#BigPayback Social Media GET SOCIAL WITH THE BIG PAYBACK ADDITIONAL TIPS It’s naturally fitting that a 24-hour, online giving day ties directly into your social media efforts. Utilizing the power of social media, you can help promote The Big Payback, create meaningful engagement, and help raise valuable dollars for Nashville Public Library Foundation. Below we have compiled several messages for easy copy/paste marketing. Please feel free to get creative in your messaging as well. Tag NPLF in your messaging to create conversations, encourage friendly competition, and inspire others to support NPLF. (For example, when chatting about NPLF please type @Nashville Public Library Foundation, and Facebook should allow you to select our page from a list. Once selected, the tagged text will turn into a blue clickable link.) THE HASHTAG: #BIGPAYBACK One important social media tool to note is the use of the hashtag #BigPayback. Use of this simple phrase on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. enables all participants to create a buzz around this incredible initiative. Furthermore, organizations can easily follow all #BigPayback messaging, the public can join in on the conversation, and The Big Payback committee will be able to identify your marketing efforts and help “payback” by sharing, retweeting, and more. The #BigPayback hashtag will also help increase the virality of this community-wide day of giving and create an opportunity for a new audience to become advocates for NPLF. We have supplied downloadable emails, social posts, images, videos and more for you to share. Just visit nplf.org/big-payback. You can also find more resources at bigpayback.org/#media If you aren’t already following NPLF and NPL on the various social media platforms, please do so to stay upto-date for news regarding The Big Payback. QUESTIONS? Mackenzie Grosser Marketing and Communications Manager at Nashville Public Library Foundation Phone: 615-862-5820 | Email: mackenzie.grosser@nplf.org #BigPayback Social Media SUGGESTED FACEBOOK POSTS • Mark your calendars for Tuesday, May 5 and join me in supporting @Nashville Public Library Foundation during the Big Payback’s communitywide day of giving! The #BigPayback is a 24-hour online giving event hosted by @The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee. Learn more at www.thebigpayback.org and visit nplf.org. • Celebrate Middle Tennessee’s spirit of generosity, and join me in supporting @Nashville Public Library Foundation on May 5 during The #Big Payback – a 24-hour, online giving event. Gifts to NPLF will support @Nashville Public Library’s Summer Challenge program and benefit youth literacy efforts for Nashville children in need! Click for more info: nplf.org | www.thebigpayback.org • Kids who don’t read over the summer may be two years behind their classmates by the end of 6th grade. Support @Nashville Public Library Foundation on May 5th during The #BigPayback and help raise much-needed funds in support of @Nashville Public Library’s Summer Challenge program! Summer Challenge engages more than 20,000 children, teens and adults in reading and service-related activities during the summer months and helps advance literacy and academic performance! Visit nplf.org to learn more about how you can help prevent summer slide! • Tuesday, May 5 is THE day to give back to the Nashville community through The #BigPayback. I’m giving back by supporting @Nashville Public Library Foundation’s campaign to stop summer slide! Together, we can help more than 20,000 children, teens and adults advance their literacy and academic performance. Join me! Visit nplf.org to learn more and thebigpayback.org for details on making a gift! • Today is the day! Less than 24 hours to take part in The #BigPayback and celebrate the life changing work of Nashville’s non-profit organizations. Join me and support @Nashville Public Library Foundation. Your gift will benefit literacy efforts for Nashville children, teens and adults in need! Visit thebigpayback.org to make a difference today! SUGGESTED INSTAGRAM POSTS • Join me and support Nashville Public Library Foundation on May 5 during The #BigPayback! All proceeds will support @NowatNPL Summer Challenge program to benefit youth literacy efforts for children in need! #GivingDay #Nashville #LiveHereGiveHere QUESTIONS? Mackenzie Grosser Marketing and Communications Manager at Nashville Public Library Foundation Phone: 615-862-5820| Email: mackenzie.grosser@nplf.org
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