Morning News Classifieds - 233-3671 4C - Morning News • Monday, July 28, 1997 * * * * ft School** Instruction 230 Found 245 LQST: Block k whit* female Sprinter Spaniel vln of D t l N M i x k Truman pfcwy "rearwotl" REWARD. 3SS-*SI2 k leavei msf. Lost-AKC P*kln*$«, blond* AKC w*tack toe*. IO«t 7/20 in Sov'h. Gardens ar*o, REWARD! DO0 needs medklne. 91223XP05. FOUND" Pwrebr**d Female DOB Wilmington lilond. Coll to Identity 912-89*-0»63 FOUND: Female Adult Scfmouier on Montgomery Crossroads. Cotl to Identify 912 W7-4343 Found"BovtIful •lock a whit* Husky (mixed). t\Ji month oM mol*. 9l2-23a-492i I-7MI. . JNO; Female Groy strip* cat, 6 mo. oM. In th* vicinity Parodis* Pork area call •27-1404 EXPANDING RAPIDLY NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY BENEFITS INCLUDES * Complete Training * SMOO monthly I UP (If Qualified) . * Pold Vocations * Periodic visits to exotic places * Cosh bonus** ft Absolutely no Investment * Fast promotions ....» block box on back of pickup on Abercorn totvrdoy moraine~ ¥AWO 8*7-29*9. FOUR JNO Friday. July 25 -Watch Employment •n S. Cromwell Rood. Call 897- Wanted tta to Identify. 240 Are You Pregnant? • Call 236-1603 • •Pregnancy tottlna •AtarKon upto14 weeks » U I I H I I J O6/SYN Doctors Sov'h Medical Clinic mE.xmtt. GA.rosooi PREGNANT? WORRIED? Fret Walk-In Pregnancy T*st. Coastal Crisis Pregnancy Center - (Th* Clink That Carts). 1<W»4:88; Mon-Fri. Clos*d Wtd. 5214 tWhen You Want Th* Best* Private Massage •eawtlful and Discreet. 912-650-6140 p o 9 f SMALL LOANS Our Specialty Coll 233-0068 Quick Loons, confidential fSrvie* to employed m*n k women. STAR FINANCE re-mi, _ _ You'll love what I dotaryou. PRIVATE MASSAGE Beautiful * Confidential 912-450-93*8 Sato* A 320 INTERNATIONAL CORP.. needt peool* to fill staff openings due to ropJd growth All or* Immediate position) with high Income ond required people who hov* posltiv* attitudes ond a burning desire to succeed. ' tow>i>mv. Ad, Help Wanted General 245 Temporary dogfcoMuose sitting. Good tor vocations, * K . Wilt provide pet with affection and exerelse. Will provide owner references and Identification. Call Mary 89M6O3. „ _ _ Young tody desires ieb a t clerical/receptionist. Have transportation and reference*, call t Will manage membership Itste, k produce various types of documents for businesses & oraonlwtlans. Sitting with the elderly k babysitting. I I years exp.. references l i transportation. Call after 4pm. .TRACTOR-TRAILERS ALUAMCE -MoOONOUQH,OA Hep Wanted General 1MMM34iaO3 Man., Tues bet. «-4pm 7/M 17/19 lor Personol Interviews uistomer Service Representative Do you have a friendly, outgoing personality? If you da ond enloy working with the public, you could lain th* BP Team as a Customer service Representative. Experience Is not required. BP will provide training. mzu-im. 317 HOME TYPISTS PC users needed. $45400 Income potential. 1(100)513-4343 ext. B9352. .mem mum mem came) 356-9001, ext. 100 BP offers a competitive wage and has opportunities for botn port and full-time employment. LADY DESIRES HOUSEWORK. Full-time Customer Service Mon-Fri, Grandmother of three Reps are offered a benefit packwill do som* sitting. 912-238-5229. age that includes educational Savannah. assistance, paid vocations, savLady looking for 0 lob In t h * ings plan and life Insuranc*. If OOMnHOWIi 0r#O 111 KMIWIUHI. a* you con see yourself In a BP Cuskitchen work. 231-8M7 after 3:30. tomer Service Rep position, apply in person at these BP Lady desire lob keeping toddlers Stores: In her home Monday - Friday, *7303 Abercorn k Eisenhower, 7;00om • 5pm, coll 912-233-3414. (Savannah, Georgia) Lady desires taking care of •1M31 Abercorn I Ho) land, elderly, nights, days or live-in. (Savannah, Georgia) 912-234-8462, 232-7997 •I 95 k Rt. 304, Savannah HISPANIC LADY •435 Johnny Mercer Blvd:. , WOULD LIKE TO (Wilmington Island) CLEAN YOUR HOUSE •I-9S k US 17, Richmond HIM 912-961-9692 L (exit 14) •I-9S k fit. 17, Hordeevllle, SC Lady desire lob as part-time (exit S) house cleaning, 2 days a wfc good EEO M/F/H/V ref.. k transportation, 912-2331416 Experience lodv desire lob sitting with the elderty at night. Have good reference and tronsportatlon. 