NEW MEXICO ELKS ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER Official Publication of the New Mexico Elks Association Mar/ Apr 2015 Edition NMEA OFFICERS 2014-2015 MESSAGE FROM OUR STATE PRESIDENT NMEA President Dan Gerth Become an Elk President Elect Larry Curtis NMEA Vice President Kandi Barks NMEA Secretary Jason Crockett Dear New Mexico Elks, Our theme this year is simple – “Become an Elk”. Some of you are probably thinking that I’ve lost a few marbles, as we’ve obviously been initiated into the Order. But I believe that is, as our lawyer friends like to say, “necessary but not sufficient” in order to truly become an Elk. Initiation night is the start of a journey, requiring dedication, study and hard work. When we truly become an Elk, we live by the in principles expressed in our Obligation, and exemplify the precepts in our motto and foundation and groundwork of our Order. We learn to accept differences of opinion, and work with each other to advance our Order. Unfortunately, many of our Lodges are torn apart by internal strife, much of which could be ended by simply sitting down and talking it out. Disagreement is not bad in itself; it allows us to explore alternate approaches to problems. It is how we resolve those differences that indicate our progress as Elks. Another aspect of a true Elk is knowledge about the Order. Our history is extraordinary, and demonstrates our commitment to each other and our country. One of my favorite stories involves Armistice Day, and why the WWI peace treaty was signed on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. Does that number sound familiar? I’ll leave the rest up to you to find out. Another excellent resource is our body of Ritual, and by that I mean everything: opening and closing, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Lodge of Sorrows, Mother’s Day and all the rest. We have all heard that ENF is the “Great Heart of Elkdom”; and I believe that our Ritual is its soul. It is what sets us apart from almost all Fraternal Orders; it defines who we are, and what we believe in. The Initiatory Ritual is arguably the centerpiece, as it explains what each chair officer represents, presents the Obligation, and much more. Unfortunately, unless you are an Officer, most Elks encounter it once, and don’t think of it again. Continued on page 22 NMEA Treasurer Richard L. Shepardson NMEA Chaplain Terri Rhue NMEA Sgt at Arms Leroy Hoisington NMEA Tiler Paul Farren NMEA Trustee (1 yr.) Barbara Venturi NMEA Trustee (2 yr.) Keith Barker NMEA Trustee (3 yr.) Richard Honneffer NMEA Trustee (4 yr.) Kent Frink NMEA Trustee (5 yr.) Robert (Bob) Thurston New Mexico Elks Association Newsletter MESSAGE FROM OUR GER March transition to new Officers a busy time Message from the Grand Exalted Ruler, JOHN D. AMEN April brings w ith it the start of a new Lodge year. I n this month our Trustees or Board of Directors is charged w ith one of its most important duties: to present to the Lodge a segregated budget for the year. This important task must be approv ed and accepted by the Lodge at either the meeting in w hich it is presented or at the next meeting if rev ision to the budget is necessary. This budget w ill be the financial road map for the Lodge for the ensuing year and must be repeatedly referred to for assessing your progress. Additionally, the Lodge Officers must “buy in” to the Lodge plan for achieving a plus-one gain in membership for the year ending March 31, 2016. The earlier you start, the better your results w ill be. Do not rely solely on the Lodge Secretary to handle all recruitment, reinstatement and delinquency duties. These are not his or her exclusiv e statutory duties. In recent years many other mandatory requirements hav e been placed under the Secretary; so, Exalted Ruler, please appoint an activ e membership committee. I f your Lodge has achiev ed my goal of $4.60 per Member in donations to Elks National Foundation, you are eligible for a Gratitude Grant, and there is still time to secure the grant. Do not let community members in need miss out on your important serv ice! Applications are due May 1. Visit for details. Another duty of the Exalted Ruler and Lodge Officers is to set goals and then periodically measure your progress to ensure a successful year. Last, remember that it is imperativ e that you follow the Elks Statutes in your Lodge. I t is of utmost importance in achiev ing fidelity to your sworn Obligation. I f you are confused with the requirements of the Statutes then first check w ith your Exalted Ruler who may need to touch base w ith the District Deputy, w ho may need to consult w ith a District Leader, District Advisor, Special Deputy or the Area Committee on Judiciary Law yer. All troubles can be av oided by adherence to the Statutes. Marcia and I hope to see you during our v isits. ~2~ New Mexico Elks Association Newsletter NMEA RITUAL State Ritual Contest Results Class A: NMEA Class A State Champion's: Rio Rancho Lodge #2500 2nd Place: Silv er City Lodge #413 Honorable Mention: Farmington Lodge #1747 & Rosw ell Lodge #969 Class A All State Award Recipients Exalted Ruler: John Besing, Roswell Lodge #969 - Sponsored by President Dan Gerth & Connie Leading Knight: Scott Montgomery, Roswell Lodge #969 - Sponsored by PER Rob Christiansen & Wendy Loyal Knight: Roger Tingley, Farmington Lodge #1747 - Sponsored by PDDGER Kent Frink & Sandy Lecturing Knight: Tony Gonzales, PER, Rosw ell Lodge #969 - Sponsored by PSP, PDDGER, All-American Coach Rob Golden & Judy Esquire: Charlotte Andrade, Roswell Lodge #969 - Sponsored by PER Jeff Gordon & Francie Chaplain: Debbie Mott, Rio Rancho Lodge #2500 - Sponsored by DDGER Danny Miller & Debbie Inner Guard: Thomas