5 1 0 2 technical user guide 3 4 Technical Recommendation Syngenta Technical Use Guides HERBICIDE Bicep II & Bicep Lite II Magnum Herbicide Boundary Herbicide Callisto GT Herbicide Callisto Herbicide Callisto Xtra Herbicide Dual II Magnum Herbicide Dual Magnum Herbicide Flexstar GT 3.5 Herbicide Flexstar Herbicide Fusilade DX Herbicide Gramoxone SL 2.0 Herbicide Halex GT Herbicide Lexar Herbicide Lumax Herbicide Northstar Herbicide Prefix Herbicide Sequence Herbicide Touchdown Total Herbicide – Corn Touchdown Total Herbicide – Soybeans Zemax Herbicide PAGE NUMBER 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 FUNGICIDES Quilt Xcel Fungicide – Early Corn Quilt Xcel Fungicide – R1 Corn Quilt Xcel Fungicide – Soybeans 22 23 24 INSECTICIDES Besiege Insecticide Endigo ZC Insecticide Force CS and Force 3G Insecticide Warrior II with Zeon Technology Insecticide 25 26 27 28 RESOURCES Herbicide Premix Components General Mixing Guidelines Flexstar – Glyphosate Mixing Guidelines Halex GT Mixing Guidelines Herbicide + Fungicide Mixing Guidelines 29-30 31-32 33 34 35 ©2014 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using Syngenta products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. Document Classification – PUBLIC Technical Recommendation Bicep II Magnum® or Bicep Lite II Magnum® Herbicide for preemergence or early postemergence use in corn in MN, IA, NE and SD. Active Ingredients: Bicep II Magnum contains 3.1 lbs atrazine and 2.4 lbs of S-metolaclor per gallon; Bicep Lite II Magnum contains 2.67 lbs atrazine and 3.33 lbs of S-metolaclor per gallon Site of Action Group: Group 15, Group 5 Key Weeds Controlled: Selective control of most annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in corn Adjuvants: None needed, may add non-ionic surfactant or crop oil concentrate to enhance burndown of small emerged weeds Application Timing: • • Preplant or Preemergence Postemergence up to 12" tall corn or weed size less than 2 leaf Rates: Bicep II Magnum: 1.3 to 2.6 qts / per acre; Bicep Lite II Magnum: 0.9 to 2.2 qts / acre Crop Rotation Interval: • • • Replant corn and sorghum (Concep® treated) - immediately Sorghum, soybeans, cotton, peanuts - 10 months Sugarbeets, spring seeded small grains, small seeded legumes - 18 months Maximum Amount of Product per Season: • • Do not apply more than 3.2 qts of Bicep II Magnum per acre per season Do not apply more than 2.5 lbs of total atrazine or 3.75 lbs of total S-metolachlor per acre per season Precautions: • • • • On highly erodible soils with less than 30% residue cover at planting, apply a maximum of 2.1 qts / acre of Bicep II Magnum (or products containing a maximum of 1.6 lbs of atrazine) Do not apply post-emergence to corn that is under severe stress due to drought, hail, or cold wet weather Do not use Methylated Seed Oil (MSO) if applied postemergence Do not apply postemergence in fluid fertilizer carrier, or severe crop injury may occur Pre-Harvest Interval: 45 Days Restricted-Entry Interval (REI): 24 hours Bulk Weight lb./Gal.: 9.31 Storage Requirement: Cool dry place Spray Volume (Ground Application): 10 to 30 Gallons / acre Preferred Nozzle Type (Ground): Flat Fan Author TMK 11/22/2013 ©2013 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using Syngenta products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. 2 Document Classification – PUBLIC Technical Recommendation Boundary® 6.5 EC Herbicide for preemergence control of grasses and broadleaf weeds in soybeans in MN, IA, NE and SD. Active Ingredients: Boundary 6.5EC contains 5.25 lbs of S-metolachlor and 1.25 lbs of metribuzin per gallon Site of Action Group: Group 5, Group 15 Key Weeds Controlled: Soil applied control of many annual grasses and broadleaves including Waterhemp and Palmer amaranth Adjuvants: None needed, may add non-ionic surfactant or crop oil concentrate to enhance burndown of emerged weeds Application Timing: • • • Preplant Preemergence Sequential applications may be made before crop emergence Rates: 1.5 to 3.0 pts / acre Crop Rotation Interval: • • • • • Corn – 4 months Winter wheat, alfalfa – 4 ½ months Peas, spring wheat, spring barley – 8 months Asparagus, tomatoes, forage grasses, lentils – 12 months Sugar beets, onions, other root crops – 18 months Maximum Amount of Product per Season: • Total not to exceed 3.9 pints of Boundary 6.5 EC per acre per use season Precautions: • • • • Injury may occur in soils with a calcareous surface area or with a pH of 7.5 or higher Injury may occur in soils with 0.5% or less organic matter Injury may occur if in poorly drained soils where water may stand for several days, especially when applied pre-emergence and seed is planted less than 1.5” deep Do not apply after crop emergence Pre-Harvest Interval: 40 Days Restricted-Entry Interval (REI): 12 hours Bulk Weight lbs / gal: 9.01 Storage Requirement: Cool dry place Spray Volume (Ground Application): 10 to 30 Gallons / acre Preferred Nozzle Type (Ground): Flat Fan ©2014 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using Syngenta products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. 3 Document Classification – PUBLIC Technical Recommendation Callisto® GT Herbicide for postemergence broadleaf control in glyphosate tolerant (GT) corn in MN, IA, NE and SD. Active Ingredients: Callisto GT contains 3.8 lbs of glyphosate acid and 0.38 lbs of mesotrione per gallon Site of Action Group: Group 9, Group 27 Key Weeds Controlled: emerged grass and broadleaf weeds plus residual control of broadleaf weeds including Waterhemp and Palmer Amaranth Adjuvants: • Apply with a non-ionic surfactant (NIS) and ammonium sulfate AMS o NIS @ 1 to 2 qts / 100 gal + AMS @ 8.5 to 17 lbs / 100 gal of water o MSO and MSO based products are not recommended due to risk of crop injury Application Timing: • Postemergence: Up to 30” corn or V8 corn growth stage or weed size less than 5” Weed Resistance Management • In the presence of heavy weed populations or the presence of weeds suspected to be glyphosate resistant apply Callisto GT at 2.0 pts / acre in tank mixture with AAtrex and/or dicamba Rates: • ® ® ® ® Callisto GT @ 2 pts / acre and AAtrex (0.25 to 2.0 lbs ai / A) and/or dicamba ( Clarity , Status , Northstar ) Crop Rotation Interval: • Corn (all types) - Anytime • Alfalfa, soybeans, potatoes, tobacco and sunflowers - 10 months • Small grains including barley, rye, and wheat - 4 months Maximum Amount of Product per Season: • Do not apply more than 2 pts / acre of Callisto GT Herbicide per growing season Precautions: • Callisto GT can be applied postemergence to glyphosate tolerant corn only. • Do not apply with suspension fertilizers or use ammonium nitrate (UAN) as the carrier. ® ® • Application to corn previously treated with Counter or Lorsban Insecticide at planting may result in severe crop injury. • Applications 7 days before or after an organophosphate or carbamate insecticide application may influence crop response. Pre-Harvest Interval: 45 days Rain Fast: Not Specified Storage Requirement: Cool dry place Spray Volume (Ground Application): 10 to 30 Gallons /acre Preferred Nozzle Type (Ground): Flat Fan or Turbo Tee Jet Restricted-Entry Interval (REI): 12 hours ©2014 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using Syngenta products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. 4 Document Classification – PUBLIC Technical Recommendation Callisto® Herbicide for preemergence or postemergence weed control in Field Corn, Seed Corn, Yellow Popcorn, and Sweet Corn in MN, IA, NE and SD. Active Ingredients: 4.0 lbs of mesotrione per gallon Site of Action Group: Group 27 Key Weeds Controlled: Large Crabgrass, Waterhemp, Pigweed species, Ragweeds, Velvetleaf, Palmer Amaranth, and many other broadleaf weed species Adjuvants Postemergence: • 1 gal / 100 gal COC (1.0% v/v) + AMS 8.5 lbs / 100 gal or UAN (28-0-0) at 2.5 gal /100 gal (2.5% v/v) • Use NIS 1 to 2 qts / 100 gal (0.25 to 0.50% v/v) in place of COC on sweet corn & yellow popcorn o Do not use AMS or UAN when making postemergence applications in sweet corn or yellow popcorn Application Timing: • Preemergence • Postemergence: Up to 30” corn or V8 corn growth stage or weed size less than 5” o Up to 12” corn if mixed with any atrazine containing products Rates: • Preemergence: 5.3 to 7.7 fl oz / acre • Postemergence : 3.0 fl oz / acre Crop Rotation Interval: • Corn (all types), oats - immediately • Alfalfa, soybeans, potatoes, tobacco - 10 months • Barley, rye, and wheat - 120 days • Sugar beets, dry beans - 18 months; See label for special instructions on rotation to peas and snap beans Maximum Amount of Product per Season: • Do not apply more than 7.7 fl oz of Callisto Herbicide per acre per year (preemergence and postemergence combined). • Do not exceed two postemergence applications at 3.0 fl oz / acre (6 fl oz / acre seasonal total) including a 14-day interval between applications. Precautions: • Do not apply postemergence to corn that is under severe stress due to drought, hail, or cold wet weather. • Do not apply with suspension fertilizers. ® ® • Application to corn previously treated with Counter or Lorsban insecticide at planting may result in severe crop injury. • Applications 7 days before or after an organophosphate or carbamate insecticide application may influence crop response. • If Callisto is applied postemergence to ground that received a preemergence application of a mesotrionecontaining herbicide, atrazine must be tank mixed with Callisto. Pre-Harvest Interval: 45 days Rain Fast: Not Specified Restricted-Entry Interval (REI): 12 hours Storage Requirement: Cool dry place Spray Volume (Ground Application): Preemergence: 10 to 60 Gallons / acre, Postemergence: 10 to 30 Gallons / acre Preferred Nozzle Type (Ground): Flat Fan ©2014 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using Syngenta products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. 