Ballina Presbyterian Church Newsletter i What’s On N The Good Wife & Mother May Fri 15th, 9:30am Sat 23rd & Sun 24th Mon 25th Wed 27th Sun 31st On May 10 we celebrate Mothers Day. There are many great women mentioned in the Bible, but it is Proverbs 31 which even appears to question whether one can find ‘an excellent wife’ right from the onset! In fact, it might be encouraging to know that the woman described in these well known verses appears to be rare: ‘An excellent wife, who can find’ (vs 11)? Biggest Morning Tea (Donations to Cancer Council) North Coast Christian Convention (NCCC) at Evans Head K-12 School No Church Services on Sunday Leadership Team Meeting Committee of Management Meeting Ministry Think Tank Following Morning Church On first sight these verses seem to describe the ‘Super woman’ who, expressed in today’s terms, single-handedly runs a five person household, whilst being employed full time and heading Sunday School during School Terms. And it would be quite easy to get stuck on verses which talk about the woman who ‘gets up while it is still dark and provides food for her family’ (vs 15). Well, too bad if you’re not a morning person or plan to go for an early morning walk or run instead! June Fri 5th, 10am Sun 7th Wed 17th, 10am Fri 26th - Sat 27th PWA Annual Coffee Morning Church Family Lunch Following Morning Church Northern Rivers PWA Thanksgiving Day Women’s Luxury Beachside Getaway However, on second sight, Proverbs 31 really is about is the woman who manages her time, and this includes time to build relationships, with her husband, with her children, and it seems this part which brings full confidence in her. ‘Her children call her blessed’ ) vs 28_because she loves them and makes time for them. ( Prayer Points • • • • • • • • • • • • May - June 2009 Pastors - Hamish & Jo and Family; Ross & Shellie and Family Jeff, Naree and Gemma Keighley as Jeff studies for ordination at Queensland Theological College New ministry staff - Renee Hasler and Andrew Bardsley Leadership team guide our church in wise and godly way Growth Groups & Discipleship Meetings, that we may be a church on Mission with God - outward looking, and be effective in reaching our community with the Good News Children’s & Youth ministries: Kids Church, Fuel, Ignition, PlayTime, Scripture in Schools Overseas missions: Sharon Wood in Ireland; Rowan Butler in Nepal; Stephen, Naomi & Jonathon Lilley in Asia; Andrew and Susan Strong; Ruth, Shane & Kye Sparks in Spain; John, Karine & Evangeline Woldhuis in Equador Christian Surfers - reaching out to the surfing community with the truth of God’s word and the love of Christ Japan - that the Church would be encouraged and grow to maturity; that the lost would come know the one true and living God, and no longer be deceived by the evil one Ian Holder, Stephen Moore & Liz Moore studying at SMBC Holly Gillan doing children’s ministry, studying at Youthworks and going on mission to Fiji. Liz Moore and Ian Holder on mission team to Equador. She also manages her resources, clearly showing that it doesn’t really matter so much how much we have than how well we manage with that. And then she manages and uses her gifts. She knows she is actually not super woman at all who can do everything. Instead, she uses those gifts bestowed on her and is not afraid to leave some tasks to those who can do them better! Take a closer look at some of these verses and check for yourself – this woman of Proverbs 31 is not afraid to use her gifts outside her home and leaving some housework to the ‘servant girls’ (vs 15) But then, this woman doesn’t only teach us something about wise management. There is more! She is ‘a woman who fears the LORD’ (vs 30). Now this doesn’t mean that we should be fearful of God. Rather, it simply means that she trusts and depends on her God, every day and for everything that happens in her life – good or bad. We too are in God’s hands. It is God who is our source of wisdom and strength. Thus, the choices we make every day are made through God’s eyes, not ours: Prov 31:30: “Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised” The Pipeline Antje Moore 1 Interview with Ben and Amee Morris Five Minutes wit h Ben t I was bor n… in Bowral, South Wes Sydney (Southern Highlands) in 15th January 1982 At (boa rdin g) scho ol I… played basketball and wanted to be a chef Wh at are you r mem orie s of that ?… fun times, hanging out with friends every day My mot her alw ays told me. .. something that would one day gain her the title for the best mother in law in the world “you have to learn to cook and clean because one day you will make a good Five Minutes wit h Amee July 1985 I was bor n… in Newcastle, on 31st At scho ol I… played lots of sport challenging! Girl ’s friendWh at are you r mem orie s of that ?… d with these in my earlier years ships can be a hard slog. I really struggle me. .. “if you can’t say My mot her and fath er alw ays told something nice, don’t say anything at all” ... on a year 6 camp I was in My mos t hum ilia ting mom ent was had to cross the river and walk charge of the lunch to take on the hike. We all. I then had to change into a set across a log. I fell into the river, lunch and a little embarrassing for me, and of completely random clothing, which was else. we had no lunch, which worried everyone SH’ I enjo y… exercise, and watching ‘MA by Roald Dahl and Jackie ls nove Do you read ?… yes, I like kid’s French At hom e I… I like to be busy elf I’m very bad at.. . having time to mys grow up (and now I’d like to . to.. Wh en I was a chil d I wan ted turn the clock back) ... my dressing gown (since The leas t fash iona ble thin g I love ed this helpful comment) Amee was unable to think of one, Ben offer and empathetic Frie nds say I am. .. compassionate ion My grea test stre ngth is… compass and … waves! es snak My grea test fear is... spiders, children (I am a teacher) My grea test pas sion is… teaching with the knowledge I have now If only I cou ld… go back in time, but Eve hadn’t sinned I ofte n won der. .. What if Adam and 2 The Pipeline husband” ‘My mos t hum ilia ting mom ent in was ... when I was told in a very certa a way to shut my mouth after trying to have chat with another surfer in the water ng, I enjo y… exercise, in particular surfi being out in the water Do you read ?