Graduate Medical Education Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 185 South Orange Ave, MSB, C594 Newark, NJ 07101 p. 973-972- f. 973-972-2229 Rotator General Information Housestaff from other training programs interested in a clinical rotation in one of our programs located at the Rutgers New Jersey Medical School- Newark campus are welcome to apply. Completed applications are reviewed and approval is granted on a case-by-case basis provided trainees meet specific qualifications and entry requirements. Generally, trainees will be considered if they: 1) are in good standing in an ACGME-accredited program 2) obtain approval and support to rotate from a Rutgers Program Director 3) complete and submit all rotator documentation and properly enroll prior to start date If you wish to apply for a rotation in one of our programs please note the timeline and information requirements below. • • Contact the program coordinator of the Rutgers program you wish to complete a rotation to determine if the program is currently accepting rotators. The recommended time to contact a program is at least three months prior to the start of the rotation (see Program Coordinator Contact List). Complete and submit the following documents to the respective Rutgers program coordinator at least two (2) months prior to the expected rotation start date: 9 9 9 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. • • • • Rotator Application for Residency/Fellowship Rotation Rotator Medical Requirements (Health Clearance Form) Rotator Documentation: Letter of support indicating housestaff in good standing from home institution (indicating rotation dates) Letter of approval from Rutgers Program Director (indicating rotation dates) Current Curriculum Vitae (CV) Copy of valid/unexpired picture identification (driver’s license, passport, etc.) Copies of BLS, ACLS, PALS valid certification through the rotation timeframe (please see Life Support Certification Requirements for specific information by program) Malpractice insurance coverage verification from home institution (must indicate coverage through rotation timeframe) Copy of medical license, DEA, or training permit from trainees Board of Medical Examiner’s Office FROM ROTATOR CURRENT TRAINING STATE US Medical Graduates-Copy of Medical School Diploma Foreign Medical Graduates- Copy of ECFMG certificate/Fifth Pathway Certificate Rutgers Confidentiality Statement Approximately one month prior to your rotation you will receive notification from the GME Office indicating if your application was approved. You will be provided with instructions for completing the mandatory online training and will be enrolled in CLASSROOM clinical systems training. FAILURE TO COMPLETE ONLINE or CLASSROOM TRAINING BEFORE YOUR START DATE WILL FORFEIT ROTATION APPROVAL. You must provide all online training certificates no less than ONE WEEK prior to start date (may be faxed to (973) 972-2229. You must present to the GME Office your first day (or several prior if your start date is on a holiday or weekend as the GME office may be closed); obtain your medical record dictation number, clinical systems passcodes, Rutgers identification card and parking. It is the rotator’s responsibility to make arrangements for housing and transportation as necessary. Please contact the Graduate Medical Education Office if you have any questions (973) 972-6049 regarding this process. Updated 3/25/2015 Graduate Medical Education Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 185 South Orange Ave, MSB, C594 Newark, NJ 07101 p. 973-972-6049 f. 973-972-2229 Rutgers NJMS Newark-Program Coordinator Contact List Program First Name Allergy & Immunology (ACGME Accredited) Michelle Last Name Telephone Jimenez 973-972-6111 Anesthesiology (ACGME Accredited) Lisa Chappelle 973-972-0470 Cardiology (ACGME Accredited) Jacquie Johnson 973-972-5291 Child Neurology (ACGME Accredited) Cari Stephens 973-972-5209 Child Psychiatry (ACGME Accredited) Rivas Jackie 973-972-4670 Dermatology (ACGME Accredited) Linda Hesselbirg 973-972-6255 Diagnostic-Radiology (ACGME Accredited) Maria Lopez 973-972-5188 Hughes 973-972-9261 Endocrinology, Diabetes, Metabolism (ACGME Accredited) Marsha Taylor 973-972-3479 Gastroenterology (ACGME Accredited) Jackie O'Bryant 973-972-5252 201-996-2570 Emergency Medicine (ACGME Accredited) Eleanor Geriatrics (ACGME Accredited) Neena Arora Hepatology (Non-Accredited) Jackie O'Bryant 973-972-5252 Wade 973-972-7837 Infectious Diseases (ACGME Accredited) Lisa Internal Medicine (ACGME Accredited) Jeannine Mansfield 973-972-6056 Internal Medicine-Pediatrics (ACGME Accredited) Jeannine Mansfield 973-972-6015 Interventional Cardiology (ACGME Accredited) Jacquie Johnson 973-972-5291 Nephrology (ACGME Accredited) Vivian Romero 973-972-4100 Neurological Surgery (ACGME