NORD - BRIDGE SENIORS Newsletter May 2015 Happy Mother’s Day! GUESS WHO IS THE MOTHER? Nord-Bridge will host its Annual Mother’s Day Luncheon on Friday, May 8. Pictured here is our Winner’s Bingo Volunteer Co-ordinator, Bonnie Hammond, with three daughters, at a Nord-Bridge event. (From left to right are daughters Debbie, Terri, mother Bonnie, and daughter Bonnie Lynne). Bonnie coordinates our Winner’s Bingo team of over 30 volunteers, many of whom work up to twice a week on behalf of the Centre. Last year their fundraising efforts amounted to over $142,000 for Nord-Bridge, used for programming and operations. Thanks, Bonnie, and all Nord-Bridge volunteers! Your commitments are the reason for our successes. CONGRATULATIONS ALSO & HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY TO ALL THE LADIES OF NORD-BRIDGE! “The Friendly Centre” 1904—13th Ave. North Lethbridge, Alberta T1H 4W9 Open Monday to Friday - 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Telephone 403-329-3222 Fax 403-329-8824 E-mail: 2015-2016 NORD-BRIDGE SENIORS EXECUTIVE President Pat Santa Vice-President Rodger Halvorsen Treasurer Roberta Svennes Secretary Marilynn Heaton Past-President Jim Hahn FIRST YEAR George Berg Marilyn Gillies Jack Fox BOARD OF DIRECTORS SECOND YEAR Norene Easthope Deb Dunsmore Doug Youngren THIRD YEAR Delores Bourk Clay Olsen Donna Takeda ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Executive Director Sr. Administrative Ass’t Administrative Assistant Chief Financial Officer Financial Administrator Director of Programming Reception Supervisor Reception Assistant Rentals Cook II Cook I DR/Kitchen Assistant Janitorial Randy Smith Kathleen Filkowski (Wed, Thur, Fri) Shirley Trefan (Mon, Tues, Wed) Roberta Svennes Tracy Beauchemin David Ng Valerie Arkinstall Heather Belle Kathleen Filkowski / Shirley Trefan Sally Reyna Bety Castillo Gail Krysak Marco & Carla Escobar ON-SITE PARTNER PROGRAMS & SERVICES National Association Gary Drake 403-328-0801 of Federal Retirees Chinook Lifecare Assoc. Jane-Anne 403-320-1170 PROGRAMS, COMMITTEES, CONVENERS, & BOARD REPRESENTATIVES* (* indicates individual on Board responsible for Program Area) (** indicates “Emeritus”) ADMIN. PROGRAMS By-Laws & Policies Comm. Crafts Boutique Finance Committee Seniors Helping Seniors Marilynn Heaton* (Chair), Harry Fischer Heather Newsham Roberta Svennes* (Chair), Pat Santa, Jim Hahn, Clay Olsen, Frank Deane, Harry Fischer, Mike Bennett Shirley Trefan Kathy Filkowski (Production & Billing) Jim Hahn Jim Hahn* (Chair), Mary Potvin, Dan Deringer Harry Fischer, Norene Easthope CARDS & BOARD GAMES Contract Bridge Crib Euchre Military Whist Trump Whist Norwegian Whist Scrabble Texas Hold’em Duplicate Bridge Donna Takeda*, Board Rep Kathy Ludwig Pat Veres & Mike Bennett Rodney Foster Donna Takeda Pat Veres Pat Veres Sheila Brust, Jenny Oleksy** Mike Bennett Pat Kincade EDUCATION Acrylic Painting Paper Tole Wood Carving Watercolor Watercolor Club Krafters Koffee Klub Quilters Group Nord-Bridge Card Crafters Spanish for Travelers Debra Dunsmore*, Board Rep Katrina Mak Elta Buckman Don Johnson Denise Savard Sandy Baceda, Erika Bosters Jo-Ann Adams Marilyn Martens Pat Kincade Marco Escobar Memberships Newsletter Newsletter Advertising Sales Nominations Committee NEW 2015 MEMBERSHIPS $53.00 2015 MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS $50.00 Library Mind Joggers Marie Areshenko Judy Knox, Jack Simmons Ted Sillito, Melvin Horn FUNDRAISING Pat Santa*, Board Rep Jim Hahn, Board Rep GAMING Casino Coordinator In-House Bingo Coordinators Monday Jam Draws Winners Bingo Rep/Co-ord Winners Bingo Alternate Jack Fox*, Board Rep Mike Bennett Frances Wallace Helen Gepneris, Blaine Hyggen Bonnie Hammond Leonard Hutchinson HEALTH & FITNESS Keep Fit Classes Tai Chi Yoga/Pilates Fitball/Exercise With Arthritis Zumba Fitness 55 Club Marilyn Gillies*, Board Rep Erin Ko & Melanie Hillaby Lynn Hunter-Johnston Melanie Hillaby T. J. Dunn