… not unless I have to At hom e I… can’t sit still I’m very bad at.. . sitting still Wh en I was a chil d I wan ted s, I to.. . travel the world, later in my teen developed my love for surfing The leas t fash iona ble thin g I love ... my ‘lungi’ (like a sarong, it’s the Bangladeshi national dress) Frie nds say I am. .. selfless ing My grea test stre ngth is… persever my My grea test fear is... heights (not height) My grea test pas sion is… our God t If only I cou ld… do everything I wan to do , if I ofte n won der. .. along a beach. Also there will there ever be a boy who can swim faster than a shark. We turn to Ben to share with us his background, and you may need to settle in with a cuppa because we’re in for the long haul here … read on and be amazed of his journey so far: Mum and Dad were teachers in Bowral where I was born, and at that time I had three brothers. I was born into a Christian family, and when I was only little, we moved overseas to Tonga where Mum and Dad worked as volunteer teachers with ‘Australian Volunteers Abroad’. Can you remember much of that stage in your life? I remember Tonga as being a great place for playing outside, with plenty of beaches. There was a local large church we attended. One event I recall quite clearly was that we had to cross from one island to another, and it was a really stormy night and the strait between the two islands is one of the deepest parts of the oceans. I remember waves breaking all around us much larger than the boat itself. Mum was clinging to a pole and also to two of us and Dad was doing the same with the other two. They were certain that we would not survive that trip. But Mum and Dad came out of this in amazement of the Lord’s provision and safety, which is something they often shared with us. How long did you stay there? We stayed there for two years and then returned to Australia (to Newcastle), where I started Primary School (Hunter Christian School). So from my early years Mum and Dad brought us kids up in the faith, which included Christian schooling, Bible stories, praying etc. Is this where you grew up? No, after a year or two our next move was overseas again. We moved to Bangladesh, where Mum and Dad took on a project of establishing a handicraft workshop to train the poor in handicrafts which were then sold through a local handicraft company, selling locally and exports. They always wanted to be missionaries and this was their first combined mission opportunity, through what is now known as Global Interaction (previously ABMS – Australian Baptist Mission Society). This was in 1989, I was then seven. Can you remember much of your time in Bangladesh? My first memory, apart from a long plane trip and our computer being confiscated at customs, was poor begging kids coming up to us outside the airport. They were wearing plastic bags and were begging. I was confused, I didn’t understand why they were begging or why they didn’t have clothes or why they didn’t have family. We moved to Mymensingh, about 2 hours north of the capital Dhaka. There were no foreigners, no shopping centre, and we moved into a compound which contained a few houses, workshops, workers accommodation etc with plenty of room to run around and get up to mischief. There would have been maybe 50 workers and a few kids. I made friends with one, Porosh. We learnt the language very quickly from interacting with people all the time, and gradually came to communicate with those around us. During that time Mum homeschooled us boys, and we had “church” at home, which we usually held on Friday, simply because this is the Islamic Holy Day and no one works. There was a Christian Church but it was held in the native tongue Bengali. Bangladesh is not a closed Islamic nation (as for instance Indonesia) so Christian congregations are permitted. Can you recall if you understood God’s saving grace at that point in time? When I was ten I knew that I had the choice to make Jesus my saviour – I had always been taught Christian values, had Biblical teaching and told that we have a choice to make. I guess Christmas was just really heavy on my mind, and this is when I decided that I wanted to follow Jesus, just like my family, because I wanted to go to heaven. My whole experience in Bangladesh had shown me the difference God’s grace could have on the desperately poor people. I could see the lost people in the environments I grew up in and I knew that I didn’t want to be lost. How long did you live there? I lived there all up about 4 years. Mum and Dad lived there about 9 years. We had to evacuate from Bangladesh in 1991 because of the Gulf War, and we came back to Australia for three months. What was coming home like? I suffered from complete culture shock! I remember that I wasn’t accepted, I was teased and bullied because I was a ‘Bangladeshi’. That was really tough. We all struggled simply because we stood out, we spoke and acted differently. After another brief stay at Bangladesh we all returned to Australia when I was almost 11, this time to Bathurst. Mum and Dad were due for deputation and my sister was also born that year. Things were still difficult as we were trying to fit back into the Australian culture, and we really suffered reverse culture shock. At the end of 1993 my parents and my younger brother and sister returned to Bangladesh, while myself and my older brothers stayed at boarding school. Initially this was a difficult time due to homesickness, but we adjusted quickly, then it was fun. We could only see our parents every 6 months when either they returned or we visited them in Bangladesh. During those years we became close to our Grandparents who we stayed with in the alternative holidays and who acted as our guardians. “I suffered from complete culture shock! I remember that I wasn’t accepted, I was teased and bullied because I was a ‘Bangladeshi’. I remember thinking that I wanted to be forgiven and to be God’s child, so I made my choice. I remember the occasion very clearly. It was Christmas Eve and I remember lying awake at night trying to sleep. The