Amateur Radio “only fail -safe system” of communication K4ZDH HIGH DESERT AMATEUR RADIO CLUB, NM5HD Editor, Jerry Aceto K6LIE CLUB MEETING JUNE 20 AT 10:00 AM June 2015 Email: President’s Corner - Jerry Aceto K6LIE Greetings! I have GREAT NEWS!! I mentioned some time ago at a meeting, that our club was asked to support the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) program through the Albuquerque Public Schools. On May 28th, I was informed that APS has been one of 14 applicants out of about 1000 nationwide to be chosen to participate in this program. Because of our involvement with Alma Ripley and the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) program, our club is now the lead support for the amateur radio portion of this program here in Albuquerque! In the coming months, we will be working with Alma, APS, ARRL and NASA to arrange for a contact from one of the schools here in Albuquerque, to the Space Station. I do not know which school yet, but will inform our members when I have this information. As you probably know, this program allows school kids to ask questions of the crew members aboard the international space station and to inspire an interest in science, technology, engineering and math via amateur radio. This scheduled contact will take place sometime in the first half of 2016 and our club will have a very prominent part in providing this contact. We need to form a team to work on this project. I do not know how many of our members will be needed, but will let you all know when I find out. So far, we have three on the team; Vice President Terry Zipes, W4RCN, our Education Chair, Larry Elkin, NY5L and myself. We will certainly need more members on this team and I will be asking for more participation as time goes on. This is a very exciting time for our club. This has been talked about in past years and I never thought it really would come about. But now it is a reality and our club should be extremely proud to be a part of it. I personally, am very excited about being part of the ARISS program! Included in this Newsletter is the news release from ARRL and information from Bill Ripely describing how this all came about. 73...Jerry K6LIE HDARC on the Web: JUNE PROGRAM GEORGE KEY WILL GO OVER HIS FIELD DAY PLANS, DISCUSSING THE RULES, NUMBER OF STATIONS, ANTENNAS AND ANYTHING ELSE PERTAINING TO THIS ACTIVITY, WHICH TAKES PLACE ON THE FOURTH WEEKEND OF THIS MONTH. ALSO, BILL FIRTH WILL COMPLETE THE FINAL REVIEW OF THE LATEST BY-LAWS REWRITE. A VOTE WILL THAN BE TAKEN AT THIS MEETING. HDARC NEWS Next VE Session The next High Desert Amateur Radio Club VE session will be held on Saturday, June 20 at 12:30 pm, at the West Albuquerque Police station. Please bring the following: ♦ Photo ID (drivers license) ♦ Original Amateur Radio License ♦ Copy of Amateur Radio License ♦ Original CSCE's ♦ Copy of CSCE ♦ Test fee is $15.00 . ♦ Proof of Tech Plus if before 3/21/87 and doing paper upgrade to General. ♦ SS Number will be needed if you don’t have an FRN number. * NOTE-NO WALK INS. PLEASE SCHEDULE. In This Issue: June HDARC Birthday Greetings! Happy Birthday We want to extend warm HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to our club members celebrating their birthday in the month of June: Karen Elkin Joe Nekoranec KE5MWI Pam Salata N9UPN John Romano N2LMN Rosalie McCreary KL0HU Isaiah Gordon Dale Staben Page Presidents Corner 1 Next VE session 2 Officers & Board Members 2 June Program 2 June Birthday Greetings 2 From the Editors Desk 3 VE Testing Report for May 3 Club Repeaters & IRLP Systems 3 Welcome New Members 3 HDARC and ARISS 4 ARRL ARISS News Release 5 Field Day 6&7 Social Committee Report 8 Kid’s Day 8 eQSL 9 & 10 Museum Exhibit Lost 10 HDARC Library 11 Club Badges 11 220 Appeal 11 Club Address 12 ARRL Info 12 For Sale 12 Explora Report 13 Club Shirts 13 Club Member Services 14 Tom Doering Computer 14 Luke’s Ham Shack 14 KF5PKC HDARC NEWS IS PUBLISHED MONTHLY, JERRY ACETO, K6LIE, EDITOR 771-1323. NON COPYRIGHT MATERIAL CONTAINED HEREIN MAY BE REPRINTED WITHOUT PRIOR PERMISSION WITH CREDIT GIVEN TO THIS PUBLICATION * PRESIDENT – JERRY ACETO, K6LIE, 771-1323 * VICE PRESIDENT – TERRY