5 Document Classification – PUBLIC Technical Recommendation Callisto Xtra® Herbicide for postemergence weed control in Field Corn, Seed Corn, Yellow Popcorn, and Sweet Corn in MN, IA, NE and SD. Active Ingredients: Callisto Xtra contains 0.5 lbs of mesotrione and 3.2 lbs of atrazine per gallon Site of Action Group: Group 27, Group 5 Key Weeds Controlled: Large Crabgrass, Waterhemp, Pigweed species, Ragweeds, Velvetleaf, Palmer Amaranth, and many other broadleaf weeds Adjuvants: • 1 gal / 100 gal COC (1.0% v/v) + AMS 8.5 lbs / 100 gal or UAN (28-0-0) at 2.5 gal /100 gal (2.5% v/v) o NIS 1 qt / 100 gal (0.25% v/v) may be used instead of COC but weed control with COC is consistently better than NIS • Use NIS 1 qt / 100 gal (0.25%) in place of COC with sweet corn or yellow popcorn applications o Do not use AMS or UAN when making postemergence applications in sweet corn or yellow popcorn Application Timing: Postemergence: Up to 12” corn Rates: 20 to 24 fl oz / acre Crop Rotation Interval: • Corn (all types) - immediately • Alfalfa, soybeans, potatoes, barley, wheat and tobacco - Spring Following Application • All other rotational crops - 18 months Maximum Amount of Product per Season: • Do not exceed 24 fl oz per acre per year • Do not exceed one application per year Precautions: ® ® • Application postemergence to corn that was treated with Counter or Lorsban insecticides at planting may result in severe crop injury. • Do not apply postemergence to corn crops in tank mix with any Organophosphate or Carbamate insecticide. • Applications 7 days before or after an Organophosphate or Carbamate insecticide application may influence crop response. • Applying this product in a carrier other than water (e.g. fertilizers) will result in significant crop injury. • Do not apply Callisto Xtra postemergence in a tank mix with emulsifiable concentrate grass herbicide, unless specifically addressed under one of the tank mix sections of the Callisto Xtra label, or injury may occur. Pre-Harvest Interval: 45 days for sweet corn, 60 days for field corn Rain Fast: Not Specified Restricted-Entry Interval (REI): 12 hours Bulk Weight lbs / gal: 9.3 Storage Requirement: Cool dry place Spray Volume (Ground Application): 10 to 30 Gallons / acre Preferred Nozzle Type (Ground): Flat Fan ©2014 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using Syngenta products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. 6 Document Classification – PUBLIC Technical Recommendation Dual II Magnum® Herbicide for preemergence or post-applied applications in corn in MN, IA, NE and SD. Active Ingredients: Dual II Magnum contains 7.64 lbs of S-metolachlor per gallon. Site of Action Group: Group 15 Key Weeds Controlled: Selective control of most annual grasses and some small seeded broadleaves Adjuvants: None Needed Application Timing: • • Preplant and Preemergence Postemergence up to 40" tall corn Rates: 1 to 2 pts / acre Crop Rotation Interval: • • • • Barley, oats, rye or wheat may be planted 4 ½ months following treatment Alfalfa may be planted 4 months following application Clover may be planted 9 months following application For all other crops wait at least 12 months following application before planting Maximum Amount of Product per Season: • Do not apply more than 3.9 pints of Dual II Magnum per acre per season Precautions: • Do not graze or feed forage from treated areas for 30 days Pre-Harvest Interval: 30 Days Restricted-Entry Interval (REI): 24 hours Bulk Weight lbs / gal: 9.28 Storage Requirement: -30 degrees Fahrenheit Spray Volume (Ground Application): 10 to 30 Gallons / acre ©2014 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using Syngenta products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. 7 Document Classification – PUBLIC Technical Recommendation Dual Magnum® Herbicide for preemergence or post-applied applications in soybean in MN, IA, NE and SD. Active Ingredients: Dual II Magnum contains 7.62 lbs of S-metolachlor per gallon. Site of Action Group: Group 15 Key Weeds Controlled: Selective residual control of most annual grasses and some small seeded broadleaves including Pigweed species, Waterhemp and Palmer Amaranth Adjuvants: None Needed Application Timing: • • Preplant and Preemergence Early postemergence for additional residual control in soybeans Rates: Preplant and Preemergence 1 to 2 pts / acre (rate based on soil type) Early postemergence 1 to 1.33 pts / acre Crop Rotation Interval: • • • • • ® Corn, soybean, beans, peas, lentils, potatoes, grain sorghum (treated with Concep ) and sunflowers can be replanted immediately Barley, oats, rye or wheat may be planted 4 ½ months following treatment Alfalfa may be planted 4 months following application Clover may be planted 9 months following application For all other crops wait at least 12 months following application before planting Maximum Amount of Product per Season: • Do not apply more than 2.6 pints of Dual Magnum per acre per season to soybeans Precautions: • • • • Do not apply more than 1.33 pts / acre of Dual Magnum postemergence to soybeans Dual Magnum will not control emerged weeds Make postemergence applications at least 90 days before harvest Do not graze or feed forage from treated areas for 30 days Pre-Harvest Interval: 90 Days Restricted-Entry Interval (REI): 24 hours Bulk Weight lbs / gal: 9.13 Storage Requirement: -30 degrees Fahrenheit Spray Volume (Ground Application): 10 to 30 Gallons / acre ©2014 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using Syngenta products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. 8 Document Classification – PUBLIC Technical Recommendation Flexstar® GT 3.5 Herbicide for post-emergence control of broadleaf weeds and grasses in soybeans in MN, IA, NE and SD. Active Ingredients: Flexstar GT 3.5 contains 0.56 lbs fomesafen per gallon and 2.26 lbs of glyphosate per gallon expressed as acid equivalent Site of Action Group: Group 9, Group 14 Key Weeds Controlled: Annual grasses, Waterhemp, Pigweed species, and Palmer Amaranth Adjuvants: • • Ammonium Sulfate (AMS) 8.5 to 17 lbs / 100 gallons of water Methylated Seed Oil (MSO) or Crop Oil Concentrate (COC) @ 2 to 4 qts / 100 gal (0.5% to 1.0% v/v) Application Timing: Post emergence before weeds exceed 3” in height Rates: 3.5 to 4.5 pts / acre (rates dependent on geographic location) Crop Rotation Interval: • • • • Cotton, dry beans, potatoes, snap beans and soybeans – immediately Small grains such as wheat, barley, rye, peppers or tomatoes (transplanted) – 4 months Beans (other than snap/dry beans), corn, peas, and seed corn – 10 months To avoid crop injury do not plant alfalfa, sunflowers, sugar beets, or sorghum or any other crop within 18 months Maximum Amount of Product per Season: Do not exceed more than 4.5 pts / acre in ALTERNATE years in Region 3 or 3.5 pts / acre in ALTERNATE years in Region 4. Precautions: • • • • • DO NOT apply Flexstar GT 3.5 Herbicide as an over-the-top application to non-glyphosate-tolerant soybeans as plant death with occur. Avoid overlapping spray swaths, as injury may occur to soybean in crop or to rotational crops. To provide adequate coverage, it is recommended that ground speed not exceed 10 MPH during application. Do not apply when wind velocity exceeds 15 MPH. DO NOT USE AIR INDUCTION, FLOOD TYPE OR OTHER SPRAY NOZZLES WHICH DELIVER COARSE LARGE DROPLET SPRAYS. Pre-Harvest Interval: 45 Days Bulk Weight lbs / gal: 10.08 Rain Fast: Not Specified Restricted-Entry Interval (REI): 24 hours Storage Requirement: > 10 degrees Fahrenheit Spray Volume (Ground Application): 15 to 20 Gallons / acre Droplet Size: Medium Preferred Nozzle Type (Ground): Flat Fan ©2014 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using Syngenta products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. 