Durham, Silv er City Lodge #413 - Sponsored by Nolan Autry & Judy Candidate: Stewart McClintic, Silv er City Lodge #413 - Sponsored by NMEA State Trustee Bill Fraley & Suehaye Coach: Jim Lehmann, PER PDDGER, Rio Rancho Lodge #2500 - Sponsored by PDDGER, All-American Coach Kent Hitchens & Anita Class AA: NMEA Class AA State Champion's: Carlsbad Elks Lodge #1558 Class AA All State Award Recipients Exalted Ruler: Glenn Frintz, Carlsbad Lodge #1558 - Sponsored by President Lyle Weeks & Pat Leading Knight: Tracy Dearing, Carlsbad Lodge #1558 - Sponsored by PSP Greeley Myers & Bobby Loyal Knight: Nolan Autry, Carlsbad Lodge #1558 - Sponsored by PSP John Holbrook & Hazel Lecturing Knight: Jeff Gordon, PER, Carlsbad Lodge #1558 - Sponsored by NMEA Secretary Kandi Barks & Jerry Esquire: Don Sexton, Carlsbad Lodge #1558 - Sponsored by PSP TJ Williams & Donna Chaplain: Russell Elyasevich, Carlsbad Lodge #1558 - Sponsored by NMEA State Ritual Chairman Jason Crockett & Susan Inner Guard: Roger Maxwell, Carlsbad Lodge #1558 - Sponsored by PDDGER Keith Barker Candidate: Wes Carter, PER, Carlsbad Lodge #1558 - Sponsored by PER Tom Pacholke & Av a Coach: Kent Hitchens, PDDGER, Carlsbad Lodge #1558 - Sponsored by PSP Rohnnie Tupin & Sandy Coach: Wes Carter, PER, Carlsbad Lodge #1558 - Sponsored by PSP Roger Hamman & Gina Exalted Ruler Flag Charge: Nick Siebel - Silv er City Lodge #413 PER Eleven O'clock Toast: Nick Siebel - Silv er City Lodge #413 Jolly Cork Toast: AJ Price & Russell Elyasev ich - Carlsbad Lodge #1558 2015 Grand Lodge Session Ritual Contest Carlsbad Lodge #1558 will represent NMEA at the Grand Lodge Convention in Indianapolis, ID. Date and Time - TBA ~3~ New Mexico Elks Association Newsletter ELKS NATIONAL FOUNDATION From the Classroom to the Court The Hoop Shoot National Finalists aren’t the only ones on the road to Springfield. Just like Hoop Shoot contestants, hardw orking and service-minded Elks scholars are looking to connect w ith Elks, local families and each other through the Hoop Shoot. During this past season, Elks scholars across the country travelled to their local Lodges to step up to the line as contest v olunteers. “I t meant a lot that I could help youth in my area,” says 2014 Legacy Aw ards recipient Casey Boyle. “As a former Hoop Shoot competitor, it w as meaningful to hav e the opportunity to prov ide those same memories and life skills to someone else.” They’re not stopping until they reach Springfield. Elks scholars w ill be joining the Elks at the 2015 National Finals as v olunteers. The Elks National Foundation is also proud to w elcome 2009 Legacy Aw ards recipient and Miss Massachusetts Lauren Kuhn as the 2015 Hoop Shoot National Finals Keynote Speaker. “I t w as great to know that the ENF thought of me as an inv estment,” says Lauren. “I t made me feel like I w as going places and that there w ere people w ho really believ ed in me.” Lauren currently attends the Harv ard School of Dental Medicine and looks forward to sharing tips for liv ing a healthy lifestyle w ith the Finalists. One for the Books—the Elks National Foundation awards record-breaking number of Impact Grants Make room, Guinness! The Elks National Foundation know s a thing or tw o about breaking records. This year, the ENF w ill aw ard I mpact Grants of up to $10,000 to 53 Lodges—the most I mpact Grants ev er distributed! Through Elks-led projects that range from supporting teen girls in the foster care system to prov iding a therapeutic gardening program for v eterans in recov ery, these committed, serv ice-minded Lodges w ill create a significant and meaningful difference in 53 Elks communities. Look at Mid-Westchester, N.Y., Lodge No. 535, w hich w ill continue to use its ENF I mpact Grant to prov ide social opportunities for local teens w ith disabilities. Tw ice a month, Elks take the teens to sports games, mov ies theaters, art fairs and more. The teens learn independent liv ing skills and get the chance to spend time w ith their peers. “The I mpact Grant allow s us to fulfill the social opportunities that these kids w ould not hav e w ithout the support of the Elks,” says CI P Project Manager Bob Sollazzo. “This program is so meaningful to these kids. I hav e had sev eral parents tell me that they look forw ard to the gatherings and it is the highlight of their w eek.” Elks across the country are gearing up to use their I mpact Grants to build stronger communities. Elks can’t get enough I mpact Grant new s. I f you can’t either, listen to the latest episode of Midday with the ENF, the ENF’s monthly podcast hosted by Director Jim O’Kelley and Assistant Director Debbie Kahler Doles. Visit to stream this episode, w hich features exciting details about many of the 2015 I mpact Grant projects. I mpact Grants are just one of the grants offered to Lodges through the Community I nv estments Program. I n 2014-15, the ENF w ill aw ard up to $8.5 million in CI P grants to Lodges. For a complete list of 2015 I mpact Grant projects, and to learn more about the Community I nv estments Program, v isit ~4~ New Mexico Elks Association Newsletter ELKS NATIONAL VETERANS SERVICE COMMISSION Honor our fallen heroes with an Elks Medal of Valor By James L. Nichelson, PGER, ENVSC Vice Chairman As part of your Lodge Veterans Program, have you looked for a way to appropriately recognize the death of a local service member who has made the ultimate sacrifice on the field of battle in Iraq or Afghanistan? Please consider the ENVSC Medal of Valor Program. The Medal of Valor can be presented by your Lodge to the family of a fallen hero. It is intended to honor the memory of those who lost their lives in the voluntary defense of our country. The Medal of Valor is available