CONGREGATION K’HAL ADATH JESHURUN 85 BENNETT AVENUE ♦ NEW YORK, NY 10033 PESACH LIST 5775 K’hal Adath Jeshurun is pleased to inform the kosher consumer that a full range of Pesach products are available under the supervision of our Rabbinate, including matzo, meat and groceries. The Rabbinate expends significant efforts to assure the Kashrus of products produced under our supervision and the manufacturers expend additional funds to comply with our Kashrus requirements. All products under our supervision are produced with the greatest of care for Kashrus at the highest level. Our Rabbinate and Kashrus personnel are actively involved in the production of all items under our supervision. We therefore urge our members and friends to patronize manufacturers under our supervision by buying their products whenever available. We are confident that our members and friends will understand the importance of supporting the Kashrus efforts of our Kehilla. We therefore urge that items with other supervisions be purchased only if the brands which are under our direct supervision are not available. Before purchasing products for Pesach, be sure to check label for ‘‘P’’ or any other indication that the product is Kosher for Pesach. Item KAJ Hashgocho Other Recommended Brands Almond Butter Gefen, Lieber’s Almond Brittle Crunch Baker’s Choice Almond Flour Lieber’s Almond Milk Lieber’s Aluminum Foil & Pans Geula Appetizers Flaum, Geshmak, Ossie, Tuv Taam Apple Chips Gefen Apple Cider Kedem Apple Sauce EDEN (bulk size), MISHPACHA Gefen, Glicks,* Lieber’s, Unger’s Baby Food First Choice with CRC-P Baby Formula Bake Mixes Similac L’Mehadrin with a “P” is Kosher for Passover and “Cholov Yisroel.” See also addendum. Gefen, Lieber’s Baking Chocolate Bars Alprose, Lieber’s, Shufra Baking Powder MISHPACHA Baking Soda Baker’s Choice, Gefen, Lieber’s Gefen, Lieber’s Blintzes, cheese & flavored LE VIVOT (By Taami) (bulk size) Borscht EDEN Bernie’s, Frankel’s, Tuv Taam, Unger’s Gefen, Golds, Unger’s Butchers Key Food (Broadway & 187 St. only), Monsey Glatt (all fresh meat and deli), also see Meat & Poultry Butter J & J, Mehadrin, Morning Select Cake, Cookies SCHICK’S, WORLD OF CHANTILLY, ZEMER, EDEN (bulk size) Cake (sugar free) SCHICK’S, ZEMER Benzy’s Best, Gefen, Hagadda, Lieber’s, Master Bake, Mendy’s, Muffins ‘N More, Oberlander, Ostreicher’s, Paskesz, Reisman’s , Seder, Taanug Muffins ‘N More Cake Mixes EDEN (bulk size) Gefen, Lieber’s Cashew Almond/Pecan Clusters Gefen Cashew Butter Gefen, Lieber’s Candies & Chocolate Alprose, Blooms, Gedilla, Glicks, Gross, Klein's Natural, Le Chocolate, Lieber’s, Manhattan, Oneg,* Paskesz, Schmerling, Shkedia, Shufra, Yumtee Bloomy’s (with R’ Schlesinger, Strasbourg hashgocho), Lieber’s Gefen, Lieber’s, Paskesz Candies (sugar-free) Cereal (non gebrokts) EDEN Charoses (jar) Cheese Tuv Taam HAOLAM Cheese Butter & Appetizers Givat, Hatov, J&J, Mehadrin, Norman’s, Schtark , Tnuva (American with NSK) Schtark, Tuv Taam Chestnuts (shelled) Gefen, Lieber’s Chocolate (see also Candies & Chocolate) Alprose, Camille Bloch, Gross, Lieber’s, Schmerling's, Shneider’s, Shefa, Shkedia, Torino Baker’s Choice, Glicks,* Lieber’s, Oneg, Paskesz Chocola, Choconit-Instant Cocoa, Gefen, Kosher Select, Lieber’s, Nesquik with Chug Chasam Sofer Gefen, Haddar Chocolate Chips & Bits MISHPACHA Chocolate Drink Mix EDEN (individual packs) Cleanser Coating Crumbs MISHPACHA Gefen, Hagadda, Lieber’s, Paskesz Cocoa (pure) MISHPACHA With Pesach hashgocho Coconut (flour) Lieber’s Coconut (shredded) Baker’s Choice, Lieber’s, Paskesz Coffee (regular & decaffeinated, instant & ground, unflavored) Coffee Whitener/ Creamer EDEN Aladin, Aroma, Elite, Taster’s Choice with Gefen label, Gefen, Haddar, Lieber’s, Schwartz, Turkish Ground Roasted, any with Pesach hashgocho Haddar,* Lieber, Unger’s Confection Sugar MISHPACHA Gefen, Lieber’s Cookies Cookie Dip Bloom’s, Gefen, Hagadda, Jerusalem, Lieber’s, Oberlander Baker’s Choice Cookie Dough & Mix Gefen, Hagadda Cooking Wine Kedem Crackers Gefen, Lieber’s Cranberry Juice & Cocktail Kedem, Lieber’s Cranberry Sauce EDEN (bulk size) Gefen, Haddar,* Lieber’s, Unger’s Crepe and Pancake Batter (frozen) Gefen Crisp Flats Gefen Croutons Lieber’s, Paskesz Crock Pot Liners Geula Crumbs & Coat ‘N Bake EDEN (bulk size) Dishwasher Detergent