Document 154174

Through the Looking Glass
2 0 1 2
Binge Eating Disorder
Inside this issue
Editorial 2
Coordinator 3
Finding your way to freedom
form binge eating 4
What is binge eating disorder? 6
Learning to manage moods 8
Things you may not know about
BED 10
Strategies to overcome BED/
Helping someone with BED 11
Research/Survey 12
Questions to help prevent a
binge 13
Training/Research 14-15
In the Media 16-17
EDA Groups 18
Professional Advertising 19
ED peer volunteer line and ED
links on the web 20
EDA Membership 21
Copyright © 2012
The Eating Disorders
Assoc Inc.
Individual copyright
remains with the
ISSN 1440-804X
NEXT ISSUE: Perfectionism and Body
Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)
The EDA Resource Centre
Phone : 07 3394 3661
12 Chatsworth Rd., Greenslopes. Q. 4120
Newsletter for the
Eating Disorder Association Inc QLD
From the Editor
Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of Through the Looking Glass.
This month’s edition is on Binge Eating Disorder (BED) and includes excellent
articles from Karla and Bodymatters. Just a reminder to our service users that
we would love to hear from you, not only in feedback but in contributing to this
newsletter. At present we have an awesome editorial committee who are passionate about sharing their stories and if anyone else would like to join this exciting group of people, please give me a call. You don't have to write each
month and can include stories, poems, drawings or a strategy you found useful
in your recovery. It can be immensely therapeutic to hear another’s recovery
story or tips. Journaling is quite often a useful tool in recovery, so maybe it
might be time to start writing a public journal for Through the Looing Glass!
Binge eating disorder can often be the ‘forgotten’ eating disorder, as most people are familiar with Anorexia and Bulimia. As not all people who are overweight have binge eating disorder, some people’s illness may go under the radar
and do not get diagnosed or the person may not seek the necessary help and
support. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV) currently places BED
into the category of EDNOS, however changes to the DSM-V will see BED as a
separate disorder. This will hopefully allow more people to get diagnosed and
access support in attempts to lead a life free of the constraints of an eating disorder. It is also worth noting that binge eating can in fact occur across all spectrums of eating disorders including Anorexia and although each disorder has its
individual symptomology, the causes and triggers of eating disorders remain
very similar.
Another point to consider is the use of other terms associated with binge eating
including compulsive eating, over eating, emotional eating etc. This can sometimes complicate things unnecessarily. It might not be helpful to get bogged
down by terminology, but rather taking the brave and courageous step of reaching out for support. Like recovery, a journey starts with a single step
One does NOT chose to have an ED but one CAN chose what they want to do
about it… Captain Planet says…..the choice is YOURS!!!!
Take care, enjoy the read and the month.
EDA Board Merting
Arpil 25th at 6.30pm
12Chatsworth Rd,
All Welcome
Saturday 21st of April
121 Pinelands Road
Sunnybank Hills
Come and meet Eating
Disorder Specialists and
other carers!
RSVP: EDA 3394 3661
EDA Service
Dear Mary-Ann
I still cant express enough
how wonderful your centre is..
you have very down to earth
advice that makes people feel
like recovery is possible.. i
just wish i found your site a
few years ago... as you are so
much on my level of thinking
on how to approach this
fragile situation. so a big
thank you again.. Ann
Mel Marks Resource and Support Worker (Mon-Wed)
The EDA would like to say a BIG thank you to
Tanya Kretschman
who fundraised an amazing $300 for the EDA. Tanya contacted Grill’d restaurant in Newmarket, who have a local
charity donation drive as part of their contribution to the community. In fact all Grill’d restaurants do, and it is up
to passionate people (like Tanya) to make contact with these services to nominate local charities. Well…..Tanya
we are stoked you chose us and even more stoked that people in the community chose us as their chosen charity to
donate to. So once again Tanya and Grill’d Restaurant at Newmarket
The EDA Inc Board of Management: President :Maree Bennett,
purposes. The contents of this newsletter may be
Vice President: Marcia Watts, Secretary: Nicole Yarham,
reproduced freely (providing the source is acknowledged), except material which has come
from other publications (and where an appropriate reference has been given). The EDA Inc
has made every effort to ensure the information in this newsletter is accurate, however, we
accept no responsibility for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies in respect of the material
provided. The EDA Inc is an educational institution for copyright purposes. Information
presented in this publication is for educational purposes only, and should not be used as a
substitute for the advice of a qualified medical or mental health professional. The EDA Inc
accepts no responsibility to persons who may rely upon this information for whatever purpose.
Treasurer: Suzi Scholey, Members: Maree Yarham, Kathryn Mullen, Steph
Through the Looking Glass is produced monthly by the Eating Disorders Association Inc
Resource Centre. Subscription is free with Membership of the Association. The opinions
expressed within are not necessarily those of the Association or the Resource Centre. All
material herein is the intellectual property of the authors, and is presented here for educational
CONSUME goes on line…..
From the Coordinator…...
Hello! It has been another incredible month here at the EDA and
in the Eating Disorder Sector in General!! Some great news is
that the National Eating Disorder Collaboration website has had
an up-date! Check it out
The Eating Disorder Outreach Centre (EDOS) in collaboration
with the Eating Disorders Network of Queensland is having a
morning breakfast with Carolyn Costin, Executive Director of
Monte Nido & Affiliates & Christine Morgan, Director, National
Eating Disorders Collaboration
The EDA is pleased to announce that our
wonderful teen magazine CONSUME is now
available to download at and it now has
its own facebook page. Please check it out
and “like”!
It’s on at 7.30am on Monday, 21 May 2012 at Eating Disorders
Outreach Service (EDOS), 14 Cartwright Street, Windsor
The Butterfly Foundation and the EDN also present Carolyn
Costigan Eating Disorder Recovery Workshop
Recipe for Recovery From an Eating Disorder—8 keys
For carers and community professionals
21st of May, 6pm FSG @ 121 Pinelands Rd., Sunnybanks Hills
$25 for an individual or $50 for a family
RSVP: EDA or 07 3394 3661
Thanks to all the participants that came to the recovery and carer
groups! The rooms were full!! And from the feedback you all provided a lot of connection and support was provided. I hope many
of you can make it to see Carolyn Costigan!!
Also thanks to the campaign group!! Wow!! What amazing energy and ideas! Look forward to our next meeting here at the EDA
on April the 18th at 10am!!
I hope you all enjoy this months read! Desi Achilleos
FREE EDA Email Membership for the
month of April!!!! With EDA membership comes loaning rights to our library
and receiving the EDA monthly newsletter Through the Looking Glass for
free for a whole year! Call us now!
Other Eating Disorder Services
National Toll free Eating Disorders HELPLINE
1300 550 236
Butterfly Foundation 1800 ED HOPE
1800 33 4673
ISIS– The Eating Issues Centre Inc
(Self referral)
58 Spring St, West End 4101. Ph: (07) 3844 6055
EDOS-Eating Disorders Outreach Service
(Need a GP referral)
Rosemount, Building 14, Windsor Ph: (07) 3114 0809
Queensland Over eaters Anonymous
Ph: 3030 3619
Child and Youth Mental Health Service(CYMHS)
Assists young people under 18years.
Info line for closest CYMHS: 07 3310 9444
Mater CYMHS: 07 31638188
Royal Brisbane Hospital CYHMS: 07 33109444
Gold Coast CYHMS: 0756671714
Headspace 3727 5000
Assists young people 12-25yrs who experience a mental health
and/or drug and alcohol problem . Self or family referral.
