This Week@NCC April 14, 2015 Volume 29, Number 12 I N T HIS ISS U E Page 2 CDLS Awarded $61,000 Grant Recent Events Page 3 The Voices in My Head 2015 Spring Fling Faculty Luncheon Free Movie-of-the-Month Make a Dent Page 4 Animal Abuse, Child Abuse and Domestic Violence: The Connection Environmental Sustainability freshcheckday™ Events Page 5 freshcheckday™ Outdoor Fair Musical Production: Avenue Q Euro Club Sponsors NYC Trip Page 6 Ethics Across the Curriculum News and Announcements Page 7 Faculty and Staff News NCC Annual Report Wins Gold Again! For the second consecutive year, Norwalk Community College has won the first place Gold Paragon Award from the National Council for Marketing and Public Relations (NCMPR) for the 2013-2014 College and Foundation Annual Report. NCMPR’s Paragon Awards competition recognizes outstanding achievement in communications at community and technical colleges in the U.S. and abroad. It’s the only competition of its kind that honors excellence exclusively among marketing and PR communicators at two-year colleges. The competition is held annually to recognize outstanding achievement in print and electronic communications, social media, advertising, photography and graphic design. The competition is judged by an external panel of communications professionals from the private sector. “This is a great example of what an effective annual report should look like. We really liked how the school and foundation information is combined in a single report. Outstanding use of photography and pull-out quotes,” the judging panel wrote. “The simplicity of the photos and the writing make it easy for the reader to follow and compelling for the possible donor.” As one of the fastest-growing affiliates of the American Association of Community Colleges, NCMPR has more than 1,550 members from more than 1,200 community colleges across the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Bermuda, the Bahamas, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of Palau, Republic of 2013 - 2014 Annual Report the Marshall Islands and Territory of Guam. Winners hail from large, multi-campus districts to small institutions, from large staffs with healthy budgets to one-person shops with limited resources. In 2014, NCC won the Gold Paragon Award for its 2012-2013 College and Foundation Annual Report; and also won the Bronze Paragon Award for its electronic newsletter, “This Week at NCC.” Winners in this year’s competition were announced on March 24 at the 2015 national conference in Portland, Oregon. Norwalk Community College / Norwalk Community College Foundation S U B M ISSI O N S to Karen Hart Next issue published: April 21, 2015 Deadline for submissions: April 16, 2015 This Week @ NCC is published by the Public Relations Office of Norwalk Community College Copy Editor and Writer Karen Hart Copy Editor and Writer Madeline Barillo Graphic Designer Cindy Zaref NCC Awarded $61,000 Grant for CDLS NCC’s Early Childhood Education program has been awarded a $61,000 grant from the State Department of Education and the Office of Early Childhood for improvements to the Child Development Laboratory School (CDLS). Senate Majority Leader Bob Duff (D-Norwalk) recently announced that the CDLS is one of five programs in Norwalk to have been approved for state grants that fund facility improvements and capital repairs for school readiness programs and state-funded day care centers. “This is a grant to remodel the CDLS kitchen, make some aesthetic improvements to the playground, and build an interior hallway between the lab school and our Discovery Room, an additional room where children have the ability to do large projects such as science experiments,” said Joan Parris, NCC Director of Early Childhood Community Education, who wrote the proposal for the grant. R e c e nt “The grant enables us to expand teaching opportunities for our students,” said Parris. “They’ll be able to see activities related to nutrition and we’ll have a remodeled kitchen in compliance with health and safety measures. The hallway to the Discovery Room will allow us to have an exterior entrance, and the improvements to the playground will support children’s gross motor skills and let our students see a variety of physical activities for three- and four-year-olds.” The NCC Child Development Laboratory School offers quality early care and education for children ages six months to five years. The facility offers half-day or fullday care to children of NCC students, staff and families from the nearby community. The school is a laboratory for the Early Childhood Education Program and offers a developmentally appropriate program which is individualized to meet the needs of each child. “This funding strengthens the providers and educators who make a real difference in the daily lives of our young children,” said Duff. “Early childhood education is the foundation of a successful future, and these programs strive to provide that for all of Norwalk’s children.” E v e nt s Career Expo 2015 On April 7, NCC held a Career