Gefen, Haddar,* Hagadda, Lieber’s, Paskesz Flaum, Geshmak, Golden Taste, Tuv Taam Gefen, Gilah, Glicks,* Haddar,* Lieber’s Any with Pesach hashgocho Donuts Muffins ‘N More Drink Mixes Lieber’s Drinks Gefen, Neviot Flavored Water, Neviot Spring Water La Jolla with Volover Rav, Shefa, Unger’s Geshmak, Golden Taste, Tuv Taam Dips & Spreads Dish Lotion (assorted) Dressings Eggplant Parmesan, Fried Eggplant & Eggplant Dip Falafel Mix EDEN (bulk size), LE VIVOT (By Taami) (bulk size) Farfel Fish (canned sardines, salmon, sprats & tuna) Fish (fresh) Lieber’s MISHPACHA California Delight, Dagim, Gefen, Glicks,* King of the Sea, Lieber’s, Royal, Taaman A & B (Monsey), Neiman’s, Ossies Fish (packaged products) EDEN Fish (smoked) Dagim, Flaum, Kedem, Meal Mart, Neiman’s, Ossie’s, Raskin, Sea Castle, Shindler, Tuv Taam, Unger’s, Yossi’s Fish Flaum, Geshmak, Golden Taste, Tuv Taam, Yossi’s Fish Flaum, Tuv Taam Flavor Extract Baker’s Choice, Gefen, Lieber’s Food Coloring Gefen, Lieber’s Fish-Herring French Fries EDEN Gefen French Vanilla Mix Kosher Select Frosting Mix Gefen, Lieber’s Frozen Cookie Dough Hagadda Frozen Entrees Tuv Taam Frozen Garlic Cubes EDEN Frozen Soup Gefen Tuv Taam Fruit (canned) EDEN (bulk size) Fruit (cup) B’GAN California Delight, Gefen, Glicks,* Lieber’s, Unger’s Gefen, Lieber’s Fruit (dried) MA NISHTANA Must have Pesach hashgocho Fruit (frozen) (strawberries, rhubarb) Fruit Snacks EDEN Bodek Gedilla, Lieber’s, Oneg* Gefilte Fish (frozen & jars) A & B, Kedem, Meal Mart, Neiman’s, Ossie’s, Raskin, Unger’s, Zevi’s Fish Geula Gloves Latex Gourmet Dinners Herbs (fresh) ALEH KATIF Amazing Meals, Kosher Gourmet, Meal Mart, Mon Cuisine Farbrengen, Gefen, Geula, Kedem, Rashi, (see also Wine and Grape Juice) Postiv Herbs (frozen) B’GAN, EDEN (with P) Gefen Grape Juice Herring Honey Banner, Flaum, Ossie’s, Tuv Taam EDEN, MISHPACHA Horseradish Horseradish sauce Hospital dinners (special diet) Hotels (year round including Pesach and Sukkos) Gefen, Glicks,* Lieber’s, any with Pesach hashgocho Flaum, Geshmak, Meal Mart, Tuv Taam Meal Mart, Tuv Taam Meal Mart OPPENHEIMER’S REGIS HOTEL, Fleischmanns, NY (800-468-3598) Hotels (Pesach only) HILTON STAMFORD HOTEL, Stamford, CT (Gateways-800722-3191) Ice Cream, Ices, Sorbet Ice Poppers Captain Cool, Elegant Dessert (Metro), Gefen, Klein, Mehadrin Gefen, Lieber’s Infant Formula See addendum Instant Mashed Potatoes Gefen, Lieber’s Jams & Preserves Gefen, Glicks, Lieber’s Jello E & S, Gefen, Lieber’s Jellies Lieber’s Juice (various) B’GAN, EDEN Ketchup EDEN, MISHPACHA Devash, Gefen, Geula, Glicks,* Kedem, Lakewood Farms, Lieber’s, Natures Own, Prigat, Unger’s Gefen, Glicks, Lieber’s Kneidel Mix (non gebrokts) EDEN, LEVIVOT (bulk size only) Frankel’s, Lieber’s Knishes Frankel’s, Meal Mart Kishke Meal Mart Kugel (all varieties) Meal Mart Latkes (various) LEVIVOT (bulk size only) Latke Mix Leben, Yogurt Gefen, Lieber’s MACHMIRIM Liquid Marble Chocolate Liquor Macaroons Margarine EDEN (bulk size), MISHPACHA, ZEMER EDEN, HAOLAM, MIGDAL Marshmallows Matzo and Matzo Products (machine): Regular, Spelt, Whole Wheat & Egg (egg matzo is solely for people with special needs; consult your rabbi), matzo meal, cake meal & farfel Givat, Hatov, J & J, Mehadrin, Norman’s, Yummy Baker’s Choice Happy Wine & Spirits, Lavie Liquors, Moses Vodka, Slivovitz, Tam Pree Gefen, Glicks,* Lieber’s, Hagadda Mehadrin Gefen, Lieber’s GLICKS, HADDAR Available at Please note: The Matzos under our supervision are produced in the presence of the Rav and Mashgichim hired by KAJ. Matzo Oats (only for people with celiac disease) Matzo Ball Mix (18 minute & shmurah) Matzo Ball Frozen HADDAR Mayonnaise EDEN (bulk size), MISHPACHA Geula, Holy Land with NSK, Mea Sheorim, Jerusalem or any other with the Badatz Eida Chareidis hashgocho Kestenbaum’s Matzos with Dayan Osher Westheim’s hashgocho Tuv Taam Gefen, Glicks,* Lieber’s, Unger’s Meat & Poultry EMPIRE, MONSEY GLATT Raw un-spiced poultry does not require special Pesach certification. Milk Almond Milk & Milk Products Meat; Agri Star R’ Weissmandel, Alle with Nirbatur Rav hashgocho, Fischel’s & Solomon NSK hashgocho, Tevya Ranch with R’ Weissmandel’s hashgocho, Poultry; KJ Kiryas Yoel hashgocho, Marvid CRC, Birdsboro Kosher Poultry CRC Lieber’s Devash, Givat, Golden Flow, Hatov, J&J, Mehadrin, New