Pipeline What about your move after High School? When I finished High School I again moved overseas, this time to Japan to work and study Japanese (in 2000). I guess the travelling to and from other 3 cultures had simply become part of my life and I couldn’t do without it. After one year I came back to Newcastle to study Civil Engineering, but I had fallen in love with Japan and travelled back there during my semester breaks. What about your Christian walk at that time, Ben? Although I attended an English speaking church in Tokyo, travelling about 2.5 hours each way to get there, I can’t say that I was fully committed. My thinking at that point in time was worldly: I idolized success and popularity. I had always felt more comfortable around other cultures and therefore I was more confident in and around other cultures. I had started to get more into surfing at uni and was involved in Newcastle Christian Surfers with some friends (Ado) and before too long God lead me in contact with Christian Surfers Japan (CSJ). It was at that stage that my walk with God really changed for the first time: Initially my motives to travel to Japan had not really stemmed from Christian conviction, but rather from my love for the Japanese people, culture and my love for surfing. However, as time moved on, I began to return to Japan not for work but for involvement with CSJ, but I still caught up with old friends and colleagues. Through my involvement with Christian Surfers I learnt more about being selfless, sharing my faith, being evangelistic, and I also learnt to appreciate my ability to surf as a skill that God had graciously given me. We move on to check with Amee to learn some of her background – which is the complete opposite to that of Ben’s: I grew up in a Christian home as well, one of four children. However, that’s where the similarities between Ben and I stop. My upbringing was in a very stable and protective environment same house, same school, uni was just down the road from where I grew up, so really the complete opposite to Ben’s upbringing. We attended Mayfield Baptist church, which was a solid part of our lives for sixteen years, and here I attended Sunday school. I also attended Hunter Christian School, but at different times to Ben’s attendance. 4 So did you become a Christian at an early age? What I can say about myself during those early years is that I often wondered, and in fact doubted, whether I was a Christian! During my teenage years I faced all sorts of ups and downs and struggles which kept me from being able to put all my trust in God. As I headed into high school, I really headed into serious doubts. From year 7 onwards I struggled with peer relationships as the girls in my year were particularly clicky and I recall that I was actually questioning my own Christian faith during those early high school years. I questioned, feared and doubted my stand with God at various moments. Another memory is my grandmother’s death during that time. I remember that I had prayed earnestly that she would not die. Her death put big doubts into my think that it was in fact more my mum, rather than Christ, who was my pole during those years. In fact, it wasn’t until I was baptized when I was 21 that I realized that I really had to change. I love my mum dearly and she has always been there for me, but I realized that if I wanted to lean on Christ as my pole then I had to give up always leaning on her. It was over these last few years that I finally started my walk with God. I think before that things just happened and were resolved. I finally reached the point when I realized that God was challenging me on lots of issues which were confronting me all the time – such as my doubts, being consumed with myself, struggles with confidence (or lack thereof), and taking responsibility for my own thoughts and my own feelings. I think that was the time when I finally realized that I had to make the choice myself to follow Christ, and this was not something that someone else, such as my mum, could do for me. “...that was the time when I finally realized that I had to make the choice myself to follow Christ...” mind. I know that I was subconsciously angry at God and this took away a lot of my confidence – I guess I thought that I had asked Him and He did not listen. I think this sort of thinking worked against me being able to trust God in childlike manner and over and over again I doubted whether I could fully trust in God. Ben, over to you: please tell us how you and Amee met During her upper High School years Amee was working in my local Woolies. I know it sounds clichéd, but I started noticing Amee at the checkout when I did my shopping. I noticed her ‘WWJD’ (what would Jesus do) wristband, so I knew that she was a Christian. Did you share your doubts with anyone? I often talked to my mum about them. However there was one occasion during year 9 when I was attending a night church with a friend. It came at a low point when I was quite emotional and my friend’s mother, who was with us, helped me – she held my hands and encouraged me to stop doubting, in a very definitive way and encouraged me to think of this moment as the time when I had taken Christ into my heart forever. This was to encourage me to rely on God rather than look at my worries. In fact, as I went through her checkout, I just knew that there was something different about her, and it wasn’t just her stunning looks that grabbed my attention. So when I did my shopping, I always went through her checkout, even when I had 1 or 2 items. Did this help you to make the step to follow Christ? Not really, in fact I kept on living the same way as I had always done, and I The Pipeline In fact, it didn’t take me long to work out her roster, and that’s when I did my shopping. Funnily enough, we also had started to attend the same church (Mayfield Baptist Church), but were still moving in different groups of friends. We really met each other at a Christian music festival, Blackstump, and started dating. Our values and ethics were similar and we feel this was truly God’s provision on our relationship. Ben, two people from very different backgrounds coming together, what was that like? I