912-354-6172. Woman would like to clean your hous* an Saturdays, yery good worker, 353-7101. Job Publications A Information .'NOEXMUJENCE NEEDED 315 If you ore seeking lit* abov* of ipportunlty, and o*t excited jtoout life and on willing to work, call Mr. Calvert 1 M». Squfer at 320 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES SUBSTITUTE SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS 1997-M School Year Th* Savannah-Chatham County Board of Education is accepting applications for Substitute Bus Drivers to operate heavy vehiThe Rlits Salon has on opining cles. High School education or for full time certified therapist. equivalent. Ability to obtain a Work in a beautiful downtown valid Commercial Driver's salon with on established maslicense (CDL) required. soge client following. Apply at 13 We will train. E. Perry St. Tue. thru Sat. 10am6pm. *12-236-7657 Apply immediately to: Savannah-Chatham County Board of Education, Human Resources Needed for fuel stop chain. Must Department, 2M Bull Street, be «xp'd k willing to work all Room 106, Savannah, Georgio shifts. Good fringe benefits. Call 31401. M8U0)-654-*466 ext. 2225 to set UP on appointment. •MASSAGE THERAPIST ed Job J Pucmwt Atttianca •COl'OOT _ •\*V Apprawd • Fm»xnc Aonon ' Assistant Supervisor 1-800-488-SEMI Help Wanted General 320 CUSTOMER CARE REPRESENTATIVE Help Wanted Qoneral 320 Help Wanted General 320 Help Wanted General 320 GROUNDSKEEPER $Assistant Mgr$ •Restaurant. DELIVERY DRIVER CDL-A "Hey Culligan Man" "Hey Culligan Gal" MAIDS 360 $Finance Trainees KAUFMAN SUPPLY $$ Answer Avon $$ MECHANIC Lawn Maintenance Cabinet Maker AZALEALAND NURSING HOME THE LANDINGS ASSOCIATION, INC. 330 Sales/Marketing Installers Clerical Person Shop Porter Real Estate Secretary •Warehouse* |«T^ MM a A a rlflap Wrrnnwu 320 320 \\u I KOITOUHMHIS orv dwOoMr of to fei«wia* ^ a competitive salary ^ % twvv n imraedbMe opportunky inourAdv ysam^eiasolmimfUmtmaidincimmkeikie.c9uc*pa.Muk» mv*riewsmdto0ew*mihyoiM*Wtpnb^AknnquMii 4Jh* abfity to make t a l i pMeixatium, to meet daadhnes and to yaaa, tftmeop and encuaj sale* program* in a competitive market pruiea track record wrf • colbp a*c Is p Ofwt k l PUU beaeflt package. Hours s n Monday SCustomer Support! SALES POSITION •Courier* PT Sales Person Dental Assistant CDL DRIVERS ••••*••• DRIVERS NEEDED Executive Secretary Tetanarketers - Part Time Positions have two openings in our Circulation Department for Ian. Experience in telemarketing i* pntVnwd but not Must have high school diploma, good grammar and OiHhe-iob training will be provided m product aropw ptoM ttstmkfm and maaan. propertechniquesfor • ••Luniftg objecticm Houn a n Monday thru Friday from 3 30 |0 *30n4 mi M y obW Sacwday 1000AM - 1 flCPM Person Savannah Morning News Personnel D e p t 111 W. Bay Street Mondnr and Thunday Only 9-11AM or 2-4PM. Our Mission: ; NIGHT PORTER •Data Entry* •Bookkeeper* SB Residential Tune-Up Specialist. 357 Assistant Manager Breakbulk & Warehouse Operations experience*! Auto Body High volume shop! Apply in person Mon-lFri SMtm • 6:00pm 9393 Abercom Savannah, GA Shelton Trucking Service AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN Receiving & Sales Delivery Drivers We Need Drivers! $300-$595 per wk. TIpton's American Furniture 912-920-5455 1-800-232-7803 AUTOMOTIVE DETAILER RETAIL STORE MANAGER TRUCK MECHANIC Tb Inform* To Inspire'To Influence 0 925-5407 9393 Abercorn Ext. Help! Help! Help! Delta Metals, Inc. Mechanic Or Mall Resumes: Delta Metals, inc. P.O. Box 1706 Sovonnoh, Georgia 31402 uvtboord mechonlc needed. Pay Assoc. degree In electronic or S commenturat* with experience. Vear round employment with yrs field exp In sve, installation benefit paefcoe* Included. Call of mg. Indus'lAcemm. Generates Isl* Of Hop* Marina 912-3544117. UK Co. vehicle, 401K. Bene WANTEDII Advantoae Employ 356-5637 Local co. looking for OwnerOperators k driver for heavy with experience in mobile homes haul k flatbed division. No k house repairs. Dvchet Consfr.. forced dispatch, local or long M E. Montgomery Cro—roods haul, coll Tony, 100-3S»-7610 - {Generator TechS Maintenance Person T 375 Clerk/Secretary Mechanic Apprentice Heavy equipment. Experience pref. Must be I I Drivert license req. Apply in person, Malphrut Construction, Bluffton, M3-S373H6.6O6. $ Insurances •••••*•• TRUCK MECHANIC Ov'wrier-Operators M 5 : 3 0 PM TELEMARKETING Local Sales Agent DRIVERS West OuOuB/ttrfefBan Saks ReprwentifJ ve La-z-Boy Furniture Galleries •Machinist* AUTOBODY TECH NEEDED "Hev Cullioan Man" "Hey Culligan Gal" PHARMACIST 204 Animal Hospital Career Opportunity In Finance Hep Wanted General RAYSOLLIE HOMES Liberty Regional Medical Center IPest Control Tech* CONTAINER YARD MANAGER E.O.t MEDICAID COORDINATOR 335 •Collections* SOUTHERN MOTORS HAVERTYS FURNITURE F/T Sales Associate SALES CONSULTANT Regional Road Drivers TECHNOLOGY FREE TRAINING PROFESSIONAL NURSES OOFERS Sub Contractors Apply at Southern Motors Honda • Jeep • Eagle 10300 Abercom S t or mail resume to P.O. Box 60069 Savannah, GA 31420 370 $Account Mgr.