Crisis Support Services
Eating Disorders Adult Service (Gold Coast)
Parentline 1300 301 300
(Need a GP referral)
Kids Helpline Ph: 1800 551 800
Ashmore : (07) 5667 2000
Lifeline Ph: 131114
Palm Beach: (07) 5525 5661
Ph: 1800 010 120
Violence Support
Service (24hr)
Ph: etc
1800 811 811
New Farm Clinic - Private
Clinic Doctors,
for AdultsDietitians, Counsellors,, 07 3394
Ph: 3235 9999
22 Sargeant St, New Farm 4005 Ph: 32549100
Finding Your Way to Freedom
from Binge Eating
by Karla Cameron
I used to think of my binge eating as much like a
huge vulture descending onto me without any
warning, cloaking me in darkness, taking over my
mind and directing me to run to the fridge and eat
NOW! There was no sense of time involved - only
an urgent, out of control shovelling in of food. My
bingeing would finish when the vulture released
me from its vice-like grip and dropped me back
into the ugly reality of the kitchen and what I had
just done.
So how does a person escape from this living hell
and find themselves in a much more natural,
Suddenly coming back into consciousness, I would intuitive and nourishing place with their eating?
be aware of a very bloated stomach, sticky fingers, I found myself here with lots and lots of practise at
the smell and taste of cheap, trashy food around
developing an awareness of myself, my thoughts,
my feelings, my triggers, understanding the
my mouth and just an overwhelming feeling of
emotional need I was trying to fill with food and
disgust in myself as I looked down at the kitchen
eventually working on resolving the true underlying
bench and all that remained.
emotional and self-esteem issues that kept me
What did remain wasn’t much food; mainly empty feeling like a deprived victim with binge eating.
biscuit packets, chocolate wrappers, mauled
custard or ice cream containers, and always the
There is no right or wrong way to find freedom
white paper packets of sugar coated, white flour
from binge eating – but it must be Your Way. You
products I may have picked up from a bakery
will be surrendering all external attempts at
earlier. I’ve been in some pretty low and
control and going with Your Flow - not your best
shameful places with my eating: I have eaten food friends flow, not your dietician’s flow and not your
out of the rubbish bin, burnt food, frozen food and international eating guru’s flow either. Real
even food my dog wouldn’t eat – and our dog was
freedom cannot be found on pieces of paper or
known to eat anything.
intellectualised in any way. It must be
experienced first hand by the individual and the
The after effects were crazy mood swings,
process is actually a very kind and gentle one,
headaches, body aches and a desperate desire to
which is in stark opposition to the way we usually
climb out of my own skin, I was so uncomfortable. treat ourselves with food.
I also remained 10 – 15 kilos overweight. Then I
would isolate myself in my house and the dance of In freeing ourselves, we cannot be told what to do
self-contempt would begin “I can’t believe I just
or told what to eat because this is just another
did that! What is wrong with me? Why can’t I eat way of disempowering ourselves and looking
like a normal person? I am such a disgusting pig!” outside ourselves for answers. The message we
followed by solemn promises that I would be very, feed ourselves in this process is a very loud and
very good from tomorrow onwards and this will
clear “I can’t be trusted. Just tell me what to do
never happen again!
because I’m hopeless and I don’t know”.
After a frantic clean up to dispose of all the
evidence, (should my boyfriend arrive home
unexpectedly) I would immediately begin planning
my new extreme, restrictive diet to make up for
the binge. At this point I was no longer
compensating by purging or over exercising, so my
life for 7 years was dieting, bingeing or hating
myself - and nothing in between. Occasionally I’d
have a run of a few weeks sticking to my diet
before I would again lose control and binge.
A very natural human response to being told what
to do is to rebel. And so we lay our own
foundations for lots more rebellious eating to
follow. This doesn’t make any sense on a logical
level, but we are not logical beings, we are
emotional, feeling beings and we need to find a
way to work with our feelings, rather than against
them (by avoiding them as we do). We need to
embrace them with a loving kindness.
When we begin to trust ourselves and our feelings,
we reconnect with our bodies. When we use our
intuition, honour our hunger and respect our
bodies as the house we live in, we will surely
create dramatic changes within. This is the
internal revolution you have been seeking. This
change then flows on to showing up externally,
eventually as weight loss and purely as a long-term
side-effect. Weight loss cannot be the goal; for
while ever it is, it will never happen in a
sustainable way.
WITHOUT JUDGMENT. I started saying to
myself: Ok, so I’ve eaten a lot of food, I don’t
understand why I did that right now but on
some level my body needed that food and I
allowed myself to have it.
A key piece of research that helped me understand •
that none of my binge eating was actually my fault
(as in, it wasn’t conclusive proof that I was a weakwilled, useless, fat failure) was something I
discovered through the EDA called The Minnesota
Experiment. Please Google it and find out for
yourself that every time we binge, it’s not our
fault. Every time we restrict our food (or diet),
it’s only a matter of time before we end up losing
control and overeating as a normal, healthy,
biological, survival response. This is an expected
outcome of dieting and has been known since 1944
– but no weight loss organisation will ever tell you
Understand that whenever we binge, it is
always an attempt at self-soothing. There is an
emotional need that is aching to be filled and
we keep looking in the fridge for answers.
(Sorry, there are no answers to be found in the
Head researcher of this study, Professor Ancel
Keys, proved that other normal, natural responses
to dieting is depression, mood swings, tiredness,
lethargy, angry outbursts, loss of libido, obsession
with food and our weight, a narrowing of interests,
loss of humour and spontaneity, self-contempt
when we do break our diet as well as weight gain and for some people like us, a much higher risk of
developing an eating disorder.
Take on more personal responsibility for your
own life, no one else can do this for you. Seek
whichever form of therapy helps you to heal – a
cute saying I read recently is “face your stuff or
stuff your face”. Healing is our choice.
Looking within, with a great deal of honesty
and touch of vulnerability will provide all the
answers we need, if only we can allow
ourselves go there.
Yes it can be absolutely terrifying for a few
seconds to feel our feelings instead of numbing
them with food, but what’s the alternative? A
lifetime of binge eating and feeling out of
control? No thank you.
I chose freedom and I haven’t once looked back
over my shoulder and wished I could again be
binge eating. The pain of change has always
been worth the effort.
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with
a single step” Ancient Taoist mantra.
There are a few guidelines I can share with you
to help you on your journey to freedom:
Let go of all forms of dieting – dieting is what
causes us to binge eat in the first place.
Extreme dieting causes extreme bingeing.
If it has taken a few years to develop a hardcore diet mentality that’s all about deprivation
and scarcity, give your self the time and space
it takes to replace that with a mentality of
abundance, comfort and safety around food.
Practise trusting yourself, practise eating in
response to your body’s hunger, practise
listening to your body, practise resting when
your body is tired.
Try self-compassion instead of self-contempt.
It’s a pointless waste of emotional energy
beating ourselves up when we do binge.
Practise observing your own behaviour
What is Binge Eating Disorder?
Binge Eating Disorder is another common form
of Eating Disorder that currently sits under the
category of 'Eating Disorders Not Otherwise
Specified'. Binge Eating Disorder is, in many
ways, similar to Bulimia Nervosa in that the
individual feels a sense of lack of control over
their eating, but they do not engage in purging
as a means of weight control. This means that
the individual is overwhelmed with the fear of
gaining weight and the consequent physical and
medical complications that exist. Not all people
with Binge Eating Disorder will however be
overweight. In fact, only about half will be
considered overweight. It is believed that there
is a higher prevalence of Binge Eating Disorder
than Bulimia Nervosa, and more males will have
Binge Eating Disorder than any other Eating
Disorder (Fairburn, 1995).
People with Binge Eating Disorder will meet
the following criteria:
Recurrent episodes of binge eating. An episode
of binge eating is characterised by both of the
Eating, in a discrete period of time (eg
within any two hour period) an amount of
food that is definitely larger than most
people would eat in a similar period of time
under similar circumstances.