always knew that Amee had come from a very sheltered background whereas I had come from an exposed background, brought up amidst different cultures and religions. But I think that’s where God has used our differences to make us a combined weapon for Him! Amee, how did that affect you? I was overwhelmed by the exposure at uni (peers, the party scene etc) by what I was seeing around me that I had a family friend baptize me in my pool! In looking back, I asked for this because I wanted to be more serious about my faith, but it came also out of a fear of becoming a part of this world. In a sense, similar to Ben’s experience who had not wanted to be like the lost people, I also reacted to the exposure to lost people around me. Even though it wasn’t a huge part of my decision to be baptized, this was the beginning for me in realizing the saving Grace of God. Meanwhile, Ben had become involved in Newcastle Christian Surfers (in an active leadership capacity), then moved around a lot in connection with his engineering work (Sydney, Cabarita, Bonville, Tugun, Wagga) and in all those places was actively involved in Christian Surfers (except Wagga). In 2005 we both went on Christian Surfers short term mission trip to Japan so that I could support Ben but also understand the culture of a country which he loved so much. What was that like for you, Amee? I was really scared, as I was going into the unknown. This was a really huge thing for me. However, God provided! I was truly blessed in that I was actually called to support another girl in the mission team who appeared to have a lot of needs. This situation helped me to concentrate on others rather than just worrying about myself and my needs. Looking back I can see that God really provided this situation to help me cope with this trip. During those years you were dating long distance. Amee, with Ben being the person moving around, and you the person being ‘at home’, what was that like? It was really tough. Our relationship was based around survival rather than on how great this love is. There was always a fear of losing each other, often hurting, and it was hard to simply think ‘If it’s meant to be it’s going to happen’. With Ben being the person to move around a lot was a real friction point for me, which I could never really be a part of till now. the practical stuff, sets up, controls the boys etc. This works really well and yes, we both find this ministry really rewarding. It’s a great ministry to do as a couple. We hope that we can grow in our role as leaders over the coming months. Ben, would you like to offer any comments? Yes, it was really hard, and we did this for about four years, trying to meet as often as we could, maybe once a week or once a fortnight. But we survived and only by God’s grace and a lot of support by some very close friends and family! We got married in January 2008 and this has opened up a whole new world for us as a Christian couple. You feel so supported as a married couple. You can share the pains and the struggles, you can pray with your spouse and this is incredibly encouraging and supportive. Thank you for sharing your walk with the Lord thus far. God has shown us that He can use Amee in surf ministry even if she doesn’t surf (and is afraid of waves!) and through this we have both grown in our faith because it’s not what we do but how we use what God puts before us. Ben, what brought you to Ballina Presies? My work on the Ballina Bypass brought us to Ballina. We wanted to be in a spiritual home together as we have never really been in one together, so we looked for a church here. We knew Adrian and Amanda through Christian Surfers and they invited us to their growth group. In fact, we attended the growth group for quite some time before we started attending this church. But then when we did come here we found what we value – open, honest, and scripture based teaching and a loving church community. God has really provided this for us. It really is awesome to be in a church together. More recently, Andrew Bardsley encouraged us to go on the Kids church roster. We prayed about it, and whilst this was an easy move for Amee, it was just a bit harder for me, but I decided to give this ago. I found that it’s really good for me to be challenged in stepping out and it’s good for me to serve alongside Amee in her gifting. It’s such a blessing to serve together. Let us close with some facts about Japan, a country which is so close to Ben’s heart:* * Sourced from Operation World - http:// Population: 127 million Life Expectancy: 80.9 years Capital: Tokyo Currency: Yen National Sport: Baseball, soccer, sumo (only for the elite), ninja Christianity: 1.56%.* This includes JW’s, nominal Christians etc. The actual church attending fair dinkum Christians is more like 0.3%. Predominant Religions: 70% Buddhist/ Shinto (or some whacky combination of both) – a uniquely Japanese form which worships idols, ancient spirits and dead relatives, 24% New Religions.* Some sources say that 100 new religions are created in Japan every year….its pretty obvious there’s a real need there. Number surfers: Approximately 2 million. Eric Awakawa, a famous surfer and shaper from Hawaiian Island Creations says Japan is their biggest market for surfboards of any country. Average income per person $38,160 which is 121% of the average US citizen.