$ Cellular One. The number One name in Cellular Telephone Service Is accepting resumes for Customer Car* Representatives in the Savannah area. Duties Tireman With Exp Wed., 1-Spm, (800)260-9643. Wanted Wrecker Driver with Include answering customer Coll Roy Sword at 964-0939 Standard Concrete Products good driving record. Apply In calls, billing questions, mainperson, Oaiss' Service Center seeks receptionist clerk. Light taining customer billing Infortyping, data entry, filing. Apply 59th k Bull St. mation, and interacting directly in person, 6 Hatchcover Rd., Wanted Service station qtteawith the sales force. The sucSovonnoh, GA 31404. dant with experience. 5 day cessful candidate must possess Customer Service Representagood verbal and written commu- tive. Experience required in cus- week. Apply in person, Doiss Service Ctr. 59th k Bull. nication skills and must b* com- tomer service. Computer skills Light typing, filing, some computer literate. Two years of cus- needed. Pleasant personality, puter exp a + . Top SI for person work well under pressure. Apply tomer service experience w/pleos. ph voice. ECI 352-4272 In person after lpm on Mon.- Needed for siding k deck work. Wed, 2041 Louisville Rd. , 912420-9S36. Send currant resume to! P.O. Box 1*029 Entering file, keep up wrstore Attn. CueJomer Care needed at Holiday Inn at 1-95 k Invent., DOS exp. a must. TOP Manager tt/BenePkg. ECI 352-4272 Go. Hwy. 204. Apply In person Home every wfend. Can make up Savannah, GA 31416 Night Auditor/Front Desk Clerk to 28 cent per mil* with incenOr Fax to (912) 155-3M5 needed, at SLEEP I N N , 1-95 k E X P in clerical wk. or Real tives. Must hove GA CDL, good NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE 204, behind Crocker Barrel, Estate colls. tl< + full bene pkg MVR, able to pass DOT physical apply In person. t\ profit sharing. ECI 352-4272. and drug screen. Call David or We Are An Equal Motorgroder Operator Ston, 964-0939, Opportunity Employer wanted. Only experienced and F/T position. Relief Night AudiMust have good bkgrd In acct. tor & 3-11 shifts. Also P/T- F T , dependable need apply. 9)2-233U P to *400wfc to st. Full bene k 4164 PBX Operator/Reservations!. pod vac. ECI 352-4272 Great troining & crew. Good pay. Management Progressive organization In the Pleas* s*nd r*sum* or apply In morlne transportation Industry person to: Guest Services Manseeks Individual with experience ager, Holiday Inn-Midtown, 7100 In container operations, heavy Abercorn St., Savannah OA equipment, and supervising 31406. EEOC. large groups of personnel. AbiliDan Vaden Chevrolet Body ty to analyze problems and take Shop is searching fot prompt oction desired. Must be apt* to work efficiently and courrunning part* and «Tuttrt minded, teously with customers, person. . „ ..... JN». Must be 18 Progressive organization In t h * nel, ond general public. Must be possess a vofld driver's marine transportation Industry apt* to oversee the scheduling, and it*. 'Apply in person, seeks responsible individual with lechiridiat, Full benefit training, and safety of all field lioM itructlon, Bluffton, experience In warehousing techl personnel. Must be able to work niques ond cargo hondl ing'operatclugt with arid vacition. well under pressure. Personal ations to include space limitaHVAC . . . computer skills desired. tions, time factors, equipment capabilities, and ship characterApply in parson to the Georgio istics. Must be able to analyze a Ports Authority, Human workload and convert requireExperience required. Good driResource* Dept., Garden City, ments into effective schedules. ving record, dependability a GA EOE M/F/H/V Must be able to meet and deal must. Neat appearance. Pleas* effectively with customers and apply In person, 3200 Haxel the generol public. Must b* able Street, 352-3272. to coordinate o variety of activities among a group of operational ond regulatory agencies. Must be able to effectively Flatbed Division, looking for a supervise a large number of percity driver. Class A/CDL Hcenee. sonnel ond a variety of opera1 yr experience. At least 25 years tions. Must be abl* to work well of age. Weekly pay, benefits, under pressure. Personal comOood paying 4ob* o r * waillnt insurance and more. Coll Cheryl puter skills w e l l train you, at no cost, for of I HOP) 10) 72M770. 7264 desired. ttlM VPOWIO0 fi#Nst Oolfl O M W 'Owner Po fees Aa bpnfcacnl lopxi skHI quickly training with our Needed to run container from Itaaaiaaa. Appaoat M « l H m S Apply In person to the Georgia field Instructors. Smoll classes Sav. to Charleston. $W 50 each V«n Expmam And Al Took Ports Authority, Human with "Hands-On Training". This way. Lot of moves off of our Appfcttti Mint H m Vild DL. Pla Resources Dept., Garden City, program offered by Henkels k depot! Plenty of work I Need GA. EOE M/F/H/V Btctf reuad Owck And O r u a T Scmo. McCoy in cooperation with the rood MVR 2 yrs exp. k drug Eanfcat P * P a * Bnwta tad Seocoost Workforce Develop- free. 912-f66-2407 or 1(100) 355Ut*ol D n u i M1K. fttd Vac. Pail ment Board. For Information 5963. Tniaiac Boaai Pha. coll (•U>ni-!7«. Looking for a challenging !