9 Document Classification – PUBLIC Technical Recommendation Flexstar® Herbicide for post-emergence control of broadleaf weeds in soybeans in MN, IA, NE and SD. Active Ingredients: Flexstar contains 1.88 lbs fomesafen per gallon Site of Action Group: Group 14 Key Weeds Controlled: Waterhemp, Pigweed species, and Palmer Amaranth Adjuvants: • • Ammonium Sulfate (AMS) 8.5 to 17 lbs / 100 gallons of water Methylated Seed Oil (MSO) or Crop Oil Concentrate (COC) @ 2 to 4 qts /100 gal (0.5% to 1.0% v/v) Application Timing: • Post emergence before weeds exceed 3” in height (usually occurs 14 to 28 days after planting) Rates: 1 to 1.3 pts / acre (rates dependent on geographic location) Crop Rotation Interval: • • • • Cotton, dry beans, snap beans and soybeans – immediately Small grains such as wheat, barley and rye – 4 months Corn, peanuts, peas, rice and seed corn – 10 months To avoid crop injury do not plant alfalfa, sunflowers, sugar beets, sorghum or any other crop within 18 months Maximum Amount of Product per Season: Do not exceed more than 1.3 pts / acre in ALTERNATE years in Region 3 or 1 pts / acre in ALTERNATE years in Region 4. Precautions: • • • • • Apply post emergence to actively growing weeds. Avoid applying Flexstar to weeds or soybeans which are under stress from moisture, temperature, low soil fertility, mechanical or chemical injury, as reduced weed control and/or increased crop injury may result. Avoid overlapping spray swaths, as injury may occur to rotational crops. To provide adequate coverage, it is recommended that ground speed not exceed 10 MPH during application. Do not apply within 45 days of harvest. DO NOT USE AIR INDUCTION, FLOOD TYPE OR OTHER SPRAY NOZZLES WHICH DELIVER COARSE LARGE DROPLET SPRAYS. Pre-Harvest Interval: 45 Days Rain fast: 1 hour Storage Requirement: > 32 degrees Fahrenheit Restricted-Entry Interval (REI): 24 hours Bulk Weight lbs / gal: 10.08 Spray Volume (Ground Application): Minimum 15 Gallons / acre Droplet Size: Medium Preferred Nozzle Type (Ground): Flat Fan ©2014 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using Syngenta products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. 10 Document Classification – PUBLIC Technical Recommendation Fusilade DX® Herbicide for control of annual and perennial grass weeds in soybeans in MN, IA, NE and SD. Active Ingredients: Fusilade DX contains 2.0 lbs (+) isomer (fluazifop-P-butyl) per gallon Site of Action Group: Group 1 Keys Weeds Controlled: Postemergence control of perennial and annual grasses and volunteer corn Adjuvants: Always add one of the following: COC at 0.5 to 1% v/v (0.5 to 1 gal / 100 gal) or NIS at 0.25 to 0.5% v/v (1 to 2 qts / 100 gal). For aerial applications, add COC at 1 pt / acre or NIS at 1 pt / acre. Application Timing: • Apply to actively growing grasses before they exceed the recommended growth stages shown on the label • Volunteer corn 4 to 6 fl oz / acre; other annual grasses 8 to 12 fl oz / acre Rates: Crop Rotation Interval: • Do not plant rotational grass crops such as corn, sorghum, and cereals within 60 days of the last application of Fusilade DX Maximum Amount of Product per Season: • Do not apply more than 30 fl oz of Fusilade DX Herbicide per acre per season to soybeans Precautions: • • • Do not apply more than 24 fl oz / acre to soybeans pre-bloom (up to V5 growth stage). Do not apply more than 6 fl oz / acre to soybeans from bloom through post-bloom (R1 growth stage or later). Do not apply less than 12 fl oz / acre in a tank mix with broadleaf herbicides in soybeans, except as specified on the label. Pre-Harvest Interval: 60 Days Rainfast: 1 Hour Restricted-Entry Interval (REI): 12 hours Storage Requirement: Store in original container only Droplet Size: Do not use flood type or other spray nozzle tips which deliver coarse, large droplet sprays Spray Volume (Ground Application): 5 to 40 Gallons / acre ©2014 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using Syngenta products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. 11 Document Classification – PUBLIC Technical Recommendation Gramoxone SL 2.0® Herbicide for burndown of labeled grass & broadleaf weeds in soybeans, corn and other crops in MN, IA, NE and SD. Active Ingredients: Gramoxone SL 2.0 contains 2 lbs of paraquat cation per gallon as 2.762 lbs salt per gallon Site of Action Group: Group 22 Key Weeds Controlled: A contact herbicide used to control emerged grass and broadleaves Adjuvants: • • Nonionic Surfactant: Add nonionic surfactant containing 80% or more surface-active agent at a minimum of 0.25% v/v (2 pts / 100 gallon) of the finished spray volume for ground applications Add nonionic surfactant to the spray mixture first Application Timing: • • Burndown Preemergence • • • Weeds 1-3”: 2.0 to 2.5 pts / acre Weeds 3-6”: 2.5 to 3.0 pts / acre Weeds 6”: 3.0 to 4.0 pts / acre Rates: Crop Rotation Interval: • None Maximum Amount of Product per Season: • Do not apply more than 6 pts / acre of Gramoxone SL 2.0 per growing season Precautions: • Crop plants emerged at time of application will be severely injured Restricted-Entry Interval (REI): 12 hours Rain Fast: 15 to 30 minutes Storage Requirement: >32 Fahrenheit Bulk Weight: lbs / gal: 9.12 Droplet Size: Medium Spray Volume (Ground Application): 15 to 20 Gallons / acre Preferred Nozzle Type (Ground): Flat Fan ©2014 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using Syngenta products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. 12 Document Classification – PUBLIC Technical Recommendation Halex™GT Postemergence Herbicide for weed control in Glyphosate Tolerant (GT) corn in MN, IA, NE and SD. Active Ingredients: Contains 2.09 lbs of S-metolachlor, 2.09 lbs of glyphosate acid, and 0.209 lbs of mesotrione per gallon Site of Action Group: Group 15, Group 9, Group 27 Key Weeds Controlled: Annual Grasses, Waterhemp, Pigweed species, Velvetleaf, Giant Ragweed and Palmer Amaranth Adjuvants: non-ionic surfactant (NIS) 1 to 2 qts / 100 gallons of water plus ammonium sulfate (AMS) at 8.5 to 17 lbs / 100 gallons of water Application Timing: Postemergence up to 30” in height or 8 leaf stage of corn growth or before weeds are 4”inches in height Rates: 3.6 to 4.0 pts / acre; if weed population is dense or weeds are weather stressed use the 4.0 pts / acre rate Crop Rotation Interval: • • • • All types of corn and Concep® treated grain sorghum may be replanted immediately Barley, oats, rye and wheat may be planted 120 days after application Alfalfa, canola, soybean, potato and grasses grown for seed may be planted the following season, not less than 10 months after application Cucurbits, dry beans, peas, red clover, snap beans and sugar beet - 18 months Maximum Amount of Product per Season: 4 pts / acre per acre per growing season Precautions: • • • • • Application of Halex GT herbicide to corn that is not glyphosate tolerant will result in crop death. Crop injury may result if Halex GT herbicide is applied postemergence to corn treated with Counter®, Lorsban® or other organophosphate or a carbamate insecticide. Severe crop injury may occur if an organophosphate or carbamate insecticide is applied 7 days before or 7 days after an application of Halex GT herbicide. Do not apply Halex GT to ground treated or that will be treated with Callisto® in the same season. Severe corn injury may occur if Halex GT herbicide is applied postemergence in a tank mix with emulsifiable concentrate grass herbicide. Pre-harvest Interval: 45 days Rain Fast: Not Specified Restricted entry interval: 24 hours Bulk Weight lbs / gal: 10.18 Spray Volume: 10 to 30 Gallons / acre Preferred Nozzle Type: Flat Fan Recommended Spray Pressure: 35 to 40 psi ©2014 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using Syngenta products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. 