* Standard Breakfast: Rice, fermented soy beans, grilled fish, raw egg, green tea (prefer vegemite, weetbix or a good old pie?) The Japanese are extremely passionate, proud and devoted people, so with this comes an immense amount of pressure to perform in workplaces, please families etc. As a result, the incredible amount of suicides and homelessness is due to people believing they have failed…what an opportunity to share Gods love, grace and acceptance! Ben and Amee Morris with Antje Moore Amee, over to you, how do you approach kids church? I prepare the teaching lesson; Ben does The Pipeline 5 Christian Surfers Japan - Outreach Report 6 The Pipeline The Pipeline 7 8 The Pipeline The Pipeline 9 World Day of Prayer At one of our church services in February I made an announcement concerning our withdrawal from participation in the World Day of Prayer. I indicated that as a church committed to the gospel of Jesus Christ we could not in good conscience join with the Roman Catholic Church in such an event. This is based on their official teaching on Salvation and living as a follower of Jesus. anywhere. Please understand that I am not saying that there are no Christians in the Roman church, our heavenly Father in his grace and power can raise up his people from What we need to remember as a church family is that there will be many things calling for our attention. Some of these things will be things which we obviously At our last meeting the Leadership Team discussed this issue further. As the Leadership Team we have decided that our church will not be officially involved with any further World Day of Prayer events. This does not mean that we are seeking to prevent anyone from our church attending in a personal capacity. shouldn’t get involved with. Other things events may be good events but still not things we as a church with our particular pool of resources and focus should or can expend energy or head space toward. The Biblical mandate for our Leadership Team is to shepherd the flock. There are many aspects to carrying out this instruction and one of these is to ensure that we use our energy, time and skills for things most useful for the promotion of the gospel. Hamish Pastoral Care The Leadership Team (and some members of our church family) have been discussing and contemplating the model of Pastoral Care for our church. The first step in developing this model is defining what is meant by Pastoral Care. Definition Strictly speaking Pastoral Care is a term best suited to describe the work of the pastor(s) of a church. A definition of the term Pastoral Care in this context would be preaching/teaching with a view to equipping the people of God for works of service to the body of Christ Ephesians 4:12; teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so that the people of God may be equipped for every good work 2 Timothy 3:16-17. This is not confined to the pulpit, it extends to meeting one on one or in small groups either as a regular arrangement or in response to certain circumstances - a new Christian, raising up leaders for the future, reminding and comforting people with the certainty of hope in the face of life threatening illness; strengthening believers from the Word in times of loss, in the event of relational break down or other personal or family crisis or anxiety. It does also include evangelism, courses and Bible studies. All these things would come under the heading Pastoral Care in its best use. However, the term these days is used to extend to what would be better described as Care for the Saints. This care may be needed for a short time (illness, family crisis) or long term (house bound or nursing home due to age and infirmity). It may include the provision of meals, 10 washing of cloths, performing chores, a visit, hospitality, sitting down with a listening ear for a chat over a cuppa or even just a tear, a hug and agreeing that sometimes life really isn’t fair. All of these things and more are expected to be a part of the life and ministry of each member of the church (see Jesus’ expectations in Matthew 25:31-46). Model of ‘Care for the Saints’ (Looking after one another) in the context of Ballina Presbyterian Church. How can we best address the issue of care in our church? At present our Growth Groups are the primary arena for developing closer relationships with a smaller number of fellow believers. It is hoped that within this context of meeting together weekly and sharing our lives together as we study God’s Word together, pray together and talk together that issues and needs will be raised and responded to primarily from within that group. Similarly, our church gatherings provide the opportunity to meet together, sit under the Word together and catch up over a coffee and a scone. This, it is hoped, would lead to an invitation to join with one another for a meal and further opportunity to minister to one another. Fellowship is most important and was a defining characteristic in the early church as we read in Acts (2:42-47). We are also taught in the letters that hospitality continues to be a defining mark of the body (eg: Romans 12:13; 1 Peter 4:9). By the way it is most important The Pipeline that we make church a priority each week (Hebrews 10:25). We must make ourselves available to one another. When we consider these two weekly events Growth Groups and the Church meeting we are reminded of our need to a) be regular and involved, b) actively looking out for one another and c) being prepared to be ministered to by others (sometimes this takes humility). What about those who are not able to attend church? There are instances where due to frailty or chronic illness people are no longer able to attend either Church and/or Growth Groups. How can we as a church family minister to them effectively? At the moment we have a number of members who visit such people on a regular basis which while a relatively ‘invisible’ ministry is none the less most important. The beginnings of a plan. What the Leadership Team would like to do is to get two lists of names. One list of people available to visit others. Another list of all the people who are a part of our church family who you know can no longer get to church for whatever reason. At present I am collecting some brochures and other material that might be useful when visiting people. The plan is that these will be made available for the church family to use as we minister to others when visiting. Once we have these lists we’ll start making sure that as many people as possible are being taken care of. Hamish Theological Certificate MOORE THEOLOGICAL COLLEGE, 1. Introduction to the Bible Provides an overview of the entire Bible, plus helpful hints on how to understand its main themes. Looking for a basic course in theology based on solid biblical truth and can’t really race off to Bible College to study? The Theological Certificate by correspondence (Moore Theological College, Sydney) comes highly recommended. It covers topics such as ‘ Interpreting the Bible’ and various topics