NOTRE DAME NEWSLETTER Principal: Mr. Maurice Piitz 140 Atlantis Drive, Orillia ON, L3V 6H2 May 2015 Vice Principal: Mrs. Connie Howell Phone: (705) 326-0979 Fax: (705) 326-3144 A Message From Mr. Piitz IMPORTANT DATES: ‘Witnessing Christ through Love and Service’ Good bye winter, hello spring!!! Monday May 4th to Friday May 8th During Catholic Education Week, Student Council is challenging everyone to accept the "3 to a Better Me" Challenge. By carrying out 3 random/ selfless acts of kindness during the week, we make ourselves be and feel better. Take the challenge with us and accept the "3 to a Better Me" Challenge! Wednesday May 22nd Fandom Friday! Are you a hockey fanatic? How about SuperNatural? Jon Bon Jovi (Miss McNaney...)? Dress to express your inner fandom on Friday, May 22nd. Remember, the classroom competitions continue until the end of June where one classroom will reign supreme! As of now, there is a very close race between Lecour's Lions, Lynch-Marwick's Bedazzlers, Locker's Alpha-Omegas, Clifford's Big Red Dogs and Gogarty's Griffins for the top classroom. Which class will win with the Most School Spirit points???? IMPORTANT REMINDER: If you are going on Vacation, please remember to pick up a Request for Temporary Excusal Form from the Classroom Teacher or the office for completion and return prior to your vacation. May is upon us and looks to be a very busy month at Notre Dame. We start the month celebrating Catholic Education week at school from May 4 - 9. There will be activiites taking place at the school and in the classrooms as we celebrate Catholic Education at Notre Dame. Highlights for the week include Music Monday, our Social Justice walk, the planting of bleeding heart flowers and trees, as well as a Mass on Thursday afternoon @ 1:30 pm., and the scholastic bookfair taking place during the week. Please stay tuned for more information as it becomes available. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Mrs. G. Deere who will be joining us for the remainder of the year. Mrs. Deere will be serving as the Assistant Office Administrator replacing Mrs. C. Prentice who accepted a position at Holy Trinity in Bradford. We wish Mrs. Prentice all the best. We look forward to an exciting week of Catholic education during a busy month of May. Sincerely, Mr. M. Piitz, Principal A Message From Mrs. Howell We start May off on a wonderful note, Catholic Education Week. ‘Our Theme’ this year is “Witnessing Christ through love and service.” As I reflect on this, I am very proud of my vocation as a Catholic Vice-Principal. One of my favourite quotes comes from Mother Teresa. “God does not require that we be successful; only that we be faithful. “ I do try to do acts of Compassion and Kindness whenever possible and try to instill this with the students and staff at Notre Dame. Everyone needs to realize that they are a source of joy and should celebrate this. My wish is to create an educational system where everyone is accepted and welcomed. I pray that those who look to me for help and guidance, find the support to comfort them and bring happiness. May is the month of Mary and I hope everyone will take time to reflect and celebrate the joy they bring to others. Sincerely, Mrs. C. Howell, Vice Principal KINDERGARTEN PARENT INFORMATION NIGHT for Beginner September 2015 Junior Kindergarten students on Wednesday, May 6th, 2015 - at 6:30 pm (Approximately 1 hour) IF YOU REQUIRE CHILDCARE - PLEASE CONTACT THE SCHOOL OFFICE AT 705-326-0979 by Monday, May 4th, 2015 Our Grade 8 student volunteers will be providing childcare for this Event. PLEASE CONTACT THE SCHOOL TO PICK UP YOUR STUDENT REGISTRATION PACKAGE IF YOU HAVE NOT DONE SO. COMPLETED REGISTRATION PACKAGES SHOULD BE RETURNED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE OR BRING YOUR PACKAGE WITH YOU IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY RETURNED IT. e1@o wdJ Sign up form on back! Spring is in the air! Time to startyour spring cleaning! But don ‘t get rid ofyour “junk”! Save itfor our Community Yard Sale! Where: Notre Dame School rd When: Sat. May 23 2015 Rain Date: May 5 Time: 8am- 12pm Cost: $20.00 for a Parking Spot. That’s it! You keep all the profits from your sale! Benefits ade Great location! Farmers Market traffic from Odas Park! We are going to advertise it on radio and newspaper Flyers will be done! Bring your own tables. Sell whatever you want! Parent Council.will be also running a BBQ! All profits go towards the school! NOTRE DAME SCHOOL YARD SALE SIGN UP FORM Yard sale TIme: 8am - 12pm When: Saturday, May 23rd, 2015 Rain Date: May 30th, 2015 Cost: $20.00 per spot Set up Time: 7am - 8am NAME:_________________________________________ TEACHER NAME / CONTACT NUMBER: _______________________________ 1 Parking Spot ______ 2 Parking Spots ______ SUMMER DAY CAMP Guardian Angels Church is offering an amazing summer day camp in July 2015. The camp, a Toronto Archdiocesan initiative, is a mixture of fun, songs, spiritual teachings and prayers. The camp facilitators are four dynamic university students trained by the Arch diocese and assisted by adult and teen volunteers. The theme this year is the Virtues. The camp will be held in Guardian Angels Church Hall. For students entering Grades 1 -6 in September 2015 July 20 - 24, 2015 8:45 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. FEE $ 50 Evenings for Youth Grades 7 - 12 July 19-23, 2015 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. FEE $ 50 TO REGISTER CALL SHARON ABBOTT AT 705- 325-3543 OR for registration forms. Space is limited Congratulations to Notre Dame School's Cello Fellows ensemble who recently participated in the Orillia Kiwanis Music Festival. This group of hard working and gifted musicians are to be commended for their determination to learn how to play a new instrument, the cello. A huge thank-you is extended our instructor, Mayumi Kumagai, who has taught the students to play "French Folk Song" and "Twinkle Twinkle Litte Star, Variation A and and Theme". We are grateful for the support given by Madame Downing, Mrs. Cuthbertson and Mr. Gogarty who have helped the students achieve their goals. Congratulations to our Cello Fellows members: Leah, Holly, Lindsey, Sam S., Sam G., Kyle, Jacqui, and Hannah. Social Justice Club Our Social Justice Club members have been busy and recently held a bake sale in our school gym. Together with the assistance of Mr. Clifford, Mrs. Lecour and Mr. Gogarty's students, our social justice club raised a total of $2068 selling delicious baked goods. A huge thank-you to everyone who participated in the planning and preparation of this great achievement and especially to all the students who made purchases throughout the day. Some upcoming events that our club members will take part in are a day long workshop presented by Free the Children speakers, Ashley and Amar. The next big event will be to lead our school on our annual Walk for Social Justice. The date for this event is Tuesday morning, May 5th and anyone who would like to join us are welcome to come out and walk with us for the cause of social justice. Mrs. Lecour and Mr. Gogarty PLANNING FOR SEPTEMBER 2015 It is that time of year again when we begin to look at our enrollment for next year and our staffing requirements. In order to facilitate this process we are asking parents / guardians to take a moment and complete the form below indicating if your family is planning to move out of our school area for the upcoming school year. Kindly return this form to the school office as soon as possible. COMPLETE FOR STUDENTS CURRENTLY IN GRADES JK - 7 ONLY FAMILY NAME: STUDENT NAME CURRENT GRADE NEW ADDRESS AND OR SCHOOL STUDENT WILL BE ATTENDING IN SEPTEMBER 2015
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