Jeannie Williamson Jim Scott (Volunteer Trainer) OUTREACH Bereavement Cards Get Well Cards & Visits Keep-in-Touch Program Outreach Program Rodger Halvorsen*, Board Rep Valerie Arkinstall Lydia Prokop/Chris Figenshau Valerie Arkinstall Rodger Halvorsen SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Decorations Monday Music Jams Senior Music Makers Socials Committee & Specials Social Dance Clogging Line Dancing Belly Dance & Broadway Dance Doug Youngren*, Board Rep Eva Deringer Roy Swidinsky Barbara Stewart Eva Deringer Karen Hooper Sandy Nowell Della Howg Kimberly Lyall SPORTS & RECREATION Bocce Carpet Bowling Darts Dragon Boat Team Floor Curling Floor Shuffleboard Golf Pool Shuffleboard Table Tennis Norene Easthope*, Board Rep Clay Olsen Norene Irwin, Woody Neely Ken Bobinec Eileen Sawatsky, Dawn Vickers Vacant Lorna Vandervalk Harry Fischer Vacant Clay Olsen Jerry Mikusek, Dave Bergen TRAVEL Travel Trip Bookings Bus Bookings Driver Co-ordination —Travel Trips Driver Co-ordination — Card Trips Vehicle (Bus 2) Maintenance George Berg*, Board Rep Valerie Arkinstall Kathy Filkowski, Shirley Trefan Valerie Arkinstall Mike Bennett Marco Escobar VOLUNTEERISM Building Set-up Volunteers Volunteer Committee Delores Bourk*, Board Rep Clay Olsen, Harry Fischer Delores Bourk, Eva D., Elaine M. AFFILIATIONS ACA Representative Alberta 55 Plus—Zone 1 Economic Development Lethbridge Health Education Presentations Lethbridge Seniors Forum N-B Income Tax Program SASCC (So AB Srs Centre Coalition) Clay Olsen*, Board Rep Harry Fischer Mike Bennett, Clay Olsen Mike Bennett (through Feb. 2015) David Ng (and Alberta Health) David Ng Harry Fischer, David Ng, Sheila Brust Jim Hahn, Roberta Svennes, Harry Fischer, Randy Smith Randy Smith Jack Fox, Delores Bourk Harry Fischer Alberta Assoc. of Senior Centres Go Seniors Society New Horizons for Seniors Program View our Website for information, photos, video, Newsletters and more. MEMBERSHIP: OPEN TO ALL SENIORS AGE 55 PLUS. ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP: TO YOUNGER INDIVIDUALS WHOSE SPOUSE IS 55 AND A MEMBER. 3 PRESIDENT’S REPORT Well, we all hope the freak snow falls are over for the year and we can now look forward to the traditional May flowers. May is one of my favorite months, not just because of the spring blooms but because of Mother’s Day. Being a Mother and Grandmother myself, I have always celebrated this special day. I look forward to the Mother’s Day Luncheon on May 8th. It is always a fun event for our members. Unfortunately, due to a lack of presale tickets, our Miner's Memorial Banquet has been cancelled for this year. It has been replaced, however, by a luncheon on May 1st at 11:30 a.m., where we will honor our invited miners and treat them to a roast beef lunch. At this luncheon, donors of the Miner's Raffle Prizes will draw the winning tickets and present the lucky winners with their prizes. As we head into spring and summer, be on the lookout for Val's famous Mystery Trips. They are always a good time and not knowing where you are being taken makes it even more exciting. If you haven't attended our afternoon In-House Bingo on Fridays at 1:00, give it a try. We get a good turnout and everybody seems to have a good time. Some are even lucky! I look forward to chatting with members every Friday afternoon when I will be volunteering at the front desk. Please feel free to talk to me about your ideas and let me know things that concern you. If you know one of our Board members, please let them know how you feel things are going at NordBridge. We are all here to serve our members. Thank you for trusting me to be your President. I look forward to talking to you in the June newsletter. Have a great May and “Happy Mother’s Day” ! Pat Santa Magnus Egeland Tasia Schmieman Jo-Anne Stevenson Nadine Hamabata Roger Carter Karen Argento Marjorie McGrath Tony Wojtowicz Nord-Bridge Meetings Reminder Each Month Outreach Committee