Expo 2015 on the East Campus. Twenty-eight vendors were on hand to provide information about their companies and accept resumes. The event was organized by Kiran Somaya, Director of NCC Career Services. Vendors included: Advanced Computer Technologies Inc., AXA Advisors, LLC, Charter Oak Communities, New York Life, ICON International, Lowe’s Home Improvement, Verizon, Viridian Energy, W.B. Mason Company, Whole Foods Market, Robert Half, Norwalk Police Department, Companions and Homemakers and more. A representative from AXA Advisors, LLC meets with a student and reviews his resume. Women of Promise and Distinction On April 8, Norwalk Community College named 26 students as Women of Promise and Distinction at the annual dinner held in the College’s Culinary Arts Dining Room. President David Levinson welcomed and congratulated the women on their achievement. Guest speaker Cheryl DeVonish, NCC’s Chief Diversity Officer and Title IX Coordinator delivered the keynote address. Students honored at the dinner were: Solange Anoh, Joyce Cha, Luisa Chacon, Marzena Collins, Sarah Emigh, Samantha Farmer, Staci Genovese, Reenu Gupta, Rishonda Holley, Loretta Horton, Guerline Joseph, Rafca Mercilus, Kimberly Miller, Victoria Partin, Elvisa Pervic, Yazmin Ramos Cardenas, Diamond Sead, Emma Shtufaj, Dina Silberman, Valentina Stefanidis, Natividad Torres, Katherine Uzar, Jennifer Valerio, Stacie Van Deusen, Nia Walcott-Ruffin and Jasmine Williams. T h i s W eek @ N C C / V ol u me 29, N u mber 12 / A pr i l 14, 2015 / P A G E 2 U p com i n g E v e nt s The Voices in My Head: An Evening with Dr. Eleanor Longden Tuesday, April 14, 1 to 3 p.m. East Campus, Gen Re Forum Guest Speaker Eleanor Longden discusses her long journey back to mental health after being diagnosed as a schizophrenic and Dr. Eleanor Longden spending time being hospitalized and heavily medicated. She makes the case that it was through learning to listen to her voices that she was able to survive. This talk is for “voice hearers” and their family members, clinicians, students and the general public. To see Dr. Longden’s TEDTalk, go to talks/eleanor_longden_the_voices_in_my_head. All are invited to attend and admission is free. For more information call toll-free (855) 810-5924. 2015 Spring Fling Free Movie-of-the-Month: The Band Wagon (1953) Thursday, April 16, 6:30 p.m. East Campus, Gen Re Forum The Band Wagon, a 1953 film stars Fred Astaire as a washed up movie star who tries his luck on Broadway. Musical highlights include such memorable songs as “Dancing in the Dark,” “Shine on Your Shoes,” “That’s Entertainment” and “The Girl Hunt.” The film was directed by Vincent Minelli. A post-screening discussion will follow hosted by film expert Byron Matthews of NCC’s Extended Studies Program. All are invited to attend and admission is free. For additional information, contact Professor Gary Carlson at gcarlson@ Wednesday, April 15, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. East Campus Front Parking Lot All are invited to come and enjoy music, games, food, dancing, caricature artists and more at the annual Spring Fling that will be held on the NCC East Campus. Rain date: Wednesday, April 22. Faculty Luncheon Wednesday, April 15, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. West Campus, Culinary Arts Dining Room The Center for Teaching and Learning invites all faculty to a luncheon which promises to be a great way to enjoy good food and camaraderie while getting excellent tips on teaching. Everyone is welcome, but first-come, first-served. To reply, please go to: com/forms/d/1oBti43HTX9QRD337CDSNHUmPEW1beM98jV9X2uibSY/viewform?c=0&w=1. Making a Dent: Saving Money by Saving Energy Best Practices Thursday, April 16, 6 to 9 p.m. West Campus, Room W126 The public is invited to an in-depth, homeowner-focused presentation and discussion about home energy efficiency and residential solar systems. This event is jointly sponsored by the Building Efficiency and Sustainable Technology (BEST) programs at NCC, the U.S. Green Building Council Connecticut Chapter, and the Mayor’s Energy and Environment Task Force (MEETF). The presenters will be Kerry O’Neill, Director of Residential Programs, The CT Green Bank; Craig Clark, Program Administrator, Eversource Energy (CL&P); (cont’d. on next page) T h i s W eek @ N C C / V ol u me 29, N u mber 12 / A pr i l 14, 2015 / P A G E 3 and Eric Gribin, Director of the Building Efficiency and Sustainable Technology (BEST) Programs at NCC. The registration fee is $20. Space is limited. Pre-register at: flexibleregistration/institution/D/catalog/DCATALOG/ Type in “Save Money, Save Energy,” or call (203) 8577237 weekdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Attendees may also register at the door the night of the event. Only personal checks made out to “Norwalk Community College” will be accepted. Animal Abuse, Child Abuse and Domestic Violence: The Connection Monday, April 20, 2 to 3 p.m. East Campus, Gen Re Forum The NCC Veterinary Technology Program will present a program