Fakenham Labour Team’s priorities are: AFFORDABLE HOMES • Accelerate energy efficient homes building programme • Stimulate Job creation and apprenticeships through house-building Fakenham needs a new team at North Norfolk District Council VOTE LABOUR ON MAY 7 FOR THE BEST TEAM IN TOWN Our recyclable bag message reached Arizona! LOCAL JOBS AND A LIVING WAGE • Promote Living Wage and NO Zero Hours Contracts • Boost local economy with better Broadband connectivity. PROTECTING OUR LOCAL ENVIRONMENT • Tackle fuel poverty and assist community energy schemes • Promote environmental sustainability – use local suppliers -reduce plastic bag use. COST OF LIVING - HEALTH AND WELLBEING • End council tax discount on second homes • Support professional and voluntary services and good community facilities to protect against hardship and isolation. • Improve leisure amenities and continue the fight for swimming provision in Fakenham, to extend health and wellbeing across all age groups. Vote Labour on May 7th FOR THE BEST TEAM IN TOWN JANET HOLDOM ADRIAN VERTIGAN If you would like to discuss any local issues with a candidate please write to: Broadland Constituency Labour Party, 18 Manor Ridge, Blofield, Norwich NR13 4PN or Email: fakenhamlabour@gmail.com Promoted by Mike Gates on behalf of Janet Holdom and Adrian Vertigan all of 53, Northfield Waye, Wells next the Sea, Norfolk. NR23 1LJ and printed by Chevertons, Holt Road, Cromer. NR27 JW JANET HOLDOM Janet Holdom E: janetholdom @ btinternet.com M:0776 0124 791 T:@janetholdom Adrian Vertigan E: adrian.vertigan @ gmail.com ADRIAN VERTIGAN M: 0779 3727 993 T:@adrianvertigan LANCASTER NORTH WARD Fakenham Our determination, experience and skills will help ensure Fakenham gets a fair deal from North Norfolk District Council. An introduction to Janet I came to Fakenham some 40 years ago from three years in America. I have a professional background in management accounts mainly in the private sector but also as a Treasury Civil Servant in British Embassy, Washington DC. Campaigning as a young parent, for traffic lights at Queens Rd junction, I’ve been active in the community ever since and served as a school governor for 15 years. Elected as a Town Councillor 16years ago I’ve served five years as Mayor or Deputy Mayor. Working with schools and youth groups, as Chair of the Recreation Ground Charity I’ve raised funds for development on Millennium Park. I’m a founder member of Fakenham Area Partnership, setting up community projects including Christmas Lights, Fakenham in Bloom, Tourist Information Point, Community Car Scheme, a Community Bank and the Farmers’ Market. Following an earlier campaign, with the Swimming Pool Action group we’ve continued intensive lobbying leading to NNDC reassessing Facilities planning. As chair of Fakenham Community Campus Trust I’ve been involved in the refurbishment and revival of Fakenham Community Centre recently winning funds to replace the main hall floor. “As a local activist, I’m outspoken and pro-active on various fronts to protect vital public services - Act on Ambulances campaign – Petition against break-up of NHS services and also for better Community Facilities in Fakenham.” Introducing Adrian I’m a born and bred Fakenham boy but, like many young people in the 1980s I had to leave the town to find work and a career. For me it was the Royal Navy, which I served in for 12 years. I’m married with 3 sons and currently my wife and I are Kinship Carers for our 2 nieces. I’m an active member of the Salvation Army and its Pastoral Care Council. I‘m a pro-active trustee of Fakenham Community Campus (Community Centre management body) and EP Youth, a Christian Youth outreach project. I am also a volunteer for EP Youth on ‘Street Life’, a drop in support project and a Young Adult Carer group. As chair of Kick Start Fakenham I lead the organisation of town events including the Fakenham Fair and Christmas lights switch on. As a Town Councillor and community group leader I’m pro-active on The Park Life project set up to build a skate park on the Millennium Park. I’ve had the honour of serving as Mayor of Fakenham leading the successful fight to save CCTV services for Fakenham when NNDC chose to scrap the vital service across the district. “As Manager of The Salvation Army Care and Share Shop in Fakenham I’m available to the community on a daily basis, directly in touch with town issues and people’s concerns.” A fair deal for Fakenham Fakenham is a working town so make sure it works for you. Adrian and Janet have shown their determination to shout louder for Fakenham. They will oppose unfair cuts and will work with the Labour team for the best deal for Fakenham people. Our pledges for Fakenham
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