ZIPES, W4RCN, 771-7012* SECRETARY – JIM KAJDER, AF5FH, 2989353 * TREASURER – JOHN SCOTT, KF5ROL, 839-7035 * CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD – FRED LETE, KC5IPK, 892-0380 * BOARD MEMBERS – TOM BOLDWAY, KE7PBB, 404-8215* DAVE JOHNSON, N0LVA, 296-2034 * BILL FIRTH, KE5TOB, 899-0950 RICK ROOD, KF5JAJ, 269-2416* LICENSE EXAMS – RICK ROOD, KF5JAJ, 269-2416 * FRED LETE, KC5IPK, 892-0380 * NM5HD REPEATER TRUSTEE – ADRIAN MIURA, W5ASM, 899-6916 * WEB MASTER - BILL FIRTH, KE5TOB, 899-0950. HDARC IS A 501C3 NONPROFIT. June 2015 2 PagePage#2 HDARC on the Web: HDARC NEWS VE TEST REPORT FOR MAY From The Editor’s Desk…... For the month of May we had 5 people test with the following results: Jerry, K6LIE 3 People passed Element This month marks the 60th con-2, Technician, 2 did not. secutive year for the Dayton HamOverall results, vention. Several members will be attending3 the event and we are all Technicians. looking forward to a great time. Hi everyone, Exciting times for the HDARC! As you read in my President’s Corner column, our club will be contacting the International Space Station sometime in the first half of 2016! Lots of work to do. I will be looking for help on this project, so if you are interested, let me know. See page 4 to read about how our club became involved and page 5 to see the ARRL news release. Don’t forget Field Day on the 27th and 28th of this month. Come out and operate the contest, or bring your rig to the GOTA station if you need help in learning how your new HF rig operates. George Key will give all the particulars at the next meeting. Chef Terry Zipes will be tending the BBQ again this year….yummy! He will be sending out a note to ask that you let him know how many of you will be attending the BBQ. We over bought last year and don’t want that to happen again. Also, we will be voting on the latest rewrite of our ByLaws at the meeting. If you can’t make it, please vote by email. I have sent a note to our members that wish to vote by email if they can’t make the meeting. But, of course, why would you want to miss it? Take a look at George Keys whimsical Field Day article on pages 6 and 7. Us old timers will take delight in remembering the Podunk Hollow Radio Club and the wonderful "Gil" Gildersleeve cartoons of “Jeeves” the butler and others. Several of these cartoons are included in George’s article. If you look close, you will see HDARC included in the June 1957 QST cover! I didn’t know our club was that old, Hi Hi! Wasn’t easy including all the graphics, but I somehow managed to get them in! 73! Jerry K6LIE June 2015 Congratulations to all who passed, and a big Thank You to the VE team. Rick Rood KF5JAJ HDARC VE Liaison FTL-OIFH WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! We would like to extend a GREAT BIG HDARC WELCOME to our newest members: Stephen Carpenter KE7BYQ Garry Cramins AE5HL Returning member: Robert Bogaski KF5NXC We hope you will have fun learning and experiencing all that our great hobby of Amateur Radio has to offer! CLUB REPEATERS 145.370 Mhz PL 162.2 Hz 224.480 Mhz PL 100.0 Hz 442.750 Mhz PL 162.2 Hz IRLP Node 7706 IRLP Node 3285 IRLP Node 7855 In addition to IRLP, EchoLink is now available on 145.370 Node 980760 & 442.750 Node 214956. Our club repeater systems, including our IRLP & ECHOLINK systems are open to our members as well as the entire Amateur Radio community. 3 PagePage#2 HDARC on the Web: HDARC NEWS HOW STI BEGAN AND HOW THE HDARC AND NEW MEXICO SPACE STUDIES GROUP ARE INVOLVED Bill Ripley The Stem Trajectory Initiative (STI) is the initiative ( ) that was started by Alma Ripley almost 2 years ago to figure out a way to improve the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics education program at APS. The STI came into this world at the 2013 Duke City Hamfest. It started out as a “pick up” group of educators who, with the help of the Amateur Radio community, desired to bring STEM into the classroom through Project Based Learning (PBL), Amateur Radio, and other “hands on” learning experiences. HDARC has been an integral part of that whole process, supporting STI with demonstrations at the various STEM days, as well as providing