A big thank you to all those who attended our
first campaign focus group meeting on 21st
A sense of lack of control over eating during March and what a meeting it was!!
the episode (eg a feeling that one cannot
stop eating or control what or how much
one is eating).
Many great ideas were explored and shared with
many more ideas continuing to filter through, so
The binge-eating episodes are associated with once again thanks and keep them rolling in.
three (or more) of the following:
We have also had conformation that renown local photographer Beth Mitchel has agreed to do
the photo shoot. Anyone who has not seen Beth’s
work is urged to do so as it is simply incredible
and highlights our theme of underwater (below
the surface is the eating disorder and above the
surface is recovery).
Eating much more rapidly than normal.
Eating until feeling uncomfortably full.
Eating large amounts of food when not
feeling physically hungry.
Eating alone because of being
embarrassed by how much one is eating.
Feeling disgusted with oneself,
depressed, or very guilty after overeating.
Marked distress regarding binge eating.
It was so exciting to see so many heads collaborating together including professionals, consumers, carers etc. all bound by a common goal; the
importance of prevention and early Intervention.
The binge-eating episode occurs, on
average, at least 2 days a week for six
If you missed this meeting, don’t worry we have
another one scheduled for
Wednesday 18th April at the EDA.
(Taken from the Diagnostic and Statistic
Manual [DSM] Version 4)
Please note that the DSM Version 5-due out
this year, is making BED a separate disorder
Hope to see you there!!
These really are such exciting creative times, so
please jump on board the EDA express & hold on!
Mental Health Professionals Network
Brisbane Eating Disorders Network Meeting
Date and time:
Guest speakers:
Monday, 21 May at 7:30am
Amanda Dearden, ISIS
Carmel Fleming, EDOS
Carolyn Costin, Executive Director of Monte Nido & Affiliates
Christine Morgan, National Director, National Eating Disorders Collaboration
Monday, 21 May 2012
7:30am breakfast, 8:00am to 10:00am presentation
Eating Disorders Outreach Service (EDOS), Building 14 Rosemount, Cartwright St, Windsor
By reply email to Lydia at
Please note that due to venue capacity, places are limited to the first 30 RSVPs. If you would like to attend via a
video conference link-up, please contact Carmel Fleming at EDOS via with the
following information:
Site name (eg Cairns TPHU), VC Asset # (eg.10025879), Contact person/ phone / e-mail, NB link-up starts at 8am
The Eating Disorders Network of Queensland is made up of not-for profit organisations, community and consumer
representatives, health practitioners and key stakeholders who develop initiatives to raise awareness and provide
information and training on eating disorders and related issues. The Eating Disorders Network started the Queensland Eating Disorders Interagency Networking Breakfasts in 2004 to provide a forum for networking as well as opportunities to showcase current programs, initiatives and research.
Eating Disorder Recovery Workshop
Recipe for Recovery From an Eating Disorder—8 keys
By Carolyn Costin
For carers and community professionals
Date: 21st of May, 6pm for a
6.30pm start
Workshop content will include:
Key activities that parents, friends, spouses, and
mentors can do to help
people recover.
Things that patients can
do between sessions. How
to talk to your child with
an eating disorder.
How to contact and transform the eating disorder
Tips for community treatment professionals.
Q&A session
Venue: FSG @ 121 Pinelands
Rd. Sunnybanks Hills
Cost of Workshop: $25 for an
individual or $50 for a family
RSVP: Eating Disorders
or 07 3394 3661
Learning to Manage Moods
It is common for people with eang disorders to report
that, when the going gets tough, they feel they have no
alternave but to resort to, say, binge eang. Binge eang
has become their way of coping and they see no
alternave. It is really important to realise that there ARE
other ways of coping with distress.
There are various skills to be learned for overcoming mood
intolerance effecvely and learning to deal with intense
mood states. As with all new things, it will take me and
energy to learn these new skills.
The “How” skills of mindfulness:
Mindfulness Skills
• Being non-judgemental. This means accepng each
moment as it is, not how you think it ‘should be’. It is
focusing only on the facts and not assigning a ‘value’ or any
‘worth’, not saying something is “good” or “bad”. This is
hard, because we all tend to judge rather than describe
things. We might say
“The sun is shining, that’s lovely!” Being non-judgemental
would be: “The sun is shining; I can feel its warmth on my
face”. Noce what is helpful and balanced, as well as what
might be unhelpful or unbalanced, but don’t judge it. If you
find yourself judging, don’t judge yourself for it! Just gently
Mindfulness skills can be divided into the “What” skills and remind yourself to let go of judging and return to being
the “How” skills. It is about observing, describing, and
parcipang (the “What”) in a way that is nonjudgemental, focusing on one thing at a me, and doing
• Focusing on one thing at a "me. Work on doing one
what is effecve (the “How). These are described in more thing at a me! Focusing on one thing at a me means that
detail below.
we can give ourselves and our a7enon fully to that acon.
So, when you are walking, walk. When you are eang, eat.
The “What” skills of mindfulness:
When you are watching TV, focus on what you are
watching. Do each thing with ALL of your a7enon. If
• Observing. Noce what you are experiencing, without
feelings or thoughts (e.g., remembering what you have to
ge2ng caught up in the experience. Just observe and be
do later) distract you, do your best to let go of those
aware of your feelings and any physical sensaons.
distracons and bring your a7enon back to what you are
Imagine your mind as a non-sck pan, and allow the
doing. You may find that you have to do this again and
feelings and thoughts to come (be observed) and go (slip
again. This is because your mind has a habit of taking a
away), like clouds in the sky or leaves floang away in a
li7le ‘journey’ of its own and wandering. Just noce that
your mind has wandered and gently bring your focus back
to what you are doing. If you find yourself doing more than
• Describing. As you observe your experiences, you need
to put words to them. For example, you might say in your one thing at once, gently direct yourself to doing only one
thing at a me.
mind, “I noce a ghtness in my chest as I breathe. The
thought ‘I’m very tense’ comes to my mind”. Just noce
and describe what is in your thoughts – don’t get involved • Doing what is effec"ve. This means doing only what
in the content of your thoughts.
needs to be done in whatever situaon you are in.
• Par"cipa"ng. When you do something, do it with all your Somemes we get caught up with doing what we “should”
a7enon. Don’t do things on ‘automac pilot’ – parcipate do or what is “right”. Focus on your goals in the situaon
in the acvity with awareness. For example, when you are and do what is necessary to achieve them. For example, a
soccer player might believe that the referee ruled unfairly
vacuuming the carpet, don’t start thinking about cooking
against him in a match, but decides to let go of his anger
dinner. Noce the sound of the vacuum cleaner, which
and focus on scoring a goal. If you noce yourself ge2ng
muscles you
are using. Noce your feelings and any thoughts that come annoyed and find yourself having thoughts such as, “This is
to mind. Noce if a7enon strays, then gently bring it back unfair” or “That’s not right”, idenfy these as thoughts, let
them go, and bring your a7enon back to the task at hand.
to the task.
Mindfulness is about living with awareness. It helps to be
aware of what you are doing so that you can change your
behaviours. It is impossible to change a behaviour when
you aren’t aware of even doing it! How many mes have
you been half-way into a binge before you ‘catch’ yourself?
When you become more aware of your acons, you will
find it easier to change. Mindfulness skills involve taking a
step back and observing yourself neutrally. Mindful Eang
is one strategy to gain control over your binges.
4. If thoughts or
parcular emoons
enter your mind,
acknowledge that
they are there and
then, as best you can,
let them go and
return your a7enon
to observing the food
and to the experience
of smelling the food.
5. ADer a while you
may wish to begin
describing to yourself
some of the more
prominent aspects of
your experience. For
example, if there is
some feeling of
hunger, you might
say to yourself “hunger is here” or “tummy grumbling”.
