4/8/2015 How to Do Market ResearchThe Basics MARKETING How to Do Market Research--The Basics Is your business a product in search of a customer? Use these tips to create a product or service customers will clamor for. Lesley Spencer Pyle SEPTEMBER 23, 2010 Marketing research can give a Related articles business a picture of what Researching Your kinds of new products and Market services may bring a profit. For Primary Market products and services already Research available, marketing research Market Surveys can tell companies whether Conducting they are meeting their Surveys and Focus customers' needs and Groups expectations. By researching Market and Price the answers to specific questions, small-business owners can learn whether they need to change their package design or tweak their delivery methods--and even whether they should http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/217345 1/21 4/8/2015 How to Do Market ResearchThe Basics consider offering additional services. "Failure to do market research before you begin a business venture or during its operation is like driving a car from Texas to New York without a map or street signs," says William Bill of Wealth Design Group LLC in Houston. "You have know which direction to travel and how fast to go. A good market research plan indicates where and who your customers are. It will also tell you when they are most likely and willing to purchase your goods or use your services." When you conduct marketing research, you can use the results either to create a business and marketing plan or to measure the success of your current plan. That's why it's important to ask the right questions, in the right way, of the right people. Research, done poorly, can steer a business in the wrong direction. Here are some market-research basics that can help get you started and some mistakes to avoid. Types of Market Research Primary Research: The goal of primary research is to gather data from analyzing current sales and the effectiveness of current practices. Primary research also takes competitors' plans into account, giving you information about your competition. Collecting primary research can include: Interviews (either by telephone or face-to-face) http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/217345 2/21 4/8/2015 How to Do Market ResearchThe Basics Surveys (online or by mail) Questionnaires (online or by mail) Focus groups gathering a sampling of potential clients or customers and getting their direct feedback Some important questions might include: What factors do you consider when purchasing this product or service? What do you like or dislike about current products or services currently on the market? What areas would you suggest for improvement? What is the appropriate price for a product or service? Secondary Research: The goal of secondary research is to analyze data that has already been published. With secondary data, you can identify competitors, establish benchmarks and identify target segments. Your segments are the people who fall into your targeted demographic--people who live a certain lifestyle, exhibit particular behavioral patterns or fall into a predetermined age group. Collecting Data No small business can succeed without understanding its customers, its products and services, and the market in general. Competition is often fierce, and operating without conducting research may give your competitors an advantage over you. http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/217345 3/21 4/8/2015 How to Do Market ResearchThe Basics There are two categories of data collection: quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative methods employ mathematical analysis and require a large sample size. The results of this data shed light on statistically significant differences. One place to find quantitative results if you have a website is in your web analytics (available in Google's suite of tools). This information can help you determine many things, such as where your leads are coming from, how long visitors are staying on your site and from which page they are exiting. Qualitative methods help you develop and fine-tune your quantitative research methods. They can help business owners define problems and often use interview methods to learn about customers' opinions, values and beliefs. With qualitative research, the sample size is usually small. Many new business owners, often strapped for time and money, may take shortcuts that can later backfire. Here are three pitfalls to avoid. Common Marketing Mistakes 1. Using only secondary research. Relying on the published work of others doesn't give you the full picture. It can be a great place to start, of course, but the information you get from http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/217345 4/21 4/8/2015 How to Do Market ResearchThe Basics secondary research can be outdated. You can miss out on other factors relevant to your business. 2. Using only web resources. When you use common search engines to gather information, you get only data that are available to everyone and it may not be fully accurate. To perform deeper searches while staying within your budget, use the resources at your local library, college campus or small-business center. 