THE NETHERLANDS CONSTRUCTION TRANSPORT BELGIUM On sale sale now now On Vol. 21, No. No. 37 Vol. 21, Vol. 20, No. 41 Monday, April 6, Sunday, April 19, 2015 Monday, February 9, 2015 2015 -- Sunday, February 22, 2015 Monday, December 1, 2014 - Sunday, December 7, 2014 Net nationalism Eight is enough The internet is fertile Slovakia has agreed to take ground fordetainees extremistfrom hate two more speech. Law enforcement the US’s Guantanamo Bay faces a camp. new challenge as prison This brings much of it takes place the total number up toon eight websites that areastored on since 2010, with Yemeni foreign servers. and a Tunisian slated for pg 2 arrival shortly. pg 2 The right way The Pontis Foundation Lucrative libel suitsgave out the annual Via Bona of After a quarter century awards to the country’s free press, Slovakia still most responsible busi- listruggles with onerous nesses. Accenture and Alfa bel laws. Excessive payBio took home officials the top can outs to public awards. often serve to threaten pg 3 journalists and lead to selfcensorship. pg 3 OPINION Soft power OPINION BUSINESS FOCUS BUSINESS FOCUS Now boarding Growth directness at the Košice airport Dutch was matched by decline in Judges in the Netherlands Bratislava last year. to Some make strong efforts comare hopeful that the growmunicate and engage with ing presence of Slovak discount the public. The judiairlines willconsider boost passenciary might doing ger numbers inDutch years to the same, says Amcome. Richard Van bassador pg 6 Rijssen. pg 6 Speed boats Now largely thepartners domain of Presidential tourist cruises theon Danube As Slovakia takes the offers untapped potential European Council’s rotating for commuters. Bratislava presidency in 2016, expect would benefit from an upinvestment cooperation gradeDutch in such services. to with companies pg 7 grow even further. pg 7 CULTURE CULTURE Holiday fear No need for women to be Artistic initiation afraid if loved ap- of The top worksones by some proach carrying a switch in the country’s most promthe coming Slovakia’s ising artistsdays. are on Easter whipping tradition display at Bratislava’s harkens back to anthrough old paNedbalka gallery gan ritual. 21. December pg 10 10 pg SELECT FOREX RATES RATES SELECT FOREX €benchmark benchmark as of March 1927 November as of CANADA CAD 1.40 1.36 CANADA CAD CZECH REP. CZK 27.54 CZECH REP. CZK 27.61 RUSSIA RUB 62.43 RUSSIA GREAT BRITAIN RUB GBP58.66 0.72 GREAT BRITAIN GBP 0.79 HUNGARY HUF HUF 307.298.52 14 HUNGARY JAPAN CZK 129.29 JAPAN JPY 146.67 POLAND PLN 4.06 POLAND PLN USD 4.181.07 USA 1.25 USA USD of this issue Sports Kiska makes financing first address crisis peaks to MPs NEWS NEWS President Andrej Kiska was elected one optimism year ago. AnyCautious one whochanges genuinely supRecent in the judiports are pluralist ciary a signdemocracy of positive should be withtime, the change. Athappy the same rolechance he has played since the to reform public taking office. cannot be procurement pg 5 missed. pg 5 € 1.20 .20 FOCUS FOCUS of this issue Several thousands of people gathered at SNP Square in Bratislava on September 25 to protest against corruption in Slovakia markssector. the 70th anniversary of liberation and the end of WWII. Photo: the healthcare Photo:TASR Sme Small businesses cut Smer’s Pellegrini out inup Váhostav takes speakercase role VÁHOSTAV-SK, oneRobert of the Fico country’s PRIME Minister has biggest construction is drawpicked a rising starfirms, of his Smer ing headlines amid plansto to become pay just party, Peter Pellegrini, 15 percent debts to small the speakerofofitsparliament afterbusiPanessPaška subcontractors part the of itskey revol resigned asfrom structuring plan. constitutional post on the heels of a The plan hasalleged angered corruption, not only the scandal, and entrepreneurs overpriced but has drawn critisurrounding medical cism from both Prime Minister equipment. Robert Fico and the politicaljobs opposiPellegrini has changed sevtion.times As Fico strategises ahead eral in recent months: fromof a elections next spring, placesMinhim state secretary at thethis Finance in the criticising Juraj istry heposition replacedof Dušan Čaplovič as Široký, an alleged sponsor of hisa Smer education minister, and after brief partythere withhe a controlling interest in stop is now moving to parVáhostav-SK. Fico has declared who that liamentary speaker. Pellegrini, his cabinet support an investigstarted his will career as assistant to a ation into the restructuring. Smer deputy, earlier this year ad“Wetoare and feeling vanced theperceiving post of deputy chairthat of inSmer. the case of the Váhostav-SK man management there might have been a question of criminal behaviour,” Anti-corruption BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ Spectator staff rallies intensify, CT scanner fallout Fico said continues at a press conference on March 27, as cited by the SITA newswire. Fico is EATA distancing himself from BY B BALOGOVÁ Široký. “I do not need any Spectator staffsponsors or businessmen. What do I have with Mr Široký?” asked Fico, as cited by the online the Denníkminister N daily. Theedition post ofofeducation police haveministry’s already started nowThe goes to the state investigating which secretary JurajVáhostav-SK, Draxler, who in the underworked the governments of Fico as well past for the Brussels-based as his predecessor Iveta for Radičová, has think-tank, the Centre European won several large state and contracts for Policy Studies (CEPS), focused highway construction. on education and science.In some of those casesfall it has offered prices below Paška’s not calmed pubthose estimated by experts. The results have led to the company failing to pay many of dubious its subcontractors. lic anger over deals in the The company is ready to provide health-care sector while the all information andbywill cooperate protests organised a number of with investigators, company on reopposition deputiesthe culminated sponded via25 spokesman Tomáš Halán. November when approximately Váhostav-SK plans pay small 5,000 people filled theto streets of subcontractors, those with unseBratislava. cured just 15demanded percent of the the Thedebts, protesters €104.68 millioncompanies that is owed, total of ban of shell ina public €15.7 million – and thisof only over the tenders and the recall additional course of five years. The courts has not people linked to a flawed computer approved the(CT) restructuring plan yet. tomography scanner tender. Transparency Last week, the International government Slovakia,a revision in cooperation with proBispitched to the public node data law company, has uncovered curement to parliament to lock the complicated ownership out shell companies from structhe ture of Váhostav-SK, which to tenders; critics call the lawleads toothshell companies in New Zealand and less. Cyprus and even five private persons based in Costa SeeRica, NEWSITA pg 5 wrote. JUDGES have opted for yet another change to the country’s ailing judiWITH campaign in the run ciary, selecting season pro-reform judge up to next general election Dušan Čimospring’s over Štefan Harabin to around the corner, and difill a vacant seat the on weak the Judicial vided centre-right than Council, a collectionhas of less judges thata year oversee to comethe upcountry’s with a strategy for help court syschallenging Prime Minister Robert tem. Fico’s rulingthis Smer party. Earlier year Harabin, who to see that has “It’s long plain been criticised forwith howthe he fewer subjects running [inoperating the elecguided the judiciary while as both Supreme Court and Judicial Council chair, also failed in his bid to tions], the higher the probability get re-elected as Supreme Court that the centre-right bloc will be chairman. Čimo was a former Judistronger after the election,” cial Council member who wasGrigdisorij Mesežnikov, political analyst missed by the Smer-controlled parand president the before Institute for liament only oneofweek the key Public Affairs non-governmental September 16 election of the Suthink tank, The Slovak preme Courttold president andSpecthe tator. chair. He returns to the council Though fewer parties council afterthere 342 are of the country’s that voting look tojudges be contenders 1,119 supported than him. in pastWhile years,Harabin’s it was nonetheless on the critics rejoiced rise in recent days as man two new over the results, the whopolitconical parties appeared near the end of trolled the country’s judiciary over March. more than a decade said that “small Mochovce GDP growth budget hike estimates cleared revised up B J L Read more on pg 3 Y ANA IPTÁKOVÁ Spectator staff BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ defeats have always launched me to big victories”. Harabin did not say In thehemeantime, parties have whether would challenge the begun of talking about possible results the vote, in which heelecfintion alliances ished third. and joint candidates. Čimo of the Trnava Regional Talking Court said the cooperation results were better than his expectations and that they instance,the is SITA con“giveMost-Híd, a reason forfor optimism”, crete in itsreported. intention to “build an alnewswire Čimo is a White ternative the ruling Smer”that toCrow awardtowinner, an honour gether with the Demogoes to Slovaks who Christian took personal risk crats (KDH) and Sieť,by Most-Híd leadas whistleblowers challenging er Béla Bugár said inbehaviour. late March. unethical or corrupt THE ECONOMYSpectator Ministry staff agreed to increase the budget on building two new reactors at the Mochovce nuclear power plant during a SLOVAKIA’sElektrárne economy is expected to grow in Slovenské (SE) shareholder 2015 faster than originally forecast, benemeeting on November 21. Costs will balloon from easing by the the afiting further €830quantitative million to €4.63 billion, European whichwith weakens state owns aCentral third ofBank, SE’s shares Italitheconglomerate European currency, the euro, and low an Enel controlling the rest. crude prices. Theoil third block of Mochovce is planned Bank of operation Slovakia has upto beThe putNational into commercial in late graded forecast January of 2016 andits the fourth from one year later,forecast both four the growth of the gross domestic years later than originally planned. product by 0.3 percentage points, up fromthan 2.9 per“There is no other possibility to cent to 3.2Mochovce,” percent for 2015. complete Economy Minister “Whereas thethe positive impact ofNoviny the rePavol Pavlis told Hospodárske duction of oil prices on the economy has daily, referring to already invested money, been lowerofthan expected the previous thousands people workinginon the blocks prognosis due to the slight increase in under construction as well as 150 subconcrude oilhalf euroofprices, fully realised tractors, whom the are from Slovakia.programme will Whileof SEextended will take purchase out a loanof toassets cover the have €830 a positive impact on the Slovak ecoextra million, the postponed complenomy mostly by virtue of higher eurozone tion of the project also means less money in demand and the weaker euroare exchange the state budget as SE dividends used to rate,” NBS Governorworks. Jozef Makúch on finance completion At the said shareMarchmeeting, 31 when Enel introducing proholder agreed tothe 14 latest measures gnosis. to improve project management. See pg SeeRIGHT OUT pg 22 NBS pgpg 4 4 SeeSee NUCLEAR See FIRM pg 9 Harabin out of Judicial Council Centre-right still looking for unity B B B Y EATA ALOGOVÁ Spectator staff BY MICHAELA TERENZANI Spectator staff POLITICIANS can hardly keep convincing Y Rthe ADKA Mproblem INARECHOVÁ peopleBthat biggest of health care staffstate tolerates is the lack of Spectator money if the murky deals and waste of public funds in the healthcare sector, President Andrej Kiska said DOWNHILL Adam Žampa and his in his first keyskier address to the parliament on brother Andreas were considering November 26 – with Prime Minister leaving Robert the Slovak team The and president’s representing RusFico notablyski absent. speech sia instead. move in the came on the The heelspotential of a number ofcame changes to wake of continued of that how of sports senior political posts,criticism including the are financed in Slovakia prompted the speaker of parliament afterand the resignation of government to intervene in scandal the dispute Pavol Paška provoked by a recent surbetween overpriced the Žampasmedical and theequipment Slovak Skiing rounding and Associationanti-corruption (SLA). subsequent rallies. Fico did The brothers citedspoke a lacktoofafinancial renot attend and Kiska half-empty sources andpresence insufficient conditions for house in the of a single cabinet offitraining andMinister preparing forKažimír, competitions as cial, Finance Peter the Sme theirreported. primary motivation for jumping to the daily Russian team. “Understandably, people in this case reAfter a week-long dispute, Adam Žampa act especially sensitively to profiting from has said hehuman will stay on the Slovak illness and misfortune,” said national Kiska in team but to will Russians. response a train serieswith of anti-corruption ralprimary is towho constantly lies. “My “There are fewaim people in such awork case on myself and improve,” Žampa on would remain indifferent and wouldsaid not be March 29, asand quoted byThis the isTASR disillusioned angry. how newsI see wire. and demonstrations these days.” protests Žampa is notorganised the onlybySlovak athlete The protests a number of who has complained about conditions in the opposition deputies culminated on Novemcountry. ber 25 when approximately 5,000 people Ministry and Speaker of filledThe theEducation streets of Bratislava. Parliament Peter Pellegrini have introduced a draftSee law, whichpg should make finSPEECH 9 ancing of sports more transparent. 2 NEWS April 6 – 19, 2015 Extremism shifts online Cops cleared of shooting at students THE 2013 incident that saw police shooting at a car filled with students as they drove down a highway is now closed, after prosecutors cleared the police of any wrongdoing. Despite the decision, Interior Minister Robert Kaliňák paid compensation of €3,000 to each of the students from his personal money. “We think there was a chain of errors committed by the police that resulted in shooting at the car of the innocent students,” Ivan Netík, director of the press department at the Interior Ministry, told the press. “So we believe that they should be compensated in some way.” The case goes back to June 24, 2013 when four students were driving a car that was sought by the police. It was originally owned by Milan Ďuriš who was sought for a double murder, but at the time of the incident it had not been his property for more than six years. The police saw the car at the D2 highway driving towards the Czech Republic and wanted to stop it. The student who was at the wheel said he did not know that the police patrol was attempting to stop him. At first, he stopped, but after a policeman began waving at him, he believed that it was a signal that he may go. After the car began moving, however, the police officers drew their pistols and began firing at the car. The officer claimed that by waving at the driver, he actually wanted to signal him to leave the car. The prosecutor general investigated the case and its conclusion was that the police action was legitimate and legal and criminal prosecution of the case was halted. But the Interior Ministry admits that two mistakes occurred. The first one was that the police should have not sought to stop the car when the mistake was on the side of police who did not update data about the car in the database. The second mistake was that the policemen were not able to agree on whose jurisdiction the case belonged to, either Bratislava Region or Žilina Region. As a consequence the students had to wait three hours sitting at the highway. When personally confronted by the students in April 24, Kaliňák refused to apologise to them. Currently however he has apologised to the driver personally and via Karol Spišák, the students’ lawyer, to the others. Because prosecution of the case was halted, the students can get compensation from the state budget only for damages to the car caused by the shooting of about €1,800. That is the reason why the three students reeceived compensation from Kaliňák’s pocket. Out of the four involved students only three requested compensation. “Both sides are satisfied with this agreement, we’ve shaken hands, and thereby we consider the whole case concluded,” Spišák told the press. Ministry to cover Čentéš pay out THE OFFICE of President Andrej Kiska will pay financial compensation plus court fees to prosecutor Jozef Čentéš in line with the verdict of the Constitutional Court, which found that former president Ivan Gašparovič violated Čentéš’s rights. In June 2011, Čentéš was elected by MPs to the post of general prosecutor by 79 out of a total of 89 deputies. Gašparovič first delayed and then later refused to appoint him. In 2011, Čentéš filed a complaint contesting the inactivity of Gašparovič. In December 2014, a senate of the Constitutional Court invalidated the decision of Gašparovič, ruling that Čentéš’ fundamental rights were violated. Furthermore, the court ordered that Čentéš should receive €60,000 in compensation, a sum that had to be paid by the end of March, the TASR newswire reported. The President’s Office budget was not drafted with such an expenditure in mind and it has asked the Finance Ministry for an extraordinary one-time financial subsidy. “The Finance Ministry complied with the request,” said the President’s Office spokesman, Roman Krpelan. Gašparovič called upon Kiska to protect the office budget by turning to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg to evaluate whether or not the Constitutional Court arrived at an appropriate verdict. “If he (Kiska) won’t do this, I will, as a participant in the procedure,” Gašparovič told TASR, adding that Kiska should deposit the money and pay it out only if an adverse decision is reached by the European court. Čentéš had already announced that he will donate the money to charity. Compiled by Spectator staff Extremism online BY ROMAN CUPRIK Spectator staff WHILE the amount of racially motivated crime is declining, extremists are adopting increasingly sophisticated ways of spreading their message online, experts say, and the government is taking this into account as it has adopted a new policy to combat extremism. It is hard to prove that extremist groups violate the law and they often have political ambitions, according to the Concept of the Fight against Extremism adopted by the government on March 18. “The development of criminality shows that displays of racist discrimination and other forms of hate crime has recently been shifting from the street to the virtual area,” states the strategy. The number of reported crimes related to extremism has decreased. In 2014 police reported 40 crimes of extremism while in 2013 it reported 64 such crimes; in 2012 police recorded 49 such crimes. There Extremists marching in Bratislava on March 14. are exactly a dozen extremist groups operating in Slovakia, including