13 Document Classification – PUBLIC Technical Recommendation Lexar® EZ Herbicide for Corn and Grain Sorghum in MN, IA, NE and SD. Active Ingredients: Contains 1.74 lbs of S-metolachlor, 0.224 lbs of mesotrione and 1.74 lbs of atrazine per gallon Site of Action Group: Group 5, Group 15, Group 27 herbicides Key Weeds Controlled: Annual Grasses, Waterhemp, Velvetleaf, Palmer Amaranth, and many other broadleaf weeds Adjuvants: If Lexar EZ is applied to emerged field corn a non-ionic surfactant (NIS) at 1 qt / 100 gal or crop oil concentrate (COC) at 1 gal / 100 gal may be used. The use of COC may result in temporary crop response. Do not use nitrogen based adjuvants (AMS / UAN) or methylated seed oil (MSO) with Lexar EZ applied postemergence to field corn. Application Timing: • • Lexar EZ may be applied up to 14 days preplant or preemergence in field corn, sweet corn, and yellow popcorn Lexar EZ may also be applied postemergence in field corn and seed corn up to 12 inches in height o Do NOT apply to emerged sweet corn or yellow popcorn Rates: Soil organic matter content of the field to which Lumax EZ is to be applied must be known. Rates listed are maximum rate for one growing season. %organic matter Lexar EZ Use Rate < 3% 3.0 qts / acre >3% 3.5 qts / acre Crop Rotation Interval: • • • Field corn, seed corn, sweet corn, yellow popcorn and Concep® treated grain sorghum may be replanted immediately. DO NOT reapply Lexar EZ if replanting a lost crop. If Lexar EZ is applied after June 1 rotating to crops other than corn or sorghum the following spring may result in crop injury. Do not rotate to crops other than corn (all types), cotton, small grain cereals, rice, soybeans, sorghum or peanuts the spring following an application of Lexar EZ. Precautions: • • Do not apply Lexar EZ with any organophosphate or carbamate insecticide, or apply an organophosphate or carbamate insecticide within 7 days before or after applying Lexar EZ. Application of Lexar EZ to emerged corn previously treated with Counter® insecticide may result in severe crop injury. Application of Lexar EZ to emerged corn previously treated with organphosphate insecticides other than Counter may result in temporary crop injury. Restricted entry interval: 24 hours unless Lexar EZ is incorporated in the soil PreHarvest Interval: 60 days after application for field corn grain or forage; 45 days for sweet corn Bulk Weight lbs / gal: 9.2 Spray Volume (ground application) : 10 to 30 Gallons / acre Preferred Nozzle Type (ground): Preemergence: various nozzles are appropriate; Postemergence: Flat Fan nozzles are recommended ©2014 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using Syngenta products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. 14 Document Classification – PUBLIC Technical Recommendation Lumax® EZ Herbicide for control of labeled grass and broadleaf weeds in Field, Seed, Sweet Corn, and Yellow Popcorn in MN, IA, NE and SD. Active Ingredients: Contains 2.49 lbs of S-metolachlor, 0.249 lbs of mesotrione and 0.935 lbs of atrazine per gallon Site of Action Group: Group 5, Group 15, Group 27 Herbicides Key Weeds Controlled: Annual Grasses, Waterhemp, Velvetleaf, Palmer Amaranth, and other broadleaf weeds Adjuvants: If Lumax EZ is applied to emerged field corn a non-ionic surfactant (NIS) at 1 qt / 100 gal or crop oil concentrate (COC) at 1 gal / 100 gal may be used. The use of COC may result in temporary crop response. Do not use nitrogen based adjuvants (AMS / UAN) or methylated seed oil (MSO) with Lumax EZ postemergence in field corn. Application Timing: • Lumax EZ may be applied up to 14 days preplant or preemergence in field corn, sweet corn, and yellow popcorn • Lumax EZ may also be applied postemergence in field corn and seed corn up to 12 inches in height o Do NOT apply to emerged sweet corn or yellow popcorn Rates: Soil organic matter content of the field to which Lumax EZ is to be applied must be known. Rates listed are maximum rate for one growing season. % Organic Matter < 3% > 3% Lumax EZ rate 2.7 qts / acre 3.25 qts / acre Crop Rotation Interval: • • • • • Field corn, field seed corn, field silage corn, sweet corn, yellow popcorn and Concep® treated grain sorghum may be replanted immediately if crop is lost. Do NOT reapply Lumax EZ. Winter wheat, barley or rye may be planted 4 ½ months following application. Do not rotate to crops other than corn (all types), cotton, small grain cereals, soybeans, sorghum or peanuts the spring following application of Lumax EZ. In the High Plains and Intermountain areas of the West, where rainfall is sparse and erratic or where irrigation is required, use only when corn (all types ) or sorghum is to follow field corn, or a crop of untreated corn (all types) or sorghum is to precede other rotational crops. If Lumax EZ is applied after June 1, rotating to crops other than corn (all types) or grain sorghum the next spring may result in crop injury. Precautions: • • • Do not apply Lumax EZ with any organophosphate or carbamate insecticide, or apply an organophosphate or carbamate insecticide within 7 days before or after applying Lumax EZ. Application of Lumax EZ to emerged corn previously treated with Counter® insecticide may result in severe crop injury. Application of Lumax EZ to emerged corn previously treated with organphosphate insecticides other than Counter may result in temporary crop injury. Do not apply postemergence to sweet corn or yellow popcorn. Restricted entry interval: 24 hours unless Lumax EZ is incorporated in soil PreHarvest Interval: 60 days after application for field corn grain or forage; Spray Volume (ground): 10 to 30 Gallons / acre Bulk Weight lbs / gal: 9.18 45 days for sweet corn Preferred Nozzle: Flat Fan ©2014 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using Syngenta products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. 15 Document Classification – PUBLIC Technical Recommendation Northstar® Herbicide for Postemergence weed control in field corn and popcorn in MN, IA, NE and SD. Active Ingredients: Northstar contains 7.5% primisulfuron and 43.9% salt of dicamba Site of Action Group: Group 2, Group 4 Key Weeds Controlled or Suppressed: Alfalfa, Burcucumber, Cocklebur, Lambsquarter, Ragweeds, Velvetleaf, Wild Buckwheat, Foxtails, Fall Panicum, Shattercane, plus many others. Adjuvants: • Non-ionic surfactant (NIS) 1 qt / 100 gal and ammonium sulfate (AMS) 2 to 4 lbs / acre Application Timing: • • Postemergence broadcast: corn between 4” and 20” tall (V2 to V6) - Use drops nozzles from 20” to 36” Weeds 1 to 4” tall Rates: 5 oz / acre; (tank mix label with glyphosate - apply Northstar at 2.5 to 5 oz / acre ) Crop Rotation Interval: • • • • • Field corn - 14 days Winter wheat, winter barley, rye - 3 months Alfalfa, sweet corn, popcorn, dry beans, green beans, peas, potatoes, sorghum, sunflowers, spring seeded small grains and soybeans - 8 months All other crops - 18 months Do not use in the Red River Valley areas of Minnesota or North Dakota or in areas with similar soils, unless corn will be the only crop grown in the following two seasons Maximum Amount of Product per Season: • Do not apply more than 5 oz per acre per calendar year Precautions: • Do not feed forage from Northstar treated corn to livestock within 30 days of application • Do not harvest for silage within 45 days of application or grain within 60 days of application • Do not apply to severely stressed corn • Do not use if treated with Counter® insecticide • Do not apply an organophosphate insecticide within 10 days before or 7 days after a Northstar application • Apply to corn at least 4 inches tall Pre-Harvest Interval: 60 days Rain Fast: Not Specified Restricted-Entry Interval (REI): 24 hours Storage Requirement: Cool dry place Spray Volume (Ground Application): 10 to 30 Gallons / acre Preferred Nozzle Type (Ground): Flat Fan producing medium to coarse spray droplets ©2014 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using Syngenta products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. 16 Document Classification – PUBLIC Technical Recommendation Prefix® Herbicide for preplant, preemergence or postemergence applications in soybeans in MN, IA, NE and SD. Active Ingredients: Prefix contains 4.34 lbs of S-metolachlor and 0.95 lbs of fomesafen active ingredient per gallon Site of Action Group: Group 14, Group 15 Key Weeds: Annual Grasses, Pigweed Species, Waterhemp and other broadleaf weeds Adjuvants: • Postemergence – Add non-ionic surfactant (NIS) containing at least 75% surface active agent, at 0.25% v/v to the final spray volume if Prefix is applied alone or tank-mixed with glyphosate products that do not contain a built-in adjuvant Application Timing: • • Preplant or Preemergence Postemergence from cracking until 90 prior to harvest • Preplant and Pre-emergence – 2.0 to 2.5 pts / acre Postemergence – 2.0 to 2.33 pts / acre Rates: • Crop Rotation Interval: • • • • • Dry bean, Snap bean, Soybean – 0 months Barley, oats, rye, wheat – 4 1/2 months Corn, peas – 10 months Popcorn for use rates of 2.0 pints or greater – 12 months Alfalfa, sugarbeet, sunflower, sorghum, other crops – 18 months Maximum Amount of Product per Season: • Total not to exceed 2.5 pints of Prefix per acre in alternate years in Region 3 or 2.0 pints of Prefix per acre in alternate years in Region 4 Precautions: • • Do not use Prefix postemergence on soybeans that are under stress including but not limited to that caused by drought, insect, disease, or injury from cultivation. Do not graze or feed treated forage or hay from soybeans following a postemergence application of Prefix. Pre-Harvest Interval: 90 Days Bulk Weight lbs / gal: 9.32 Rainfast: Not Specified Restricted-Entry Interval (REI): 24 hours Storage Requirement: Above 5 degrees Fahrenheit Spray Volume (Ground Application): 10 to 30 Gallons / acre Preferred Nozzle Type (Ground): Flat Fan ©2014 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using Syngenta products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. 