under the overall heading of ‘God’s purposes’ Sydney, presents... the Theological Certificate – a correspondence course What is the TC? The Certificate in Theology (TC) is a basic correspondence course in theology offered by Moore Theological College, Sydney. The course was restructured in 2008 and now consists of three parts: the P.T.C. (Preliminary Certificate), the I.C. (Intermediary Certificate) and the A.C. (Advanced Certificate). Each of these parts can be completed as a standalone and each covers 6 units. Each of the units is intended to be studied over a 13 week term. You can therefore complete the first part, the P.T.C, over 18 months. But you don’t have to! You can take one unit, then have a break for a term, if liked. Why consider the TC? The TC is designed to give broad knowledge of the Old and New Testaments with a particular emphasis on a number of books in the Bible, key doctrinal matters and church history. It’s simply a great way to work your way through your Bible. What do you need? The basic course material consists of a study booklet and your Bible is your first point of reference. If coupled with a good Bible Dictionary and a Bible Handbook this is pretty much all you need to start off with. For each unit there is additional ‘recommended reading’ and this is typically a Christian book which covers the topic of that particular unit. I have worked my way through this course over the past few years and have found it useful (and manageable) to pick and read one book from the recommended reading list each term Here is a brief summary of the subjects of the P.T.C (in order) 2. New Testament 1 Explores God’s purposes in sending Christ. This subject is essentially an in-depth journey through the Gospel of Mark and getting to know Jesus the King, or as he preferred to call himself, the Son of Man! 3. Old Testament 1 This is a tour through Genesis (Creation and Rebellion), the Exodus, it looks at the Sacrificial System of Leviticus, Numbers and highlights the major ideas in Deuteronomy. Essentially it answers the questions: What do these books teach? What holds them together? 4. Doctrine 1 We explore the Bible’s teaching about God - how we get to know Him, what He is like, what He has done for us. It looks at God – the Trinity, the God who creates, the God who saves and more. This part of the course can get a little difficult – expect to spend some extra time reading. 5. Ephesians The big picture with cosmic dimensions of God and His world. It shows how God wants us to live. 9. Option Subject You’ve come to the end of this part of your journey. You can now choose one subject from three – Promise to Fulfilment (basically Biblical Theology), Prayer Book (for those with an interest in the Anglican church history) or Christian Worship (What is the biblical meaning of worship) From here, if you’re keen, you can continue on through the Intermediary and the Advanced Theological Certificate! These go more deeply into areas like Christian ethics, doctrinal matters, and explaining the message of the Gospel to a non-Christian world. The Pipeline Want to know more? A number of Ballina Presie folk have undertaken this course in the past and a couple of us are currently enrolled. We are happy to chat to you about our experiences. More detailed Information brochures and a sample course outline are also in the breezeway or contact: or Department of External Studies 1 King St Newtown, NSW 2042 (02) 9577 9999 Antje Moore WDISW? What Do I Say When...? What do I say when someone suddenly asks me one of those curly questions?? Here are some good answers to give back. Source: evangelismministries (The Anglican Department of Evangelism) Isn’t being a Christian all about being good? * What is ‘good’ anyway, and how ‘good’ do you have to be * Some people are better than others but none of us is good enough. Suppose we want to go to a concert and the ticket costs $10, if you have $8 and I have $1, neither of us can make it. (Romans 3:23) * God says there is only one way and it is not ‘being good’. (John 14:6) * God is after friends, not rebels. It’s a matter of whose side you are on, being for Jesus and not against him. That’s what being a Christian is all about (John 3:36) * ‘Being good’ is simply a response to our conviction as a Christian, but we still fail. In fact, our church is a church full of sinners (and if you’d like to join us some time, there is always room for one more) 11 Photos of people we’ve sent (to Sydney) Holly Gillan Kids Minis try The team going on mis sion to Ecuador Yes, this really is Ian Holder ! Ian Holder and Stephe n Moore at College Stephe n Moore Music Minis try Stephe n Moore doing a Children’s Tal k Liz and Stephe n 12 The Pipeline News from Ian Holder & Stephen Moore at SMBC involved in a pastoral team somewhere. - I’ve been running and bike n xatio Rela May h -25t 21st I’m coming up from Ordination and senior ministry (or s a week and this year time 3-4 g ridin d hear I ... ages in for a visit. First time even being on my own in a country three other college with ing play m I’ ty pret s ’ that so it’s NCCC weekend parish) is not for me at this stage. I’d the local AFL club Western for guys such as ing visit go to good. Won’t have like to work with youth and young h is less than a km from whic urbs Sub I’ll . spot one in and think that God has gifted as everyone will be f. It’s the first time I’ve played adults, itsel ge colle t Nex . Ben and g be staying with Crai me pastorally - ie. listening to people, so, and my shoulder is OK or s year 7 in ing head m I’ il) Apr h weekend (17th-19t reading Bible and praying with them, ent, but I’ve been getting mom the at 5 do to oria Vict in to Warnambool pointing them to God and what He is/ it by a physio and in my on done work from All p. cam ch talks at a youth chur may be doing in their lives. I love that ’t want a third operation! Don . time own rally gene we ts adul Deuteronomy. As stuff!! Long-term, overseas work could say, “Don’t play then” I ld wou e Som erund and e have little knowledg be an option. know... standing of the OT so I thought it was a good chance to teach about salvation Please pray for: Mission - Went to Blaxland Pressie this and