on animal abuse and its connection to domestic violence. Dr. Lorna Grande DVM, Coordinator of “Haven, the Human/Animal Violence Education Network,” and Kelly Kemp, JD, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice at Berkshire Community College and former Chief Prosecutor at the Berkshire County District Attorney’s Office, will be the guest speakers. This program is made possible by the generous support of the Norwalk Community College Foundation and the Center for Teaching and Learning. The NCC Veterinary Technology Associate Degree Program is made possible by Connecticut Health & Life Sciences Career Initiative. Connecticut Health & Life Sciences Career Initiative is 100% funded by a $12.1 million grant from the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration (TAACCCT). Panel Discussion: Environmental Sustainability Across the Curriculum Tuesday, April 21, 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. West Campus, Room W217 The Center for Teaching and Learning has put together a panel of professors who have found fascinating ways to integrate themes of sustainability into their widely diverse courses. Steve Dashefsky, Jonathan McMenamin-Balano, Lois Aime, Robert Emigh, and others will be sure to inspire you. To reply, please go to: com/forms/d/1oBti43HTX9QRD337CDSNHUmPEW1beM98jV9X2uibSY/viewform?c=0&w=1. freshcheckday™ Kick-Off: Therapy Dog Presentations Tuesday, April 21, 10 to 11 a.m. and 12 to 1 p.m. East Campus Art Gallery Come observe and interact with these special animals who make a positive difference in people’s lives every day. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be on hand to meet with the audience. freshcheckday™ Mental Health Panel Discussion: Emotional First Aid Tuesday, April 21, 10 to 11 a.m. and 5:30 to 7 p.m. East Campus, Gen Re Forum The audience will have a chance to dialogue with a panel of distinguished professionals who will answer questions on how to maintain total wellness of mind, body and soul. The following presenters will be on hand to discuss ways to stay mentally and physically sound: Tyler Griese, NCC Wellness, Certified Yoga and Meditation Instructor; Paula Santos, Nutritionist; Jessica N. Bass, LMSW, Day (cont’d. on next page) T h i s W eek @ N C C / V ol u me 29, N u mber 12 / A pr i l 14, 2015 / P A G E 4 of Birth LLC; Dr. Ann Asunto, MD, Family Medicine Practitioner from the Day Street Community Health Center Inc.; Dr. Tichianaa Armah, MD, Psychiatrist from the Day Street Community Health Center Inc.; Dr. David Hashemipour, M.D., Practitioner of Integrative and Chinese Medicine; Jeffery Hodnicki, LCSW and State of CT Psychiatric Social Worker; and Sara Jenkins from the South West Regional Mental Health Board. freshcheckday™ Outdoor Fair Wednesday, April 22, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. East Campus Parking Lot Come and enjoy a celebratory, fair-like event that promotes wellness and mental health awareness by combining information along with fun, free food, interactive booths, live music, prizes and giveaways. If you visit five booths, you will be entered for a chance to win a grand prize! A Can for a Cupcake Support the NCC Food Pantry by bringing a can or other non-perishable food item in exchange for a delicious cupcake. This is a sweet way to help stock the shelves of the NCC Student Pantry. NCC’s First Broadway Musical Production: Avenue Q Preview: Wednesday, April 22, 7:30 p.m. Performances: Thursday, April 23 and Friday, April 24, 7:30 p.m. East Campus, PepsiCo Theater Avenue Q, the 2004 Tony Award winner for Best Musical, Best Score and Best Book, is a musical where humans interact with puppets. Avenue Q is a coming-of-age The NCC cast of Avenue Q comedy that satirizes all those anxieties that escalate in college and life beyond college. The show is free, but reservations are strongly encouraged since there is limited seating. To make a reservation, please sign up on the bulletin board at room E108. Tickets will be held until 5:30 p.m. on the day of the performance. No late admission. NCC is performing the School Edition of Avenue Q, but it still includes adult themes, so please contact Christine Mangone at if you have questions. Euro Club to Sponsor NYC Spring Trip Saturday, April 25, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Bus leaves from the West Campus at 8:30 a.m. sharp) The Euro Club is sponsoring a spring trip to New York City which will feature visits to the Natural History Museum and the High Line. The fee is $20. There will be only one bus for this trip and seats are expected to fill quickly. Reserve your seat by calling Professor Estelle Datollo at (203) 857-7356, or email VOYA Representative To Be on Campus Wednesday, April 29, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. East Campus, Room E118 Marilyn Timbers of VOYA Financial Advisers, LLC will be on campus to meet with new and current employees for the Spring 2015 semester to review the following plans: • Alternate Retirement Plan • State of Connecticut 403(b) • Roth 403(b) • 