THE GOVERNMENT OF NORFOLK ISLAND MEDIA RELEASE Norfolk Islanders vote YES at today’s Referendum for the right to have a democratic say at the ballot box on their future governance arrangements! “Today the people of Norfolk Island have spoken loudly with an overwhelming YES vote on the question – Should the people of Norfolk Island have the right to freely determine their political status, their economic, social and cultural development and be consulted at referendum or plebiscite on the future model of governance for Norfolk Island before such changes are acted on by the Australian Parliament?” the Hon Lisle Snell, Chief Minister of Norfolk Island said this evening. The results of the voting were: 624 yes, 266 no and 22 informal “The referendum outcome has blown a hole in the Commonwealth’s assertion that the reforms they have introduced into the Australian Parliament to abolish the Legislative Assembly and Norfolk Island Parliament were overwhelmingly supported by the people of Norfolk Island. “The referendum result clearly exposes that the Norfolk Island community has been misrepresented by the Norfolk Island Administrator to Assistant Minister Briggs. The people of Norfolk Island today have clearly said that they want a say on the future model of governance for Norfolk Island, not just have a governance model imposed on them. The justification of community support for these changes on which Assistant Minister Briggs progressed the Bills can now only be described as flawed”, Mr Snell said. “I will be writing immediately to the Commonwealth Government, the Opposition, the Greens and Independent Members and Senators to ensure that the views of the people of Norfolk Island expressed at today’s referendum are respected. That correspondence, and a community delegation which I will be leading from Norfolk Island to Canberra next week, will be seeking a process of consultation to ensure a more acceptable implementation of the Norfolk Island reform process is on the table. This is NOT about delaying the reform, this is about getting such important reform right! Our reform timeline ensures that the agreed reforms - taxation, social security and medicare - will still be extended on 1 July 2016 with appropriate transition provisions”, Mr Snell said. Lisle Snell Chief Minister and Minister for Tourism 8 May 2015 CONTACT: CHIEF OF STAFF, NORFOLK ISLAND LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, OLD MILITARY BARRACKS, KINGSTON, NORFOLK ISLAND 2899 SOUTH PACIFIC. TELEPHONE: (+6723) 22003 FACSIMILE: (+6723) 23378
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