from the Elks National Veterans Service Commission at a modest price of $8, which includes shipping. It is attractive, nicely made, comes with a presentation case and can be engraved. It bears the legends “Operation Enduring Freedom” and “Operation Iraqi Freedom”, and the message “Prese nted by the Grand Lodge of the B. P. O. Elks to the family of (Engraved Name)”. Iraq and Afghanistan continue to be hotly contested battlefields. We pray no more lives will be lost in those venues. However, until conflict ends, the Order of Elks will do all it can to honor those men and women who voluntarily defend our freedom. The Medal of Honor beautifully expresses this to the families of those who will not return. The Medal of Valor can be easily and quickly ordered from the Elks National Veterans Service Commission at, or by calling the Chicago office at (773) 755-4736. Catastrophic disabilities worsen plight of homeless vets By James C. Varenhorst, PGER, Committee Member The population of homeless veterans is made up of veterans who served in several different conflicts, ranging from World War II to the recent Middle East conflicts. Though research indicates that veterans who serve in the late - and post-Vietnam era are at the greatest risk of homelessness, veterans returning from the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq often have catastrophic disabilities, including traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which are kno wn to be correlated with homelessness. And as the military evolves, so too do the challenges. Homeless women veterans, for instance, are far more common now than in any other time in the past. Most homeless people slip in and out of housing, sometimes just one missing paycheck or one bit of bad luck away from sleeping on the street. Just getting out of the military and into a tough job market can be enough to push veterans over the edge, and that often means their families also. We owe our deserving veterans so much and we must give them the chance to return to civilian life with dignity. This certainly includes giving them a safe place to live. There are several ways that your Lodge can provide assistance to our homeless veterans. Our “Adopt -A-Vet” program would be a great way to get started and get involved; or contact your local area veterans support groups. You may also get in touch with the National Coalition of Homeless Veterans (NCHV) at ~5~ New Mexico Elks Association Newsletter ELKS NATIONAL VETERANS SERVICE COMMISSION New Resource for Veterans-Make the Connection! U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Make the Connection Campaign Elks and members of our communities can support Veterans who are experiencing hard times by visiting and sharing, a website that connects Veterans and their families and friends with information, resources, and solutions for living more fulfilling lives. This approachable online resource links Veterans and their loved ones to hundreds of testimonials by Veterans from every military branch, service era, and demographic group as well as their family members—all sharing their stories of overcoming challenges by seeking support. The site also provides a locator for Veterans’ resources across the country and reliable information about mental health and resilience, conditions, signs and symptoms, and life events, such as physical injury and retirement and aging. Visit to explore the site and download print materials to distribute. You can also visit the Make the Connection YouTube channel, “like” the Make the Connection Facebook page, and share their content with your friends to promote the message: Support is available and treatment works. Tips for Lodge Veterans Services Committee Chairpersons Section 13.130 of the Grand Lodge Statutes outlines the duties of the Lodge National Veterans Service Committee chairman. This person should be appointed by the Exalted Ruler. Section 13.130 states: Section 13.130. The National Veterans Service Committee shall implement the program of the Elks National Veterans Service Commission within the Lodge as may be requested by the Commission in the furtherance of service to veterans, assist when called upon by the Armed Forces of the United States, respond to any call for aid and cooperation as might be requested by our National Government in any emergency and to be available for cooperation in the event of disaster in any local area of the United States. The Lodge level is where everything begins. If the Lodge does not lend its support to a program, all efforts by others are futile. As a Lodge chairman, it is your responsibility to motivate your members to produce activity. Make sure your Lodge has a copy of the Elks National Veterans Service Commission video and the companion piece, Concise History of the Elks National Veterans Service Commission. Use them. These items will help you motivate your Lodge to become active volunteers in our Army of Hope. Through your district chairman, you should determine the needs of the VA or state facility you are serving and in what way you can fill them. Strive to set up your program for the year by planning only the activities you feel the Lodge can handle. Do not burden the Lodge with programs it may find difficult to undertake. Keep in mind that when you go into a hospital, you are on public display. Every caution must be taken to see that the image of the Order remains unblemished. You should attend at least one regular Lodge meeting a month, and report the activities and plans of your committee on the floor. Remember, you are operating under license of the Lodge, and it is entitled to know what your committee is doing. Also, by describing what you are trying to accomplish, you will find that the members will be more inclined to your cause and volunteers will be easier to find. A good leader encourages those associated with him to express their thoughts, so that he can sift through them and determine for himself the ideas that are most innovative and practical. 