Affiliate Finalist T-Shirts

Dear New Jersey Destination Imagination Global Finalist Teams
April 15, 2015
1) Notify Carmine if you
will not be attending
Global Finals
2) Deadline for ordering
Affiliate Global Final
T-Shirts and Pins
MAY 1, 2015
All registrations and fees
must be paid to avoid any
May 2015 (Exact Date to
Be Determined)
T-Shirt and Pin Pick up
Congratulations on your success at this year’s 2015 New Jersey
Destination Imagination® Affiliate Tournament. Your team is to
be congratulated on being creative and successful problem
solvers. We sincerely hope you are able to represent New Jersey
at the Destination Imagination Global Finals 2015 at the
University of Tennessee in Knoxville May 20-23, 2015. You find it
truly an amazing experience.
If, for any reason, your team is unable to attend Global Finals,
please let us know immediately so we can offer the invitation to
another team who may be able to attend. If you cannot attend,
please notify Carmine Liuzzi, the Affiliate Director, at 203-3003773 or email him at before April 15, 2015.
Due to the number of teams attending, competition will begin
on Wednesday again this year. Opening Ceremony is
Wednesday evening. To opt out of Wednesday competition for
the performance or IC, or both, you must do so with your online
Registration form in the space provided for conflicts. Remember
you will be traveling all day and then need a day not only to
acclimate, but also the team needs time to unpack and set up
their props. New Jersey teams should plan on travelling no later
than Tuesday morning, check in no later than Wednesday
morning and then relax and get the lay of the land. There will be
a FULL day of competition on Wednesday so it is likely that
some New Jersey teams may be scheduled on Wednesday
unless you have a legitimate reason to not be scheduled for that
Affiliate Finalist T-Shirts
Presenting a unified Affiliate. Teams are required to wear this year’s New Jersey Global
Finals affiliate t-shirts to the opening and closing ceremonies. These shirts identify your team
group as part of the New Jersey delegation. All states, provinces, and countries present
will have their official affiliate shirts on for Opening and Closing. Please make sure your team
members wear them for these two events.
representing New Jersey and when we sit in our section we want to look like a unified group
with matching shirts, hats, light ups, etc., like all of the other affiliate groups. There will be
designated seating for the New Jersey teams and their Team Managers. However, it is likely
that seats for supporters traveling with your team will be assigned in another part of the arena
rather than with the team. This is especially true for closing ceremonies.
Another point, once again all affiliates will have limited representation at the Opening
Ceremony. This is not controlled by the Affiliates but rather the DII Events Team. Once we are
told the allotment for the Opening Ceremony, we will determine how we select members of
our delegation to represent Team New Jersey.
Mandatory Metro Area meeting
EASTERN TEAMS ONLY: All items will
The use of any Copyrighted or Trademarked art or logos (including Destination Imagination logos) on
pins or shirts, without the written permission of the owner or organization, is not sanctioned or
condoned by Destination Imagination, Inc. The use by teams of Destination Imagination Inc. logos
including Global Finals, DI, IDODI and the Challenge Logos is prohibited with the following exceptions:
a. Paid Team Pack Participants - Teams/individuals - registered with Destination Imagination affiliates
may produce “hand-made” art (homemade or made by the team members) on team/individual shirts or
other items utilizing the words “Destination Imagination®.”
b. No license fee to Destination Imagination Inc. is required as long as the total number of each
homemade product is less than 21 per team and the team has made them themselves.
c. Vendors or commercial establishments are not allowed to participate in the production of these
"handmade" products.
Individual Team Pins and Shirts. Some teams choose to have their own metal team pins made. These
pins cannot include the words Destination Imagination®, nor can they say New Jersey DI or New Jersey
Destination Imagination® or xxx DI ® on them. Remember that the logos are trademarked logos and may
only be used by the state or national organization. This is the same for all affiliates as a rule made by
DIHQ. In addition, using Copyrighted art (such as Disney characters, the Simpsons, etc.) without the
artist’s express permission is illegal and not condoned by DI, Inc.