political parties such as People’s Party – Our Slovakia (ĽSNS) or sport and paramilitary groups such as Slovak Levies or Action Group Vzdor, according to the document. NGOs dealing with extremism approached by The Slovak Spectator say that formal punishment and pro- Photo: Sme secution of such people is not enough. More than anything else, public and political figures should actively condemn such promotion of extremist behaviour. “I don’t think that the eye of Big Brother should be the main tool against spreading hatred on the internet,” Laco Oravec from the Milan Šimečka Foundation (NMŠ) told The Slovak Spectator. The internet is a strategic place for extremist groups because they do not have access to space in mainstream media. Moreover, young people who are more active on the internet tend to spread those ideas, according to Tomáš Nociar, a political scientist focusing on extremism. “Of course, using the internet in this regard is nothing new; however this phenomenon has become more relevant in recent years,” Nociar told The Slovak Spectator, “because the number of people using the internet every day is increasing.” The strategy proposes to improve cooperation with internet providers to better track extremist statements and material that spreads via the internet. The Bratislava Without Nazis initiative currently researches statements published on Slovak websites and social networks and there are dozens of them which could violate the law, according to the group. See WEB pg 5 RIGHT: Campaign for 2016 begins now Continued from pg 1 Smer is to be blamed for the “huge amount of problems” Slovakia faces and needs to be replaced by politics with a “legible programme and the courage to stick with it”, Bugár said. To build a functioning government after the 2016 elections, it needs to be composed of parties with programme proximity and the ability to cooperate. Sieť leader Radoslav Procházka, a former KDH member and a failed presidential candidate, however, dismissed such talk saying that it is too early to talk about post-election coalitions. He did not name any potential partners for his Sieť party and only said that they will be “ready to cooperate with others that get a mandate from voters and who will identify with the Sieť idea of the state as a space of practical service for citizens”, as quoted by the SITA newswire. Most-Híd’s idea of cooperation among the named three parties is “an attempt to revitalise the People’s Platform”, a previous cooperative body, political analyst Juraj Marušiak of the Slovak Academy of Sciences told The Slovak Spectator. The People’s Platform was a grouping of three centre right parties Most, KDH, and the Slovak Democratic and Christian Union (SDKÚ). The latter member has seen numerous defections in recent months and looks unlikely to reach parliament on its own after the next election. At the same time, Marušiak noted that neither Sieť nor Most-Híd can be sure that they will make it to the parliament in 2016, “given the current development of preferences”. The polls Opinion polls published in March show varying voters’ preferences on the right side of the political spectrum. In both published polls, by the MVK and Polis agencies, Smer oscillates around 38 percent. But while Sieť came second in the Polis poll with 9.3 percent of the vote, in the MVK poll it stood at 7.8 percent, down 4 percentage points compared to November 2014. KDH finished second in the MVK poll, with 11.5 percent of the vote. In the Polis poll it received 8 percent, the same as Most-Híd. In the MVK poll, the Ordinary People and Independent Personalities (OĽaNO) would also make it to parliament with 7.7 percent, along with Most-Híd with 7.1 percent, the Party of Hungarian Community (SMK) with 5.4 percent and the Slovak National Party (SNS) with 5.1 percent, the TASR newswire wrote. Of the current parties sitting in the parliament, neither SDKÚ nor Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) received enough support to pass the 5-percent threshold needed to gain parliamentary seats, receiving 3.5 and 2.6 percent, respectively. The Polis poll showed OĽaNO in third position with 8.8 percent and the SNS would also get some seats, with its 6.2 percent of votes. Other parties would garner less than the 5 percent necessary to reach parliament: SMK polled at 4.7 percent, SaS at 3.8 percent, NOVA at 2.8 percent, and SDKÚ at 2.2 percent. KDH embraces Hlina Despite some polls suggesting otherwise, KDH remains the strongest opposition party at this time, analysts contend, as it can still rely on its stable electorate. Recently, the party acquired a new member in its parliamentary caucus when Alojz Hlina, elected to the parliament on the slate of OĽaNO, joined the KDH caucus on March 24 and launched talks about possible election cooperation with the party. Hlina, who after leaving the OĽaNO caucus founded his own party, Citizens, has not attracted much voter support over the past months and failed to make it in the polls. He did not rule out the possibility that he might appear on KDH’s election slate. He claimed his party will not go into the election race alone. “Definitely this alliance shouldn’t harm KDH,” Mesežnikov said about Hlina’s joining its caucus, explaining that Hlina has profiled himself as a conservative person with traditional, slightly nationalistic values. “Perhaps they are attempting to address younger voters, as Hlina with his happenings and actions has been attracting interest.” Marušiak, who called Hlina a “political clown”, opined that Hlina is unlikely to make a career in the party, since he is “too ‘new’ in KDH and at the same time too individualistic”. The newcomers Hlina’s Citizens party has not appeared in the polls so far, similar to two other parties recently founded on the right. The Slovak Civic Coalition SKOK! (the acronym translates as Jump! in English) elected Juraj Miškov chairman in late March. A former economy minister he was formerly affiliated with SaS. Miškov has financed all the campaigns of the party so far from his own pocket, TASR reported. Other SaS renegades, Martin Chren and Daniel Krajcer, have joined up. Another party, Šanca (Chance) elected its founder Eva Babitzová, briefly a member of SDKÚ, as its chairwoman on March 30, TASR reported. Babitzová, a former director of Radio Expres, was commissioned to be at Šanca’s helm until the founding congress scheduled for June. MP Viliam Novotný (ex-SDKÚ), Hriňová mayor Stanislav Horník (also exSDKÚ) and tax expert Jarka Lukačovičová are currently vice-chairs. Observers however see little room for the new centre-right parties on what is already a splintered scene. SKOK and Šanca cannot be considered strong players yet because they have not appeared in the polls so far, Mesežnikov noted, adding that “this is not a situation comparable to the one that arose after Sieť was founded”. NEWS Skier re-opens debate on sports financing names of tennis player Dominika Cibulková, who finished second in the Australian Open in 2014 and also cyclist Peter Sagan, who, among other accomplishments, won the green jersey at last year’s Tour de France. They were recognised only after the list was revised. Amid complaints, new law will seek to make funding for athletes more transparent BY RADKA MINARECHOVÁ Proposed changes to the law Spectator staff A PROPOSED new law on financing and management of sports, recently introduced by the Education Ministry, may calm critics who point to lack of support for Slovak athletes representing the country at top events. The debate was re-opened in mid-March as Adam Žampa, a top Slovak downhill skier, said he was considering leaving the Slovak team and joining Russia as he sought improved financial support and conditions for training. “In Slovakia, you can get to a certain level in sport, but alas, my acquaintances, family friends and especially parents cannot secure this forever (mainly financially),” Žampa wrote on Facebook in midMarch. “I want to personally progress, to move forward in my career, and, unfortunately, this is not possible in Slovakia. There will certainly be people who will understand this – but also those who will be against.” A winner of several medals, who posted fifth and sixth place finishes at the Sochi Winter Olympics in 2014, explained that he races almost solely thanks to the resources provided by his parents and sponsors, the SITA newswire wrote. Though he finally said on March 29 that he will not leave the Slovak national team (but will train with Russians), his dispute with the Slovak Skiing Association (SLA) is only a tip of the iceberg amid a series of complaints from top athletes about the conditions the athletes face. In response, Speaker of Parliament Peter Pellegrini and Education Minister Juraj Draxler introduced a new law on sports on March 31, which seeks to make their financing more transparent. “The aim is to create a standard environment in which we would not witness similar steps of some associations and clubs that have occurred in past days,” Pellegrini told the press, as quoted by SITA. Parliament is expected to discuss the law in autumn and, if passed, the new rules would come into force in 2016, Pellegrini said. Adam Žampa Žampa draws attention After the media reported that Žampa and his brother Andreas were considering defecting to the Russian team, which reportedly offered better training conditions and even financial support, Prime Minister Robert Fico entered the debate. He met with Tomáš Žampa, father and coach of the Žampa brothers, on March 24 and discussed the situation in the SLA and the athlete’s future, the Denník N daily reported on its website. “The PM feels sorry about the departure of the skier, and I feel sorry too,” Tomáš Žampa told Denník N. “We will work on creating conditions for Adam.” Meanwhile, Draxler decided that ministry inspectors will soon go to the SLA and check the management of funds that the ministry sends to the association. “Regardless of this case [the dispute between the SLA and Žampa brothers over financing and conditions] it needs to be said that the system of financing sports is not set correctly and it is necessary to change the rules to make financing more transparent,” Draxler said, as quoted by the TASR newswire. The SLA welcomed the planned inspection, saying it will help the public learn more about the system for financing the association and also stop misleading information about financing of the individual disciplines and skiers, SLA head František Repka said, as reported by TASR. Others complain too Žampa is not the only skier who has considered leaving Slovakia. In March 2012 Veronika Velez-Zuzulová also said she may opt to represent another country. “We have two possibilities Photo: TASR – either to finish with skiing or leave,” her father and coach Timotej Zuzula told the press in 2012, as quoted by TASR. The apparent reason also was problems with the SLA, with Velez-Zuzulová’s team saying that she did not have appropriate training conditions to achieve success. At the time she was receiving €10,000 per year from the SLA, with other funds being given by sponsors, TASR wrote. In the end, she remained on the Slovak team. More recently, Lucia Tomečková, a former reporter at the public-service Radio and Television of Slovakia (RTVS), wrote a letter to Fico in which, among other things, she commented on the very poor condition for her daughter who represents Slovakia in swimming. “We as parents of the Slovak representatives have learned very quickly to arrange nearly everything because the conditions for athletes in this country are so catastrophic that we have to learn to live with them, identify them and solve them really quickly,” Tomečková wrote, as quoted by the website. In an opinion piece the Sme daily summed up that Slovak sports are overshadowed by various sport associations, unions and committees, which are part of a nontransparent, complex and hard to figure out system. Financing is crucial, Sme wrote, but lack of communication, nonsystematic work and other phenomena also contribute to the poor situation. Žampa is only the tip of the iceberg, Sme stated on March 22. Sme also pointed in its opinion piece to recent awards for athletes that supposedly listed everybody who had received a medal, including in sports like darts and arm wrestling. But the first version of the list missed the The aim of the new law is to make the use of money allocated for sports more transparent, Draxler said. “One of the cornerstones will be a sports information system as a public inspection tool,” Draxler explained, as quoted by TASR. He added that it should allow members of the sports associations to have enough information about their activities. Among the most important proposed changes in the new law is that each sports association will need to appoint a controller who will be the highest inspection authority. These controllers will check the use of public money and if they find any imperfections, they will call on the associations’ management to remedy them, Education Ministry spokeswoman Beáta Dupaľová Ksenzsighová told The Slovak Spectator. Moreover, the law proposes establishing a permanent court that would decide on cases connected to the sport. If a sports association violates the rules, it may lose state financial support until it changes course, she added. The associations will also have to publish their management structure and reports from meetings, as well as to hold a meeting at least once a year, TASR wrote. Since the proposed rules concern only non-financial affairs, an expert group still needs to discuss the financial aspects which should propose ways “to find resources and create a motivational environment for the private sector in order to make it also support sports more”, Pellegrini said, as quoted by TASR. One of the possibilities is to establish one fund for sports that would then redistribute the finances among the various sports associations. It is also proposed to gradually stop the practice of some state-run firms to financially support only selected sports events. Under the proposed rules, these firms would send funds allocated to sports directly to the Education Ministry which is responsible for sports, TASR reported. The proposed financing plan should be finished in a month, Dupaľová Ksenzsighová said. April 6 – 19, 2015 3 Pontis hands out Via Bona awards Ceremony recognises most socially responsible firms BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ Spectator staff CONSULTING firm Accenture and food producer Alfa Bio took the top awards at the Pontis Foundation’s 15th annual Via Bona awards on March 26. The awards, with a name that translates as “good path” from the original Latin, drew President Andrej Kiska along with other key representatives of the country’s business and social communities. In a short speech President Kiska recalled an old Indian proverb saying the unhappiest people are those who think about their own happiness and the happiest are those who think about the happiness of others. “I’m very glad that in this room there are people who feel that to be responsible means also a moral duty to give back a part of their success,” said Kiska, who himself as a successful businessman launched the Good Angel philanthropic project. In total 61 companies enrolled in the competition for the 2014 Via Bona awards in seven categories. Juries for individual awards selected winners from 23 companies which had advanced to the second round. A novelty this year was a new design for the award prepared by Mikuláš Zahatňanský, who created a wooden circle garnished with stars from silver wire. The circular shape of the award is meant to express human life and the stars represent people’s zest for things that are bigger than themselves. The Main Award for a Responsible Large Corporation went to Accenture, a management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company. The firm works to develop people’s skills, helping them to find jobs via its Skills to Succeed programme. It also uses computer technologies to decrease its environmental Via Bona awards ceremony. footprint and is part of the Fund for Transparent Slovakia that supports watchdog organisations. “All the companies in the final round showed high standards and thus differences were in nuances and not qualitative jumps,” said Zuzana Čaputová from the jury when commenting about the process of selecting the winner in this category. “In the end we considered that the criterion that would decide about the winner is about what message we want to send to the society by granting this award to this company. We consider as interesting and inspiring that the company chose a path, which is not the simplest, maybe to the detriment of their profits, but it sends by this a principal message from the company itself to zero tolerance of corruption.” The Main Award for a Responsible Small or MediumSized Enterprise went to Banská Bystrica-based Alfa Bio that started its business in 1991 with the idea of helping to change dietary habits in Slovakia and it now sells its products in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. The company,with tofu as one of its main products, has its own well, recycles its water and operates its own compressed natural gas (CNG) fueling station for its cars. Changing perceptions Lenka Surotchak, director of the Pontis Foundation, said that the perception of corporate philanthropy and corporate social responsibility has been changing in Slovakia with more and more companies going beyond their legal duties by caring for their employees, helping the community in which they operate, behaving responsibly toward the environment and dealing with socially difficult topics. “I am thankful for each company that has enrolled in the competition because they understand that any company or business will be not successful if our country and our society are in decline,” said Surotchak in her speech. See VIA pg 5 Photo: Courtesy of Pontis 4 BUSINESS April 6 – 19, 2015 Foreign investors looking elsewhere THE POSITION of Slovakia as an attractive country for foreign investments in central and eastern Europe worsened last year based on results of an annual survey organised by foreign chambers of commerce in Slovakia. Slovakia slipped to the second position while the Czech Republic has overrun it, finishing first. In total, 167 companies attended the survey conducted by foreign chambers of commerce of Germany, Austria, US, France, the Netherlands, Sweden and the trade department of the Austrian Embassy to Slovakia in February. “In the international competition of localities for investments, Slovakia is still relatively quite well,” said Vladimír Slezák, president of the Slovak-German Chamber of Commerce (SNOPK), as cited in the press release when commenting on the results of the survey, but adding that it is not enough to maintain a status quo when Slovakia is prepared for more intense creation of innovation only in a limited scope. Investors explain worsening of Slovakia’s ranking by pointing out that while the Czech Republic has focused on infrastructure projects and efforts to curb bureaucracy, Slovakia has introduced the minimum tax, and increased bureaucracy and labour costs. Moreover, as