Communicating with new technologies

Northern Collaboration Learning Exchange:
Communicating with new technologies
Friday 15th May 2015. Leeds Beckett University.
Venue: Room 263 Rose Bowl, City Campus, Leeds Beckett University
In a period of continuous change in the higher education sector the ability to adapt is key. This Learning
Exchange Event is one in a series exploring specific service areas affected by our fast changing
environment. We hope these events can provide an opportunity to learn informally from colleagues
and to stimulate ideas for future development. The events are aimed at middle managers and
colleagues responsible for service delivery.
This event focuses on using new technologies to communicate with customers, stakeholders and
staff. How has social media changed the communication landscape? How do you teach and support
the use of social media amongst our students and researchers? How do you demonstrate the impact
of the tools you use?
From Instagram accounts to online chat, from staff communications strategies to customising the
VLE, lots of exciting innovations are happening across the sector and we would like you to share your
experiences with others.
The success of our learning exchanges depends on the contributions from members. We welcome
your submissions for presentations or case studies, which might include ‘lessons’ learned.
To contribute, please contact Helen Loughran – by Monday 30th
March. Bookings will open in early April.
Draft programme
Arrival, coffee & welcome
10.50 - 11.30 Session 1
11.30 - 12.10 Session 2
12.10 - 12.50 Session 3
12:50 - 13:30 Networking Lunch
13.30 - 14.10 Session 4
14.10 - 14.50 Session 5
14.50 - 15.30 Plenary discussion
Close & depart