Executive Meeting Winners Bingo Committee Board of Directors Meeting Finance Committee Annually Annual General Meeting General Member Meeting First Monday First Wednesday Second Tuesday Second Wednesday Last Thursday 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. First Wed of March First Wed of November 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. Go Seniors Society Regular Board Meetings Feb, April, June, October Annually Annual General Meeting M Second Tuesday 9:00 a.m. First Tuesday of April 9:00 a.m. eet & greet the Candidates. All of our local candidates have been invited to meet with our members on April 28th from 9:30 a.m. to Noon in the West Community Room. So that you’ll be well informed, come and visit with the candidates on issues important to you! ALSO... Our Multi-Purpose Hall will be a polling station on Tuesday, May 5th, election day. All regularly scheduled activities will be suspended on that day. People residing in Lethbridge East Electoral Divisions 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 26 & 27 will vote here at our Centre. Others should check with or look in The Lethbridge Herald for voter information. AND FINALLY… Advance voting will take place from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday from April 29 - May 2, 2015. If you reside in Lethbridge East, your advance voting location will be: Office of the Returning Officer at the Royal Canadian Legion, 324 Mayor Magrath Drive South. If you reside in Lethbridge West your advance voting locations will be: Office of the Returning Officer, 1020 - 3 Avenue South, or Westside Community Church, 490 McMaster Boulevard West. PAID FOR BY THE COMMITTEE TO ELECT BILL WEST LORD STANLEY’S CUP By Jack Simmons, Mind Joggers Group I glided in on the wide open net, The big defenseman had not seen me yet, Mr. Howe had the slick, round, black puck, He would pass it to me with any luck. Ever since we had formed our new dream team, Our line had thickened like rich fresh cream, We shot, scored and won so easily, My line of Gordie, Howie, and me. We had shocked the whole NHL you see, A seventh team how could that ever be, Detroit and the Leafs were not very thrilled, Loosing Howe and Meeker had left them chilled. At eight years old I could hide so easily, Behind any big defenseman’s muscular knee, My partners would come down the wings you see, And pass the puck right to hidden little me. This had gone on all during the season, The uproar that happened was beyond reason, Why was I not in school the managers said, Saturday nights at nine I should be in bed. The public said I should be able to play, And that was the reason I was here today, Lord Stanley’s cup was up for the winner, The cup would be won before the pigs had dinner. Give us a call regarding … Affordable Pre-arrangement Options Evergreen’s Budget ~ Conscious Pricing Because Cost Is An Option We lessen the expense ~ Not the care Ph. 403-329-4934 Mr. Foster was explaining the play on the ice, And we were showing it’s not a roll of the dice, Gordy passed to Howie then he passed it to me, I slid it past Gump as he went down onto his knee. Then Mr. Foster from his perch in the sky, Shouted out over the air with a great, loud cry, Wake up for your supper you’ve fallen asleep, Boy is that a dream I’ll surely keep. I am Tammy Perlich My promise to you: I will listen to your issues & work hard to achieve resolution. I need your vote I want to be your MLA for lethbridge East Please visit my website: to read more about my goals or to get involved. I can be reached at On May 5 Vote Tammy Perlich and the Prentice Team PAID FOR BY THE COMMITTEE TO ELECT TAMMY PERLICH LETHBRIDGE EAST ADVANCE POLLS: Royal Canadian Legion, 324 Mayor Magrath Drive South, April 29 and 30, May 1 and 2 from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. 