Northampton Homeless Outreach As many of you are probably aware, since last October a group of us from Harlestone Road Church have been visiting the town centre on Friday night’s, helping the homeless & needy in whatever small way we can. We have met some fascinating people and over time a level of trust has developed and relationships have been formed. We now feel that we would love to offer these people much more than just a sandwich, a blanket or a warm smile. Communications In order to get the next Church newsletter printed by early July, I will need your articles submitting ASAP. So please, if you have anything you would like to see included in the next newsletter, please let David Wells know by 6th June. Thanks. HARLESTONE ROAD SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH NORTHAMPTON So now we are in the process of setting up a partnership with Northampton Borough Council’s Homeless Outreach Team, based at Oasis House. Their job is to walk the streets of Northampton, finding homeless people and offering avenues of hope. They work closely with alcohol & drug rehab teams as well as mental health specialists. Their goal is to get these people off the streets and into accomodation and rehab (where needed). With this partnership, we, as a church, can help in a much more substancial way as the Outreach team at NBC have limited financial resources available. Pastor Paul Dhanaraj 07445 318778 Through donations we can assist those whom the Outreach team identify as genuinely seeking to get back on their feet. They will identify their needs and we can hopefully help them. This could range from helping someone with bus fare to get to a job interview, to supplying small appliances and food once they have found accomodation. Elders Lloyd Sterling 07971 161940 Nigel De Vos 07823 331714 If you would like more information or wish to donate to this cause, then please see either Gyles, Angela, Reiss, James, Lloyd or David. Thank you. Also please visit our new webpage which gives you additional information and links to local groups. Harlestone Road Seventh-Day Adventist Church St James CEVA Primary School Harlestone Road, Northampton. NN5 7AG Bulletin items to Sabbath 23rd May 2015 WELCOME To our members, regular visitors and especially our first time visitors, we would like to extend a very warm Harlestone Road welcome and hope you all have a truly blessed day. Please remember to turn off/mute your mobile devices. Thank you. Sabbath School (10am–11am) Leading out – Joan & Silvia Opening Hymn – 375 ‘Work for the Night is Coming’ Scripture Reading – Luke 15:4-7 (Calvin) Prayer – Maxine B Special Item – Denise Welsh Lesson Study – Yaw Mission Story – DVD Welcome - Sylvia Closing Hymn – 369 ‘Bringing in the Sheaves’ Prayer – Ingrid Announcements Upcoming Events There is no baptismal class today. However Sis Josephine would like to meet with all of next week’s baptismal candidates straight after the Divine service, as arrangements need to be discussed. The church trip has been organised to take place on Sunday 26th July to the lovely beach of Skegness. If you would like further information or to confirm you want to attend the church trip, please see Heather Malopa or Nadine Fuller. This afternoon’s programme will be at 3pm and will be taken by Craig Gooden. The topic will be ‘Last Day Events’. Divine Service (11:15am–1pm) Announcements Lamb’s Offering (collection for church building fund) Worship in Song Platform – Craig Gooden, Pastor Paul, Dayo & Yaw Introit - 479 ‘Tread Softly’ Call to Worship - Dayo Prelude – 694 ‘Praise God From Whom’ This Sabbath will be Carolina’s last one with us (for now at least) as she is returning home to Sao Paulo on Tuesday. We have been truly blessed to have her worship and fellowship with us and she will be missed, but we pray that God will continue to bless her as she journeys on. Invocation - Craig Gooden Welcome - Pastor Opening Hymn – 518 ‘Standing On the Promises’ Scripture Reading – John 3:16 Intercessory Prayer Tithes & Offerings Children’s Story - TBC If you have any smart phones that you no longer use, please would you consider donating them to the Nyotastar Christian Centre project? These would be greatly appreciated by our Pastor's, Evangelists, Brother's and Sister's over there in Tanzania enabling them to communicate much easier with each other and with the UK. You can give them to Elvida, Arlene, Linda, Lucy, Darlene, Angela Sterling and any of the team who will be going to Tanzania this year, Thank you and may the Lord Bless you. Special Item – Male Vocal Group Sermon – God Of Love (Craig Gooden) Closing Hymn – 294 ‘Power in the Blood’ Benediction – Craig Gooden 690 ‘Dismiss Us Lord’ Fellowship Lunch Served All Are Welcome A big thank you to all who collected and donated to this year’s ADRA 2015 Annual Appeal. Harlestone SDA Church individuals/family/friends/neighbours/colleagues raised a grand total of £1651.95. This figure is more than £300 above our 2014 collection. This week we banked £311.42. Home tins for the year ahead will be distributed shortly. Remember that you can always make donations throughout the year to ADRA online at Sunset today is 9:03pm Note to Parents: In preparation for World Sabbath Day, if you are able to teach your children 'Be Thou My Vision' (hymn 547) in their mother tongue and or a language other than English, that would be great. Thank you.
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