1 Yr. SW District Jim Brannon 2 Yr. NW District Phil Emig NMEA VETERANS SERVICES COMMITTEE 2015 - 2016 Chairman Tom Pacholke ~6~ 3 Yr. NE District Donald Montoya 4 Yr. SE District Marty Buse New Mexico Elks Association Newsletter IN MEMORIUM The faults of our Members, we write upon the sands, Their virtues upon the tablets of love and memory. ~7~ New Mexico Elks Association Newsletter HOOP SHOOT Elks care. Elks share. And, so do Elks Hoop Shoot contestants! Armed with a big heart and an accurate free throw shot, Hoop S hoot contestants find creative ways to make a meaningful difference in their communities. HOOPSTER WITH A HALO For most contestants, competing in this year’s Elks Hoop Shoot National Finals meant a chance to win a permanent place in the Basketball Hall of Fame and a very large trophy. For finalist Mitchell Allard, the contest meant much more—a chance to help a friend with leukemia. Mi tchell (right) poses with Zach (middle) a nd his brother, Ja xson (l eft). A Cause is Born While competing at his State Hoop Shoot, nine- year-old Mitchell, sponsored by Rawlins, Wyo., Lodge No. 609, took notice when a fellow contestant, Zach, mentioned that he had to go to chemotherapy after the contest. “I asked what chemo was and Zach told me it treats his leukemia,” says Mitchell. “I asked what leukemia was and he said cance r. Then, I asked if there was a cure and he said no.” After winning at State, Mitchell felt compelled to do something to help Zach. Together, the Allard family brainstormed an extraordinary plan. Mitchell would seek pledges from the community to do what he does best—sink free throws! For every free throw made during a Hoop Shoot contest, Mitchell would earn money to help Zach’s family pay for his medical expenses. A Penny Saved Mitchell’s community rallied to support his cause. His school even hosted a penny -war to entice rival classes to compete against each other in raising funds. The penny-war resulted in a whopping $980.00 for Zach—that’s a lot of pennies! Meanwhile, Mitchell collected outside pledges and prepared for his next Hoop Shoot Contest —Regionals. “He practiced every day,” says Mitchell’s mom, Benita Allard. “We would leave for school early so he could use the gym.” Mitchell’s dedication paid in more ways than one! He sank 23 of 25 free throws at his Regional Hoop Shoot, winning the contes t and setting his community’s pledges into motion. “I couldn’t believe how many people sent me pledges,” says Mitchell. “My principal, teachers, relatives, and people I don’t ev en know contributed.” Zach's Angel Mitchell sank another 20 free throws at the Hoop Shoot National Finals in Springfield, Mass. Si nce then, fulfilled pledges continue to show up in the Allard mailbox. Today, Mitchell has raised more than $8,500 for Zach and his family, who now refer to Mitch ell as “Zach’s Angel”. ~8~ New Mexico Elks Association Newsletter HOOP SHOOT HOOP SHOOT HERO As the Hoop Shoot finalists toe the free throw line, many thoughts fly through their heads. “Did I practice enough?” “Will I be on my game?” For 8-year-old Lauren Thompson, one thought stands out. “This shot is for my friend.” Lauren, sponsored by Dothan, Ala., Lodge No. 1887, is shooting for a cause—to help schoolmate, Trinitie, pay for cancer treatment. Taking the Pledge After Trinitie, a fifth grader at Lauren’s school, was diagnosed with a brain tumor, Lauren knew she had to help. “I just wanted to do something,” says Lauren. It was then that she and her family came up with the perfect plan—to use Lauren’s free throw sinking skills to raise money for Trinitie’s medical expenses. Members of their church and community pledged dollars for every basket Lauren could sink during her next competition. Talk about motivation! A few weeks later, Lauren headed to her state Hoop Shoot in Birmingham, Ala. This time, she wasn’t just shooting for a win — she was shooting for Trinitie. Shooting for a Cause Lauren sank 23 of 25 free throws at state and advanced to regionals. In doing so, she raised more than $5,000 for Trinitie’s family. “It felt good to know that I was doing something good for someone else,” comments Lauren. “I couldn’t believe we raised that much money!” Today, Lauren has raised a total of $7,320 through Hoop Shoot pledges, all of which will aid Trinitie’s family in paying for her treatment. Lauren says she’s learned a lot from her Hoop Shoot experience. Although she is excited to ride in a plane to finals, her fav orite part of this experience has been helping her friend. ~9~ New Mexico Elks Association Newsletter NEWS FROM AROUND THE STATE LOS ALAMOS LODGE #2083 Photo left: Captain Heather Macdonald, left, Commander of the New Mexico National Guard's 615 HHD Transportation Unit in Springer, New Mexico, presents a plaque to Los Alamos BPOE #2083’s Exalted Ruler Alan Woodward in recognition of the Los Alamos Lodge. Elk members provided nearly 100 Christmas meals to National Guard men, women, and their families last December in Springer. Also served, were several members of the Raton National Guard Unit that were moving vehicles from Raton to Springer. Macdonald has served in the United States Army for 21 years. Photo Below: Officers of the Los Alamos BPOE #2083 were present when Captain Heather Macdonald, Commander of the New Mexico National Guard's 615 HHD Transportation Unit in Springer, New Mexico, presented a plaque in recognition of the Los Alamos Lodge. Pictured from