• fulE O E , M/F/D/V Contsct filling career In Finance? ConToysmart is seeking friendly, sider loining the notion's leading Mtx parra. Sttvtet Director experienced, hardworking Soles lender in secondary Financing of people Merchandisers for our 309 automobile. TIAMVADM IMPORTS Salesperson for Sav. area. No Eisenhower location. Apply in overnight travel. In-home soles - person. No phone colls please. Our company offers the opportuWe supply leads to supplement nity to become qualified to your efforts. become a Branch Manager with• Top Commissions in 24 months. Our goal Is to train • Insuranc* and equip ambitious, career • Paid Vocation minded applicants having good Stort Immed.l Must be over 21 • 401K credit, or* honest ond ore comwith volid license. Co. vehicle k • Bonus potential mitted to a promising future. Immed, cosh. 234443S. • Formal training Program • Guarantee during training If Interested, call (912) 910-0445 • Advertising support for an appointment. A full explaRun GA, AL, T N , F L , NC. SC. • 130 - IpK l i t yr. potential nation of our opportunities will Above Average Home Time. Coll m - V T * for phone Interview be discussed during our InterEarn $500-MOO weekly. Assigned view. Starting date will be tractors Benefits. Must be 23 vrs August 4th Dan Video Chevrolet Old. CDLA. NO DUI. Mln lyr exper. tMO) 999-7170 Body Shop it looking for Looking for smiling facet, outga ing personality a must Comoutexperienced Deuilers. er k collection experience o plus Local Construction Company Do you love fashkm, a fait paced Full-time permanent potltioni seeks on Experienced Truck ond environment 1 excitement? Do Full benefit package available, Soles 1 Clerical Equipment Mechonlc (2 3 yeart you possess strong leadership Apply In person. West Side Snop available with experience). skills, customer service know k ping •» ringjCtr., Garden, City. love dealing with people? We ore paid vacation. Forty (40) Hour Work Week a growing lunlor/lodies clothing (7:00-3:30) M F Experience choln in th* Savannah area, that Also toco I driver tor company Call or Apply iu Prrsou thould Include oosoiine ond offers a competitive soloryA>enetruck, M Oo/tir. Ntw monoo* dlesel engines, Roofing equipflts package, with a fun environment, TH per mile. Home almost ment to work In If you ore lookevery night Mutt have mln on* ment - Mutt have own tools and be Drug Frte Mutt hov* Valid Ing for a rewarding coreer path. year OTR exp and good MVR Drivert Llcent* and COll 7709974706 Apply at Springhlll Trucking. I Social Security Card. Short St , Garden City. GA or EOE/M/F •II-M44SO0 Ettobllthed retailerNrtwlesoltr Competitive Compensation ond l i looking for an organlied con Company Fringe Benefits NO scientlous person to manage our PHONE CALLS downtown location Experience a My boss sold that II I don't hlr» 5 Apply In Person between 9am Plus but not necessary. Must 3pm Monday thru Friday new drivers immediately, my have an Interett in lawn 4 gar lob will be available! Can you d«ri field Send rstum* to help meT Call, ( t m m w t v otk S S P.F P P . 546 SOV, go/ 31402 for Bill. 211 Eott Lathrop Avenue Dan Vadcn Chevrolet Savannah, Georgia 3)401 CABLE TELEVISION 365 Manager Wanted AUTOMOTIVE ESTIMATOR Body Shop U looking for experienced Eitimaton. Full benefit package available with paid vacation. Call or Apply in Person 925-5407 9393 Abercorn Ext. SUB*, nades i Cra/b Telemarketing Managers Service Manager Nursing Assistant Complete this program in lew than 8 months. CNA Certification Financial nid available to qualified atudonU Sales A Marketing Help Wanted 370 Due to recent growth, a local contractor is seeking a career minded individual to serve o* (or*mon or superintendent | * th* tltid of Heavy Commercial construction. In addition to experience supervising subcontractors, the preferred Individual would be quite familiar with heavy equipment, earthwork, concrete, and pipework. We an seeking a team player who Is self-confi dent, responsible, energetic, reii able, goal oriented, and definitely sober. We would be willing to train an individual who has some, if not all, of the desired work experience. Please contoct the Personnel Monoaer at 912M5-9491. We or* on equal oppor-' tunlty employer. ___^ Carpenters & Laborers Local • contractor desires to assemble on additional work crew in the field of Heavy Com merclol construction. We have a local protect beginning Immediately, plus datlnlt* long-term possibilities for t h * right Individ uals. W* an seeking leam players who are reliable, responsible, ond definitely sober. Please contact the Personnel Manager ot 912-W5-9491. We