5 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT Greetings Members, We are publishing our May 2015 NEWSLETTER as early as possible, as this issue contains information on the upcoming May 5 Provincial Election. As in previous elections, we have made a table available near our Front Entrance & TV Lounge, on which candidates from all parties may place their literature. We encourage members to stop by this table to pick-up information. I would suggest the candidates that place their literature on this table are likely those who care about seniors issues, and recognize the role of Nord-Bridge in our community. On the day after the current election was called, we sent an email to all eight major party candidates (PC, Wildrose, Liberal, & NDP) in Lethbridge East and West, advising them of election opportunities at our Centre. These opportunities include: (1) the Elections Literature Table described above. (2) NordBridge is hosting a “Meet & Greet the Candidates” event on Tuesday, April 28, from 9:30 am to 12:00 noon. All eight major party candidates have confirmed their attendance at the event, to be held in the West Community Room. It will be a good opportunity to pose questions to candidates, and compare responses. You can also listen in on how they respond to enquiries made by other members. I suggest you might start thinking of your questions and issues. (3) We contacted all candidates about advertising in this Newsletter. Jim Hahn then followed up with a personal sales call to campaign offices. Thanks Jim! (4) We offered candidates the possibility of Hosting Coffee and Treats in the Centre’s Dining Room. Several have booked hosting dates. The dates and hosts are listed on a handout you can see on the Election Table, and on tables and stands in the Dining Room. Hopefully you will give the candidates the opportunity to meet you, and pitch their message. Two of these individuals will be elected, and we hope all candidates will leave here with respect for our members and Nord-Bridge. (5) All candidates have been invited to place signs on the boulevard in front of the Centre. As our building will be a polling station, we will remind candidates to remove signage before election day. And (6) lastly, we anticipate candidates to just drop-in now and then. We hope you help them learn more about our Centre, and the role Nord-Bridge plays in seniors health and wellness. Please remind them our programming funds from FCSS have been frozen since 2008. This has been at the choosing of the City, but the Province as the 80% funding partner in the equation (80% Provincial / 20% City) has not been without the ability to re-direct or resolve the issue of funding support. The current Alberta FCSS Funding Act does not allow for funding of leisure and recreation activities. Nord-Bridge feels this prohibition, specific to seniors socialization, should be changed. Age appropriate recreation and leisure activities foster mental health and engagement of seniors, and minimize isolation. If the FCSS funding model for seniors centres is not working right, fix it, or create a new direct funding approach. Respectfully yours, Randy Smith LUNCH WITH CITY COUNCILLORS Councillor Jeff Coffman Friday, May 15 Councillor Ryan Parker Tues, May 5 Councillor Blaine Hyggen Friday, May 8 Learn more about our City’s governance and our representatives in our comfortable and convenient Dunford Diner. All City Councillors are encouraged to join us frequently. Confirm your visits by e-mail to Protecting health care & education for working families. Not big corporate tax breaks. Donate. Volunteer. Take a Sign. Authorized by Maria Fitzpatrick Phone: 403.328.5732 PAID FOR BY THE Programmer’s Report by With warmer weather around the corner, many of our members will be heading outdoors to golf and work in the yard. Warmer weather also brings more children outside on bikes and near playgrounds, so please be aware and alert of busier streets and sidewalks. With this in mind, Nord-Bridge has partnered with AMA and LSCO to offer a FREE CarFit for Mature Drivers. This 