left to right are Richard Bjarke, Esquire; Ben Bouman, Loyal Knight; Richard Sisneros, Tiler; Captain Heather Macdonald; William Gregory, Leading Knight; Frank Montoya, Lecturing Knight; and Alan Woodward, Exalted Ruler. ~ 10 ~ New Mexico Elks Association Newsletter NEWS FROM AROUND THE STATE LAS CRUCES LODGE #1119 On April 5, the Las Cruces BPO Elks Lodge 1119 held Easter Games and an Egg Roll for children. There were some unusual games available, rubber band shoot and put the bunny in its house. All those who attended had fun. Hot Dogs were served. Everyone who attended had fun. The Easter Bunny was there also giving out candy. Patty Sanko and Patricia Lawrence chaired this activity ~ 11 ~ New Mexico Elks Association Newsletter NEWS FROM AROUND THE STATE TUCUMCARI LODGE #1172 By: Dav id Gonzalez, Youth Activ ities & Public Relations Chairman, Tucumcari Elks Lodge #1172. On April 6, 2015, Tucumcari Elks Lodge #1172 donated $2,004.00 to Quay County Youth Programs. The follow ing youth groups received funding for their respective projects: Tucumcari FCCLA - Trav el expenses to attend National competition - Washington, DC - eight students $1,000.00. House High School - Business Professionals of America - trav el expenses to Anaheim, CA., to attend National competition May 6-9, 2015 - $800.00. Tucumcari Elks Lodge #1172 - Elks "Student of the Month/Year" Program - Annual banquet - Dinner for all attendees - $204.00. LOS ALAMOS LODGE #2083 The Los Alamos Elks Lodge #2083 held its annual Community Easter Egg Hunt on Easter weekend. Several hundred children showed up to hunt for eggs and meet the Easter Bunny. Joining the Easter Bunny this year were Elroy the Elk, Smokey Bear and Sparky the Fire Dog. Left: The Easter Bunny (PER Sue Cummings) hands out eggs to the children. Below left: Elroy the Elks (Lodge member Alex Zubelewicz) was on hand to great children that attended the event. Pictured with Elroy is Lodge member Christine Weaver. Below right: The dash is on. Denise Bjarke BPOE #2083 Public Relations ~ 12 ~ New Mexico Elks Association Newsletter NEWS FROM AROUND THE STATE TUCUMCARI LODGE #1172 Tucumcari Elks Lodge #1172 proudly announces the duly installed Lodge Officers for the Fraternal year 2015-2016. On March 14, 2015, in an impressive ceremony, held at the Tucumcari Elks Lodge, PDDGER, PER Joe I. Dominguez, with the assistance of Past Exalted Rulers, duly installed Lodge Officers for the Fraternal year 2015-2016. Those installed were: Exalted Ruler Matt Klinger, Leading Knight Ron Wilmot, Loyal Knight Rick Korn, Lecturing Knight Tim Clark, Lodge Secretary William Griffin (PER, PDDGER), Esquire Paul Gibson, Tiler Phillip Griggs (PER), and Chaplain James Hammer. Inner Guard, Trustee and Lodge Treasurer will be installed at a later date. Following the Lodge Officers' Installation a fine dinner was served for all who attended the ceremony. A big thank you to Chris Sandoval (PER) and his crew for serving an awesome dinner. PDDGER Joe I, Dominguez personally thanked all Past Exalted Rulers for their fine assistance in installing all of the Officers and also thanked all those persons who attended the ceremony. Mr. Dominguez, as well, was congratulated for an impressive installation ceremony. Pictured are Tucumcari Elks Lodge #1172 Chair Officers. L to R front row: Lodge Secretary William Griffin (PER, PDDGER); Exalted Ruler Matt Klinger; Loyal Knight Rick Korn; L to R back row: Lecturing Knight Tim Clark; Esquire Paul Gibson; Leading Knight Ron Wilmot; Tiler Phillip Griggs (PER); Chaplain James Hammer. Not pictured, Inner Guard Robert Garcia; Lodge Treasurer Martin Encinias-Angel and Trustee Wayne Fought. Congratulations to the Officers of Tucumcari Elks Lodge #1172 for the Fraternal year 2015-2016. David Gonzalez, Youth Activities & Public Relations Chairman, Tucumcari Elks Lodge #1172. ~ 13 ~ New Mexico Elks Association Newsletter NEWS FROM AROUND THE STATE FARMINGTON LODGE #1747 Farmington Lodge #1747 recently had the pleasure of providing a walker to Nathan Begay. Nathan has CP and loves to dance. He comes up to the lodge at least once a month to dance to our live bands. His grandfather is member Brian Moore. Nathan had fallen back in January because he had out grown his walker. Upon learning of his fall and his growing legs our officers quickly got together to get the paper work completed to get Nathan a new walker. With the new walker his mom is having problems keeping up with him. Nathan has been a great joy and inspiration to our lodge. Featured in the photo are from left to right PER and current ER Richard Honneffer, PER, PDDGER, current secretary Mary Rogers, Nathan Begay, and PER Phil Emig. Jymi Rogers 2-yr Trustee Lodge PR ~ 14 ~ New Mexico Elks Association Newsletter NEWS FROM AROUND THE STATE The Lubbock Professional Chapter of the Association of Women in Communication will be presenting Tracy and Jessie Callaway with the Gold Medal Award this morning for their work with the Lindsey's Toy Drive! The Gold Medal Award is presented to those who, over an extended amount of time, have worked to improve the quality of life for a broad spectrum of those living in the Lubbock area. “We couldn't be more proud! What an incredible honor!” said Jessie Callaway. Photo above: Tracy Callaway, Jessie Callaway and SDGER Rick Callaway at Overton Hotel & Conference Center. ~ 15 ~ New Mexico Elks Association Newsletter NEWS FROM AROUND THE STATE DEMING LODGE #2750 The Deming Lodge recently donated $1000 to the American Red Cross, El Paso chapter, which serves Southwestern New Mexico. Monies were from Gaming Chairty funds. According to the Red Cross Website, The American Red Cross exists to provide compassionate care to those in need. Their network