Minutes Page 226 Northam Town Council – Minutes of the Planning Meeting held on Wednesday 8th April 2015 in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Windmill Lane, Northam at 5.45 pm Present: In attendance: Councillors Hames (Chairman), Ballard, Davis, Eastman (from minute 1504/972) and Tisdale Mrs J Mills (Town Clerk), Miss A Kendall (Admin Assistant) 1504/966 Apologies Apologies were received from Cllrs Edwards, Jackson and Himan 1504/967 Chairman’s announcements Following a question at the last meeting regarding obtaining copies of the recording should the meeting be filmed, the Clerk sought advice from Torridge District Council. She advised that anyone who is filmed is not entitled to a copy of the recording. As per the notices displayed, anyone who does not wished to be filmed must make the Chairman aware of this and he will do everything he can to stop it from happening. 1504/968 Declarations of interest Members were reminded that all interests should be declared prior to the item being discussed. 1504/969 To agree the agenda as published It was resolved to agree the Agenda as published. Proposed: Cllr Ballard, Seconded: Cllr Davis (all in favour) 1504/970 To confirm and sign the minutes of the Planning meeting held 25th March 2015 It was resolved to confirm and sign the minutes of the Planning meeting held 25th March 2015 Proposed: Cllr Ballard, Seconded: Cllr Tisdale (all in favour) 1504/971 Public Participation It was noted that Members of the public are permitted to make representations, answer questions and give evidence in respect of any item of business included in the agenda. Each member of the public is entitled to speak once only in respect of business itemised on the agenda and shall not speak for more than 3 minutes. The period of time which is designated for public participation in accordance with standing orders shall not exceed 15 minutes. No members of the public were present 1504/972 Torridge District Council Planning Applications: Torridge District Council, the determining Authority, has asked for comments from this Town Council on the following planning applications: It was formally noted that participation of the Councillors who are also members of Torridge District Council in both the debate and subsequent vote (in respect of any of the applications below, were preliminary) was on the basis that the views expressed were based on information made available at the time to the Town Council. The District Councillors were reserving their final views on the applications until they were in full possession of all the relevant arguments for and against. 1/1352/2014/FUL 1/1353/2014/LBC Location: Telecommunications Mast, Durrant House Hotel, Heywood Road, Northam Applicant: EE Ltd Proposal: Upgrade/replacement telecommunications equipment It was resolved to recommend approval Proposed: Cllr Tisdale, Seconded: Cllr Davis (all in favour) Page 227 1/0054/2015/FUL Location: 49 Lenwood Country Club, Lenwood Road, Northam Applicant: Mrs S Willmott Proposal: Change occupancy to 12 months It was resolved to recommend approval Proposed: Cllr Tisdale, Seconded: Cllr Davis (all in favour) 1/0124/2015/CPE Location: Linhay, 25a Cross Street, Northam Applicant: Mrs H Bracken Proposal: Use of property as 2 separate dwellings It was resolved that the Council notes this application Proposed: Cllr Tisdale, Seconded: Cllr Davis (all in favour) 1/0133/2015/FUL Location: 45 Bay View Road, Northam Applicant: Mr & Mrs C Beer Proposal: Proposed garage extension It was resolved to recommend approval Proposed: Cllr Ballard, Seconded: Cllr Tisdale (all in favour) At this juncture, Cllr Eastman arrived at the meeting 1/0139/2015/OUT Location: Land known at as Village Square, Golf Links Road, Westward Ho! Applicant: Westward Living Ltd Proposal: Proposed hotel and commercial development – Revised elevations Members were advised that this application was considered by Torridge District Council at a recent Plans Committee meeting. Northam Town Council received the revised elevations after their last Planning meeting and requested a deferment at the Torridge District Council Plans Meeting however the Torridge District Council Planning Committee went ahead and refused the application. 1/0142/2015/ADV Location: The Village Square, Land Adjacent Latitude 51, Bath Hotel Road, Westward Ho! Applicant: Westward Living Ltd Proposal: Retrospective consent for 7 advertisements It was resolved to recommend approval Proposed: Cllr Tisdale, Seconded: Cllr Ballard (4 votes in favour with 1 abstention) 1/0149/2015/LBC Location: Olive Farm, Orchard Hill, Bideford Applicant: Mr K Boyle Proposal: Two new windows, replacement roof and internal alterations It was resolved to recommend approval subject to use of appropriate materials Proposed: Cllr Tisdale, Seconded: Cllr Ballard (all in favour) 1/0161/2015/FUL Location: Blue Mist, Lakenham Hill, Northam Applicant: Mr C Hampton Proposal: Extensions and alterations It was resolved to recommend approval subject to no overlooking to adjacent properties Proposed: Cllr Tisdale, Seconded: Cllr Ballard (all in favour) Page 228 1/0182/2015/FUL Location: Land and garage at Fosketh Hill, Westward Ho! Applicant: Mr & Mrs C Jones Proposal: Conversion of garage into dwelling; resubmission of 1/0051/2011/FUL (Northam noted 1/0051/2011/FUL) It was resolved to recommend approval subject to no overlooking Proposed: Cllr Tisdale, Seconded: Cllr Davis (all in favour) 1/0213/2015/FUL Location: 116 Irsha Street, Appledore Applicant: Mr & Mrs T Ford Proposal: Demolition of outbuilding & construction of extension with balcony to rear of dwelling It was resolved to recommend approval Proposed: Cllr Eastman, Seconded: Cllr Tisdale (all in favour) 1/0248/2015/FUL Location: 18 Vernons Lane, Appledore Applicant: Mr R James Proposal: Proposed UPVC windows and doors It was resolved to recommend approval Proposed: Cllr Tisdale, Seconded: Cllr Ballard (majority in favour with 1 against) 1/0262/2015/FUL Location: 36 New Street, Appledore Applicant: Mr D Drake Proposal: Proposed rear extension It was resolved to recommend approval Proposed: Cllr Ballard, Seconded: Cllr Davis (all in favour) 1/0291/2015/FUL Location: 4 Lever Close, Northam Applicant: Miss L Mitchell Proposal: Conversion of garage and rear extension It was resolved to recommend approval subject to there being no adverse effect on the street scene Proposed: Cllr Tisdale, Seconded: Cllr Ballard (all in favour) 1504/973 Torridge District Council – Planning Decisions It was agreed to note that Torridge District Council, the determining Authority, has APPROVED the following applications with conditions as filed: 1/1087/2014/FUL Location: Acers, Goats Hill Road, Northam Proposal: Car Port (Northam recommended refusal) 1/0073/2015/FUL Location: Okengrove, Limers Lane, Northam Proposal: Proposed dormer windows (Northam recommended approval) 1/0082/2015/LBC Location: Johns of Appledore, 4 The Quay, Appledore Proposal: Replacement windows to south elevation (Northam recommended approval) There being no further business the meeting finished at 6.30 pm Signed....................................................... Dated...........................................................
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