+ Using Logic Models as a Framework to Link Performance Measures and Long-Term Community Health Outcomes in a Performance Management System Tamara Maciel Bannan, MPH March 19, 2015 QI On-TAP + Main Points 1. Introduce staff to using logic models and their key components 2. Guide staff in creating logic models for their programs 3. Use the logic models to identify performance measures 4. Illustrate the linkage between program performance measures and community health indicators QI On-TAP “If you don’t know where you are going, how are you gonna’ know when you get there?” Yogi Berra QI On-TAP + Juggling… and… Designing for Excellence Logic Model Introduction + What is a logic model? A simplified picture of a program, initiative, or intervention that displays the connections between resources, activities and outcomes It serves as a framework and a process for planning to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be QI On-TAP + Why use a logic model? They could be required by funders and other organizations Illustrate how programs are linked to organizational strategic goals and objectives QI On-TAP + Guide Staff in Completing Program Logic Models Draft logic models completed during the training Follow-up coaching sessions guide their completion Logic models will aid staff in identifying what they would like to measure Staff will then determine whether or not the data are available for the selected measures If data are not available, staff will determine the feasibility of collecting it QI On-TAP + What are the basic components of a logic model? In its simplest form, a logic model looks like this: Inputs What is invested Outputs Outcomes - Impact What is done Results QI On-TAP + An Expanded Logic Model What is invested Inputs Program Investments What is done Results Outputs Outcomes - Impact Activities Participation Short Term Medium Term Long Term QI On-TAP + Identifying Performance Measures Using Logic Models + Performance Based Measurement Integrated department-wide system Emphasis on measurement at program, organization, and community levels Data integration IT solutions (e.g., dashboards) Routine review of results to drive decision-making + Program Performance Measures Answer these Questions Who are our clients? Which services do we provide to our clients? What evidence-based strategies will lead to positive change in our clients? How can we measure if our clients are better off? How can we measure if we are delivering services well? Based on the Results Accountability Framework + Measure Progress – Telling Your Story of Excellence Good measures tell you: Are we on track If desired milestones (outcomes) are being achieved How close are we to our goal The best measures are relatively easy to collect Gathered from existing data sources when possible Clearly defined to assure accuracy of information over time and location + Linking Program Performance Measure to Community Health Indicators Logic models provide a picture for that aids in identifying linkages + Two types of measures POPULATION HEALTH INDICATORS (measures of population-level health outcomes, behaviors, And environments) and PERFORMANCE MEASURES (measures of program effort and output) + Linking Measures and Indicators Impact Program Performance Activities or Effort Measure 1 Measure 2 How much did we do? How well did we do it? Program Output Short‐term Medium‐term Long‐term Measure 1 Outcome 1 Outcome 1 Outcome1 Measure 2 Outcome 2 Outcome 2 Outcome 2 How much change? What is the quality of the change? Internal • Staff (4.1FTE) • Indirect support (Fiscal, Leadership, other depts.) Direct Education • # of classes Direct Education • # of participants • # of classes each ppt. completes Increase knowledge and positive attitude about fruit and vegetable consumption by 20% Performance Measure: % change pre- and post after 5 class series Increase the number of participants purchasing and consuming fresh F/V Performance Measure: % of participants who report purchasing & eating more fruits and veggies Increase the number of population purchasing and consuming fresh F/V Performance Measure: % of population who report purchasing & eating more fruits and veggies + Selection of Measures for PDSA QI Projects POPULATION INDICATORS (measures of population-level long-term health outcomes) AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES (existing measures of program effort and outputs) QI Project Measures -pull from existing PMs - write new PMs QI On-TAP + Recap Logic models are helpful in identifying program measures that lead to organizational excellence. They are used to tell the story of programs while linking them to results. We can use logic models to identify program performance measures and their linkage to quality improvement. QI On-TAP + Questions or Comments? Tamara Maciel Bannan, MPH Director, QI On-TAP Tamara.Bannan @phi.org Dawn Jacobson, MD, MPH Director, QI On-TAP Dawn.Jacobson@phi.org QI On-TAP
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