457 (Deferred Compensation) She will answer your financial questions, reallocate portfolios, and enroll new and current employees. If you are interested in setting up an individual meeting, please contact Marilyn Timbers at (203) 539-6233 or She will confirm all appointment times, the meeting place, and recommend what information to bring to the meeting. T h i s W eek @ N C C / V ol u me 29, N u mber 12 / A pr i l 14, 2015 / P A G E 5 Panel Discussion: Ethics Across the Curriculum NCC Employee Health Benefit Open Enrollment Fair Thursday, April 30, 1 to 2 p.m. West Campus, Room W248 Tuesday, May 12, 9 to 11:30 a.m. East Campus Atrium The Center for Teaching and Learning offers faculty an interesting panel discussion and a great way to take a break from grading! Whether it’s addressing sensitive issues in your course or helping students navigate ethical dilemmas in their lives in or out of the classroom, this panel will offer practical advice based on their vast store of knowledge and experience. Professors Lia Barone, Ed Grippe, and June-Ann Greeley will comprise the panel. To reply, please go to: com/forms/d/1oBti43HTX9QRD337CDSNHUmPEW1beM98jV9X2uibSY/viewform?c=0&w=1. Save the date for NCC’s 2015-16 open enrollment fair for full-time employee benefit plans. The health, dental, and pharmacy carriers, as well as our supplemental vendors, will be attending to answer benefit plan questions and distribute related handouts. Our Health Enhancement Program (HEP) vendor, Care Management Solutions (CMS), will also be attending the fair. They will be available to answer general questions about HEP requirements for 2015 and the HEP web portal, and will be able to provide educational information regarding the HEP chronic conditions. N e w s and A nnounc e m e nt s Faculty Help Needed for NCC Live! On Friday, May 1, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., 12 to 15 area high schools will be attending “NCC Live!” Faculty volunteers are needed to run three, half-hour workshops. If you can help by running a workshop, please reply to Robin Morris at Spring 2015 Course Evaluations Available Online April 16 Course evaluations will be available at www.mycommnet. edu from Thursday, April 16 until the last day of class on Monday, May 11. Students will be sent an email of these dates with instructions on how to access the evaluation. The instructions will also be available on the website. Since the evaluation process for on-campus courses changed in Spring ‘10 from an in-class paper and pencil process to an online survey, there has been a significant decrease in our response rate from students. We need to make every effort to increase this response rate. Please spend a few minutes in your class encouraging your students to participate in this evaluation process and reminding them that their feedback is important. The evaluation results are anonymous and only provided to the faculty member as a composite total for the entire class. If you need directions to inform your students on how to access the evaluation, please email Phyllis Fitzpatrick at or access this link on the NCC website: NCC Continuing Notice of Non-Discrimination Norwalk Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religious creed, age, sex, national origin, marital status, ancestry, present or past history of mental disorder, learning disability or physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression or genetic information in its programs and activities. In addition, the College does not discriminate in employment on the basis of veteran status or criminal record. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Chief Diversity Officer and Special Advisor, Cheryl DeVonish, Title IX Coordinator at (203) 857-7016 or; or Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator Fran Apfel at (203) 857-7192 or T h i s W eek @ N C C / V ol u me 29, N u mber 12 / A pr i l 14, 2015 / P A G E 6 F acult y and Staff N e w s NCC Names New Chief Diversity Officer Cheryl DeVonish has been named the new NCC Chief Diversity Officer and Special Advisor. She holds a B.A. in Psychology from Binghamton University and a J.D. from Albany Law School. She comes to us with more than nine years of experience in labor and employment law, organizational leadership and diversity. DeVonish previously served as EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) Director for the City of New York Department of Parks and Recreation, and will be overseeing NCC’s EEO, Affirmative Action and Title IX programs. As Chief Diversity Officer and Special Advisor, Devonish will report directly to President David Levinson and will serve as a resource for faculty, staff and students. Any member of the NCC community who has questions or concerns regarding NCC’s equity programs should contact Cheryl at (203) 857-7016 or schedule time to meet with her in her office in Room E312. (cont’d. on next page) T h i s W eek @ N C C / V ol u me 29, N u mber 12 / A pr i l 14, 2015 / P A G E 7
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