APRIL 2015 Purpose: To encourage the sport of boating and sailing, to promote the science of seamanship and navigation, and to provide and maintain a suitable clubhouse for the recreation and use of its members. THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE NORTHPORT YACHT CLUB Commodore’s Corner W elcome one and all to another season of fun, sun, sailing/boating, and plenty of social interaction in Bayside. It’s been a very long winter and I suspect we are all ready and really looking forward to another great summer in our special Maine place many of us call home (at least for part of the year!) Last summer was indeed a very special one for our little club and I still smile when I think about the incredible 75th anniversary celebration that we pulled off last August. The celebration was certainly an evening to remember! I wish to extend another heartfelt thank you to the core group of ladies and their support staff for all their work in making the event the tremendous success it was! The rest of the year was pretty darn good too and thanks to all who participated/helped out in our many events/activities—hopefully you are all looking forward to this year’s slate of activities as well—I know I am! This year marks the 100thth anniversary of the founding of the Northport Village Corporation. The village has a full slate of celebratory events/activities planned, and I hope you will join me and our BOD in supporting our Village Overseers as they/we embark on this special season celebrating our quaint village’s centennial. Let’s all pull together and help make it a second year in succession to remember and cherish! Already, the BHPS, NYC, and NVC Overseers have pooled together to once again jointly sponsor the Fourth of July Band which will mark the return of the Leaky Boot Jug Band-----which was a lot of fun last year. While not your typical 4th of July Band, the music was lively and fun----I think I speak for all—it was a good time had by all! This is just one example of how we as a village often pull together for the good of all. I encourage you to support each of these groups! The NYC Board has put together another exciting calendar full of events designed April 2015 The Northport Yacht Club Tell-Tale to provide all with loads of opportunity, entertainment, fun and frivolity! We have included many of the usual popular events/activities and in addition have tried to come up with some new, different and exciting ideas/activities for this summer as well. As Sailing Program liaison, I am happy to report that Philip Smit assisted by Erik Ekberg and senior assistants the infamous Kelly boys will be returning and heading up the program this year, with Lisa Webster once again returning to assist with registration activities. We have a great fleet of boats and a wonderful cast of returning veteran instructors plus some new blood, to help us provide quality safe sailing/boating instruction and a fun summer social activity as well. Our young people make the program what it is today and we should all be very proud of the group we have representing us again this year! As you know, the club and especially the sailing program depend very much on fundraising and donations from club members, so please consider donating some time and/or money (or both) to the program. Won’t be long until we start work on the boats again in late May/June—so get psyched! In closing, I would just like to say again how pleased I am to once again represent you as Commodore of the NYC. I have been actively involved in the senior yacht club now for a long time and I think I still have some energy left to give it another shot!. That said, I invite you to join me and the BOD to make this another great season! Please, come on down, get involved in activities of interest, donate some time, money etc. to help us do what we do for the community and you! We’re glad to do our part, but we need your help and support! Best wishes for a terrific summer of 2015! Northport Yacht Club Officers and Board of Directors 2014-2015: ~ Gordon Commodore –Gordon Fuller; Rear Commodore – Jim Kelly; Vice Commodore –Jim Facey; Treasurer – Rob Smit; Secretary – Jackie Facey; Fleet Captain – Dave Leaming Directors –Jim Ross, Lindsay Huntoon, Bill Haverty, Eric Ekberg, and Craig Brigham April 