most companies have their parent companies in Austria and Germany, the geographic position of the Czech Republic is more favourable compared to that of Slovakia. When listing Slovakia’s advantages surveyed companies listed Slovakia’s membership in the European Union, hardworking and productive labour force willing to work for relatively favourable costs as well as availability and quality of local suppliers. Slovakia’s exports lose momentum DURING previous years, exporters from Slovakia have succeeded more and more to establish themselves on foreign markets, but last year winning of market shares ended. The Finance Ministry’s Financial Policy Institute (IFP) sees weakening of currencies of Slovakia’s trade partners and curbed car production due to modernisation and change of production lines behind Slovakia’s exports losing momentum. “Slovakia, as a small open economy, is significantly dependent on foreign trade,” Ján Šilan, analyst with IFP wrote in his analysis from March 25, recalling that foreign trade was a significant source of economic growth especially during the financial and economic crisis when Slovakia managed to maintain economic growth in spite of a recession in the eurozone. Between 2009 and 2013 the Slovak economy grew 10.9 percent, while net export contributed to it by as much as 9.8 percentage points. “Over the course of last year the contributions of foreign demand went down markedly, with the contribution of exports to growth in GDP being zero, or even slightly negative,” Šilan wrote. Slovakia’s exports are relatively strongly concentrated among some sectors where those of machinery, appliances, cars and metals and metal products make up two thirds of Slovakia’s exports. Compiled by Spectator staff ADVERTISEMENT Leading local Microsoft partner, with ERP solution Microsoft Dynamics AX2012 the first Microsoft Dynamics AX can help drive productivity because it’s so simple to learn and use, straight forward to implement, and quick to adapt. Implementing Microsoft Dynamics AX will drive long-term value for your business through a strong return on investment (ROI), lower cost of ownership, and quicker time to value. Dynamix Consult s.r.o. (associated with XAPT Group) GBC II, Galvaniho 7/B, 821 04 Bratislava, Slovakia tel.: +421 2 204 222 00 / SP013297/022 Žilina hospital director resigns amid crisis BY ROMAN CUPRIK Spectator staff FEW expected Žilina Faculty Hospital Director Štefan Volák to resign on March 21 in the wake of a mass walkout by doctors and nurses, but he did and hospital’s troubles have entered a new phase. A total of 24 of 25 nurses decided to leave the hospital due to an excessive number of overtime hours while demanding that Volák resign on March 21. They followed 13 doctors at the hospital’s internal medicine ward who had filed their resignations in early March in protest against what they deemed to be cost concerns dictating patient care. Prime Minister Robert Fico personally engaged in the problems surrounding the hospital and called Health Minister Viliam Čislák to sack Volák, the PM said during a debate on Slovak Radio on March 21. “I contacted Minister Čislák and told him: Mr Minister execute steps for the instant replacement of Žilina Hospital’s head,” Fico told Slovak Radio. Health analysts have agreed that Fico’s statement amounts to little more than populism, but also say it raises concerns about who is really in charge of state hospitals. Doctors met the press after leaving announcement. Photo: TASR “Apparently no heads of state hospitals are autonomous in their decisions,” Tomáš Szalay of the medical think tank Health Policy Institute told The Slovak Spectator. “It’s wrong.” Meanwhile the new hospital head Pavol Drugaj told doctors that if they want to leave they are free to go. Difficult weeks for Žilina Faculty Hospital The hospital began making headlines after 15 of 19 doctors of at department of internal medicine handed in their notices, citing a lack of beds and poor hygienic conditions on March 3. Two later retracted their notices. “There is a situation that patients have a waiting list for a shower and some of them take one at around 3:00,” said the head of the Medical Trade Union Association (LOZ), Peter Visolajský, to press, as quoted by the SITA newswire. “This department has 96 beds while there are at least 100 patients every day.” Twenty-five nurses opted to leave the hospital on March 21, citing management’s incompetence and failure to address problems that have been accumulating at the hospital for a long time, said Slovak Nurses and Midwives Chamber (SKSaPA) head Iveta Lazorová. The nurses urged the facility’s management to cut their overtime hours and to increase the number of nurses in the intensive care unit – as well as in the hospital as a whole – so that the wards can function properly. Subsequently Čislák inquired into the situation at the hospital in Žilina, ministry spokeswoman Zuzana Čižmáriková told the TASR newswire on the same day. “He called on the director to assume personal responsibility for the situation that has arisen,” Čižmáriková said, as quoted by TASR. “The director has complied with this call and resigned.” Despite Volák’s departure, on March 23 another 39 nurses filed their notices with the Žilina hospital, SITA wrote, including those from emergency and post-surgery wards. The head of the Union of Nurses and Midwives (OZSaPA), Monika Kavecká, specified that the reason for the latest notices is the unsure development of the situation in the Žilina hospital, as well as a statement from 20 nurses heading wards, who on March 20 supported Margita Porubčanská, the deputy for nursing who allegedly had kept lying – also to the public – about the real situation in the medical facility. Drugaj met with nurses on March 31 but the only result of the discussion was that they agreed on the date for another meeting set on April 16. See CARE pg 9 NBS: Weak euro to fuel exports Continued from pg 1 He added that the quantitative easing (QE) launched by the European Central Bank (ECB) is likely to have a positive impact on Slovak economy in the form of 0.4 percent GDP growth in 2015 and 0.2 percent in 2016. Finance Minister Peter Kažimír and Prime Minister Robert Fico perceive the upgraded forecast as encouraging, while the latter said that at such growth will spur larger changes on the labour market. “At economic growth above 3 percent we can expect a natural creation of new work places and a reduction in the unemployed,” Fico said, as cited by the TASR newswire. The NBS predicts a dynamic growth of work places especially in the service sector, but notes all should benefit from the improved growth. “Rising domestic demand also fuels employment, which is increasing quicker than expected. We expect 22,000 jobs to be created in 2015,” said NBS Vice Governor Ján Tóth, adding that average unemployment rate could be 12 percent in 2015 and drop to 10 percent by 2017. Kažimír appraised the fact that the country’s economic growth has not been driven exclusively by foreign demand but that the domestic demand strengthening. “The structure of the growth is more balanced and healthier that any time before,” he said, as cited by SITA. NBS also expects real wages to grow also because of negative inflation of the -0.3 percent forecast for 2015. “Salaries will rise quicker particularly in the health care and education sectors and should align gradually with labour productivity,” said Tóth. In 2015, nominal wages are likely to grow 2.6 percent. Reforms needed The central bank believes that Slovakia will benefit from the ECB’s €1 trillion bond-buying programme and Makúch is confident that the ECB will find enough quality bonds to meet its targeted €60 billion worth of monthly purchases. “We’re meeting our buying volume targets, in terms of quality of purchased bonds,” he said. He warned that this programme is not any substitute for the structural changes needed in some eurozone economies. “In no way is QE to replace insufficient reform efforts by eurozone governments when carrying out structural reforms and keeping rules of budgetary responsibility,” said Makúch, “because the EQ-supported growth of economy will not last forever”. Renáta Konečná, general director of the Department of Monetary and Economic Analysis at the NBS, told public broadcaster RTVS that these reforms should target maintaining and improv- ing competitiveness. “This means that these are important reforms on the labour market and from the viewpoint of simplicity of hiring and firing employees,” said Konečná. “And from the viewpoint of Slovakia it is also important to increase drawing of EU funds which help the economy in terms of the growth of investments and support of sustainable growth in the future.” By the numbers Slovakia’s GDP grew 2.4 percent in 2014. The last time Slovakia registered an economic growth exceeding 3 percent was in 2011. The NBS predicts that the economy will grow 3.2 percent in 2015 to be followed by 3.8 percent in 2016, and 3.5 percent in 2017. The unemployment rate should decrease to 12 percent in 2015 and continue to fall to 11.5 percent in 2016 and 10.2 percent in 2017. Employment is forecast to increase by 1.4 percent in 2015 and during the following two years it should continue to grow, by 1.1 percent and 0.8 percent respectively. With the inflation rate forecast to be negative at -0.3 percent for 2015, the central bank assumes that prices would resume their growth in 2016 forecasting the inflation rate at 1.7 percent in 2016 and 2.4 percent in 2017. Real wages should grow 2.7 percent in 2015 to be followed by growth of 2.1 percent in 2016 and 1.8 percent in 2017. A1 The Spectator, a lifelong affair The Slovak Spectator at 20: a long strange trip continues CONSTRUCTION Now married to the EU, Slovakia still flirts with Russia GENERAL On sale now PARTNER An American finds a home in faraway Spišské Vlachy FOCUS Vol. 21, No. 3 Monday, February1995 9, 2015- 2015 - Sunday, February 22, 2015 .20 More independent thought and self-confidence for Slovakia of this issue The struggle continues Humble beginnings led to the paper’s tenacity An inside look at the early days of Slovakia’s English-language newspaper BY DANIEL J. STOLL Special to the Spectator pand its operations in Slovakia and my past experience in the country was valued. At least I knew a few Slovak words and where the country was. I went straight to The Foundation’s office in Old Town Bratislava and met Carrie Slease, the director. After helping set up a place for me to sleep, she said I should check out the U.S. Embassy Independence Day party at the Hotel Bôrik. I took a tram up windy streets past the dirty brown Bratislava Castle, under the soaring WW II monument Slavín, to a white concrete hotel with a view towards the West, the Danube River and Austria beyond. I arrived at the same time as Mečiar and we walked in together. Mečiar had an American and Slovak flag sticking out of his suit jacket pocket. We both went straight to an elaborate table of food and tried the Caspian Sea caviar. When Kováč came a few minutes later and shook everyone’s hand, I watched Mečiar quietly exit. At the time I had no idea I had just met the President and the future Prime Minister. I also couldn’t have known that their political feud would shape the fate of The Slovak Spectator. I ARRIVED in Slovakia the morning of July 4, 1994. By evening I had shook hands with Slovak Republic President Michal Kováč, ate caviar and crackers with Vladimir Mečiar and exchanged small talk with U.S. Ambassador Theodore Russell. A non-profit organization, the Foundation for a Civil Society, had opened an office in Bratislava and was looking for people with knowledge of Slovakia. I had spent time in Slovakia as an English teacher in 1993, a witness to the creation of a new country, new currency, and the emergence of Slovak as an identity in Europe. Not many Americans could point out Slovakia on a map or had even heard of it. Prague yes. Slovakia? Slovenia, Yugoslavia, Soviet Russia, whatever. Founded by Wendy Luers, a 100 days to The Rock human rights activist and wife of former U.S. Ambassador to That the newspaper is celCzechoslovakia (1983-1986) ebrating 20 years of publishWilliam Luers, the NGO based ing where others have stopped in Prague was looking to ex- – The Prague Post, Warsaw Voice, Budapest Sun – is due to the DNA that was infused into the newspaper’s soul – tenacity. I suppose The Slovak Spectator existed after its first 100 days because of the 100 days that preceded its launch. Founders Richard Lewis, Rick Zednik and I would never have believed we could publish an English-language newspaper had it not been for our experience putting together one issue of The Slovak Mirror in October 1994. Richard, Rick, and I met for the first time in August 1994 at the Foundation’s headquarters on Kapitulská Street, a crumbling cobblestone street under the castle but cut off by a motorway that acted like a moat between the old town and those in power, and down the street from St Michael’s cathedral, where brown hooded monks would walk below our office window before vespers. I was helping Carrie prepare a grant proposal for USAID to help provide schools across Slovakia with access to Englishlanguage teachers and books. Richard had been in Slovakia already a year as an English teacher in the small town of Spišské Vlachy near the sprawling Spiš castle, the largest castle ruin in Central Europe, with dreams of becoming a foreign correspondent. Richard and Carrie had gone to Duke University together and he was in the office that night borrowing the computer to THE COUNTRY we cover today is quite different from the Slovakia of 1995, when this newspaper was published for the first time. But can we call it “Westernised”? Well, it does have professional election campaigns and shopping malls. It does have the highest production of cars per capita, but ever more of its citizens are losing trust in its judiciary. Public awareness of the degree of corruption is on the rise. Slovakia is still young, but hopefully less naive than it was 20 years ago. At the same time, many of the stories we write about this country are not that different than they were back then. The excluded communities, the flawed public tenders, the populist politicians, the lagging schools and universities, privatisation issues and their legacy. The stories we tell about Slovakia are about a struggle to find respect for otherness, for transparency and for decency in administering public affairs. The Slovak Spectator contributes to these efforts by writing truthfully about pressing issues just as we have done in the past. By Michaela Terenzani, Editor-In-Chief Timeline of The Slovak Spectator March 1, 1995 The debut issue of The Slovak Spectator hits newsstands across Slovakia. July 1996 The first Spectacular Slovakia travel guide is published. write a story on the Spiš region’s Roma population that he hoped to sell to an American publication. Rick swung by Kapitulská that evening to gain contacts for his new role in Bratislava to be the stringer for The Prague Post, a weekly newspaper founded in Prague in 1991 with Editor-in-Chief Alan Levy, the legendary International Herald Tribune reporter who had witnessed the Russian invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968, and whose book “A Rowboat to Prague,” inspired thousands of young Americans to flock to that city in the 1990s. We had an easy chemistry together and we enjoyed the quick friendships with other American and British expatriates – English teachers, diplomats, consultants in one of the then Big 6 accounting firms, bankers, investors, adventurous foreigners and other travellers – who bewilderingly found themselves in Europe’s youngest democracy. Slovakia became its own state on January 1, 1993. See START pg A7 September 1998 The Slovak Spectator becomes a weekly and launches its website, (now October 1999 The first issue of Real Estate and Construction Guide is published. See TIME pg A6 Past, present, future ANNIVERSARIES are a time to reminisce and celebrate. In this special 20th anniversary supplement we are grateful to have articles from editors in chief who have run our editorial room for some two decades as well as memories from co-founder Daniel Stoll from this publication’s earliest days. There is also a collection of short opinion pieces from those who have worked with us and now play important role in society. The supplement also includes contributions from companies who have cooperated with us over the long term. Special thanks to Noer, who is the general partner for our 20th anniversary. We hope that you, our readers, enjoy this trip down memory lane. We look forward to continuing the mission of our predecessors and take seriously our responsibility to bring unbiased information about Slovakia to the international community. Ján Pallo, Publisher 1995-2015 A2 The Spectator, a lifelong affair BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ Special to the Spectator NEWSPAPERS are forming their authors just as profoundly as journalists are shaping the media they work for.This relationship far transcends limits of working contracts, number of published stories and the years spent in a newsroom. Newspapers are like humans in some ways: in early stages of their lives they seek their voice and test their strength. They gradually learn how loud or how soft that voice needs to be in order to deliver messages to help their readers to interpret the world, or if managed by the wrong people, to misinterpret it. And sometimes newspapers are founded by the wrong people for the wrong reasons. Since the quality of journalism so much intertwines with human character, the newspapers are just as honest, straightforward or fair as the people who are making the paper. If the pursuit to get people’s attention fails to develop into something much larger than stories of the individuals involved, the paper usually sinks into oblivion. Since the quality of journalism so much intertwines with human character, the newspapers are just as honest, straightforward or fair as the people who are making the paper. Sig Gissler, the administrator of Pulitzer Prizes, delivering his speech in Bratislava. The past two decades suggest that The Slovak Spectator was founded at the right time for the right reasons: to search for the closest thing possible to the truth during the years of Slovakia coming of age as a democratic country. The journey of the newspaper founded by four Americans – Eric Koomen, Richard Lewis, Dan Stoll and Rick Zednik – in 1995, has far outgrown the original ambitions to help Englishspeaking expats survive in Slovakia. In the retrospective of 20 years, the newspaper has helped groom journalists and media professionals who later went on to make their mark outside this publishing house or even the country. The Slovak Spectator has made a contribution that surpasses the regular routine of putting out a paper and feeding a website. It has formed journalists who learned how to tell stories in a fashion built on the best journalistic traditions. Teaching the craft ADVERTISEMENT JOIN THE FASTEST! MAGIO MOBILE TELEVISION FOR 3 MONTHS FREE WITH THE HAPPY TARIFF ST THE FASTE 4NEG TWORK Valid