Curriculum Vitae Kristen M. Nolting Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department University of Connecticut email: Education 2014 – Present University of Connecticut Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department PhD Student Research Interests: - Evolutionary ecology, functional trait ecology and evolution, differential patterns of distribution in global biodiversity, tropical biology, community assembly Graduated 2014 Michigan State University M.S. Plant Biology Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, Behavior Program Thesis Title: The role of evolutionary history and niche differentiation in structuring species co-occurrence in New Zealand Pittosporum (Pittosporaceae) Graduated 2010 University of Evansville B.S. Environmental Science, magna cum laude Honors & Awards NSF East Asia and Pacific Islands Summer Institutes Fellowship (2013) College of Natural Sciences Dissertation Continuation Award (2013) Organization of Tropical Studies Post-course Award (2013) Graduate School – Graduate Student Research Enhancement Award (2012) MSU Council of Graduate Students Travel Award (2012) Evolution of Life on Pacific Islands and Reefs – Student Travel Award (2011) Trustee’s Scholar, University of Evansville (2005 – 2010) Robert Byrd Honors Scholarship (2005 – 2010) Publications Nolting, Kristen M., Chrissen Gemmill, and Nathan G. Swenson. Evolution of functional traits and environmental niche in the New Zealand plant genus Pittosporum (Pittosporaceae). (In prep). Nolting, Kristen M., Chrissen Gemmill, and Nathan G. Swenson. The role of geographic, environmental niche, and functional trait differentiation in structuring species distributions in the New Zealand plant genus Pittosporum (Pittosporaceae). (In prep.) Palow, Danielle T., Kristen Nolting, Karou Kitajima. Functional trait divergence of juveniles and adults of nine Inga species with contrasting soil preference in a tropical rain forest. 2012. Functional Ecology 26: 1144-1152. Swenson, Nathan G., ...and K.M. Nolting, (29 Authors Total). 2012. The biogeography and filtering of woody plant functional diversity in North and South America. Global Ecology and Biogeography 21: 798-808. Lachowecki, Jordon, Cris G. Hochwender, Kristen Nolting, Abby Aldridge, and Elizabeth Maurer. 2011. Evaluating the quality of a disturbed wetland in Southwestern Indiana: A survey of native and exotic flora at Vectren Conservation Park. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Sciences 120:1830. Posters & Papers Presented Kristen Nolting and Marielle Smith. Is succession context dependent? Comparing community structure of successional & primary tropical forests along an environmental gradient in Costa Rica. • Oral presentation: Graduate Academic Conference. Michigan State University: Feb. 2013 Kristen Nolting and Nathan Swenson. The historical imprint of climatic niche evolution on present day coexistence in New Zealand Coprosma (Rubiaceae). • Oral presentation: Southern Connection Congress. Univ. of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand: Jan. 2013 Kristen Nolting, Jason Cantley, Sterling Keeley and Nathan Swenson. Evolution of climatic niche in the Pacific Island genus, Coprosma. • Poster presentation: Ecological Society of America, Portland, OR: August 2012. • Poster presentation: Univ. of Mich. Early Career Scientists Symposium. Ann Arbor, MI: Mar. 2012. • Poster presentation: Evolution of Life on Pacific Islands and Reefs: Past, Present, and Future, Honolulu, HI: July 2011. Kristen Nolting and Danielle Palow. 2009. Effect of soil type on leaf functional traits in saplings of the genus Inga. Organization for Tropical Studies: REU 2009 Coursebook: 116-129. • Oral presentation: 24th National Conference on Undergraduate Research, University of Montana, Missoula, MT: April 2010 • Oral presentation and paper submission: Math, Engineering, and Science Conference for Undergraduate Research, University of Evansville, Evansville, IN: March 2010 o Paper/Presentation awarded 1st place in the biological sciences/biochemistry division Kristen Nolting, Elizabeth Mauer, Abby Aldridge, and Dr. C.G. Hochwender. 2007. Do species richness and dominance prevent the establishment of invasives in an herbaceous plant community? • Oral presentation at the 22nd National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Salisbury University, Salisbury, MD: April 2008 Teaching Experience Michigan State University Teaching Assistant; Tropical Biology Guest Lecturer; “Plant-Insect Interactions in the Tropics” (Tropical Biology) Teaching Assistant; Ecology Teaching Assistant; Plant Form and Function Teaching Assistant; Introductory Biology: Cells and Molecules Fall 2013 Fall 2013 Fall 2013 Spring 2013 Fall 2012 University of Connecticut Teaching Assistant; Introductory Biology 2013, 2014 Research & Field Experience Thesis Research, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand Field Research: Org. of Tropical Studies “Tropical Plant Systematics Course” Research Assistant, Luquillo Forest Dynamics Plot, Puerto Rico REU in Tropical Biology, La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica Undergraduate Research, University of Evansville, Evansville, IN Jun. – Sept. 2013 Jun. – Jul. 2012 Jun – Jul. 2011 Jun. – Aug. 2009 Jun. – Sept. 2007 Previous International Experience OTS REU – La Selva Biological Station, Sarapiquí, Costa Rica Field research assistant - Luquillo Forest Dynamic Plot, Puerto Rico Org. of Tropical Studies - Tropical Plant Systematics, Costa Rica Jun. – Aug. 2009 Jun. – Aug. 2011 Jun. – Jul. 2012 University and Department Service Michigan State University Dept. of Plant Biology Graduate Student Organization president (2012 – 2014) Co-organizer, MSU and COGs Graduate Academic Conference (GAC) (2011, 2012) Organizer and Founder of “Topics in the Tropics” (2010 - 2012) Community Outreach Michigan State University Sigma Delta Epsilon - Graduate Women in Science (2010 – 2014) - Mu Sigma Epsilon Chapter – Undergraduate Mentoring Committee, Community Outreach Committee - GWIS-CAP liaison (2011 – 2012) o Developed a collaborative relationship with the NSF-funded College Ambition Program centered at MSU. CAP and GWIS share many of the same goals, including providing support & resources to underrepresented students hoping to continue education in the STEM fields. - Science Olympiad Volunteer: Michigan State University (2011) College Ambition Program, mentor (2011 – 2012) - As part of the CAP, I mentored high school students for 2 hrs/week at Eastern HS in Lansing. Professional Service Peer Reviewer For: Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics; Journal of Biogeography; PLoS One; American Journal of Botany; Journal of Ecology
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