See if you can noce these feelings with a gentle curiosity.
If you feel a li7le tense or bored, you might say “tension is
here” or “boredom is here”. Or if your mind is wandering
into thinking about your experience or something else, try
Basic Instruc"ons for Mindful Ea"ng Prac"ce
to see if you can noce the type of thoughts they are. If
they are judging or fantasy thoughts, you might say to
1. Pracce doing mindful eang for about 5 minutes at a
me at first, and then gradually increase to longer periods. yourself “judging” or “fantasising”. Then returning back to
observing mode.
It is important to adopt a posture that is relaxed, alert,
6. When you are ready to start eang the food, becoming
a7enve, and interested. If possible, do the exercise in a
aware of your intenon to eat the food, the movements
room where there are few distracons. Proceed through
the pracce in a slow, careful, and gentle manner. Start by for eang, and the tastes and textures in your mouth as
just spending a li7le me bringing your awareness to your you eat. Observing the movements and feelings as you
chew and swallow the food, from moment to moment.
posture and your relaonship to the food you intend to
7. Again, if any thoughts or emoons arise while you are
eang, you may wish to give them a descripve name. If
2. ADer a li7le me of being aware of your posture, start
there are thoughts, see the thoughts as just thoughts,
moving your focus of a7enon to observing the food.
noce how they will come and go, and then as best you
Observe the visual sensaons for about a minute or so,
nocing the detailed shapes, colours, and textures. Move can return your awareness to the process of eang.
your focus to parcular aspects of the food.
8. When you have spent some me observing and then
3. Then move your focus of a7enon to the qualies of the describing, you can become aware of fully parcipang in
the task of eang. Expand your awareness to experience all
parcular smells. Allow yourself me to be fully aware of
the smells that may be there and the detailed sensaons in the sensaons, smells, and movements together as you
your nose (you may need to move a li7le closer to the
9. During the previous aspects of mindfulness, it is
important to adopt a non-judgmental stance, and bring all
of your a7enon to the parcular experience you are
focusing on, from moment to moment. Lastly, try to adopt
the view that you’re doing the pracce because it needs to
be done and mindfulness is a skill that works, rather than
doing it because of more loDy thoughts like “it should” be
done, or “it is the right thing to do”.
Let’s review again how mindfulness skills help in
addressing problems with managing moods, and how this
can help with your disordered eang. Intense negave
feelings build up over me but many people think that
they come out of the blue. This is because people are not
aware of the thoughts, feelings and sensaons they are
experiencing and get caught up in them. By being more
mindful of your experiences, feelings, sensaons, thoughts,
and behaviour, you will be more in control of your eang
and less reacve and impulsive. We encourage you to
pracce doing other things mindfully as well, such as going
for a walk, having a bath, cooking, watching TV, doing
housework, dressing, having coffee with a friend, etc. Keep
praccing and use the worksheet or a journal to record
your experiences. Don’t be disheartened if these skills
don’t work perfectly the first me you try them. It is best
to approach the pracce with a gentle curiosity and
without too many expectaons. Set-backs and slip-ups are
to be expected, and can be used as part of your pracce to
culvate greater mindfulness and understanding of the
obstacles of being mindful. There are many ways to
pracce mindfulness, so be flexible and keep praccing
regularly to help build your skill.
For full arcle please go to h7p://
Information sourced from various sites including:,-Eating-Disorders-andyour-Teen-63.html;
The prevalence of Binge Eating Disorder in the general population is estimated to between 37% of the general population
The incidence of Binge Eating Disorder in males and females is almost equal.
• A study of 15,000 18-22 year old Australian women found that 20% had symptoms of Binge
Eating Disorder.
• Young Australian women who start dieting before the age of 15 are more likely to experience
depression, binge eating, purging, and physical symptoms such as tiredness, low iron levels and
menstrual irregularities. Women who diet frequently (more than 5 times) are 75% more likely to
experience depression.
In a study of 106,000 Australian women, 20% used eating to cope with stress while 12% either
smoked or used drugs
Dieting to control weight in adolescence is not only ineffective, it may actually promote
weight gain A study of adolescents showed that after 3 years of follow-up, regular adolescent
dieters gained more weight than non-dieters.
Australians spend about $1 million a day on weight loss attempts with little success
BED often develops during late adolescence and early 20’s
• People with binge eating disorder are at risk of developing a variety of different medical
conditions including diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, gallbladder disease,
heart disease, and certain types of cancers
Potential risk factors include obesity, being overweight as a child, strict dieting, and a history
of depression, anxiety and low self esteem
• Poor or inadequate nutrition can effect the composition of our brains including the amount of
serotonin (the chemical that makes us happy/feel good), which can have an impact on our
depression and anxiety levels
• Not all people who are obese have BED-only 10-30% of obese people have been diagnosed
with having this disorder
• BED is not the same as ‘emotional eating’. It may contain aspects of eating whilst in an
emotional state, but BED is more about eating in an out-of- control manner coupled with large
amounts of food and marked distress.
‘Binge eating’ is often a symptom of eating patterns that can be present across all eating
disorders including Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa. Having BED means you need to meet the
diagnostic criteria as set out by DSM-IV (soon to be updated DSM-V)
BED is a mental health condition and can have serious physical and mental consequences
BED can also be known as Compulsive eating
BED can be caused by a number of factors that often affect one another including physiological
factors (brain chemistry), social and cultural factors (thin ideal), dieting and negative mood states
BED is similar to Bulimia except that there are no compensatory behaviours
10 Strategies for Overcoming
Binge Eating
Helping someone with
binge eating disorder
Manage stress. One of the most important
aspects of controlling binge eating is to find
alternate ways to handle stress and other
overwhelming feelings without using food. These
may include exercising, meditating, using sensory
relaxation strategies, and practicing simple
breathing exercises.
• Eat 3 meals a day plus healthy snacks. Eating
breakfast jump starts your metabolism in the
morning. Follow breakfast with a balanced lunch
and dinner, and healthy snacks in between. Stick
to scheduled mealtimes, as skipping meals often
leads to binge eating later in the day.
• Avoid temptation. You’re much more likely to
overeat if you have junk food, desserts, and
unhealthy snacks in the house. Remove the
temptation by clearing your fridge and cupboards
of your favourite binge foods.
• Stop dieting. The deprivation and hunger of
strict dieting can trigger food cravings and the
urge to overeat. Instead of dieting, focus on eating
in moderation. Find nutritious foods that you enjoy
and eat only until you feel content, not
uncomfortably stuffed. Avoid banning certain
foods as this can make you crave them even more.
• Exercise. Not only will exercise help you lose
weight in a healthy way, but it also lifts
depression, improves overall health, and reduces
stress. The natural mood-boosting effects of
exercise can help put a stop to emotional eating.
• Fight boredom. Instead of snacking when
you're bored, distract yourself. Take a walk, call a
friend, read, or take up a hobby such as painting
or gardening.
• Get enough sleep. If you're tired, you may
want to keep eating in order to boost your energy.
Take a nap or go to bed earlier instead.
• Listen to your body. Learn to distinguish
between physical and emotional hunger. If you ate
recently and don't have a rumbling stomach, you're
probably not really hungry. Give the craving time
to pass.
• Keep a Journal. Write down what you eat,
when, how much, and how you're feeling when you
eat. You may see patterns emerge that reveal the
connection between your moods and binge eating.
• Get support. You're more likely to succumb to
binge eating triggers if you lack a solid support
network. Talking helps, even if it’s not with a
professional. Lean on family and friends, join a
support group, and if possible consult a therapist.