response from after the exodus as Wisdom - for decisions for life after involved in testimonies, was and year s Jesu of light in and a salvation event college. Primary Scripture and preaching. This death and resurrection as the final Love - for people here and at church at I’m going on my first ever June in year re whe is bool nam salvation event. War Randwick. That I would give them time m missions trip for 16 t-ter shor o/s from son John Ben my former pastor and a listening ear. That I would give visit the Woldhuis’ - John and to days ted. situa now is sie Pres Blacktown East time to those outside of these places too Karine. They are the first misso’s that - both Christian and non-Christian k has sent out in 120 years dwic Ran ying Stud . well g goin College - has been Discipline - to work hard. I’m finally ch ended up with a Mission’s chur and al Glob & rch John, Local Chu learning to do it! Catalyst team to support both them Mission, and Spiritual Formation for Discipline - to resist the temptation local and worldwide mission also and . ester sem this istry Professional Min to sin. To take the out that God gives on in general in church 3 years itati facil own our on ally The latter is basic before I sin in thought, word and deed. - you could do the same! ina Ball ago. how and , Lord the personal walk with A hard task, that needs much prayer! I’ll be preaching thru an ed. excit m I’ in roles our in rs othe that affects us and Witness - that I would be a great 14 hours after touching er pret inter . vocational ministry witness to those at Wests AFL. That I down... we are mainly an encouragewould live the gospel, and speak it when ion for those guys - 12 people miss t men with out g goin was I Relationships I get the opportunities - because God ch supporting those we have chur from up e brok we but ths a girl for 10 mon always gives opportunities - we just have seeing what they are doing by out sent girl t grea a is She nearly 4 weeks ago. to take them! first hand. but at this stage the time and situation to you all, Ian Holder is not right. I’m alright, and God is still college - at this stage I’m going Regards after Life in loving control. to finish in June 2010. I’m looking to be What’s doing It was great to catch up with Ballina Presie at Easter! Now in my second year of Bible college @ SMBC, loving it even more. I’m in a really great place of life, studying God ’s Word and growing closer to Him. Still serving at Randwick Presie on Sundays. Just returned from a college mission to Hunter Bible Church in Newcastle. Great week, learnt a lot and was stretched out of my comfort zone. “Feelings” Feel like I’m being pushed with business , Theology is such a broad discipline, and there are always things to read, essays to write, ministries to serve in, and sermons to preach. I’m also “Student Rep” for single residential men. Pray that I would lead and represent them wisely. Please also pray that I will be disciplined and productive with my time at college. Also pray that I will not focus on my marks (and filling my head with knowledge for knowledge-sake), but that The Pipeline I will focus on my Lord and Saviour (and filling my heart with love for Him, and for those who don’t know Him). Plans for 09 Grow in my relationship with God by hanging out with Him every day! Let Him speak to me through His Bible, and chat back to Him through prayer. Lots of love to your all Stephen Moore 13 News from Holly Gillan for college, including weekly journal find some time for God, myself entries. I love the college work. We do (amongst lesson planning and 7 great subjects at the moment. My actually giving lessons) so that I Remember me?! I hope everyone is favourite one is a subject preparing us can be continually growing as well. going really well, I miss everyone a for our, four week mission trip to Fiji • Pray for us as we continue to lot – but lots of exciting things have in late June. In this subject we learn prepare for Fiji, please pray for all been happening for me down here. I language, culture, dress and other the organising efforts going into am studying at Youthworks College in important factors to consider when it and please pray for the Fijians a course called Year 13, which aims at taking the gospel to an overseas country. that God would be working in giving people first year out of school a Coming up in two weeks I am doing a their hearts preparing them for us taster of youth and children’s ministry. whole week of Fiji preparation which to come and plant the seeds of the My course requirements are 2 days on I’m sure will be very exciting. Gospel. Also for safety once we campus, 1 day off, 1 day of private study, I have slowly settled in to Austinmer get there. 1 Sunday and 2 full days in ministry. (just north of Wollongong). The church have been so welcoming so that helped Aren’t we blessed to have a God The ministries I’m involved in spread a lot. I’m still not 100% sure of my who hears and answers our prayers from Year 1 to Year 12. I teach 5 plans for next year but it’s been exciting according to his will. Thank you for primary school scripture classes (Yrs already seeing how God is working in your prayers. I look forward to seeing 1, 1/2, 4, 4 & 5) in three local primary my life and I look forward to learning you all soon – hopefully. schools. I lead in scripture seminars for and growing more throughout the year Years 9, 10, 11 & 12 at one local high and I am sure he will open a door for me Love Holly. school and next term we will teach Year at the end of my year. 7 & 8 in the classrooms. After school, P.S If you would like to contact me I I lead a bible study for girls in Years 10, If I could ask you to pray for a couple of wou ld love to hear from you 11 &12. I lead in a group for girls aged things that would be fantastic: 7-12 on Tuesday Nights. On Sunday • Praise God for the opportunities Postal Address: mornings during the sermon I am I’ve had to meet all these kids and 26 Balfour Road, starting up a Brekkie Club for girls in share the gospel with them. Pray Austinmer, Years 6, 7, 8 & 9. I have also been asked for the 400 kids I meet with each NSW, 2515 to help lead the youth group on a Friday week that