Ohio Deaf Women Bowling Association 47th Annual Tournament Bowling Center: Sequoia Lanes 5501 Sandalwood Blvd Columbus, OH 43229 Hosted by: Columbus Deaf Club Columbus, Ohio United States Bowling Congress / Certified Tournament May 16 - 17, 2015 Captain Name: ___________________________________ Team Name: ________________________________ Please print First and Last Name Clearly: Team Event, Saturday at 1:00 PM # Combo. Team Ticket Fee Required: Required: 1 $13.00 $30.00 2 $13.00 $30.00 3 $13.00 $30.00 4 $13.00 $30.00 Singles & Doubles $60.00 Optional: All-Events $5.00 Optional: TOTAL For Office Use Only Team Entry # __________ Amount Paid: _______ Balance Due: ______ Amount Paid: _______ Balance Due: ______ Amount Paid: _______ Balance Due: ______ Amount Paid: _______ Balance Due: ______ Please list Name of Bowlers on the Four-Women Team in the order. They will bowl or as close as you can come to it. It will make easier for the filling out of score sheets in advance. Enter Two-Women Team in the order they will bowl (1) leadoff and (2) anchor. All entries will be scheduled in the order they received. O.D.W.B.A. requires every bowler to pay the combination tickets of ($13.00) which is include the Social ($8.00.), and Registration Fee ($5.00).. Please read everything careful. # Double Team / First & Last Name in order; Sunday 1 10:00 AM 2 1 10:00 AM 2 Entry Fees: Prize Fees: Bowling Fees: Tourney Fees: TOTAL Team $20.00 7.00 + 3.00 $30.00 Single $20.00 7.00 + 3.00 $30.00 Double $20.00 7.00 + 3.00 $30.00 DEADLINE MAY 5, 2015 (POSTMARKED - RULE 310a) NO EXCEPTIONS NO REFUNDS AFTER MAY 5, 2015 ( NO PERSONAL CHECK ) Pay your entry fees with MONEY ORDER or CASHIER CHECK payable to Ohio Deaf Women Bowling Association ( O.D.W.B.A. ) and mail to: Pam S. Davis / Tournament Director 2915 Elsie Ave Toledo, OH 43613-3144 VP: 419-491-4190 E-mail: heartsrosesbears27@gmail.com OHIO DEAF WOMEN BOWLING ASSOCIATION / BASIC RULES (We reserve the right to schedule each team and individual and make necessary changes and/or refuse entries) Bowler: 1. Must be deaf or hard of hearing and any interested hearing CODA, interpreter and who involves in the Deaf Community, who knows American Sign Language (ASL) and be a member of the USBC, if not, she must pay an association membership fee $21.00 (USBC Rule 300c-2) to the Secretary/Treasurer before bowling. Provide the true highest average, any USBC certified leagues, excluding summer league. (USBC Rule 319a) 2. USBC Rules 319 a 1-3 will apply to the bowler, who has the established average. The entrant’s current average (as of March 1, 2015) based on 21 or more games that is 10 pins or more higher than last year’s average must be used. (USBC Rule 319-2 must be waived). 3. If the bowler having no acceptable entering average of last year (minimum of 21 games per league) or this year (minimum of 21 games per league) under the tournament rules shall bowl scratch (USBC Rule 319b). 4. Not eligible to compete more than once in any events. 5. No WPBA member. 6. No high school student can compete. The non-student individual must be at least 18 years old to be eligible to compete. No YABA members. 7. Dress code: See the guidelines from bottom page or see the ODWBA officers if you are not sure. ODWBA OFFICERS have the right to make any last minute decision, rules and so forth not listed bottom. If not follow then it’s a possibility to be disqualified. 8. Captains, please advise and see that your teammates follow the dress code. 9. Be on time, All Teams and Individuals entered this tournament must be ready to bowl when scheduled. The tournament play will not be delayed for any reason such as non-appearance of the participants. Anyone who is late will be penalized the frames bowled to her arrival on the lanes. Catch up will not be permitted. (USBC Rule 322a) Bowling Events: 1. The bowler’s handicap shall be based on 70% of the difference between her average and 200. 2. No individual handicap shall exceed 45 pins per games, 135 per event. 3. Double Entrants must bowl in 4-woman team to be eligible for Double Event. She must bowl in Singles and vice versa. 4. Ask Secretary/Treasurer for more information. DRESS CODE BASIC: YES: NO: Neat with collar only Jeans with holed and/or worn out Neat dress pants Cargo with extra pockets below normal pockets Clean Jeans Jogger, sweat pants, Spandex, Speedo, Hot pants Nice slacks sweat shirt, any collarless shirt and t-shirts Nice shorts (golf) Skirts* Collared V-necked shirt Neat dress blouses 2015 - O.D.W.B.A. VERIFICATION & ADDRESS FORM 2015 - O.D.W.B.A. VERIFICATION & ADDRESS FORM PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY SO I CAN READ. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY SO I CAN READ. BOWLER NAME: __________________________________________________ BOWLER NAME: __________________________________________________ STREET: ________________________________________________________ STREET: ________________________________________________________ CITY:__________________________________ ST: ______ ZIP ____________ CITY:__________________________________ ST: ______ ZIP ____________ PHONE: ________________________ FAX or VP: _______________________ PHONE: ________________________ FAX or VP: _______________________ E-MAIL: _________________________________________________________ (THIS WILL BE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL) E-MAIL: _________________________________________________________ (THIS WILL BE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL) ’13 -’14 Highest USBC Yearbook Average is ________ of ____ Games. ’13 -’14 Highest USBC Yearbook Average is ________ of ____ Games. March -1-’15 Average is ______ of _____ Games. March -1-’15 Average is ______ of _____ Games. USBC#________________ USBC#________________ Local or League Secretary’s Signature:_________________________________ Local or League Secretary’s Signature:_________________________________ Home Phone or E-mail: _____________________________________________ Home Phone or E-mail: _____________________________________________ REMARKS: Winnings over $300. per event? NO YES How Much $ ________ REMARKS: Winnings over $300. per event? NO YES How Much $ ________ 2015 - O.D.W.B.A. VERIFICATION & ADDRESS FORM 2015 - O.D.W.B.A. VERIFICATION & ADDRESS FORM PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY SO I CAN READ. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY SO I CAN READ. BOWLER NAME: __________________________________________________ BOWLER NAME: __________________________________________________ STREET: ________________________________________________________ STREET: ________________________________________________________ CITY:__________________________________ ST: ______ ZIP ____________ CITY:__________________________________ ST: ______ ZIP ____________ PHONE: ________________________ FAX or VP: _______________________ PHONE: ________________________ FAX or VP: _______________________ E-MAIL: _________________________________________________________ (THIS WILL BE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL) E-MAIL: _________________________________________________________ (THIS WILL BE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL) ’13 -’14 Highest USBC Yearbook Average is ________ of ____ Games. ’13 -’14 Highest USBC Yearbook Average is ________ of ____ Games. March -1-’15 Average is ______ of _____ Games. March -1-’15 Average is ______ of _____ Games. USBC#________________ USBC#________________ Local or League Secretary’s Signature:_________________________________ Local or League Secretary’s Signature:_________________________________ Home Phone or E-mail: _____________________________________________ Home Phone or E-mail: _____________________________________________ REMARKS: Winnings over $300. per event? NO YES How Much $ ________ REMARKS: Winnings over $300. per event? NO YES How Much $ ________
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