testing support for the test sessions that have been held to date. We have also received support from the Amateur Radio community through New Mexico Space Studies (NMSS) (a committee of Upper Rio FM Society), which is a group of Ham Radio enthusiasts and Educators that are advancing the state of the art in High Altitude Balloon (HAB) projects. The NMSS was “birthed” at the 2013 DCHF. The HAB missions also carry Amateur Radio gear, in the form of APRS transponders, airborne repeaters, tracking beacons, and coming soon, ATV transmitters and HF beacons. The STI and NMSS group has had so far 15 HAB missions in the last 21 months, with around 6-8 STEM days (I’d have to count to make sure) that the HDARC has supported us with a station during several of these STEM days. The STI is not completely an Albuquerque Public Schools (APS) activity per se, as we have schools from around NM and CO participating, but it has become an accepted part of APS strategy, and has been embraced by the Board of Education and APS senior management. To date the STI has received funding through donations from individuals (those of us that paid for the first missions and equipment out of pocket), several grants from the APS Foundation, and grants from other groups via the JROTC program at several participating schools. The way that I see this rolling out (and we’ll make an announcement to the larger group soon) is that Alma be the overall leader that will pull all the various APS Foundation funding, APS participating schools, NM Public Education Department (PED), ARRL, HDARC, and NMSS resources together and act as the “traffic cop” for the effort. We listed HDARC as the sponsor Amateur Radio club because of the continuing support provided to the STI, and the long history of providing a focus on education and the kids, through your museum projects, and regularly scheduled classes and testing. We do have to be mindful of the technical HAB work that has been done by NMSS and give them a piece of this as well. We need to get together and discuss work splits, responsibilities etc. There is plenty of work to go around. I anticipate (but I have not discussed this with “the boss”) that we will have a STEM day in conjunction with the ISS event. I also anticipate that we’ll have media coverage prior to and at the event. As far as the equipment plan goes, we are waiting for the next drop of information from the “mother” ARISS group and we’ll start pulling together the final equipment plan. I anticipate that we will build a bulletproof plan, with fully compliant primary radios and antennas, a backup station, and a backup to the backup network gateway plan. We do have a fellow in the NMSS group (Gerry Creager, N5JXS) that worked for NASA for decades and was quite involved with the SAREX and ARISS programs. We’ll get him involved as well. I’d like your opinions and expertise for this whole thing. We need a POCs (at least two) identified from HDARC. The POCs will receive all the community mailings, speak for the club, and participate in our on-line and face-face meetings. I am pulling together a PowerPoint slide-show briefing for this activity and need 1-2 slides on HDARC history and organization. I’ll send out a template as soon as I can get it built. Thoughts? Bill Ripley Creative Electronic Systems - North America (505) 503-7491 (Office) (505) 980-8353 (Cell) June 2015 4 PagePage#2 HDARC on the Web: HDARC NEWS ARRL NEWS RELEACE: Fourteen US Schools/Groups on List to Host Ham Contacts with Space Station 05/28/2015 Fourteen of the schools and organizations that submitted proposals to host Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) contacts are moving into the final stage of the selection process. Schools or organizations ultimately selected would host scheduled Amateur Radio contacts with an ISS crew member during the first half of 2016. “This is a significant step in ARISS’s continuing effort to engage young people in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) activities and raise their awareness of space exploration, space communications and related areas of study and career possibilities,” said ARRL Education Services Manager Debra