ore an equal opportunity employer. Maintenance Technician HVAC Certified. Experience In plumbing, carpentry, electrical and general apartment mointet nance. Must have knowledge or gas and electric. Refrigerator' and stove repairs helpful. Good benefit* with a 45 veor old p r o * erty management company.' Send confidential resume with jab history to: Anthony S. Elchholl, P.O. Box 8(07, Savannah GA 31412. or fax to 236-2874. -NOW Hiring For A Truck Dealership Servlc* Writer for 2nd shift. At least 2 yrs. exp. in the automo; live or diesel field as a service writer. Must have a positive alii* tude with customers and thek needs. Exc. pay, 401k, I week vocation, 5 paid holidays, birth day off with pay and e t c Send resume to: P. O. Box 4229, Port Wentworth, GA 31407. EOE Maintenance/ Grounds Technician^ Multi-Site management c a m p * ny Is seeking a F/T. dependable Technician experienced in oft phases of apartment mainte* nance for the Savannah area' HVAC certified a plus. For Immediate consideration fax of mall resume to Townwoods Apttf 920 Mohawk Rd, I B , Sav. GaT 31419, fox 912-927-3278. __^ Forklift Tech Local forklift co is seeking a t individual to perform forkrltt maintenance work. Individual should have exp. in Hydraulics; LP gas k 12 volt elect repairs. Company offers exc. benefit pkg., 401K, etc. Please sen resume to: 7265 Pepper Mill Pkwy., N. Charleston, SC 29418 or coll l(800)-851-0570. EXP'D SHEET METAL & SINGLE PLY ROOFERS Immediate openings with fast growing co. Call 912-884-5858 between 8am-5pm. Drug Free Workplace. EOE. .j Exp'd Construction Laborers needed for work for the Savannah and Brunswick areas. + health Ins. k benefits. Pleas* have reft, available k call 1-888-. 233-1881 for more Info. t Environmental Laborers wanted, for Hai-waste k Asbestos k. Lead Abatement. Current certifications & medical preferred. Please have refs., call 1-888-23X 1881 for oddltlonol info. CABINET •BUILDERS 3 yrs. exp. Will train for aircraft cabinetry, top pay. Call 912-7481*45, 8om-3pm Sales A Marketing Help Wanted 370 691-6040 ADMISSIONS OFFICER 1001 Whi taker Sti rhitaker Street South College seeks personable, articulate individual for admissions. Baccalaureate Degree required. Sales experience preferred. Contact Director of Admissions at 691-6000. m South College Dentol Assistant; family practice, 4 day week, exp. nee. expanded duties preferred. Medical A r t s A r * o 3 5 4 - 1 3 6 6 ^ _ _ _ Full-time receptionist needed for multi physician group. Send resume to: Receptionist CCS P.O. Box 15112 Sav'h, GA 31406 . Professional 362 N a i l Non-prime Auto Lender Is looking for an enterprising selfstarter to loin our team as Asst. Sum. T)*de$& Craft* Branch Manager. We offer comHelp Warned petitive salary k benefits for someone with 1 plus years consumer finance or bonking experience and an Interest in being a branch manager. Duties Include loan analysis, credit investigation, collections, customer service k marketing. Pleas forward resume w/salary history to: P.O. Box 60370, Savannah, GA 31420... 375 SkMs, Trades A Crafts Help Wanted 375 AUTO TECHNICIANS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY! Loan Officer Expanding mortgage brokerage has Immediate opening for experienced loan officer. This is an outstanding opportunity for someone Interested In a career In the dynamic field of ABC k O lending. Pleas* call 912-3SS-4W9 between 10onv7pm. Restaurant A Clubs Help Wanted 365 Courtyard By Marriott seeking a fuil-tlm* hourly Restourantn.ounge supervisor. Previous exp. must reflect good leoderthleAralning skill*, obi* to motivate others, outgoing personality and professional appearance. Restaurant Is open for breakfast ond dinner. Duties include: scheduling, ordering, maintaining cast control, guest service and training. Extensive benefit package available. Apply In person M-Th. 11-3. EOE. W« N«f»d All Skill L«Vf>UI No D«al«rshlp p fUquhwd, Immediate 1. Strong citctonwr traffic 2. Wall tratnad sarvtca aalaa staff 3. Fair dispatch 4. Mafiafamant by objaettv* not •motion 8. Oood pay/banaltts irf mtmt hy 1 your bonvanliw. SOUTHERN MOTORS EOE Sales A Marketing O"M Hep Wanted Oil! WE NEED YOU!I Are you a hands on experienced RESTAURANT MANAGER? One who Is professional, teom oriented, strive to succeed and has customer service aware new? Are you obi* to handle more than 1 task at a time and still keep your professional attitude? Then Denny's In Gorden City wonts to hear from you I Please mall resume to: P.O Box 13069, Savannah Go.. 31416-0069 -"CRYSTAL BEE* PARLOR 6710 Waters Ave. Is now hiring Asit. Manager, Host & Servert Experienced only need Apply between I-4pm, Mon-Fri. Sonic Drive-In restouront It now occeptin* application* for o u t mgrs., coofci, counter help, drive thru ond skating service. Apply In person at 3030 Montgomery Xrd». Horn4«>m, M l next to Auto Shin* near Bortlett Coach's Corner Savannah's • ! Sports Bar. l i now hiring experienced wait staff, bortenders I kitchen staff. Ter rifle working conditions; flexible schedules Apply Moo Fri, 10-2, 550 Moll Blvd. Needed for a rapidly expanding mortgage co. Exc. starting pay with bonuses, great co., exp. a Trainees needed now. Exc. plus. Coll Mr. Collins. 