of generous donors, volunteers and employees share a mission of preventing and relieving suffering, here at home and around the world, through five key service areas: Disaster Relief, Supporting America’s Military Families, Lifesaving Blood, Health and Safety Services, and International Services. Gaming Manager Fred Kent said "We are happy to be able to make this donation to this very worthwhile cause. We thank the Elks casino players who make donations like this possible". Photo left: Exalted Ruler Jerry Pingleton, Jason Brewer with the Red Cross, Gaming Manager Fred Kent, and Renee Carkins, also with the Red Cross. The Deming Lodge recently donated $1000 to "Kaity's Cause". Kaitlin Ellis is wheel chair bound, and has been her entire life. Kaity is totally dependent on her grandmother, Phyllis Conner, who is her primary caregiver. Kaity was born prematurely, and has Cerebral Palsy, and is legally blind. Recently the van that they used to commute back and forth from Deming to Silver City became inoperable. They now use an older truck, Kaity cannot use her electric wheel chair, and her grandmother has to push her up the sidewalks and steep terrain at Western New Mexico University, not to mention the transfer in and out of the vehicle, and around campus. Exalted Ruler Jerry Pingleton said "the New Mexico Elks Major Project is Cerebral Palsy, and it is especially heartwarming for the Lodge to help Kaity". The donation was made possible through gaming charity funds. Kaity is being assisted in fund raising efforts by the WNMU Foundation and Student Health Services. Anyone interested in helping can contact Laura Gillispie, Director of WNMU Student Health Services at 575 538-6014. Photo right: Exalted Ruler Jerry Pingleton, Kaity, and Est. Lecturing Knight Yvonne Perales. ~ 16 ~ New Mexico Elks Association Newsletter NEWS FROM AROUND THE STATE DEMING LODGE #2750 Photo: Fred Kent, Gaming Ma nager; Armando Cha vez, Est. Loyal Knight; Joanna Costilla, Celebration of Life; Jerry Pi ngl eton, Exalted Ruler Ma tt Robinson, Celebration of Life Board Member; Est. Lecturing Knight Yvonne Pera l es; and Trustee Chairman Ernie Arrey. Deming Elks Lodge #2750 recently made a $1500 donation to the 10th annual Celebration of Life Cancer Walk to be held on May 2nd at Voier's Park. This year the group is honoring John Mooradian, an outstanding cancer warrior and community member. He strongly supports Celebration of Life and all those who benefit from the generous donations. Because of sponsorship support, Celebration of Life Chairman of the Board, Ray Trejo, said that the organization now has five vans to transport patients to Silver City, Las Cruces and El Paso free of charge. Last year alone, Cancer Support made 681 trips totaling over 69,600 miles traveled, and gave out over $23,000 in vouchers and reimbursements. Exalted Ruler Jerry Pingleton said "at $1500 this will be one of our larger donations this year. We are happy to support this worthwhile cause, since so many of our members have been touched in one way or other by cancer". The funds were made possible through gaming charity monies. ~ 17 ~ New Mexico Elks Association Newsletter NEWS FROM AROUND THE STATE LORDSBURG LODGE #1813 Elks Lodge raises awareness about underage drinking In an effort to raise awareness when it comes to underage drinking and driving, the Lordsburg Elks Lodge, in cooperation with the New Mexico Elks Drug Awareness Program, had this MADD vehicle on display last Saturday, April 25, 2015, prom day in Hidalgo County. The vehicle display was part of the day’s events at the Elks Lodge, which included a presentation by Toni Hernandez of Las Cruces’s Shattered Lives program. Students in attendance at the one hour presentation won prizes and were able to take a close look at the MADD vehicle, which was last driven by three Las Cruces teens who made the bad decision to drink and drive. Two of the teens died at the scene of the accident and one survived after spending more than a month in the hospital. Left, Lordsburg Elks Lodge Youth Activities and Drug Awareness Chairman Maria Sanchez points out details to Angel Alvarado and Aleah Armendariz before the presentation begins. Patricia Saucedo, director of the Hidalgo County DWI Program, brought a group of students to the event held at the Elks Lodge. Following the presentation, the vehicle was moved downtown to Main Street where all attending the 2015 prom could see the negative results of bad decision making. (Elks Madd Vehicle Officers) Pictured above are Lordsburg Elks Exalted Ruler Glenda Greene, Lordsburg Elks Youth Activities and Drug Awareness Chairman Maria Sanchez, Jamie Lambeth, Southwest District NM Drug Awareness Chairman Al Lambeth, Shattered Lives representative Toni Hernandez and NM Drug Awareness Chairman Suehaye Fraley. ~ 18 ~ New Mexico Elks Association Newsletter NEWS FROM AROUND THE STATE LORDSBURG LODGE #1813 Hondo Estrada wins Elks’ Kindle at 2015 Lordsburg High after Prom event The Lordsburg Elks Lodge was represented at the 2015 Lordsburg High School After Prom Event, which offers youth who attended the prom a safe, drug and alcohol free place to gather after the big dance. The all -night function features lots of games, entertainment and prizes for the youngsters who choose to attend. At left, Lordsburg Elks Lodge’s Drug Awareness and Youth Activities Chairman Maria Sanchez presents Hondo Estrada with a Kindle he won at the event. The prize given by the Lordsburg Elks Lodge was made possible by the New Mexico Elks Association’s Drug Awareness Program. Elks across the nation dedicate much effort to drug awareness and prevention through various programs. LOS ALAMOS LODGE #865 Every year, the