Johnson, K1DMJ. AMSAT and ARRL — the ARISS US managing partners — announced the semifinalists on May 28. They now must complete acceptable equipment plans that demonstrate their ability to execute the ham radio contacts. Once the ARISS technical team approves an equipment plan, ARISS and NASA will work with the school or organization to schedule a contact, based on the host’s availability and flexibility to take advantage of the available opportunities. The schools and organizations are: • All Saints STEAM Academy, Middletown, Rhode Island • Atlanta Science Festival, Atlanta, Georgia • Booker T. Washington Senior High, Miami, Florida • Christ the King School, Rutland, Vermont • Cradle of Aviation Museum and Education Center, Garden City, New York • Frederick W. Harnett Middle School, Blackstone, Massachusetts • National Soaring Museum, Elmira, New York • National Urban Alliance for Effective Education, Syosset, New York • North Dakota Space Grant Consortium, Grand Forks, North Dakota • Science Museum of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia • STEM Trajectory Initiative with Albuquerque Public Schools, Albuquerque New Mexico (HDARC Lead Support! - Ed.) • Stephen F. Austin Elementary School, Jones Creek, Texas • University of Alabama in Huntsville Space Hardware Club, Huntsville, Alabama • Walter Jackson Elementary, Decatur, Alabama No school or organization in North Dakota, Rhode Island, or Vermont has ever hosted an ARISS contact. ARISS is a cooperative venture of the AMSAT, ARRL, and NASA, and other space agencies and Amateur Radio organizations around the world. Its primary educational mission is to organize scheduled contacts via Amateur Radio between ISS crew members and classrooms or informal education venues. June 2015 5 PagePage#2 HDARC on the Web: HDARC NEWS HDARC FIELD DAY 2015 George Key W5YZ How many of you remember the Podunk Hollow Radio Club depicted in this 1957 QST cartoon? These cartoons by "Gil" Gildersleeve graced QST for decades and always featured "Jeeves" the butler doing things for his Ham boss (who we never see). Well, I Photoshopped Gil's cover for our Field Day 2015. Looks like they're having fun and I hope we will too. As the ARRL puts it, "ARRL Field Day is the single most popular on-the-air event held annually in the US and Canada. On the fourth weekend of June of each year, more than 35,000 radio amateurs gather with their clubs, groups or simply with friends to operate from remote locations. Field Day is a picnic, a campout, practice for emergencies, an informal contest and, most of all, FUN!" I couldn't have said it better. Of course, the single most important part of field day is Chef Zipe's BBQ. More club members attend this event than any other activity we have all year with the possible exception of the Holiday party. Hopefully, we can inspire some of our members to join in on one of the other activities we have in Field Day, namely setup, OPERATING, and tear down. We are planning to assemble at Haynes Park across from Intel about 0800 on Saturday to start assembling the tent. For those who have never witnessed this, it is something that you might see on "Saturday Night Live". Hey, but who knows, it could be dull. If that wasn't enough entertainment, simultaneously we will be putting up antennas. I have put together a launcher that can propel a half ounce sinker over a 60 foot tall tree. Of course, we haven't tried it out yet. So we need someone who is really good with a slingshot. Do we have anyone in the club named David?? We plan to put up three antennas. So far, no one has been seriously injured during this event. Once the tent and antennas are in place, we plan to operate 2 regular stations plus a Get-ON-The-Air (GOTA) station. Normally we have one station on phone and one on CW. The GOTA station could be either but will probably be phone or Digital. The GOTA station is there to encourage hams to, well....get on the air. If you want to bring your own rig to find out how it works, this is your chance! We will have someone there to assist you. June 2015 Continued on page 7 PagePage#2 6 HDARC on the Web: HDARC NEWS FIELD DAY 2015 George Key W5YZ (Continued from page 6) Since