17 Document Classification – PUBLIC Technical Recommendation Sequence® Herbicide for preemergence and postemergence control of grasses and broadleaf weeds in corn and soybeans in MN, IA, NE and SD. Active Ingredients: Sequence contains 2.25 lbs of glyphosate acid and 3 lbs of S-metolachlor per gallon Site of Action Group: Group 9, Group 15 Key Diseases Controlled: Annual grass, Pigweed species, Waterhemp, Velvetleaf and Palmer Amaranth Adjuvants: • Recommend dry ammonium sulfate (AMS) at 8.5 to 17 lbs / 100 gallons of water Application Timing: • • Preplant and Preemergence Postemergence Broadcast: Soybean - cracking through third trifoliate stage; Corn - up to V8 or 30” corn Rates: 2.5 to 3.5 pts / acre Crop Rotation Interval: • • • • • Corn, legume vegetables, potatoes, sorghum, soybeans, sunflowers, transplanted tomatoes – 0 months Alfalfa – 4 months Barley, oats, rye, wheat – 4 1/2 months Clover – 9 months Oats, rye, wheat, peppers – the following spring Maximum Amount of Product per Season: • • • For corn do not exceed 5.0 pints of Sequence per acre per season For soybean do not exceed 4.0 pints of Sequence per acre per season Do not exceed 3.5 pts / acre in a single postemergence application in GT corn or soybean Precautions: • • • For post-emergence applications in glyphosate tolerant soybeans only, apply in water as the carrier Do not feed preplant or preemergence Sequence treated soybeans for 30 days after application Do not graze or feed treated forage or hay from soybeans to livestock following a postemergence application of Sequence Pre-Harvest Interval: 50 Days Corn, 90 Days Soybean Restricted-Entry Interval (REI): 24 hours Rain Fast: Not Specified Storage Requirement: Cool dry place Spray Volume (Ground Application): 10 to 40 Gallons / acre Bulk Weight lb / gal: 10.2 Preferred Nozzle Type (Ground): Flat Fan with medium droplet size ©2014 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using Syngenta products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. 18 Document Classification – PUBLIC Technical Recommendation Touchown Total® Herbicide for burndown and postemergence applications to grass & broadleaf weeds in glyphosate tolerant corn in MN, IA, NE and SD. Active Ingredients: Touchdown Total contains 4.17 lbs per gallon of glyphosate acid in potassium salt form Site of Action Group: Group 9 Key Diseases Controlled: Annual Grass and Broadleaf weeds Adjuvants: • Ammonium sulfate (AMS) 8 to 17 lbs / 100 gal Application Timing: • • • Burndown Preemergence Postemergence up to V8 or 30” corn, 30 to 48” with drop nozzles (glyphosate tolerant corn only) • 24 to 48 fl oz / acre preemergence 24 to 35 fl oz / acre postemergence Rates: • Crop Rotation Interval: • None Maximum Amount of Product per Season: • • • Maximum preplant / preemergence rate is 3.6 qts / acre Do not apply more than 5.75 qts of Touchdown Total Herbicide per acre per growing season Maximum rate in a single postemergence application is 35 fl oz / acre, the total amount of Touchdown Total Herbicide which may be applied to emerged corn is 70 fl oz / acre in a season Precautions: • Avoid spraying into corn whorl Pre-Harvest Interval: • A minimum of 50 days from post emergence to harvest of forage, Up to 24 fl oz / A can be applied 7 days before grain harvest Restricted-Entry Interval (REI): 12 hours Rain Fast: Not Specified Bulk Weight (lbs / gal): 11.13 Spray Volume (Ground Application): 10 to 20 Gallons / acre ©2014 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using Syngenta products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. 19 Document Classification – PUBLIC Technical Recommendation Touchown Total® Herbicide for burndown and postemergence applications to grass & broadleaf weeds in glyphosate tolerant soybeans in MN, IA, NE and SD. Active Ingredients: Touchdown Total contains 4.17 lbs per gallon of glyphosate acid in potassium salt form Site of Action Group: Group 9 Key Diseases Controlled: Annual Grass and Broadleaf weeds Adjuvants: • Ammonium sulfate (AMS) 8 to 17 lbs / 100 gal of water - liquid formulations of AMS may be used at an equivalent rate Application Timing: • • • Burndown Preemergence Postemergence (glyphosate tolerant soybeans only) Rates: 24 to 48 fl oz / acre Crop Rotation Interval: None Maximum Amount of Product per Season: • • • Maximum rate of 3.6 qts / acre may be applied preplant / premergence Do not apply more than 5.75 qts/A of Touchdown Total Herbicide per acre per growing season Maximum rate in a single postemergence application is 48 fl oz / acre, the total amount of Touchdown Total Herbicide which may be applied to emerged soybean is 2.2 qt / acre in a season Precautions: Do not graze or harvest for forage or hay Bulk Weight (lbs / gal): 11.13 Pre-Harvest Interval: 14 days with no more than 24 fl oz / acre Rain Fast: Not Specified Restricted-Entry Interval (REI): 12 hours Spray Volume (Ground Application): 10 to 20 Gallons / acre ©2014 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using Syngenta products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. 20 Document Classification – PUBLIC Technical Recommendation Zemax® Herbicide for preemergence or postemergence applications in corn in MN, IA, NE and SD. Active Ingredients: Zemax contains 0.33 lbs of mesotrione and 3.34 lbs of S-metolachlor per gallon Site of Action Group: Group 27, Group 15 Key Weeds Controlled: Annual Grasses, Piqweed, Waterhemp, Velvetleaf, Palmer Amaranth, and other broadleaves Adjuvants: • Preemergence: NIS @ 1 to 2 qts / 100 gal (0.25 to 0.50% v/v) or COC @ 1 gal / 100 gal (1.0% v/v) plus a nitrogen based adjuvant (AMS or UAN) can be used to burndown existing weeds prior to corn emergence • Postemergence: NIS @ 1 qt / 100 gal (0.25% v/v) or COC @ 1 gal / 100 gal (1.0% v/v) o Nitrogen based adjuvants (AMS or UAN) can be added to improve weed control consistency but will also increase the risk of crop injury and can result in temporary crop injury Application Timing: • Preplant: Up to 14 days before planting • Preemergence • Postemergence: Up to 30” corn or V8 corn growth stage Rates: • • Preemergence: 2.0 to 2.4 qts / acre for one-pass program; 1.0 to 1.6 qts / acre as part of a two-pass program Postemergence : 1.6 to 2.4 qts / acre Crop Rotation Interval: • Corn (all types) – immediately • Wheat, barley, oats and rye – 4.5 months • Soybeans and potatoes – the following spring • Alfalfa, dry beans, snap beans, sugarbeets, peas and all other rotational crops – 18 months Maximum Amount of Product per Season: • Do not apply more than 2.4 qts of Zemax per acre per growing season Precautions: • Do not use MSO with Zemax if applied postemergence alone or in tank mixtures. • Do not make postemergence applications of Zemax in a tank mix with any organophosphate or carbamate insecticide or severe corn injury may result. ® • Zemax applied postemergence to corn that has received an at-planting application of Counter or other organophosphate insecticide can result in severe crop injury. • Postemergecne applications within 7 days before or after any Organophosphate or Carbamate insecticide application can result in severe corn injury. Pre-Harvest Interval: 45 days Restricted-Entry Interval (REI): 24 hours Bulk Weight lb./Gal.: 9.14 Storage Requirement: Cool dry place Spray Volume (Ground Application): Preemergence: 10 to 80 Gallons / acre; Postemergence: 10 to 30 Gallons / acre Preferred Nozzle Type (Ground): Flat Fan Author:JDB 11/22/2013 ©2013 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using Syngenta products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. 21 Document Classification – PUBLIC Technical Recommendation Quilt Xcel® Fungicide for early application (V4 to V8) in corn for plant performance benefits in MN, IA, NE and SD. Active Ingredients: Quilt Xcel contains 1.02 lbs propiconazole and 1.18 lbs azoxystrobin per gallon Site of Action Group: Group 3, Group 11 fungicides Adjuvants: • COC is recommended for aerial applications to reduce evaporation and enhance canopy penetration and coverage Application Timing: • Early application (V4 to V8 corn) may be applied for early season disease control and plant performance benefits Rates: 10.5 fl oz / acre Crop Rotation Interval: • • • • Corn, sorghum, soybeans, cereals, oats, rye, mint, peanuts, bulb crops, carrots, celery, grasses grown for seed, rice, strawberries, sugar beets and wild rice – 0 days Alfalfa (if propiconazole rate does not exceed 0.22 lbs a.i./acre/season) – 75 days Buckwheat and millet – 12 months All other crops intended for Food and Feed – 105 days Maximum Amount of Product per Season: • Do not apply more than 2 applications of Quilt Xcel or any other Group 11 containing fungicide per year Precautions: • • • Quilt Xcel demonstrates some phytotoxic effects when mixed with products that are formulated as ECs. Quilt Xcel is extremely phytotoxic to certain apple varieties. DO NOT spray Quilt Xcel where spray drift may reach apple trees. Extreme care must be used to prevent injury to apple trees (and apple fruit). Do not apply within 30 days of harvest (30-day PHI) for corn forage, grain, or stover. Pre-Harvest Interval: 30 Days Rain Fast: Not Specified Spray Volume (Ground Application): Min. 10 Gallons / acre Restricted-Entry Interval (REI): 12 hours Bulk Weight lbs / gal: 8.79 Spray Volume (Aerial Application): Min. 2 Gallons / acre ©2014 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using Syngenta products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. 