Community High School District #99 North High School Realizing Individual Potential for the World Community School Year 2015-2016 Dear Parent/Guardian and Student, Thank you for your interest in the enrollment and registration procedure at North High School. To begin, you must inform the current school of your intent to leave and complete their withdrawal process. It is your responsibility to request transfer records. Refer to the Enrollment Check List to assist you in gathering the necessary documents. Omission of any necessary documents will delay the enrollment process and course selection. Complete the following enclosed forms: Student Information Form Release of Records Residency Affidavit Special Needs History Information Upon review of the materials you have submitted, I will schedule a math assessment test and an appointment for you and your student to meet with a guidance counselor. Be advised that the enrollment process may include, but may not be limited to, the following: an interview with an administrator, referrals from the previous schools, placement tests, and residency checks. Welcome to North High School! Ruth Schneider Registrar COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 99 – NORTH HIGH SCHOOL ENROLLMENT CHECK LIST All documentation must be presented in acceptable form prior to making an appointment for enrollment. Omission will delay your testing appointments and course selection. If you would like to verify that your residence is within District 99 North or South attendance boundaries, you may call the North High School registrar, review your address with the DuPage County Clerk’s Office, or check our district website map at RESIDENCY DOCUMENTS Required: one from Category A and two from Category B (proof from BOTH categories) Please note: If the student’s family is not the owner/lessee of the District #99 address, additional forms are required and can be obtained from the registrar. • • • • Category A (one document showing a current District #99 address) Real estate tax bill Mortgage statement/Closing contract Signed lease (with a contact phone number for the landlord/leasing agent) Agreement of sale • • • • • Category B (two documents showing a current District #99 address) Driver’s license (showing new District #99 address) Home/apartment insurance Public aid card Utility bill within the past 2 months (excluding phone or cable) Currently dated bank statement/Currently dated payroll stub OTHER STUDENT DOCUMENTS • Certified copy of student’s birth certificate OR student passport (if birth certificate is not available) • Photo ID of parent or guardian ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION Specific situations may require further documentation to determine the residential custodian of the student based on care or custody agreements. Please be prepared to share such documents, if requested. DOCUMENTS THAT MUST BE OBTAINED FROM PREVIOUS SCHOOL It is the parent/guardian responsibility to request transfer records. 1. ISBE Student in Good Standing transfer form from Illinois public schools. 2. An unofficial transcript for current high school students. 7th and 8th grade report cards and course recommendations for incoming freshmen. 3. A State of Illinois Certificate of Child Health Examination including immunizations with the physician’s signature and address. A printout of immunizations does not meet this requirement. Incoming freshmen: a physical is required before the first day of school. Out-of-state transfers: immunizations must be provided, and an Illinois physical will be required. 4. Standardized test scores if available. 5. Current class schedule and grades in progress if transfer is occurring during the school year. 6. Current IEP for any student receiving Special Services at their previous school. IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING MATH AND ENGLISH ASSESSMENT TESTING All students new to North High School are required to take a Math and English Assessment Test prior to the registration appointment with his or her counselor. Students can sign up for the testing after all necessary enrollment documents have been received by the registrar. Summer Transfers: Test appointments will be scheduled on certain dates in August and held from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. Students should arrive at 8:20 am in the main office on the day of their scheduled testing. They are allowed and encouraged to bring their own calculators, as well as pencils, for the math assessment. School Year Transfers: After August group-testing, students will need to sit for the assessments on an individual basis. Test appointments will be scheduled on a daily basis in the morning. Students should arrive at 7:45 a.m. in the Guidance office. A minimum of 24 hours is needed between testing and your student’s counseling appointment to allow for grading the tests and determining the appropriate course recommendation. PLEASE NOTE: If your student does not appear for the scheduled assessment tests, the registration appointment will be forfeited. Also, if the student is late for the assessment tests, he/she will not be admitted to the resource center for testing. This will also result in the registration appointment to be cancelled. Arrive at the appointed arrival time to avoid any delay in registration. Arrangements will be made to reschedule