3. Surveying only the people you know. Smallbusiness owners sometimes interview only family members and close colleagues when conducting research, but friends and family are often not the best survey subjects. To get the most useful and accurate information, you need to talk to real customers about their needs, wants and expectations. LINKEDIN How to Use LinkedIn Analytics to Boost Your Marketing Efforts Ted Prodromou Contributor Author And Internet Business Consultant http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/217345 5/21 4/8/2015 How to Do Market ResearchThe Basics APRIL 07, 2015 In his book Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn for Business, search engine optimization and online marketing expert consultant Ted Prodromou explains how you can use LinkedIn to quickly engage with ideal customers, partners, and employees, showcase your company and attract new opportunities. In this edited excerpt, the author discusses the analytics tools that are available on LinkedIn and how you can use them to improve your marketing efforts. LinkedIn has a collection of powerful analytics tools that let you measure your effectiveness on the site. Some of these tools are included with your free LinkedIn account while others are offered only to Premium account holders. These tools give you the ability to see how many people view, like, comment, and share your status updates and published content. You can also see detailed demographics of who views your profile so you can see what kind of people your profile is attracting. Let’s dig deeper into who’s been viewing your LinkedIn profile and how you can use this to your advantage. To see the detailed information, click on the link in the righthand column of your LinkedIn home page that tells you how many people have viewed your profile in the past day. The next screen will show a graph with the total number of profile views in the past 90 days, the number of viewers from specific industries, the number of viewers from various regions, and the number of viewers found by the People Similar to You sidebar widget on LinkedIn. http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/217345 6/21 4/8/2015 How to Do Market ResearchThe Basics This is why the way you fill out your profile is so important. The LinkedIn algorithm takes into account your industry, your region, your education, and the keywords you use in your profile, including your professional headline, job titles, keywords in your summary, and the rest of your profile. Knowing how people found you on LinkedIn helps you customize your profile so you attract the right profile viewers. Below the graph, you'll see profiles of the people who viewed your profile. If you're not connected to that person on LinkedIn, you can click the Connect button so you can quickly connect with them if they're right for your network. I like to view profiles to see if they're a match for my professional network before inviting them to connect with me. I consider a person who viewed my profile as a “warm” lead because something compelled them to view my profile. I find that at least 80 percent of the people who viewed my profile will connect with me if I reach out to them. Let’s dig even deeper into the data provided by the graph. When you hover over the dots in the graph, you can see how many profile views you drew each week. When you click on the dot, you'll see the people who viewed your profile that particular week. Now the fun begins. Click on Viewers from [your industry name], and you’ll see the people from that industry who viewed your profile, plus all the industries that attracted your profile viewers. When you click on each industry, you’ll see exactly who viewed your profile from each industry. http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/217345 7/21 4/8/2015 How to Do Market ResearchThe Basics On the right side of the graph, you'll see the job titles of the people who viewed your profile. If you're trying to attract Clevel executives and most of your profile views come from lower-level management, you need to update your profile and start distributing your content to a different audience on LinkedIn. This alone is worth the small investment in a Premium LinkedIn account. As you explore all the tabs in the chart, more data categories will appear, which will help you target your ideal clients on LinkedIn. You can see what’s working and what’s not in your daily LinkedIn activity. One interesting area is the Viewers Found You from People Similar to You tab. In this area, LinkedIn tells you how people found your LinkedIn profile and which keywords they used to find you. This data shows you if they found you on the LinkedIn homepage, LinkedIn Groups, from LinkedIn InMail you sent them, and even if they found you from a Google search. This helps you fine-tune your profile so you include the right keywords in the right sections of your LinkedIn profile. Below the first row of people who viewed your profile, LinkedIn shows you some groups, LinkedIn Influencers, and people you may want to connect with to increase your profile views. Again, these recommendations are based on the LinkedIn algorithm so your profile views will probably increase if you follow LinkedIn’s advice. The tab next to Who’s Viewed Your Profile is the How You http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/217345 8/21 4/8/2015 How to Do Market ResearchThe Basics Rank for Profile Views. This lets you compare your profile views with professionals similar to you and to your network. I find the more active I am on LinkedIn, the more profile views I receive, and I can move up (or down) in the rankings quickly. LinkedIn also provides tips to help you improve your ranking, such as suggesting that you update your summary to increase profile views. Who’s viewed your updates With LinkedIn's analytics, you can see how many people Viewed, Liked, Shared and Commented on your updates. I love this feature because it lets me know exactly what content my network is interested in. To use it, hover over each purple dot on your Who's Viewed Your Updates screen to see who viewed each update. The green dots show you who liked the update. I often reach out to people who like my updates and personally thank them for liking my update, which they always appreciate. There are three circles in the diagram on this screen. The circle closest to your profile picture is your first-degree network. The next circle is your second-degree network, and the largest circle will be your third-degree network. Your goal is to create status updates that go viral and are shared to every level of your network. Monitor the statistics of every status update to see which messages and headlines resonate with your audience. Treat status updates like ads with the intent of enticing people to click on your update, like