Square, Norman’s, Schtark, Tnuva NSK Miniatures ZEMER Muffins EDEN (bulk), ZEMER Muffins ‘N More, Lieber’s Mushrooms MISHPACHA Glicks,* Lieber’s Mustard Lieber’s Noodles (egg & chow mein) (frozen) EDEN (non gebrokt) Frankel’s, Gefen, Lieber’s Nuts (assorted) Ma Nishtana Nuts (shelled, whole & ground) Ma Nishtana Nut Crunch Klein’s, Lieber’s, Nuts Galore, Oneg, Yum Tee Baker’s Choice, Egoz, Gefen, Glicks,* Gold Nut, Lieber’s, Oneg,* Paskesz, Nuts Galore Baker’s Choice Nutritional Supplements See addendum Oil EDEN, MISHPACHA Oil Cooking Spray EDEN, MISHPACHA Bartenura, Gefen, Geula, Glicks,* Lieber’s, Maya, Nutola, Zeta (pure olive oil), any extra virgin olive oil with reliable Pesach hashgocho Gefen, Glicks,* Lieber’s Olives MISHPACHA Gefen, Kvuzat Yavne, Sabra, Ta’amti Onion Rings Blooms, Gedilla Orange Juice (fresh) Golden Flow, Lakewood Farms, New Square, Tropicana OKP Pancake potato & vegetable (frozen) Pancake Mix EDEN, LE VIVOT (institutional size only) EDEN Gefen, Lieber’s Pancake Syrup (table syrup) Gefen, Lieber’s, Paper & Plastic Goods Dining Collection, Fantastic, Kitchen Collection, M&L Poly, Plastic O, Premier Gefen, Geula,Kirkland (Star K P) Propak Gefen, Lieber’s Parchment Paper Pasta Pickles (sour & gherkins) EDEN (bulk) Pickled Vegetables Potato Chips, Crackers, Fries, Nibblers Potato Knish & Potato Dinner Rolls EDEN Potato Latke Mix Potato Starch Flaum, Gefen, Geshmak, Kvuzat Yavne, Lieber’s, Sabra, Ta’amti, Tuv Taam, Williamsburg Pickles Flaum, Gefen, Geshmak, Kzuvat Yavne, Lieber’s Bloom’s, Gedilla, Glicks, Golden Fluff, Lieber’s Frankel’s, Meal Mart Gefen, Lieber’s EDEN, MISHPACHA Potato Stix & Fries E & S, Gefen, Glicks, Lieber’s Potato (instant mashed) Bloom’s, Gedilla, Glicks,* Golden Fluff, Lieber’s Lieber’s Praline Paste Baker’s Choice Preserves Gefen, Glicks,* Lieber’s Pudding (reg. & instant, chocolate & vanilla) Pudding (ready) E & S, Gefen, Glicks, Lieber’s MACHMIRIM Roasting Bags & Crock Pot Liners Romaine Lettuce (whole leaves) and Herbs Sack ‘N Boil & Wrap ‘N Boil Meal Mart Geula ALIM, ALEH KATIF - no checking Bodek, Gold Garden, Postiv; any with the following hashgochos: Badatz for infestation necessary. Eida Chareidis & Rav Vayu Follow instructions for rinsing and soaking. Landau, Lieber’s Salad Dressing La Jolla with Gefen label, Lieber’s Salads (assorted) Flaum, Geshmak, Golden Taste, Meal Mart, Royal, Sabra, Ta’amti, Tuv Taam Gefen Salsa Salt MISHPACHA Gefen, Lieber’s Sauces (pizza, marinara & other assorted) Seltzer EDEN (bulk size), MISHPACHA Gefen, Glicks,* Lieber’s, Shefa, Unger’s Only with Pesach hashgocho Seltzer Flavored Only with Pesach Hashgocho Shelf Stable Dinners Amazing Meals, Meal Mart Snack Gedilla, Lieber’s, Paskesz Soap Bars (kosher) Gefen, Rokeach Soap Pads Gefen Soda EDEN Soufflé Any of the following only with Pesach hashgocho on label or cap: Beer Mayim, Mayim Chaim, Mae Tovim, Pepsi with Badatz Eida Chareidis or in the US when bearing a P on the cap, Diet Coke & Classic Coke. Coke items will have a yellow cap, in addition to the OUP on cap or shoulder. Coke, Diet Coke,Fanta and Sprite with Rav Landau, Israel. (Diet sodas which have Nutrasweet (Aspartame), are kitniyos shenishtanu.) Meal Mart Soup Shefa, Tuv Taam, Unger’s Soup Mixes Gefen, Lieber’s Sour Kraut EDEN Gefen Spices B’GAN, EDEN (bulk size) Gefen, Lieber’s, Prima, Shwartz Sprinkles Lieber’s Stuffed Cabbage Meal Mart Sugar MISHPACHA Sugar (brown & light brown) Domino OKP, Gefen, Lieber’s Domino OKP Sweetener EDEN Syrups (assorted) EDEN Tapioca Starch Tea (herbal/flavored) Teabags (regular & decaf) EDEN Tomato Products MISHPACHA Toothpaste Control, Gefen Simple Syrup, Sucrazit, Sucralis, Sweetees, Sweetie, Gefen label Sweet N’Low, Xylitol by Health Garden OUP Blooms, Gefen, Glicks, Kedem, Lieber’s, Oneg,* Unger’s Gefen, Lieber’s Elite, Galil, Haddar, Lieber’s, SweeTouch-Nee, Wissotzky Gefen, Lieber’s, Lipton, Shoprite OUP, Swee-Touch-Nee, Wissotzky Gefen, Glicks,* Lieber’s, Unger’s Kosher Innovations, Zohar Topping EDEN Kineret, Unger’s Vanilla Sugar MISHPACHA Baker’s Choice, Gefen, Lieber’s Vegetables (canned & jars) EDEN (bulk size), MISHPACHA Vegetables (fresh) ALIM; ALEH KATIF; JR PRODUCE - no checking for infestation necessary B’GAN, EDEN (with P) Gefen, Glicks,* Kvuzat Yavne, Lieber’s, Tuv Taam, Unger’s Bodek, Postiv - no checking for infestation necessary Vegetables (frozen) Vinegar (apple cider) Bodek, Gefen, Golden Glow Glicks, Lieber’s Vinegar (balsamic) Bartenura, Kedem, Lieber’s Vinegar (distilled white) MISHPACHA Gefen, Kedem, Lieber’s, Unger’s Waffles EDEN (bulk size) Frankel’s Wine & Grape Juice Wine Cooking Some recommended label names and hashgochos for wines and grape juice: Label: Armon, Baron Herzog, Barkan, Bartenura, Farbrengen, Hevron Heights Winery, Kedem, Mony, Rambam Winery, Odem Mountain Winery, Rashi (foreign & domestic), Tam Pree, Yayin NSK Hashgochos: Badatz Eida Chareidis; Chug Chasam Sofer-Petach Tikvah; Rabbi Frankfurter; Rabbi B. Gruber; Rabbi Hoffman-Hungary; Rabbi Szmerla from Strasbourg, France; Tzelemer Rav; Rabbi Wagschal; Rabbi Hillel Weinberger; Rabbi Weissmandel; Rabbi Zegbach; CRC-Hisachdus; Italian wines with R’ Weissmandel’s Hashgocho on cap Kedem Wine Vinegar Kedem, Lieber’s Yogurt, Leben MACHMIRIM Givat, J & J, Mehadrin, Norman’s *Glicks and Oneg with the CRC for Pesach hashgocho are acceptable. Additional notes: • The following are some N.Y. Hashgochos which are acceptable for Pesach products: CRC (Hisachdus); Rabbi Teitelbaum, Nirbatur Rav; Rabbi Teitelbaum, Volover Rav; Rabbi Gruber; NSK (New Square Kashrus); Rabbi Weissmandel; Tartikov Bes Din; Rabbi Katz, Magrav Rav; Rabbi Greenwald, Tzelemer Rav Please note: Omission of Hashgochos in the list above does not imply that a Hashgocho not listed is not recommended. We compiled a short list of Hashgochos to make it easier finding Pesach products when shopping by referencing the Hashgocho. • Paskesz products with the following hashgochos are acceptable: Rabbi B. Gruber; Rabbi Illowitz of Brazil; and Rabbi Westheim of Manchester. Please note: Omission of products in our Pesach List does not imply that a product is not kosher for Pesach. It may mean that the product was not evaluated or that there presently is not enough information to formulate an opinion regarding the product. CONGREGATION K’HAL ADATH JESHURUN 85 BENNETT AVENUE ♦ NEW YORK, NY 10033 PESACH LIST 5775 ADDENDUM The following may be used without any special Pesach label, nevertheless it is preferable to use an item listed in the previous section, when available. FOOD: Item Baking Soda Cocoa Coffee, Instant Coffee, Ground Salt Sugar Tea (instant) Tea Bags Use new box With Pesach Hashgocho Folgers, regular and decaffeinated. Taster’s Choice regular (not decaffeinated) & unflavored No other coffee may be used without Pesach Hashgocho. Regular (not decaffeinated) and unflavored only. Use new box. Non-iodized, without polysorbates or dextrose. Use new package. With Pesach Hashgocho only Nestea regular unflavored only, not decaffeinated or flavored Regular (not decaffeinated) and unflavored, Lipton is the only unflavored, decaffeinated tea bag that can be purchased without a Pesach Hashgocho. Note: Decaffeinated and flavored teas may contain chometz. NON-FOOD: Item Alcohol Aluminum Foil Aluminum Pans Ammonia Baby Teething Gel Baby Ointment Baby Powder Baby Wash Baby Wipes Bags, Paper and Plastic Bleach Isopropyl All All, but must be washed with soap and water before using. All Baby Orajel by Church & Dwight, Baby Teething Gel by Hyland’s Inc. A & D, A&D Cream with Zinc Oxide by Bayer Consmr, Baby Anti Monkey B. Diaper Rash Cream, Baby Anti Monkey B. Powder by DSE, Baby Diaper Ointment by Hyland’s, Balmex by Chattem, Desitin by Pfizer Baby Anti Monkey Powder by DSE, Any Talcum Powder (100% talc) may be used. All others: Check ingredients; may be used if it does not contain any grain products. Since powder contains starches, hands should not be washed in Pesach sink. Phisoderm Baby Wash, Phisoderm Gel Baby Wash (by Mentholatum Co.) Shaklee Baby Gentle Wash may not be used Only alcohol-free wipes may be used. Check ingredients All, paper bags should be used for cold only. All Blush ALMAY: Pure Blends Powder Blush/ Bronzer, Powder Bronzer, Smart Shade Blush, Smart Shade Bronzer, Smart Shade Powder Blush BOBBI BROWN: Blush, Bronzing Powder, Illuminating Bronzing Powder, Shimmer Blush, Shimmer Cheek Glow BORGHESE: Blush Milano/Bronzer Spectra, CHANEL: Les Tisssages Tweed Duo Blush, Powder Blush CLINIQUE: Blushing Blush Powder Blush, Blushwear, Blushwear Cream Stick, Gel Blush, Quick Blush, Soft Pressed Powder