View NNMProtects Latest Newsletter

Northern New Mexicans Protecting Land, Water, and Rights
Northern New Mexicans Protecting Land, Water, and Rights, Inc. is a
non-profit organization created to lessen the stress of neighborhood
tensions due to lack of information and fair representation.
An organization whose main goal is intended to unify and empower
communities against prejudice and discrimination.
Community deterioration can be stopped and repaired.
House Bill 330 has been approved by the House floor in 2015 Legislature! This bill
was sponsored by Rep. Carl Trujillo to relieve NM communities from unfair utility easement charges
from the area’s tribes. HB 330 was heavily supported by non-Indian residents facing steeper electric bills
and was opposed by tribal leaders, who say the state has no jurisdiction in the matter. HB330 would
have given state regulators more say in power line agreements between tribes and electric cooperatives.
With your support HB330 made it through the House, however in the Senate Cultural Indian Affairs
Committee, due to a split vote-HB330 failed to move forward.
Local road easements status: There seems to be a growing trend with tribes claiming
road ownership and related trespass fees. The city of Espanola was recently approached for $1 million
payment for usage of local roads. This is in addition to the road dispute within the Pojoaque Valley
between residents and the Pueblos. An upcoming meeting is scheduled between NNMProtects and US
Senator Tom Udall, US Senator Martin Heinrich and Congressman Ben Ray Lujan to discuss the San
Ildefonso's (San-I) claim that County Road 84 trespasses pueblo land. Without hesitation, NNMProtects
submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FoA) to the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) requesting a list of
all properties that San-I owns within its pueblo grant. The list will help determine the legitimacy of
San-I's claim and could give NMMProtects the legal basis to oppose the claim.
Aamodt objections status: Aamodt Settlement: It is expected the final Settlement will
be appealed to the federal court in Denver. Last month, 82 residents filed a court motion to object to
the NM State Engineer's attempt to arbitrarily reduce the water rights of pre-1956 wells from 3 acre feet
to 0.70 acre feet. If your well was drilled prior to 1956, please contact NNM Protects for guidance and
participation in a class-action lawsuit.
Pojoaque Valley Irrigation District (PVID) lawsuit status: Pojoaque Valley
Irrigation District (PVID) lawsuit status: A response from Kate Ferlic, attorney for the PVID, was
received regarding NNMProtects lawsuit against PVID for failure to provide copies of the irrigation
district's bylaws, operating rules for the board of directors, minutes from board meetings, financial
records, and ballots and registration sheet from the Dec. 2 election. PVID denied all the charges cited
in the NNMProtects lawsuit. Please keep an eye out for updates on our website.
If you care about your water rights, utility rates, or being denied access to your property,
become a member of Northern New Mexico Protects ( There is still time to
make things right in the Aamodt water case, Jemez Electric rate hike and other issues currently
facing homeowners’ rights. Please join!
Si usted se preocupa por sus derechos de echar agua, precios de electricidad, o ser el
acceso denegado a su propiedad, se hace un miembro de Nuevo México del Norte Protege
( Hay todavía el tiempo para hacer cosas directamente en el caso de echar
agua Aamodt, Jemez excursión de precio Eléctrica y otras cuestiones que actualmente
afrontan los derechos de los propietarios. ¡Por favor únase!
Please call or email to find out how to become a member
Beverly Duran-Cash, President
Heather Nordquist, Executive Vice President
Dave Neal, Vice President
Martha Trujillo, Secretary
Gail Martinez, Treasurer
Por favor llame o correo electrónico para averiguar como hacerse
un miembro.
Beverly Duran-Cash, la Presidenta
Heather Nordquist, Vice-Presidenta Ejecutivo
Dave Neal, Vice-Presidente
Martha Trujillo, Secretaria (505)455-2779) o Gail Martinez, Tesorera (505)660-4807)
Monthly Meetings
6:15 PM
3 Thursday of every month at
El Rancho Community Center
April 15
June 18
Inquire about “protesting your property land value”
April 1, 2015 -Property Value Assessments will be
mailed out from the Santa Fe County Assessors
Office. Many of our community issues may allow for a
re-evaluation of property tax.
County Property Value Assistance Outreach
April 8th and 21st 4:00PM
Pojoaque Satellite Office 5 W Gutierrez Ste., 9
April 13th and 20th 4:00PM
Abedon Lopez Senior Center in Espanola, NM
May 2, 2015 Fundraising Event
Mariachi Espectacular
Dinner, Music, Fun; door prize - $1000.00
$25.00 Adults
Contact us for tickets
E mail us at:
Check us out on our Facebook page for the latest
news and information
Tweet us! @NNMProtects on twitter
To make a donation, make out your check payable to
NNMProtecting Land, Water and Rights
Mailing address: P.O. Box 37, Los Alamos, NM 87544
What do you get when you cross a pit bull with Lassie? A dog that bites your
arm off and then runs away to call for help.