NOLA Trail Run Series 2015 (3 Races) Saturday, June 13 Wild Pig Chase Trail Run 3 Mile Saturday, June 27 Armadillo Dash Trail Run 3 Mile Saturday, July 11 Coyote Chase Trail Run 2 Mile PRESENTED BY: Highlights: Custom medallions to all Series finishers *Save $ -sign up for the 3 race series TIME: T-SHIRTS: 8:00AM: Start time for each series race 7:00AM: Race Day Registration and Race Site Packet Pickup Opens Each series race will feature a separate and unique commemorative t-shirt. LOCATIONS: ( Collect all 3 ) Shirts given out at packet pickup or on the day of race. Wild Pig Chase Trail Run 3 Miles Saturday, June 13 PRE-RACE PACKET PICKUP and LATE REGISTRATION: Woodlands Trail, 449 F. Edward Hebert Blvd, in Belle Chasse (also near the Cypress Park Athletic Facilities) When: Thursday, June 11th Time: 4:00pm to 7:00pm Where: Premier Fitness, 1909 Airline Drive, Metairie, La. 70001 Armadillo Dash Trail Run 3 MILES Saturday, June 27 Bonnet Carre Spillway Trail, adjacent to the Boat Launch Pavilion, US Hwy 61 at the Spillway Bridge in Norco. Coyote Chase Trail Run 2 MILE Saturday, July 11 The City Park Trail, located north of Pan American Stadium in City Park near intersection of Wisner Blvd., and Zachary Taylor Drive, New Orleans ENTRY FEES : Applicable for all three races Check or Credit Card: Payable to NORSI $25.00 Wild Pig Chase (by June 9) $30.00 on day of race $25.00 Armadillo Dash (by June 22) $30.00 on day of race $25.00 Coyote Chase ( by July 7) $30.00 on day of race $20.00 Youth ( 17-under) & Seniors ( 65-over) $65.00 (SAVE $10.00) NOLA Trail Run Series discounted entry fee by registering for the 3 race trail run series. *Packet pickup and day of race registration will also be available on the day of race at each race site beginning at 7:00AM CHIP TIMED EVENT: Timing and scoring by timing chip. Chip is attached to your race number. Pin number to front only, do not bend or fold. Number should be visible for proper scoring. AWARDS: Awards will be given out to overall division winners at each race courtesy of Premier Fitness Center Custom Medallion for finishers of each series race Custom Series Finisher Medallions will be presented at the Series Finale to those that complete all 3 series races. HOW TO REGISTER: POST RACE REFRESHMENTS: ON-LINE: Online link posted on Aquiana Springs Water, Food by Tarpon’Joe’s, Elmer’s Chee Wees, Fruit, Beer, Soft Drinks, Gatorade. BY MAIL TO: NORSI, P. O. Box 2348, Kenner, La. 70063 (Mail Deadline is 10 days prior to each race date please) PRE-REGISTER In Person: Premier Fitness, 1909 Airline Drive, Metairie Phidippides, 6601 Veterans Blvd., Metairie RACE INFORMATON: Administered by: New Orleans Running Systems Road Race Management, Inc. Race Director: Chuck George ( Phone: 504-468-1488) Website: E-mail: IMPORTANT NOTICE: Chip Timed race, please print legibly. Correct information is required for proper scoring. NOLA Trail Run Series 2015 3 Race Trail Run Series (June 3, June 27, July 11) Various Locations, South Louisiana YOUTH (17 & Under) SENIORS (65 & Over) ADULT (18-65) Wild Pig Chase (June 13) Armadillo Dash (June 27) Coyote Chase (July 11) BIB / RACE NUMBER $25 Adult by 6/9 $20 $30 $25 Adult by 6/22 $20 $30 $25 Adult by 7/7 $20 $30 ENTRY OF ALL 3 RACFS $65 NORSI P. O. Box 2348 Kenner, La 70063 WPC#________________ All entry fees are non-refundable AC#_________________ CC#_________________ **Save $10.00 & reg. for all 3 races LAST NAME CHECKS PAYABLE TO: ** Official Use Only ** RACE DAY FIRST NAME M.I. STREET ADDRESS / APARTMENT NUMBER CITY STATE TELEPHONE NUMBER DATE OF BIRTH SM MED Lg AGE XLG XXLG ZIPCODE MALE FEMALE - E-MAIL ADDRESS T-SHIRT SIZE: VISA PAYMENT BY CREDIT CARD MC ACCOUNT NUMBER - - EXPIRATION DATE: Printed Name of Cardholder - CVV Code Signature of Cardholder I know that running for a roadrace is a potentially hazardous activity. I should not volunteer or enter and run unless I am medically able and properly trained. I agree to abide by any decision of a race official relative to my ability to safely complete the run. I assume all the risks associated with running in this event but not limited to fall, contact with other participants, the effects of weather, including high heat and /or humidity, traffic and other conditions of the road, all such risks being known and appreciated by me. Having read this waiver and knowing those facts and in consideration of your accepting my entry. I for myself and anyone else entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the New Orleans Running Systems, Inc., Land Trust Louisiana and all sponsors, their representatives and successors from all claims in liabilities of any kind arising out if my participation in the event. I grant permission to all of the foregoing to use any photographs, motion picture recordings or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose. Date: SIGNATURE: Date: SIGNATURE: Signature of Parent or Guardian required if entrant is under 18
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