भाकृ॰अनुप॰ भाकृ॰अनुप॰-राž य आ कx स अनुसंध ान

ु ॰॰-रा
य आ क स अनस
ु ंधान क!
ICAR--National Research Centre for Orchids
पा य ग
ग-737106, सि कम, भारत
Pakyong – 737 106, Sikkim, India
दरू भाष सं॰ 91-03592
03592-257954("नदे शक)
टे लेफै'स 03592-257289
ई-मेल nrcorchids@rediffmail.com
F: No. NRC(O)/Admn./27(A)/2013-14/
Dated the
A Walk-in-interview
interview will be held on 02nd July 2015 at ICAR-National
National Research Centre for
Orchids, Pakyong-737106,
737106, Sikkim for selection to the post of 01 (One)Technical Personnels
(Young Professional II)) on a monthly emoluments of Rs.25000/- for Master Degree Holders purely on
contractual basis for a period of one year. For further details, the interested candidates may visit the
website www.nrcoirchids.nic.in
( NSailo )
Asstt. Administrative Officer (I/c)
Copy to
Scientist I/C (ARIS Cell)/Computer
Computer Assistant , NRC for Orchids, Pakyong with the request to
upload the Notice of Walk-in
in-Interview in the website of the Institute
National Research Centre for Orchids
(Indian Council of Agricultural Research)
Pakyong – 737 106, Sikkim, India
(Telefax) 03592-257289
Website: www.nrcorchids.nic.in
F: No. NRC(O)/Admn./27(A)/2014/
Walk-in-Interviews will be held at National Research Centre for Orchids (ICAR), PakyongPakyong
737106, Sikkimfor
for the engagement of Technical pe
rsonnels (Young Professional II) purely on
contractual basis to support the research activities being carried out by the Scientists of this
Institutes for Plant Physiology. The appointment will be on contractual basis and the
incumbents shall not have any claim for regular appointmen
appointment in ICAR.
Name of the
Name of the post and
No. of persons
Young Professional
(one person)
Per month
Rs. 25,000/-
M.Sc.(Ag or Hort.)
Physiology )
Date/Time of
2 July 2015
11:00 am
Age Limit: Minimum 21 years and maximum 45 years with relaxation as per rules.
Period of contract service - One year.
( NSailo )
Asstt.Administrative Officer (I/c)
Terms & Conditions:
1. The above mentioned positions are purely on contractual basis. There is no provision of rere
employment after expiry of contract period
period.The selected candidates
candidate shall have no
right/claim for regular appointment at this Institute
2. The selected candidates are liable to be posted at ICAR
NRC for Orchids, Pakyong, East
Sikkim, Sikkim.
3. The selected candidates should execute an Agreement (on Rs.100/- Non Judicial Stamp
Paper) before their engagement to the work. Specimen Agreement forms will be provided
by the office.
4. Interested candidates may attend Walk-in-Interview on the dates as indicated
against each discipline along with the following documents.
1) Original certificates
2) Typed bio-data indicating Name, Fathers Name, Date of Birth, Full
Present and Permanent address with Telephone/Mobile Numbers and
email address, Category: General/SC/ST/OBC, Qualification details with
percentage of marks from matriculation/high school onwards (starting
from the highest qualification first), Previous Experience, if any, brief
note on research works carried out during post-graduation/graduation selfdeclaration regarding truthfulness in the application, signature with
date and place.
3) One set of attested copies of each their certificates with one passport
size photograph
4) ‘No Objection Certificate’ from his/her employer, if presently employed, and
experience certificate in original
5. No TA, DA will be paid for attending the interview. Pakyong is situated 32 km away from
Gangtok and taxis are regularly available from taxi stand, Gangtok.
6. Canvassing in any form will lead to cancellation of candidature.
7. The decision of the Director, National Research Centre for Orchids (ICAR), Pakyong, Sikkim
would be final and binding in all aspects.
(N Sailo)
Asstt.Administrative Officer (I/c)
Copy to:
1. Scientist I/C (ARIS Cell)/Computer Assistant ,ICAR- NRC for Orchids, Pakyong with the request to
upload the Notice of Walk-in-Interview in the website of the Institute
2. Concerned Scientist, ICAR-NRCO,Pakyong.
3. Notice Board, ICAR-NRC for Orchids, Pakyong.