352-1040. oppty. w/nat'l co. To 30K + Bene/Bonus. Start now Advontoge Employ 356-5627 Busy d/town ofc needs your admin, c/support. SUPV. Low 201. Bene. Start today. hiring Immediately. Exp. Cook I . Advantog* Employ 356-5627 Woil Staff. Apply Tue • F r l , :3O-4pm. 786-7508. IQ:30-4pm ) Wo¥ Woftress/Bortender Handle payroll, AR, AP, Est Atlantic Star i/iid* co. needs you. M-Frl 9-6. Casino Cruise Start today. Bene 9H 786-9006 Advantage Employ 356-5627 SRest. Mgr.$ lOffTce Manager* Martin Marina $BOOKKEEPER$ need of a service manoger. Must be exp. in dealing with mechanics, customers and computers. Salary depends upon exp. Good benefit packoge. Fax resume to: Store Manager.912-964-7636. E.O.E. 375 Construction Supervisor Protect Manager •Receptionist* • Applicants must be efficient, and accurate, have good organizational skills and be able to work In a fast paced environment 357 Restaurant A Clubs Help Wanted Looking lor experienced chiKJ Now Hiring Cook*. Di*hwo*t»er», cart workert lull & port-tlm*. Waitresses, Waiter*. Co»hi«c», Call Linda or Mori* 9124974*26. Trailer mechanic! or Gat* immediately for 50,000 Hottsssei, HouMkteping, & For Law Firm Immediate Openings Intpcctort. Apply in parson SF commercial construction proFront Desk. Applr in person, Drtown law firm seeking P/T CSXI on Tremont Rd Starting Econo Lodge, « k 204 tect. Subcontractors are in Cap'n Chrl* Re»t, Butler Avt at runner, 13:00 • 5:30 p.m., M F, pay t M I O Per hr. Desk Clerk Houtekeeperi place. Experience required. Moll ISth St, Tybee Island, GA IVhr t, 30/mlle Mutt be at least Apply In person only or bring resume to Metro Develllyrs old, dependable, have valid Immediot* opening for full time Experienced framing help need- opers, Inc., 120 Hobersham driver's license, own transportaJanitorial, grounds, and ed Mutt hove transportation, k Street, Savannah, Ga 31401 cook Apply In per»on ot Pope'* tion k be ovoilablc to start workBarbecue, Whlttmorsh Plata, maintenance helper. Call or hand tools. Call 912-3S2-39M State solory requirement ing mid-August, IW7. Duties 912-897-0236 come by. Crown Villa APtt, 1201 leave message. include copying, filing, mailing, King George Blvd. DETF5siTO'S SEAFOOD is hlr light typing, filing documents at DRIVERS DISPATCHER Ing FT/PT wait staff. Apply in the courthouse ond dally local Age 25 k older, no experience Fin'l institute has Immed openWith computer knowledge ond a person, Wed-Fri, btw:12-5pm. or errands. Professional appearing for college fJegreeAworklng necessary. Yellow Cab, strong background In containers, COll 897-9963 ance. Non-smoking environment•xp. To 26K. O/T. B*ne/Oppty 912-216-I133 vans, ond tanks. Looking for Resume to: Hiring Partner, POB Advontoae Employ 356-5*27 BARTENDER needed. Exp. preAppHane* repair person *xperttake charge Individual. Call 10225, Sav'h, Go. 31412; fax *12ferred. Part-time needed, possienced with tools ond trans, need OayJdCocke, 912-964-0939 236-5700 ble full-time In near tutor*. Coll ed on Hilton Heod. F/T or PT. Mgrs k Ass't Mgrs. College Tun*H»p k AC Auto Mechanic 912-927-9757, lpm to 6pm. S0 At least 10 vrs experience. Top degree pref. U P to »35K + full co WELDER salary, goad benefits. Must hove bene. ECI 354-2119. Sales & Marketing awn tools. 5 day work week. Send Apprentice, Mon-Fri, tam-Spm. Help Wanted work history to: P.O. Box 23233 Depend, w/own trans. Alcohol *V 2SK. Let your exp. stort you drug free. 233-2* 17 far oppt. SoVh. 31405. Leoding wholesale distributor Immed wMat'l co. M-F. Bene. seeks Class A Driver to moke CASHIER Advantage Employ 356-5627 local deliveries I unload truck Must be courteous k have at Holiday Inn at 1-95 k dependable Irons. Skidowav Man.,-Frl. Must be over one 21 Salesperson for Sav. area. No Medioal A Denial Go. Hwy. 204. Must be able to island. W-0S74 bet »Spm. with clean driving record, 1-3 overnight travel. In-home sales • work weekends. Full Time. Service Monoger/Advlser needHelp Wanted years delivery exp., professional We supply leods to supplement Apply In person, fomOpm. appearance, customer service * ed. Apply in person at Bobby's your efforts. heavy lining skills to frequently Auto Service, 303S Skidawoy Rd. • TOP Commissions lift 90 lbs. Excellent pay & beneGrowing co. needs you, Entry fc 49th St. No phone colls. • Insurance