Warning signs that a loved one is bingeing include
finding piles of empty food packages and
wrappers, cupboards and refrigerators that have
been cleaned out, and hidden stashes of highcalorie or junk food. If you suspect that your
friend or family member has binge eating disorder,
talk to the person about your concerns. It may
seem daunting to start such a delicate
conversation, and your loved one may deny
bingeing or become angry and defensive, but
there’s a chance that he or she will welcome the
opportunity to talk about their painful struggle.
If the person shuts you out at first, don’t give up;
it may take some time before your loved one is
willing to admit to having a problem. And
remember: as difficult as it is to know that
someone you love may be have an eating disorder,
you can’t force someone to change. The decision
to seek recovery has to come from them. You can
help by offering your compassion, encouragement,
and support throughout the treatment process.
If your loved one has binge eating disorder
Encourage him or her to seek help. The
longer an eating disorder remains undiagnosed and
untreated, the more difficult it will be to
overcome, so urge your loved one to see a health
• Be supportive. Try to listen without judgment
and make sure the person knows you care. If your
loved one slips up on the road to recovery, remind
them that it doesn’t mean they can’t quit binge
eating for good.
• Avoid insults, lectures, or guilt trips. Binge
eaters feel bad enough about themselves and their
behaviour already. Lecturing, getting upset, or
issuing ultimatums to a binge eater will only
increase stress and make the situation worse.
Instead, make it clear that you care about the
person’s health and happiness and you’ll continue
to be there for him or her.
• Set a good example by eating healthily,
exercising, and managing stress without food.
• Take care of yourself. Know when to seek
advice for yourself from a counsellor or health
professional. Dealing with an eating disorder can
be stressful, and it will help if you have your own
support system in place.
For full article please visit:
Two outpatient treatment studies are currently being
offered to people over 18 years of age with anorexia
nervosa. The trials involve expert researchers and
clinicians in the field of eating disorders from around
Australia and the U.K.
The studies are testing promising new therapies for
anorexia nervosa. People in the studies will be randomly
allocated to therapies. Treatment consists of 25 – 40
outpatient sessions.
For referrals or for further information please contact Ms
Andreea Heriseanu, Study Co-ordinator.
Phone: 02 4620 3726 or Email:
a randomised control trial that aims to compare the
relative effectiveness of three outpatient treatments for
anorexia nervosa and atypical anorexia nervosa. The
study is suited to men and women aged 18 years and
older with current anorexia nervosa or atypical
anorexia nervosa (Body Mass Index < 18.5).
Location of Project: Camperdown (Sydney CBD),
Campbelltown and Westmead.
Participation-What is involved: A research assessment
involving questionnaire completion and interviews at pretreatment, mid-treatment and post-treatment; between 25
and 40 free outpatient treatment sessions with a
registered psychologist over 10 months; posttreatment follow-up sessions over 12 months; and medical
screening with a GP pre-treatment, mid-treatment and
post-treatment. There are no costs associated with
participation other than any GP fees not
covered by Medicare.
Eating Disorder Specialist Survey
1. Taking a LEAP forward in the treatment of Anorexia
Researchers: Prof Phillipa Hay, Prof Stephen Touyz, Dr
Caroline Meyer, Dr John Arcelus, Dr Sloane Madden, Dr
Ross Crosby, Dr Kathleen Pike
Project Information: The LEAP study is being conducted
by researchers from New South Wales, England and the
USA and is funded by the National Health and Medical
Research Council (NHMRC PG634922) of Australia. It is
a randomised control trial that aims to compare the
relative effectiveness of an enhanced cognitive behaviour
therapy for anorexia nervosa. The therapy addresses
symptoms that have been found to be important in
preventing or impeding recovery. The study is suited to
men and women aged 18 years and older with current
anorexia nervosa (Body Mass Index < 18).
Location of Project: Camperdown (Sydney CBD),
Campbelltown and Westmead.
Participation - What is involved: A research assessment
involving questionnaire completion and interviews at pretreatment, mid-treatment and post-treatment; 34 free
outpatient treatment sessions with a registered
psychologist over 10 months; post-treatment follow-up
sessions over 6 months; and medical screening with a GP
pre-treatment, mid-treatment and post-treatment. There
are no costs associated with participation other than any
GP fees not covered by Medicare.
2. Strong Without Anorexia Nervosa (SWAN) Study
Researchers: Associate Professor Susan Byrne,
Professor Tracey Wade, Professor Phillipa Hay, Professor
Stephen Touyz, Professor Christopher Fairburn, Professor
Ulrike Schmidt, Professor Janet Treasure, and Dr Virginia
Project Information: The SWAN Study is being
conducted by researchers from three Australian states
and is funded by the National Health and Medical
Research Council (NHMRC) of Australia. It is
Hi, my name is Lauren and I'm a PhD student
at the University of Pennsylvania. I'm involved
in a research study that aims to understand
how job commitment, work engagement, and
organizational commitment arise amongst eating disorder specialists. I'm fascinated by the
effort and dedication that go into helping clients with eating disorders, and I want to better understand how truly great work arises
amongst eating disorder specialists.
If you are willing, I would love to have counselors/therapists/psychologists/psychiatrists
participate in this study. I would share the
results with the EDA. Participating simply
means clicking on an electronic link to the survey click here for electronic survey or cut and
paste this address in your browser https://
Questions to Help Prevent a Binge
Am I hungry at the moment?
It is important to eat a regular balanced diet. Many interventions for Bulimia or Binge Eating Disorders ensure that regular mechanical eating is in place before
attempting to work through any psychological issues.
Is there something else that I am craving?
If you are not hungry, maybe you are trying to achieve
something else by eating. This might include anything
- from craving love or attention to coping with stress,
or simply killing time.
Examples other people have found helpful include:
a movie or good book
doing something such as origami or knitting
completing a puzzle or card game with others
calling a friend to chat or talk about how you are
go for a walk or do something else you enjoy
Ask yourself: How much better will binge eating actually make me feel? Often the answer is not much.
This is often because you are actually hungry for
something else. It can be helpful to use a thought diary to capture how you are feeling.
Have I remembered why I want to get better?
Many people experience Bingers Remorse- shame,
guilt, and hopelessness- immediately following a
binge. Often people vow to never to binge again.
However the sensations immediately prior to a binge
are quite the opposite. People often experience a
sense of excitement, sometimes to the point of dissociation. The fact is that binging becomes a practiced coping strategy and motivation to stop a binge is usually
very high after a binge and very low beforehand. Needless to say, this makes it difficult to stop at the very time
you need to. This being the case, it is important to write
down and explore why it is you want to stop binging so
this information is accessible at that critical moment.
Similarly, people often experience difficulty remembering strategies that can be employed at this time- so we
recommend having a “binge survival tool kit” where this
information is written down also.
If you do binge, don’t despair. Consider afterwards
what things you could have done differently to prevent
the binge from occurring. Do so in a neutral and nonjudgemental manner as this is a learning process: look
for lessons rather than mistakes.
Are there thoughts that contribute to or maintain binging?
Common thinking patterns unfold before and during a
binge. This often includes thoughts such as “Here we
go again”, “I’ve blown it” and “I will never get better.”
Consider how to diffuse these negative thoughts
through a range of techniques including mindfulness,
NLP, Act Therapy among others.
Other things can be helpful:
Calling or talking to someone for support instead.
Who are good support people for you?
Relaxation exercises such as positive visualisation,
deep breathing, meditation or progressive muscle relaxation;
Structured problem solving (if the urge to binge has
resulted from something unpleasant or that may have
just happened);
Talking and communicating about your feelings in a
clear and assertive manner (if your urge to binge-eat
has resulted from a disagreement with someone)
Can I identify/ manage “at risk” times?
For many people, binging can be quite predictably
mapped in terms of what “triggers” a binge. This might
range from eating a “bad” food; to certain social situations such as parties with alcohol; to times/ places eg at
home, in the evening, immediately after work/ school.