for new 24 month contract with purchase of special offer mobile phone with Happy XS tariff and higher. SP015039/001 Print KV Peter 127,5x171.indd 1 23.3.2015 16:52 Confronted with aches of the theory-driven journalism education in Slovakia, The Slovak Spectator took on board journalism students, trained them and sent them to the field to experience journalism on their own skin. After finding a sympathetic ear at Comenius University’s department of journalism, the newspaper even ran its own journalism class and opened it up for students from other journalism schools as well. “Graduates” of the Spectator class then took jobs with the best media outlets in Slovakia. Today, some are working for the broadsheet Sme daily, the public radio and even for the Spectator itself. For a paper with a limited staff and resources, this is quite an achievement. Yet, efforts of the Spectator to contribute to the media discourse in Slovakia are far from ending there. If not for The Slovak Spectator, a number of prestigious Pulitzer winning journalists and the administrator of this respected prize may not have found their way to Slovakia very easily, if making it to this small central European country at all. With the help of the partners of the Best Media Traditions programme, the newspaper brought in accomplished journalists who actually have authentically lived what many schools only preach. They not only wrote that big story that brought them acclaim in America but the world as it passes by.” And most of them did talk to strangers and brought back Photo: Jana Liptáková stories that they will remember much longer than notes also have helped to keep the copied from an outdated textfaith in the good old journ- book onto the whiteboard. alistic principles alive and explained why the fundaGetting personal mentals of journalism, including the ability of talking At the time I joined The to people, should not change Slovak Spectator as its editoralong with technology. in-chief in 2003, the size of the Joshua Friedman, Tim editorial room was three Weiner, Abigail Goldman and times the number of reportWalt Bogdanich shared much ers I left behind in January more than just phrases about 2015 when I moved on to lead how important the media’s the Sme daily. It did not hapwatchdog role is. Their nar- pen because the publisher Ján ratives clearly delivered the Pallo and I felt we could do the message that along with be- paper with very few people. It ing fair, truthful and accur- was our response to the quesate it is equally important to tion: Do we want The Slovak remain deeply human even in Spectator to continue despite times when such humanity is all the limitations imposed on lacking. us by the development of the print market or do we give up and say it is no longer posThe Columbia connection sible? Over the past six years Students of the one of the we kept saying yes to the life most prestigious journalism of the paper, and with the schools of the world, the support of Petit Press CEO Columbia University’s school Alexej Fulmek, we somehow of journalism, felt lucky if managed year after year to they made it to classes of Sig keep it vibrant without comGissler, the now retired ad- promising the content. ministrator of the Pulitzer After the departure of Tom Prices. Yet, the Slovak Spec- Nicholson in 2007, we were no tator made it possible for stu- longer able to do large-scale dents in Slovakia to experi- investigative stories but we ence the Columbia atmo- remained committed to those sphere for at least a couple grand old principles of journhours without having to pay alism. Neither Fulmek, nor any hefty tuition fee. Pallo have ever questioned Sig Gissler not only spoke that we need to do it right and to them but even commen- keep to the rules even if some ted on their work and ad- other media outlets were vised them how to get the crossing the red line in order story right in all of its im- to lure advertisers to survive. portant details. Tell the story The year of 2014 was especlearly and use the human cially trying and it did reangle whenever possible to open the difficult question: are make the piece come alive for we able to carry the paper and the reader, Gissler told the the tradition further without young journalists. reducing it to the point where He sent them to the streets readers will no longer find and asked them to talk to those crucial pieces to create strangers “because it helps you their own understanding of spread the journalism net Slovakia. The answer was wide. You discover story ideas, again a resounding yes and I you encounter potential do genuinely wish and besources and you stay in tune lieve that it will remain so for with your community. I do fear many more years. that too many journalists walk around with their eyes on their Beata Balogová is the editorsmart phones, thus missing in-chief of the Sme daily. 1995-2015 A3 The Slovak Spectator at 20: a long strange trip continues Principled ownership is the only recipe for journalistic freedom BY TOM NICHOLSON Special to the Spectator LOOKING back, September 1995 probably wasn’t the most auspicious time to take a job in Slovakia. The Vladimír Mečiar government had just introduced new work permit requirements for foreigners, which involved a lot of police documents and medical tests and carrying around embarrassing samples of waste. But no one – including the police – seemed sure of exactly how the process should work, resulting in my lecturing for the first three months of my Žilina university job as an unpaid volunteer until my permit was finally issued. Perhaps the police were distracted. After all, in August 1995 the son of the Slovak president had been allegedly kidnapped to Austria by the secret service and police SWAT team officers, so there was an investigation to be suppressed and plenty of witnesses to be intimidated. There was also the explosion of organised crime under Mečiar, which wasn’t to be suppressed so much as timidly ignored and then laboriously cleaned up after. So it’s fair to say that Slovakia had other fish to fry and took little notice of me or any other English teacher in the mid-1990s. I knew equally little about Slovakia, except for the tiny corner of the country represented by my school and friends and a few Žilina running routes and bars. I lived, uncertain of the wisdom of my emigration, on a tiny Englishspeaking island, surrounded by an intimidating sea of Slovakness – an alien language, unpleasant bureaucrats, an impenetrable culture and, always, dark tales of kidnapping and murder and “state capture” passed on by Slovak friends. But knowing nothing about your host country becomes oppressive, and as time passed I started to take a closer interest in these morbid tales. Coming from a sleepy, nerdy democracy like Canada, where society works and the law is widely respected, it took me a long time even to believe, far less to understand how things worked in Slovakia. How government ministers could simply grab the best public assets for themselves and their friends, paying an made it impossible to ignore. Maybe that would have nixed the chance of even a brief interlude from Róbert Fico’s neooligarch reign – but it would have been stand-up journalism. I left the Spectator in 2007 to take a job doing investigative journalism at Sme, the most stand-up Slovak broadsheet, followed in 2010 by a stint at the Trend weekly. It was a natural progression, just as it was for many Spectator journalists who went on to write for AP, the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times and others. It was time to submit one’s craft to the critical eyes of a larger and far more engaged and informed audience. But it was also a venture Protests over the Gorilla scandal drew thousands into Slovakia’s squares. Photo: Sme into a murkier world of inscrutable editorial decisions, of average of 10 percent of their others who drew groans of en- had an ownership that was a journalism with a political market worth. How a secret nui from their weary editors. journalist’s dream – two of the agenda beyond a reporter’s service and a police leadership By a committee of diplomatic original American founders conscience. could consort with gangsters, spouses who swooped in on stayed on, joined by former war bartering freedom from pro- print day to gently point out reporter Alexej Fulmek, head of Slovak media environment secution in return for assist- the most egregious errors. the Petit Press publisher. The ance with sordid tasks that How often I wished, in only limitations on what storThese days, with adverteven Mečiar’s henchmen re- those early months, that I ies we covered and how we told ising in deep decline, ownerfused to perform. How a ruling knew more about journalism, them lay in the stuff between ship and flak are the only of coalition could sabotage the or that there was a benign our ears. I know how many media critic Noam Chomsky’s country’s chance of Western Lowell Bergman character to at journalists claim the same, but five filters still shaping how integration, flirt with Yeltsin’s least teach me the ropes. I eight years after leaving the the Slovak media cover stories. Russian kleptocracy, and op- made egregious mistakes, like Spectator, I realise how good And what a dispiriting, aggressive group these owners press democratic opposition at dismissing an Up With People we had it. concert as “cultural onanism”, I know, for example, that are! Oligarchs dominate, from home. And how all of this could and bitterly regretted the had I remained at the Spectat- the mercurial Ivan Kmotrík at happen without voters filling youthful arrogance it betrayed. or, the Gorilla file would have the TA3 news channel, to SlovI constantly wished I spoke the been reported years before it akia’s richest man, Andrej the streets in protest. language better, to be more actually appeared in the Slovak Babiš at the Hospodárske Novsure of my quotes; or that I press. We would have been iny business daily. The J&T Joining the Spectator knew the country better, to sued, and – worse – ignored by financial group, with roots in I learned much of what I have a surer sense of context. I the rest of the Slovak media es- Mečiar-era crony privatizatablishment. But we would tion, controls the JOJ TV staneeded to know from The Slov- was often ashamed. But that shame was a con- have written the story, and not tion, while their counterparts ak Spectator, a schizophrenic bi-weekly torn between re- stant lash to improve. And as a hidden the file in a safe until its at Penta own the Trend busiporting the full truth of first experience in journalism, publication on the internet ness weekly, the Pluska tabloid Mečiar’s excesses, and pulling the Spectator was an awesome its punches in order to attract apprenticeship. There was so ADVERTISEMENT at least some advertising. In much going on in Slovakia – early 1997 they announced they bizarre, wrong-headed, evil were looking for freelancers, and faintly comic at the same and without any great serious- time – that you didn’t dream of ness – since I was destined to be embellishing it. You facta Great Writer, after all, not a checked because you yourself hack – I applied. And in doing so couldn’t quite believe you had discovered the greatest pro- the facts right. There were no fession of them all. puff pieces, no corporate PR What an odd bunch they posing as news, because the were. Four Americans in their business community was mid-20s, serious as only young largely Mečiar-positive, and men can be when starting their regarded us with deep suspifirst company. Two of them cion. We worked with the pastrove mightily to keep the pa- per’s owners, and debated edper afloat while the other two itorial decisions freely. No laboured to understand the stories were spiked: on the country whose turmoil they contrary, after Mečiar chronicled. They were suppor- thwarted a referendum on ted by a Slovak deputy editor NATO membership in 1998, the with waist-length red hair, a paper toughened its criticism penchant for drinking beer at through editorials that put us work, and a loathing of Mečiar on the “black list” of media the that frequently poisoned his government refused to compen. By a blue-eyed, blonde municate with. sales executive with a practiced knack for reeling in cliLeaving the Spectator ents. By a quietly anguished 16year-old with formidable Apart from a brief stint journalism skills and a mother back in Canada in 2003-2004, I in jail. By a rotating cast of spent a decade with the Specfreelancers, some of whom tator, even (improbably) wrote humblingly well, and serving as publisher. The paper The only limitations on what stories we covered and how we told them lay in the stuff between our ears. weekly and daily, the news portal, as well as a minority stake in Petit Press, which publishes the Sme daily and The Slovak Spectator. The largest tabloid, Nový Čas, is nominally still independent, but publisher Peter Mertus departed last December to head Penta’s media operations. The Pravda daily, meanwhile, was marketed by oligarch Jozef Brhel, close to Prime Minister Róbert Fico’s Smer party. Even the start-up Projekt N, led by Sme defectors, is controlled by the Eset international software company, while the small-market weekly Týžden has allegedly been financed by Penta since 2009, according to sources at Penta. I understand how tired people must be of journalists grousing about their lot. Of laments for the golden era, and imprecations to consider again how important vibrant journalism is for a healthy democracy. The world is changing, and we must all find our places in it. In that changed world, there are a few things that provide hope. Alexej Fulmek is one of them. See TRIP pg A6 SP015029/015 1995-2015 A4 Now married to the EU, Slovakia still flirts with Russia BY RICK ZEDNÍK Special to the Spectator START-UP companies always find achieving success to be a struggle. Even more so when that company is an independent newspaper in a country with no tradition of free enterprise or free press. When my partners and I published the first issue of The Slovak Spectator in March 1995, we hoped we would still be publishing in March 1996. Aside from a new venture’s normal concerns, the political and economic environment meant that sticking around for even 12 months was far from certain. The state of affairs in Slovakia at that time was dark. The government of Vladimír Mečiar was actively wooing Russian security cooperation and investment. This was in stark contradiction to the government’s public rhetoric of seeking integration with European and trans-Atlantic structures. On June 27, 1995, Slovakia submitted its formal application to join the European Union. The outlook should have been rosy. But incredibly, just two months later, the adult son of then-President Michal Kováč was abducted, beaten, forced to drink whisky, stuffed into a car, smuggled across the border, and dumped in front of an Austrian police station. It was widely speculated that Slovakia’s secret police were involved in an effort to discredit the president, who was in an ongoing dispute with Mečiar. There was no serious investig- Former prime minister Vladimír Mečiar with Babky Demokratky. Photo: Sme porters over 70 who loved the prime minister for his quick lawyerly mind, his strong advocacy of an independent Slovakia, and his rugged good looks. These were the Babky Demokratky. My grandmother was one of them. When watching the prime minister on television, she would frequently say, “My god. He’s a looker”. So you can imagine my grandmother’s dilemma when Slovenská Republika ran a big article about The Slovak Spectator titled, “Against the Government Coalition”. They were challenging my Babka Demokratka to choose between her grandson and her hero! But more than familial allegiances were tested. It was one of many tactics intended to discredit any independent voices. Where Slovakia’s application to join the EU was widely welcomed in capitals from Berlin to Brussels and Washington, and should have been cause for encouragement, instead, events on the ground raised serious concerns. Slovakia was hit with a diplomatic double whammy. On October 25, 1995, the EU issued a demarche. And two days later, in a show of support, the US also issued a demarche. Their message was clear: Even though Slovakia was not big, rich or powerful, western alliances were willing to give it a shot. But if Slovakia were to join the EU or NATO, its leadership had to conform to certain norms. Feeling spurned, however, its leadership did the opposite. Mečiar tied Slovakia’s future ever more to that of Russia, with deals on energy and defence. As a result, the fear that Slovakia would be excluded when its neighbours would soon join the EU and NATO became palpable inside and outside the country. And this contributed to the vicious cycle, with foreign investors unwilling to risk capital on a country with such uncertain prospects. At that moment, many Slovaks’ dream of EU membership and its benefits – greater freedoms to study and work abroad, foreign direct investment to bring jobs, opportunities to trade more easily across borders, and structural funds for improved infrastructure – was in serious jeopardy. ation into who committed the act. Then a supposed witness was killed when his car suddenly exploded while turning a bend in Bratislava. Again, no serious investigation. The intimidation tactics extended even to our little newspaper. Our balanced coverage of events in the country was perceived by the government as a threat because our audience of 5,000 readers included western diplomats and journalists watching Slovakia. Many of the most loyal readers of the government’s mouthpiece newspaper, Slovenská Republika, were said to be female Mečiar sup- ADVERTISEMENT SP015026/007 Then, a remarkable thing happened. The diplomatic and economic pressure mobilised a segment of the population. Young people, unhappy with their prospective future, organised to choose the forces they wanted in power. In September 1998, Mečiar’s party came less than 1 percent ahead of the main opposition party. When Mečiar couldn’t form a government, a new coalition came to power. The government of Mikuláš Dzurinda stated its unequivocal intent to join the EU and NATO. It had to watch with regret when six months later its neighbours the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary joined NATO together. Slovakia’s first invitation to an exclusive club came in December 2000, when the country joined the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development, the global group of wealthy nations. The government could point to tangible results. But perhaps the best news for the government’s chances for a second term came just months before the 2002 general election. It had nothing to do with politics, and it happened in Sweden. For the first time ever, Slovakia won the world championship in its national sport of ice hockey. Slovaks felt like winners. The Dzurinda government was rewarded with re-election. Over the next two years, two major car manufacturers, Peugeot-Citroën and Kia, announced plans to invest €1.7 billion and create 5,800 jobs in the country. They did so because by this time, EU membership was becoming inevitable. In March 2004, Slovakia was one of seven countries to join NATO. Barely a month later, it was one of 10 countries to be celebrated in Brussels as new EU members. Slovakia had crossed the finishing line of accession at the same time as its neighbours. But the longer race was not over. In December 2007, Slovakia joined the so-called Schengen zone of border-free travel. A year after that, on January 1, 2009, Slovakia became just the second postcommunist country, after Slovenia, to adopt the euro as its currency. Six years later, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Hungary have still not adopted the currency and remain unlikely to do so for years to come. Many promises of EU membership have been fulfilled. Unemployment dropped. Inflation stabilised. Per capita GNP rose at a higher rate than it had been rising previously. And Slovakia be- Things can change. It takes people assuming control of their fate. And it can be done through diplomacy and negotiation. came one of the world’s most internationally integrated economies. But energy security remains a major concern. A legacy that none of Slovakia’s leaders has been able to alter is the fact that 100 percent of the country’s gas comes from Russia. This dependency has caused current Prime Minister Robert Fico to be more cautious than most of his EU counterparts on sanctioning Russia for its involvement in Ukraine. Will that mean Slovakia is soft on Russia when it assumes the rotating presidency of the EU on July 1, 2016? A general election in Slovakia in March next year will leave much uncertain until the eve of the presidency. Slovakia’s story is one of success. But as The Slovak Spectator celebrates its 20th anniversary this month and I look back, the country’s success was far from assured two decades ago. A small country of modest means, Slovakia was an underdog. It had to overcome bad management and poor decisions, and carefully choose its allies. As long as Russia stumbled through the late 1990s and the 2000s, that choice was not difficult. But with Russia flexing its muscles, and Slovakia in a position of having more to lose, the choices may become more difficult. What are the lessons? Things can change. It takes people assuming control of their fate. And it can be done with diplomacy and negotiation. Through hard work, ideas that seem fanciful can become reality. Only in our wildest dreams did my co-founders of The Slovak Spectator imagine we might one day see a celebration of the paper’s 20th anniversary. I’m so pleased that this is exactly what we are celebrating this month in Bratislava. Rick Zedník was a co-founder of The Slovak Spectator. He is now CEO of, the EU policy news network, in Brussels, and he is the author of “A Country Lost, Then Found: Discovering My Father’s Slovakia”. 