the testing and registration appointments. If the student misses his or her testing appointment, no guarantee can be made that he or she will be able to attend the first day of classes. Positively North Welcome and Orientation! INCOMING FRESHMEN AND TRANSFER STUDENTS You are invited to join us for the Positively North High Welcome and Orientation! The purpose of this day is to welcome you to North High, answer any questions you have, and show you around the building. The North Star Leaders, who are members of the junior and senior classes, have some great activities planned. We hope you can join us! When: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 Where: We will meet at 7:45 a.m. in the lobby of the Purple Gym. Use the Prince Street entrance. Time: The event will take place from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Transportation: Students eligible for bus service will use their normal school bus route designated for the year. Details of your specific route can be found in the packet that you will pick up on Schedule Pick-Up Day, Monday, August 17. Arrive at your bus stop at that designated time. At 12:15 p.m., buses will leave North High and drop off back at your bus stop. Some of you may be involved in extracurricular activities and may have practices and/or meetings after the orientation. Please check with your coach or sponsor. Please bring your schedule, locker number and locker combination, and dress comfortably for the day’s activities. If you have any questions, please contact the Counseling and Student Support Services Department at (630) 795-8400. See you there! 2015-2016 School Year ID # ____________________________ Office Use Only STUDENT INFORMATION FORM DISTRICT 99 - NORTH CAMPUS Today’s Date ___________________________ Counselor ________ Dean _______ P/S _______ Bus _________ School of Origin _________ Entry Date ___________ Code ________ New Student DGS DGN Reentry 09 2019 STUDENT 10 2018 11 2017 12 2016 Last__________________________________ First_______________________ Middle Name________________ Nickname_____________________________ Birthdate______/______/______ Gender M F Race (Choice of one or more is required) (1) Native American/Alaskan Native (2) Asian (3) Black/African American (5) White (7) Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander You must choose Yes or No Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity Yes No Birthplace City___________________________State___________Country_____________________________ Last School Attended_____________________________________City_______________________State______ PARENT/GUARDIAN 1 Person the student lives with: Last Name__________________________First Name_______________________Relationship to Student____________ Address_____________________________________Apt________ _________________________________ ____________ Home phone __________________________ Work _______________________ ext _____ Zip E-mail address_____________________________________ Cell ________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN 2 If guardian 2 lives at different address, please note address: Last Name__________________________First Name_______________________Relationship to Student_____________ Address_____________________________________Apt________ _________________________________ ____________ Home phone __________________________ Work _______________________ ext _____ Zip E-mail address_____________________________________ Cell ________________________________ EMERGENCY CONTACT 1 (other than parent/guardian) Last name_________________________ First name___________________ Relationship to student Home phone ______________________ Work ______________________ Cell _______________ ______________________ EMERGENCY CONTACT 2 (other than parent/guardian) Last name_________________________ First name________________ Relationship to student Home phone ______________________ Work ______________________ Cell _______________ ______________________ **Please note when answering the questions below, the intent is if the language is spoken fluently as a home language.** Is a language other than English spoken at home? Yes No If yes, what language_______________________________ Does the student speak a language other than English? Yes No If yes, what language___________________________ All of the above information is true and correct___________________________________________ ________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date Community High School District #99 North High School 4436 Main Street · Downers Grove, IL 60515-2800 (630) 795-8400 · Parent/Guardian: Return this form to North High School Sending school: Send to: School Name _______________________________ Ruth Schneider, Registrar Street _______________________________ Community High School District 99, North High School _______________________________ 4436 Main Street City State Zip _______________________________ Downers Grove IL 60515 Phone _______________________________ Phone 630-795-8425 Fax _______________________________ Fax 630-795-8199 email ______________________________________________________ Student Name __________________________ Date of Birth I give my permission to release any or all of the information listed below to North High School for the purpose of enrollment, registration, and transfer of academic credit: A sealed official