Binges can be prevented by putting behavioural strategies into place. For example, if you drive home from
work via the shops to purchase “binge food”, try to drive
home a different route. If a binge morphs from eating a
meal, have clear practices such as eating from a plate,
sitting down, and followed immediately by a planned
activity. If it is when the rest of the family is watching
TV, work out how you can remain in
Could I be managing my feelings another way?
Often there are other ways to feel better apart from
binge eating. Distraction can be helpful- is there anything else you could be doing? The trick is often to
Thanks ‘as always’ to Sarah and
identify some things that are engaging. This might
mean something that is emotive, involves deep thought Lydia from Bodymatters for use of
or involves others.
this fact sheet!!
This exciting program not only draws from the most current
world research in the field of weight management and eating
behaviour, but incorporates Dr Rick Kausman’s 20 plus years
The Person Centred Approach to Healthy Weight Management of practical and unique experience in this field, and importantly,
presented by Dr Rick Kausman & Co-Facilitated by Louise
from the experiences of thousands of his patients. The content
of the training program also has input from other members of
Adams (Psychologist)
the ‘If not dieting’ team including psychologists, dietitians, a
Thursday 13th & Friday 14th of September 2012
social worker, nurse and physiotherapist.
If not dieting® Health Professional 2-day
Training Program
The Treacy Conference Centre, 126 The Avenue, Parkville,
The If not dieting® health professional 2-day training program
is full of practical information and is delivered through a variety
of innovative formats. The program is designed to give particiEarly bird registration fee: $660.00 (includes GST)
pants an understanding of how patients feel about this health
Normal registration fee after August 7th: $715.00 (incl GST)
issue, and provide the best possible information on how to asRegistrations close Friday 7th of September, 2012.
sist patients to make achievable and sustainable changes.
There will be plenty of time for discussion, patient quotes, and
About the Training Program
patient stories. Handouts of key materials and a training manuThe If not dieting® health professional training program assists al containing important references and copies of some journal
Doctors, Nurses, Dietitians, Psychologists, Social Workers, and articles will be given to participants.
all other Allied Health Professionals to effectively support their
To register or for more information visit
patients to be the healthiest they can be, and as a result of
that, achieve and maintain a healthy weight for them.
based on the potential participant’s availability. The group will meet once for
about two hours to discuss the research topic in a little more depth. If you are
a dietitian working in the field of eating disorders, you may join the focus
group via Skype.
Institute of Food Nutrition and Human Health
Data Management
Once completed, online survey data will be separated from your contact
information (if you choose to provide it) Data only identifiable by a participant
What is the study about?
code. The information with your name and participant code, along with the
Eating disorders are becoming increasingly recognized as a serious illness in focus group transcripts (if you choose to participate in a focus group), will be
kept in a locked cabinet at Greenlane Clinical Centre for the duration of the
New Zealand. Lifetime prevalence of all eating disorders in New Zealand is
study. No material that could personally identify you will be used in any re1.7%, rising to 2.9% for females (RANZCP, 2006). Normalizing eating behavior is one of the primary goals for recovery from eating disorders. Howev- ports on this study. The results of this study may be published in a peerer, there is no consensus or working definition of what “normal eating” is and reviewed journal and presented at conferences.
only limited research as to what actually encompasses normalised eating.
I would like to get people’s opinions on what is considered normalised eating. Compensation
I am hoping that this research will help eating disorder clinicians and patients Upon completion of the online survey, all participants will be entered into a
prize drawing of $100 value. All focus group participants will receive a $10
set relevant and helpful eating goals when working towards recovery.
petrol voucher. You will also be given the option to receive a summary of the
project findings.
Who can participate?
Clinicians, including dietitians, in New Zealand & Australia with over one year Committee Approval Statement
This study has received ethical approval from the Health and Disability Northexperience working in the field of eating disorders and still working in the
ern X Regional Ethics Committee, ethics reference number NTX/12/ESP/025.
People who have recovered from an eating disorder. Women aged 18-60
Get Involved
who are not dietitians currently not working in the field of eating disorders or
If you would like to be participate, please visit
clinicians with previous (not current) eating disorder experience
What is involved?
As a participant, you will fill out a series of online surveys. You may complete If you have any questions about the project, please feel free to contact myself
Garalynne Binford at 09 623 4650 or or my superthem in any internet accessible location you choose. In total, they should
take you no more than ninety minutes to complete. A small number of people visor Janet Weber at 06 356 9099 ext. 4403 or
who have filled out the survey will be asked to visit a facility in Auckland for a Thanks so much for your consideration. Garalynne Binford Lead Researcher
focus group of 5-10 people. The location, date and time will be decided
You are invited to take part in the Normalized Eating study.
Apply for a Carer retreat in 2012
If you are an adult Carer in the Moreton
regional area caring for a family member, and
are interested in attending one of the Carer
‘Get-A-Way’ Retreats in 2012, please phone
Carers Queensland –Ipswich (07) 3202 1852
for an application form.
Retreat 1: Thursday 26th April to Saturday
29th April 2012
Retreat 2: Monday 21st May to
Wednesday 23rd May 2012
Spaces for the two retreats are limited so
please submit an application form as soon as
This project examines whether an internet-based intervention for carers (or significant others) of people with anorexia nervosa is
effective and useful. The interactive web programme aims to give carers information and skills to help them help their relative,
cope with care-giving and reduce distress, which may in turn help the individual with anorexia nervosa. The programme
includes information on how to communicate with a person with anorexia; how to support them at meal times, facilitate weight
gain and re-establish healthy eating; how to manage crises and conflict; and how to assess and manage risk.
How is the research being undertaken?
We are looking to recruit 60 carers. Carers will be randomly allocated (i.e. as in the tossing of a coin) to one of two treatment
interventions: the web-based programme or the web-based programme + weekly support either by telephone or by email from a
trainee psychologist. Carers will also be required to complete questionnaires on three occasions: when the intervention starts, at
the end of the intervention, as well as 3-months a,er the intervention has been completed. We will also invite the person with
anorexia nervosa to answer questions about how they perceive their relationship with the carer.
Am I eligible to take part?
If you are currently taking care of a loved one suffering from a form of anorexia nervosa and have the
ability to read and understand English, you are eligible to participate.
To find out more Contact Danielle Hoyle: Ph: 0450 956 733 or email:
Professor Tracey Wade, School of Psychology, Ph: 08 201 3877 or email:
This project has been approved by the Social and Behavioural Ethics Commi1ee. If you wish to discuss the study with
someone not directly involved, in particular in relation to policies, your rights as a participant, or should you wish to make a
confidential complaint, you may contact the secretary of the Social and Behavioural Research Ethics Commi1ee at Flinders
University on (08) 8201 3116 or
In the Media….
It is so refreshing to see the
media and personalities take
on the issue of promoting
diet culture to our school
The weight-loss
industry has no
place in our schools
Nina Funnell March 28, 2012
Teenage girls are under great
pressure to conform to a
hyper-thin body ideal.
I was 12 years old when I first
came face to face with a set of
body-fat calipers. It was year 7
health class and we were
learning about weight
management and body image.
The teacher produced a pair of
calipers and asked for a
volunteer to be measured. No
one moved. She scanned the
room and eventually landed on
me. Next thing I knew, I was
lying down on the teacher's
desk as she measured the fat
on my thighs.
I suspect she picked me as the
guinea pig because I was
neither dangerously thin, nor
heavily overweight. But as she
read out my thigh-fat
percentage to the class and
declared it to be ''normal'', I
frowned. By age 12 I had well and
truly internalised the idea that
''normal'' meant ''not thin'' and
anything other than ''thin'' was
undesirable. When I returned
home that day I weighed myself
and resolved to lose five
Today, the pressure on teen girls
to lose weight and conform to a
hyper-thin body ideal is greater
than ever. While we often hear
that celebrity culture is to blame,
the dieting industry - a billiondollar industry that profits off body
dissatisfaction - is also
responsible for the extraordinary
pressure placed on girls.