20 minute session helps check seat belts, line of sight, mirror checks, position of pedals and much more. The cost is free but registration is required by phoning LSCO at 403-320-2222. Everyone who registers for CarFit will receive a Husky gift card and educational material on safe driving. Once again, our Community Volunteer Income Tax Program volunteers did a tremendous job. At the time of this Newsletter’s printing, Sheila, Harry, Howard, Ruth, Marg, Beverly, Shirley H, Shirley T, Lilia and Donna helped over 1,150 people file their 2014 income taxes. The volunteers have already eclipsed last year’s total of 937. Additionally, this year’s income tax program was also heavily supported by our Seniors Helping Seniors volunteers Norene, Darlene and Joanne who assisted many of those same people with general information and forms submission. A very big thank you goes to all of these volunteers who donated countless hours over the past few months. Program Cancellations on Tuesday, May 5 include Keep Fit, Arthritis Exercise, and Tai Chi. On that day Provincial Elections will be conducted in our Multi-Purpose Hall. Program Cancellations on Thursday, May 28 are Floor Curling & Keep Fit allowing us to accommodate the Zone 1 Floor Shuffleboard Playoffs. COMMITTEE TO ELECT MARIA FITZPATRICK Our office is more than happy to assist you in navigating your way through Federal Government services. We regularly help constituents: Contact Federal departments and agencies; Obtain Canadian pins and flags; Request a meeting; Make claim inquires about Employment Insurance, Canada Pension Plan, or Citizenship and Immigration; Order congratulatory certificates for birthdays or anniversaries; Access information on Government legislation, and Submit a petition to the House of Commons. These are just a few ways we can be of service to you. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact my office. Jim Hillyer, MP Lethbridge 255 8th St. S Lethbridge, AB T1J 4Y1 403-320-0070 e-mail: 7 WIN CAZH AT NORD-BRIDGE! DAILY 50/50 DRAW Nord-Bridge hosts a Daily 50/50 Draw to help raise much needed funds. Half of the proceeds go to the Centre. Members may enter for other members and you do not need to be present to win. IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE YOU MUST: Hold a current REGULAR, ASSOCIATE or LIFE Membership. 2. Cost to play is 25¢ 3. Draws will be made at 12:15 p.m. 4. After the draw, members may sign-in for the next day’s draw. 1. RECENT WINNER Dave Vasek $183.00 April 16, 2015 MONTHLY 50/50 Toonie Draw Nord-Bridge holds a “Monthly 50/50 Toonie Draw” on the third or fourth Friday of each month. Members do not have to be present to win. The Nord-Bridge share of proceeds is dedicated to Programming. TO PLAY: 1. Fill out an envelope for the draw at the draw desk in the Dunford Diner. 2. Drop a Toonie into the envelope and deposit it into the Draw Box. 3. Come out to lunch on “draw day” to see if you are the winner. The more times you enter, the more chances you have of winning! NORD-BRIDGE BUILDING FUND RECENT DONORS No recent donors. NORD-BRIDGE IN-HOUSE BINGO Cumulative proceeds from Jan 1, 2015 Through March 20, 2015: $ 4,653.50 BUILDING FUND UPDATE: Total Fund-Raising Goal From City of Lethbridge From Various Provincial Grants From Various Federal Grants From Nord-Bridge - by Fundraising Goal Achieved $6,250,000 750,000 2,500,000 500,000 82% 66% 7% 2,500,000 81% Total Contributions to our Building Fund 1998 through March 2015 Still needed by N-B Fundraising $ 2,034,485 $ 465,515 Lloyd Carefoot... ...on winning the Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award. Lloyd, a Nord-Bridge member, is a regular volunteer on our Winner’s Bingo fund raising team. Moreover, LLoyd has an impressive, long-time and diverse profile of volunteering throughout the community. We’ll present a more in-depth report on his outstanding commitment to the community in our next Newsletter. Next Draws April 