2015 Quiz Rally Invite - Northeast Region USPC

Northeast Region Quiz Rally 2015
Date: Saturday, April 11th 2015
Closing Date: March 27th, 2015
Clary Lake Pony Club invites you to attend the Northeast Region Quiz Rally on
April 11th, 2014 at the Jefferson Village School.
Entries must be received by March 27th.
Online entries are preferred when possible. A link can be found on NERPC.org
and Northeast Region facebook page.
A late fee of $15 will be charged for entries received after March 27th.
Scanned and emailed forms are acceptable to bvjbowie@yahoo.com
Please send mail entries to:
Vicky Bowie
403 Cooper’s Mills Road
Windsor, ME 04363
postmarked no later than March 20, 2015.
_____ Team application form (Excel)
_____ Chaperone Form (one per team)
_____ CLUB Check made out to NERPC for $5 per club supply fee
AND $25 per competitor registration fee.
Contact Vicky Bowie at 549-0996 / bvjbowie@yahoo.com or Angela Farrin at 5633359 / bafboat@tidewater.net with questions.
Tentative Schedule
7:15 Grounds open for Competitors/ Registration and set-up
**** all competitors should plan to be on grounds by 8:00 ****
8:15 Volunteer briefing and assignments
8:30 Competitor Briefing and transition to first phase
9:00 Competition begins
Medical armbands are required at all rallies. Quiz competitors will carry their
Medical Release forms in their name tag holders or in an armband. Please see
ponyclub.org for printable medical form.
Competitiors without their medical form will not be allowed to participate!
Appropriate dress/footwear required during Barn phase; please bring your
helmet. USPC pin, competitor number/pinney, and name badge to be worn at all
times on Rally grounds.
Governing Rules: USPC Rules for Quiz 2015 and 2015 Quiz newsletter-see USPC
Quiz Reference/Study List 2014, available at www.ponyclub.org. Click on
Resources, then Forms.
This rally is a Qualifying Rally for Championships
** Age as of 1/1/14 **
Division 1 Non- Qualifying Junior D: unrated and D1, 12 years and under
Qualifying Junior D : D2 and D3, 10 - 12 years
Division 2 Non- Qualifying Senior D: unrated and D1, 13 - 25 years old
Qualifying Senior D: D2 and D3, 13 - 25 years old
Division 3 Junior C/B :10 -14 years old
Division 4 Senior C/B : 15 - 25 years old
Division 5 B/H/H-A/A: team of 2 members 14 - 25 years old
a) Teams consist of 3 -4 members with one member designated as captain.
The team will belong to one of 5 divisions based on age/rating.
b) D teams consist of any combination of Unrated through D3 members. C/B
teams consist of any combinations of C1 through B.
c) B/H/H-A/A rated members may form 2 member teams. No D may
compete on a C team; and no C may compete on a D team. No C may
compete on a B/H/H-A/A team.
d) Unrated members compete as D1’s and abide by D regulations.
e) B rated members may compete in either Senior C/B or the B/H/H-A/A
f) Teams comprised of both Junior and Senior members will compete in the
Senior division. A Junior, regardless of age may compete on a Senior team
with his/her consent and the consent of the DC.
g) Individuals may be placed on a short team from another Club by the
Organizer and at the discretion of the organizer after consultation with all
resulting team members
Tack Sale ~ The ever popular tack sale will return! Volunteers will supervise the
tack sale area and maintain envelopes for sales. If you wish to bring items to sell
please tag each item with a description, price, and your name.
Volunteers: We hope to have specific tasks assigned by phase to each club prior
to the rally. Make sure to note volunteers on your team form or to email me
directly. No experience necessary .
Directions: From the north: Take 95 South to exit 109 (Western Ave. Rt 202
Exit). Follow exit and merge right (east 202 sign). Follow down ramp to yield and
continue on Western Ave (Rt 202). Continue 1 mile on Western Ave to first
rotary, take second exit onto Memorial Bridge. Just before second rotary, merge
right onto Stone St (Rt 17) (just after CVS). At second stop light, take left onto
Rt 17. Stay on Rt 17 for 12.6 miles. Take slight right onto Augusta Road – follow
4.7 miles. Turn left onto Rt 126/32 – follow 1 mile. Turn left onto Washington
Road (Rt 126). School will be .2 miles on the left.
From the South : Take 295 North to exit 49 – Gardiner Rt. 201. Turn right
off ramp onto Rt. 201. Follow into Gardiner, stay on 201 around Gardiner Park and
down hill to light/intersection. Straight at light and continue to next intersection.
(will pass a McD’s on left) Straight at light over bridge (Rt 126). Right off of
bridge to continue on Rt. 126. Take second left (~ 1 mile) to continue onto Rt. 126.
Stay on Rt. 126 about 15 miles into Jefferson. Take left onto Rt. 213/Rt.126 for
1.5 miles. Turn left onto Washington Road (Rt 126). School will be .2 miles on the
Lunch: On your own. Small store nearby.
Snacks: As in the past, it would be helpful to have donations of fruit, juice, and
other snack food for participants and volunteers throughout the day.
Overnight Lodging: Augusta area is 30 minutes to the west and Camden is 30
minutes to the east.
Contact info while traveling: cell: Rachael Richmond 207-624-1724 or
Cindy Allen 207-592-3425
Hope to see everyone at Quiz 2014 !