The NHS Northern Hotel Services Training Advisory Group Present a one-day conference on: FOOD FOR THOUGHT to be held on Wednesday, 10th June 2015 at PRESTON MARRIOTT HOTEL, The “Broughton” Suite, Preston Marriot Hotel, Garstang Road, Broughton, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 5JB …………………………………………………………………………… Providing nutritional food that supports the delivery of high patient care is one of the core elements of Hospital catering. Eating well is an important aspect for patient recovery; good nutritional practice must encompass the diverse needs of individual patients. The conference will provide specific information to key people managing/delivering catering services within the NHS to enable them to understand new standards and how they may implement them to ensure they provide the best patient care in our Hospitals. Key note speakers will include Caroline Lecko, Patient Safety Lead, NHS England, who will provide an update on allergies, updated PLACE guidelines including dementia and new food standards overview. An understanding of how the NHS Supply Chain support catering departments, including eating for health and educating our workforce will be a key aspect of the conference. This conference will be of specific interest to first line managers and supervisors working within support services delivering catering services to patients, staff and visitors. This will include staff within the dietetic/public health department and who are responsible for educating patients and our workforce on healthy eating. FOOD FOR THOUGHT WEDNESDAY, 10TH JUNE 2015 PROGRAMME 9.00am REGISTRATION Coffee and Tea 9.30am WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION Presenter - ALISON SLATER Assistant Director of Facilities – Hotel Services, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (Chair of the Hotel Services TAG) 9.45am 12.30pm Presenter – RACHAEL WILKINSON Nutritionist / Project Lead, ABL Health Limited 1.00pm 3-COURSE BUFFET LUNCH Opportunity for delegates to view the trade stands 2.00pm FOOD FOR LIFE HOSPITAL LEADERS: BUILDING A POWERFUL FOOD AND DRINK STRATEGY Presenter – DR SUSANNAH McWILLIAM Workplace Health and Hospitals Project Manager, Food for Life Partnership NUTRITION AND HYDRATION UPDATE Presenter – CAROLINE LECKO Patient Safety Lead, NHS England 2.45pm 10.45am WASTE NOT, WANT NOT Presenter – LOU HARKNESS Matron, The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust MID MORNING COFFEE AND TEA Opportunity for delegates to view the trade stands 3.30pm 11.30am 12.00pm WHAT TIME’S LUNCH – DELIVERING FOOD OUTSIDE THE BOX Presenter – IAN HANKINSON Catering Services Manager, Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust Presenter – HOWARD CARTLEDGE Trust Catering Lead, The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust 11.15am CARE FOR YOU: CARE FOR THEM CLOSE OF CONFERENCE GOVERNMENT BUYING STANDARDS Presenter – SAMANTHA LEE Senior Buyer, NHS Supply Chain AFTERNOON COFFEE AND TEA PROTECTING THE INTEGRITY OF FOOD SUPPLY CHAINS SAFE JOURNEY HOME Presenter – MIKE WILLIAMS Director, STS Please Note - Although every attempt will be made to adhere to the published programme, the TAG reserves the right to make changes to the speakers or programme should this be necessary. _______________________________________________ FOOD FOR THOUGHT TH WEDNESDAY, 10 JUNE 2015 DELEGATE BOOKING FORM Please photocopy this form if you wish to register more than one delegate or to retain the information Surname: ...............................…………………………………………. First Name(s): .........................................…….......……………. Job Title: .........................................................………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………….. Email: …………………………………………………………………………….. Organisation: ....................................................……………… ........................................................................…………………. VENUE: Preston Marriott Hotel, Broughton Suite, Garstang Road, Broughton, Preston, Lancashire PR3 5JB To find out more about our events please DIRECTIONS: By road Leave the M6 at Junction 32 onto the M55 and then immediately take Junction 1. Follow the A6 northbound towards Garstang and the hotel is approximately half a mile on the right. By rail The nearest mainline station is Preston (approximately 4 miles). A DETAILED LOCATION MAP WILL BE SENT TO DELEGATES ALONG WITH CONFIRMATION OF BOOKING VIA EMAIL ___________________________________________________________ Telephone: ….......................................................……………. TO RESERVE A PLACE: Address: ..............................................................…………… Please complete this application form and send to: ........................................................................…………………. ........................................................................…………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………… _______________________________________________ Payment Details - Please state name and address where invoice should be sent (you will be invoiced following the event): .......................................................………............................. ................................................................……….................... ........................................................................…………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………… _______________________________________________ Once you have a confirmed place, cancellations will be refunded on the following scale: Cancellation more than 4 weeks prior to conference = 90 per cent refund Cancellation more than 2 weeks prior to conference = 50 per cent refund Cancellation less than 2 weeks prior to conference = NO REFUND However, a substitute delegate may be named at any time before the conference. Lara Turner Facilities Department Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Blackpool Victoria Hospital Home 6 Blackpool Lancashire FY3 8NR (Tel: 01253 956890) OR, COMPLETE AND EMAIL THE APPLICATION FORM TO: Email: _______________________________________________ CONFERENCE FEE: The cost of attending the conference is £125.00 per person OR £100.00 per person if two or more attend from the same Trust/Organisation. VAT will be added at the prevailing rate to non-NHS delegate bookings. Conference fee to include: attendance at the conference, certificate of attendance, course handouts, coffee/tea on arrival, mid-morning coffee/tea, 3-course lunch and afternoon tea/coffee. We are expecting this conference to be fully subscribed. If you wish to attend, please complete and send in as soon as possible.
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