1995-2015 A5 An American finds a home in faraway Spišské Vlachy BY RICHARD LEWIS Special to the Spectator MY FIRST real introduction to Slovakia – the moment when I realised I was going to be here awhile – was when a portly, middle-aged man and his daughter with dyed-blonde hair and overdone make-up picked me up in their dusty, well-travelled car. That was late August 1993, and I had arrived a few days earlier, in the second wave of teachers recruited by the wellintentioned but misnamed outfit “Education for Democracy”. The three-day, incountry orientation was more of a coddling exercise – expatriates hanging out with expatriates, mostly – and so when I squeezed myself in the back of the father-daughter vehicle somewhere in downtown Bratislava, I knew there was no turning back. I vaguely knew where I was going, and really little more. The place was Spišské Vlachy, I had been told in a letter I received one spring day while working in a congressional office in Washington, DC. I would live with a family. And, I would teach English at some school there for one year. That was all I knew. I did not know the language. I did not have any family ties or ancestral roots. I did not have any real reason to have chosen Slovakia, other than the unremarkable fact that I spoke English and was at the ripe young age to be pining for an adventure. I did buy a map and I studied it long and hard before I left America. As I pored over it, I wondered about my destination. Spišské Vlachy seemed to be a dot in the hills, and definitely a long way from any city I had ever heard of. After a five-hour journey in the car marked exclusively by awkward silence (I spoke no Slovak; they spoke no English), we arrived in Spišské Vlachy and pulled up to a wellappointed, two-storey house, located nearly on the outskirts of town. Within moments, a bespectacled, beaming woman burst out the front door and greeted me, saying “Reetchard!” She embraced me, kissed me once on each cheek and led me by the arm into the home. Inside, she presented me with slippers, and motioned me into a spotless room furnished with a dining table, some glass cabinets with fine china and glassware and a white, furry throw rug that I later learned was the hide of the family dog. There I was feted like a king, served meat and potatoes and given vodka in a thimble-shaped glass that was Richard Lewis with Spišské Vlachy in the background. never allowed to go completely empty. All the while, my Slovak mother buzzed around me – serving more meat here, another helping of potatoes there, a splash of vodka for good measure – attending to me so intently that I began to feel embarrassed. And, so my first evening ended under the roof of the Repašská rodina, my Slovak family, swaddled in love and hospitality, for someone they barely knew. My first day at Spišské Vlachy’s cirkevná základná škola (elementary school) began with all eyes – children and teachers – fixed on me. I was the lone foreigner, the curiosity who had appeared to teach 6th-8th graders at a Catholic school in this village of 3,500 people. My first day, the children in each of my classes stood at attention next to their desks when I entered the classroom. I didn’t know how to react. Then, one by one, they marched forward and asked me for my autograph. If the teachers were similarly awed, they didn’t show it. But they did ask a lot of questions as I learned to properly sip so-called Turecká káva (Turkish coffee) in the narrow room that functioned as the teachers’ lounge. Politics. Race relations. Popular culture. Sports. The regular faculty meetings were convivial affairs, less about school business than opportunities to celebrate birthdays, meniny (name days), milestones or to swap gossip, in school or heard around town. Frequently, we sang: Spiš dialect tunes, such as “Hej Macejko” or, on birthdays, a song that I think was a fusion of Spiš and Russian, “Živio, živio, živio … mnoga leta, mnoga leta...” In the evenings, I taught two adult classes, one for be- ginners and one for “advanced” speakers. One student in my advanced class, Ondrej Záhorňadský, regularly invited me to join him for čapované pivo (draft beer) at one of several local krčmy, a ploy, I knew, to squeeze me for extra English-language practice. Naturally, I was thrilled to oblige him. Ondrej was from Margecany, a village just down the train line, on the way to Košice. One time, when I visited him in his hometown, he told me a secret: The public phone at the train station was broken, and you could make calls for free. I dialed the United States, and the call sailed through. I couldn’t believe my luck: I had found the Magic Phone of Margecany. For a few weeks, the orange phone at the train station was my new best friend, a lifeline for my homesick soul to reach out and touch family and friends far away. Another lifeline came from a Repašský son, Pavol, and his wife, Klaudia, who lived next door. They frequently came over for dinner, and Klaudia would patiently suture my butchered Slovak, while her young daughters would play games with me that further aided my learning the language. When I felt particularly unmoored, they’d invite me over to their home, and I would vegetate watching cartoons in English. Two of the Repašský brothers, Pavol and Marián, were outdoors enthusiasts, and one of their passions was rock climbing. So, barely a week after I had arrived, Pavol invited me to do some climbing at a nearby outcrop called Dreveník. I had no idea what I was in for, but I did know one thing: I had a healthy fear of heights. So, here I was on an early fall morning, getting Photo: Archive of Richard Lewis roped in and staring straight up a 70-foot stone face, with Pavol beckoning me to get moving. Fear swallowed, I began my ascent. Many dodgy steps later, I reached the top, and boy, what a view! Spišský hrad (Spiš Castle) toward one horizon, the foothills to the Tatry at another, and gently rolling, green hills all around. Thank you, Pavol. Perhaps that steeled my confidence enough to climb another rock face – Gerlachovský štít (peak), the mother of all Tatry – the next summer, with my good pal from Bardejov, Robbie Morrison. But that’s another story. What is a story for now is one of the unique cultural rites of passage that I was able to witness, the zabíjačka. This came about thanks to a fellow teacher, Ján Furman, who was one of the few younger teachers (and males) at the school. So, on a raw morning in February, I disembarked from perhaps the most ordinary train I had ridden, in darkness, squinting for signs of his hamlet as the pencil-thin light of the train faded into the pre-dawn. The zabíjačka was truly an occasion I will never forget. Yes, it is a pig killing. Yes, it is bloody, brutal, gory. I have the pictures to prove it. But, no, it is not wanton, it is not cruel, and it is not gratuitous, at least in my book. That pig had been bred, cared for, nurtured, to be Ján’s family’s meat supply for the year. They had raised it with attention and treated it with respect. I witnessed (and took part in, as I was one of four people involved) the whole affair, from the pistol that shot a steel bolt to the pig’s forehead to stun it, to the shaving of the hair, to the cutting of the body parts, to the threading of the entrails for sausage. We worked hard, and we worked solemnly, for hours, until, when it was well into evening, and we had finished, we paid our respects with a formal dinner that included some of the tastiest parts of the animal. Experiences during that year – memories gained from that year – are seared in my memory, nostalgic fragments that, together, create a richly illustrative mosaic in my mind. I lived four more years in Slovakia – a transcendent time I did not have any real reason to have chosen Slovakia, other than the unremarkable fact that I spoke English and was at the ripe young age to be pining for an adventure. that revolved largely around co-founding The Slovak Spectator. Sometimes, I wonder whether I would’ve left Slovakia after that first year, like nearly everyone else in that teaching programme, and missed that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity with the Spectator – if it hadn’t been for Spišské Vlachy, for the Repašskýs, for the Spiš region that I briefly called home. The last time I visited Slovakia was in 2005, for the 10th anniversary of the Spectator’s beginning. I tacked on a few extra days to that trip, and ever the prodigal son, made my way east, to Spišské Vlachy. The visit was fulfilling, but too brief. Pani Repašská dropped me off at the train station. With her fingers, she etched a sign of the cross on my forehead. “Môj zlatý,” she said, “this will always be home for you.” Richard Lewis is a co-founder and former editor-in-chief of The Slovak Spectator. ADVERTISEMENT The Slovak Spectator, thank you for working with us all these years. Happy 20th Anniversary! Leaders For What’s Next SP015003/002 1995-2015 A6 More independent thought and self-confidence for Slovakia really hard to stop leaving some behind because of their socio-economic background, which often translates into poor school performance. And we also need to provide much better incentives and possibilities for academic achievement for the outstanding ones. Did you expect Slovakia to be where it is today when you founded the paper 20 years ago? Erik Koomen, one of TSS co-founders When we founded The Slovak Spectator we recognized we may not stay in Slovakia forever. Therefore our primary commitment was to ensure that the Spectator would continue on long after our departure. I am proud that this goal was accomplished, and done so with predominantly Slovak staff and management. This supports my experience with the high quality of the Slovak workforce which has a lot to do with Slovakia’s success since its founding. itical affiliation with democracies of a western-European type. When it comes to domestic policy, we are facing crucial reforms in health care, but especially reform of the education system. Education is the foundation of every modern and successful society. Coping with changing demographics and an ageing population is yet another challenge. Last but not least, we are still waiting for political representation which would stop telling people that the state or someone else will take care of them, but rather initiates citizens’ trust and self-confidence instead. Businesspeople are not the enemies of employees, but rather their allies. Juraj Draxler, Minister of Education, former Spectator writer From my perspective, the The Slovak Spectator has been covering Slovakia for 20 years. Dur- most important challenge for ing that time, the country has been Slovakia is obviously the eduthrough tremendous changes, but there still remains room for improvement. Which one of the challenges that Slovakia faces today do you consider of major importance from your perspective? Alexej Fulmek, head of the Petit Press publishing house Every community, in every corner of the world, has plenty of challenges. At this time, in this geographical location and this country, the biggest challenge is to maintain its geopol- cation system. We have some great teachers, some great schools and great scientists and on average we do relatively well, whether you look at PISA rankings or other comparatives. We are good in the middle. But we need to work manded by the EU has helped some but simply being able to travel and learn by example is doing a great deal. And then there are independent serious media, like The Slovak Spectator. Let’s hope Slovakia is lucky enough for it to continue to thrive and open the minds of those that will shape Slovakia’s future. Lukáš Fila, head of the N Press publishing house, Miroslav Beblavý, MP former Spectator writer Why aren’t there more and member of Sieť party, whistle blowers that report former Spectator writer The biggest challenge facorruption and maladminiscing Slovakia is how to deal with being a normal country. In the past, Slovaks have shown tremendous dynamism and ability to sacrifice for a better future for themselves and their children. As a result, we have become a fairly normal European country, though tration? Why do new doctors poorer, more corrupt and more adopt all the bad habits of their regionally imbalanced than predecessors and why are ef- European averages. Those forts to improve the health- problems do not lend themcare sector so slow? Why are selves to simple solutions or funds allocated for projects like heroic sacrifices. There are also Roma integration so often blocked by insane bureaucracy and then spent on nonsense? Partly because there is still too little independent thought in Slovakia. It seems obvious that the government will not be able to solve most of today’s challenges. It’s up to the people that deal with the challenges no easy solutions to copy from on a daily basis. Once more abroad in health care, educajudges, teachers and doctors tion or politics. We have to find learn not only to think and act our own way, based on 25 years for themselves, but to demand of learning. What we need to that they be given the freedom achieve is a new generation of to do so, there is a great chance leaders that are both resolute for improvement. How do we and patient, pragmatic but deget there? Education is part of termined to deliver change, the answer – critical thought knowledgeable about the and free debate need to get world but comfortable in the more attention in schools. We most remote village of our need to continue to learn from country. I would not be in the outside world. The institu- politics if I did not believe we tional and legal framework de- can do it. December 1999 The first issue of Book of Lists is published. February 2000 The first issue of Career and Employment Guide is published. February 2001 The first issue of Investment Advisory Guide is published. May 2001 The Rock, s.r.o. becomes part of the German-Slovak publishing house Petit Press, a.s. as it takes over a 75 percent share of the company. November 2011 The Slovak Spectator, in cooperation with the Petit Academy, the Tatra Banka Foundation and Comenius University, launches the Best Media Traditions programme to bring a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist to speak every year before the Slovak public. April 2012 The Slovak Spectator is awarded the Via Bona prize for Socially Responsible Market Impact, in particular for its education project Get Trained and Then Get Published. April 2014 The Slovak Spectator is awarded the Via Bona Main Award for a Responsible Small or Medium-Sized Enterprise, for its CSR programmes. September 2014 Travel guide Spectacular Slovakia is published for the first time in a 300-page book format with a new modern design. January 2015 The Slovak Spectator launched its new website. The Slovak Spectator received one of the main Via Bona Photo: Courtesy of Pontis Foundation awards in 2014. TRIP: Change is inevitable ADVERTISEMENT Continued from pg A3 NEW DIMENSION OF KNOWLEDGE ENERGOLAND MOCHOVCE STATE OF THE ART ENERGY INFOCENTRE INTERACTIVE SECTIONS 33, 3D CINEMA, INTERACTIVE FLOOR, TOUCH APPLICATIONS AND GAMES, TRIP TO THE HISTORY ON ELECTRICAL SUPERBIKE, AUGMENTED REALITY ENEL_ITC_Mochovce_inz127x113.indd 1 TIME: The story continues SP015037/002 31.3.2015 15:05 Having managed with Slovak owner Peter Vajda to fight off Penta’s 2014 acquisition bid, and forcing them into minority ownership of Sme and The Slovak Spectator, Fulmek and Vajda continue to wage a battle that is probably ultimately doomed, and has been fought at an enormous loss to Sme’s journalistic corps. But that has proven enough to hold the pass, for now. I’ve known Alexej since 2000, when his Petit Press first bought a stake in the Spectator. He has immense faith in his own talents and an equal disdain for numskulls. He runs the largest publishing house in the country as a meritocracy with himself astride it, a place where talent redeems but disloyalty disqualifies. He was the one who in 2012 published my book on the Gorilla scandal – for all that he grieved for his friends on the political right wing that it hurt – and it was he who defended it against multiple lawsuits filed by Penta and others. It was Alexej who fended off Penta’s attempt to take over Sme, despite the departure of more than 50 Sme journalists to found Projekt N. He staked his career and reputation on it, gifting Sme years of life as the Penta vultures circled. And