24, 2015 and May 29, 2015 SOUND SYSTEM DRAW Proceeds of Monday Jam draws are earmarked to assist with sound system and AV costs in the building. MONDAY JAM 50/50 WINNERS March 30 April April Back Table Bandits $53; Ellen Koenen $53 13 Victor Winters $46; Floyd Sillito $46 20 Harry Wright $41; Sally Reyna $41 Thanks Jammers, Volunteers and Patrons. Thanks also to Helen Gepneris & Jim Hahn for selling tickets at Monday Jams. Breakfasts from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Daily lunch specials 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Homemade soups, sandwiches and treats plus Menu items including hot and cold sandwiches, burgers, fish, fries, onion rings, salads, desserts and more! Friday Lunch Specials $6.50 May 1 Roast Beef, Potatoes and Veggies May 8 Mother’s Day Luncheon; Ticket Required; Soup & Snacks in the M.P. Hall May 15 Chicken Breast, Rice & Veggies May 22 Liver & Onions, Mashed and Veggies May 29 Chimichanga, Rice & Refried Beans All You Can Eat Breakfast Buffet First Wednesday of each month $6.50 9 Free Initial Legal Consultation Wills...Estate Planning... and other matters as you may require. Nord-Bridge offers this service through RYAN CHAN, B.A., J.D. Nord-Bridge Seniors Upcoming FREE consultation dates: Friday, May 8 & Friday June 12 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. Contact the Front Desk to schedule an appointment. Phone: (403)329-3222 Fitness 55 Club Nord-Bridge membership, plus a special user fee is applicable. Annual Pass - $180 Monthly Pass - $18 20 Visit Pass - $25 There is also a $10 refundable deposit on the electronic access key fob. Meet with Jim Scott, Certified Personal Trainer Wednesday mornings, for safe training tips and motivational goal setting advice. PAID FOR BY THE DARTS REPORT Ken Bobinec, Convener Our program enjoys a large turnout of 30 people each week, but we have room for more. We welcome back our snowbirds, who have spent the winter months in Yuma. We play most Mondays and every Wednesday at 1 p.m. We play for fun so come out and join us. COMMITTEE TO ELECT KENT PRESTAGE CARPET BOWLING NEWS Norene Irwin & Woody Neely, Conveners Please note a change in our previous schedule. During the month of May and henceforth we will be playing on Wednesdays and Fridays at 9:30 a.m. We will not play on Wednesday afternoons. You are invited to join us for an enjoyable morning of fun and friendship. Many thanks to Nord-Bridge for ordering new equipment for our future use. 11 OUTREACH REPORT by Rodger Halvorsen APRIL OUTREACH, MONDAY APRIL 20TH We greeted 113 guests, 20 volunteers and our four entertainers (Anne Pauls and Friends) to a wonderful afternoon of enjoyment. Hats, hats, hats became the obvious theme of the day with Nina of Sunrise Village and Tom of Blue Sky leading the expression of headwear! (Hat Contest) The ‘Door Prize’ was won by Tom Lay of Sunrise Village. Join us at our final spring event “Garden Tea Party” on Monday, May 11th with the “Classic Legends”. Book early and make this indeed a “Classic Event” as we gather for our final event until September. Special thanks to all our guests, our faithful volunteers and staff. CONDOLENCES: April was a sad month. We lost many of our good friends. Our condolences were sent out to: Kathy Ludwig – loss of husband, Oscar; Helen Ruston – loss of husband; to the family of Dianne David; to Maxine Holmes – loss of husband Dean; to the family of Rose Gordon; and to the family of John Gogo who was an MLA and a faithful contributor to our Centre. GET WELL WISHES: Get well cards were sent out to: Les Toth who is undergoing tests in Calgary; Board Member and Volunteer Co-ordinator Delores Bourke who is resting at home; and member Clark Figenshau. Rodger Halvorsen I’m so pleased to report that Lydia Prokop, Barry Fawcett, Jack Butlin, and Alice Strickland are now at home. Lydia, Alice, and Barry have been in to see us recently. Professional & Courteous Remember to