NCS for Sony IPELA Partner Portal User Guide v4.0 © 2009-2014 by Next Level Security Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 9.00-PM-20140724 Next Level Security Systems® is a registered trademark of Next Level Security Systems, Inc. NextConnect™ is a trademark of Next Level Security Systems, Inc. All content included in this document, including text, and graphics, is ©2009-2014 Next Level Security Systems, with all rights reserved, or is the property of Next Level Security Systems and/or third parties protected by intellectual property rights. Any use of materials in this document, including reproduction for purposes other than those noted above, modification, distribution, or replication, or other commercial exploitation of any kind, without prior written permission of an authorized officer of Next Level Security Systems is strictly prohibited. Next Level Security Systems' trademarks may not be used in connection with any product or service that is not provided by Next Level Security Systems, in any manner that is likely to cause confusion among customers, or in any manner that disparages or discredits Next Level Security Systems. All other trademarks displayed in this document are the trademarks of their respective owners, and constitute neither an endorsement nor a recommendation of those Vendors. In addition, such use of trademarks is not intended to imply, directly or indirectly, that those Vendors endorse or have any affiliation with Next Level Security Systems. NCS for Sony IPELA Partner Portal User Guide Contents Chapter 1: Partner Configuration .................................................................................... 4 CONFIRMING A PARTNER ACCOUNT............................................................................ 5 LOGGING IN TO THE PARTNER PORTAL ...................................................................... 6 NLSS PARTNER PORTAL ................................................................................................ 7 Main Menu ........................................................................................................... 7 Menu Options....................................................................................................... 8 Portal Settings .......................................................................................................9 Tools ...................................................................................................... 10 CUSTOMERS .................................................................................................................. 12 Customer Accounts ............................................................................................ 12 Creating a Customer Account ............................................................................ 13 Customer Information ............................................................................... 13 Customer Accounts Configuration .............................................................. 14 Customer Account Requests .............................................................................. 15 SUBSCRIPTIONS............................................................................................................ 16 Device Subscriptions.......................................................................................... 16 Device Subscriptions Configuration ............................................................ 17 Storage Subscriptions ........................................................................................ 17 Storage Subscriptions Configuration........................................................... 18 ACCOUNTS ..................................................................................................................... 19 Company Settings .............................................................................................. 19 General Tab ............................................................................................ 19 Branding Tab ........................................................................................... 20 Users.................................................................................................................. 20 Users Configuration Window ..................................................................... 21 Adding a User .......................................................................................... 21 Chapter 2: Customer Configuration ............................................................................. 22 CUSTOMER REGISTRATION........................................................................................ 22 CUSTOMER RESPONSE............................................................................................... 