—Holy Communion with Ordination will be held at 1:45 p.m. in Centennial Hall (Auditorium) at Augustana College followed by Closing of Synod Assembly. A Synod Assembly Agenda, Bulletin of Reports, and other pertinent assembly information will be available on the Synod website at near the end of May. These same mater ials will be mailed to those who request printed Synod Assembly Bulletin of Reports. Changes to Note At this year’s Synod Assembly, for those who have attended in the past, please be aware that there have been some changes in the times and locations of Assembly activities and events due to Augustana College’s remodeling of the College Center. The College Center will not be available for meals, displays and forums, so we will be using other rooms and buildings at the College. The biggest change for us will be that the Friday evening dinner and Saturday morning breakfast will be held in the Center for Student Life (located in Thomas Tredway Library) and “box” lunches will be provided for both Friday and Saturday lunches, with the option to eat in Bergendoff Hall/attend lunch forum or attend lunch forum/eat. Those in the choir will pick up lunches and go to their practice. If weather is good, participants also have the option to eat outside. Transportation will be provided to and from Centennial Hall and to all Synod Assembly locations. For those who prefer to walk, we suggest comfortable shoes, as the distance to forums and the meals in the Center for Student Life will get you your exercise for the day! In lieu of the traditional Assembly cloth tote bags, we will provide a Synod Assembly lunch bag for you to use for your “box” lunch ingredients. Therefore, we ask participants to bring their favorite bag or backpack (kudos for those who bring ones from a previous year or a congregation, school, agency, etc.), for Assembly materials and handouts. Bring a bag that represents a ministry, and you have a conversation starter! Resolutions Voting members who wish to introduce resolutions should refer to the enclosed Resolution Writing 101. In keeping with our synod guidelines regarding resolutions the deadline for submission is April 20. Resolutions received subsequent to that date will not be accepted for consideration at this assembly, unless the Resolutions Committee judges it to be a matter of sufficient importance and urgency which is not adequately covered by documents already before the assembly. Assembly Choir Voting members and visitors are welcome to sing in the assembly choir during Saturday worship. Please refer to the Synod Assembly Agenda in Assembly Bulletin of Reports for rehearsal times and location. 3 Stretch & Pray and Dance Fitness The Bishop’s Task Force for Health and Wellness invites all attending to participate in two Wellness Activities during the Assembly on Friday, June 19: “Stretch & Pray” and “Dance Fitness.” Each will be offered during the Friday afternoon assembly forum times. Special Needs Assembly participants with special needs should indicate such needs on their registration form — especially dietary and child care. Child Care will be provided at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 4501 Seventh Avenue, Rock Island which is located a few blocks from Augustana College campus. Northern Illinois Synod Youth Assembly June 18-19, 2015 Enclosed you will find Northern Illinois Synod Youth Assembly information and registration forms. The NI Synod Youth Assembly will be held at Augustana College in Swanson Commons located at 1010 38th Street, Rock Island, Illinois on Thursday, June 18, 2015 beginning at 9:00 a.m. and ending Friday, June 19, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. NI Synod Youth Assembly Registration Fee of $50 per person cover s all housing, meals, and pr ogr amming. Registration is due by Monday, June 1, and must be accompanied by payment, completed r egistr ation/parental consent, and a signed covenant (check made payable to Northern Illinois Synod) . These materials can be found at the end of this packet and materials may be duplicated. You can also r egister on-line at All NI Synod Youth Assembly registrations and payments are to be sent to: NI Synod Youth Assembly, Augustana College-Lutheran House, 639 38th St., Rock Island, IL 61201. NI Synod Youth Assembly registration on Thursday, June 18, begins at 9:00 a.m. in Swanson Commons located at 1010 38th Street on Augustana College campus in Rock Island, Illinois (a college dormitory). You may access map and directions to Augustana College at If you have any questions, you may contact Audrey Adams by phoning (815) 732-2220 or by emailing her at LYO Leadership Team: Audrey Adams, George Davis, Kelley Huston, Peg Miller, Rosemary Sibley 4 Additional Synod Assembly Lay Voting Member Assignment All congregations NOT listed below are to register two voting members and an additional youth or young adult. Those per sons selected as alter nates may be r egister ed as visitor s. Four (4) Voting Members (plus 1 youth or young adult) Algonquin, Light of Christ (Northeast Conference) Bolingbrook, New Life (East Conference) Crystal Lake, Bethany (Northeast Conference) Joliet, St. John (East Conference) Loves Park, Grace (North Conference) McHenry, Shepherd of the Hills (Northeast Conference) Moline, Trinity (West Conference) Naperville, Alleluia! (East Conference) New Lenox, Peace (East Conference) Ottawa, Trinity (South Conference) Rockford, Our Savior’s (North Conference) Rockford, St. Mark (North Conference) Rockford, Zion (North Conference) Sycamore, Salem (Northeast Conference) Woodstock, Grace (Northeast Conference) Three (3) Voting Members (plus 1 youth or young adult) Byron, All Saints (Central Conference) DeKalb, First (Northeast Conference) Dixon, St. Paul (Central Conference) Geneseo, First (West Conference) Harvard, Trinity (Northeast Conference) Huntley, Shepherd of the Prairie (Northeast Conf.) Knoxville, Grace (Southwest Conference) Lockport, Shepherd of the Hill (East Conference) Mendota, St. John (South Conference) Orion, St. Paul (West Conference) Richmond, Grace (Northeast Conference) Rockford, Trinity (North Conference) Roscoe, Cross & Crown (North Conference) Sandwich, Our Saviour (East Conference) Sterling, St. John (Central Conference) Enclosures: NI Synod Assembly 1. NI Synod Assembly Registration Form (2) 2. Resolution Writing 101 3. Important Housing Information & Quad Cities Hotels 4. 2015 In-Kind Offering flyer NI Synod Youth Assembly 1. NI Synod Youth Assembly Letter 2. NI Synod Youth Assembly Flyer 3. NI Synod Youth Assembly Registration & Medical Release form 4. Youth Conduct Covenant 5. Adult Conduct Covenant 6. Nomination Form for Synod LYO Board Officer/Membership 7. LYO Officer Descriptions 8. Important Campus Housing Information 5
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