2015 The Northport Yacht Club Tell-Tale Hear Ye Hear Ye Hear Ye by Dave Leaming N ow is the time for all good men, ladies and kids to come to the aid of their yacht club. After a seemingly endless winter folks are finally thinking about spring and summer fun. Maybe it’s been on their minds since December. With a new season fast approaching with thoughts of sailing, socializing and opening the cottage comes one small price to pay. There are some chores and projects that need attention. That applies to the club with organizing events, getting moorings and club boats uncovered, painted and in the water and opening the clubhouse. Signs and bulletin boards need to be up, items fixed or replaced, boat inventory updated, replaced or sold off, race markers placed, deck furniture laid out and tons of other things that always get done and are welcomed when they are available. The old crew needs new blood. Your volunteerism and help, however small or large, is mightily welcomed. There are times there just aren't enough hands, backs and expertise. We also desperately need new jokes. The old ones have been retold too often and quite honestly some just aren't funny. New people with fresh perspectives, energy, jokes and insight are strongly urged to just pop in when you see work projects going on. You don't have to formally commit yourselves. If you have a 1/2 hour or even two hours just stop, introduce yourselves and get to work. It’s fun and entertaining and the more the merrier. You may have a great idea about the project and your ideas are wanted. They may get shot down but who cares. You will meet folks with boating experience and can bounce ideas about your sailing with them. Some come on folks. Stop in and stay awhile. You are more than welcome. Thanks, David Leaming 2014 Member of the Year Fleet captain and really swell guy. (If he does say so himself, but it’s true! -JSF) The Class of 2015: Calling all NYC Graduates! by Jean Coughlin T he John Coughlin Scholarship was created in memory of Jim and Joanne Coughlin’s son, John, who passed away in 1999. John was the grandson of John Short, one of the founding fathers of the Northport Yacht Club. He spent his childhood summering in Bayside and worked as a merchant marine for many years. Club this summer, or it can be downloaded from the Yacht Club website, www.northportyachtclub.org . A fully completed application must be submitted to either Jean Coughlin or any Board Member by August 1, 2015. It is traditionally awarded at the annual meeting in August. This $200 scholarship is open to any Northport Yacht Club member who is graduating from High School and attending college in the fall. Eligible applicants can pick up an application at the Yacht If you are a student graduating from high school this year, plan to attend college in the fall, and are a NYC member, you may want to consider applying! The Northport Yacht Club Tell-Tale April 2015 Monhegan O by Jim Facey f all the great cruising destinations along the Maine coast, Monhegan Island ranks right up at the top of the list for me. It is one of the prettiest and most interesting places I have been. Geoff and I took the Blue Parrot there in the summer of 2000 for a short 3 day/2 night cruise. It was worth the effort just for the trip down, which provides the chance to sail through some of the many islands of the southern reaches of Penobscot Bay. For our first leg out of Bayside, we planned to try for Burnt Island, at the edge of Muscongus Bay, about 6 miles out from Port Clyde. We sailed off our mooring as the sun rose on a breezy August morning. The breeze soon turned blustery and by 9:30 we had put Rockport behind us. We threaded our way down through the islands of the western edge of the bay through Muscle ridge channel towards our chosen anchorage at the northeastern tip of Burnt Island. With excellent wind, the trip took about eight hours under way. At Burnt there is a sheltered cove formed by Burnt and its barren neighbor, Little Burnt. The holding is excellent with good protection from all but the northeast. The scenery is beautiful, and but for an abandoned Coast guard station just up the rise from the beach, quite isolated. The two islands are connected by a sand bar until about mid tide. From this vantage the sun sets over the rocky