look for cards at the table in front of the Reception Desk and sign them. They mean a lot to those who are ailing or grieving. It helps to have friends at difficult times. Spring Window Cleaning Service Put the sparkle back into your view! Marco Escobar 403.393.6764 #8, 1904 - 13 Ave. N Lethbridge, Alberta 403-320-1170 Affordable lifeline within the Community Chinook LifeCare has been providing emergency response service for over 27 years to clients in Lethbridge, Taber and surrounding communities. Visit our office at Nord-Bridge Seniors Centre to view all the options for extending independent living. HELP IS AT HAND Chat with a member of the Lethbridge Regional Police Services about law enforcement or elder abuse concerns. Constable Les Vonkeman will be here on the second Wednesday of each month, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. in the Dunford Diner. Visit with him on May 13. 13 EUCHRE REPORT hat doubled letter can be placed in the spaces below to make the word for a loose outer garment? ANSWER Did you know? Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes. BB W Sheila Brust, Convener DOUBLE PLAYS Scrabble anyone? Update your game by joining us on Tuesdays at 1:30 in the Dunford Diner Annex. We will hold our In In--house Tournament on May 13th. At this time I want to thank our business sponsors: London Drugs; Servus Credit Union; Expressions; Humpty’s; and Lena Winter. Additionally, we thank members who also made donations. I will be taking a break during the summer but Euchre will be played during June, July and August with the help of my team friends. I will resume convening in September. I encourage new players to come out this summer, it’s a good time to learn the game. Whatever you do, enjoy the summer. See you in September! Rodney Foster, Convener To all the wonderful women, have a great Mother’s Day! While at the Nord-Bridge Centre you can access our in-building internet service at: User ID: FriendlyCentre Password: myfriendlycentre (Shaw Cable subscribers see below) FOR SHAW SUBSCRIBERS: We are pleased to announce that our building is equipped with Shaw) Go WiFi. To connect at Nord-Bridge: 1. Access the network / WiFi settings on your device. 2. Select ShawOpen from the list of networks. 3. Open your browser. 4. Sign in using your email address and password. Any questions? Please call 1-888-472-2222 or visit This is a free service to Nord-Bridge provided by Shaw. Alberta Government Seniors Information 1-877-644-9992 Are you buried under a pile of paperwork? Confused about Government forms? If so, contact “Seniors Helping Seniors” here at Nord-Bridge. We have friendly trained volunteers to help you Monday through Friday 9 am to 12 noon; and Monday, Wednesday, Friday 1 to 3 pm. Call us at 403-329-3222 to make an appointment. Nord-Bridge Seniors Centre IN-HOUSE BINGO FRIDAY AFTERNOON Bonanza Pre-call 1:00 pm Games Start 1:30 pm Regular Book - $5.00 3 Extra Games - $1.00 each Transportation is available for members; $3.00 each way. Phone Front Desk at least one day ahead at 329-3222 to confirm. HOSACK DENTURE CLINIC LTD. Formerly Dietrich Denture Clinic Allen N. Hosack, DD Denture Specialist Equilibrated Dentures Quality Custom Precision Dentures Partial & Implant Dentures Relines & Repairs Improving southern Albertans’ smiles for 2 Generations 403-327-7244 1-877-467-2251 TOLL FREE 604—6th Street South, Lethbridge, AB From the Desk of Val Hello everyone! I’m back and as usual the front desk has been abuzz. Thanks to my volunteers, and especially Sheila Brust for doing another outstanding job co-ordinating appointments for the Seniors Helping Seniors - Income Tax Program. During my absence we fell a little behind in getting photos of our new members. Soon, I’ll set a date and we’ll try to catch up. Hopefully the wind will not be blowing like mad on that day. Seniors Week, June 1 to 5, is just around the corner and I have confirmed two trips that week: June 2nd