22 Document Classification – PUBLIC Technical Recommendation Quilt Xcel® Fungicide for R1 applications in corn for leaf diseases in MN, IA, NE and SD. Active Ingredients: Quilt Xcel contains 1.02 lbs propiconazole and 1.18 lbs azoxystrobin per gallon Site of Action Group: Group 3, Group 11 fungcides Key Diseases Controlled: Grey leaf spot, Northern corn leaf blight, and Rust Adjuvants: • COC is recommended for aerial applications to reduce evaporation and enhance canopy penetration and coverage Application Timing: • Later season applications may be applied when the disease first appears (R1 or later) Rates: 10.5 to 14 fl oz / acre Crop Rotation Interval: • • • • Corn, sorghum, soybeans, cereals, mint, peanuts, bulb crops, carrots, celery, grasses grown for seed, rice, rye, oats, strawberries, sugar beets and wild rice – 0 days Alfalfa (if propiconazole rate does not exceed 0.22 lbs a.i./acre/season) – 75 days Buckwheat and millet – 12 months All other crops intended for Food and Feed – 105 days Maximum Amount of Product per Season: • Do not apply more than 2 applications of Quilt Xcel or any other Group 11 containing fungicide per year Precautions: • • • Quilt Xcel demonstrates some phytotoxic effects when mixed with products that are formulated as ECs. Quilt Xcel is extremely phytotoxic to certain apple varieties. DO NOT spray Quilt Xcel where spray drift may reach apple trees. Extreme care must be used to prevent injury to apple trees (and apple fruit). Do not apply within 30 days of harvest (30-day PHI) for corn forage, grain, or stover. Pre-Harvest Interval: 30 Days Rain Fast: Not Specified Spray Volume (Ground Application): Min. 10 Gallons / acre Restricted-Entry Interval (REI): 12 hours Bulk Weight lbs / gal: 8.79 Spray Volume (Aerial Application): Min. 2 Gallons / acre ©2014 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using Syngenta products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. 23 Document Classification – PUBLIC Technical Recommendation Quilt Xcel® Fungicide for R3 applications in soybeans in MN, IA, NE and SD. Active Ingredients: Quilt Xcel contains 1.02 lbs propiconazole and 1.18 lbs azoxystrobin per gallon Site of Action Group: Group 3, Group 11 fungicides Key Diseases Controlled: Cercospora blight, Soybean rust and Frogeye leaf spot Adjuvants: • COC is recommended for aerial applications to reduce evaporation and enhance canopy penetration and coverage Application Timing: • • Foliar diseases (except soybean rust): Apply at growth stage R3 (early pod set) Soybean rust: Apply at first indication that disease is in the area Rates: 10.5 to 21 fl oz / acre Crop Rotation Interval: • • • • Corn, sorghum, soybeans, cereals, mint, peanuts, bulb crops, carrots, celery, grasses grown for seed, rice, rye, oats, strawberries, sugar beets and wild rice – 0 days Alfalfa (if propiconazole rate does not exceed 0.22 lbs a.i./acre/season) – 75 days Buckwheat and millet – 12 months All other crops intended for Food and Feed – 105 days Maximum Amount of Product per Season: • Do not apply more than 2 applications of Quilt Xcel or any other Group 11 containing fungicide per year Precautions: • • • Quilt Xcel demonstrates some phytotoxic effects when mixed with products that are formulated as ECs. Quilt Xcel is extremely phytotoxic to certain apple varieties. DO NOT spray Quilt Xcel where spray drift may reach apple trees. Extreme care must be used to prevent injury to apple trees (and apple fruit). Apply up to growth stage R6. Pre-Harvest Interval: 30 Days Rain Fast: Not Specified Spray Volume (Ground Application): Min. 10 Gallons / acre Restricted-Entry Interval (REI): 12 hours Bulk Weight lbs / gal: 8.79 Spray Volume (Aerial Application): Min. 2 Gallons / acre ©2014 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using Syngenta products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. 24 Document Classification – PUBLIC Technical Recommendation BesiegeTM Insecticide for use in popcorn, field, seed and sweet corn, alfalfa, and soybeans in MN, IA, NE and SD. Active Ingredients: Besiege contains 0.835 lbs of chlorantraniliprole and 0.417 lbs of lambda-cyhalothrin per gallon Site of Action Group: Group 3, Group 28 Insecticide Key Pests Controlled: Besiege is a foliar insecticide for control of lepidopteran, sucking and chewing insects Adjuvants: • • None Required and only allowed on certain crops NIS (75% spreading agent), NON-phytotoxic COC, MSO w/17% minimum emulsifier may be used in tank mix applications Application Timing: • • • Apply as required by scouting. Timing and frequency of applications should be based upon insect populations reaching locally determined economic thresholds or locally recommended methods. Typically at 7 or more day intervals (less for sweet corn) between applications. See label for a complete listing of insects controlled. Rates: 5.0 to 10.0 fl oz / acre (See label for insect species and exact rates for control) Maximum Amount of Product per Season: • Do not apply more than 31.0 fl oz of Besiege per acre per season (or .12 lbs a.i. of lambda-cyhalothrin containing products or 0.2 lbs a.i. of chlorantraniliprole containing products per acre per year). Precautions: • • • • Do not apply within 25 feet by ground or 150 feet for aerial application of a water body (lake, pond, river, stream, wetland, or drainage ditch). Do not allow drift to blooming crops or weeds while bees are foraging in/or adjacent to the treated area. Do not feed silage or corn fodder to meat or dairy animals within 21 days of last treatment. Do not apply within 1 day of harvest for forage, or within 7 days of harvest for hay in alfalfa. Pre-Harvest Interval: Alfalfa: 1 day for forage, 7 days for hay Soybeans: 30 days Rainfast: upon drying Field Corn: 21 days Sweet Corn: 1 day Re-Entry Intervals: 24 hours Storage Requirement: Do not allow product to freeze Spray Volume (Ground Application): 10 to 20 Gallons / acre Preferred Nozzle Type (Ground): Use only medium or coarser spray nozzles Spray Volume (Aerial Application): 5 to 7 Gallons/ acre ©2014 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using Syngenta products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. 25 Document Classification – PUBLIC Technical Recommendation Endigo ZC® Insecticide for use in soybeans in MN, IA, NE and SD. Active Ingredients: Endigo ZC contains 1.18 lbs of thiamethoxam and 0.88 lbs of lambda-cyhalothrin per gallon Site of Action Group: Group 3A, Group 4A Key Pests Controlled: Corn Rootworm Beetles, Bean Leaf Beetles, Soybean Aphids, Japanese Beetles Adjuvants: • • None Required NIS (75% spreading agent), NON-phytotoxic COC, MSO w/17% minimum emulsifier may be used in tank mix applications Application Timing: • • Apply as required by scouting. Timing and frequency of applications should be based upon insect populations reaching locally determined economic thresholds. Apply before pests reach damaging levels. See label for a complete listing of insects controlled. Rates: 3.5 to 4.5 fl oz / acre (Apply the higher rate in the listed rate range for heavy insect infestations) Crop Rotation Interval: Not Applicable Maximum Amount of Product per Season: • Do not apply more than 0.06 lbs a.i. of lambda-cyhalothrin containing products or 0.125 lbs a.i. of foliar applied thiamethoxam (9.0 fl oz / acre of Endigo ZC) per acre per season Precautions: • • • • • • When tank mixing with other agricultural products, always add Endigo ZC last. Do not apply this product when wind speed favors drift beyond the area intended for treatment. Do not apply Endigo ZC or allow it to drift onto blooming plants or weeds while bees are foraging in/or adjacent to the treated area. Wait 5 days before placing bee hives in the treated field. Allow a minimum of 7 days between applications. Do not graze or harvest treated soybean forage, straw or hay for livestock feed. Pre-Harvest Interval: 30 Days Rainfast: 1 hour Re-Entry Intervals: 24 hours Bulk Weight lb / gal: 9.28 Spray Volume (Ground Application): 10 to 20 Gallons / acre Preferred Nozzle Type (Ground): Use only medium or coarser spray nozzles Spray Volume (Aerial Application): 2 to 5 Gallons / acres ©2014 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using Syngenta products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. 