islands of Muscongus Bay, making for a memorable evening in the cockpit. The sound of breakers crashing on nearby ledges lulled us to sleep when we turned in. In the morning we had about seven or eight miles to make across the open Atlantic to reach Monhegan. Monhegan came into view early, owing to its high elevations of up to 170 feet. There are ledges lurking along the way, so we kept our charts handy and had to pay close attention as we drew near Monhegan. The good little harbor is a visual delight as we squeezed past Smutty nose Island and entered the fairly protected waters between Monhegan and its smaller neighbor Manana Island. The village is spread out around the harbor with maybe a hundred homes, most dating from around 1900 or earlier. Rising behind the harbor is a meadow with a ridge dotted with more charming old houses. At the top of the ridge sits the lighthouse with its connected museum. There is no pavement on the island, only narrow dirt roads and footpaths. There are also no cars on the island, though there are a few pickup trucks used by lobstermen to ferry their gear to and from the wharf. The Maine Cruising guide advises not to try anchoring in the harbor as the bottom is fouled with three hundred years of debris. There is also no commercial mooring operation; however we had no trouble finding a free mooring for the day. On our first pass through the harbor we happened upon the harbor masters son, who was rowing out to his lobster boat with a huge chest of drawers perched precariously on the gunwales of his dinghy. He was happy to point out an available mooring. We quickly tied up, tidied up, packed a lunch, and were ready to explore. We paddled our kayaks into Swim beach, a tiny sandy cove in the middle of the village. As we landed, there were swimmers on the beach, and an artist recreating the scene on canvas. We would see artwork in progress wherever we went on the island. We pulled the kayaks up, careful to leave them outside of the artists chosen scene and set off to reconnoiter. The Northport Yacht Club Tell-Tale On this summer weekday the village footpaths were fairly peopled, but it takes a hardy tourist to reach Monhegan so it’s not the usual tourist crowd. One story we heard at the lighthouse museum is that Zero Mostel, a frequent summer resident, used to greet the daily mainland ferries at the wharf, yelling at the tourists as they got off the boats to "Stay away, go home! There are plagues and pestilence, go home, save yourselves!" Although there are three ferries daily from the mainland bringing tourists; the 12 miles of Atlantic Ocean separating Monhegan from the rest of Maine keep the island from getting overrun. We set off to explore the village first. There are some relatively grand buildings that recall a Bar Harbor style, these dating to the turn of the last century, and quite a few truly antique cottages. We found the village charming with a little Bohemian flair. It has been a tourist destination and artist colony for over 100 years, but has also been a vibrant fishing colony for over 300 years, and still retains an authenticity which is lost in many Maine coastal towns. Much of the island has always been in a natural state, and bears dense old-growth pine forest. Only the area around the harbor is populated. The village has a couple of little general stores, and a range of restaurants and cafes, along with several inns of varying size. The main road parallels the southwestern shore and then peters out into footpaths after bending up the ridge behind the village where the lighthouse sits with its connected museum. Most of the rest of the island is generally covered with cathedral pines. There are several paths through the forest and along the spectacular shores. The eastern side of the island presents an almost 2 mile rocky promontory to the open ocean swells, its cliffs reaching as high as 150 feet. The vistas rival those at Acadia. As we wandered through the forest, we had to be on the lookout for tiny fairy April 2015 dwellings and altars made of twigs, bark, acorns and pine cones. These are randomly and artfully placed around the paths of the forest. Some of them were true works of art, making the walk through the woods interesting and fun. Once we reached the path along the eastern shore we