COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS The Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society Council met Monday, March 23, 2015 at the Society’s offices and conducted the following business: 1. Minutes – Council approved the January 23 Council Minutes. 2. Excellence In Regulation and Governance 3. a. Terms of Reference for the Complaints Review Committee (CRC) – Council approved Terms of Reference for the Complaints Review Committee. b. Trinity Western University v. Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society – Following an in camera discussion where it considered detailed advice from the Society’s legal team, Council determined that the Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society will appeal the January 28 decision of the Nova Scotia Supreme Court in the matter involving Trinity Western University’s proposed law school. c. Governance and Nominating Committee – President Tilly Pillay QC provided an update from the Governance and Nominating Committee, including details on the nomination process for the At Large Election. d. Annual Performance Survey – Council approved the content of an annual Council evaluation survey, which will be completed by Council members in May. e. Orientation for new Council – Council approved June 12 in Sydney as the time and location for the orientation sessions for the new Council. f. Report on election results and at-large election – Council discussed the results of the District Elections in Cape Breton, Central and Halifax Districts, and the At Large Election, which will be held from April 20 to 27, 2015. g. Entity Regulation update – Ms. Pillay presented the first report from the Society’s Entity Regulation Steering Committee. The Steering Committee includes Council’s three Officers, as well as David Bartol; Julia Cornish QC; Andrew Garbutt, Director of Risk for the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority in the U.K.; Sir Graham Day QC; and Don Thompson QC, CEO of the Law Society of Alberta. Improving the Administration of Justice a. Mental Health Ambassador – Council reviewed a report from the Hon. Tim Daley, the Society’s Special Advisor on Mental Health and Awareness, who was recently appointed as a provincial and family court judge. COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS b. 4. Foundational Activities a. 5. 6. Outcomes Measurement Framework for A2J activities – Emma Halpern, Equity Officer, provided an overview of a detailed report, An Evaluation Framework for Access to Justice Activities. 2015-16 – Operating and Capital Budget – The proposed Operating and Capital Budgets for 2015-2016 were presented by Normand Gendron, former Director, Finance & Administration. Information Items/Reports a. Court of Appeal Liaison Committee – Council received a Progress Report from the Court of Appeal Liaison Committee. b. FLSC President’s Report January 2015 – Council received a report from Thomas Conway QC, current President of the Federation of Law Societies of Canada, regarding the National Requirement. c. President’s Report – Ms. Pillay discussed current outreach and engagement efforts. She also provided a report on her recent major activities, which included the CBA Bench and Bar Dinner and a CBA workshop on innovative practices, several media interviews, a visit with the Cumberland County Bar and meetings with the Access to Justice Coordinating Committee (A2JCC), law students, Atlantic law societies, the Federation Governance Review Committee, and a number of Society committees. d. Executive Director’s Report – Executive Director Darrel Pink provided updates on the Society’s finances and budget, staffing issues, Trinity Western litigation, the 2015 Annual Meeting, Entity Regulation project, risk management, outcomes measurement, innovation and engagement, and advancing the Society’s Access to Justice Action Plan. e. Annual Activity Plan 2013-2014 – Council received the updated Activity Plan 2014-2015, March grid, which can be accessed here. f. 2014-2015 Council Calendar – Council received the updated 12-month Council Calendar for 2014-2015. Lawyers Fund for Client Compensation – Council approved a recommendation from the Lawyers’ Fund for Client Compensation Committee (LFCCC), and denied payment of $10,000 to one claimant. COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS 7. Council approved the following appointments: • 8. Directors, Nova Scotia Legal Aid Commission: Ronald R. Chisholm (March 30, 2009); George Ash (May 1, 2012); Naiomi Metallic (May 1, 2012); Trinda Ernst QC (June 22, 2006); all for a three-year term commencing on June 13, 2015. . Council approved the following resignations: John William Arnold QC, Susan Lois Hardy, Robin A. McDonald. The next meeting of Council is scheduled for Friday, April 24, 2015 at 9:00 am, at the Society’s offices.
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