we are a club and will have 2 transmitters (GOTA is free) and will be operating class 2A. The actual operation starts at noon and lasts for 24 hours. We will try to make as many contacts on as many bands as possible (excluding the WARC bands). This is more or less a contest. Hopefully, the sprinklers won't come on in the middle of the night (or anytime else). Well, there's lots more to cover. So if you are suffering from insomnia please come to the June club meeting where I will be giving a thrilling presentation on Field Day and its rules. BCNU there, George, W5YZ June 2015 7 PagePage#2 HDARC on the Web: HDARC NEWS KID'S DAY JUNE 21, 2015 The Explora Children's Science Museum, in conjunction with the High Desert Amateur Radio Club of New Mexico, will be holding Kid's Day on Sunday, June 21 from 1200 to 1800 for area hams and a ham radio licensed kid up to 16 years of age for no admission fee. All those attending need to show is their ham radio license for free admission. We will be operating from the museum "Community Room" just to the left past the main entrance. Would appreciate an RSVP to with the names and call signs of those planning to attend. 73 Larry Elkin NY5L HDARC Education Coordinator Social Committee Report for June Greetings Everyone! Wow! May sure passed by fast! The weather here in Anchorage, Alaska has been absolutely fabulous! Lots of sunshine, some rain and plenty of green leaves sprouting. Did you know that “green” has a fragrance? It’s wonderful! I understand that there were 24 folks that came out for the dinner at Il Vicino’s last month and everyone took advantage of the outdoor patio and had a great time! Well done! Since we are having a BBQ to coincide with Field Day, there will NOT be a breakfast or other planned social this month. Terry Zipes will be in charge of the BBQ again this year and will be sending out a notice soon. Please be sure to respond as soon as possible so he can make sure to have enough burgers and hot dogs for everyone! The club provides the meat and condiments. We try to set it up so half the people bring sides and the other half desert. Example: last names A thru J bring sides and K-Z bring desert so we do not have all sides or deserts. We would like to see our new members and families attend the BBQ and enjoy getting to know everyone and have fun with your new hobby. Also, you do not have to be a “HAM” to participate. Also, try to get out for the weekly Thursday 8 am breakfast at Flying Star on Alameda and Corrales Road or the Wednesday coffee klatch at 1pm at the same place. We hope everyone has a great month of June and look forward to seeing you at Field Day. Your Social Committee Rosalie McCreary Karen Elkin Kathey Meland June 2015 8 PagePage#2 HDARC on the Web: HDARC NEWS eQSL Cards ( by Ed Poccia, KC2LM The use of postcard QSL Cards to confirm contacts is a long standing tradition in Ham Radio having been around since hams first started attaching wire to trees. I'm sure old timers all remember the thrill of receiving their first post card QSL Card in the mail. Today, however with the ever increasing cost of printing and postage an alternative has become quickly popular. The web site performs the task of sending and receiving of QSL cards electronically, involving the computer and the Internet. Once logged on to the website, there are two paths you can pursue. The free site will have you sending out the ugliest QSL card you have ever seen. Even if you select a picture from their free gallery to add a bit of color to your card, it doesn't help. Having been sent cards from five different countries with a picture of the same darn boat, the whole idea of using the free site lost its appeal. So I sent along $10 last year and get to prepare my own card. I use an image of hot air balloons captured at last year's Balloon Fiesta. To achieve AG (Authentication Guaranteed) status, which means your contacts could be counted for eQSL awards, you need to email a jpeg file of your ham radio license to the web site. To send out your eQSL to your contacts, you either laboriously type in all the conformation data manually, have your logging program do it, or download your contacts