were rewarded with a memorable view of the open ocean and crashing breakers from atop the rocky cliffs. Along the cliffs, as in the village, we found several artists putting their impression of the view on canvas. Some of these were quite good to my untrained eye. After lunch on the harbor beach and a coffee from the store, we visited the excellent museum. The museum had great historical fishing exhibits, 350 years of Island family history with lots of artifacts, some Native Indian history, and a good quantity of donated paintings, some of them painted by artists that even I had heard of. This is all housed in an antique home attached to the still active lighthouse. All day long as we explored on Monhegan our eyes had been drawn to little Manana Island sitting across the tiny harbor providing shelter from the prevailing southwesterlies. We decided to paddle over and see it. This island, little more than a big rock, less than a half mile long and forty acres, has some interesting history of its own. The Coast Guard used to man a lighthouse and rescue facility on Manana and still maintains a fog horn there, be sure to stay clear of this horn on foggy days to protect your ears. There is a railway which goes from the harbor up and over the top of this rocky island to the Coast Guard facility. This was used to ferry groceries and other necessities to the station. From around 1930 until sometime in the seventies a hermit, formerly a New York City food inspector lived on Manana with only a few sheep for company. The driftwood hut which he built and lived in is still standing. Local lore has it that there are Viking markings on some of the granite outcroppings. It The Northport Yacht Club Tell-Tale is worth ascending to the top of Manana just for the sweeping view it provides of Monhegan harbor and the village beyond. I think I could spend several days on Monhegan without getting restless, but it is small enough to see in a day if you don't tarry too long in the Museum and art galleries. We arrived at about 9:00 in the morning and by around 3:30 in the afternoon we set out for the thirteen mile trip to Port Clyde where we stayed that night. I would April 2015 have liked more time to hike because we had skipped the northern half of the island during our morning hike. It might be nice to arrange an overnight mooring which would allow a more leisurely afternoon. Dinner could be either on the boat or perhaps at one of the inns and restaurants. We definitely plan to go back again. For those not inclined make this trip in their own boat, there are day trips to Monhegan by ferry available out of Port Clyde, New Harbor and Boothbay. The Northport Yacht Club Announces On-Line Membership Payment T he NYC has dragged itself into the 21st century and can now accept your on-line registration and membership dues payment on our website northportyachtclub.org. You will find the link to online registration on our home page right under the Membership Application banner at the top of the page. Just click where it says “Register online here”; and follow the instructions on the registration page. The online payments for can be submitted with or without using a PayPal account, and you can use any generally accepted credit or debit charge account (Visa/MasterCard/Discover). Dues for 2015 are Boating members: $50, social members: $35. The club would greatly appreciate your early use of the new online registration tool as it will help us with our cash flow this spring when our expenses are at their highest and incoming monies are at their lowest. If you have any problems with the online payment or do not want to use the online tool, simply download the 2015-2016 application (included in this newsletter if you opted for snail mail), compete in full, and send with payment to: Northport Yacht Club P.O. Box 957 Belfast, Maine 04915 The Northport Yacht Club Tell-Tale April 2015 Even Greener: The Tell-Tale T hanks to all of you who became greener this year by opting to receive the Tell-Tale electronically. Every effort has been made to comply with your request. If you did not receive the e-version and would prefer that choice, please send an email to nortportyachtclub75@gmail.com and we will be happy to oblige. It’s a win-win if you elect this format – you’re supporting a