Building on the Successes of Sustainable Communities and Livability Initiatives By Kalima Rose, PolicyLink INTRODUCTION A signature place-based initiative of the Obama Administration, the Sustainable Communities initiative (SCI), is winding up after a five-year run of competitively-granted awards to 143 regions and municipalities. The 3-year grants enabled each place to do forward-looking planning and implementation. The innovations, including transportation, housing, and environmental improvements were coordinated for greater quality of life in places that had been left behind. Green infrastructure investments were made for strong economy futures. Social equity leaders identified and integrated high unemployment and disinvested communities into economic development strategies of the region. And business leadership planned for building on the assets and competitive strengths of the region. Staffed at HUD, and an offspring of the Partnership for Sustainable Communities (with HUD, DOT, EPA and USDA participation), the initiative has been fertile ground for innovation, equity, and forward orientation for economic prosperity and environmental stewardship. Denied funding from Congress in FY 2012 for the core Sustainable Communities grant programs, and followed by multiple years of Continuing Resolutions (despite President’s budget requests for the initiative in FY 2013, 2014, and 2015), further funding has not been forthcoming. The current grantees are winding up their grants by June of 2015, but will continue to implement their long range plans through extensive infrastructure, community development, and new economy investments for a decade or more to come— applying local, state, and federal funds to the implementation of their initiatives. The Partnership’s innovative work is also taking root in other forums including the $1 billion Resilience competition currently underway at HUD, the energy retrofit work of HUD properties, in print this page states’ and regions’ climate and land use planning, in state and local affordable housing and transit oriented development initiatives, and in water infrastructure, food systems, and environmental remediation strategies. The 5-year run of the Partnership allowed significant practice to evolve, and the lessons learned from this initiative will inform HUD’s formula grant programs, and future strategies for community development across agencies and regions. HISTORY The Partnership began in 2009, and originally aligned HUD, Department of Transportation (DOT), and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and was the result of advocacy and practice by social equity and community development organizations, smart growth proponents, and environmental justice and conservation leaders. Since 2009, the Partnership expanded to include other federal agencies, bringing in U.S. Department of Agriculture, Treasury, Commerce, Labor, and Energy. In multiple grant rounds, the Partnership has awarded more than $4 billion in grants and technical assistance to over 1,000 communities in all 50 states, DC and Puerto Rico. While HUD put forward $250 million in competitive Regional Planning and Challenge Grants to 143 regions and communities, the remainder of the funds came through DOT Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery, and New Starts, and EPA Brownfields and Clean Water investments. ISSUE SUMMARY Over the course of the five years, the initiative has demonstrated progress and innovation in four distinct arenas: Fair Housing and Equity Assessment Concurrent with the development of the SCI program in 2009, HUD also began evaluating progress on Fair Housing. Seeing a lack of progress on either the deconcentration of poverty NATIONAL LOW INCOME HOUSING COALITION 6–25 or the reduction of segregation; and finding limited nexus between entitlement jurisdictions’ ‘Analyses of Impediments’ to Fair Housing and the Consolidated Plans which directed their spending of federal CDBG and HOME funds, the agency began developing a stronger framework to advance fair housing. The agency developed a data-driven assessment tool that provided data and GIS-mapping capability to its grantees; and it outlined a new approach for moving from assessment to goals to action plan. HUD decided to pilot the approach in the SCI, and subsequently required the Sustainable Communities regional planning grantees to conduct a Fair Housing Equity Assessment (FHEA). Each of 87 regions analyzed regional demographic trends, identified areas of racially concentrated poverty, assessed the access to transit, jobs, quality education, and healthy environments, and used deliberation strategies to inform decision-making. These assessments then informed strategies to address equity and opportunity in grantees’ Regional Plan for Sustainable Development. Based on the draft Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule published by HUD in 2013 (currently under review at OMB) and the draft AFFH Tool published in 2014, a similar process will guide future Assessments of Fair Housing and Consolidated Plans for all entitlement jurisdictions. The Boston Metropolitan region expanded fair share goals for suburban jurisdictions and tied such goals to transportation investments. And Lane County reorganized its bus route schedules after a survey of Section 8 tenants in the county noted their highest priority as better transit connection to jobs. Collective impact model. HUD guidance for the