Blusher, True Bronze Pressed Powder Bronzer COVER GIRL: Cover Girl & Olay Simply Ageless Sculpting Blush Note: All other Cover Girl Blushes are not Kosher for Passover Charcoal Briquets Cleaning and Scouring Powders Coffee Filters Conditioner Denture Adhesive Denture Cleanser Dental Floss Deodorants Detergents, liquid (for household and laundry) Detergents, powder Dishwashing Liquids Dishwashing Powders ESTEE LAUDER: Cheek Glow, Pure Color Blush, Signature Silky Crème and Powder Blush, Signature 5 Tone Shimmer Powder for Eyes, Cheeks Face MAC: Blushcreme, Blushette, Pro Longwear Bronzing Powder (Disc), Mineralize Blush, Powder Blush (Disc), Sheertone Blush, Sheertone Shimmer Blush MARY KAY: Cream Blush, Mineral Bronzing Powder (Disc), Mineral Cheek Color PRESCRIPTIVES: Cheek Lacquer, Colorscope Cheekcolor, Mineral Bronzer, Mineral Cheek Color, Shimmer Cheek Color REVLON: PhotoReady Blush, Cream Blush, Matte Powder Blush, Smooth-On Blush (Disc), Bronzer Any Must have year-round hashgocho. Any unflavored Aquamarine, Aveda Scalp Benefits Balancing Conditioner Bumble and Bumble: Straight & Surf Conditioner Head & Shoulder: Classic Clean Conditioner Pantene: Classic Care 2 in1, Conditioner, Daily Moisture Renewal Silkening Conditioner Revlon: Flex, Frost & Glow Tresemme: Naturals Conditioner Denture-Fit Adhesive, Rigident Kleenite Cleansers, Rigident Denture Cream, Powder, Stain---Away Plus Any unflavored, waxed or unwaxed ALMAY: Roll-on, Soft solid, Stay dry HI & DRI: Deodorant Stick, Roll-On Antiperspirant, Solid Antiperspirant LADY SPEED STICK antiperspirant & deodorant (all variants) MITCHUM: Clear Gel, Cool Dry, Cream, Original Roll-On, Smart Solid, Solid OLD SPICE: Sweat Defense Fresh AP & Deodorant Stick, Pure Sport AP & Deodorant Stick RIGHT GUARD: Extreme Body Spray (all), Antiperspirant, Deodorant Gels & Sticks (all), Sport Antiperspirant/Deodorant Aerosols (all) SECRET: Clean Lavendar antiperspirant /deodorant stick, Deodorant, Powder Fresh, Spring Breeze, Spring Breeze Anti-Pers/Deodorant Aerosol SOFT & DRI: Clear Glide antiperspirant / deodorant, (Disc) Suave: Fresh Aerosol AP/Deodorant, Powder Aerosol AP/Deodorant SURE: Antiperspirant / Deodorant (all) Tommy Hilfiger: Antiperspirant Spray & Stick All All Should have Pesach hashgocho. All Eye Cosmetics Facial Care Glue Hair Gel and Spray Hydrogen Peroxide Insecticides Spray Insect / Rodent Traps Lens Solution ALMAY: Blendable Eye Pencil, Brow Defining Eye Pencil, Dual Phase Eye Makeup Remover (Tulip); Intense I-Color Eyeliner, Liquid Liner, Mascara Thickening & Volumizing; One Coat Mascara Thickening NWP, Thickening Mascara WP BOBBI BROWN: Cream To Powder Eye Shadow, Everything Mascara, Eye Shadow, Long Wear Cream Eyeshadow, Long Wear Eye Pencil, Long Wear Gel Eyeliner CLINIQUE: Colour Surge Eye Shadow, Cream Shaper for Eyes, Eyebrow Pencil with Brush, Lash Building Primer, Lash Doubling Mascara, Lash Power Curling Mascara Long-Wearing Formula, Quickliner for Eyes, Rinse-Off Eye Makeup Solvent, Soft Pressed Eye Shadow (Disc), Superfine Liner For Brows, Superfine Liner For Eyes (Disc) COVER GIRL: Eye Enhancers1, 3 and 4 Kit Shadow, Exact Eyelights Waterproof Mascara, LashExact Waterproof Mascara, Professional Remarkable Washable Waterproof Mascara ESTEE LAUDER: Double Wear Eye Pencil, Stay-In-Place Gel Eyeliner, Gentle Eye M/U Remover Liquid; Pure Color Eyeliner, Eyeshadow, Eyeshadow Matte MARY KAY:Brow Definer Pencil, Eye Liner, Gel Eye Liner REVLON COLORSTAY: Cream Gel Eyeliner, Overtime Lengthening Mascara; Fabulash Waterproof Mascara BOBBI BROWN: Brightening Hydrating Lotion, Brightening Moisture Cream, Instant LongWearing Makeup Remover BORGHESE: Hydrology Exfoliator Cleansing Clay, Face Serum, Facial Crème Cleanser, Mask, Night Cream, SPF 15 Day Lotion, Toner CHANEL: Lait Comfort Creamy Cleansing Milk, Silky Smoothing Toner CLINIQUE: Mild Clarifying Lotion, Pore Minimizer Instant Perfector, Pore Solutions Instant Perfector, Rinse Off Foaming Cleanser, Take The Day Off Makeup Remover For Lids, Lashes & Lips; Repairwear Uplift Firming Cream Dry Combo/Oily Combo, Uplifting Spf 15 Firming Cream COVER GIRL& Olay: Simply Ageless Serum Primer ESTEE LAUDER: Longwear Makeup Remover Towelettes MARY KAY: Balancing Moisturizer (Disc), Extra Emollient Night Cream MAX HUBER - LA MER: Crème De