Every time girls turn on the TV or
go online, they are bombarded
with ads spruiking weight-loss
products. The message they
receive is not simply that ''thin is
in'' but that body transformation
leads to a happier life. Many
techniques endorsed by the
dieting industry actually mimic and
encourage eating-disordered
behaviour. Obsessive calorie
counting, restricting or skipping
meals, denying hunger, weighing
food, measuring exercise (with
pedometers or other devices) and
rigid routines are all associated
with eating disorders.
According to eating disorder
specialist Lydia Jade Turner,
dieting is the biggest predictor of
eating disorders and unhealthy
weight loss practices are
becoming the norm in schools.
By age 17, 90 per cent of girls will
have been on a diet of some kind.
Eight per cent of teen girls smoke
to control their weight.
It is no secret that the dieting
industry has a vested interest in
recruiting young girls in order to
make them lifelong customers.
So why has Amy Smith, the chief
executive of Jenny Craig, been
invited to give the keynote
address at a prestigious girls'
schools conference to be hosted
in May this year? Regardless of
what she speaks about, why
would anyone who directly profits
from female body dissatisfaction
be given a platform at a girls'
school event? According to
Catherine Misson, the principal of
Melbourne Girls Grammar School,
which is hosting the event, Jenny
Craig's chief executive is a
''champion of women's health''
who will ''inspire'' attendees at this
year's Alliance for Girl's Schools
Australasia conference.
Others are not so convinced.
Numerous eating disorder experts
from around the world have now
made contact with the conference
organisers to voice their
disapproval over the decision. A
petition has also been drafted
calling for the replacement of
Smith as a speaker.
Signatories to the petition include
prominent eating disorder experts.
Still more letters have been sent
to the organisers and at least one
sponsor has withdrawn their
The former Minister for the Status
of Women, Kate Ellis, has
retweeted a letter criticising the
decision to include Jenny Craig's
chief executive in the line-up, but
despite all this the conference
organisers have refused to back
Regardless of the outcome in this
particular case, when 12-year-old
girls hate their thighs, the only one
who wins is the dieting industry.
The diet industry should be kept
out of our schools, not given a
platform within them.
Nina Funnell is a freelance
writer and social commentator
Read more: http://
Jenny Craig, You’re Expelled
Schools Australasia to dump Amy Smith
from the line-up of speakers at its twoyearly conference for educators on May
By Wendy Harmer
25-27, claiming the weight-loss industry
March 27, 2012
contributed to girls’ poor body image and
Believe me, it’s the call no-one ever
eating disorders.
wants to get from their agent: “Er…
“An online petition gathered 1000 people
Jenny Craig have rung and asked…”
in 48 hours.” The petition was gathered
I’ve been on the telly and in the public
by Lydia Jade Turner from eating disoreye for about 25 years now and in that
der clinic BodyMatters Australasia and
time my weight has gone up and down
said in part: “’Eating disorder experts
with the birth of two kids and my various
report dieting to be the biggest predictor
sporadic fitness regimes.
of eating disorders, with unhealthy
At the moment I’m much heavier than I’d
weight loss practices becoming the norm
like to be (my weight’s always a work in
in schools.”
progress, a bit like my beloved Oprah)
but even at my thinnest – 73 kilos – I
still got emails and letters telling me I
was fat. (Thank God there was no Twitter back then.) Many women on TV are
tiny. I mean astonishingly tiny. Sometimes I meet a presenter who I think
looks a fairly regular, average size on
the telly and I’m gobsmacked to find she
is about the same size as my 12 yearold-daughter.
And funny that Mel B, Jenny Craig’s
latest recruit boasts that she’s now able
to fit in the same size jeans as her 13year-old daughter.)
And me with my chunky figure?
Well, as I say, I didn’t take kindly to getting a call from Jenny Craig asking if I’d
”Global giant Jenny Craig thrives on
like to star in one of their weight-loss
women’s body dissatisfaction and the
campaigns (it’s happened twice). It’s
idea that their bodies are not good
demoralising and embarrassing.
enough. It beggars belief how Jenny
It kind of feels as if you are being
Craig’s CEO could possibly be seen as
stalked.(Of course I have to
an appropriate choice for educators of
acknowledge that Magda Szubanski said
young girls.”
it was just the thing she needed to kickDamn right it beggars belief.
start her weight loss journey and other
Our kids and their bodies are not the
celebrities have taken up the offer.)
playground of global companies like JenBut memo to Jenny Craig: If I want to
ny Craig (owned by Nestlé, and I menuse your services, I’ll ask. OK? And that
tion this because Jenny Craig is not a
goes for my daughter, double.
real person) and indeed fast food comI mention all this because according to a
panies like Hungry Jacks and Taco Bell.
report in today’s Fairfax newspapers by
They are making money by fattening ‘em
Jewel Topsfield: “A GROUP that proup in primary school and then slimming
motes the education of girls in single-sex
‘em down in secondary school.
schools has come under fire for inviting
Last year in Australia it was reported that
the chief executive of dieting firm Jenny
Hungry Jacks and Taco Bell were sendCraig to speak at its conference at Meling direct mail to the under 12s. The idea
bourne Girls Grammar. “Health experts
was for children to visit one of their outhave called on the Alliance of Girls’
lets, sign up to a “Kid’s Club” and then
be mailed offers for finger puppets, free
birthday meals and ice cream and the
chance to “upgrade your meal size, absolutely free”.
The Australian Obesity Policy Coalition,
which includes the World Health Organisation and Diabetes Australia, called on
the Federal Government to amend the
Privacy Act to outlaw advertising directly
mailed to children. The coalition said
nine out of 10 Australian parents wants
more control of these feral companies.
I’m one of them.
Recently I was with my daughter when
she greeted a younger friend who was
wearing a soccer jumper emblazoned
with a huge Hungry Jack’s logo that
made her look like a hamburger on legs.
I was ashamed to think that her sports
club was so starved of funds they’d been
forced to sacrifice her to a fast food company. I’d be even more alarmed to think
that my daughter would come home from
secondary school with a brochure for
Jenny Craig. And, by the way, parents
should keep their eyes open for this latest ploy in France where Dr Pierre
Dukan has sold 4.5 million copies of his
diet book. Earlier this year he recommended that students in their final two
years of high school be awarded extra
marks if they manage to maintain an
acceptable Body Mass Index (BMI), a
measure of body fat based on height and
weight. He is accused of failing to take
into account how his recommendation
might affect anorexic or overweight students.
As the author of the play “What Is The
Matter With Mary Jane?” about one
women’s journey with anorexia ( which I
am proud to say has been performed in
many Australian high schools), I say get
your grubby mitts off our kids. It’s hard
enough when a grown woman like me
has to fend off Jenny Craig, but when
girls are in their teens and extremely
vulnerable and worried about their body
It’s unconscionable conduct. Who’s
with me?
Family Information Group
The Family Information Group offers
people with eating disorders, their
friends, family and carers, the
opportunity to hear guest speakers and
ask them questions about their area of
expertise. We aim to have a doctor,
dietician, psychologist, and eating
disorders support person who specialise in
eating disorders as well as someone who
has recovered and a carer who has
supported someone to recover, to speak
at the forum.
9am—3 pm, Saturday 21 April 2012
FSG Building, 121 Pinelands Rd, Sunnybank
EDA Support
Recovery Group
The key to Recovery Support Groups is to give
people who have developed eating disorders an
opportunity to meet with others who have
recovered. Sharing our stories and strategies can
be useful for individuals, regardless of where they
are in their recovery journey. The Recovery
Support Group is an informal group driven by what
participants want to ask and share, & is supported
by a group facilitator.
