Yuri van Geest -‐ Co-‐Author Exponen/al Organiza/ons -‐ Dutch Ambassador of SU -‐ Managing Director of the Singularity University Summit Europe -‐ Co-‐Founder Quan/fied Self Europe -‐ Co-‐Founder Lean Startup Machine NL Exponential Technologies Declining Costs Increasing Capabili/es “The average half life of a business competency has dropped from 30 years in 1984 to 5 years today.” “89% of the Fortune 500 companies from 1955 are not on the list today.” “The average lifespan of an S&P 500 company has decreased from: 67 years (1920’s) to 15 years (today).” “In the next 10 years 40% of all S&P 500 companies will disappear from this list” Market Cap to a Billion Why are there ExOs? Linear vs. Exponential Reason 1 While the informa/on-‐based world is now moving exponen0ally, our organiza/onal structures are s/ll very linear (especially larger and older ones) Reason 2 We’ve learned how to scale technology (mainly cloud compu/ng since 2006) Now it’s /me to scale the organiza0on (strategy, structure, processes, culture, KPIs, people & systems) Reason 3 Our organiza/onal structures have evolved mainly to manage scarcity of people, money and assets / resources. The concept of ownership works well for scarcity Accessing or sharing works be;er in an abundant, informa0on-‐based world. What are ExOs? Definition An Exponen/al Organiza/on (ExO) is one whose impact (or output) is dispropor/onally large — at least 10x larger — compared to its peers because of the use of new organiza/onal techniques that leverage exponen/al technologies. F'#9%8(<#**++*(% <$&-;.)"$<"F.'680,.`"" ).-$]-.;"f.-'&)."#0,4'0146'"" %-;)..66.-!g$)$]4'5" D-E7'#*%$+%*'0(5%,4*% 7-#1<=%$(%'11%+*3,-#+%% " G-"'(."<&'&).".A.)@" 8$9,0-@"]411":.8$9."0" +-E7'#*"8$9,0-@ *+26V"*A.)@'(4-3"]411":.8$9."<$5$,'1% •! social, mobile & online for front-end functions •! nanotech, robotics, 3D printing, sensors, AI •!" h7$!G'!i$&)6.1<V"?$A.9.-'"$<",.$,1."]($"8).0'."'(4-36"]4'($&'"'(."(.1,"$<".+,.)'6"$)",)$<.664$-016" •!hhVU..)!'$!U..)V"0";.8.-')0145.;"-.']$)c"1.A.)034-3";4).8'"4-'.)08/$-6":.']..-",.$,1." •! crowdsourcing (leveraging the crowd), DIY*, P2P**, crowd companies, AI, Nanofactories Attributes Attributes I-‐D-‐E-‐A-‐S Promote Non-‐Poli/cal, More Human Organiza/ons How to create ExOs? Strategy for Startups 1. Select an MTP 2. Join or create relevant MTP Communi0es 3. Compose a Team 4. Breakthrough Idea 5. Build a Business Model Canvas 6. Find a Business Model 7. Build the MVP 8. Validate Marke0ng & Sales 9. Implement SCALE & IDEAS 10. Establish the Culture 11. Ask Key Ques0ons periodically 12. Build and maintain a PlaSorm Selecting an MTP TED: “Ideas worth spreading.” Google: “Organize the world’s informa:on. Quirky: “Make inven:on accessible.” Key Ques0on: What is the biggest problem I’d like to see solved? Team with Complementary Skills Visionary / Dreamer UX Design Discovery • • • • • associa/ng ques/oning observing networking experimen/ng Developer / Engineer + Finance / Business Delivery • • • • • analyzing planning detail-‐oriented implemen/ng execu/ng Building a Platform 1. Gather data through sensors, people and datasets 2. Organize data (ETL: extract, transform & load) 3. Apply machine learning & deep learning algorithms 4. Expose data via an open plaoorm (open APIs) Strategies for Corporates Examples of ExOs Best ExOs Best ExOs ?IU" ='0p"$-"7.90-;" G-'.)<08.6" #$99&-4'@"T"#)$];" 706(:$0);6" %13$)4'(96" *+,.)49.-'0/$-" E.A.)03.;"%66.'6" %&'$-$9@" *-303.9.-'" =$8401" Xiaomi - Chinese smartphone company, focusing on performance, quality and customer experience. Has a flat organization consisting of 5.000 employees and leverages a Community of 100 million fans for product ideation & iteration. " Takeaways Rent, don’t own assets, people & resources Marginal cost of supply is dropping exponen0ally for the first /me ever (besides marginal costs of demand) >>> double viral loops or network effects Impact of ExOs ExO performance improvement ExO Market Cap improvement ! Haier$ Valve$ Google$ Airbnb$ Uber$ Age$ (years)$ 30! 18! 17! 7! 6! Github$ 6! Waze$ 6! $25!million! Quirky$ Xiaomi$ Snapchat$ 5! 4! 3! $50!million! $1!billion! 0! ! 2011$ valuation$ $19!billion! $1.5!billion! $150!billion! $2!billion! $2!billion! $500!million! (est.)! Current$ valuation$ $60!billion! $4.5!billion! $400!billion! $20!billion! $41.2!billion! $7!billion! $1!billion!(in! 2013)! $2!billion! $46!billion! $19!billion! Increase$ 3x! 3x! 2.5x! 10x! 20.5x! 14x! 50x! 40x! 46x! 19,000x!+! Future Outlook Future Organizations • • • • Leverage Blockchain Distributed Autonomous Organiza/ons (DAOs/DACs) Algorithmic Corpora/ons RoboCorps Final Takeaway You will experience many failures and hit a lot of walls, but in the end it’s worth it if you’re passionate enough and want to achieve a 10x improvement. “Exponen/al Organiza/ons is the most pivotal book in its class.” -‐ John Hagel “Exponen/al Organiza/ons should be required reading for anyone interested in the ways exponen/al technologies are reinven/ng best prac/ces in business.” -‐ Ray Kurzweil “The most transforma/onal business book I’ve ever read” -‐ Ken Losch “Exponen/al Organiza/ons is a must read business book this fall” – Om Malik In 2015: Transla/ons in 12 languages " " !"#$%&'(%)**+,% #$!%&'($)"*+,$-.-/01"2)30-450/$-6" nJL"W"LLJ"LM"ZMK " "sA0-3..6'"" i&)4QA0-3..6's64-3&10)4'@&Q$)3"" ]]]Q.+,$-.-/01$)36Q8$9"
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