23 © 2009-2014 Next Level Security Systems, Inc. 9.00-PM-20140724 3 NCS for Sony IPELA Partner Portal User Guide Chapter 1: Partner Configuration This guide provides NLSS partners with instructions about the functionality and use of the Next Level Cloud Services (NCS) Partner Portal. Terms and categories used in the NCS system are also introduced in this guide. NCS provides centralized management for Cloud Cameras via the NLSS Customer Portal. Customers can submit requests to be added to NCS via an on-line wizard. The wizard gathers the required information and sends it to the partner. See Customer Account Requests for instructions on processing these requests. This portal is unique for each partner, with a URL format of: account-id where and partner account id can change. For example: See Chapter 2: Customer Configuration for more information on the wizard. © 2009-2014 Next Level Security Systems, Inc. 9.00-PM-20140724 4 NCS for Sony IPELA Partner Portal User Guide Confirming a Partner Account 1.1 CONFIRMING A PARTNER ACCOUNT After a partner account is created, some steps are required by the partner to activate the account. After the account is created, the partner receives a welcome email with single user login name and name of the partner organization. The email contains a link to a web page requesting agreement to the End User License Agreement and the creation of a password. The password must be set by the partner before the first login. 1. Go to the link provided in the Welcome email. The Set Password dialog is displayed. 2. Enter and verify a password. 3. Check Agree for the End User License Agreement. – Click End User License Agreement to display the document. 4. Click Submit. Once this form is submitted, the partner organization is activated, and a confirmation email is sent. The Partner Portal now can be accessed, and customer accounts can be created. © 2009-2014 Next Level Security Systems, Inc. 5 NCS for Sony IPELA Partner Portal User Guide Logging In to the Partner Portal 1.2 LOGGING IN TO THE PARTNER PORTAL To log in to the NCS Partner Portal, a user name (email) and password must be entered. 1. Open a web browser. 2. Enter the URL for the Partner Portal. The URL was provided when the Partner Portal was created. For example - The login page is displayed. 3. Enter the credentials in the login screen. a. User Name: the primary account email, belonging to the partner, used when NLSS set up the partner organization. b. Password: the password selected by the partner. See Confirming a Partner Account. 4. Click Login. The NLSS Partner Portal page is displayed. This portal is used to manage customer accounts and partner information. © 2009-2014 Next Level Security Systems, Inc. 6 NCS for Sony IPELA Partner Portal User Guide NLSS Partner Portal 1.3 NLSS PARTNER PORTAL By default, the Partner Portal opens to the Main Menu. The first page displayed can be configured with User Preferences. 1.3.1 Main Menu The Main Menu contains categories with menu options. Main Menu Categories Three categories are available. Each category is explained later in this chapter. • Customers: view, add, edit, and delete customer accounts. Note: Information entered at the partner level overwrites conflicting information entered at the customer level. • Subscriptions: view, add, edit, and delete subscriptions. • Accounts: view, add, edit, and delete partner portal users. Click a category button to open a list of options for that category. Menu Options © 2009-2014 Next Level Security Systems, Inc. 7 NCS for Sony IPELA Partner Portal User Guide 1.3.2 NLSS Partner Portal Menu Options • Click a button under a category to open menu options. The menu options are displayed as tables. The tables contain searchable lists, plus tools for viewing and editing the list items. Some tables have add and delete features as well. Each option also contains links to the Main Menu, and Portal Settings. Tools Panel App Name Search Column Search Text Apps menu button Portal Settings Show/Hide Tools Panel Item List Each option page contains two buttons: • Main Menu: opens the Main Menu. See Main Menu for more information • Portal Settings: configure the portal. See Portal Settings for more information. © 2009-2014 Next Level Security Systems, Inc. 8 NCS for Sony IPELA Partner Portal User Guide NLSS Partner Portal PORTAL SETTINGS Two options are available from this menu: User Preferences and Log out. User Preferences The User Preferences configuration window has two tabs: General and User Account. G ENERAL A home page can be set to display when logging in. Either the main menu or an option page can be selected. 1. Select User Preferences from the portal settings menu. The General tab of the User Preferences settings is displayed. 2. Select a Home Page to display when logging in. – Select an option from the drop-down list – or – – Check Show Navigation at Login to display the main menu when opening the Partner Portal. 3. Click Save – to keep the setting. Click Cancel to exit the pop-up window without changing the setting. U SER A CCOUNT The name, email, and password for currently logged in user can be edited in this screen. 1. Open the User Account tab in the User Preferences window. 2. Edit the fields as needed – Last Name, First Name, Role, Email and Password are required fields. – The password must be verified in the configuration window. – Middle Name, and Preferred Name are optional. 3. Click Save – to keep any changes. Click Cancel to exit the pop-up window without saving the changes. © 2009-2014 Next Level Security Systems, Inc. 9 NCS for Sony IPELA Partner Portal User Guide NLSS Partner Portal See Users for more information on user accounts. Log out 1. Open the Portal Settings menu. 2. Click Logout in the drop-down menu to close the current NCS session. The session is closed, and the Login window is displayed. TOOLS List items can be updated using the Tools panel. This panel can be displayed or hidden. Tools include Add, Edit, View, Delete, and Search. Add and Delete are not available on all pages. To access the tools: 1. Open the category page. 2. Select Tools. 