fits. Apply in person: level POS. t1400mo. 6ene. OPPIV • Paid Vocation Atatoatand Nursing Horn* has for branch mgmt POSpositions ovollobt* for L P N , • 401K SELL NOW I Advantage Employ 356-5627 Charge Nurse positions k CNA • Bonus potential 1S000 Abercorn Ext. CALL »25-2332 • Formal training Program Work with sharp people! Fullpositions for all shifts. ExperiSavannah. QA 31419 Time Counter Clerk + position. ence, caring demeanor and pro- • Guarantee during training • Advertising support Apply at Sovonnoh Drycleomrs, Must have clean license, own fessionalism are added traits needed. Experience In mainte• $30 - SOK 1st yr. potential 4)10 Waters Ave at Stth Street. ••eking In individuals. Work In • 912-921-0380 nance ond rapolr of small Savannah's leading long-term Coll 236-3470 for phone Interview. *ngln*s. gasolin* and dlesel care facility. Apply In person to engines and hydroulic systems For Speciality deportment need- WlthMperience & trans. Must required. Welding exp. a + . ed. Experience required. Pleasant work environment, Call 234-6950 competitive salary k benefits PT Positions Available; neat Administrative 2040 COLONIAL DRIVE Needed. E X P . preferred. 40IK. package. EOE. Drug-free Workappearance. Reliable; retail SAVANNAH, GEORGIA medical, dental, stock purchase place. Apply in person at soles exp. Apply in person to: Help Wanted Equal Opportunity Employer plan, some nights k weekends. LAND k SEA WEAR, 209 W. great working environment. River St., No Phone Calls. Apply in person, Established local company has 7923 Abercorn Street. 600 LANDINGS WAY SOUTH Marketing position available. Liberty Regional Medical CenMonday thru Friday SAVANNAH, GA 31411 Should enloy working with Insulation installers wanted up ter, has a position open for a or call our Job Line at seniors. Soles or Customer Serto S500/WK. Willing to train. Medicaid Coordinator. Must 598-2524 ext 304. vice experience necessary. ColExcellent benefits. Call 234-6000 have a working knowledge of Grocery chain looking for exp. Experienced housekeepers ond lege required. Excellent pay policies and procedures accord£xp. pref. Exc. people in these department: grounds person needed. Apply in with benefits. Send resume to ing to medicaid manuals in commission/bonus compensa• Seafood person. NO PHONE CALLS Box P-774, cto Savannah Morn- Georgia. Must know how to file • Deli Quality Lodge, 1130 Bob Harmon ing News, P. O. Box 10M, Sovon- UB92 and 15001; also be comput- tion. Medlcal/401-K benefits. • Bock room Rd. Garden City. noh, GA. 31402. er literate. Come by the person- Ongoing training. Respond to • Stocking Terry at: nel office at Liberty Regional • Bakery Clerical/Secretarial Medical Center or send resume • Meat Cutting Strong work ethic k resume Help Wanted to: P.O. Box 919, Hinesville, Ga., • Forfclift required. Great working envi31313 . • CDL Drivers ronment. 9)2-925-1000, Kelll. 5*90 Ogeechee Rood For a temporary out of state Savannah, G o position paying S10-S15 per h r ; needed, with hospital experience 60 hrs guarantee plus $15.00 per Must have valid Dr's! license k Downtown law firm has position In pharmacy. Contact Kline diem. Call Mon.- Fri., 9om-Spm., MVR. Must be reliable. Call 9)2- far disbursing secretary In Real Berry, Director of Pharmacy at 236-0231. l:30om-5:3Qpm. Estate practice. Duties Include The premier upholstered furni(912) 369-9443 or tax resume to: post closing, packaging, k transture dealer In Savannah, has Fun loving, positive, enthusiastic (912) 368-4237 mlffiji of closing pockoges. court openings for Full-Time & Partond energetic people need only Some heavy lifting, fast paced house recordings k other correTime Sales. Call Richard Hov to apply. Cory Everson's Aerooffice. tt.SOhr + full benefits. spondence. Experienced with 927-6660 or apply in person at bics k Fitness for Women is ECI 354-21W. WordPerfect k -attention to 8*80 Abercorn Street. accepting applications for t h * Hinesville. Go detail a must. Salary commensufollowing positions: Aerobic rate with experience k skills. Coordinators and Instructors, Entry level POS. SlSOQmo. Bene. TOP Hourly Pay Plus Bonuses Parking provided. Good benefits Membership Consultants, BookWANTED: Self motivated indiGood Ga. lie. req'd. Start today Full Time, 40 hrs available. Send resume to: Per- viduals who are willing to work keeper, Receptionist, Fitness Advantage Employ 356-5627 Pleasant Work sonnel Committee. P.O. box hard. Multiple skills as a techniTrainers, Telemarketing and Call Mr. ColUns. 