Local Latitude Global Attitude

Local Latitude Global Attitude
Digital ad specifications:
The North of 50 provides a full range of print advertising design and build services.
However, if you choose to supply your own print-ready advertisement, please follow these general guidelines when
preparing the digital file:
•We accept production-ready PDF files.
•Please use PDF/X-1a:2001 Adobe PDF preset, an ISO standard for graphic content exchange, or press-ready
PDF preset.
•Do not send your ad in tiff or jpeg format.
•Set the resolution of continuous tone photographs to 300 dpi. Bitmap graphics or logos should be at 600 dpi.
•Convert all colors to CMYK values.
•Flatten all transparencies.
•Black text should be 100% K (black). Do not use process black, it will reproduce in 4 colours and may become
blurry, especially in small text sizes.
•Please size your ad to the correct dimensions (listed below).
•We cannot guarantee your ad will look exactly as sent if the size differs from our advertising specifications.
•Do not send MSWord or Publisher files.
•If sending vector artwork or logos, please convert all text to paths (outlines) and include all fonts & linked
•If sending working files (ie: Indesign, Quark, Illustrator or Photoshop, you must include all fonts and linked
•When sending full page ads with bleed, use .25" bleed and do not include and trim or crop marks.
•To upload large files, go to: www.northof50.com/secure-file-upload.html
Ad Sizes
Ad Size
Width Height
Full Page w/Bleed.......... 7.75" x10.25"
(add .25" bleed all sides - see example for bleed)
Full Page - No Bleed....... 7.25" x9.75"
1/2 Page - Horizontal.... 7.25" x4.75"
1/2 Page - Vertical.......... 3.5" x9.75"
1/4 Page - Vertical.......... 3.5" x4.75"
1/8 Page - Horizontal...... 3.5" x2.25"
Business Directory............ 3.5" x1"
For ads with a bleed, the ad file dimensions
need to go out to the edge of the gray so the
printer has extra that can get trimmed off.
This represents the trim-line, where the final
edge of the magazine will be after the printer
trims off the bleed.
This dashed line is 0.25 in. inside the trim-line and
it shows the boundaries of the live area. No text or
logos can be located outside the live area or it may
get trimmed off.
Local Latitude Global Attitude
The ad file dimensions need to go out to the edge of the ad so the printer has
extra that can get trimmed off.
Dimensions (including Bleed): 8.25" x 10.75"
This represents the trim-line, where the final edge of the magazine
will be after the printer trims off the bleed.
Dimensions (Final Trimmed Size): 7.75" x 10.25"
This dashed line is 0.25 in. inside the trim-line and it shows
the boundaries of the live area. No text or logos can be
located outside the live area or it may get trimmed off.
#2, 2706 45th Avenue, Vernon, BC
info@northof50.com • www.northof50.com
Full Page
Dimensions: 7.25" x 9.75"
Local Latitude Global Attitude
North of 50˚ is 100% committed to being the most socially relevant
and responsible regional magazine in BC's interior, and that's
why we're always considering our options, striving to improve
our product – just like you do in your business.
Our Mission
Bring global issues home by publishing original, provacative
feature articles with integrity and credibility.
Why Us
North of 50˚ is a cost-effective vehicle for delivering your
message right to the 50-plus audience. Our clean, uncluttered
format ensures maximum ad exposure while our distribution
to almost 15,000 readers promotes successful contact with
your target audience.
#2, 2706 45th Avenue, Vernon, BC
info@northof50.com • www.northof50.com
Local Latitude
Global Attitude
“Makin s
Bringing global issues home
by publishing original,
provacative feature articles
with integrity and credibility.
1/4 Page - Vertical
1/2 Page - Vertical
Dimensions: 3.5" x 4.75"
Dimensions: 3.5" x 9.75"
Accounting, Bookkeeping
Business & Personal
Tax Returns
Payroll preparation (union and non-union)
Budget assistance and budget templating
Specialized reporting
Year-end working paper preparation
Kimberley K. Hutton
Phone: 778-473-1355
Email: kkhutton@shaw.ca
#1, 1965 Shuswap Ave, Lumby
#2, 2706 45th Ave Vernon, BC
1/8 Page - Horizontal
Business Directory
Dimensions: 7.25" x 9.75"
Dimensions: 7.25" x 9.75"
Accounting, Bookkeeping
Business & Personal
Tax Returns
Local Latitude Global Attitude
#2, 2706 45th Ave Vernon, BC
info@northof50.com • www.northof50.com
Kimberley K. Hutton
kkhutton@shaw.ca • #1, 1965 Shuswap Ave
1/2 Page - Horizontal
Dimensions: 7.25" x 9.75"
Kimberley K. Hutton
Payroll preparation
(union and non-union)
Budget assistance and
budget templating
Specialized reporting
Charity Information
Return preparation
Year-end working paper
Various projects that
businesss do not have
the time or resources
to accomplish
Phone: 778-473-1355
Email: kkhutton@shaw.ca
Accounting • Bookkeeping
Business & Personal
Tax Returns
#1, 1965 Shuswap Ave • Mailing Address: P.O. 456, Lumby, BC V0E 2G0