Raton Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks (BPOE) #865 awards $6,000 in Scholarships to deserving local and area students. Nationally the Elks is number two in charitable giving, second only to the U.S. Government. Raton Elks Lodge #865 prides itself on giving back to the community. Their motto is “Elks Care, Elks Share.” This year the winners are Cheyann Duran from Raton High School ($2,500), Rebecca Galli from Maxwell High School ($1,000), Heather Segura from Raton High School ($1,000 Vocational/Technical) and Sarandon Walton currently attending UNM ($1,500 Continuing Education). The applicants were selected from 25 applicants. They were judged on their current GPAs as well as an essay describing their character, dependability, ability, initiative, attitude and citizenship. Photos L-R: Past Exalted Ruler Terry Baca, Elks #865 with Cheyann Duran Heather Segura with Past Exalted Ruler Terry Baca, Elks #865 Sarandon Walton with Past Exalted Ruler Terry Baca, Elks #865 Rebecca Galli with Exalted Ruler Janet Simon, Elks #865 ~ 19 ~ New Mexico Elks Association Newsletter NEWS FROM AROUND THE STATE DEMING LODGE #2750 With the knowledge that the Deming Elks Lodge is part of this community, Deming and Luna County, and not an isolated organization, a recent donation was made to the Deming Luna County MainStreet Program for their upcoming event, the Harlem Ambassadors vs the Deming Quacks. The Lodge presented a check for $525 to MainStreet recently for the event to be held on April 30th at the Deming Public School's Gymnasium. Photo: Es t. Loyal Knight Arma ndo Chavez, Gaming Ma nager Fred Kent, Exalted Rul er Jerry Pi ngleton, La rry Lutonsky wi th Ma inStreet, and Est. Lecturing Knight Yvonne Perales. The event will feature Harlem-style comedy basketball featuring high-flying slam dunks, games with the kids, and hilarious comedy. Tickets are available at the Deming Visitors Center, Deming Arts Council, Deming Learning Center and the Deming/Luna Mimbres Museum. The Deming Quacks will be made up of various local community leaders. According to the MainStreet website, the purpose of the organization is to "Recapte the heritage and charm of the 19th to mid-20th centuries while incorporating the infrastructure of modern technology". One of their recent projects is giving a face lift to "pocket park", on Pine between Gold and Spruce. Exalted Ruler (Local President) Jerry Pingleton said "The Elks ARE part of this community, and try to show their participation with donations such as this". The Lodge also donates annually to the Great American Duck Race. The money was made possible with gaming charity funds. Photos (Deming Devils): Back Row: Exalted Ruler Jerry Pingleton, Monchie Almanza, Coach Javier Gallosa, and Est. Lecturing Knight Yvonne Perales with the Deming Devils team. In support of youth, the Deming Elks Lodge recently made three donations to various local sports teams. The Lodge gave $500 to the Ladycat Softball Program, $225 to sponsor a T-Ball team, and $200 for the Deming Devils, a traveling ball team. The Elks have a long tradition of supporting kids and veterans throughout the area. Exalted Ruler Jerry Pingleton said "this is just one more example of how the Lodge helps kids". The donations were made possible through Bingo charity money. Photo right top (T-Ball): Trustee Chairman Ernie Arrey and Rosa Holguin (representing T-Ball) Photo right bottom (Ladycat Softball): Exalted Ruler Jerry Pingleton, Head Coach Noel Nunez, and Est. Lecturing Knight Yvonne Perales. ~ 20 ~ New Mexico Elks Association Newsletter NEWS FROM AROUND THE STATE DEMING LODGE #2750 April 1st each year marks the "changing of the guard" for the Elks Lodge, and new officers to lead the Deming Elks Lodge were installed Sunday (March 15th). The new Exalted Ruler, or Local President, is Jerry Pingleton; Leading Knight, or first vice -president, is George Torres; Loyal Knight, or second vice-president, is Armando Chavez; Lecturing Knight, or third vice-president, is Yvonne Perales; Secretary is Dave Johnson; Treasurer, Don Milton; and our newly elected Trustee is Jason Jackson. In addition, the Exalted Ruler appoints officers to serve during this term. They are Esquire, Jim Brannon; Chaplain, Bettie Brannon; Inner Guard, Harriet Kirich and Tiler Dennis Grier. In addition to the installation, awards were handed out by outgoing Exalted Ruler George Torres for their efforts during the 2014-15 Lodge year. The Elks of the Year, the highest honor bestowed by a local Lodge, was awarded to Jerry Pingleton, and the Officer of the Year was Armando Chavez. Distinguished Citizen of the year was given to Mark Schultze with Pepper's Supermarket for everything he does for the community and the Elks. Schultze was not present at the ceremony. Photo above: Officers (newly elected and returning): Front Row: Harriet Kirich PER, Inner Guard; Glenda Sanchez, Trustee; Bettie Brannon PER, Chaplain; Yvonne Perales, Lecturing Knight. Back Row: Jason Jackson, Trustee; Dennis Grier, Tiler; Don Milton, Treasurer; Dave Johnson PDDGER, Secretary; Jim Brannon PER, Esquire; Jerry Pingleton, Exalted Ruler; Armando Chavez, Loyal Knight; George Torres, Leading Knight; Ernie Arrey,.Trustee; and Sam Rodriguez, Trustee. Trustee Tammy Zumwalt is not pictured. ~ 21 ~ New Mexico Elks Association Newsletter Dear Lodges, Message from our State President Continued from front page All of this of course takes hard work and individual effort. We are all facing increased job and family demands, and there’s no sign that it will get better. What I ask is not physical labor, and will not take any extra time. It is, however, probably the hardest thing to ask for - a behavioral change; to “do unto others as we would they should do