Exhibitors Guide - New Jersey Library Association Conference

Exhibitors Guide to the
NJLA Conference • April 21 & 22, 2015
Libraries On
The Edge
Mark your calendar!
conference is
April 21 & 22, 2015
Exhibit Hall Grand Opening
Special points of interest
• Sponsorship Opportunities
• Advertising Guidelines
• Exhibit Space Application
• Hotel Accommodations
• Conference Website
New Jersey
Library Association
P.O. Box 1534
Trenton, NJ 08607
4 W. Lafayette Street
Trenton, NJ 08608
Phone: 609-394-8032
Fax: 609-394-8164
E-mail: Patricia Tumulty at
Established in 1890, NJLA is the
oldest and largest library
organization in New Jersey.
Dear NJLA Vendor,
On behalf of NJLA, I invite you and your company to
join us at the 2015 NJLA Annual Conference. This
Terrie McColl,
year’s Conference will be at the Ocean Place Resort &
NJLA President
Spa right on the Jersey shore in Long Branch, NJ.
Exhibit space will be centrally located providing easy access for Conference
attendees, creating an excellent opportunity for you to reach your target
audience. The Conference Committee and other members of NJLA are working
hard to make this year’s conference experience better for everyone, including you
as a vendor and exhibitor.
NJLA relies on the partnerships that we have with our vendors. We truly
appreciate that librarians and librarianship are important to you. By purchasing a
booth, you not only support the conference but also our professional
development. I hope that you will join us and help to make the 2015 Annual
Conference one of the best ever!
Sponsorship Opportunities
Please join us as a sponsor of the New Jersey Library Association’s 2015 annual
conference: the premier professional development event for the New Jersey library
community! Your participation as a sponsor enables NJLA to bring high caliber
speakers and outstanding programs to the Conference. Sponsors also make it
possible to offer other popular events such as refreshment breaks in the exhibit hall.
Over 1200 public, academic, and school librarians, trustees, and friends will gather
at the Ocean Place Resort and Spa, on April 21 & 22, 2015. The theme for the
conference is Libraries On The Edge.
Sponsorships include:
• Premium exhibit booth placement
• Recognition on NJLA website
• Sponsor signage for exhibit booth
• Listing on conference signage
Sponsor Levels
– Platinum $5,000 –
– Gold $2,500 –
– Silver $1,500 –
– Bronze $500–
• Recognition in program booklet
• Website link to your company
Your generous sponsorship will mean greater visibility for your company throughout
the conference.
Conference Website
Questions may be directed to Pat Tumulty, Executive Director, at ptumulty@njla.org
or 609-394-8032. Please indicate your sponsorship level on the enclosed form and
return it today. We look forward to hearing from you.
Booth Assignments
Exhibit space is assigned to Sponsors
first, then by a combination of your
Application’s receipt date and by your
product category. Every attempt is made
to match location with request. We will
email your contact person when booth
numbers, setup time, electric & internet
info and pertinent materials are posted
to website.
• advocates for the advancement of
library services for the residents of
New Jersey,
Exhibit Dates & Times
Tuesday, April 21 • 10:00am-5:00pm
Wednesday, April 22 • 8:00am-1:30pm
Free Time for Exhibits
(No-conflict time) both days
Display Rules
• Booth space is 6’ x 8’
• provides continuing education &
networking opportunities for librarians,
• supports the principles of intellectual
freedom & promotes access to library
materials for all.
• Our office in Trenton, N.J. provides
services to over 1,700 members.
Hotel Accommodations
Ocean Place Resort and Spa
One Ocean Blvd.
Long Branch, NJ 07740
The Annual Spring
Conference is jointly
sponsored by:
• Reservations must be made by
April 5, 2015.
• New Jersey Library Association (NJLA)
• Special Room Rates for
NJLA Convention Attendees
• Sides of booth display will not
exceed 4’ in height.
• $169.00 for Single or Double
Occupancy including resort fee,
but subject to taxes.
• Front will not interfere with flow of
traffic by exceeding side rail length.
• Reservation: 800-411-6493
Press 2 for reservations
• Equipment sounds cannot interfere
with a conversation in adjoining
Mailing Label Service
NJLA is pleased to announce that we’ve
partnered again with Bartizan, a leading
app provider, to make lead retrieval at
our conference easier than ever. With
Bartizan’s award-winning iLeads lead
retrieval app, you can capture leads
anywhere during the conference and
tradeshow, and in fact, anywhere at the
conference venue. Vendors that used this
last year found it very helpful.
Public library labels are always available
from NJLA. Spring conference exhibitors
may want to consider a targeted mailing
just prior to the
conference to help
generate interest
in new and
Requests for mailing
labels should
be emailed to Pat Tumulty at the NJLA
office at ptumulty@njla.org or you can
call 609-394-8032.
Pressure sensitive labels $85.00
Please allow 2 weeks for delivery.
• New Jersey Association of School
Librarians (NJASL)
Our annual spring conference attracts
over 1,000 librarians from school,
public, college and special libraries
throughout the state of New Jersey.
This is one of the oldest library
professional shows on the East Coast,
dating back to the 1890s.
Exhibit Information
6’ x 8’ area, Draped sidewalls, Back, 1
table (2’ x 6’ draped), 2 chairs,
Wastebasket and Identification sign.
10% discount for Commerical Members.
Exhibit area is completely carpeted.
If an exhibitor must cancel, a 50%
refund will be made prior to March 13
deadline. No refunds after that date.