Name Gircumference R to.11 Finding the circumference of a circle: Find the circumference. Diameter : Find the circumference. Bm Radius Since you know the diameter, use the formula C: nd. : 12 m Since you know the radius, use the formula C :2nr. C:rd C:3.14x8 : 25.12 m C:2rr C:2XnX12 :2x3.14x12 : 6.28 x 12 : 75.3G So, the circumference is 25.12 m. So, the circumference is 75.36 m. Finding the diameter or radius of a circle: Find the diameter. Find the radius. : Circumference 65.g4 m Circumference: Use the formula C 65.94 : : nd. 40.92ft Use the formula C : 2nr. 40.82:2xnxr trd 65.94 :3.14d 65.94 _ 3.14 q -g1T - 3i4 ^, 40.82:2x3.14xr 40.82 21 :d : 6.28 r _ 6.28 6.28 - 6E I- 40.82 So, the diameter is 21 m. 6.5:r So, the radius is 6.5 ft. Find each circumference. Use 1. ? or 3.14 for n. 2. (o O c i .9 (g o J ! rll c Find the missing measurements for each circle. Round to the nearest hundredth. 4. C: 39.25 ft, d126 5. C:63.3024m, rUse with Lesson 1o-11. 6. r: C- 5.95 yd, o a o 6 o_ o Name Circumference Find each circumference. Use 3.14 or P 10.1{ I tor n. Find the missing measurement for each circle. Round to the nearest hundredth, 3. C : 60.288 cm, d: 4. C:11.304 (n,r: 5. Estimation cDs have a diameter of about 5 in. Estimate the circumference of a CD. Test Prep 6. Angela baked an appre pie that had a radius of 6 in. she wants to cut the pie into eight equal srices. How wide at the outer end will each piece of pie be? A. 5.2 in. B. 4.7 in. C. 4.4 in. D. 4.2 in. 7. Writing in Math Based on the diagram, is it correct to say that the smaller circle has one half the circumference of the larger? Why? @ o s i 'F d o l ! t! (g o o- o 126 Use with Lesson 1o-11. Name Gircumference PS ro.t i sports Measurements The measurements of some sports equipment are listed in the table. Sports Measurements Baseball circumference of g in. Basketball circumference of 30 in. Basketball hoop diameter of 18 in. Bowling ball circumference of 27 in. 1. What is the circumference of a basketball hoop? 2. To the nearest tenth of an inch, what is the diameter of a bowling ball? 3. stephen said the radius of a baseball is about 3 in. ls he correct? lf not, give the correct answer. The First Ferris wheel rhe first Ferris wheel was built for the world's columbian Exposition that was held in chicago in 1gg3. lt was designed by a bridge builder named George rerrl and had a diameter of 250 ft. 4. How far would you travel sitting in a Ferris wheel car that went around the complete circle twice? 5. lf you were in a Ferris wheel car that had traveled 1 complete circle, and your friend was in a car that had traveled 1* circles, how much farther would your friend hav'e traveled? (o 6. writing in Math Explain how you would use mental math to find an estimate of the circumference of a circle that has a radius of 10 mm. O 5 i ,o !! l ! uJ g I(! (Io o 126 Use with Lesson 1o-1't. Name Possible or Impossible? 1. ls it possible for a circle with a 4 in. diameter to fit inside a circle with a 15 in. circumference? Explain your answer. 2, ls it possible for a circle with a radius of 2fl to contain a circre with an 11 ft circumference? Explain your answer. "=^:"J$ll 3. Asha has a bracelet with a 3 in. diameter. The circumference of her wrist is 7 in. Do you think Asha will be able to wear the bracelet? Explain your answer. 4. The circumference of Priscilla's head is 21 in. She has a necklace that has a radius of 5 in. that must slip over her head. ls it possible for Priscilla to wear the necklace? Explain your answer. @ o 5. c The circumference of Paul's head is 23 in. He has a hat that has a 5 in. diameter. Do you think Paul will be able to wear his hat? Explain your answer. i .F d o ! tU q o a o (r (u @ 1.