La Mer, Oil Absorbing Lotion , The Cleansing Foam, The Hydrating Facial , The Mist, The Moisturizing Gel Crème, Lotion , Soft Cream, The Tonic ULTIMA: Vital Radiance Skin Renewing Cream, Lotion, Toner All Krazy Glue, Elmer’s and Ross Glue products may be used on Pesach. ARAMIS: Lab Series Nutriplexx Advanced Hair Gel, Hair & Scalp Protecting Foam Hard Hold, Medium Hold BUMBLE AND BUMBLE: Defrizz, Does it All Spray, Extra Strength Holding Spray, Holding Spray OJON SWA: Hairspray (Disc) Any other that does not contain alcohol or wheat protein All All Baits may contain chometz and should be put away with the chometz. All Lipstick Lysol Deodorizer Make-Up Mineral Oil Moisturizing Creams & Lotions Mouthwash Nail Polish ALMAY: Color & Care Liquid Lip Balm, Liquid Lip Balm, Pure Blends Naturals Lipgloss, Truly Lasting Lipcolor BOBBI BROWN: Creamy Lip Color, Creamy Lip Liner, Creamy Matte Lip Color, Lip Color , Lip Crayon, Lip Gloss Palette, Rich Lip Color Spf 12 CHANEL: Hydrabase Crème Lipstick, Hydramax +Active Lip Care (Disc), Ultra Correction Lift Lip Cream (Disc), Ultra Wear Lip Colour CLINIQUE: Chubby Stick Intense Moisturizing Lip Color Balm & Moisturizing Lip Color Balm, Different Lipstick, High Impact Lip Colour Spf15, Lip Balm Spf15, Long Last Glosswear Spf15, Long Last Soft Matte Lipstick, Quickliner For Lips, Vitamin C Lip Smoothie COVER GIRL: Continuous Color Lipstick, Lipslicks; Outlast Lipstain, Outlast Smoothwear All-Day Lipcolor, Outlast Smoothwear Conditioning Moisturecoat ESTEE LAUDER: Double Wear Lipstick, Stay-In-Place Lip Duo-Basecoat, Stay-In-Place Lip Duo-Topcoat (Disc), Lip Conditioner Spf 15, Liquid Matte Lipstick, Pure Color High Gloss, High Intensity Lip Lacquer MARY KAY: Lip Liner, Satin Lips Lip Balm REVLON: Colorstay Overtime Lipcolor, Colorstay Overtime Sheer Lipcolor, Colorstay Soft & Smooth Lipcolor, Soft & Smooth Lipcolor Sheer, Moon Drops Moisture Crème Lipstick, Moon Drops Frost Lipstick All ALMAY CLEAR COMPLEXION: Compact MU, Concealer, Liquid MU, Pressed Powder, Smart Shade Anti-Aging Concealer, Anti Aging MU BOBBI BROWN: Blemish Cover Stick, Creamy Concealer, Foundation Stick, Long Wear Compact Foundation & Even Finish Foundation Spf 15 CLINIQUE: Continuous Coverage MU Spf 15, Derma White Liquid Foundation Spf 15 (Disc), Even Better Makeup Spf15 ,Perfectly Real Makeup, Redness Solutions Powder & Pressed Powder with Probiotics COVER GIRL & Olay: Face Lift Effect Firming Makeup, Simply Ageless Concealer, Corrector & Foundation, Tone Rehab 2 in 1 Foundation ESTEE LAUDER DOUBLE WEAR: Concealer Spf 10, Loose Powder Spf 12 MARY KAY: Crème-to-Powder Foundation, Day Radiance Cream Foundation REVLON COLORSTAY: Concealer, Combination-Oily MU, Normal to Dry Makeup, Pressed Powder ULTIMA WONDERWEAR: Concealer, Longwearing Makeup (Disc), Pressed Powder All AVEDA: Caribbean Therapy Body Crème & Rejuvenating Concentrate , Dry Remedy Daily Moisturing Oil, Enbrightenment Correcting Lotion & Serum, Hand Relief, Holiday Hand Relief, Foot Relief BOBBI BROWN: Bath Moisturizing Body Mist CHANEL BODY EXCELLENCE: Hand Cream DONNA KARAN APPLE A DAY: Body Lotion (Disc), Extracts DR. SCHOLL’S: Ultra Overnight Cream GOLD BOND: Diabetic Skin Relief Foot Cream, Foot Cream, Medicated Foot Powder & Spray, Ultimate Healing Foot Cream, Ultimate Lotion and Cream (all) MARY KAY: Intense Moisturizing Cream, Satin Hands Fragrance-Free Hand Cream, Satin Hands Fragrance-Free Hand Softener OJON: Full Moisture Nourishing Body Hand Balm ACT: Anticavity Rinse (all), Restoring (all),Total Care Icy Clean Mint FLUROCARE: Dual Rinse GEL-KAM: Oral Care Rinse, Cinnamon GOOD BREATH LISTERINE: Antiseptic (Gold), Cool Mint, Fresh Burst, Soft Mint, Total Care, Zero SCOPE: (all) BOBBI BROWN: Flat Nail Polish, Nail Polish (Opaques & Sheer) CHANEL: Le Vernis Nail Enamel, Nail Enamels Only CLINIQUE: Glossy Nail Enamel (Disc), A Different Nail Enamel REVLON: Liquid Quick Dry, Quick Dry Base Coat Nail Polish Remover Orthodontic Rubber Bands Oven Cleaners Paper Plates & Cups Paper Towels Parchment Paper Perfumes Plastic gloves Plastic Plates, Cutlery and Cups (disposable) Styrofoam cups Plastic Wrap Polishes (silver) Polishes (shoes) Rubber gloves Shampoo Shaving Lotion Shoe Polish & Wax All Rinse in cold water before Pesach. Astonish, D-Grease, Decarbon 