it, share it, and comment on it. Be sure to look at status updates from your network to see which messages receive the most likes, http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/217345 9/21 4/8/2015 How to Do Market ResearchThe Basics shares, and comments. This will help you identify the content which engages your networks. ANALYTICS The Results-Driven Approach to Blogging Image credit: Lig Ynnek | Flickr Brian Honigman From BrianHonigman.Com Marketing Consultant, Writer & Speaker APRIL 07, 2015 This story originally appeared on BrianHonigman.com Baseball legend Yogi Berra once famously remarked: “You’ve got to be very careful if you don’t know where you are going, because you might not get there.” http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/217345 10/21 4/8/2015 How to Do Market ResearchThe Basics All snarkiness aside, Berra was on to something. One of the keys to success is first understanding what success looks like. This advice can apply to all areas of life and blogging is no exception. Blogging can be an incredibly effective marketing tool, but you can’t simply start a blog and expect it to drive success. In fact, a lot of people who go about blogging have no real plan beyond just writing the posts and seeing what happens. There’s more to effective planning than simply mapping out a robust content strategy and editorial calendar. One of the most important parts of starting a successful blog that many fail to consider is hammering out core objectives from the start. Regardless of whether you plan on having your blog serve as a lead generation tool, the centerpiece of your content strategy or just as a way to put your company’s thoughts out in public from a branding perspective, there is always a way of quantifying these results and tracking them. Related: 8 Ways to Better Market Yourself on LinkedIn This is the core of a results-driven approach to blogging, here’s how it’s done. http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/217345 11/21 4/8/2015 How to Do Market ResearchThe Basics The Results Driven Approach to Blogging from Brian Honigman Understand Your Blog’s Purpose So, you want to start a blog? Now the important question to answer is why are you going through the effort. Oftentimes companies will start a blog just because they feel that they have to. In mylast article, I quoted a statistic from IBM, and I’ll quote it here again because I feel it speaks so much truth about the dismal state of corporate blogging. Nearly 80% of corporate blogs have five posts or less. This is a staggering figure, but it’s actually pretty easy to http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/217345 12/21 4/8/2015 How to Do Market ResearchThe Basics believe. Many companies start blogs and quickly lose steam in large part because they never define success. When I say you need to define your blog’s purpose there are really two elements to doing so. The first step is to define the general purpose of your blog. A blog can be a pretty versatile marketing tool that achieves a wide variety of goals, but the majority of them fall along a spectrum that extends from branding to purely sales. A blog like IBM’s or GE’s will never really be considered a direct sales tool. IBM in particular deals with far too large of clients to ever have someone read their blog and decide then and there to become a customer. Rather, IBM uses their blog as a purely branding tool, and they do this very well. On the other end of the spectrum is a company like HubSpot whose primary sales tool is there blog. At nearly every turn http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/217345 13/21 4/8/2015 How to Do Market ResearchThe Basics their readers are presented with a call to action of some sort that directly relates to the blog article a potential customer is reading. These frequent calls to action would be out of place on IBM’s blog, in much the same way that IBM’s lack of CTAs would not do well for the HubSpot blog. Understanding your blog’s general goal is the first step towards building a results driven approach to blogging. Establish KPIs and Attribution Models The next step (which directly follows from the first) is to take these qualitative goals and attach them to quantitative metrics. Put plainly, you need to see what numbers you can look at to tell how well your blog is doing at driving your broader goals. Depending on your blog’s general purpose, these KPIs will likely vary. In fact, most really good KPIs are actually combinations of more elemental metrics. Instead of looking at a simple number like page-views or social-shares, it makes a lot more sense use a blended metric (for example) like social-shares and page-views. This is just an example, but using these kinds of blended metrics gives you a more nuanced understanding of your blog. Whereas measuring either of these metrics individually might give you an understanding of how good your blog content is at attracting attention in a silo, but the numbers combined tell a more robust story that gives you more information about your content’s ability to engage your audience as a whole. http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/217345 14/21 4/8/2015 How to Do Market ResearchThe Basics In addition to focusing on a few blended metrics, another important consideration when building metrics is to understand attribution and the customer journey. In an excellent addition of Moz’s Whiteboard Friday Series, CEO Rand Fishkin discusses what he considers the number one misconception surrounding content marketing. This misconception is that content will lead directly to the desired outcome. Whether your blog is focused on building your brand, driving sales or a combination of the two, it is exceedingly unlikely that the first touch you have with your customer will be the one that converts. Related: Why Most Startups Fail http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/217345 15/21 4/8/2015 How to Do Market ResearchThe Basics Something tells me that this misconception lies at the heart