No.7-2/20 15/0ilseeds/CA Government of India Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agriculture & Cooperation Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi Dated: 15 th April, 2015. To Chairman- cum-Managing Director, NSC/HIL ' Managing Director, KRIBHCO INAFED ISF AC Chief Executive, lFFDC SUb:lmplementation of National Mission on Oilseeds and Oil Palm (NMOOP) during 2015-16 ' Preparation ofAction Plan-regarding. Sir, lam directed to convey the provisional allocation of funds under NMOOP for'the year 2015-16 to the Central Agencies. Accordingly, all central agencies are requested to prepare their Annual ActioIl Plan (AAP) for variety wise purchase of breeder seeds, production of foundation B;nd certified seeds, distribution of certified oilseeds and Minikits for the year 2015- . 16 in accordance with the fund allocated under different components (Enclosed Annexure) and , ~~Bel'H~~op~~~tio~~lg~idelines ,of NMOOP and submit the same to this Division in hard and th softcopies{e-Iha.iL:tpsinghdac@gmaiLcomandKaranjitngangbam@gov:in) on or before 27 , ~l!rH,2015. I ' While preparing the AnnualAction Plan of 2015-16, kindly refer to this Division letter dated3'dpebruary, 2015 through which templates have been forwarded and also ensured that physicaltarget of varieties and hybrids of oil seeds proposed by the agencies are realistic and based on the avaihibility of basic inputs like breeder/foundation/certified seeds. In addition to above, it is also requested that more emphasis is laid -on new varieties released within 5 years for proposed seed production in your AAP. ~0J, (Dr. Anupam Batik) Addl.Commissioner ( Oilseeds) EncLasabove Copy to: L PPS to Addl. Secretary(AKS), DAC, New Delhi 2. PPS t~ IS (OS);DAC, New Delhi" ' 3. Director (OS), DAC, Shastri Bha\:()il, New Delhi 4.Director, Directorate of Oilseeds Development, Hyderabad 5. py,Director(Coord.), DAC, Shastd 'Bhawan, New Delhi,' " fitrhe Programmer(Oil Seeds),DAC, is l'equested to Jlpload the matter on website ofDAC 0/ . (Rs. in lakh) L I l AgeHlcy I Physical target (quintals /Nos.) N-;-;f;--a-;I:-;S:;--d~---:;C::;-----;-:f:---T----~'-----~-+---------~---J .. ee s orpora IOn a IOn Purchase of Breeder seeds ~duction of Foundation seeds Production of Certified seeds Distribution of Certified seeds Total I Distribution of seed minikits (Nos.) Totl1ll KRIBHCO 2. Ptlrchase. of Breeder seeds. I Production off oundationseects Production ofCertified see os . Distribution of Certified seeds Distribution of seed rninikits (Nos:) Total 3. NAFED . • IFFDC 4. PlU'chase of Breeders'eeds Production of FoUlldationseeds Production of Certified seeds Distribution ofCertifted seeds Total Distribution of seed mihikits (Nos.) Total HIL 5. Purchase of Breeder seeds Production ·OfFotlIldation seeds Production ~f Certi fied seeds Distribution of Ci'}rtified seeds Total Distribution of seed minikits (Nos.) ~- " 273.00 3500.00 35000.00 15833.00 54606.00 25.00 35.00 350.00 190.00 600.()() 300.00 900.00 - 0.00 20.00 150.00 90.00 2,60.00 100.00 360;00 0.00 1500.00 15000.00 7500.00 24000.00 . .... .... ..... . 16.00 900.00 9000.00 3333.00 13249.00 - 74250 (nos.) ! 695525 (nos.) . ! 20.00 50.00 400.00 200.00 670.00 430.00 llOO.O{l 8180.00 9160.00 17340.00 467114.00 90.00 110.00 200.00 5170.00 4230.00 9400.00 319275 (nos.) - LOO 9.00 90.00 40.00 140.00 100.00 240.00 210.00 5000.00 40000.00 16666.00 61876.00 Total 6. SFAC Prodllction of Certified seeds Distribution of Certified seeds Total '. Production Grand Total Minikit Grand Total (Nos.) Grand Totllli I - t)i~if,ib1.iHoii·9t~~e(.l;ri1il1lI<:its}(~()~i);. 1.·//.:' ; .·742"'{Un(j~.\ Total. 100.00 200.00 1500.00 1500.00 3300.00 3300.00 6600.00 222'750 (nos.) Purchase ofBreeder seeds Production ofFoundation seeds Production of Certified seeds Distribution of Certified seeds Total •• 1043.00 20000.00 150000.00 125000.00 296043.00 .1 {l(J5000 (nos.) Total I .1 Financial allocation
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