to an adf file and then up load the file to the web site. Getting your eQSL cards is a simple matter of clicking on the "In Box" and viewing them. Turn around times for cards is amazingly fast. I send out my cards immediately after closing down the station. Apparently many operators follow a similar routine allowing hams to exchange QSL cards, the same day. It is important to note that confirmed contacts on eQSL are NOT eligible for ARRL operating awards (WAS, DXCC ...). To address this issue, has established its own operating rewards (eWAS, eDX100 ...) and keeps track of your progress for each award online. Once you have confirmed contacts within the eQSL community, it allows you to printout an attractive certificate in recognition of the accomplishment. They may not offer the same prestige as ARRL certificates but they do look great on the walls of the shack. Continued on Page 10 June 2015 9 PagePage#2 HDARC on the Web: HDARC NEWS eQSL Cards ( by Ed Poccia, KC2LM Continued from Page 9 Sadly, eQSL cards allow printing on only one side. They do allow you to send along a short greeting but it will take up additional space on the front of the card. You can click on individual cards so they can be printed and displayed or save them to your computer. The web site has a service which will print them out on a quality card stock for $1.25 each for those of us who cling to the paper QSL cards. I have put my most interesting and colorful eQSL cards in a slide show, set the whole thing to music and bore my visitors to tears in the new wave of electronically enhanced media. NEW MEXICO MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY AND SCIENCE EXHIBIT LOST At the beginning of this Newsletter, I had very exiting news regarding the space station project. Now, I have some bad news to report. We have dismantled our Amateur Radio Exhibit at the Museum of Natural History and Science. Mike Pierce has made a personal decision to leave the museum due to changes at the institution. With all the work that went into this project, both for Mike and our club, this was a very disappointing event. But we are working with Mike to see if we may be able to set up another Ham Radio exhibit in the Explora Science Museum. If this does not work out, we will try other public areas when we may have another working exhibit. I will keep you all posted if and when we get to set up another radio exhibit. June 2015 10 PagePage#2 HDARC on the Web: HDARC NEWS HDARC LIBRARY All members are welcome to use this service. If you have any books related to Amateur Radio specifically or communications in general, please consider making a book donation to our club library. You are welcome to bring any books you wish to donate to our club meetings or any other club event. Here is a list of books we have so far: ARRL Handbook - 2011 Edition ARRL Handbook - 2012 Edition (Hard Bound) ARRL Handbook - 2013 Edition ARRL Antenna Book - 22nd Edition (Hard Bound) ARRL Operating Manual - 6th, 7th and 9th Edition ARRL General Class License Manual ARRL Extra Class License Manual (2) ARRL Instructor's Manual for Technician License ARRL - APRS - Tracks, Maps and Mobiles ARRL - RFI Book 2nd edition ARRL - Your Ham Antenna Companion The Mobile DXer THE 220 MHZ BAND NEEDS YOUR HELP! The little used 1 1/4 meter band is wide open. It is the perfect place for rag chewing, data work, linking, etc, yet no one makes an effort to even acknowledge this band. I have been an advocate for 220 for 30 years, having a repeater on 220 for the past 30 years. We really should make some effort to use this band, otherwise, we risk losing it. You can purchase some very nice equipment for as little as $160, and I don’t mean a handheld. The TYT TH9000 is a 50 watt base/mobile rig in this price range. Jet Stream and Alinco also make 220 base/mobiles. Questions? Let me know. The club affiliate 224.48 repeater is up and waiting! June 2015 The Modern Amateur's Mobile Handbook Your Guide to HF Fun ARRL Stealth Amateur Radio ARRL Low Profile Amateur Radio ARRL Hints & Kinks 15th Edition Bureau of Naval Personnel- Basic Electricity Get on the Air With HF Digital Hints and Kinks For The Radio Amateur Lew McCoy