it is because of his belief in committed journalism that The Slovak Spectator has survived its 20th anniversary. Coda it revealed about how politics is really conducted, but because it has not resulted in any indictments, far less jail terms for traitorous politicians and oligarchs. A grave injustice unpunished is often more harmful than the original wrong itself. I doubt that the Spectator will survive another 20 years, or even that Sme will endure. But many of us who were there in the lean years will find a place wherever we can still tell the truth. I will, and so will my editor Dan Borský, who – after I got beat up in January 1998 by assailants the police believed were secret service – slung an arm around my shoulders, plunked a beer in front of me and turned up the radio as I blubbered. And then we got back to the work of reporting the news. Those early Spectator years are gone, and their stirring enthusiasm too. Mečiar was defeated, Slovakia joined the EU and NATO – but without another fort to capture, it’s as if the vision of what an independent Slovakia could be has Tom Nicholson works as a rebeen lost. Much of this is due to Gor- porter and commentator at the Sme illa, not so much through what daily 1995-2015 A7 The team of The Slovak Spectator after 20 years Nataša Ďuričová and a monk in 2010. The TSS team in 1995: from left, bottom row: Danka Ledgerwood (Hašková), Simona Gould (Sedláková), Joanna Mišenková (daughter of Dalia Raymundo), Dano Borský, Tom Reynolds; middle row: David Keats, Sara Garcia; top row: Dan Stoll, Richard Lewis, Zuzana Pavlíková, Marián Hitka, Andrea Dudík (Lorinczová), Eric Koomen, Rick Zedník Ján Pallo, Publisher Michaela Terenzani, Editor-In-Chief Jana Liptáková, Managing Editor Radka Minarechová, Staff Writer & Project Manager The TSS team joining volunteer activities in 2014. The TSS team in 2010: from left,bottom row: Jana Liptáková, Beata Balogová, Ján Pallo, Zuzana Vilikovská; top row: Donald Spatz, Tatiana Štrauchová, Marta Fukasová, Michaela Terenzani, Roman Král, Martina Mišíková, Dáša Košútová, Beata Fojtíková, James Thomson START: Early days full of adrenaline Zuzana Vilikovská, Staff Writer Roman Cuprik, Staff Writer Benjamin Cunningham, Senior Editor Raub Murray, Copy Editor Tom Nicholson, Special Contributor Beata Balogová, Special Contributor Peter Adamovský, Freelancer Erik Rédli, Freelancer Jozef Hámorský, Circulation Manager & Sales Executive Beata Fojtíková, Sales Executive Continued from pg A1 The three of us also shared dreams of becoming journalists. Rick had the most bylines and the education credentials, having graduated from Columbia’s Graduate School of Journalism. Richard had a ravenous appetite for writing and a few years in Washington DC working as a press secretary for a congressman and the Saudi embassy. My experience lay at my college newspaper The Oswegonian as the sports editor and news reporter, a few college writing awards and an internship at a Rochester, New York TV station. We were hired by Slovak entrepreneur Dušan Polakovič to continue publishing his project, an English-language monthly called The Slovak Mirror. We worked in a tiny office on Hviezdoslovo Square, down the street from the Slovak National Theatre and the American Embassy. As badly as I had wanted to write and be a reporter, I drew the short straw and became the “Business Manager”, in charge of helping Dušan find advertising, build subscriptions and transfer the newspaper’s electronic files to the printer. Rick and Richard became co-editors and encouraged me to write a few stories if I had time. Even though I wasn’t an editor in name, I spent countless hours with Rick and Richard helping figure out story ideas and laying out the paper with Rick using Quark Express. This was going to be the fourth edition of The Slovak Mirror after Dušan had published three issues earlier that spring until his editor quit and he hired us. We had the pivotal Slovak election of 1994 to report on as well as the introduction of Slovakia’s first fast food joint, not McDonald’s, but Chicken Treat, which didn’t last long. I wrote about Slovak-American Eugene Cernan, the last man to walk on the moon, who gave a guest lecture at Comenius University, as well as the Slovak national hockey team’s quest to climb out of Group C and join the Czech Republic in Group A. The Slovaks were incensed by the International Ice Hockey Federation’s decision to dump the Slovak team into the lowest group with the likes of Japan, Great Britain and France after the split up of Czechoslovakia while the Czechs were placed with the traditional hockey powers of Canada, the USA, Sweden, Finland and Russia. As Business Manager, I also saw first hand the revenues that could be made through advertising: 90,000 crowns or about $3,000 for a full-page ad! Considering Dušan offered the three of us $300 per month and had four pages of ads in our October issue, it wasn’t hard to do the math and see how publishing could be good business. We put in ridiculously long hours writing, editing and laying the paper out. At the end of these long nights we would stumble into an underground pub and meet our friends for a brew or two, then do it again the next day and night. We were also busy promoting our efforts to the expat community and there was much excitement being generated with the help of the American Chamber of Commerce and its members, as well as the diplomatic community. October 6 we said the paper would be available. Except it wasn’t. Delays with printing we were told by Dušan. It would be published on October 10. Except it wasn’t. Dušan had the contacts with the advertisers, the printer and the distributors so we were dependent on his word. It was a bit surreal. He kept promising the paper would be printed the next day. We kept telling the expat community that the paper would be published the next day and it kept on not being true. Then Dušan did not pay us when he said he would and we lost contact with him. No paper, no pay, no idea what was going on. As the days grew shorter in October, our pride, our credibility, our belief in The Slovak Mirror, became damaged beyond repair. It was humbling. But we had felt the adrenaline of publishing. We had produced a newspaper together even though it didn’t exist on actual paper yet. An idea started to germinate in each of us: Did we need Dušan to do this? Could we do this on our own? Beverly Douglas was the founder and president of the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) in Slovakia and a huge supporter of our efforts to publish the newspaper. It’s easy to see why from her business point of view that an Englishlanguage newspaper would signal to potential foreign investors that a vibrant foreign community existed. And the newspaper would provide critical reporting on business and politics in a language they could read. She was also our friend – funny, foul-mouthed, generous, passionate. At a dinner she hosted at her apartment in a 11-storey tower in Dúbravka, a Bratislava suburb, Rick, Richard and I plus other expat friends debated the viability of going off on our own. As the evening drew to an end way past midnight, we were toasting Slivovica to our assured success. We just needed a business plan. We had the belief! Daniel J. Stoll is one of the co-founders of The Slovak Spectator. He lives in Jersey City, NJ with his wife Reni and son Mark (age 13). He works for Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey as director of communications at Rutgers Business School. Along with founder Eric Koomen, Daniel still maintains ownership in The Slovak Spectator along with Petit Press, the majority shareholder. A8 ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT It began with the striking skill of Thuringian glassblowers, who turned glass into so-called angel hair, which is of inestimable value to our communication today. Continuous improvement has turned glass decorations into highly-transparent glass fibres made of pure quartz glass which today are the backbone of global communication. Concentrated in fibre optic cables, these glass fibres transmit light for up to 250 kilometres without any amplification and with it, increasing amounts of data – Excellence Creating Value. It began with the striking skill of Thuringian glassblowers, who turned glass into so-called angel hair, which is of inestimable value to our communication today. 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QUOTE OF THE WEEK: education ministers has had in recent months.” WEB: Hard to limit hate talk NEW: Pellegrini named after Paška is forced out President Andrej Kiska said while appointing new Education Minister Juraj Draxler, the third to serve since July. Continued from pg 2 The police however do not prosecute authors of this extremist material so it is questionable how the police work, accordingContinued to Róbert from Mihály, and said he does not see it as a pg 1a Along with a law to limit member of the initiative. sign that Paška is necessarily shell companies in public “Just open the speaker Facebook, done in politics. tenders, the protesters also The new there are hundreds of such The scandal surrounding demand a law on material rePellegrini saidtold he would cases there,” Mihály The be the CT device has also claimed sponsibility of state officials guided by tolerance, respect head of Zuzana Zvolenská as and a special committee overSlovak Spectator. seeing the investigation of the and openness in of hisseven new par- health minister. Mihály was one The Piešťany Hospital of Gorilla file, a transcript purliamentary and has drawn people detained job, by police dura number of op- Alexander Winter purchased porting to originate from coning a praise March from 14 march as he and earlier this year a CT scanner versations between senior position deputies who said others confronted a group Forms of extremism have moved to the internet. Photo: Sme they believethe that commemorating war the timenew with a price tag approxim- politicians and Penta covertly three timesashigher thanconsider recorded the country’s speaker thebyparticipation onSIS Slovak state,will an be allyless of confrontNazi niseately the extremism a probsimilar devices purchased in intelligence service between ational than Paška. Germany. lem. This affects also police fighting against extremism as the Czechwith Republic. Medicalcomplete 2005 and 2006 mainly about “I am readyhand, for constructis insufficient.” On the other the when dealing such cases, Group SK won the criticised the privatisation and sale of ive cooperation,” Pellegrini power of police is limited be- according to Oravec. tender facing athat single state property. as amount quoted of byclearly the SITA “We causesaid, a large lackafter the decision Improving education They also call for the end of newswire, adding that im- competitor, the Nitra-based extremist content which could there is a certain line which is proving the political culture in firm Meditecon, which offered political nominations in be people prosecuted for is crime or at least taboo to As a part of prevention the health care and the election of parliament and the credibility a price €300 lower. placed on USA servers. Slovak cross,” Oravec said. government should improve of the institution are a task for While Fico called Paška’s the Supreme Audit Office head legislation not apply and Also the voice political of people exproposed by the about opposition. both thedoes ruling majority decision the of gesture of aeducation therethe therefore Slovak authorfigures should be stronger tremism and point on the Moreover, they urged Fico to opposition. statesman, which is rare in ities struggle to deal with it, 120 when fighting with extremrepresents viatomass stepitdown, according Sme. Of 136 deputies present, Slovakia, opposition MP Danielthreat according to Nociar. ism.Lipšic Journalists, analysts and andhockey schools,player according Michal supported Pellegrini as speakclaims that the CT scan-media Ice The police refuse de- to NGOs on the pubconcept. and Handzuš Zuzana er. Miroslav Číž wastoelected dalparticipate must not end with resig-to the scribereplace their methods of fight- lic debate issue The state underestimated decorated Renáta Zmajkovičová, nationsabout only,this but it also but should Melicherčíková, ing with extremism statements are thewith power education theofWhite Crow right corrupa key Smer because official, ofwho continueofat politicians a level of criminal tactical police missing or are evasive, ac- after Slovakia joined the EU in as tion whistleblower award, steppedreasons, down in connection responsibility, TASR wrote. spokesperson Michal Slivka cordingThe to opposition the Institute and does of not suffiwell as aitnumber actors, also with the CT scandal, in the put for Paška2004 told The Slovak Spectator. Public (IVO)over think-tank explain public how addressed theto crowd. deputy speaker post. in Affairs hot water what theyciently president Grigorij say are his ties to medicalmuch organisations like EU or Most-Híd Chairman Béla Mesežnikov. for Slovak well beHumor better companies, especially theNATO did The Bugárissaid he than hopesjail that PelCT scandal Medicalyou Group, which won legrini would respect the op- “Have recently no-theing. This is the reason why sentences They also claimedsome Slovaks position and make it possible for The Piešťany hospital ticedCTatender. government represare keen to be-had that Paška not publish it to perform announced tender to to purentative clearlydid describing his hislieve hoaxes, a according Instead of its controlling repressionrole. income from the sale of exsharesMesežnikov. chase a CT Somatom Definition Pellegrinithehas said or her attitude towards Nociar proposes public to he in private companies. AS produced Siemens in 2012 to arguments tremism and not only in form fightwould with listen extremism using of “We should by focus on highfor roughly €1 million with the opposition but he expects of general statements?” quality the humor or rational arguof education of young VAT;sohowever, officials themaking same initreturn. toldprotests The Slovak people ments less attract- Mesežnikov The they willafter be able to from the ruling Smer partyintook “People often view parliaSpectator. “To organise press critically ive for people. perceive and sort control over hospitalonfolment Slovak only as asociety political Moread than 1,000some peopleformation conference hoc after The and the respond lowing the 2012Oravec election, theatre,” said not Pellegrini, gathered event in Bratislava to de-hatred unpleasant and then however often does recog- as in internet,” said.the quoted by the TASR newswire. mand Paška’s resignation on management cancelled the Pellegrini’s appointment November 14 during a rally or- deal and announced a new came as a surprise, as many ganised by independent MP tender for a more expensive expected Culture Minister Alojz Hlina, following a similar device, TV Markíza reported on Marek Maďarič of Smer to take protest in Košice in front of October 30. up the post. Paška’s house where around 300 The winning bid by Meddid not education youth inon a playful Continued from pg 3 people of gathered Novemberdren’s ical playground Group SK atbut almost €1.6 complete receiving way.11, according to TASR. millionitfordespite a Philips Ingenuity Paška’s departure payment. Surotchak perceives this There are two saw winners of onfullCore 128 CT scanner was Bratislava a rally There were also than two winincarnation the awards a the November Award for Excellent Em- by €600,000 higher the CT 25 organised Paškaofresigned as speaker in thefrom Good Community breakthrough with record ployer While the cancelled Hlina, category. Daniel Lipšic of opposi-nersdevice of parliament the same night Award Thethe numbers of small and medium-overDeutschMann Internatender, Sme category. reported. At tion NOVA, Richard Sulík ofPartner as municipal elections, sized entersizedshadowing companies reports taking part, tionaleSpedition Prešov won time of the deal, Zmajkovičová Freedom andinSolidarity (SaS)small-medium on outawardthe went to GlaxoSincluding Slovak comthe price in the sectorofofthe small headed hospital’s superand Igor Matovič Ordin-prise comesmany of mayoral races across Slovakia for its panies with noFico, ties who to foreign and ary medium-sized visory board. People andcompanies IndependentmithKline Slovakia. had been Step training proownership. for its education (OĽaNO) system Proleadership of the hosPersonalities swell-SecondThe backing Paška since the CT pital announced on November to a gathering scandal winners broke, are saidsevPaška of teachers at ele“Among gressingBoard, it also 5,000-strong, won the gramme 6 that schools they areto seeking ways to according toAccenture the Sme daily. resignedofto protect his family use ethical eral projects companies from Public’s Award. won mentary cancel the Medeconomically weaker regions this category in the sector of education to contract prevent with aggresicalThe Group SK. Yet, of Slovakia, like Banská large companies. sion. award for director a large of the hospital Bystrica, Trebišov or wentMária to Domčeková Embraco The company Ten Senses, company in an in interview Partizánske,” said Surotchak. active in Bratislava and Slovakia Spišská with NováSme Veson insisted that “Also these prove that they can Nairobi in Kenya, received the for November its grant 12, programme fo-the purchase came after a legitimmotivate people to a personal Fair Player in the Market cused on environmental eduate tender. growth, interest in their en- Award for helping local farm- cation at schools and kinderIn an unexpected turn, the virons and responsible atti- ers in Kenya. gartens. authorised tude to environment.” Pontis alsorepresentative granted hon- of Pontis did not grant the Medical Group SK, mention in Juraj the Koval, big award in the category the Sup- ourable sacked its director Erika Bilá for porter of Volunteering Award business Main Award category More winners what he called damaging the Partizánske Building but the jury granted a honour- for company’s reputation. The suThe Green Award went to able mention to the law firm Components-SK. pervisory board of the com“These are projects andknown apbicycle courier Švihaj Šuhaj, BNT attorneys-at-law in Bratpany allegedly had not by companies, which which provides ecological islava for their services proaches about the €1.6 million deal, exceptional their aims, green services in Bratislava provided pro bono to the Ulita are sealed in theinsummer. A few com-had and Košice. The jury awarded civic association working with helpdays neighbouring earlier, the company employees, take in this category also an hon- children from marginalised munities, said it was preparedand to file lawenvironment into considourable mention. It went to groups in Petržalka, the Brat- thesuits over the claims that the or combat corruption suburb. Attorneys eration waste treatment company islava CT scanner was overpriced. Marius Pedersen in Zvolen for helped Ulita in a lawsuit with while solve socially demanding problems in Slovakia,” a Pellegrini construction company, volunteering activities focus- Peter New Speaker of Parliament Photo: SITA Read more on pg 