\a Circumference Find each ci rcumferenc e. lJso B.j 4 ot t f-2, P IO.l t + (.Y\ Y) Circumference Finding the circumtorcnce of a circle: 2. Find the circumterence. Diameter ei.ooft Radius the Since you know the diametei use 75.36 cm 10.2 cm Find the circumference. =8m 4. c:11.s04m,r= rd. formulac = i.g m So, the circumfe.ence c=2nr c=2xTx12 =2x3.14x12 s.2 Circumference in. 7. Writing in Mdh @a.z in C.4.4in 12 = 75.36 Finding the diametgr or Edius of a circle: Find the diameter Find the radius. = 65.94 m Circumference Use th€ formula C = Td. Angela baked an apple pie that had a radjus of 6 in. She wants to cut the pie into eight equal stices. How wide at the outer end will each piece of pie be? A. x = 6.28 m. is 2s.12 So, the circumference is 75.36 m Test Prep 6. 12 m tomulao = 2rr. 5. Estimalion CDs have a diameter ofabout S in. Estimate the circumference of a CD. = Since yod know the radius, use the C=rd c=a.14x8 :2s.12m Find the missing measuEment for each circle. Round to the nearest hundEdth. 3. c:60.28Bcm,d= n to.t I tot ft. 65.94 : zd 65.94 m-mo3.1a O.4.2in 21 40.82 ft 2rr 40.82=2xT\t 65.94 = 3.14d Based on the diagrm, is it - Use the formula C = 40.82=2x3.14xr , 40.82 =d : r 6.28 E#-#, So, the diameter is 21 m. 6.5:/ So, the radius is 6.5 ft. Find oach circumforence. Use + 3. G;1 i € 6 3 i\ l-a;^) *Y' \: r. or 3.14 for Mo 77,872cm Find ihe missing measurements for each circle. Round to ths nearest hundredth. 4, C = 126 39.25 ft, S. C "_1?€ft 126 u"."tnr"".onro,rr . 63.3024 m. _i0.08m - 6. , = S.95 vd. _Cz.ilzvo u""*mu""onro.,. Possible or lmpossible? E to.l I BEASOX|f,C ls it possible for a circle with a 4 in. diameter to fit inside a circle wiih a 15 in. circumference? Explain vouranswer Circumference PS to.t I Sports Measutementg The measurements ol some sports equipment are listed in the tabte. Sports Measurements 2. ls it possible for a circle with a radius ot 2 ft to contain a ciicle with an 1 1 Jt circumference? Explain your answer The 1. What circumference of Basketball circumference of 30 in Asha has a bracelet with a 3 in. diameter Tire circumference of her wrist is 7 in. Do you think Asha will be able bracelet? Explain your answer Basketball hoop diameter of 18 in. circumterence of 27 in. is the circumference. 4. To 3, Stephen said the radius of a baseball is about g in. ls he lf not, give the corect answen ihe near€st tenth of an inch, what No; Sincc 3 x 2 and the dlameter ot her nea 5. than 16 in. 126 126 u"".rnr*"onro-l Use with Chapter 10, Lesson 11 *" ,"*'" "*"*** g. -.....- * - ---- How far woutd you tGvet siflino in a Fer tn",*"nt".,,ii',"1o-."o;;;'"',','#'"u.]i:t"in"u'""' 11570 lf you were in a Ferris wbeel @r that had traveled 1 complele circl€, and your fdend was in a car that had tGveted circtes, how much fadhr€r -" your friend havi traved l; No: Thg hat's circumference is less tr=18.9. @ World's Columbian Exposition'o, that w6 h6td in Chicago tn j893. lt was dGigned by a bridge bujtd6. named George F6rls ed had a diamater of 250 ft. Yesj.@sroin The circumference of paul,s head is 23 in. He has a hat that has a 5 in_ diamete[ Do you think paul will be able to wear his hat? Explain your answer 8.6|n. cortrt? -. The.Firl! Feris Wheet 4. 5, x is the diamoter theoiameterisffinot infi The circumference of priscilla,s head is 21 in. She has a ntrkJace that has a radius of 5 in_ that must slip over her head. ls it possible for priscilla to wear the necklace? Explain your answer 56,5i1in. circumfe€nce of a basketball hoop? 2. to,"u,tf,u Y9e; The bracelet is g.4Z in Bowlinq batl of a bowling ball? 3. I Baseball - -- woulo o c i ft F G o UJ @2.5 c ft o a 6 6. Writlng ln Mdh Explain how you would use mmtat malh to frnd an Gflmate ot the circuml€renm of a circle thal hs a raa,us ot tO mm. SaFplc anawer:"Flnrtyou would double thc flnd 3Io tlnd an csfimato for tho 20mm x 3o60mm. {) IL o d
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