352-1040 10105 Sovonnoh, A 31412. Day Care. Submit resume or cian, kennel aide ond receptionapply in person at 301 Mall Way Learn new trade while working. ist desirable; exp. preferredMaturity, level heod ond ability across from Spanky's, SouthSame mech. ability a must. Will to handle many iobs at once plus Please apply in person at 204 Merchant credit care eauipt. train lehr to st. EC! 354-2189 side; lionvlpm or 4-7pm, M-F Animal Hospital, Mon-Fri.. some understanding of property Sales or leasing/processing . between I-4pm, Sovonnoh. management will place you in DRIVERS - Class A CDL Drivers Exp. pref'd. High commissions Liberty Regional Medical Center this position with upscale, high at least 25 years of age & 1 year Nat co. needs you. Computer, k t-800-757-0871 access code 01 energy office with great office of Hinesvlile, Georgia is acceptrecent verifiable OTR exp. needCler. skills, M-Fri. To 24K/b*ne ing applications for an EMS atmosphere. Computer skills and ed to run locally. Home nightly, Advantage Employ 356-5627 Manager/D.irector. Experience is people skills a must. Send short haul, home weekends k Apply in person. Chuck required, apply in person to resume to Box Y-781, Savannah rood, gone 14 days. Flatbed carCampbell Wallpaper Company, Morning News, P.O. Box 10M, LRMC, Personnel Office or mall rier has openings for drivers that Deliver, pickup & distribute 201 E. Montgomery Crossroads your resume to P.O. Box 919, Sov. Ga. 31402 are looking far a home with a Inner ofc Info. IVhr. -I- full bene Hinesville, Ga., 31313 . carrier that treats drivers as 90 doyv ECI 354-2189, Local CPA firm needs Receppart of the team. Weekly pay, Start Immediately! tionist/Offlce Manager with good benefits, insuranc* and more. Apply In Person personal k computer skills. F/T POS. avail, for exp. dental Coll recruiting at (100)477-3201. 10512 Abercorn Class A, 2 yrs txp. Clean MVR, Opportunity for advancement. assist, who is a motivated team Successful pharmaceutical co. good pgy/beneflts. (800)777-2784 Excellent salary for qualified player wftxcel. communication seeks 5 sales professionals In the N/C cleaners needed ASAP far person. Send resume to P.O. Box skills. Competitive Sal. Send* Savannah area. F/T k P/T flexiIg. lob. Apply 25 Johnny Mercer 7t97, Sav. 31411. _ resume to: Dr. Larry Miller, 711 ble hours, no weekends, Blvd., M-F, asked Tamika or E, 70th, Sov'h, GA 31405. VUMOT/R. (8O0)-25O-9S21 Sfphonl*. btw:8-4pm. 15.25/HR. Truck Driver needed Medical Sales, not a misprint. Leading beverage distributor. 50 Some flat bed exp. req. Est'd med practice needs your Experienced, Word Perfect 6.0. claim processing, collection exp. This Is what I make an hour. yr old co. Good driving record, 4 Clean COL a must DOS. Send Resume, P.O- Box Sal nego. Bene. Start now. Need 5 people in Savannah area day work week, malou bent912-728-4067 bet. 2pm-9pm. to do same. (800)-4)5-3499. 2486, Sov, 6 a 31402 fits/profit sharing. Apply 9amAdvantage Employ 356-5627 Drycleaning Presser - Excellent 4pm. GA Crown Distributing 2425 Office Manager, FT w/phone, Fine Dining Server needed. RefRN Administrator netted for Pay. Apply Savannah DrycleanW. Gwlnnett Savannah. ers, 4110 Waters Ave., at 58th St. key boarding, computer (WP 6.1 Homecore Agency. Also need erences k experience required. Win., Quickbook) skills. Knowl. Call after 4:30PM contract RN's For more InforCocfce Brothers Transportation of payroll 4-occts. payable req. mal loncol I (800)-476-0366 Mrs. 912-920-4562. is looking for local drivers wA rnin. of 3-yrs. exp. & a Ga CDL. Salary negot., Atlantic Star. 912- Mitchell. 716-9006. Skills, Trades A for local trucking Co. Duties to Contact David or Stan. 964-0939. Exp. Chalrside Dental Assisinclude'fleet maintenance of tant, must be outgoing, hard Crafts Help Wanted Foliage plant maintenance pertrucks k trailers, generol molni. working k a team player. Send Must have tools, ond exp. onson needed to maintain plants In F/T, for smoll office. Good with resume to: 5509 Paulsen Street. cummins diesel also CDL <• businesses. Must hove experirecord keeping and reports. Sav'h, GA 31405 or fox: 354-5311. ence, 912-351-9930. inframina capabilities. Pleas* call Ms. Stewart, ManHeavy equipment dealer is in Hiring Runner DON SWANN DISTRIBUTORS Bookkeeper needed to fill payroll position. Will be responsible for computing paychecks, timely deposits, quarterly reports, insurance, disability and pension reports, other clerical duties are involved.. Management '••••••••••••fc —000 ANNUAL POTENTIAL Savannah Mitsubishi seeks an aggressive individual to be trained as a professional sales associate. Must be a self-starter with desire to earn above average income. Company insurance, paid vacation, 401K plan and professional training. No exparienos necessary. Apply fn parson only: Savannah Mitsubishi Interviews to be haM Mon, Tbe*., A Wad. Jury 29 A 30 9tm*6pm M0 PHONE Savannah Mitsubishi 8805 AbeiminSt.
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