of the reason that 80% of blogs don’t make it past five posts. Even if they do know what they want their blog to do and have devised KPIs to measure these goals, you will likely give up if you expect results to register immediately. In the video Rand admits that even Moz (who has one of the best marketing blogs out there) will have a customer interact with their content an average of seven timesbefore they convert. This points to two key takeaways. First of all, blog content requires multiple touches to convert customers. The second conclusion that follows is that in order for your measurements to be useful, they need to account for the fact that results come from long-term customer interactions. Rand tells us that Moz measures their interactions using specialized paid tools like KISSmetrics, and while this is a very valid way to go about modeling attribution, it is not the only way. There are many ways to build out an attribution model. One way is to tag your links shared on social media with UTM parameters for more precise tracking in Google Analytics with Google’s URL builder. Unique parameters are sent to your Google Analytics account each time a person clicks on these tagged links shared on social media and elsewhere, so you can identify the URLs that are most effective in attracting users to your content. http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/217345 16/21 4/8/2015 How to Do Market ResearchThe Basics Businesses often shorten these tagged links when sharing them on social media to make them more aesthetically appealing and to hide all the UTM parameters that make the URL quite long as seen above in this Facebook post shared by women’s apparel brand, Nasty Gal. Once you can pinpoint the specific source of your traffic and engagement with your blog, then you can start to combine this information with your KPIs and set up tests to better understand your blogging efforts moving forward. Collecting accurate and relevant information, is only one half of being results-driven with blogging. The logical next step is to have your information actually drive the way that you produce, promote and display your blog content. Measure, Change and Repeat All the data collection and analysis in the world is a monumental waste of time if it doesn’t change the way that http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/217345 17/21 4/8/2015 How to Do Market ResearchThe Basics you do things. Einstein famously defined insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” How much more insane is it then to know (or at least have a good idea) of what works and what doesn’t and still do the same thing. The true definition of a results-driven approach is to have the process systematically change to reflect the data on a consistent basis. Regular tests are the hallmark of the scientific method and should serve as the engine that runs a results-driven blog. A fantastic example of a real results-driven organization are the mad, viral scientists over at BuzzFeed. Since their primary goal is to drive social sharing, BuzzFeed’s key concerns are over the efficacy of their headlines and feature images. As such, they test dozens of different permutations in real time and kill off all but the best. Not only do they run this rigorous testing for every single story that they put out, but they systematically incorporate the results into their future iterations meaning that their headlines and images are constantly getting better. After all, evolution has produced the best real-life viruses, so replicating this “survival of the fittest” testing strategy naturally leads to the most viral content. Another example on a more modest scale comes out of Refinery29’s insightful R29 Intelligence blog. Their blogging http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/217345 18/21 4/8/2015 How to Do Market ResearchThe Basics team decided to test the changes of something as small as a reconfiguration of their mobile, social sharing button. The change is hardly recognizable, but the results are staggering. A slight change in the size and selection of buttons led to a 20% boost in overall social sharing on their publication via mobile. Being the data-driven company they are, this change was soon implemented site-wide. Being results-driven is not something you just become, it is a process and state of mind. It means constantly questioning assumptions and re-evaluating what you think you know. Related: Content Marketing on a Budget Don’t Disregard Intuition While data often leads to better decision-making, relying too much on data can sometime lead you astray. http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/217345 19/21 4/8/2015 How to Do Market ResearchThe Basics Keeping your head down and blindly following the data can be just as dangerous as ignoring it. In this helpful article, Google’s Digital Evangelist, Avinash Kaushik talks about the dangers of choosing the wrong KPIs and following them without having a larger idea of the bigger picture in mind. As you move towards implementing a results-driven approach, always keep in mind that data is meant to check your intuition – not to replace it. In this short, but sweet post from Gary Vaynerchuck, he acknowledges that, while data is important, trusting his intuition has certainly helped him choose an overall direction when the data may have been scarce or non-existent. Once you’ve chosen a general direction for your blog, there is no better way to achieve your goals than embracing the right balance between data and intuition. For more insights on how to be a better marketer, sign up for Brian Honigman's weekly newsletter. More from BrianHonigman.com 5 Ways to Use Data to Inform Your Social Media Marketing Strategy The Results-Driven Approach To Blogging Tackling Content Marketing on a Budget http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/217345 20/21 4/8/2015 http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/217345 How to Do Market ResearchThe Basics 21/21
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