unto us”. Sound familiar? You will notice a change in others’ attitudes towards you, and that will reflect positively on the Elks. In closing, I ask that everyone go back, dig out your copy of the Ritual, and read the Initiatory Ritual. Think about what it says, and think about what we promised when we assumed the Obligation. Ask yourself how you measure up, and make it become a part of our daily lives – our “constant guide and faithful monitor”. Let’s demonstrate that the Elks are truly the “Best People on Earth.” Thank You Fraternally, It is my pleasure to introduce you to the NMEA Public Relations Committee for Fraternal year 2015-2016: Chairman Joe Murphy, PER NW District Leroy Hoisington, PER NE District Chris Sandoval, PER SE District Marty Buse, PER SW District Dave Johnson, PDDGER, PER Your District Chairperson will be contacting your Lodge soon to tell you about all our exciting new plans for this year. Dan Gerth NMEA President Remember we are here to help you with all your Public Relations needs. We ask for your support, together we can make a difference!!! Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. On behalf of the NMEA Public Relations Committee, we are excited and are looking forward to a great and productive year. Convention signup Pre-registration for the Grand Lodge Session in Indianapolis is available to Members through June 24 at Fraternally, Pre-registration is $50 for Members and free for non-Elks spouses and guests. A major credit card or PayPal account will be needed. At the convention center, go to registration. Make sure you have your e-mail confirmation and current membership card to receive credentials (or voting credentials, if qualified) for you and your spouse/guest. Joe Murphy, PER NMEA Public Relations, Chairman Contest I results Carroll L. Schleeter, Grand Lodge Fraternal Committee Memb er All non-Elks guests, including widows and widowers of Elks, must register at the Guest Registration Station to obtain registration badges, which are required to enter the exhibit hall and/or attend the Grand Lodge Officers installation on Thursday (or any other functions where guests are permitted). Grand Lodge registration and its required fee are not included in any State Association “package” arrangement. A registration badge will be required to enter the exhibit hall and all business sessions. Let me begin by saying, I am honored to continue on with my position as Public Relations Committee Chair for the NMEA State Association for Fraternal Year 2015-1016. I am certain we will have a great year. Results have been announced for the 2014-15 Grand Lodge Bulletin Contest I for the top Elks State Associations publications. The Five Star winners are: Florida, New Mexico, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Kansas and Kentucky. Four Star Award winners are Missouri, Georgia and Louisiana. Three Star Award winners are Maryland, Delaware, D. C., and Virginia. I want to express my appreciation for the thoughtfulness and capabilities of those who submitted their publications. Each year the quality of the bulletins sent in improves, impressing me and making my job of judging so much harder. Thank you! ~ 22 ~ New Mexico Elks Association Newsletter Elks In Action Video: "Las Conchas Fire - Los Alamos Elks Lodge #2083" On behalf of the Los Alamos Elk's Lodge BPOE 2083 and its members, we would like to thank all of those who participated in serving and protecting this great community during the Las Conchas Fire. We cannot express our appreciation enough. Thank You! Our thoughts and prayers are w ith our neighbors that hav e lost their homes, possessions, and liv elihood as a result of the fire. We hope that some semblance of normalcy w ill return to your liv es soon. As w e did during the Cerro Grande Fire, it w as an honor and a priv ilege to offer our Lodge as a community center, offering hot meals, coffee, w ater, snacks, toiletries and hospitality to those w ho w orked so tirelessly to protect our community during the ev acuation. It is amazing to look back and realize that w e served approximately 14,000 meals ov er the course of the w eek. There are so many that v olunteered their time, money or goods to ensure that w e could serve the community. Thank you, Smith's Grocery Store, Los Alamos CO-OP, LANL Foundation, Los Alamos National Bank, Merrick Company, Santa Fe Food Depot, Premier Distributing Co., De Colores Restaurant, Blue Window Bistro, Los Alamos VFW, Sysco, O Eating House, Hot Rocks Jav a, Walmart, Thai Café, and numerous others that supported our efforts. There are too many indiv idual v olunteers to list in this letter, how ever, please know that your efforts have not been ov erlooked. I n closing, w e met and came to know many of the emergency w orkers that spent a w eek or more in our community and w e hope that our efforts w ere reflective of how much w e appreciated your diligence and perseverance in battling the fire. Thank you, Wildland Firefighters, Helitack crews, National Guard, State Police, LAFD, LAPD, LAMC staff & LA County employees! I t is a tough job that you hav e, and w e hope you found a little comfort w ithin our walls, even if it w as for a short period of time. (To see the YouTube v ideo, click the photo, or Click Here) VISIT OUR LODGES ON LINE Las Vegas Rio Rancho Santa Fe Farmington Grants-Milan Raton Las Cruces Lordsburg Clovis Portales Calsbad Roswell Tucumcari Please submit all articles for the NMEA Newsletter to by the 15th of each month. Please visit the New Mexico Elks Association online at We also have a New Mexico Elks Association Drug Awareness Program Facebook page and a SW District Facebook page. ~ 23 ~
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