Franchise Application Form Applicant’s Name: Date: Signature: The information submitted on this form will be treated by Jungle Juice as strictly private and confidential. We encourage you to share any relevant information that is essential for our consideration in granting a franchise. Completion of this form in no way constitutes a commitment to Jungle Juice or that a franchisee applicant will be automatically awarded. CONFIDENTIAL Jungle Juice Franchise Application Form SECTION 1: GENERAL INFORMATION Full Name: Company Name: Home Address: City: Country: P.O.Box: Country: P.O.Box: Cell Phone: Home Phone: Country: P.O.Box: Work Address: City: Work Phone: Email Address: Past Address: City: Nationality: Date of Birth: Marital Status: Spouses Name: Have you or any other person associated with you ever worked at Jungle Juice before? Yes No Yes No If yes, describe: Do or any other person associated with you have any connection or experience with anyother competitor / similar business? If yes, describe: In which geographic area would you be most interested in running a Jungle Juice Franchise operation? Version 1.0 CONFIDENTIAL Page2 of 5 Jungle Juice Franchise Application Form SECTION 2: BUSINESS EXPERIENCE Describe your current business activities: Do you or anyone on your ownership team have any experience in the food industry? Yes No If yes, describe: Please provide your employment/business experience details: Start - End Business Name & Address Business Type Position Responsibilities Reason for Leaving Please give details of two business references: Name Business Type Contact Info Have you or anyone on your ownership team ever filed for bankruptcy or business failure or involved in any lawsuits? Relationship Yes No If yes, describe: Version 1.0 CONFIDENTIAL Page 3 of 5 Jungle Juice Franchise Application Form SECTION 3: FINANCIAL INFORMATION Annual Salary: US $ Business Profits: US $ Other Income: US $ Total: US $ Do you or anyone on your ownership team have any other business interests? Yes No If yes, describe: Assets US $ Liabilities Cash on hand & in banks: Mortgages: Business Holdings: Accounts Payable: Other: Other debts & liabilities: Total Assets: Total Liabilities: US $ Net Worth (Assets minus liabilities) How much capital do you have available to invest in a Jungle Juice Franchise? Version 1.0 CONFIDENTIAL Page 4 of 5 Jungle Juice Franchise Application Form SECTION 4: AUTHORIZATION FOR INVESTIGATION I/we represent and warrant that all of the statements made by me/us in the above application are true and correct. I/we understand that if I/we make a false statement, such action will terminate my/our application for consideration. I/we understand that by signing this application, I/we authorize Jungle Juice management to check my/our credit history, conduct a background and criminal investigation. I/we agree that this application shall be and remain the property of Jungle Juice whether or not this application is approved. This authorization shall be valid in original or copy form. I/we understand that this application does not obligate either party to engage in a business transaction in any manner. Name: Signature: Date: Name: Signature: Date: Name: Signature: Date: Version 1.0 CONFIDENTIAL Page 5 of 5
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