we’ll go to Calgary to see “Buddy Holly; and on June 6th we’ll go to the Hillspring Great Canadian Barn Dance. Also, don’t forget our Annual Picnic, June 5th. Soon I’ll be taking reservations for our popular MYSTERY TRIP #3. When I do, sign up immediately because these trips sell out quickly. ...SENIORS HELPING SENIORS NEWS BULLETIN... Effective April 1, 2015 Alberta Monitoring For Health Program has been discontinued. Alberta Seniors – Special Needs Assistance Program will review and assist qualifying individuals 65 years of age or older with the costs of diabetic supplies. For more information please contact “Seniors Helping Seniors” Nord-Bridge Senior Centre, at 403-329-3222 or Alberta Supports at 1-877-644-9992. Downsizing Dilemma? Need to Move On? We Can Help… ● Sorting ● Organizing ● Selling Unneeded Furnishings ● Packing ● Arranging Movers ● Unpacking Call Wendy Gillett for your complimentary in-home consultation and free estimate. 403-388-4122 (Office) 403-315-1729 (Cell) 15 Go Friendly Shuttle Call us at 403-329-3222 to book your rides for your preferred days and times. We provide convenient service direct from your door to our door. The cost to use the Go Friendly Service is $3.00 each way. Pay cash or use your L.A. Transit BREEZE CARD. TRAVEL NEWS PLEASE NOTE: ALL NON-MEMBERS must pay an additional $20 for all Nord-Bridge trips. Tuesday, May 19, 2015 LOCAL CASINO Pick-ups start at 9:30 A.M. to arrive at the Casino by 11:15 A.M. You get a FREE lunch while you GAMBLE. Bus departs Casino for home at 3:00 P.M. Cost: $8.00 May 24th to May 26th, 2015 St. Eugene Casino & Golf Resort, Cranbrook, British Columbia A 3-day, 2-night trip for golf, gambling or just relaxing at this luxurious resort (heated pool, so bring your bathing suit). Cost per person: $190 (Double Occupancy) $275 (Single Occupancy) Golf Available ($45) This trip is a definite go. Money is now due. We will take a wait list. MYSTERY TRIP #2 Wednesday, May 27, 2015 Join us for our second Mystery Trip of the season. This destination is a must-see attraction delighting visitors from all over the world. We guarantee an unforgettable experience. Cost: $16 (bus & tour) Tuesday, JUNE 2, 2015 “Oh Boy, BUDDY HOLLY!” Special “Seniors Matinee” performance of the hits made popular during the Buddy Holly era. Cost: $80/Members $100/Non-Members SORRY SOLD OUT WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 2015 BROXBURN GREENHOUSE & CAFE Annual visit to BROXBURN VEGETABLE CAFÉ for lunch and to purchase your bedding out plants. COST: $10 (Incl. Bus) BUY OWN LUNCH. Bus will depart Centre at 11:00 a.m. and will return at approximately 1:30 p.m. Saturday, June 6th, 2015 to HILLSPRING for our annual spring Great Canadian Barn Dance. Enjoy a tasty lunch and great entertainment. COST: $70 (INCL. BUS AND LUNCH) Bus will depart Centre at 10:15 a.m. and return back home at approx. 4:30 p.m. Taking names and money NOW. Payment deadline: June 1/15 UPCOMING TRIPS: Wed. June 17/15 - Annual Fishing Derby—Always fun!! Thursday, June 25/15 – Crowsnest Museum Tour only. COST: $45 (buy your own lunch) WATCH FOR MYSTERY TRIP #3, JUST IN CASE YOU MISSED OUT ON THE FIRST TWO OUTINGS TRIPLE D TOURS include: Yellowstone National Park: June 20 - 25 Deadwood South Dakota: September 20 - 26 Spokane Shopping Getaway: October 23 - 26 Coeur d’Alene Casino & Christmas Light Boat Ride: Nov. 29 - Dec 2 “SPECTACULAR VIEW” Cross Iron Mills Christmas Light Tour: Dec. 7, 8 & 9. Bring a bag lunch and enjoy an outdoor picnic, weather permitting. Bus will depart at 10 AM and return around 2:30 PM. ROLL & STROLL PROGRAM JUBILATIONS DINNER THEATRE, CALGARY We welcome new walkers Sharon Van Wyck and Maxine Emery. Join our senior friendly walking program each Wednesday from 10 a.m. until Noon. If you live alone and need to get out and about, this program is for you! COST: $3 PAID FOR BY THE COMMITTEE TO ELECT GREG WEADICK
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