transcript. All medical and immunization records. ISBE Student Transfer Form (Illinois schools only). Grades in progress at time of withdrawal. (Please include date of withdrawal.) Cumulative file and/or standardized test results. Discipline records. Special Education records, including current IEP and most recent case study evaluation. _______________________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian OR Student (if over 18 years of age) _________________________ Date According to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, Final Rule on Educational Records, Federal Register, June 17, 1976, Vol. 41, No. 118, Page 24673, it is no longer necessary to obtain written consent to release records between schools. It states that school officials within the educational institution and officials of other schools in the school systems in which the student may intend to enroll, may receive a student’s records without written consent for such release. Office Use Only for Sending School * Schools outside the state of Illinois and private schools * Is this student currently under any suspension or expulsion from your district or private school? Yes No COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT #99 NEW STUDENT APPLICANT RESIDENCY AFFIDAVIT Student Last Name_________________________________First Name___________________Middle_____________ Address______________________________________________City________________________Zip______________ Phone (______)___________________Lives with: Parent(s) Guardian Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Name_________________________________________________________________________ Do you have legal custody of the student? Yes No Previous Address_______________________________________City_______________________Zip______________ Lived with________________________________________________________________Phone (_____)____________ Where did the student reside during the previous summer?_________________________________________________ Where did the student attend school last year?___________________________________________________________ Brothers & Sisters: Name Age Address School Attending _________________________ ____ _______________________________________ __________________________ _________________________ ____ _______________________________________ ___________________________ _________________________ ____ _______________________________________ ___________________________ Legal Residency Requirements The right to attend a District #99 High School is extended to residents who live in the District Boundaries. Under the law, the student’s residence is considered to be the home of his/her parent(s) or legal guardian(s). Students who move into the school district to live with relatives or friends for the purpose of attending a District #99 High School are not considered legal residents in the district and therefore cannot be admitted to the school. The District may investigate the residence of any student before or after enrollment and require the involved persons to provide additional information to be considered by the District in determining residency. Enrollment is not completed, and attendance will usually not be permitted, until all residence issues are resolved. ANY PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY ENROLLS OR ATTEMPTS TO ENROLL ON A TUITION-FREE BASIS A STUDENT WHOM THE PERSON KNOWS TO BE A NON-RESIDENT, OR WILLFULLY PRESENTS FALSE INFORMATION REGARDING THE RESIDENCY OF A PUPIL, SHALL BE GUILTY OF A CLASS C MISDEMEANOR, PUNISHABLE BY A FINE OF NOT MORE THAN $500 AND IMPRISONMENT OF NOT MORE THAN 30 DAYS. I certify that I am a legal resident of Community High School District #99. My signature below confirms all the information provided and that the form is true and correct. I understand Illinois law has made it a crime to knowingly and willfully present false information regarding residency of a student for purposes of enabling that student to attend a District #99 high school when the student is known to be a non-resident of District #99. Parent/Guardian signature below also gives permission to District #99 to contact individuals having knowledge of current residency, including but not limited to landlords, lease holders, relatives where indicated, previous schools, etc. _________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Printed name of Parent/Guardian Signature of Parent/Guardian ______________________________ Date Community School District 99 NORTH HIGH SCHOOL Special Needs History Information ** To be completed even if student does not have an IEP. ** Student’s Name Former School Has this student ever received Special Education services/support? Yes No When and what type of program?