Very practical, realistic scenarios — topics very current to what we are doing right now — so this workshop was full of resources and valuable ideas that I can take back to my district to use right away. Cohort 3 - Director of Personnel I enjoyed working with members of my district, but also hearing feedback from the other teams in the room. The online sharing was a good addition to the day. Cohort 2 - Curriculum Coordinator We have developed concrete plans for moving this agenda forward in our district. Cohort 1 - Assistant Superintendent The workshop was very interactive and required participation by all who attended. This was effective in keeping us all on task and engaged. Cohort 2 - Middle School Principal I felt that the combination of relevant topics and capable presenters made for a practitioner-centric experience. Being able to network and collaborate with job-alike colleagues across the state provided invaluable insight. Cohort 5 - Elementary School Principal One of the great things about the Leadership Academy was the ability to work closely with a team of administrators from my district. It required us to look at things from a team perspective and not just at the building levels. Cohort 2 - High School Department Chair I liked the discussion that facilitated a deeper conversation about the definition of a quality assessment. Cohort 3 - Superintendent Cohort 4 - K-6 Supervisor 2015-16 Asst. Superi nte nd en t t. Principals Ass Cohort 4 - Superintendent I left the session with resources and strategies that I can begin using immediately to strengthen the PLCs in my school. • Materials were effective, and speakers and presenters were knowledgable. New Jersey Leadership Academy de erinten nts • P rin Sup cip • s als What did some of the Year 1 participants say about New Jersey Leadership Academy? Professional Learning for Leaders D ir e ct o r s • S u p er vi s or s Register now for Series 2! Meeting the professional development needs of today’s instructional leaders • A year-long experience of quality, sustained, and collaborative professional learning for district/school teams. • Three core courses with your cohort plus two electives on your own. • A well-developed, meaningful PDP for all participants to implement. For further information and to register for the New Jersey Leadership Academy, visit A partnership among NJASA, NJPSA, and FEA, with the support of NJDOE. New Jersey Leadership Academy Overview • Educational leaders will learn together and participate in sustained, collaborative, and structured professional development throughout the year. Cohorts of Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents, Principals, Assistant Principals, Directors, and Supervisors will take three core courses together, focused on transformational leadership and major educational reforms. In addition, each participant will take two electives to meet individual, school, or district goals.* • The cohort approach will allow you to learn from colleagues in your position, as well as other leadership positions, giving you a broader view of the education landscape. •T he Academy •E ach •Y our •E ach will provide each participant with an easily adaptable Professional Development Plan that is linked to the content of the core courses and is aligned to New Jersey Standards. course will be linked to the next, and online discussions with your cohort will keep the conversation going. district may send one administrator or an entire team to learn together. participant will earn a New Jersey Leadership Academy certificate of completion. Series 2 Core Courses Series 1 Core Courses In today's educational landscape, instructional leaders are increasingly faced with the challenge of building coherence across the critical reforms of the day. In this series, participants will learn together in district teams and from colleagues in similar leadership positions through a process that fosters collaborative inquiry, builds leadership skills and provides opportunities for implementation of key reform strategies at the school and district levels. Series 1, Cohort 6 Transformational Leadership: From Compliance to Practice to Growth 1) Aug. 6, 2015 1) Transformational Leadership: Understanding, Leading, and Facilitating Change 2) Aug. 10, 2015 3) Aug. 13, 2015 1) L eading the Common Core •E xamine strategies each district/school leader can use to ensure curriculum is aligned to state standards. • Examine strategies each district/school leader can use to ensure classroom instruction is aligned to state standards. • Examine strategies each district/school leader can use to ensure classroom and district assessment is aligned to state standards. 2) Strengthening Assessment Literacy • Ensure that all NJ educational leaders are properly equipped with a deep understanding of and ability to lead effective, contemporary assessment practices for all students in their communities • Establish a “common language” for the educational community to support assessment leadership. • Review the connection between assessment, curriculum, instruction and learning. • Enhance leaders’ abilities to utilize PLCs as a tool in promoting assessment literacy and balanced assessment. • Determine your district/school/classroom assessment literacy status and plan next steps. 3) Educator Evaluation: a Tool to Enhancing Teacher Practice/Effectiveness • Identify effective supervision practices that improve instruction and student achievement. • Acquire additional strategies to improve the quality of adult conversations focused on teaching, learning and ongoing assessment. • Build capacity for implementing an effective feedback loop for your setting. • Understand the key policies and components of a comprehensive professional learning system. Leaders are change agents in their schools and districts. They must facilitate the planning and development of new priorities, understand and manage concerns that surface as a result of change, and ensure new practices are applied in the school and class-rooms. Work with colleagues to understand the change process and enhance your toolkit of strategies to support the planning, implementation, and evaluation of complex change initiatives. 2) Transformational Leadership: Fostering a Climate and Culture to Support Teaching and Learning A healthy climate and culture are key elements of successful schools and districts. Leadership is critical in setting the tone for the collegial relationships driven by a shared vision, supportive leadership, a focus on adult learning, collective responsibility and a collaborative environment focused on student learning. Engage with leadership teams in strengthening strategies that promote a culture of continuous improvement and growth. 3) Transformational Leadership: Using Assessment Data to Guide Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional Learning Decisions In your school/district what assessment data is available? How is the data from assessment used to inform instruction? Do all assessments align with the curriculum and the standards? Leaders are tasked with leading the development of a comprehensive and balanced assessment system that drives decisions for student and staff learning. Gain new knowledge, strategies, and skills for leading this process. Series 2, Cohort 1 1) Aug. 25, 2015 2) Sept. 30, 2015 3) Nov. 11, 2015 Series 2, Cohort 2 1) Sept. 29, 2015 2) Nov. 19, 2015 3) Dec. 15, 2015 Series 2, Cohort 3 1) Oct. 8, 2015 2) Nov. 30, 2015 3) Jan. 13, 2016 *Electives Cost All Academy participants take the three core courses together. In addition, in order to meet school, district, or individual goals, each participant will choose two electives on their own, which may be any professional development course listed in the summer, fall, winter, or spring PD calendar from NJASA or FEA, including LEGAL ONE. $750 per person for five sessions ($650 if registering as part of a team of two or more). Please make checks payable to FEA.
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