Accredited) LaDawn McClamb 973-972-1164 Neurology (ACGME Accredited) Cari Stephens 973-972-5209 Neurology-Multiple Sclerosis (Non-Accredited) Cari Neurology-Vascular (ACGME Accredited) Cari Neurosurgery Endovascular Neuroradiology (Non-Accredited) LaDa OB/GYN (ACGME Accredited) wn Gloria OB/GYN-Maternal Fetal Medicine (Non-Accredited) Gloria OB/GYN-Reproductive Endocrinology (Non-Accredited) Gloria Stephens 973-972-5209 Stephens 973-972-5209 McClamb 973-972-1164 Shelton 973-972-5266 Shelton 973-972-5266 Shelton 973-972-5266 Ophthalmology (ACGME Accredited) Denise Durant 973-972-2063 Oral Maxillofacial Surgery (Accredited) Kisha Wesley 973-972-3126 Orthopedics (ACGME Accredited) Marie Birthwright 973-972-3860 Orthopedics-Hand Surgery (ACGME Accredited) Marie Birthwright 973-972-3860 Orthopedics-Musculoskeletal Oncology (ACGME Accredited) Marie Birthwright 973-972-3860 Otolaryngology (ACGME Accredited) Fa Pathology (ACGME Accredited) ye Maria Wiggins 973-972-4588 Caraballo 973-972-5722 Pediatrics (ACGME Accredited) Odemaris Valencia 973-972-0740 Pediatrics-Infectious Disease (ACGME Accredited) Odemaris Valencia 973-972-0740 Plastic Surgery (ACGME Accredited) Amy Stolar 973-972-8092 PM&R (ACGME Accredited) Doreen Muhammad 973-972-3606 Muhammad 973-972-3606 PM&R-Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Medicine (Non-Accredited) Doreen PM&R-Pediatrics (ACGME Accredited) Doreen PM&R-Spinal Cord Injury (ACGME Accredited) Muhammad 973-972-3606 Doreen Muhammad 973-972-3606 Muhammad 973-972-3606 Joyce Pettus 973-972-5088 Battle 973-972-0609 Rivas 973-972-4670 Jimenez 973-972-6111 PM&R-Traumatic Brain Injury Medicine (Non-Accredited) Doreen Podiatry (Accredited) Preventive Medicine (ACGME Accredited) Kellee Psychiatry (ACGME Accredited) Jackie Pulmonary Critical Care (ACGME Accredited) Michelle Surgery (ACGME Accredited) Daphne Woods 973-972-6601 Surgical Critical Care-Trauma (ACGME Accredited) Jennifer Zabala 973-972-4900 Urology (ACGME Accredited) Shaniqua Mitchell 973-972-4418 Vascular Surgery (ACGME Accredited) Daphne Woods 973-972-6601 Updated 3/25/2015 Graduate Medical Education Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 185 South Orange Ave, MSB, C594 Newark, NJ 07101 p. 973-972-6049 f. 973-972-2229 Rutgers NJMS Newark-Rotator Application Documentation Checklist Applicant, please complete and submit the following documents to the respective Rutgers program coordinator. A COMPLETE file must be submitted to your Rutgers Program Coordinator at least two (2) months prior to the expected rotation start date! No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Documents Rotator Application for Residency/Fellowship Rotation Rotator Medical Requirements (Health Clearance Form) Rotator Documentation: Letter of approval and support from home institution indicating housestaff is in good standing and the rotation timeframe Letter of approval and support from Rutgers Program Director (indicating rotation timeframe) Current Curriculum Vitae (CV) Copy of valid/unexpired picture identification (driver’s license, passport, etc.) Copies of BLS, ACLS, PALS valid certification through the rotation timeframe (please see Life Support Certification Requirements for specific information by program) Malpractice insurance coverage verification from home institution (must indicate coverage through rotation timeframe) Copy of medical license & DEA, training permit, state registration from trainee’s Board of Medical Examiner’s Office (ROTATOR CURRENT TRAINING STATE) US Medical Graduates-Copy of Medical School Diploma Foreign Medical Graduates: Copy of ECFMG certificate/Fifth Pathway Certificate Rutgers Confidentiality Statement Submitted Updated 3/25/2015 p. 973-972-6049 f. 973-972-2229 Graduate Medical Education Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 185 South Orange Ave, MSB, C594 Newark, NJ 07101 Rotator Application for Residency/Fellowship Rotation-Part 1 Please print or type. All information must be complete. Personal Information Full Name: Last Sex: Male First Female (Circle One) Middle Date of Birth: _____________________ Home Address(Current): Street Address Phone: ( ) Emergency Contact Name: Pager: City ( ) State Zip Code Email: ________________________ Emergency Contact Phone: _(_____)_______________________ ___________________________________ Emergency Contact Address: Street Address City State ZIP Code Employment Status Social Security Number: ______________________ Citizenship: (Circle One) Current Visa J1 Status: 1) US (By Birth) NPI Number: ________________________ 2) US-Naturalized H1B EA Other (Circle One) 3) Other:__________________ Fit Tested for N95 Respirator: Yes No (Circle One) Licensure/Training Permit Are you licensed? Yes No (Circle One) License Number: State: Expiration: mm/dd/yy License Type: Medical Dental Do you hold a training