their hearts might be night. I have built some great relationopen to hearing the good news of Email Address: ships with the kids I see which adds up the gospel. hasg to around 400 kids per week and it’s • Pray for me as I teach them, pray encouraging seeing what I say tick over for the patience to deal with the Mobile Number: in their minds both little and bigger. days which are trickier than others 0401 222 546 It’s really been great seeing God work and pray that through me and open up the doors to meet with all these kids through various God would continue to work through ministries during the week. me to give bible based answers and be a shining light into the lives of the On top of my ministries I have unchurched kids I meet. assessments, which need to get done • Pray that I would be able to Hi Ballina Pressies, “Need a lifeguard? Mine has been known to walk on water” (Kerusso) Christian Surfers Quote 14 The Pipeline News from Elizabeth Moore (and not butcher the language..) * We decided to organise an Auction It was lovely to catch up with some of and Trivia night on the 16th May to the Ballina folk at Easter, celebrating help raise support for our trip and Christ’s death and resurrection! involve the congregation, so please pray for smooth preparation for this! I have been living in Sydney for almost We really need our church family to two years, now permanently employed support us in thought and in prayer at the Prince Of Wales Hospital, in – for some of us this is a first time Haematology. I enjoy the work in this mission trip Some of the things we will be doing on section immensely, with all its ups and * Lastly, please pray for team bonding that trip are really big prayer points for downs, physically and emotionally. It’s and unity as we come up to our trip! me and I’d love you to pray for them! also close to Randwick Presbyterian We will be spending a lot of time They include: Church where I became a member together so pray that we treat each * We will be meeting with missionaries when I first moved here, and where other with love, just as Jesus would. to support and encourage them, so if I found a new church family. And it you could please pray that this would was very special when Stephen and Ian With warm wishes from Sydney – I go well and we would be successful in joined this church last year as well! would love to hear from you some this. time, * Each of us will be giving our testimoSince the beginning of this year I am s. week two the over t nies at some poin also in my first semester of part time Lizzy I will be doing mine on the English ying study at SMBC, and am enjo Cafe a at lly!) nkfu speaking night (tha learning about the Old Testament in Church and I am a bit nervous about evening lectures. this - please pray that in all I say I glorify God. Please pray for that night, The big news for me this year will that we might be able to encourage be my first short term mission trip. people and hopefully reach any nonRandwick Presbyterian is also the Christians who might be attending sending church for the Woldhuis this. family who are missionaries in Loja, * We are all trying to learn the n know Ecuador (the Woldhuises are children’s song “Jesus Loves Me” in by some Ballina folk as they visited Spanish! It’s coming on well, but please Ballina just before they left for pray that we bring this across clearly Ecuador). Randwick Presbyterian has organised a short term mission trip consisting of 11 people to visit them. We will be leaving on the 27th June, and will be in Ecuador for two weeks, spending the majority of our time in Loja with John and Karine, their children Evie and Mattias, and the congregation there. “You can’t see the wind, but you can see how it changes the surf. You can’t see God, but you can see how He changes people” Christian Surfers Quote The Pipeline 15 PWA News For your diaries: BIGGEST MORNING TEA Friday 15th May 2009 The former Ballina Ladies Craft Group used to support the Cancer Council and so we have decided to keep this aspect going: All are invited to join us for morning teat at 9.30 am in the Ballina Church Hall on Friday 15th May 2009. Donations will be welcome and will be forwarded to the Cancer Council. For more information please see Audrey Doman or June Smith ANNUAL COFFEE MORNING Friday 5th June 2009 Ballina PWA will hold their annual Coffee Morning on Friday 5th June in the church hall commencing at 10 am. The Ballina Christian Choir will present a music programme followed by morning tea. There will also be a trading table. Entry is $5 and this is our only fundraiser for the year. So please come along for a time of fellowship and bring your friends, family, neighbours. Men are welcome. THINKING ABOUT CHRISTMAS IN JUNE? Well if you’d like to use the beautiful P.W.A. cards this Christmas, then you will need to get organised now. Orders close on 10th June, for delivery in September. See any of our P.W.A. ladies for more details or view some samples THANKSGIVING DAY Wednesday 17th June 2009 Every year Northern Rivers P.W.A. hold a Thanksgiving Day when each branch presents a donation to support the Camp Drewe Conference Centre at Lennox Head. This year it will be held at Camp Drewe on Wednesday 17th June. You will have time to inspect the Centre and fellowship with people from our Northern Rivers Presbytery. Morning tea will be provided at 10 am by the Lismore PWA, a church service will be held at 11 am and manager Len Newton will speak of his experiences overseas with Mission Partners after lunch. All are welcome to come for the day or just part ot the day. Please bring your own lunch. For more information please see Audrey Doman, Margaret Love, Frances Barron or any members of Ballina P.W.A. Col and Shirley Manning Congratulations on your 50th Wedding Anniversary!!! We celebrate with you on this special occasion. Thank you both for the example that you are to us all, for the hope in Christ that you share, for the love you have for our Lord, for each other and for your brothers and sisters in Christ and for your example of faith and godliness as you walk on, following Jesus together. 9th May 2009 16 The Pipeline
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