10am—12noon, Saturday 28 April 2012
12 Chatsworth Rd, Greenslopes
Cost: FREE. EDA membership encouraged
Cost: FREE.
EDA membership encouraged
Carers Peer Support Groups
Seeds for Change
A support group for individuals with an
eating disorder to talk about issues
relevant for them. The eight week
program covers a range of topics including
the continuum of eating disorders, cycles
and triggers, stages of recovery and goal
setting, changing unhelpful thinking,
sharing personal stories, treatment
options, communication styles and skills,
self-care strategies.
The next Seeds for Change group starts
October 2012. Please phone the EDA to
register your interest.
Cost: $80 or $40 concession (comes with
12 months EDA membership)
We run a carer peer support group for carers of
individuals with an eating disorder. Come and
meet with other carers who have been on that
journey and are keen to offer their support.
EDA Carer Group
10am—12noon, Saturday 26 May 2012
12 Chatsworth Rd, Greenslopes
Cost: FREE. EDA membership encouraged
Peer Carer Group on the Northside
6pm—8pm, Wednesday 11 April 2012
Stoneleigh St, Albion
Contact the EDA for the carer’s address
Family Skills Based Training Program
“I thought I was a good parent, but when this
eating disorder came into our daughters life, my
wife and I felt so alone and out of our depth. This
group helped us to connect with other parents and
learn and practice techniques to help our
Participants must register to attend
groups. To RSVP please call the EDA on
3394 3661 or email:
Starts Tuesday April 17th – May 27th, 6.30-8.30pm
RSVP Cathy ph: 0412 629 787
Cost:$130 pp
Venue: EDOS 14 Cartwright street, Windsor.
Health Professional Advertising
Marcia Watts
Dr Heinz Albrecht
Consultant Psychiatrist (DipMentH FRANZCP)
Do you experience
Olsen Avenue Specialist Clinic
disordered eating?
Are you looking for counselling
support with your recovery?
146 Olsen Ave
Arundel Qld 4214
Ph: 07 5574 4445
Fax: 07 5574 4446
Affordable, available counselling
for all eating issues
Private Sessions
Small Group Workshops
Private & Confidential
Glenn Munt
Specialising in the
Maudsley Model
Family based treatment for
Eating Disorders
25 Years Experience, Day /Evening
Appts, Medicare Rebates
Thinking Families
17 Harry St, Ashgrove 4060
Ph: 07 33710299
145 Days Rd, Grange
B.Soc.Wk. UQ
Social Work and
Personal Counselling
Social Worker and Family
Phone: Karla Cameron
0411 224 609
Sarah Dakhili
B.Soc. Wk Accred. MAASW
Specialising in
Eating Disorders,
Anxiety and
Mental Well Being
Counselling Available
M: 0416 727 695
Dr Alison Christiansen
Lesley van Hoffen
Premium Psychology
BA(Psych) DipHR Dip AdvCouns
Child and Family Counsellor
Associate Practitioner
(07) 3848 0060
0404 091 696
86/ 101 Wickham Tce, Brisbane Medicare rebate
3831 0933
The Nest
Shop 5 Annerley Arcade, Ipswich Road, Holland Park.
Ms Michelle Maller
Why see me? Because I have been there.
Level 1,
Nutritionist & Physical Activity Practitioner
BTS, GcertHSc (HmNutr), Cert IV Fitness Instruction
37 Station Rd,
Nutrition for women's health;
Eating behaviour regulation;
Nutrition and eating disorders (Bulimia and BED);
Healthful eating in the later years; and Nutrition and exercise.
Gold Coast 5667 9864/ 0438 800890
3378 0955
DISCLAIMER: This page is provided for Health Professional to advertise their services. EDA Inc is not responsible for the content of these ads and
does not discriminate between these or any other service provided in the community. For other referrals, please contact EDA
Web-Based Support & Information
People with Eating disorders
Online Support
Skype and email support :, http:// and
Chat Room: and
Mentor connect :
Self Help site:
The EDARC is calling on people in recovery who may want to assist
those in need of support. We are seeking volunteer support workers
from all regions of Qld for our Volunteer Telephone Support
Network. If you are interested in becoming an after-hours contact
for those in need of support please contact the
EDARC on (07) 3394 3661 or
EDARC Volunteer Peer Support
ED-Young People
Have an eating disorder and need to chat to someone who REALLY
understands? Are you a parent who’d like to chat to other parents?
Volunteer Peer Support Network
Remember, these people are not trained counsellors.
They are volunteers, having life experience in eating disorder recovery, who
are offering peer support, not telephone counselling. These are home numbers so please ring before 9pm.
People with an eating issue can email or call:
Stacey at
Sunshine Coast
Sally 0412546481 (anytime)
Sharon email: (Mon-Fri) 0468854684
(M, T, W 3pm-7pm)
Cherie 0409227448
Body Image/Self Esteem
Jaian 0421122370
Lacey 0421 040 541
Parents can call:
Lesley (07) 3378 6730 / 0404 091 696, 6.00pm to 8.00pm weekdays,
9.00am to 1.00pm weekends
Vicki 0400298818 (leave a message anytime)
Jill 0405321292 (after 5pm Mon/Wed/Fri, w/ends any time)
Judy 0412085303
Michelle (07) 3285 3083 Mon/Tues night 0411357167 any night
Sunshine Coast
The Eating Disorders Association resource centre takes no
responsibility for the content of these websites
Gill (07) 5478 2854 before 9 pm 7 days
Donation, Membership and Newsletter Subscription Form
To become a financial member of the EDA and receive a 11 free copies of the EDA monthly newsletter for a year, you will need to fill in a
membership form and pay a small fee. You can fill in this form or email us at and we can forward you a form. Alternatively you can download a form from our website at If you would like donate to the EDA, all donations are tax deductible.
You have the option of being an email or a mail member. Email members receive the newsletter through email and receive a $5 discount
from the subscription fee. Mail members receive the newsletter as a
New Membership
hard copy through the post.
Donation ( All donations are tax deductible)
Subscription Type
Name ……………………………………………………….
Amount $______________
Please make Cheques/Money orders payable to:
Eating Disorders Association Inc.
Direct Debit Payments to:
Eating Disorders Association
BSB: 484 799
A/C: 163810445
Please leave your name as a reference with a direct debit
payment so we can match your payment to your membership
EDA newsletter/media contribution submission form
Please complete and sign the following form, attach it to your contribution and mail it to:
The Editor, Eating Disorders Resource Centre, 12 Chatsworth Road, Greenslopes Qld 4120
The contribution titled __________________________________by ______________________________
is to be used by EDA including for our newsletter “Through the Looking Glass”. I hereby warrant that the submitted contribution is created
by myself and I grant to The Eating Disorders Association QLD (EDA) the exclusive rights to use it in their media including print, website
and any future media. All documents, text, photographs and pictures, and other materials of authorship afforded to The EDA related to
the contribution shall become the sole property of the EDA and the EDA may use such materials at its sole discretion for an unlimited
period of time. I hereby release and forever discharge the EDA and any of its Board Members, directors, officers, agents, employees and
clients, and appointed agencies, their directors, officers, agents and employees from all claims of every kind on account of such use. I
understand that I am not entitled to any compensation for the use of my contribution or materials related to my contribution. My
contribution is to be signed in the newsletter with:
□ My full name __________________________ □ Not signed
□ My first name __________________________ □ Other (e.g. initials, pseudonym)_____________________________
I am aged 18 years or over
Yes □
No □
Email address
EDA requires signed parental consent on behalf of contributors who are under 18 years of age.
I ______________________________ parent/guardian of ___________________________ consent for the attached
contribution to be published in the EDA newsletter and signed as indicated above.