greener environment and making its availability extremely economical! Membership Benefits and Activities Sustained by the Northport Yacht Club • • • • • • • • • • • • • Free subscription to the NYC Tell Tale – published twice a year. Our waterfront clubhouse has one of the best views from the deck on the Maine Coast – come try it out with your morning coffee! Sailing school: perhaps the most important activity of the club. Over the past several summers, we have averaged over 100 students, all learning to sail and race in our Daysailer, 420s and Sonar keelboat fleets at a very reasonable cost – all while growing our NYC future! Racing: John Short Big Boat Series, Walter Downs Regattas for kids, Around Islesboro Race, and fun races, as the calendar allows. Events: May Kickoff Dinner; July Cocktail Party & General Meeting; Annual Potluck Supper & Meeting, Pancake breakfast; July 4th Kid’s Games, Waterslide and Bonfire; Band Concerts; Boat Parades; Mother of all Yard Sales; and Picnics and Cruising trips. Club members may use the NYC dinghies at the dock. Weekend Post-Race Socials and Thursday Evening Pot-Luck and Cookouts Charitable funding for: Sailing School & college scholarships; the Northport Food Pantry; Northport Volunteer Fire Department; and other occasional charities Junior Yacht Club activities (Age 18 and under) & the Warren Island overnight camping trip The club is an active advocate and financial supporter of maintenance and improvements to the Bayside waterfront. NYC Club members receive a ten percent discount on most items purchased at all Hamilton Marine stores. Reciprocity may be available at some other yacht clubs for NYC Members. Of course, NYC always needs VOLUNTEERS to assist in the activities noted above. Interested in volunteering? Please remember to complete your NYC application in full, and indicate how/when you are available to help out. April 2015 The Northport Yacht Club Tell-Tale Announcing the 2015 Northport Yacht Club ~ A nn ua l K ic k - O f f C e le b r a t io n ~ S u n d a y M a y 2 4 t h ~ 6: 00P M at The Nautilus – Belfast, Maine featuring Heavy Hors d’ Oeuvres, buffet and carving station Cash Bar $ 30.00 per person ~ (includes tax and gratuity) To secure your place, reservations must be made and payment must be received no later than Saturday May 16th. Please complete the order form below and return with payment payable to: The Northport Yacht Club P.O. Box 957 Belfast, ME 04915 IMPORTANT- Reservation and payment confirmation will be sent to you via email, which will serve as your confirmation. Please be sure to include your email. NYC 2015 Kick-Off Event Order Form Name: email address: # Tickets @$30.00 ea. Total enclosed: $ My payment is for the following attendees (list names) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The Northport Yacht Club Tell-Tale April 2015 THE 2015 NORTHPORT YACHT CLUB CALENDAR OF EVENTS Northport Yacht Club Sailing School Weekly program offered Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings throughout the summer. All children 10 and older may participate for a week or for the whole summer. Swimming test is required for new students. Report to the NYC Clubhouse by 9 AM Monday, with a personal flotation device if you have one. For more information, contact Head Sailing Instructor Philip Smit (609-802-6445, pjs7@st-andrews.ac.uk) or visit www.northportyachtclub.org/sailing-lessons/. Thursdays Northport Yacht Club Fun Races for Kids and Open Potluck Supper (NYC Clubhouse; 4:00 PM, potluck about 5:30 PM) All kids 10 and over are welcome! Cookout/potluck immediately follows, at about 5:30 PM. Held Thursday afternoons throughout the season. contact Head Sailing Instructor Philip Smit (609-802-6445, pjs7@st-andrews.ac.uk) or visit www.northportyachtclub.org/sailing-lessons/. Thursdays Junior Yacht Club meetings, evenings after Racing and Potluck (July 3 through August 6) contact Eric Ekberg (ericekberg@comcast.net) 05/24/15(Sun) Northport Yacht Club Board Meeting (NYC Clubhouse; 9 AM) 5/24/15 (Sun) Northport Yacht Club Kick-Off Celebration (Nautilus Restaurant, Belfast; 6 PM) Contact Jim & Jackie Facey(jim.facey@gmail.com) for information. Please note: No Walkups, tickets must be purchased in advance $35. 