3. Select Show Tools Panel from the drop-down menu, if the tools are hidden. – Select Hide Tools Panel to hide the tool buttons. The steps for using each tool are the same for each page, although the fields differ. A configuration window is displayed when Add or Edit is selected. Adding Items 1. Select Show Tools Panel , if the tools are hidden. 2. Click Add. 3. Complete the fields in the configuration window. 4. Click Save – to keep the item. Click Cancel to exit the pop-up window without adding the item to the list. Editing Items 1. Select Show Tools Panel , if the tools are hidden. 2. Select an item from the table. 3. Click Edit. 4. Update the desired fields. Note: When editing, the configuration window contains a History tab listing the fields and notes, if available, from each time the item was edited. 5. Click Save – to keep any changes. Click Cancel to exit the pop-up window without saving the changes. © 2009-2014 Next Level Security Systems, Inc. 10 NCS for Sony IPELA Partner Portal User Guide NLSS Partner Portal Viewing Items 1. Select Show Tools Panel , if the tools are hidden. 2. Select an item from the table. 3. Click View. A read-only window is displayed for the item. Note: When viewing, the configuration window contains a History tab listing the fields and notes, if available, from each time the item was edited. Deleting an Item 1. Select Show Tools Panel , if the tools are hidden. 2. Select an item from the table. 3. Click Delete. 4. Confirm the deletion, when prompted. Searching Tables When the Tools panel is opened, a search field is included. The item list can be searched by a selected column. 1. Select Show Tools Panel , if the tools are hidden. 2. From the Search drop-down list, select the column on which you want to search. 3. Enter a value in the Search field. 4. Click the Magnifying Glass to run the search. A list of matching items is listed. – If necessary, click a column header to sort the results. 5. To display the entire list again, refresh the browser page. © 2009-2014 Next Level Security Systems, Inc. 11 NCS for Sony IPELA Partner Portal User Guide Customers 1.4 CUSTOMERS Each customer represents an NCS system, to which Cloud Cameras are attached. The customers category has two options: Customer Accounts and Customer Account Requests. Partner Customer 1 Cloud Camera Customer 2 Cloud Camera Cloud Camera 1.4.1 Customer 3 Cloud Camera Cloud Camera Customer 4 Cloud Camera Cloud Camera Cloud Camera Cloud Camera Customer Accounts Customer accounts can be added, viewed, edited and searched, and deleted through the Customer Accounts option. Customer accounts must be created before devices can be registered with NCS. • Select Customers > Customer Accounts from the main menu. Customer Accounts option The Accounts:Customers window is displayed. The list is empty until accounts are added. © 2009-2014 Next Level Security Systems, Inc. 12 NCS for Sony IPELA Partner Portal User Guide 1.4.2 Customers Creating a Customer Account 1. Select Customers > Customer Accounts from the Main Menu. The Accounts: Customers window is displayed. 2. Select Show Tools Panel , if the tools are hidden. 3. Click Add. 4. Enter the Account information. Account ID, Company Name, and Account Status are required fields. See the field definitions below in Customer Information. Important: Changing the Account ID after the customer account is created changes the URL used to log into the NCS customer portal. 5. Open the Master User tab, and enter the information to identify the master user for the customer. – If the partner setting up and registering Cloud Cameras, and configuring NCS for the customer, enter a partner email address to receive the password information. The information can be reset later for the customer. – A partner also can create a user account in the NCS customer portal while configuring the system, and delete that account when done. 6. Click Save – to add the new customer account. Click Cancel to exit the pop-up window without saving the new account. An email to set the master user’s password is sent to the email address entered in the Master User tab. CUSTOMER INFORMATION The Customer Accounts screen lists the customers added by the partner. These fields are completed when a customer account is added. These fields also can be edited, when an account is selected from the list. • Account ID: a unique identifier for the record. The Account ID is used throughout the portal to identify the customer. This ID also becomes part of the URL used to log into the customer portal: The Account ID is typically the name of the customer. For example, if the business name is Joe’s Cameras, the Account ID could be joescameras, and the URL to the customer’s NCS portal is Note: The Account ID must be unique in the system, as this ID is used when the customer logs into NCS. Multiple Cloud Cameras can be registered to a customer’s account. Important: If the Account ID is changed for an existing customer, the URL changes to match the new ID. • Company Name: the organization that purchased the NCS subscription. © 2009-2014 Next Level Security Systems, Inc. 13 NCS for Sony IPELA Partner Portal User Guide Customers • Master User Email: the email address for Master User. This user is the administrator for the customer’s NCS accounts. • Account Status: indicates whether the account is Active, Suspended, or Terminated. Customers with suspended or terminated accounts cannot access