Active Wing Roll™ provides performance not offered by any other boom height
control system. Boom height can be maintained in the most severe conditions.
“NORAC offers a superior product. It’s
faster, it’s accurate and it maintains
boom height, making my life easier in the
Warren Stevenson
NORAC Customer since 2007
How It Works
The addition of a NORAC Wing Roll Cylinder™ to the
spray height control system hydraulically links the left and
right wing, simulating roll without moving the center section.
This creative new concept isolates the chassis movement
from the boom allowing more precise control. NORAC’s
patent pending
technology mirrors
the performance of
NORAC’s high end
Active Roll™, but
can be applied to a
variety of sprayer
center section
designs including
center pivot,
pendulum, trapeze
and rigid booms.
NORAC Systems International Inc.
3702 Kinnear Place
Saskatoon, SK S7P 0A6 Canada
T +1 800 667 3921
F +1 306 664 6664
Now available in North America with NORAC UC5™ Spray
Height Control systems for the following sprayer models:
• John Deere R-Series: 4030, 4038, 4045
• Case Models: 3330, 3340, 4420, 4430, 4440
Active Wing Roll™ may be available as a factory option in
partnership with OEM customers. Additional aftermarket
kits for a variety of sprayer brands will be released in 2015.
6667 West Old Shakopee RD, Ste 111
Bloomington MN 55438 USA
T +1 866 306 6722
F +1 952 224 4149
Optional Severe Terrain
“Smart” Software
• Automatically maintains a preset height above the ground or crop
using Soil Mode™, Crop Mode™, or Hybrid Mode™
• Adjust spray nozzle height on-the-go with the push of a button
• Shows the height that the nozzle tips are from either the top of
the crop or the soil
• May override using existing in-cab controls
• Indicates whether the system is in ‘Automatic’ or ‘Manual’ mode
• Communicates hydraulic valve activity (up [ ] or down [ ])
• Quick and easy to use with NORAC’s automated setup and userfriendly interface
• Additional features such as Headland Assist, Double Tap to engage
Auto and Tips ON/OFF are available on some sprayer models.
This option adds a second sensor
to each wing that is mounted
halfway down the length of each
boom. The Severe Terrain package
provides average height for each
boom, as well as a minimum
height override. This option is
recommended in the following
• Boom lengths longer than 90 ft.
(27 m)
• Land with sharp knolls such as
This package includes two
ultrasonic sensors with brackets
and all required cables and
• A separate NORAC
designed proportional
valve is used for each
wing and to control
the Active Wing Roll™
cylinder to ensure
smooth independent
hydraulic control
• Automatic oil
monitoring and
compensation for
superior performance
• Load sensing and
closed center models
are available
Roll Control™ Technology
Rugged, Reliable Non-Contact
Ultrasonic Sensors and Brackets
• Rugged aluminum sensors are designed by NORAC specifically for agricultural applications
• Internal electronics are epoxy sealed to prevent
moisture damage
• Capable of sensing changes in height to the nearest
half inch (1.25 cm)
• Sensors are able to distinguish four different targets
simultaneously including differentiating ground
surface from standing crop or field residue
• Breakaway or low profile brackets are used to
mount the ultrasonic sensors to the boom
Various roll sensing technologies are used to measure the roll in the center
section. This enables the system to predict the effects of boom and chassis roll
on boom height and compensate for it. The technology manages boom stability
by preventing one boom’s action from affecting the other and allows the boom
roll suspension to perform as designed without interference.
Active Wing Roll™ Cylinder
The Wing Roll Cylinder™ on the NORAC UC5™ systems enable the sprayer
to go over severe terrain by using the wings to simulate roll without moving the
center section. Wing lift speed is increased and spray height is maintained even
in the most severe conditions.