permit? Yes Other (Circle One) No (Circle One) State: ___ Podiatry __________ Expiration: ______________ mm/dd/yy Education Medical School: Location: Degree: From (mm/dd/yy) ________________ To (mm/dd/yy) ________________ Internship: Hospital Name and Location: From (mm/dd/yy) ________________ To (mm/dd/yy) ________________ Residency (List name): Hospital Name and Location: From (mm/dd/yy) ________________ To (mm/dd/yy) ________________ Fellowship (List name): Hospital Name and Location: From (mm/dd/yy) ________________ To (mm/dd/yy) ________________ Updated 3/25/15 Graduate Medical Education Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 185 South Orange Ave, MSB, C594 Newark, NJ 07101 p. 973-972-6049 f. 973-972-2229 Rotator Application for Residency/Fellowship Rotation-Part 2 Rotator Last Name: ___________________________ Rotator First Name: __________________________ Middle Initial ________ Social Security Number: __________________________ Employer/Institution: __________________________________________ Current Program Program: PGY Level: State: Residency Year: ACGME Accredited? Yes No (Circle One) RUTGERS Program Rotation To : __________________________ (mm/dd/yyyy) Rotation From : _________________________ (mm/dd/yyyy) Program: Describe Rotation Experience (e.g program: anesthesia rotation: pain management): I attest that the information contained in this application is true and accurate. The documents presented to evaluate my application are authentic/copies of documents issued by legitimate source entities. _________________________________________ Applicant Signature Date ____ ________________ The information for the applicant identified above is accurate as evidenced by your records. This applicant has satisfied all employment and training requirements identified by your institution including: • Primary source verification of medical school and other medical training (e.g. internship residency training). • Received orientation training including preventing harassment and discrimination, radiation safety, patient safety, infection control/influenza and environment of care. • Cleared a criminal background check. • Enrolled in your training program in accordance with your institution’s policies, accrediting, licensing, specialty board, state and federal agencies and employment requirements as applicable. _________________________________________________ Signature Program Director/Program Coordinator (Circle One) ____________________ Date _________________________________________________ Print Name Program Director/Program Coordinator (Circle One) ____________________ Phone Number Page 2 of 2 Updated 3/25/2015 Graduate Medical Education Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 185 South Orange Ave, MSB, C594 Newark, NJ 07101 p. 973-972-6049 f. 973-972-2229 Rotator Medical Requirements (Health Clearance Form) Rotator Last Name: ___________________________ Rotator First Name: __________________________ Middle Initial ________ Social Security Number: __________________________ Employer/Institution: __________________________________________ Please attest that the following documentation for the above-named individual is on file with your institution: 1. An annual or the initial Health Assessment within the past twelve (12) months certifying fitness for duty for the rotator’s work functions in a health care facility. 2. Record of Immunity by laboratory titers to rubella, rubeola, mumps and varicella. If laboratory titers are nonimmune, then record of full vaccination is required (at least 2 MMRs, Varivax series) unless there is a documented medical contraindication to vaccination. 3. Documentation of laboratory testing for Hepatitis B (HB) Surface Antigen, HB Surface Antibody and HB Core Antibody. Evidence of immunity by positive antibody titers to Hepatitis B or documentation that full Hepatitis B vaccination has been received or proof of declination of Hepatitis B vaccine. If Rotator is Hepatitis B Surface Antigen positive, the New Jersey Medical School Occupational Medicine Service (973-972-2900) must be contacted regarding further evaluation prior to rotation at Rutgers-Newark. 4. Record of Tdap in adulthood or record of medical contraindication to Tdap vaccination. 5. Record of seasonal influenza vaccination or documentation of medical contraindication to influenza vaccination. 6. Record of annual TB skin test (or blood assay for TB) if negative. If positive, documentation of negative chest xray at initial evaluation and annual symptom survey. If chest x-ray revealed evidence of active TB, documentation of appropriate medical treatment and annual symptom survey. 