NORTHFIELD SCHOOL & SPORTS COLLEGE HEADTEACHER’S NEWSLETTER May 2015 Dear Parents and Carers, I would like to start my first newsletter by wishing our Year 11 every success in their forthcoming examinations. I am very pleased with how hard they have been working and I’m sure you join me in thanking our staff for the hundreds of extra hours after school that they are spending preparing our students for their exams. I hope that the results in August reflect all our endeavours. Head Boy/Girl 2015‐16 Congratulations to the Year 10 students who were short listed for next year’s Head Boy and Head Girl. From a very high calibre field the following students were appointed: Head Boy: Harvey Duffield, Head Girl: Aoife Duckers, Deputy Head Boy, Nick Yiannoulis, Deputy Head Girl: Maisie Narroway and Head Prefect Charlie Smith. I’m sure that this team will continue to be a credit to the school. Head Boy and Girl Short Listed Candidates. Back Row: Rachel Perfitt, Maisie Narroway (Deputy Head Girl), Adam Inglis, Dominic Munns, Tom Weston, Harvey Duffield (Head Boy) and Nick Yiannoulis (Deputy Head Boy). Front Row: Charlie Smith (Head Prefect), Caitlin Bromley, Kaitlyn Newby, Aoifie Duckers (Head Girl), Laura Hugill and Jacob Cook. TV Star (Achievement for All) Congratulations to Mrs Lister who has been filmed by the BBC to demonstrate nationally exemplary practice in her work with students and parents. Mrs Lister’s work will be used to provide guidance to other schools participating in a national initiative entitled ‘Achievement for All’. I’m sure that a BAFTA awaits. Holidays 2015‐16 To enable parents and carers to plan their holidays for 2015‐16, please see school closure dates below. As you know, there are 5 teacher training days throughout the year. Next year, in order to try and support parents, I have used three of these days at the end of the academic year. This allows the school to close on Friday the 15th of July rather than Wednesday the 20th July. I hope this will mean that parents and carers will be able to book cheaper flights/holidays. School opens for students Wednesday 2nd September 2015 Half Term: Monday 26th October return on Monday 2nd November 2015 Christmas Break: Monday 21st December return on Monday 4th January 2016 Half Term: Monday 15th February return on Tuesday 23rd February 2016 Easter Break: Thursday 24th March return on Monday 11th April 2016 May Bank Holiday: Monday 2nd May 2016 Half Term: Monday 30th May return on Monday 6th June 2016 End of Summer Term: Friday 15th July 2016 School Uniform It is over a year since I informed you of the changes to the school uniform. I am delighted with how well the change to the new uniform has gone. I think that giving a year where students could wear both uniforms has worked well. However, in September the new uniform becomes compulsory. Once again in September, the school will be oversubscribed in Year 7. This means that in the next few months 270 students will be ordering their new uniform. I would recommend that if you need to order new uniform for September, you place your orders as soon as possible. Purchasing black skirts and trousers at this stage does not make financial sense, as they cannot be worn in September. Parents’ View Thank you for completing the parental questionnaire and the providing overwhelming positive comments. I am very pleased to note how well parents and carers regard Northfield and how much they value the education provided by the school. The survey does indicate areas where we can improve and I am grateful for the feedback. Over 98% of parents felt that the school had high expectations for their children. Also over 98% felt that the school buildings were well maintained and fit for purpose. 93% thought that their child was well taught and 94% thought that the school prepared their child for the future. Over 90% of parents feel that Northfield is a good school and would recommend the school to a friend. I would like to thank you all for your comments. I can assure you that we will continue to work hard to improve the school even further. Please continue to check the school’s website for the latest news and developments. Craig Walker, Headteacher
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