9 ing on the environmental which started building a chil- Surotchak said. VIA: Ethical firms honoured April 6 – 19, 2015 Kiska striking a balance There is still a long with soft opposition road ahead December 1 – 7, 2014 approaches NO matter where your beliefs practice on the political spectrum fall, something like Albert Einfor insanity, any advocate of a failed genuinely ŠTEFAN Harabin in his stein’s post definition on Facebook, when is “doing thetheir samerepresthing pluralist democracy must ad-in that last shot at keeping power judges elected and over again and exmit President Andrej thethat Slovak judiciary after over entatives to the 18-member Kiska’s one year25ago judgeselection on November said Judicial Council, Harabin dewas a good for Slovakia. they do thing not want to see the feated his challenger Dušan In awho country with nothe credman lorded over secible, coherent or decade capableto PINIO tor for much of past political a have a opposition, seat on the and Judicial general election approaching, Council, which oversees the Kiska is forced of into the role of functioning courts nationthewide. soft opposition to the othThe year 2014 is praised by many as a year of change erwise dominant Smer and is proving Hethe hasjudiciary, done admirable work a onethankless for Harabin in thorny this rather job. who also failed the in his to get Through usebid of his vetoreelected Court – even if itas isSupreme then quickly chairman departed overriden by and Smer’s majorityas of the Judicial Council in head parliament – he provides atas well. least some check on power, Harabin, true his alerting the public theretomay did meets not admit defeat, be nature, more than the eye to but proposed said instead “small laws andthat quickly defeatsby have alwaysMinister launched passed Prime me to big victories”, a stateRobert Fico’s government. BY BENJAMIN ment which indeed suggests In the only such case of C UNNINGHAM that he takes his role in the BY B EATA BALOGOVÁ Smer admitting a mistake in Spectator judiciary very personally. Spectatorstaff staff recent memory, one Kiska “Have I lost? What are you veto even stuck a law toretalking about?”and Harabin ban fast food in schools, sponded in an interview pecting different results”. which failed to Legitimate queries about earlieramazingly this year after he saw Čimo, a pro-reform judge, in define whattoshould be the conof mind the his hopes return to Su- soundness regions where theaside, so-called sidered was sent opposition fails to recognise premefast Courtfood, evaporating. judge family clans still flourback toHarabin the drawing board.under- how confusing tothis indeed ish. According TIS, gimevery is to the average voter. This isthe farcurrent from the ideal mickry stands situation fifth active judge in Slovakia is one to determine the way legislative process as for a the proverbial lost battle, How voted in favour of Harabin, truly to while work. Kiska’s constitutionat the same time his difference and thus between in some away his or dangerous law and al powers limited an andunwillhe is corrupt rhetoricare indicates world view too. is merely out notingness meant to to surrender play the role in of the one that Čimo noted opposed in an interwar. opposition. Ac- ofview with the Sme daily that political calculus? On the thelarger political is right in one thing. accounting Harabin “still received ledger of relatthe tual He parliamentary debate Just because he was removed ively highright support”. What can opposition about the direction of the centre from the steering parties, induce a all mental shift in heads Smer-proposed country is judicial the preferred wheelStill, doesthenot meansituthat laws of the 255 judges who still are equally bad. Criticism means. present howis nonetheless the courts awork will comes votedacross for Harabin? ation marked as noise, which automatically, dramatically Society seem loses to be improvement on what came it is, and the does opposition improve. It does however losingleft patience with wellbefore, when Smer ally Ivan what’s of its credibility. mean thatheld theresway is now con- connected public siGašparovič inathe The debate overofficials proposed siderably bigger chance for phoning funds from the nopresidential palace and new changes to the public proletting air without into the curement toriously law is cash-strapped laws sailedfresh through a fitting excountry’s court system and healthcare A recent so much as a pause. ample of this sector. foolishness. The for the atmosphere of fear and 5,000-strong protest rally The general practice of hastily conceived changes intimidation to be replaced by suggests that the scandal surSlovakia’s parliamentary op- purport to limit shell comtransparency and accountab- rounding overpriced medical position is to oppose panies’ ability to bid on public ility. equipment hit a raw nerve Thewho law feel cameitintakes reeverything proposedisbyfar Smer. Still, Harabin from contracts. with many a spate ofgreed procureThis is meant make for goodof action being the to sole problem both toexcessive and scandals involving hostactical politics, though elec- ment Slovakia’s courts. As Transstrong political connections at the endatofthe 2014. The tion resultsInternational say otherwise. parency Slov- pitals to make a mint expense The stubborn the right-leaning ensko (TIS) repetition noted in aofpublic of the sick. opposition took O N EDITORIAL 5 5 the opportunity to point out the shortcomings of the law, which of It they also argued seems was thatfullthe loopholes and wouldthe failgovto protests are making curb corrupt bidding on public ernment nervous because last contracts. week the cabinet pitched a This may be true,probut revision to well the public how valid are critiques curement lawthese to parliament coming from political parties that purports to eliminate the that were in power for 10 ofshell the possibility that murky 14 years between 1998 companies can take partand in 2012, failed to pass anya publicbut tenders. However, meaningful legislation the quick review of theon law already seems to Kiska show veit issue themselves? needs significant revisions to toed the law and recommenactually it effective. ded eightmake changes. Smer acThe three departure of Pavol cepted of them. The Paška from the post of speakpresident’s reservations are er of parliament is a recomstrong specific, as were his indicator of just deep the mendations andhow Smer’s derabbitto hole goes,most and ifofthe opcision ignore them position about are things truly whichcares they can be transparent public procureheld accountable for when the ment, now iserupts. the time to press next scandal theKiska rulinghas Smeralso party and the try done to come up with real proposcountry well in terms of its als in parliament that would perception abroad. His 2014 actually induce progress. visitIftothe thenew United States inspeaker of the cluded stops Pellegrini at business inhouse Peter really cubators, the he headquarters of means what says, and acFacebook, and Stanford. tually willMIT listen to arguThis was conscious attempt ments byathe opposition, then to brand innovatthere is Slovakia a chanceas something ive, usefulprogressive could come and from tech this savvy, perhaps situation. If this not turnsimages out to that jump to way American minds be another the opposiwhen theytothink central tion tries make of voters reEurope. member their names and disAmid continued Russian tinguish their parties from aggression in then neighbouring one another, it will go down as Kiska a missed Ukraine, hasopportunpublicly ity. played the role of staunch Changes to the judiciarya NATO supporter. Alongside and of public procurement lack clarity from Fico, laws who could of course work hand-inexpresses reticence about hand. If there was a waterEuropean sanctions policy proof prosecution and wellbefore his government goes functioning the along with it,court this system, goes a long public hopeothers that anyway to could convince that one who outrageously Slovakia swims inabused the their political connections to European mainstream. make a fortune would what actu“Can you imagine ally pay for it by losing more this country’s position on than their political post. Ukraine would look like if we While there may be some still had both Gašparovič and reasons for tentative optimFico office?” asks Milan Nič, ismin about recent changes, the director the public Central list of highofranking ofEuropean Policy Institute. ficials convicted of graft and Be thankful thereshameis no sitting in jail remains need do so. fullyto low. JÁN PALLO -- Publisher Publisher EDITORIAL EDITORIAL BEATA BALOGOVÁ - Editor - In - Chief MICHAELA TERENZANI - Editor-In-Chief BENJAMIN CUNNINGHAM - Senior Editor JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ - Managing Editor BRIGITTE MORENCY - Copy Editor BENJAMIN CUNNINGHAMSenior Editor RAUB WILLIAM WILLIAM MURRAY RAUB MURRAY --Copy CopyEditor Editor Staff Writer JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ ZUZANA VILIKOVSKÁ - Staff Writer MICHAELA - Staff Writer ROMANTERENZANI CUPRIK - Staff Writer ZUZANA VILIKOVSKÁ - Staff&Writer RADKA MINARECHOVÁ - Staff Writer Project Manager ROMAN CUPRIK - Staff Contributor Writer BEATA BALOGOVÁ - Special RADKATOM MINARECHOVÁ Staff Writer & Project NICHOLSON - Special Contributor Manager PETERLAYOUT, ADAMOVSKÝ WEB -&Freelancer IT RÉDLI - Freelancer TATIANAERIK ŠTRAUCHOVÁ - Graphic Designer ROMAN KRÁĽ - IT LAYOUT TOMÁŠ PALLO - Online Publishing MIROSLAV ŠMIČKO - Graphic Designer SALES - FINANCES - FINANCES BEATASALES FOJTÍKOVÁ - Sales Executive BEATA FOJTÍKOVÁ --Sales Sales Executive Executive JOZEF HÁMORSKÝ JOZEF HÁMORSKÝ - Circulation Manager & Sales Executive JÁN PESTÚN - Circulation & PR Manager Subscriptions: Inquiries The Spectator is independent an independent newspaper by The Rock, Inquiries to The Slovak TheSlovak Slovak Spectator is an newspaper publishedpublished every Monday by The Rock,s.r.o. s.r.o. Subscriptions: The Slovak Spectator’s shouldshould be madebe tomade Spectator’s business office59 at (+421-2) 233 300. Printing: Petit Press a.s.Interpress Distribution: Interpress Slovakia s.r.o., Mediaprint-kapa s.r.o., Printing: Distribution: business office at (+421-2) 233 300. 59 Petit Press a.s. Slovakia s.r.o., Mediaprint-kapa s.r.o., Slovenská po‰ta a.s. Mail Distribution: Slovenská po‰ta a.s. MailEVDistribution: ABOPRESS. EV All 544/08. © 2015 The s.r.o. in Allwhole rights Anypermission reproduction in whole ABOPRESS. 544/08. © 2010 The Rock, s.r.o. rights reserved. Any Rock, reproduction or reserved. in part without is prohibited by The authors of articles published in this issue, by represented the publisher, reservepublished the right to in give their approval for reproducing andpublisher, public transmission orlaw. in part without permission is prohibited law. Thebyauthors of articles this issue, represented by the reserve of articles marked ©The approval Slovak Spectator, as well as for thepublic public transmission circulation of reproductions of these articles, in compliance with the 33rd as article the right to give their for reproducing and of articles marked ©The Slovak Spectator, as well for and the 1st paragraph of the Law. Media monitoring is provided by Newton, IT, the SMA33rd and article Slovakiaand Online the approval of the publisher.Law. Advertising public circulation ofCopyright reproductions of these articles, in compliance with 1stwith paragraph of the Copyright Media material contained hereinby is the responsibility of the is notwith a written or implied of sponsorship, endorsement or investigation such commercial monitoring is provided Newton, IT, SMA andadvertiser Slovakiaand Online the approval the publisher. Advertising material of contained herein 1335-9843. Address: The Rock, IâO:commercial or ventures of by The s.r.o., Lazaretská 12, 811 08 Bratislava. 313 86 237. Spectator Rock s.r.o. ISSNor isenterprises the responsibility the Slovak advertiser andorisThe not a written implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such enterprises or ventures by The Slovak Spectator or The Rock s.r.o. ISSN 1335-9843. Address: The Rock, s.r.o., Lazaretská 12, 811 08 Bratislava. IČO: 313 86 237. 6 April 6 – 19, 2015 BUSINESS FOCUS TRANSPORT Private railway operator may come Air line boost visitor rate in Tatras Mixed results in Slovak air travel BY ERIK RÉDLI Special to the Spectator THE TWO biggest airports in Slovakia, in Bratislava and Košice, saw opposite developments last year. While air traffic stagnated in the capital, Košice was one of the five fastest growing airports in Europe last year. New routes and the arrival of more low-cost carriers have some industry experts hoping for more growth in 2015. “In the long term air transport in Slovakia, at least in terms of the number of passengers, is rather stagnant,” Pavol Kajánek, the division director of the research and development department at the Transport Research Institute (VÚD), told The Slovak Spectator. In this respect Kajánek sees the biggest challenge of Slovakia’s air transport as not only expanding regular direct lines between airports in Bratislava and Košice and destinations most popular with passengers, but also in the form of regular flights connecting main airports in Slovakia with important European hub airports from which passengers would be able to continue directly to their final destination. “The pre-condition for such regular lines is that these flights take place at times which are most interesting for passengers and that connect with regular lines from hub airlines to other destinations,” said Kajánek. According to Antonín Kazda, head of the Air Transport Department at the University of Žilina, the position of air transport in Slovakia and in Europe should be assessed from the viewpoint of global trends, in particular growth in the share of low-cost carriers in the entire air transport system. In this respect Kazda pointed out that low-cost carriers are able to attract just a narrow segment of passengers, those driven by price. Kazda further pointed out that low-cost carriers operating in Slovakia often offer flights at inconvenient times and thus their offer of routes and destinations do not satisfy those on business trips and those travelling to hub airports with connections to other destinations. Moreover, the Air transport in Slovakia still has room to expand. time needed to travel from northern Slovakia to airports that provide scheduled air transport significantly exceeds the usual limit of 60 minutes. “Thus the main challenge for passenger air traffic in Slovakia is to secure regular air transport for business travellers from regional airports by connecting these to some of the hubs,” said Kazda. Bratislava and Košice The M. R. Štefánik Airport in Bratislava transported 1,355,265 passengers last year, a decline of 1.3 percent compared to the previous year. It offered direct connections to 14 destinations with London being the most popular with almost 275,000 passengers, followed by holiday resorts in Turkey and Greek islands. “After a several years of decline the airport in Bratislava expects an increase in transported passengers thanks to new routes and arrival of new air carriers,” M. R. Štefánik Airport’s General Director Ivan Trhlík told The Slovak Spectator, adding that the Ireland-based Ryanair has opened a new base in Bratislava in late March. In recent years, the Bratislava airport relied on low-cost carriers but after a complete withdrawal of Easy-Jet and cancellation of some Ryanair routes, the airport experienced a decline in the frequency of flights and departing passengers. The Dubai-based airline Flydubai added Bratislava to its growing network as part of its significant expansion in central and southeastern Europe in late 2014. “The launch of the new scheduled flight connection between Bratislava and Dubai is a great business success,” Trhlík said, as cited in a press release. During the first week of December, another airline, Austria’s Niki, unveiled its plans to introduce connections from Bratislava to Brussels and Mallorca via Vienna. But the original launch was postponed from April to October this year or April 2016. Ryanair has opened a new base in Bratislava late in March and it will have two planes based here. Trhlík said the carrier will add three new routes to Athens, Madrid and Berlin and will increase the frequency of its flights to London, Dublin and Liverpool. The changes will require a $200 million investment and will transport almost 1 million customers per year to Bratislava, Ryanair wrote in its press release. Trhlík believes that the base in Bratislava will also bring better timing of departures and arrivals for passengers. “Already now we can say that our assumptions about an increase in passengers in 2015 are being fulfilled,” said Trhlík, adding that the number of passengers increased by 31 percent or 32,329 passengers during the first two months of 2015 compared with the previous year. Letisko Košice (Košice Air- Photo: Sme port) experienced a 50-percent increase compared with the previous year to 365,000 passengers. Tomáš Jančuš, deputy to the airport’s executive director, ascribes the positive developments a new low-cost connection to London, the stable operation of flights to Bratislava, Vienna and Prague and the best charter season in the history of the Košice airport. Hungarian low-cost airline Wizz Air will open its Košice base as early as June 5 and flights to Milan’s Bergamo airport and Doncaster Sheffield Airport in the UK will be available as of June 5 and June 7, respectively. The air carrier also announced a boost in its flights to London to 10 times a week. “Opening of the new bases [of Wizz Air in Košice and Ryanair in Bratislava] is excellent news for Slovakia,” Jančuš said, adding that it is beneficial especially for Košice which so far has had only limited access to low-cost air transport. He noted the key benefits, apart from improved flight connections, as an increase in the attractiveness of Košice and eastern Slovakia for foreign investors as well as an added value for development of tourism. Altogether, the new Wizz Air base will feature 14 flights on a weekly basis during the upcoming summer season. Originally, Wizz Air had planned to launch flights to Milan and Sheffield in September 2015, using an Airbus A320. See AIR pg 8 Next issue: BUSINESS FOCUS TELECOMMUNICATIONS INTERNET & ONLINE SERVICES FOCUS shorts Ryanair opens base in Bratislava IRISH low-cost airline Ryanair has opened a base at Bratislava’s M. R. Štefánik Airport after nearly 10 years of operating flights to and from Bratislava on March 30. The investment was projected at $200 million when the plan was announced in November. “It’s a very important event for us, as Bratislava airport will see the return of a carrier that will base its aircraft here for the first time in many years, something that we haven’t seen since SkyEurope,” said the airport’s general director Ivan Trhlík, as cited by the TASR newswire. He is expecting an increase in the number of passengers thanks to the move. SkyEurope, which was also a low-cost airline, had its main base in Bratislava until 2009, when it suspended all flights and