8, Easy-Off, Shaklee, Strip It, TNT Plastic coated paper plates & cups for cold use only. Note: Uncoated paper plates may contain Chometz starch. All, but Non-printed are preferable for use with food. Do not use the first and last three sheets (because of the glue which may contain starch). ‘‘General Vegetable Parchment’’ GVP may be used. ‘‘Silicone Treated Parchment’’ only if made in U.S. (Import may contain Kitniyos) Bak-O-Matic, Master Bake, Mc Nairn,Paper Chef, Papercon, Palisades Packaging, Safeway Home, Wilton ANNA SUI: Perfume BOSS: Skin Perfume CHANEL: Allure Fragrances-Parfum, EDP, EDT; Allure Sensuelle Fragrances Parfum, EDP, EDT CHANEL: No. 5 Fragrances-Parfum, EDP, EDT DONNA KARAN: Cashmere Mist Elixir, Cashmere Whipped Perfume GIORGIO BEVERLYHILLS G EDT vapo GUCCI: Perfume (all) LACOSTE: Perfume (all), Woman REVLON: Charlie Concentrated Cologne Spray, Charlie White Cologne Spray, Fire & Ice Cologne Spray Any without starch All All Any with year-round hashgocho Goddard’s, Hagerty (regular and cloth), Tarnishield, Weiman (silver cream polish), Wrights (silver cream) All Any without starch AQUAMARINE: Shampoo BUMBLE AND BUMBLE: Gentle Shampoo GUCCI: Shampoo HEAD & SHOULDERS Classic Clean 2 in 1, Classic Shampoo PANTENE: Classic care 2 in1, Daily Moisture Renewal Hydrating Shampoo, Daily Moisture Renewal Nourishing Shampoo PRELL SHAMPOO REVLON; Flex Shampoo, Frost and Glow Shampoo SELSUN: Selson Shampoo Selson Blue (all), Naturals (all), Salon (all) TRESEMME Naturals Shampoo AFTA SHAVE products: (all variants) BOSS: After Shave, Balm, No. 1 After Shave CHANEL ALLURE HOMME: After Shave Moisturizer, Sport After Shave Moisturizer GUCCI: Aftershave Balm, Lotion HUGO: After Shave, Balm, Lotion; Dark Blue Aftershave LACOSTE: After Shave Balm, Lotion TOMMY HILFIGER: After Shave Balm All Soap (Liquid) Soap Bars Spray Starch Styrofoam cups Toilet bowl cleaner Toothpaste Water filters Wax Paper CHANEL: Coco Bath Gel, No. 5 Bath Gel, No. 5 Essential Bath Oils DIAL: Body Wash (all except oatmeal), Hello Kitty Body Wash, Hello Kitty Foaming Hand Wash, Hello Kitty Liquid Hand Soap, Liquid Hand Soap (all) ESTEE LAUDER: Pleasures Bath & Shower Gel, White linen Bath And Shower Gel GUCCI: Shower Gel HUGO: Dark Blue Shower Gel, Shower Gel IRISH SPRING: Body wash (all) JEAN NATE: Moisturizing Body Wash MARY KAY: Forever Orchid Shower Gel (Disc), Forever Orchid Sugar Scrub (Disc), Warm Amber Shower Gel (Disc), Warm Amber Sugar Scrub (Disc) OJON: Full Moisture Nourishing Body Souffle OXY: Hydrating Body Wash PHISODERM: Body Wash SOFTSOAP: Liquid Soap (all) Bobbi Brown Bath Body Bar, Cashmere Bouquet Bar Soap, Dial Bar Soap(all), Irish Spring (all), Ivory Bar Soap with Aloe, Palmolive (all), Softsoap Niagara, Linit All All AIM: (All) ARM & HAMMER: Dental Care, Gel, Paste Toothpaste CLOSE UP (all) COLGATE: Platinum: Gentle Plus, Platinum Whitening System Overnight Sys GEL-KAM: Gel Mint, Gel, Non Flavored, Gel and Rinse MENTADENT: (All) ORAJEL: Anticavity Flouride, Toddler Training (all) PREVIDENT: 5000 Plus/ Brush-on Gel, Brush ---on Gel Mint (Vege Glycerin) ULTRABRITE (All) (Vege Glycerin) All America’s Choice, Cut-Rite, Essential Everyday, Kitchen Charm, Master Wrap, Reynolds, Shoprite The cosmetics listed above have been compiled with the assistance of Kollel Bais Avrohom of Los Angeles. The entire cosmetics and medications booklet is available for purchase by calling the Kollel at 323-933-7193. THE FOLLOWING MAY CONTAIN CHOMETZ: Aspartame MSG - monosodium glutamate - may contain Chometz Baby foods and baby cereals: baby foods in general are processed on Chometz equipment Mustard Baby Powder may contain oats or starch which may be Chometz Nutra Sweet Balloons: the white powder inside may be Chometz Bath Treatment: Aveeno and Rainbow Light brand Oatmeal Bath Treatment should be put away and sold or disposed of before Pesach. Coffee Alternatives: may contain Chometz Confectioners sugar Citric Acid: Sour Salt Dextro-Maltose: Domestically produced dextrose is made of corn; imported dextrose may be Chometz. Dried fruit Fennel Finger Paints: Elmer’s & Ross may contain chometz Glue: All Krazy Glue, Elmer’s and Ross Glue products are made of synthetic ingredients and may be used. Others may contain chometz. Hydrolized vegetable protein Insect and rodent traps Lactaid - both