26 Document Classification – PUBLIC Technical Recommendation Force® 3G Insecticide or Force® CS Insecticide in Corn in MN, IA, NE and SD. Active Ingredients: Tefluthrin is a Group 3 Pyrethroid Insecticide Force CS Contains 2.1 lbs of Tefluthrin per gallon Force 3G Contains 3 lbs of Tefluthrin per 100 lbs of granular insecticide. Application Timing: • • T- band: apply in a 7 inch band across the open seed furrow between the furrow openers and the press wheels. o Force must be incorporated into the top inch of soil using tines, press wheels, closing wheels or other suitable equipment. This will improve insect control and reduce the potential for adverse effects to aquatic organisms. In-Furrow: apply liquid or granules directly in the seed furrow behind the planter shoe. Rates: Force CS Fluid Oz per 1000 Ft of Row Force 3G Fluid Oz of Force CS Insecticide Required Per Acre for Various Row Spacings 30” 17, 424 0.46 fl oz 8 fl oz 0.57 fl oz 10 fl oz 20” * Oz per 1000 Ft of Row Pounds of Force 3G Insecticide Required Per Acre for Various Row Spacings 15” * Row 30” 20” * 15” * Spacing 13,068 17,424 Linear 17, 424 13068 17,424 FT/Acre Standard 6 fl oz 8 fl oz 4 oz 4.4 lb 3.3 lb 4.4 lb Rate Heavy 7.5 fl oz 10 fl oz 5 oz 5.5 lb 4.1 lb 5.5 lb Infestations *Refuge treated rows only. Do not exceed more than ½ the treated acres Row Spacing Linear FT/Acre Standard Rate Heavy Infestations Crop Rotation Interval: • Rotational crops may be planted no sooner than 30 days after application Precautions: • • Runoff from treated areas may be hazardous to aquatic organisms in adjacent aquatic sites. Do not apply this product within 20 yards of water (lakes, reservoirs, rivers, permanent streams, marshes, estuaries, natural ponds, or ponds used for commercial fishing). Restricted-Entry Interval (REI): • • Force 3G: Zero hours Force CS: 12 hours 3 Force 3G Bulk Density: 38-45 lbs/ft ©2014 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using Syngenta products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. 27 Document Classification – PUBLIC Technical Recommendation Warrior II with Zeon Technology® Insecticide in corn, sweet corn, soybeans and alfalfa for insects in MN, IA, NE and SD. Active Ingredients: Warrior II with Zeon Technology contains 2.08 lbs of lambda-cyhalothrin per gallon and is a capsule suspension formulation Site of Action Group: Group 3 Key Pests Controlled: Cutworm, Armyworm, Soybean Aphid, Bean Leaf Beetle, and Alfalfa Weevil Adjuvants: • • None Required NIS (75% spreading agent), NON-phytotoxic COC, MSO w/17% minimum emulsifier may be used in tank mix applications Application Timing: • • Apply as required by scouting. Timing and frequency of applications should be based upon insect populations reaching locally determined economic thresholds. See label for a complete listing of insects controlled. Rates: 0.96 to 1.92 fl oz / acre (See label for Insect species and exact rates for control) Crop Rotation Interval: Not Applicable Maximum Amount of Product per Season: • Do not apply more than 0.12 lbs a.i. (7.68 fl oz / acre of product) per acre per season on corn and alfalfa or 0.06 lbs a.i. (3.84 fl oz / acre of product) on soybeans Precautions: • • • • • Do not apply within 25 feet in ground applications and 150 feet in aerial applications of aquatic habitat. When tank mixing with other agricultural products, always add Warrior II with Zeon Technology last. Do not feed silage or corn fodder to meat or dairy animals within 21 days of last treatment. Do not graze or harvest treated soybean forage, straw or hay for livestock feed. Do not apply within 1 day of harvest for forage, or within 7 days of harvest for hay in alfalfa. Pre-Harvest Interval: Alfalfa: 7 Days Corn: 21 Days Sweet Corn: 1 Day Soybeans: 30 Days Rainfast: 1 hour Re-Entry Intervals: 24 hours Spray Volume (Ground Application): 10 to 20 Gallons / acre Bulk Weight (lbs / gal): 9.11 Preferred Nozzle Type (Ground): Use only medium or coarser spray nozzles Spray Volume (Aerial Application): 2 to 5 Gallons / acre ©2014 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using Syngenta products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. 28 Document Classification – PUBLIC Syngenta Herbicide Premixes Use Rate Qt/A Dual II MAG® pt/A AAtrex® 4L Qt/A 1.0 0.9 0.7 1.5 1.3 1.0 2.0 1.7 1.3 Use Rate Qt/A Dual II MAG® pt/A AAtrex 4L Qt/A 1.3 0.8 1.0 1.6 1.0 1.2 2.1 1.3 1.6 2.6 1.6 2.0 Use Rate pt/A Dual MAGNUM® pt/A Sencor DF oz/A 1.50 1.06 5.00 1.75 1.20 5.83 2.00 1.37 6.67 2.40 1.64 8.00 Use Rate Qt/A Dual II MAGNUM® pt/A AAtrex 4L Qt/A Glyphosate (4 lb/gal) oz/A 2.50 1.10 1.33 20.0 3.00 1.40 1.60 24.0 3.75 1.70 2.00 30.0 Use Rate pt/A Flexstar® oz/A Touchdown Total® oz/A 2.68 12.80 23.20 3.50 16.70 30.40 4.50 21.40 39.00 © 2013 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow all bag tag and label instructions before buying or using Syngenta products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. All crop protection products and seed treatments may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Please check with your state or local extension service before buying or using Syngenta products. AAtrex 4L, Bicep II Magnum, Bicep Lite II Magnum, Expert, Lexar EZ and Lumax EZ are Restricted Use Pesticides. Bicep II Magnum®, Bicep Lite II Magnum®, Boundary®, Expert®, Flexstar®, Halex,® Lexar,® Lumax,® Prefix,® Rave,® Sequence®, the Alliance frame, the Purpose icon and the Syngenta logo are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company. Syngenta Customer Center: 1-866-SYNGENT(A) (796-4368). MW 1LHS3005 4/13 29 Use Rate pt/A Dual MAG® pt/A Touchdown Hi-Tech® oz/A Callisto® oz/A 3.6 1.0 24.0 3.0 4.0 1.1 27.0 3.3 Use Rate Qt/A Dual II MAG® pt/A AAtrex 4L Qt/A Callisto® oz/A 3.0 1.4 1.3 5.4 3.5 1.6 1.5 6.3 Use Rate Qt/A Dual II MAG® pt/A AAtrex 4L Qt/A Callisto® oz/A 2.70 1.80 0.60 5.40 3.25 2.10 0.75 6.50 Use Rate pt/A Dual MAG® pt/A Reflex® pt/A 2.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.5 1.5 Use Rate oz/A Amber oz/A Dicamba (4#) oz/A 2.50 0.29 2.50 4.00 0.47 4.00 Use Rate pt/A Dual MAG® pt/A Touchdown Total® equivalent (fl oz/A) Glyphosate (lb a.e./A) 2.50 0.98 21.00 0.70 3.00 1.18 26.00 0.84 3.50 1.38 30.00 0.98 4.00 1.57 35.00 1.12 30 For the Correct Mixing Procedures, remember WWW-WALE Using the correct mixing order is crucial when working with multiple chemicals, fertilizers and adjuvants. Remembering the WWW-WALE procedure for adding chemicals to the spray tanks is the first step to ensure your agricultural products are applied correctly. Other factors to consider for maximum effectiveness of your chemical applications are proper sprayer calibration and environmental conditions during the time of application. If you have any reason to be concerned about compatibility, do a jar test before starting the mixing operation, and always consult the product label. WWW-WALE ❑ W– Water or fluid fertilizer go into the tank before anything else. Fill tank at least 1/4 full and start ‘rolling’ agitation. ❑ W– WSPs go into clean water before any other products. ❑ W– Next add WPs. ❑ W– Add WDGs. ❑ A – Maintain agitation during the mixing/spraying process. Allow each product to mix before adding new materials. ❑ L – Add Flowable (F), Suspension Concentrates (SC), Suspoemulsions (SE), or Soluble Liquids (SL). ❑ E – Add Emulsifiable Concentrates (EC). ❑ Complete filling of the tank with carrier. ❑ Lastly, add any surfactants such as NIS (when required by the label). ❑ Maintain agitation until all of the solution has been sprayed. 31 The Basics of Spraying • Read the label! • Mixing and spray equipment should be clean. • Use new spray mix with caution; use a jar test to test for compatibility. • Check spray water pH, add acidifying agent if necessary. • Pre-dissolve (slurry) pesticides if necessary. • Avoid spraying under conditions that will cause drift. Additional Tips • When compatibility agents must be used, put them into the tank before any agrochemicals. • When spraying foliar mixtures, surfactants and/or COC are added last to the tank. • ‘Nurse’ tanks must have agitation systems. Formulation Type Definition Example (s) WSP Water soluble packet WDG / DF Water dispersible granule / Northstar® Dry Flowable L = F, SC, SE, SL Liquid = flowable liquid, suspension concentrates, suspoemulsions, soluble liquids F= AAtrex®, Princep® SC = Quilt Xcel® SE = LumaxEZ®,LexarEZ® SL = Gramoxone SL 2.0®, Warrior II with Zeon Technology® E / EC Emulsifiable concentrates Dual II MAGNUM® NIS Non-ionic surfactant Beacon® For more information, visit the Syngenta Crop Protection web site: www.farmassist.com © 2013 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions. Some crop protection products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Please check with your local extension service to ensure registration status. AAtrex 4L, AAtrex Nine-O, Gramoxone SL 2.0, Lexar EZ, Lumax EZ and Warrior II with Zeon Technology are Restricted Use Pesticides. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 32 Mixing Flexstar or Reflex and Glyphosate Formulations This is to communicate information about the known incompatibility of Flexstar® or Reflex® plus glyphosate formulations, and recommendations for managing this issue. The table below describes Flexstar or Reflex plus glyphosate mixes that should be compatible if the mixing parameters outlined in the table are followed. Flexstar or Reflex + glyphosate + spray additive combinations other than those listed below may be incompatible. Product Tank Partner Flexstar Touchdown Total™ Flexstar Roundup Original Max® Flexstar Roundup Weather Max® Flexstar Generic IPA salt Flexstar Roundup Weather Max Flexstar Generic IPA salt Flexstar Touchdown HiTech® Reflex Touchdown Total Reflex Generic IPA salt * Plus or minus AMS Spray Additive* MSO MSO NIS NIS MSO or NIS Minimum GPA 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Overnight in spray tank? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Avoid the following tank mixes due to known incompatibility: Reflex + Touchdown HiTech Reflex + Roundup Original Max Reflex + Roundup Weather Max Mixing Order: 1. Fill spray tank ¾ full with clean water. 2. Begin tank agitation and continue throughout mixing and spraying. 3. Add AMS (if used). 4. Add dry formulations (WP, DF, etc.) to tank. 5. Add liquid formulations (Flexstar or Reflex) to tank. 6. Add glyphosate formulation. 7. Add nonionic surfactant or wetting agent (if used). 8. Fill remainder of spray tank. Ammonia Fix if Incompatibility (Precipitate) Occurs: If Reflex or Flexstar + glyphosate have been mixed together and a precipitate forms in the spray tank, add ammonia (household) to the spray tank at a concentration of 2% of the total tank volume to remove the precipitate. Additional Recommendations: 1. In all cases, it is best to mix and spray out immediately. Adhere to the recommendations above if solution is left overnight. 2. It is recommended that spray volumes of 15 GPA or greater be utilized. The recommended minimum spray volume is 10 GPA; at spray volumes less than 10 GPA there is more chance of incompatibility. For more information, visit www.syngentacropprotection.com or call Syngenta Customer Center at 1-866-SYNGENTA (866-796-4368). © 2007 Syngenta. Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc., Greensboro, NC 27409. Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using these products. Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc. warrants that its products conform to the chemical description set forth on the products’ labels. NO OTHER WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, SHALL APPLY TO SYNGENTA’S PRODUCTS. Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc. neither assumes nor authorizes any representative or other person to assume for it any obligation or liability other than such as is expressly set forth herein. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL SYNGENTA CROP PROTECTION, INC. BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OR HANDLING OF ITS PRODUCTS. No statements or recommendations contained herein are to be construed as inducements to infringe any relevant patent now or hereafter in existence. Flexstar®, Reflex®, Touchdown HiTech®, Touchdown Total™ and the Syngenta logo are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company. Roundup Original MAX® and Roundup WeatherMAX® are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC. 33 Halex GT Corn Herbicide Mixing Guidelines This document is intended to provide guidance regarding sprayer setup for Halex® GT applications and for those situations where Halex GT is tank mixed with another product (e.g. AAtrex® herbicide, atrazine). Recommended Halex GT Sprayer Setup 50 mesh in-line strainer(s) 50 mesh screens at nozzle Minimum of 10 GPA – best for compatibility, spray coverage and performance Use water only as the carrier Halex GT Mixing Order Recommendation When adding products to the spray tank, make sure each product is added separately and thoroughly agitated before adding the next product. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Fill tank 1/3 to 1/2 full of clean water and start agitation Add ammonium sulfate (AMS) Add nonionic surfactant (NIS) Add atrazine – make sure atrazine is fully dispersed before other products are added to the mix Add Halex GT Add EC products (e.g. insecticides) last. Be aware that adding any EC type product will increase the risk for crop injury 7. Fill tank with water to the desired level If using an induction tank, add only one product at a time. For example, add water, then add atrazine to the induction tank and transfer to spray tank, rinse induction tank with water, then add Halex GT. Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc. does not recommend the use of compatibility agents with Halex GT. When used, compatibility agents have been shown to cause excessive crop injury. Use Recommendations Apply Halex GT at a rate of 3.6 – 4.0 pts./A. Add NIS at 1.0 – 2.0 qts./100 gallons of water Add AMS at 8.5 – 17.0 lbs./100 gallons of water ® Halex GT is only for post-emergence use in glyphosate-tolerant corn (Agrisure GT and Round® up Ready hybrids). Optimum post-emergence application timing is before weeds reach four inches in height. If weeds are greater than four inches in height or resistant or suspected to be resistant to glyphosate, Halex GT should be tank mixed with either AAtrex® 4L herbicide or AAtrex® Nine-O™ herbicide (see label for rates). For more information, visit farmassist.com or contact the Syngenta Customer Center at 1-866-SYNGENTA (796-4368). ©2011 Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC, 410 Swing Road, Greensboro, NC 27409. Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using Syngenta products. AAtrex, AAtrex 4L and AAtrex Nine-O are Restricted Use Pesticides. Agrisure®, AAtrex®, AAtrex® 4L, AAtrex® Nine-O™, Callisto Plant Technology®, Halex®, the mesotrione logo and the Syngenta logo are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company. Roundup Ready® is a registered trademark of Monsanto Technology LLC. 34 G&S 409.30702 (5/09) SCP 535-00071-A Syngenta Herbicide and Fungicide Mixing Order • • • • Fill tank at least ¼ full and start agitation before adding pesticides. Maintain agitation during mixing and spraying. Allow each product to mix before adding new materials. Add remaining water. Order of Addition Glyphosate + Quadris® or Quilt Xcel® Callisto® + Quadris or Quilt Xcel Callisto Xtra + Quadris or Quilt Xcel Halex® GT + Quadris or Quilt Xcel 1 AMS AMS AMS AMS 2 Quilt Xcel or Quadris Atrazine Quilt Xcel or Quadris NIS 3 Glyphosate Quilt Xcel or Quadris Callisto Xtra Atrazine 4 Foliar Fertilizer Callisto Glyphosate Quilt Xcel or Quadris 5 NIS Glyphosate Foliar Fertilizer Halex GT 6 Foliar Fertilizer NIS 7 NIS 2 4 2 2 4 Foliar Fertilizer 3 4 Notes: 1. Do not allow mixtures to sit for an extended period without agitation. 2. Omit AMS if glyphosate is omitted from this combination. 3. It is recommended to conduct a jar test when adding foliar fertilizers to this combination. 4. If a loaded glyphosate is used, NIS can be omitted. This sheet is intended to provide a recommended tank-mix order of addition for physical tank-mix compatibility. In cases where local practice or knowledge indicates that alternative orders of addition will work, they may be used. We recommend a jar test be carried out, prior to using tank-mix partners that have not been used before, in the local water to be used for the large-scale spray operation, and at rates and spray volume that are proportional to the field use rates of the products in the tank-mixture. ©2012 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow all bag tag and label instructions before buying or using Syngenta products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. All crop protection products and seed treatments may not be registered for sale or use in all states. Please check with your state or local extension service before buying or using these Syngenta products. Callisto Xtra is a Restricted Use Pesticide. Callisto®, Halex®, Quadris®, Quilt Xcel® and the Syngenta logo are registered trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company. Classification: PUBLIC 35 Notes: Notes:
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