Cividale del Friuli, 27-28 marzo 2015
Centro San Francesco
Centro San Francesco
Piazza S. Francesco d’Assisi
33043 Cividale del Friuli (Ud)
Dott. Luigi Cattarossi
Direttore SOC Patologia Neonatale
Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria
S. Maria della Misericordia
Piazzale S. Maria della Misericordia, 15
33100 Udine
Via Portanuova, 3 - 33100 Udine
Tel. 0432 21391 - Fax 0432 506687
In copertina “Chiesa di San Francesco a Cividale” Acquarello - Mario Snaidero
preliminary program
“Update in Neonatology” reached its 4th edition. Traditionally the meeting has
been held in October, this time we moved the date to the last weekend of March.
The main feature of “Update in Neonatology” has been and will be also this year
to compare different approaches on different neonatal diseases. The presence of
local and international experts gives the opportunity to the audience to expand the
knowledge, exchange opinions, ask freely questions and solve doubts. This is the aim
of this meeting which made the previous editions successful. The nursing section is
a natural part of our programme and also this year will be held on the second day of
the meeting. We look forward to welcome you again on 27th and 28th March 2015 in
the beautiful historical town of Cividale del Friuli, located 17 km from Udine.
Siamo giunti alla quarta edizione di “Update in Neonatology”, anche quest’anno la formula
sarà quella sperimentata e vincente degli anni precedenti. Avremo esperti internazionali e di
casa nostra che ci permetteranno di confrontare la nostra esperienza con la loro. Il pannello
della faculty ci permette di dire che, ancora una volta, il confronto sarà di alto livello. Anche
quest’anno è in programma la sessione infermieristica che è stata un momento importante di
“Update 2013”. Abbiamo deciso di spostare la tradizionale data di Ottobre a Marzo 2015.
Vi aspettiamo, come sempre nella splendida Cividale del Friuli, il 27 e il 28 Marzo 2015.
Waldemar A. Carlo
University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama, USA
Luigi Cattarossi
Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria S. Maria della Misericordia, Udine, Italy
Phyllis A. Dennery
University of Pennsylvania - Children’s Hospital, Philadelphia, USA
Avroy A. Fanaroff
Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Ita Litmanovitz
Meir Medical Center, Kfar Saba, Israel
Jan Mazela
Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland
Giuseppe Miserocchi
Bicocca University, Milan, Italy
Arjan Te Pas
Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands
Main session:
Nursing session:
• Transition to life: from water to air,
physiological changes at birth
• How to behave in delivery room
• Oxygen and oxidative stress:
does it matter?
• Development of preterm infants
• What multicenter trials tell us
• Management of central lines
• Care of the ventilated neonate
• Which are the duties and the limits
of nursing in neonatology?
preliminary program
Phyllis A. Dennery
Oxidative stress and inflammation: what can we translate on the clinical field?
Role and Regulation of Heme Oxygenase in Oxidant Stress.
Oxygen therapy: how much is too much, and how much is not enough?
Avroy A. Fanaroff
Evidence based medicine in neonatology: always reliable?
Arjan Te Pas
Physiological changes during the transition to life.
Sustained inflation in preterm infants at birth: to do or not to do?
Non invasive measurements of hemodynamic transition after birth.
Waldemar A. Carlo
What the SUPPORT trial tell us?
Jan Mazela
Neonatal respiratory failure in Europe - results from EPICE study.
Is it important to monitor tidal volume during first hours of life?
Early cord clamping, delayed cord clamping and…
Meet the expert
One hour workshops each with 7 attendants.
Jan Mazela Surfactant administration: to whom, when and how.
Arjan Te Pas Delivery room: what to do or not to do.
Luigi Cattarossi Clinical Ultrasound: a modern stethoscope.