5/25/15 (Mon) Memorial Day 6/6/15 (Sat) Northport Yacht Club Work Party (NYC Clubhouse; 9 AM) Come out and help ready the fleet and the clubhouse! Contact Gordon Fuller (kgfuller@roadrunner.com). 6/13/15 (Sat) Northport Yacht Club Work Party (NYC Clubhouse; 9 AM) Come out and help ready the fleet and the clubhouse! Contact Gordon Fuller (kgfuller@roadrunner.com). 6/20/15 (Sat) Northport Yacht Club Work Party (NYC Clubhouse; 9 AM) Come out and help ready the fleet and the clubhouse! Contact Gordon Fuller (kgfuller@roadrunner.com). 6/20/15 (Sat) Northport Yacht Club Summer Solstice raft-up and cocktail hour(s) 6 PM on the bay. 6/21/15 (Sun) Northport Yacht Club Board Meeting (NYC Clubhouse; 9 AM) 6/22-26/15 (Mon-Fri) Northport Yacht Club Sailing School Instructor Training (NYC Clubhouse) contact Head Sailing Instructor Philip Smit (609-802-6445, pjs7@st-andrews.ac.uk). 6/27/15 (Sat) Northport Yacht Club Work Party (NYC Clubhouse; 9 AM) Come out and help ready the fleet and the clubhouse! Contact Gordon Fuller (kgfuller@roadrunner.com). 6/28/15 (Sun) Northport Yacht Club Race Committee Meeting (NYC Clubhouse; 10:00 AM) Race committee to be formalized and other discussion to follow. All racers invited. Contact Bruce Smith (207-338-5029; elucesmith@aol.com). 6/28/15 (Sun) NYC John Short Series Fun Race (NYC Clubhouse; Skippers’ Meeting at 11:30 AM; Race at 1 PM) Contact Bruce Smith (207-338-5029; elucesmith@aol.com). 6/29/15 (Mon) Northport Yacht Club Sailing School Starts (NYC Clubhouse; Registration at 9 AM) contact Head Sailing Instructor Philip Smit (609-802-6445, pjs7@st-andrews.ac.uk) or visit www.northportyachtclub.org/sailinglessons/. 7/2/15 (Thu) Northport Yacht Club Fun Races for Kids and Open Potluck Supper (NYC Clubhouse; 4:00 PM, potluck about 5:30 PM) See “Recurring Events.” 7/2/15 (Thu) Junior Yacht Club Organizational Meeting (NYC Clubhouse; Following the races) All kids welcomed to join! Election of officers will be held. Contact Eric Ekberg (ericekberg@comcast.net). 7/4/15 (Sat) Northport Yacht Club Kids’ Games & Waterslide (Ruggles Park; Starting at 10 AM) 10 AM toddler games, craft table, and basketball court games; 11 AM field games; 11:45 AM greased watermelon; waterslide follows. Contact GAMES (games@tbd.com ) for games and Gordon Fuller (kgfuller@roadrunner.com) for waterslide info 7/4/15 (Sat) NYC Concert series (Leaky Boot Jug Band) 4 PM Ruggles Park. Contact Gordon Fuller (kgfuller@roadrunner.com). The Northport Yacht Club Tell-Tale 7/4/15 (Sat) April 2015 NYC Bonfire – dusk, Ruggles Park beach. Contact Mike Lannan(mlannan@techenv.com) or Bill Haverty(havertyj@comcast.net) 7/5/15 (Sun) John Short Series Race #1 (NYC Clubhouse; Skippers’ Meeting at 11:30 AM; Race at 1 PM) Contact Bruce Smith (207-338-5029; elucesmith@aol.com). 7/11/15 (Sat) Junior Yacht Club Car Wash Fundraiser (Near the Yacht Club; 10 AM-Noon) contact Eric Ekberg (ericekberg@comcast.net) 7/11/15 (Sat) NYC John Short Race #2 & #3 (NYC Clubhouse; Skippers’ Meeting at 11:00 AM; Race at 12:30 PM) Contact Bruce Smith (207-338-5029; elucesmith@aol.com). 7/12/15 (Sun) Northport Yacht Club Board Meeting (NYC Clubhouse; 8:30 AM) 7/12/15(Sun) Walter Downs Regatta #1 (NYC Clubhouse; Starts with Pre-Race Cookout at 12:30 PM) Open to all kids 10 and over, subject to boat space limitations contact Head Sailing Instructor Philip Smit (609-802-6445, pjs7@st-andrews.ac.uk) or Gordon Fuller (kgfuller@roadrunner.com). 7/18/15 (Sat) NYC John Short Race #4 (NYC Clubhouse; Skippers’ Meeting at 11:30 AM; Race at 1:30 PM) Contact Bruce Smith (207-338-5029; elucesmith@aol.com). 7/18/15 (Sat) NYC Annual July Cocktail Party (NYC clubhouse 6 PM, refreshments & Hors D’oeuvres, bring something to share). Contact Jackie Facey (jim.facey@gmail.com 338 3118) 7/21/15 (Tues) Junior Yacht Club Warren Island Outing & Picnic (Departs from Bayside Wharf; 11 AM) Not to be missed!! Please note this is not an overnight trip. A signup sheet will be posted in the Yacht Club, and information sheets will be available at the Northport Junior Yacht Club meetings. Chaperones will be needed. As usual, the trip depends on having enough parents willing to help out. Money for the trip, along with signed permission slips, will be collected during the JYC Car Wash on Saturday, July 11th. In addition, a short meeting will be held before noon for the campers and chaperones to go over the rules and logistics for the trip. contact Eric Ekberg (ericekberg@comcast.net). 