Team-made shirts are always fun; however, you may not use New Jersey DI or New Jersey Destination
Imagination® or XXX DI in any form on shirts or pins that are purchased. DI, Inc. rules say that handmade
team shirts may include the words Destination Imagination®, however you are limited to less than 21
shirts, and they may not be sold for profit. So these handmade shirts could be imprinted with Kinnelon
Destination Imagination team, or Ridge High School Project OUTREACH, or they could include the team’s
“unofficial” name, i.e. Creative Cats, Fantastic Five, etc. Another suggestion is to imprint this year’s shirts
with your team name to wear sometime during the week. If you have a question about what is and is not
legal according to our corporate copyright rules, please call or email Carmine Liuzzi BEFORE you order
shirts. And remember, even if a team has a team-specific shirt, all teams still need to wear this year’s
official NEW JERSEY shirt to Opening and Closing ceremonies.
The following are suggestions that we hope will help every Team
Manager have a safe and happy trip:
1. Gather emergency information about the team and all people traveling with the team.
Find out medical information including insurance coverage, allergies, and contact
numbers. Put this information into something that is compact and easy to carry and
keep it with you at all times.
Find out if anyone has special food needs. Send that information with your room and
board reservations to DIHQ. They are usually able to accommodate needs for vegetarian
meals, food allergies, etc.
Practice packing your props for shipment early and ship them early. It used to be
cheaper to carry some props with you on the plane in suitcases, bike, or golf club
containers, but that is most likely not the case an longer. Have an agreement with the
team about what props will and will not be brought back. Shipping is expensive no
matter what method is used.
Carefully interview those wanting to chaperone. A flexible, cheerful person who does
not require a great deal of sleep to function is your best bet. Be sure any parents going
along understand that YOU ARE IN CHARGE and that you set the schedule. Also
tell them not to touch anything the students are working on at any time (other than
hauling props).
Think about emergency repairs to props, costumes, etc. and include basic fix-it items
such as duct tape, glue guns, needle and thread, touch up paint and brushes, etc. Many
teams bring multiple cell phones to help with communication. Remember too, that
you are probably staying in a college dorm that was just vacated for the summer.
That said, shower shoes, disinfectant spray and bleach wipes may help everyone feel
more comfortable. You might also pack a small blanket or warm pajamas, as dorm
blankets are sometimes in short supply in the spring.
Remember to have your team members budget for souvenirs, extra pins, tours, snacks,
Have agreements worked out ahead of time regarding behavior in airports, restaurants,
shops, hotels, etc. For instance, do you want a rule that team members will always have
at least one other person with them to go swimming, shopping, pin trading, etc? It is
important for the chaperones and the team to know what level of supervision is
expected. Neither too little or too much are good. Try to find a happy medium.
Please try to watch and support as many New Jersey teams as possible.
The schedule is such that New Jersey teams will likely be split over the 4 days of GF,
which should make it easier to support each other. It is very exciting for teams to have
a New Jersey cheering section supporting them when they perform!
There are events where many teams like to dress up – DI style – crazy
matching hats, mustaches, wigs, and of course, duct tape shirts or
pants. The event program lists all the activities throughout GF. Also check the daily
newspaper for the latest announcements and information.
10. For those who would like to purchase additional pin sets, Carmine will be available at GF
to supply you with pins. There will only be a limited quantity so be sure to pre-order
enough for your trading needs. At Global Finals, Carmine can be reached at or 203-300-3776.
11. Just being at the Global Finals will be a thrill for team members. Remember that while
winning is nice, getting out and experiencing the tournament and meeting people from
around the world by trading pins or walking through prop storage and Exposition areas
is probably the highlight for most of the students. Teams can LEARN SO MUCH by
watching other teams from around the globe.
12. Be sure to check out the Global Finals website regularly right up until you leave for GF –
go to or . While you are the site,
check out the Pin Trading Guide. Team Managers: don’t forget to check out The Team
Manager and Officials Competition to be held Friday night at the International Event.
Information is included on the GF website. Again, congratulations on your success at
our New Jersey State Tournament and good luck at the 2015 Global Finals. See you
Carmine Liuzzi, New Jersey Affiliate Director
Destination Imagination, Cell: 1-203-300-3776