In Their Words: Inspirational Stories of Atlanta's Minority AEC Trailblazers A NOMAtlanta Exhibit 2015 AIA National Convention Atlanta, GA Exhibit Overview In 2013, the Atlanta Chapter of the National Organization of Minority Architects (NOMA) hosted a year-long celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. During the celebration NOMA Atlanta hosted a series of events entitled “50 Years of Diversity in Atlanta’s AEC Community; Celebrating our Trailblazers of Change” acknowledging the impact of these trailblazers and 50 years of diversity in Atlanta’s architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industries. The fact is many of Atlanta’s iconic buildings and transformative projects have been managed, designed, engineered and constructed by minority trailblazers who overcame extreme challenges in the era of civil rights. Also as part of that celebration, the chapter launched the NOMAtlanta StoryCorps Initiative in partnership with StoryCorps Atlanta and conducted audio interviews of some of our trailblazers at the Atlanta History Center. The initiative aimed to capture the stories of inspiration and success of some of the most prominent minorities in the Atlanta AEC community. These stories served to educate and inspire the next generation of AEC professionals. As a result of a very successful celebration and initiative, NOMAtlanta will like to introduce a first-ever recount these prominent minority AEC trailblazer stories in a special audiovisual experience entitled "In Their Words: Inspirational Stories of Atlanta's Minority AEC Trailblazers". The Exhibit We have completed the first series of interviews with our trailblazers - Cheryl McAfee FAIA; CEO of McAfee3 Architects; Oscar Harris FAIA, President of Turner Associates; and Charles David Moody, Jr. President and CEO of C. David Moody Construction. These Atlanta AEC Trailblazers have all played significant roles in the development and progress with the Atlanta's built environment from the 1996 Summer Olympic Games to the new Atlanta Falcons stadium and many more. The initial interviews are loaded on the NOMA Atlanta website and you can access them today on the NOMAtlanta StoryCorps webpage. All stories were produced by NOMA Atlanta, with interviews recorded by StoryCorps, a national nonprofit whose mission is to provide Americans of all backgrounds and beliefs with the opportunity to record, share, and preserve the stories of our lives. Additional interviews are being scheduled and may include William J. Stanley III, FAIA, Stanley NOMATL 2015 Page | 1 Love-Stanley, P.C; Jeffrey Robinson, AIA, Principal of J. W. Robinson and Associates; Robert L. Brown, Jr. FAIA, Principal of R. L. Brown and Associates, Inc. and many more. Also, if you have a trailblazer that you will like us to record, we want to know that as well. The main exhibit will consists of five to six 7-foot vinyl panels highlighting each trailblazer's story and accomplishments. Each panel will also include pictures of the trailblazer and a QRC code that takes visitors to the audio interviews for them to hear the stories in the trailblazer's own words. The exhibit will also include a panel highlighting the NOMAtlanta StoryCorps Initiative, the missions of partner organizations, interviewer profiles and exhibit sponsors. A concept design of the main exhibit and layout options are attached. A second version of the exhibit will be customized for the AIA Atlanta host chapter booth in the convention vendor exposition. The exhibit will highlight the outstanding accomplishments of our trailblazers while sharing valuable lessons learned as we prepare the next generation of minority AEC professionals to be trailblazers in their own right. Partnership Opportunities The Atlanta Chapter of NOMA and StoryCorps Atlanta partner for this first-ever exhibit on Atlanta minority AEC trailblazers. Through a special partnership with the Atlanta Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, the exhibit will be displayed in the host chapter booth in the vendors’ exposition as well as other events during the 2015 AIA National Convention. The convention is projected to host over 8,000 architects and design professionals here in the City of Atlanta. The exhibit aims to not only share these inspirational stories with the thousands of visitors for the convention but is also planned to be showcased at future local events and national conferences to include the upcoming 2015 NOMA National Conference in New Orleans in October. NOMA Atlanta is looking to partner with corporate sponsors and major institutions to bring this unique exhibit to reality. There are several sponsorship opportunities available to support. Exclusive Corporate Exhibit Sponsor – Event Partner (Limited) - $1,800 Company Logo and website on Exhibit Introduction Board Company Logo on Photography background on all Trailblazer Panels Company logo listed on all promotional materials for this event Company logo and profile on NOMA Atlanta Exhibit website & Facebook Page Recognition during Presentations Corporate Exhibit Sponsor - $500 Company Logo and website on Exhibit Introduction Board Company name listed on all promotional materials for this event Company name listed on NOMA Atlanta website & Facebook Page Recognition during Presentations Individual Panel Sponsor - $250 Company Logo on Photography background on one individual Trailblazer Panel Company name listed on all promotional materials for this event Recognition during Presentations NOMATL 2015 Page | 2 We are also accepting in‐kind sponsorship. Please contact us to discuss those opportunities or to discuss this event in more detail at your convenience. Feel free to contact Garfield Peart for additional event, partnership opportunities and sponsorship detail via email ( or phone 757.561.6657. Visit the NOMA Atlanta website– – for more information on other sponsorship opportunities and benefits. Please return form below along with full payment as soon as possible to reserve your company’s space on the exhibit today! Name______________________________________________________________________________ Company____________________________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________________State_______________ Zip code______________ Telephone __________________________________E‐mail_____________________________________ � Exclusive � Corporate � Panel � Individual � In-Kind $1,800 $500 $250 $100 Method of Payment (circle one): MC Visa Amex Check (Payable to NOMA Atlanta) Online – (2015 Donations Link) Signature ________________________________Cardholder Name______________________________ Card Number ______________________________Expiration Date _____________Security Code______ Feel free to contact Garfield Peart for additional event, partnership opportunities and sponsorship detail via email ( or phone (757) 561-6657. Visit the NOMA Atlanta website – – for more information on other sponsorship opportunities and benefits. Please email completed form to Atlanta Chapter, National Organization of Minority Architects 1072 West Peachtree Street NW, #78844 Atlanta GA 30357 NOMATL 2015 Page | 3 NOMAtlanta Exhibit Concept Design DWG BY: GLP SHEET NO: 1 DATE: 020215 NOMAtlanta Exhibit Concept Design DWG BY: GLP SHEET NO: 2 DATE: 020215
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