on Antennas ARRL Handbook - 1999 Edition The Complete DX’er Understanding Amateur Radio CLUB BADGES We have club badges available. If you would like to order one, go to our website, and click “Ongoing Activities”. Scroll down to the bottom, where you will find a link to The Signman, where you can order your badge directly on line! 11 PagePage#2 HDARC on the Web: HDARC NEWS PLEASE HELP THE HDARC MAINTAIN OUR ARRL CLUB AFFILIATION The HDARC is an ARRL Affiliated Club. To maintain this status with the ARRL, we must have a minimum of 50% of our membership in the ARRL. If you are joining the ARRL for the first time, please consider joining through our club. For every new subscriber that joins through When we think back, we sometimes our club, we will receive a $15 commission from wonder what made us change certain the ARRL. For every member renewing their things in our lives, why we did certain ARRL membership, the club will receive a $2 things, Copy what & made us go down a parcommission. paste ticular path, what began the “chain redocuments/HDARC_ARRL_Application.pdf & action”. Well, for my “amateur radio fill out the form, bring it to the club and we will chain reaction”, I will have to say it was take care of the rest. Thanks! “your guys in the white tent” that FOR SALE 442.750 Mhz Repeater $1800 Contact Fred Lete KC5IPK June 2015 CLUB ADDRESS High Desert Amateur Radio Club of NM 3705 B -1 Ellison Blvd. Box 505 Albuquerque, NM 87114 12 PagePage#2 HDARC on the Web: HDARC NEWS EXPLORA REPORT The next Explora Adult Night will be on Friday, July 17, 6:30 PM to 10 PM. The evening’s theme will be Sustainable Science. HDARC will have a station on the air from the museum, as usual, to demonstrate Amateur Radio to the public and also to inform folks of our club. Adult Night is a fun evening devoted to adults having one evening every two months to explore the Science Museum without the kids. Come on down. Explore the wonders of Science and visit with us! GREAT BANNER! Display courtesy of the NM Amateur Radio Alliance DON’T FORGET YOUR CLUB SHIRT! How can you show others that you are a member of the coolest, most active Amateur Radio club in the Albuquerque area? By buying a club shirt! These beautiful club shirts come in ladies and men’s styles and sizes. We proudly wear our shirts whenever we are doing an activity that involves the public. It is a great way of promoting the club, not to mention that they look great! Contact Turbo Threads at 505 999-1234 or on line at . June 2015 13 PagePage#2 CLUB MEMBERSHIP SERVICES Computers and Accessories Tom Doering, KF5WFP, has a very good supply of used computers, monitors, servers and many other computer accessories. If you are looking for used computer equipment, give Tom a call at 505 4504532. His email address is Netinfo@Doering.US MEMBER TRANSPORTATION –Need a ride to club meetings or other club activities? Call Jerry Aceto, K6LIE at 771-1323 or Larry Elkin, NY5L, at 771-0391. We will arrange transportation for you from your home to club activities. MENTORING SERVICES –If you are a new ham, or are interested in becoming a ham, or just have a question, we offer various services to help you along. Check out our website at and click on the “Mentors, Education, VE testing” link. Here, you will find whom to contact for help with all your questions on various subjects. LICENSE CLASSES AND TESTING –If you are interested in becoming an Amateur Radio operator, or want to upgrade your license, contact Rick Rood, KF5JAJ, at 269-2416 or Fred Lete, KC5IPK at 892-0380. We provide VE testing every 3rd Saturday of the month at 10 AM or after the Saturday morning meetings in the winter months. CLUB LIBRARY - This new club service allows our members to check out books relating to Amateur Radio and Communications. Anyone is welcome to donate books to our club library. (See page 11 for info) Luke’s Ham Shack 5101 Gibson SE Albuquerque, NM 505 225-0759 Coax, connectors, parts, antennas. Luke La Brake, NM5DL, has opened a Ham Radio store here in Albuquerque! Please support him in his efforts. He will be adding more stock as time goes on. June 2015 14
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