7/24/15 (Fri) Northport Yacht Club Annual Yard Sale Item Collection (NYC Clubhouse; 1-4:30 PM) Donations of merchandise requested. Volunteer help is needed. Contact Gordon Fuller (kgfuller@roadrunner.com). 7/25/15 (Sat) Northport Yacht Club Annual Mother of All Yard Sales (NYC Clubhouse; 8 AM-Noon) Donations of merchandise requested, including a car (this would be a first for the MOAYS!!). Drop-offs from 1-5 PM Friday. This event is a fundraiser for the NYC sailing program. Contact Gordon Fuller (kgfuller@roadrunner.com). 7/26/15 (Sun) Northport Yacht Club Pancake Breakfast (Community Hall; 8 AM-10 AM) Not to be missed! Contact Art Hall (arthall123@gmail.com). 7/26/15 (Sun) NYC John Short Races #5 (NYC Clubhouse; Skippers’ Meeting at 11 30 AM; Race at 1 PM) Contact Bruce Smith (207-338-5029; elucesmith@aol.com). 7/31/15(Fri) NYC Midsummer Raft-up On the Bay Contact Jim Facey (jim.facey@gmail.com 338 3118) 8/1/15 (Sat) NYC John Short Races #6 (NYC Clubhouse; Skippers’ Meeting at 11 30 AM; Race at 1 PM) Contact Bruce Smith (207-338-5029; elucesmith@aol.com). 8/2/15 (Sun) Walter Downs Regatta #2 (NYC Clubhouse; Starts with Pre-Race Cookout at 12:30 PM) Open to all kids 10 and over, subject to boat space limitations. contact Head Sailing Instructor Philip Smit (609-802-6445, pjs7@st-andrews.ac.uk) or Gordon Fuller (kgfuller@roadrunner.com). 8/3/15 (Mon) NYC Summer Cruise Begins (Through 8/7)Jump in your boat and joins us for all or just part of the fun. This year’s itinerary tbd. Interested cruisers should contact Jim Facey (jim.facey@gmail.com or Jon Linn (jlinn@neep.org). 8/8/15 (Sat) Northport Yacht Club Board Meeting (NYC Clubhouse; 8:30 AM) 8/8/15 (Sat) NYC John Short Races #7 (NYC Clubhouse; Skippers’ Meeting at 11 30 AM; Race at 1 PM) Contact Bruce Smith (207-338-5029; elucesmith@aol.com). 8/9/15(Sun) NYC Boat Parade (Waterfront; 2 PM) Contact Gordon Fuller (kgfuller@roadrunner.com). 8/14/15 (Fri) Northport Yacht Club Sailing Program Ends 8/15/15 (Sat) NYC John Short Make-Up Race (NYC Clubhouse; Skippers’ Meeting at 11:30 AM; Race at 1 PM) The results of this race will not be included in the overall standings for the John Short series. Contact Bruce Smith (207-3385029; elucesmith@aol.com). 8/15/15 (Sat) Northport Yacht Club Annual Meeting & Potluck (Community Hall; 6 PM) Please bring a dish to share (serving 8 or more), & your own set-ups (plates and silverware). Contact Jackie Facey (jim.facey@gmail.com). The Northport Yacht Club Tell-Tale April 2015 8/16/15 (Sun) Around Islesboro Race Planning Session (NYC Clubhouse; 9 AM) Help needed for land support activities, pre- & post-race social activities, etc. Interested parties are welcome and encouraged to attend. Contact Jim Facey (jim.facey@gmail.com) or Gordon Fuller (kgfuller@roadrunner.com). 8/21/15 (Fri) NYC Season’s Ends Raft-up On the Bay Contact Jim Facey (jim.facey@gmail.com 338 3118) 8/30/15 (Sun) Around Islesboro Race Planning Session (NYC Clubhouse; 9 AM) Help needed for land support activities, pre- & post-race social activities, etc. Interested parties are welcome and encouraged to attend. Contact Jim Facey (jim.facey@gmail.com) or Gordon Fuller (kgfuller@roadrunner.com). 9/7/15 (Mon) Labor Day 9/11/15 (Fri) Around Islesboro Race Eve Dinner & Pre-Registration (NYC Clubhouse; 6 PM) Contact Art Hall (arthall123@gmail.com) for race information or Jackie Facey (jim.facey@gmail.com) for social/volunteer information. 9/12/15 (Sat) 27th Annual Around Islesboro Race (AIR 2013) Contact Art Hall (arthall123@gmail.com) for race information or Jackie Facey (jim.facey@gmail.com) for social/volunteer information. Please consider bringing down a dish to the club on Saturday afternoon at 3 PM. Serving starts at 4 PM. Casseroles, salads, chili, soups, desserts are all welcome. 9/12/15 NYC Clubhouse Cleanup / Remove Awning (NYC Clubhouse; 10:30 AM) 10/10/15 (Sat) Northport Yacht Club Board Meeting (NYC Clubhouse; 9 AM) April 2015 The Northport Yacht Club Tell-Tale Bayside Marine Marine & Mooring Services Serving the Bayside Community since the turn of the Century Scott F. Munroe 207-323-4565 email:baysidemarine@roadrunner.com
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