program prioritized a shared-governance consortia model, and significant community engagement of disadvantaged communities in the planning processes. These consortia—mirroring the federal partnership—included local and regional housing, transportation and environmental health agencies, as well as community based organizations, business alliances, and human services providers. Collectively, they brought valuable shared experience to design and implementation tables. These consortia were charged with delivering on social equity outcomes, and found new partnerships in such efforts. Many consortia awarded subgrants to community organizations to recruit and sustain engagement by 6–26 2015 ADVOCATES’ GUIDE disadvantaged communities—successfully bringing their aspirations to the forefront of plans, policies and programs that now serve their communities. The Twin Cities invested in immigrant business development and cultural corridors along new light rail alignments. The Kansas City region invested in a Green Impact Zone in disinvested central city neighborhood. Progress on economic resilience. Starting during the recession, SCI grantees sought to build resilience to economic downturns through workforce and economic development strategies that were inclusive and sustainable. Expansion of transit systems, development of new economic strategies from food systems to leveraging anchor institutions to disaster recovery and preparedness to energy efficiency retrofits for homes and businesses – all served to insulate communities from the costs and setbacks of unforeseen circumstances. Rhode Island restructured its public sector hiring and contracting goals to be more consistent with demographics. And New Orleans launched an anchor institution workforce and procurement initiative aimed at moving thousands of unemployed African American men into good jobs in expanding healthcare and infrastructure sectors. Significant progress on Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) and affordable housing HUD and DOT have transformed the way communities plan large-scale public investments by incorporating analyses of housing affordability and access to jobs and services into transit and development planning. The Twin Cities Met Council created criteria for future transportation investments to be tied to affordable housing implementation. And the Puget Sound Metropolitan region tied key social equity anchors—community colleges and a CHOICE redevelopment—to affordable housing and transit improvements for lower income communities of color. FORECAST FOR 2015 As the President moves forward to implement his Climate Resilience initiative through every agencies’ administrative practices; and as the new Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule rolls out this Spring and informs the Consolidated plans of 1209 entitlement jurisdictions; and print this page as the Partnership works to incorporate the lessons learned into the formula programs and administrative guidance of each respectively federal agency; and as the 143 Sustainable Communities grantees work to implement their plans through local, state, and regional action—the fruits of the Partnership and the Sustainable Communities grant programs will continue bearing fruit. TIPS FOR LOCAL SUCCESS AFFH: Organize around your local fair housing assessment and consolidated planning process, likely to roll out in late spring or early summer of 2015. Build collective impact and community engagement: Develop a boards and commissions strategy to ensure that all boards making major infrastructure decisions have equity representation. Equity Now Twin Cities, Nexus Community Partners, and the Corridors of Opportunity Community Engagement Team in the Twin Cities are building this capacity, based on a model developed by Urban Habitat in the Bay Area that has placed equity leaders of color on boards and commissions that have authority over five core equity issues: economic development, employment, health, housing, and transportation. social equity governance at collective impact tables, and climate resistance can deliver on triple bottom line economic futures. n FOR MORE INFORMATION COMMUNITYENGAGEMENTGUIDE_LY_ FINAL%20%281%29.pdf infrastructure-equity/sustainable-communities Policy_Link_Letter.pdf News/nexus-launches-inaugural-boards-andcommissions-leadership-institute Economic resilience: Identify any funding sources, capital streams, budgets that can have set-asides built in for disadvantaged communities. One potential model: State legislation in California required a 25% set aside to benefit disadvantaged communities as part of California’s Sustainable Communities Planning and Grant Initiative Program. And under guidance from the interagency Strategic Growth Council and in accordance with AB 32, SB 375 and SB 535, 25% of GHG cap-andtrade auction revenues under Proposition 84 must be used for environmental justice purposes in disadvantaged communities. TOD and affordable housing: Stay tuned for any news or action on transportation reauthorization, as this will present a major opportunity to further embed equity and affordable housing into transportation policy. WHAT TO SAY TO LEGISLATORS In a time of growing inequality, climate threats, and the need for new economic futures, programs that specifically prioritize disadvantaged communities, print this page NATIONAL LOW INCOME HOUSING COALITION 6–27
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