their NCS portal. • Device Support Mode: indicates the type of devices the account supports for running NCS. – • Sony Cloud Cam (only): only the supported Sony IPELA Cloud Cameras can be monitored by NCS Enable Branding: indicates whether custom logos can be added to the NCS portal by the customer. Otherwise, the logo set at the Partner Portal is displayed on the Customer portals. See Branding Tab for more information on setting the Partner Portal logo. CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS CONFIGURATION A pop-up configuration window is used when adding, editing, or viewing a customer account. • Select Show Tools Panel , if the tools are hidden. SeeTools for more information on these options. The window contains Account and Master User tabs to edit the fields listed in Customer Information. When viewing or editing an account, the History tab lists the field settings from each time the customer account was updated. Account Tab The Account tab fields identify the customer, the devices their NCS account supports, and status of the account. • Account ID, Company Name, Supported Devices, and Account Status are required fields. See the field definitions in Customer Information. – • The Account ID becomes part of the URL used to log into the NCS customer portal. Check Enable Branding to allow custom logos to be added to the customer’s NCS portals. Master User Tab The Master User tab identifies the main administrator for this customer account. • First Name, Last Name: identifies the Master User. • Email: confirm the address entered in the Verify Email field. All fields are required. See Tools for more information on adding, editing and deleting accounts. © 2009-2014 Next Level Security Systems, Inc. 14 NCS for Sony IPELA Partner Portal User Guide 1.4.3 Customers Customer Account Requests When a potential customer fills out an account request form using the on-line wizard, the information is sent to the partner, and it populates the Customer Accounts Request queue. The request can be accepted or rejected. Requests also can be edited, deleted, or searched. See Tools for more information on using these features. 1. Select Customers > Customer Account Requests from the main menu. The Customer Account Requests window is displayed. 2. Select Show Tools Panel , if the tools are hidden. 3. Select a request from the Customer Accounts Request list. 4. Click Edit. The configuration window is displayed with four tabs. 5. Configure the account in the Account tab. a. The Account ID and Company Name fields can be edited, if necessary. b. Select Accepted from the Request Status drop-down list to enable an account. » Select Rejected from the Request Status drop-down list to deny a request. 6. The Supported Devices field provides one choice: Cloud Cam (only). – Click Enable Branding to allow customers add a custom logo their Customer Portal. If branding is enabled for the customer account, the customer can upload their own logo. This overrides the Partner branding, if applied. 7. The Master User and Contact fields also can be edited, if necessary. 8. Click Save to act on the request. – Click Cancel to exit the pop-up window without saving the changes. – If the request accepted, it is removed from the Request queue, and the customer account is added to the Customer Account list. – If a request is rejected, it remains in the Customer Account Request queue. After a request is approved, an email is sent to the email address provided for the Master User for the account. See Customer Response in Chapter 2: Customer Configuration. © 2009-2014 Next Level Security Systems, Inc. 15 NCS for Sony IPELA Partner Portal User Guide Subscriptions 1.5 SUBSCRIPTIONS The Subscriptions category provides options to manage device and storage subscriptions. 1.5.1 Device Subscriptions Subscriptions for all customers in the partner’s NCS system are listed under the Device Subscriptions option. Device subscriptions enable Cloud Cameras to register with NCS. Device subscription IDs are entered manually through the device’s local interface. See the Next Level Cloud Services for Sony IPELA User Manual or the Quick Start Guide for instructions on enabling a subscription. Subscriptions can be added, viewed, edited and searched, and deleted through the Device Subscriptions option. • Select Subscriptions > Device Subscriptions from the main menu. The Device Subscriptions option is displayed. The fields describe the device and the subscription. • Account ID: the ID assigned when the customer account was created. When adding a device subscription, select the Account ID for the customer who owns the device. Note that an account can have multiple subscriptions, applied to different devices, or Cloud Storage subscriptions. See Customer Information for more information on the Account ID. • Subscription ID: this number is assigned by the system when the device subscription is added. The Subscription ID is provided to the customer to use as an NCS token or key. See the Next Level Cloud Services for Sony IPELA User Manual or the Quick Start Guide for instructions on installing a Subscription ID. Note: • A Subscription ID can only be applied to one device. After the Cloud Service is enabled on the camera, that camera is activated in NCS, and any applicable fees are billed. Device Model: the device to which the subscription is applied. This field is selected when the device subscription is added. The devices available depend