NSSE at the AIR Annual Forum May 26−29, 2015 Denver, Colorado FEATURED NSSE SESSIONS National Survey of Student Engagement Luncheon NSSE 2016 Registration Deadline September 25, 2015 NSSE users are invited to exchange ideas and share NSSE use stories over lunch and meet the staff. To secure your place, please RSVP to nsse@indiana.edu. Space is limited. Wednesday, May 27, 11:45 am − 12:45 pm Meeting Room 101 The NSSE 2016 Invitation to Participate is in your AIR conference bag, for information on the revised NSSE, the redesigned reports, and other information about NSSE. SPONSORED SESSION The Updated NSSE: Exchanging Ideas and Examples of Data Use NSSE’s updated survey, modules, new customization options, and redesigned reports offer participating institutions more refined ways to assess educational quality. This session provides an opportunity to highlight features and the use of student engagement results and for participants and NSSE staff to exchange ideas about the project and reports. Current and new users are encouraged to attend and share ideas! Thursday, May 28, 9:15 am − 10:00 am Meeting Room 104 Presenters: Jillian Kinzie (Indiana University Bloomington) and Robert Gonyea (Indiana University Bloomington) View the updated NSSE instrument at http://nsse.iub.edu/html/survey_instruments.cfm NSSE in the Exhibit Hall Stop by our exhibit to learn more about NSSE and related projects, to ask questions about the updated survey and redesigned reports and tools, or just to say hello to members of our team! AIR Exhibit Hours Wednesday May 27, 9:30 am – 5:30 pm Thursday May 28, 8:00 am – 2:30 pm NSSE AND STUDENT ENGAGEMENT AT AIR 2015 Pre-Conference Workshops, Presentations, Demonstrations, and Exhibits Listed below are events at AIR 2015 that focus on the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) and its companion surveys, the Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (FSSE), and the Beginning College Survey of Student Engagement (BCSSE). The list includes sessions presented by NSSE staff members in the AIR conference program and other sessions relevant to discussions about student engagement among AIR attendees. Inclusion in this list does not imply NSSE endorsement. Presentations by NSSE staff members are noted with an asterisk (*). Pre-Conference Workshops ▪ Monday, May 25 *Making the Most of NSSE: A Detailed Overview of Survey Updates, Customization Options, Reports, and Assessment Applications Monday, 12:30 pm − 4:00 pm; Hyatt Capitol Ballroom 2 Presenters: Amy Ribera, Jillian Kinzie, Louis Rocconi, & Shimon Sarraf This workshop will help extend institutional research professionals’ use of the updated survey and include a review of survey content, new customization options, reporting, and assessment opportunities. The goal of this workshop is to help IR professionals make a seamless transition to using and maximizing the benefits of the updated NSSE, and to exchange ideas about approaches to using student engagement results. Advanced Statistics for Institutional Research: Exploratory Factor Analysis Monday, 12:30 pm − 4:00 pm; Hyatt Capitol Ballroom 5 Presenter: Mary Anne Coughlin This workshop focuses on factor analysis and its application within the field of institutional research. Factor analysis is used to establish evidence of the validity of many common assessments (e.g., NSSE, CIRP). Wednesday, May 27 *Canonical Correlation Analysis to Examine Student Engagement and Learning Wednesday, 10:45 am − 11:30 am; Meeting Room 207 Presenters: John Zilvinskis, Anthony Masseria, & Gary Pike Impact of Attending Learning Communities on Student First-Year Success Wednesday, 11:45 am – 12:45 pm; Poster Session 59 Presenters: Rita Xiaoyan Liu & Kevork Horissian *How Often Is Often? Testing the Meaning of Vague Quantifiers Among Faculty Wednesday, 11:45 am – 12:45 pm; Poster Session 25 Presenters: Amber Dumford & Thomas Nelson Laird *Barriers in Returning to Learning: Engagement and Support of Adult Learners Wednesday, 3:00 pm – 3:45 pm; Meeting Room 207 Presenters: Thomas Shoup, Allison BrckaLorenz, & Karyn Rabourn *Predictability of Students’ Plans to Participate in Undergraduate Research Wednesday, 11:45 am – 12:45 pm; Poster Session 27 Presenters: John Zilvinskis & Amy Ribera *An Alternative Approach: Using Survey Panels to Inform Assessment Wednesday, 3:00 pm – 3:45 pm; Meeting Room 201 Presenters: Shimon Sarraf, Sarah Fernandez, Mark Houlemarde, & Xiaolin Wang *The Mediatory of Student-Faculty Interaction and Learning Outcomes Wednesday, 11:45 am – 12:45 pm; Poster Session 29 Presenters: Lanlan Mu, Amy Ribera, & Xiaolin Wang *A Look Within: STEM Faculty Emphasizing Deep Approaches to Learning Wednesday, 11:45 am – 12:45 pm; Poster Session 52 Presenters: Amy Ribera, Amber Dumford, & Thomas Nelson Laird *Getting to Use: What Stimulates and Impedes Use of Student Engagement Results? Wednesday, 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm; Meeting Room 111 Presenters: Jillian Kinzie, Danny Olsen, Alex McCormick, Charles Blaich, & Kathleen Wise Thursday, May 28 *Does Use of Survey Incentives Degrade Data Quality? Thursday, 8:15 am – 9:00 am; Meeting Room 203 Presenters: James Cole, Shimon Sarraf, & Xiaolin Wang NSSE Deep Learning/Engagement Items as Predictors of Retention and Graduation Thursday, 8:15 am – 9:00 am; Meeting Room 110 Presenters: Robert Loveridge, Sara Chapman, & Laura Jimenez-Snelson *Something to Talk About: Getting Your Campus Excited to Discuss Data Thursday, 9:15 am – 10:00 am; Meeting Room 203 Presenters: Bridget Yuhas & Allison BrckaLorenz *Employment Status of Undergraduates at the Time They Graduate Thursday, 11:45 am – 12:45 pm; Poster Session 2 Presenter: Lanlan Mu *Latino STEM Student Participation in Undergraduate Research Thursday, 11:45 am – 12:45 pm; Poster Session 54 Presenters: John Zilvinskis, Rong Wang, & Amber Dumford *Item Nonresponse Bias on the Faculty Survey of Student Engagement Thursday, 11:45 am – 12:45 pm; Poster Session 64 Presenters: Yi-Chen Chiang & Allison BrckaLorenz *Explore Your Institution’s NSSE Results Online Thursday, 1:00 pm – 1:45 pm; Meeting Room 203 Presenter: Kevin Fosnacht *Mining Text Data for Useful Information Thursday, 2:30 pm – 3:15 pm; Meeting Rooms 403 & 404 Presenter: John Zilvinskis *Contextualizing Student Engagement Effect Sizes: An Empirical Analysis Thursday, 2:30 pm – 3:15 pm; Meeting Room 111 Presenters: Louis Rocconi & Robert Gonyea *Gender Identity: What We Can Learn from Inclusivity Thursday, 3:30 pm – 4:15 pm; Meeting Room 205 Presenters: Allison BrckaLorenz & Sarah Fernandez Friday, May 29 *Does Allowing Survey Takers to Switch Devices Improve Responses? Friday, 8:00 am – 8:45 am; Rooms 405 – 407, Table 5 Presenters: Amber Dumford & Angie Miller *Optimizing Long Surveys for Smartphones: Why It’s Important Friday, 9:00 am – 9:45 am; Rooms 405 – 407, Table 1 Presenters: Shimon Sarraf & James Cole Prior Engagement and Expectations Matter to First-Year College Engagement Friday, 8:00 am – 9:45 am; Meeting Room 106 Presenter: Christopher Foley Factors Affecting High-Achieving Students’ Attrition in STEM Fields Friday, 9:00 am – 9:45 am; Meeting Room 102 Presenter: Oyebanjo Lajubutu A Decade of Data: An Item-Level Analysis of CCSSE Data Since 2004 Friday, 9:00 am – 9:45 am; Meeting Room 405-407: Group 6 Presenters: Kyle Lovseth
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