Northport – Passage Plan Pilot: ............................................................ MP Jetty Vessel Name:.............................................................. Flag: .......................... Date: ....................................... Draft Ford: ................................. Aft:.............................................. Channel Depth: ................................. NRT: ............................................... GRT: .......................................... Tide Ht:................................................... Time: ............................................ Height: ................................... Depth:...................................................... Port Whangarei Berths M1 Berth Length 146m – Ship Length M2 Berth Length 134m – Ship Length M3 Berth Length 155m – Ship Length M4 Berth Length 122m – Ship Length Max. Draft @ MHWS – 9.45m Depth in Berth Pockets – 10m East Berth HW: .......................................................................................................... Draft: ........................................................ LW: ........................................................................................................... UKC:......................................................... Port From/To: .................................................................................. Inwards Vessels should not approach closer than 1nm to seaward of the Fairway Buoy (L.FI.10 sec) until contact is made with the pilot on VHF (Channel 19 or 16). The pilot will advise on boarding position, speed, and any other requirements. West Berth M3 General Pilot ladder to be rigged as per NZ Pilot Ladder Regulations as directed 1 metre above the water. Course on the attached plan are indicative only and may vary depending on ship size and characteristics, draft and prevailing weather conditions. C H A N N E L Speeds will be various but a full manoeuvring range must be available at all times. Distance from the Fairway Buoy to the Port Whangarei berth area is 14nm and Marsden Point is 6nm. BRIDGE TEAM TO CONSTANTLY MONITOR PILOT’S ACTIONS AND MUST NOT HESITATE TO QUESTION ANY ACTION OR INTENDED COURSE OF ACTION THEY ARE UNSURE OF. 190m 190m 200m 91m VHF RADIO CHANNELS Channel 16/19 – Whangarei Harbour Radio Marsden Point Cargo Berths Outwards Unberthing procedures will be discussed with the master. Disembarkation position may vary and will be finalised after discussions dependant on traffic and weather conditions. LOCALITY PLAN - MP and WHANGAREI Marsden Point Cargo Berths MP East/West Berth Length 390m – Ship 240m MP Jetty Berth Length 134m – Ship 192m Max. Draft East/West – 11.8m Max. Draft MP Jetty – 8.53m VESSELS PASSING AT ONE TREE POINT Outward Bound Ship Inward Bound Ship Yacht Club Fairway Buoy Ross Beacon No. 1 Buoy T2/T3 Busby Head Tamaterau Beacon No. 9 Buoy S5/S6 No. 18 Buoy S3/S4 Snake Bank Beacon Snake Bank Lead Snake Bank Lead TUG POSITIONS For Arrivals at Port Whangarei, Tugs will meet the ship at the Bifurcation Beacon. For Arrivals at Marsden Point, depending on size, Tugs will meet the ship at No.3 or No.7 Buoys TUGS M1 M2 ...................................................................... Confirm this information with the Pilot on arrival or departure. ...................................................................... Master’s Name: ................................................................. Signature: ............................................................ ...................................................................... Port Whangarei ...................................................................... Point 2 K.4 10 6 Front Lead Bream Bay MARSDEN POINT 5 4 No.14 Snake Bank Beacon 2 1 Busby Head Home Point No.7 No.6 3 One Tree Point S.2 Manganese Point Parua Bay Fairway Buoy Anchouring Position 1 Mile ESE Fairway Buoy TRUE COURSES 1 321 - 141 2 335 - 155 3 360 - 180 4 320 - 140 5 285 - 105 6 308 - 128 See Chart NZ5213 for Details 7 Tamaterau Beacon Whangarei Harbour 8 TRUE COURSES 7 295 - 115 8 311 - 131 9 260 - 080 10 VARIOUS 11 353 - 173 See Chart NZ5213 for Details Navigation for Piloted Vessels is within the Buoyed Channel ONLY Navigation for Piloted Vessels is within the Buoyed Channel ONLY Mangawhati Point Knight Point Ross Beacon W.2 FOR GUIDANCE ONLY Not to be used for Navigation Hewlett Point 9 Bifurcation Kaiwaka Point Limestone Island K.8 11 Marsden Point Cargo Terminal O.T.P. PORTLAND PORT WHANGAREI O.T.P.
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