on the Supported Devices selected when the Customer Account was created. • Device Name: a unique identifier assigned to the device through the NCS Customer Portal or the device’s local interface. • MAC Address 1: the MAC address for the Ethernet port on the device. Note: • If a MAC address is entered, the Subscription ID can only be applied to that device. If the device is replaced, a new Subscription ID is required for that device. Activation Date: the date on which the subscription was created. This field is automatically generated when the device subscription is added. © 2009-2014 Next Level Security Systems, Inc. 16 NCS for Sony IPELA Partner Portal User Guide • Subscriptions PO Number: the purchase order used to acquire the subscription. This field is optional, and can be edited after it is entered. • DEVICE SUBSCRIPTIONS CONFIGURATION A pop-up configuration window is used when adding, editing, or viewing a device subscriptions. • Select Show Tools Panel , if the tools are hidden. See Tools for more information on these options. The window contains the General tab to edit the fields listed in Device Subscriptions. When viewing or editing a device subscription, the History tab lists the field settings from each time the customer account was updated. General Tab The General tab defines the subscription by identifying the account and the device to which the subscription is applied. • When adding a subscription, Account ID and Device Model are selected from dropdown menus. These fields cannot be edited after the subscription is created. – Select the Account ID first. The system determines what device models are available for that account. • The PO Number is optional. • Notes provides an optional text field to add comments when adding or editing a device subscription. • The Subscription ID (Edit and View windows only) is generated after the Device Subscription is created and saved. The Subscription ID is the key or token that is entered on devices to allow the device to be added to NCS. See Tools for more information on adding, editing, viewing, and deleting device subscriptions. 1.5.2 Storage Subscriptions NCS provides cloud storage for video. The Storage Subscription option provides the tool to add and allocate storage for devices. A Remote Video Storage (RVS) subscription is automatically allocated when a device subscription is created. The customer is allocated a specific amount of space for each device. Additional space can be purchased. • Select Subscriptions > Storage Subscriptions from the main menu. The Storage Subscriptions page lists the storage information by customer; • Account ID: the ID assigned when the customer account was created. • Company Name: the customer who purchased the subscription. © 2009-2014 Next Level Security Systems, Inc. 17 NCS for Sony IPELA Partner Portal User Guide • Subscriptions GBs: the amount of space for that video storage profile, in gigabytes, that is allocated for the selected account. STORAGE SUBSCRIPTIONS CONFIGURATION Storage Subscriptions can viewed, and can only be edited after new storage subscriptions is added. • PO can be entered when additional storage space is purchased. The field is optional, and can be edited, if necessary. Adding Cloud Storage Additional storage can be purchased. 1. Select Show Tools Panel , if the tools are hidden. 2. Select an Account ID from the table. 3. Click Edit. 4. Click Add in the Storage Configuration window. 5. Select the Storage Size (GBs) from the drop-down menu. 6. Enter the PO Number for the purchase. This field is optional. 7. Click Continue to save the changes. – Click Cancel to exit the pop-up window without saving the changes. © 2009-2014 Next Level Security Systems, Inc. 18 NCS for Sony IPELA Partner Portal User Guide Accounts 1.6 ACCOUNTS The Accounts option allows the creation and management of users for the Partner Portal, and the configuration of company settings. • Company Settings provides information about the partner. • Users are the people granted access to use the Partner Portal to manage customer accounts. Note: 1.6.1 These roles and user accounts are not applied to the NCS Customer Portal, or the devices attached to NCS. This setting does not provide access to Customer Portal or the registered devices. Company Settings Company Settings can be viewed or edited. 1. Select Accounts: Company Settings from the main menu. 2. Select Show Tools Panel , if the tools are hidden. 3. Select an item from the table. 4. Click Edit. This page contains two tabs: General, and Branding. GENERAL TAB 1. Select the General tab, if it is not open. 2. Complete the fields. – Partner Name: the company responsible for managing these customers and sites. – Address Line 1 and 2, City, State/Province/Region, Postal Code, Country: Location information of the site. The address lines can contain a street address, P.O. box, business name, suite, or other pertinent information. – Contact: person responsible for system maintenance and repairs. Note: All fields are required except for Address Line 2. 3. Enter email addresses to receive notifications in Account Request Emails. See Notifications for more information. 