___________________________________________ Do you have copies of any IEPs? Yes No If yes, please provide a copy for the registrar. An IEP is required to initiate the enrollment process. Has this student ever been accelerated or held back a grade? Yes No If yes, please explain: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Is there any significant information we should know regarding the student’s previous school experience? Yes No If yes, please explain: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Community School District 99 – North High School Health Services 4436 Main Street, Downers Grove, IL 60515 630-795-8480 phone 630-795-8399 fax 2015-2016 School Year Dear Parent or Guardian, The State of Illinois has revised the requirement for the Meningococcal vaccine of students entering the 12th grade. The new requirement is: Beginning with the school year 2015-2016, any child entering the 12th grade shall show proof of having received one dose of Meningococcal conjugate vaccine on or after the age of 16 years. Documentation of the Meningococcal vaccination, signed and dated by a health care provider, must be provided to the nurse’s office of Downers Grove North High School prior to the first day of attendance at school. Students will be excluded from attending class on the first day of attendance, and every day thereafter, until documentation of the required vaccine has been received by Health Services. Please schedule an appointment with your child’s health care provider to receive this vaccine. Depending on your insurance, you may also be able to receive the vaccine through the DuPage County Health Department. You may schedule an appointment at the DuPage County Health Department by calling 630-682-7400. • • • Senior transfers: Documentation of the Meningococcal vaccination, signed and dated by a health care provider, must be provided to the nurse’s office of Downers Grove North High School prior to the first day of attendance at North High School. Use the form below. Out of State junior and senior transfer students: Have this vaccination given to your student when you schedule your Illinois physical. Students in 11th grade: This vaccination must be given after the age of 16 years and prior to the first day of attendance as a senior for the school year 2016-2017. Please note that a Meningococcal vaccination given before the age of 16 years will not be accepted. If you have any questions, please contact your physician or the Health Office at 630-795-8480. Meningococcal Vaccination Student’s Name: __________________________________ Date of Birth: _____/_____/________ Date given: _________________ Health Care Provider’s Signature: _________________________________ Office Stamp is required with physician’s name, address and phone number. DOWNERS GROVE NORTH HIGH SCHOOL 2015-2016 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS Health Services Phone: (630)795-8480/Fax: (630)795-8399 9TH GRADE/FRESHMAN REQUIREMENTS: The School Code of Illinois requires that each student entering 9th grade have a physical examination on the Illinois Certificate of Child Health Examination Form, completed by a licensed physician, an advanced practice nurse, or physician’s assistant. A physical examination must include: height, weight, blood pressure, BMI, diabetic screening, signatures and dates in order to be considered in compliance. The Health History section on the back page of the Illinois Certificate of Child Health must be completed, signed and dated by the parent/guardian of the child. Student records must show proof of immunization series according to the guidelines of the Illinois Department of Public Health; Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Polio, Measles (Rubeola), Mumps, Rubella, Hepatitis B, Varicella and Meningitis. The State of Illinois does periodically update vaccination requirements for school age students. Any new requirements will be communicated on the school website. • • • The physical examination must be submitted to the Health Services Office by August 1 of the current school year. For transfers during the school year, see notes below for Transfer Students. Students will not be eligible to receive a registration packet on Fee Payment Day unless all required medical information has been submitted. Freshman students will be excluded on the first day of school, and every day thereafter, until complete immunization records, physical examination and parent/guardian health history have been received and approved by Health Services. Please retain a copy of the ninth grade physical with immunization dates for your records. TRANSFER STUDENTS: Students transferring from an Illinois school must present a copy of their ninth grade physical and a complete immunization record at the time of registration. Students transferring from another state or country MUST present prior current health records to the registrar before any appointments will be scheduled, and an Illinois physical will be required within a specified time. Students transferring to an Illinois public school for the first time are required to have a vision examination conducted by a physician or licensed optometrist. 12TH GRADE/SENIOR REQUIREMENTS: Beginning with the 2015/2016 school year, any child entering the 12th grade shall show proof of having received two doses of meningococcal conjugate vaccine prior to entering the 12th grade. The first dose shall have been received on or after the 11th birthday, and the second dose shall have been received on or after the 16th birthday, at least eight weeks after the first dose. If the first dose is administered when the child is 16 years of age or older, only one dose is required. Students entering 12th grade will be excluded on the first day of school, and every day thereafter, until documentation of the required meningococcal vaccination has been received and approved by Health Services. DOWNERS GROVE NORTH HIGH SCHOOL 2015-2016 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS (continued) ATHLETIC PARTICIPATION: If your child will be participating in any of the Athletic programs, the physical examination must be completed AFTER JUNE 15th to ensure participation for the full school year. For freshmen only: the 9th grade physical on the State of Illinois form is valid for twelve months toward athletic participation. The IHSA Sports Physical is not acceptable for 9th grade entrance. Only a physical examination completed on the Illinois Certificate of Child Health Exam form is acceptable. HEALTH CONCERNS: If your child has specific health concerns, please note these concerns on the Certificate of Child Health Examination form. Contact the school nurse at the beginning of the school year to coordinate care and plan for potential emergency response. Update emergency contact information as needed throughout the school year. COMMUNICABLE DISEASE INFORMATION: All information regarding a confirmed or suspected case of a communicable disease in the school population will be reported to the DuPage County Health Department as mandated. Students who are unimmunized or under-immunized to measles are considered susceptible to the disease. In the event that a suspected or confirmed case of measles is reported in the school, and upon direction of the DuPage County Health Department, students who are susceptible to measles will be excluded from school until acceptable proof of immunity is received by the school or until 21 days from the onset of the last reported measles case. Excluded students will not be permitted to participate in extracurricular or athletics activities for the same period of time. Outbreaks of other communicable diseases may also result in exclusion of susceptible students as determined by local and state health departments. MEDICATION POLICY: Community High School District 99 acknowledges that the responsibility for administering medication to a student rests primarily with the student’s parent or guardian. Medication will be administered by district personnel during the school day only when absolutely necessary for the health and well-being of the student. The initial dose of the medication must be given at home. If medication is necessary, it must be brought to the school in the original container labeled by the pharmacist (or manufacturer of over-the-counter medications). All medications, including over-the-counter medications, must be accompanied by the district’s medication authorization form completed and signed by both the parent and the physician; each medication must be on a separate form. Medication authorization forms are available in Health Services or on the school website at . It is important to note that students are prohibited from carrying medications or keeping medications in their lockers. Only students authorized to self-administer asthma medication or rescue epinephrine are permitted to carry medications on their person. Questions or concerns regarding the above policies may be directed to the Health Services offices of North High School (630-795-8480). FOR USE IN DCFS LICENSED CHILD CARE FACILITIES State of Illinois Certificate of Child Health Examination Student’s Name Birth Date Last First Address Middle Street City Sex CFS 600 Rev 2/2013 Race/Ethnicity School /Grade Level/ID# Month/Day/Year Parent/Guardian Zip Code Telephone # Home Work IMMUNIZATIONS: To be completed by health care provider. Note the mo/da/yr for every dose administered. The day and month is required if you cannot determine if the vaccine was given after the minimum interval or age. If a specific vaccine is medically contraindicated, a separate written statement must be attached explaining the medical reason for the contraindication. 1 MO DA YR 2 MO DA YR TdapTdDT TdapTdDT IPV OPV IPV OPV Vaccine / Dose 3 MO DA YR 6 MO DA YR 4 MO DA YR 5 MO DA YR TdapTdDT TdapTdDT TdapTdDT TdapTdDT IPV OPV IPV OPV IPV OPV IPV OPV DTP or DTaP Tdap; Td or Pediatric DT (Check specific type) Polio (Check specific type) Hib Haemophilus influenza type b Hepatitis B (HB) COMMENTS: Varicella (Chickenpox) MMR Combined Measles Mumps. Rubella Measles Single Antigen Vaccines Rubella Mumps Pneumococcal Conjugate Other/Specify Meningococcal, Hepatitis A, HPV, Influenza Health care provider (MD, DO, APN, PA, school health professional, health official) verifying above immunization history must sign below. If adding dates to the above immunization history section, put your initials by date(s) and sign here.) Signature Title Date Signature ALTERNATIVE PROOF OF IMMUNITY Title Date 1. Clinical diagnosis is acceptable if verified by physician. *(All measles cases diagnosed on or after July 1, 2002, must be confirmed by laboratory evidence.) *MEASLES (Rubeola) MO DA YR MUMPS MO DA YR VARICELLA MO DA YR Physician’s Signature 2. History of varicella (chickenpox) disease is acceptable if verified by health care provider, school health professional or health official. Person signing below is verifying that the parent/guardian’s description of varicella disease history is indicative of past infection and is accepting such history as documentation of disease. Date of Disease Signature 3. Laboratory confirmation (check one) Measles Lab Results Date Title Mumps MO DA Date Rubella Hepatitis B Varicella (Attach copy of lab result) YR VISION AND HEARING SCREENING BY IDPH CERTIFIED SCREENING TECHNICIAN Date Code: Age/ Grade R L R L R L R L R L R L Vision Hearing IL444-4737 (R-02-13) (COMPLETE BOTH SIDES) R L R L R L P = Pass F = Fail U = Unable to test R = Referred G/C = Glasses/Contacts Printed by Authority of the State of Illinois Sex Birth Date Last First HEALTH HISTORY ALLERGIES (Food, drug, insect, other) Middle School Grade Level/ ID Month/Day/ Year TO BE COMPLETED AND SIGNED BY PARENT/GUARDIAN AND VERIFIED BY HEALTH CARE PROVIDER MEDICATION (List all prescribed or taken on a regular basis.) Diagnosis of asthma? Child wakes during night coughing? Yes Yes No No Loss of function of one of paired organs? (eye/ear/kidney/testicle) Yes No Birth defects? Yes No No Yes No Hospitalizations? When? What for? Yes Developmental delay? Blood disorders? Hemophilia, Sickle Cell, Other? Explain. Diabetes? Yes No Yes No Yes No Surgery? (List all.) When? What for? Serious injury or illness? Yes No Head injury/Concussion/Passed out? Yes No TB skin test positive (past/present)? Yes* Seizures? What are they like? Yes No TB disease (past or present)? Yes* No *If yes, refer to local health department. No Heart problem/Shortness of breath? Yes No Tobacco use (type, frequency)? Yes No Heart murmur/High blood pressure? Yes No Alcohol/Drug use? Yes No Family history of sudden death before age 50? (Cause?) Yes No Yes No Dizziness or chest pain with exercise? Eye/Vision problems? Glasses Contacts Last exam by eye doctor Other concerns? (crossed eye, drooping lids, squinting, difficulty reading) Ear/Hearing problems? Yes No Bone/Joint problem/injury/scoliosis? Yes Bridge Plate Other Information may be shared with appropriate personnel for health and educational purposes. Parent/Guardian No PHYSICAL EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS Braces Dental Signature Date Entire section below to be completed by MD/DO/APN/PA HEAD CIRCUMFERENCE if < 2-3 years old HEIGHT WEIGHT BMI B/P DIABETES SCREENING (NOT REQUIRED FOR DAY CARE) BMI>85% age/sex Yes No And any two of the following: Family History Yes No Ethnic Minority Yes No Signs of Insulin Resistance (hypertension, dyslipidemia, polycystic ovarian syndrome, acanthosis nigricans) Yes No At Risk Yes No LEAD RISK QUESTIONNAIRE Required for children age 6 months through 6 years enrolled in licensed or public school operated day care, preschool, nursery school and/or kindergarten. (Blood test required if resides in Chicago or high risk zip code.) Questionnaire Administered ? Yes No Blood Test Indicated? Yes No Blood Test Date Result TB SKIN OR BLOOD TEST Recommended only for children in high-risk groups including children immunosuppressed due to HIV infection or other conditions, frequent travel to or born in high prevalence countries or those exposed to adults in high-risk categories. See CDC guidelines. No test needed Test performed Skin Test: Date Read / / Result: Positive Negative mm Blood Test: Date Reported / / Result: Positive Negative Value Date LAB TESTS (Recommended) Hemoglobin or Hematocrit Urinalysis SYSTEM REVIEW Skin Ears Results Date Results Sickle Cell (when indicated) Developmental Screening Tool Normal Comments/Follow-up/Needs Normal Comments/Follow-up/Needs Endocrine Gastrointestinal Eyes Amblyopia Yes Neurological Throat Musculoskeletal Mouth/Dental Spinal Exam Cardiovascular/HTN Nutritional status Diagnosis of Asthma Respiratory LMP Genito-Urinary No Nose Mental Health Currently Prescribed Asthma Medication: Quick-relief medication (e.g. Short Acting Beta Agonist) Controller medication (e.g. inhaled corticosteroid) NEEDS/MODIFICATIONS required in the school setting Other DIETARY Needs/Restrictions SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS/DEVICES e.g. safety glasses, glass eye, chest protector for arrhythmia, pacemaker, prosthetic device, dental bridge, false teeth, athletic support/cup MENTAL HEALTH/OTHER Is there anything else the school should know about this student? If you would like to discuss this student’s health with school or school health personnel, check title: Nurse Teacher Counselor Principal EMERGENCY ACTION needed while at school due to child’s health condition (e.g. ,seizures, asthma, insect sting, food, peanut allergy, bleeding problem, diabetes, heart problem)? Yes No If yes, please describe. On the basis of the examination on this day, I approve this child’s participation in PHYSICAL EDUCATION Print Name Address Yes No Modified (If No or Modified please attach explanation.) INTERSCHOLASTIC SPORTS (MD,DO, APN, PA) Signature Phone (Complete Both Sides) Yes No Date Limited Community High School District #99 North High School 4436 Main Street · Downers Grove, IL 60515-2800 (630) 795-8400 · Student Transfer Form Statement of Student in Good Standing If transferring from an Out-of-State or Private School Only Student Name __________________________________________ Grade _________ Previous School ________________________________________________________ City and State __________________________________________________________ We hereby attest that this student left the previous school in good standing. The student has not been expelled and is not currently serving a suspension from the previous school. Signatures: ______________________________________________ Parent/Guardian ______________________________________________ Student ______________________________________________ Date
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