Registration Form in pdf

Nordes 2015 Design Ecologies Registration Form
Registration is done in 3 steps:
1. Fill out this registration form and e-mail to
2. Pay your total conference fee to Konstfack*:
Plusgirokonto: 183586-7 (from Sweden)
or from outside of Sweden
IBAN: SE23 9500 0099 6034 0183 5867
Remember to write: your full name, e-mail and reference Nordes 2015
when transferring the money.
3. When we recieve both your payment and this form you will get an
e-mail confirming your registration to Nordes 2015.
Payment Information
Included in registration fee: attendance to conference events, doctoral
consortium (accepted PhD students), workshops, exhibition, evening
programs, conference lunches, conference dinner and book of abstracts.
The fees below include 25% VAT.
Regular participant Early bird (before and on 2015-05-05) 4400 SEK
Regular (after 2015-05-05) 5300 SEK
On site 5700 SEK
Student, including PhD (with valid student ID) Early bird (before and on 5/5 2015) 2200 SEK
Regular (after 5/5 2015) 2900 SEK
On site 3300 SEK
Full name Extra person for conference dinner Title Affiliation 500 SEK
Name of extra participant: E-mail Meals
Special requests regarding diet Phone All fields above are required. If you have a contribution to the
conference please write its number and title below.
Contribution No. Contribution Title No
If ‘Yes’ please specify Total Fee
Fill in your total conference fee: * Konstfack, University College of Arts, Crafts and Design, Box 3601, SE-126 27 Stockholm, VAT-nr: SE202100119901.