4. Click Save – to keep the changes. Click Cancel to exit the configuration window without keeping the changes. Notifications The Partner Portal generates email reports once a day for two types of events: • Device Offline: lists the devices that have been off line for more than 24 hours. The report indicates how long the camera has been off line. © 2009-2014 Next Level Security Systems, Inc. 19 NCS for Sony IPELA Partner Portal User Guide • Accounts Maintenance: lists the devices that have undergone routine maintenance procedures over the last 24 hours, such as a firmware update. The NCS Partner Portal sends email notifications with these reports to designated recipients. These recipients are not required to be Partner Portal users. 1. Open the General tab, if it is not open. 2. Enter email addresses in the Account Requests Emails box. Multiple addresses are separated by commas. 3. Click Save – to keep the changes. Click Cancel to exit the configuration window without keeping the changes. If a recipient no longer desires to receive the notifications, simply remove the email address from the list. BRANDING TAB Optionally, the Partner Portal can be customized with the partner’s logo. The Branding tab provides the option to upload the logo, and previews how the image is placed on the portal banner. After the logo is uploaded, it is pushed to the Customer Portals managed by that partner. This logo can be overridden at the customer level, if their branding is enabled, and the customer uploads another logo. See Customer Information for instructions on enabling branding. 1. Open the Branding tab. 2. Click Upload. 3. Navigate to the image file. The image must meet the following criteria: – Maximum size: 100KB – Required File Extension (file format): .png or .jpg – Recommended maximum dimensions: 550px x 100px 4. Follow the prompts to upload the image. 5. Click Save – 1.6.2 to keep the changes. Click Cancel to exit the configuration window without keeping the changes. Users The Accounts menu provides the tools to manage users of the Partner Portal. • Select Accounts > Users from the main menu. The Accounts: Users page is displayed, listing the available user accounts. User accounts can be added, edited, viewed, and deleted. See Tools for more information on these features. • Last Name, First Name, Preferred Name: identifies the person to which the account is assigned. © 2009-2014 Next Level Security Systems, Inc. 20 NCS for Sony IPELA Partner Portal User Guide • Accounts Email: the user’s email address. USERS CONFIGURATION WINDOW • Last Name, First Name, Role, Email and Password are required fields. • The password must be verified in the configuration window. • Middle Name, and Preferred Name are optional. ADDING A USER New users are created by entering the user’s details. 1. Select Accounts > Users from the main menu. 2. Select Show Tools Panel , if the tools are hidden. 3. Click Add. 4. Enter the name fields: – First Name and Last Name are required. – Middle Name and Preferred Name are optional. 5. Enter an Email address. The user enters this address when logging into the Partner Portal. 6. Two options are available to set the user’s password. – Send Set Password Email triggers a message to be sent to the above address. The email includes a link for the user to set a password. – Password and Verify Password allows the password to be set in this dialog. The user must then be notified of this setting. These two fields are hidden if the Send Set Password Email checkbox is selected. 7. Click Save – to keep the new user. Click Cancel to exit the pop-up window without saving the new user. © 2009-2014 Next Level Security Systems, Inc. 21 NCS for Sony IPELA Partner Portal User Guide Chapter 2: Customer Configuration After the partner account is configured, the partner can create customer accounts, and provide subscriptions to NCS. 2.1 CUSTOMER REGISTRATION Customers can submit requests to be added to NCS via an on-line wizard. This wizard gathers the required information and sends it to the partner. This portal is unique for each partner, with a URL format of: account-id where and partner account id can change. For example: The registration wizard walks the customer through a series of pages requesting information required to set up the customer account: • Account ID: is a unique identifier for the customer account. • Company Name: the business organization that owns the account. • Master User: the Name and Email (address) are entered for the main user account responsible for the Customer portal. • Contact Name and Phone Number: the contact information for the person responsible for Customer account. Summary and verification screens are displayed to complete the submission process. Customer accounts also can be manually added through the Partner Portal. See Customer Account Requests in Chapter 1: Partner Configuration for instructions on processing a customer account request, or manually adding a customer account. © 2009-2014 Next Level Security Systems, Inc. 9.00-PM-20140724 22 NCS for Sony IPELA Partner Portal User Guide Customer Response 2.2 CUSTOMER RESPONSE After a Customer Account Request is approved, an email is sent to the email address provided for the Master User of the account. 3:55 PM (0 minutes ago) to me Thank you for working with <partner>. Your email <master user@email address> is assigned as the primary user for your RMS account. Please click on the following link to set your password. Thank you, <partner> where <partner> and <master user@email address> contain the appropriate information, and a link is supplied for the customer to set password for the account. © 2009-2014 Next Level Security Systems, Inc. 23
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