caplets and drops Maltodextrin Nescafe with chicory Paper Plates: Uncoated paper plates may contain Chometz starch Paper Towels - The first and last three sections of a roll should be discarded due to the starch glue used at those sections. Peeled vegetables must have a Pesach Hashgocho Perfumes except those listed in previous section Pet Food for fish, bird feed, rabbit food and various other pet food Play Dough Rubber gloves or plastic gloves with starch Powdered Equal, Nutrasweet, Splenda should not be used Tapioca itself is not Chometz, but Chometz starch may have been added to it Tea: Some decaffeinated and flavored teas may contain Chometz; see list for acceptable brands Throat Lozenges Vinyl transparent tablecloths May be coated with a powder which may be Chometz. Vitamins Washable paste, vinyl paste and wallpaper paste Baby Formulas The following Baby Formulas are certified kosher by the OU (not for Pesach) and appear in the OU Pesach Directory. These products contain Kitniyos (sometimes in proportions which are not Botel) but do not contain Chometz in proportions which are not Botel. Please note the following: These products are only acceptable when bearing the OU or OUD (not Cholov Yisroel) symbol. Separate utensils should be used with these products and the bottles should not be washed in a Pesach sink. Based on data provided by the OU, the Rabbinate recommends using liquid formulas over powdered ones, if possible. If a dairy formula is needed, a Cholov Yisroel one is preferable. Some flavored and powder types (which do not appear in the lists below) may even have Chometz, such as oats. If needed, please ask the Rabbinate. 365 Everyday Value Ameribella America’s Choice For Baby Babies R US Baby Basics Baby’s Choice Baby’s Only Organic Bear Essentials Belacta Belacta Premium Belactasure Berkley & Jensen Bright Beginnings Cottontails CVS Daily Souurce Discount Drug Mart Earth’s Best EnfaCare Enfalac Enfamil Enfapro Food Lion Full Circle Fulton Street Market Gerber Good Start Giant Giant Eagle Baby H-E-B Hannaford Heinz Nurture Home 360 Baby Hy-Vee Isomil Kirkland Signature Kuddles Laura Lynn Life Brand Little Ones Meijer Baby Member’s Mark Mom To Mom Moo Moo Buckaroo Mother’s choice My Organic Baby Nature’s Place Nestle Good Start Next Step Nutra Enfant O Organic Baby Parent’s choice Premier Value President’s Choice Price Chopper Publix Rite Aid-Tugaboos Shopko Similac Simply right Stop & Shop Sunrise Supervalu Target Tippy Toes By Top Care Top Care Topco Up & Up Vermont Organics Walgreens Wegman’s Well Beginnings Western Family Nutritional and Dietary Supplements Nutritional and dietary supplements may contain kitniyos and/or actual chometz. Anyone who has a need for these products should ask a sha’alo. Pediatric Supplements These products may contain Kitniyos (sometimes in proportions which are not Botel) but do not contain Chometz in proportions which are not Botel. Boost Kid Essentials, 1.0, 1.5 Boost Kid Essentials with Fiber D-Vi-Sol Enfamil 5% Glucose Water Fer-In-Sol Drops Poly-Vi-Sol Drops Tri-Vi-Sol Drops Resource Just For Kids with Fiber Pediasure Peptide Pediasure Vanilla Powder Pediasure Shakes Medications These medications are not under any Rabbinical supervision and some may contain Kitniyos and should be used only with separate utensils which avoid contact with Kosher for Pesach items. Kollel Bais Avrohom of Los Angeles is gratefully acknowledged for providing the information on this list to our members. All medications refer only to the U.S. brand name. Analgesics: Aspirin [Bayer], Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) [Amneal Pharma], Naproxen Sodium [Amneal Pharma], Naproxen Tablets (Aurobindo), Tylenol Concentrated Drops Cherry (infants) [McNeil), Tylenol Extra Strength Caplets [McNeil] Antacids: Bromo-Seltzer [Numark Lab], Pepcid Tablets [Merck], Tums [GlaxoSmithKline], Zantac (all) [Boehringer Ingelheim], Omeprazole [UCB] Omeprazole Delayed --- Release Capsules [Apotex], Omeprazole DR Capsules [Dexcel, Zydus] Miscellaneous: Alophen Pills [Numark], Clarinex Syrup, Tablets (not Redi-Tabs) [Merck], Colace Capsules [Purdue], Metamucil Capsules [Proctor & Gamble], Metamucil Coarse Milled Unflavored [Proctor & Gamble], Senokot Tablets [Purdue]
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