7. Medical clearance for respirator fit testing for N95 respirator or PAPR if needed. Physician or Director of Occupational Health for the above-named institution or employer: ___________________________________________________ Print Name/Title ___________________________________________________ Signature _____________________ Date ___________________________ Phone Number Updated 3/25/2015 p. 973-972-6049 f. 973-972-2229 Graduate Medical Education Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 185 South Orange Ave, MSB, C594 Newark, NJ 07101 Life Support Certification Requirements Program Allergy & Immunology BLS ACLS X X Anesthesiology X X Cardiology X X PALS X Child Neurology X X Child Psychiatry X X Dermatology X Diagnostic-Radiology X X Emergency Medicine X X Endocrinology, Diabetes, Metabolism X X X X Gastroenterology X Geriatric Medicine X Hepatology X X Infectious Disease X X Internal Medicine X X Internal Medicine/Pediatrics X X Interventional Cardiology X X X X Nephrology X Neurological Surgery X X X X X X Neurology-Vascular X Neurosurgery Endovascular Neuroradiology X X Neurology X Neurology- Multiple Sclerosis X X OB/GYN X X X OB/Gyne- Maternal-Fetal Medicine X X X OB/Gyne- Reproductive Endocrinology X X X X Ophthalmology X Oral Maxillofacial Surgery X Orthopedics X X Orthopedics-Hand Surgery X X Orthopedics-Musculoskeletal Oncology X X Otolaryngology X X X Pathology X Pediatrics X Pediatrics Infectious Disease X X X Plastic Surgery X PM&R XX X PM&R-Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Medicine X X PM&R-Spinal Cord Injury X X PM&R-Traumatic Brain Injury Medicine X X Preventive Medicine X X PM&R-Pediatric X X Podiatry X X Psychiatry X X Pulmonary Critical Care X X X X Surgery X Surgery Critical Care-Trauma X Urology X Vascular Surgery X X X X Updated 3/25/15 Confidentiality Statement All patient Protected Health Information (PHI - which includes patient medical and financial information), employee records, student records, financial and operating date of the Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences, and any other information of a private or sensitive nature are considered confidential information should not be read or discussed by any employee unless pertaining to his or her specific job requirements. Examples of inappropriate disclosures include: Employees discussing or revealing PHI or other Confidential information to friends or family members Employees discussing or revealing PHI or other Confidential Information to other employees without a legitimate need to know. The disclosure of a patient's presence in the office, hospital, or other medical facility, which may reveal the nature of the illness, without the patients consent, to an unauthorized party without a legitimate need to know. The unauthorized disclosure of PHI or other Confidential Information by employees can subject each individual and the Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences to civil and criminal liability. Disclosure of PHI or other Confidential Information to unauthorized persons, or unauthorized access to, or misuse, theft, destruction, alteration, or sabotage of such Information, are grounds for immediate disciplinary action up to and including termination. Employee/Volunteers/Student Confidentiality Agreement I hereby acknowledge, by my signature below, that I understand that PHI and Confidential information and data to which I have knowledge and access in the course of my employment with the Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences is to be kept confidential, and this confidentiality is a condition of my employment. This information shall not be disclosed to anyone under any circumstances, except to the extent necessary to fulfill my job requirements. I understand that my duty to maintain confidentiality continues even after I am no longer employed. Further, upon termination with the Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences I shall return to the University all Confidential Information. I am familiar that the Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences has guidelines in place pertaining to the use and disclosure of patient PHI and other Confidential Information. Approval should first he obtained before any disclosure of PHI or other Confidential Information not addressed in the guidelines and policies and procedures of the Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences is made. I also understand that the unauthorized disclosure of patient PHI and other Confidential Information of the Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences is grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination. In the event of a breach of this agreement, the Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences may pursue equitable relief. The laws of the State of New Jersey shall govern this agreement. Signature of Employee/Volunteer/Student Print Name Supervisor Date
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