announced bankruptcy. Ryanair’s new base will feature two specially based aircraft that will fly from the city early in the morning, serving a number of destinations across Europe before coming back in the evening. The low-fare airline is also considering basing other planes in the Slovak capital later on. No Ryanair plane has remained at the airport overnight in the past, according to the airport’s spokesperson Veronika Ševčíková. The new base means that passengers will be able to enjoy better departure times – in the early morning and late evening. “The figures for passengers in January, February and March, a period before the opening of the base, show as much as a 30percent hike compared to last year,” said Trhlík. “We expect the increase in passenger numbers for the whole of 2015 to be massive. We’re talking hundreds of thousands of passengers more than in 2014.” Furthermore, Ryanair is set to open two new routes to Athens and Madrid, which will be served three times a week. In total, the company will fly to 17 destinations to and from Bratislava in the summer season. Moreover, the winter season should see yet another route added as of October. Ryanair passengers will be able to fly to Berlin on a daily basis. RegioJet cites growth since 2012 THE CZECH railway carrier RegioJet claims it has tripled the number of passengers using the Bratislava-Komárno route since it took over from the state railway operator Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko (ZSSK) three years ago. The company is taking credit for shifting commuters who use the route from cars to trains. “Modern RegioJet trains proved that if passengers are offered good-quality services, they are willing to switch from a car to a train,” owner of RegioJet Radim Jančura told the Hospodárske noviny daily. “In three years we have proven – even before the controversial, populist law on free train travel of [Prime Minister] Robert Fico that passenger train transport can be done in a different way in Slovakia: well, responsibly and, most of all, so that it is attractive for the travelling public.” This change has also influenced the real estate market around the capital, according to Jančura. “The buyers actively search whether our trains stop in the due municipality,” he said. “RegioJet makes each municipality with a train station more attractive.” Passenger trains and regional express trains of RegioJet run on the BratislavaKomárno track and back based on the order of the Slovak Transport Ministry, in public interest. They connect Komárno with the capital on a daily basis, with more than 15 lines within a close vicinity of Bratislava, securing passenger transport with almost 30 lines, according to the firm. Moreover, RegioJet also operates, apart from the trains on the already mentioned route, the modern InterCity RegioJet trains on the route Bratislava-Žilina-Košice, since December 2014; and also the bus line Bratislava-NitraBanská Bystrica since February 2015. In March, a RegioJet train derailed at Bratislava’s main station. Nobody was seriously injured in the mishap. Compiled by Spectator staff BUSINESS FOCUS April 6 – 19, 2015 Bus companies rethink loss-making routes Gov’t plan to discount rail prices spurs drop in bus passengers BY PETER ADAMOVSKÝ Special to the Spectator WHILE railway transportation is booming thanks to the government’s so-called “free trains” measure and discounts for commuters, bus companies have begun cutting routes amid mounting losses. Passengers who have shifted to train travel do so primarily on long-distance transport which take place without any subsidies, but the changes have also impacted suburban bus lines subsidised by self-governing regions that ensure connectivity outside major cities. As reported by the Bus Transport Association (ZAD), the average drop in suburban bus transport is only 2.7 percent while the drop in a longdistance bus trips approaches 17.3 percent. “On the basis of these results carriers are reviewing the running of some routes with the aim of limiting losses from those activities,” ZAD President Peter Pobeha told The Slovak Spectator. For example, bus trans- Discounted rail passes have reduced suburban bus transport in some regions. portation companies SAD Žilina and SAD Prievidza cancelled some routes in February, the TASR newswire reported. The Transport, Construction and Regional Development Ministry, however, has pointed out that the loss of passengers has come only on bus routes that directly compete with railways. “Switching has appeared on the shared lines with halfempty subsidised trains and buses,” Transport Ministry spokesman Martin Kóňa told The Slovak Spectator, adding that the preference for trains is a general trend in Europe. Passengers are travelling in the most ecological and eco- nomical way. Weak collaboration The interests of bus carriers operating suburban transport do not jive with the interests of the state-owned passenger rail carrier Železničná Spoločnosť Slovensko (ZSSK), resulting in a lack of cooperation. While all 1,600 trains from ZSSK have been ordered and subsidised by the Transport Ministry, bus companies receive subsidies only from regional governments. According to officials with the Bratislava Self-Governing Region (BSK), it is essential to Photo: Sme support public transportation in its entirety, including bus companies. The decision to support only train service seems to be unsystematic and not conceptual, said the spokeswoman for BSK, Iveta Tyšlerová, because the buses play a significant role in regional transportation. Officials from the Košice Self-Governing Region have proposed to define the scope of social rebates for all modes of public transportation. Pobeha of the ZAD agrees that collaboration and joint support have an essential role in public transportation. Slovakia has untapped potential in using water ways BY RADKA MINARECHOVÁ Spectator staff Passenger boats could serve tourists as well as regular commuters. project to establish the river connection between these municipalities and Bratislava. “The new pontoons represent the gateway for Čunovo, Hamuliakovo and Šamorín, allowing transportation to these places also by water,” Diana Migaľová, spokesperson for Vodohospodárska Výstavba, told The Slovak Spectator. Transport by passenger boat is a common mode of transportation in the world. It is possible for regular commuters to use FOCUS shorts Private railway operator may come THE RAILWAY track between Bratislava and Banská Bystrica may see a private carrier soon. The Transport Ministry led by Ján Počiatek is preparing a tender for companies to operate the train line on this track. “Our goal is to organise a tender for this express line in the course of this year,” spokesman of the Transport, Construction and Regional Development Ministry Martin Kóňa told the TASR newswire. He added, however, that the ministry is now only beginning and the whole liberalisation process is being launched and the conditions are being defined. Thus, he refused to elaborate more details on the project. A private carrier would operate the route with a state subsidy, which would make it the second such route in Slovakia; RegioJet currently operates trains between Bratislava and Komárno on a similar principle. The state has chosen the route from the capital to Banská Bystrica, as it is a continuous line that has sufficient capacity of train power output, i.e. about 1.3 million train-kilometres. Thus, it is large enough, with an independent set of trains, and can be operated with a lower risk of failure. Currently, eight duo express trains ride on the track. “The inclusion of two couples of extra-trains – which currently operate on the track, too – in the tender is being considered,” Kóňa said, adding that the stateowned Železničná Spoločnosť Slovensko (ZSSR) that now operates the track willmost probably bid on the tender. “ZSSK is essentially interested in participation in tenders for express lines, but the final decision will always be connected with specific conditions of the competition, ZSSK spokeswoman Jana Morháčová told TASR. Several railway carriers have shown interest in this tender, according to the Hospodárske noviny daily, such as Arriva Slovensko, RegioJet and LEO Express. See BUS pg 8 Boats on the Danube may speed up commuting to Bratislava THE RECENTLY introduced Danubebus project may soon enable residents three municipalities south of Bratislava situated near the Danube River to commute to Bratislava by boat. Though the pontoon docks in the harbours have already been built it is not clear yet when the route will be open as the responsible parties are still dealing with procuring boats. The three floating concrete pontoons near Bratislava’s Čunovo district, the village of Hamuliakovo and the town of Šamorín were ceremonially opened in late October 2014. One area also has a waiting room, a buffet and restrooms. The construction was initiated by the mayors of the three municipalities and implemented by state-run Vodohospodárska Výstavba company. The total cost was nearly €2 million. The building of pontoons was a condition for launching further stages of the 7 Photo: Sme it, thus circumventing the traffic jams on the main roads to Bratislava, but also by tourists who could see the surroundings of the capital from another view, she added. “The advantages [of this project] are especially the quick transport to the city centre, thereby relieving traffic on the roads,” Gabriela Ferenčáková, mayor of Čunovo, told The Slovak Spectator. See BOAT pg 8 Planes brought more tourists to the Tatras. Photo: Sme Airline boosts visitor rate in Tatras THE FIRST season of a flight connection between the Slovak city of Poprad, lying under the foot of the Tatra mountains, and the Latvian capital of Riga has positively impacted the number of visitors to both the High and Low Tatras. The new flight route has been most used by Latvians, Estonians and Russians, but the numbers of Finns and Swedes has also increased. Although the original goal of flying 2,600 passengers during this season was only 65 percent fulfilled, the Poprad airport is not disappointed with the result. “The route has proven viable in less than three months,” Ivan Hečko of the Poprad-Tatras airport told the SITA newswire. “The statistics have so far shown that airBaltic, which operates the route, managed to fully compensate the drop of flying tourists from Russia and Ukraine. Moreover, the number of tourists arriving by plane increased by 509 people compared to the previous year.” Thanks to the regular connection with Riga, more guests from Baltic countries arrived to the High and Low Tatras. “The new air route has been positively reflected in the visitors’ rate in the region, as the passengers from Riga accounted for more than 4,500 overnight stays with accommodation facilities in the High Tatras and Liptov between December 13, 2014 and March 7, 2015,” said Darina Bartková, head of the Regional Tourism Organisation Región Liptov. The new route was launched by airBaltic and its Slovak partners in mid December 2014 and its first season ended on March 7. Of the total number of passengers carried, 80 percent were headed to Slovakia – mostly tourists, while the remaining 20 percent were travelling salespeople and passengers heading to Riga and northern Europe for business. Compiled by Spectator staff 8 April 6 – 19, 2015 BUSINESS FOCUS BOAT: Waterways offer efficient travel Continued from pg 7 One of the disadvantages, however, is the pontoon’s distance, she added. It is located near the white water complex, outside the municipality. “Securing the transport connection to the harbour would increase the interest in this kind of transport from the side of not only the inhabitants of Čunovo, but also Slovaks living in the nearby Hungarian villages,” Ferenčáková Pontoon docks have been built on the Danube. Photo: Sme said. The regular line may be ticket. The mayors, however, established in 2016 at the say it should not be more than Launch is unclear earliest, Feješ said. He added, what people pay for a bus or The construction of the however, that the whole pro- train ticket, the Pravda daily pontoon docks is only the first cess might be speeded up if the wrote. phase of the project whose aim project got support from auis to expand boat transport on thorities from the public secSlovak rivers the Danube. Other phases in- tor. have potential “It works in a similar way clude the construction of piers for the small ships and then when it comes to other forms Regarding passenger establishing a regular sched- of suburban service, and also transport on waterways, Slovule between Bratislava and the to similar projects of passen- akia lags behind its neighbours municipalities, the TASR ger boat transport in other through which the Danube European cities,” Feješ added. flows and does not fully use the newswire wrote. It is also not clear where potential that rivers have, Feješ The project is currently in the phase of searching for the pontoon will be placed in said. money to procure the boats Bratislava. According to the Transport by water is nothdesigned for this kind of plans, it should be at a place ing new for Slovakia. In the transport, Ľubomír Feješ of that will secure good public past, a national fleet of mercompany Nautivia, the au- transport connections to the cantile boats for transporting thor of the project, told The rest of the city, TASR wrote. goods and people was deSlovak Spectator, adding that The most appropriate place veloped and had an important the firm is currently discuss- would be near Eurovea shop- place among the fleets of other ing the possibilities with ping centre, Feješ said. countries on the Danube. Its Another still unsettled development, however, was banks of taking a loan or usthing remains the price of a stopped by the economic crisis ing leasing for the boats in the 1980s, the Transport Ministry spokesperson told The Slovak Spectator. The European Union considers this kind of transport the most ecologically and economically sound and as part of its transport policy it is gradually creating conditions for establishing better waterway infrastructure. It is among Slovakia’s priorities for the 20142020 programme period, as part of the Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure, the spokesperson added. “Our aim is to use the geographical benefit and location of Slovakia on the important route of the Danube and also to create conditions to use the potential of Slovak rivers for waterway transport,” Kóňa said. The country will focus on two projects. First, to modernise and complete parts of the public port in Bratislava and second to improve the navigability of the Danube, which will also impact use of existing harbours on the river, he added. When it comes to development of the boat transport, Feješ points to the importance of support from public administration, including guarantees and funding, either via loans or contributions from EU funds. He compared meeting these conditions to the successful project of the Baťa Channel on the Morava River. BUS: Discount train fares alter market Continued from pg 7 “The ZAD calls on the Transport Ministry with a request for negotiation to ensure common action in the interest of improving public transport,” Pobeha said. The rail subsidy scheme could extend to buses, according to the Transport Ministry, although subsidising bus transport is in power of regional governments. Still, for subsidies to occur, train and bus routes should not compete with one another, Kóňa said. Pressure to harmonise Better harmonisation and the removal of overlapping routes could help curb losses by bus companies. Many regions have to rely on the regional bus lines, thus residents are discriminated against by the railway rebates. Proper coordination would ensure that passengers who have to use various modes for travelling to work or school arrive in time. According to ZSSK, it is much more complicated to change the departure time of train compared to a bus. Amendment of the arrival time at one stop for just a few minutes can disrupt connections in all the other regions. “Twenty-one trains are connected to the Bratislava–Žilina–Košice express lines,” ZSSK spokeswoman Jana Morháčová told The Slovak Spectator. Morháčová also pointed out that ZSSK has established so-called clock-face scheduling according to which commuters and express trains leave at regular intervals; therefore the displacement of one implies the need to move the other on the same route. Thus the change in the west of country will affect conditions in the east, she said. BSK has reacted with new bus sched- Trains have become more popular. ules, according to Tyšlerová. Pobeha of ZAD acknowledges that bus carriers in other regions acting similarly. “Currently we are harmonising hundreds of lines with the railways,” Pobeha said. “But only where it ensures a guaranteed improvement in quality.” Patrik Velšic, spokesman of the Trnava Self-Governing Region, said his region adjusts bus schedules every year to match changes by the railway. The priority is to minimise simultaneous transport and improve flow, he said. In contrast, officials of Prešov Region say they are less likely to significantly alter bus schedules. “The region must comply with valid contracts with public carriers for the years 2009 to 2018,” Veronika Fitzeková, spokeswoman of Prešov Self-Governing Region, told The Slovak Spectator, adding that intervention in routes can occur only after communication with the local authorities. The Transport Ministry would also Photo: Sme like to use a better harmonisation mechanism to remove overlaps of trains and buses. Both modes are paid out of taxpayers money, so if they go the same route at the same time it has a negative impact on taxpayers and passengers, the Transport Ministry’s Kóňa said. Tyšlerová of BSK disagrees with complete abolishment of overlapping buses and trains, citing rush hours that see a spike in passengers. “We prefer to improve the supply before reduction of mass public transport options,” she said. According to ZAD officials travel preferences vary but the free or discounted train fares mean those who have an option are likely to choose trains. “If we begin to command people in choosing their public transport mode, there could be a risk that they choose individual [car] transport,” Pobeha said. “This is not our aim and certainly not the aim of the state.” AIR: Rail travel versus air Continued from pg 6 But while Kajánek sees the launch of bases of lowcost airlines positively, Kazda remains sceptical. “The launch of new bases will undoubtedly lead to an increase of passengers, but it is questionable whether the operation of low-cost carriers would cover costs of the airports [in Bratislava and Košice],” said Kazda, adding that conditions under which Ryanair would operate in Bratislava are not known and that the dominance of this strong carrier discourages others from entering the market. In this respect he pointed out that Bratislava airport has failed so far to obtain connections operated by so-called traditional carriers. Trhlík of the Bratislava airport noted that Slovakia lacks a national flagship carrier, which could secure air connections between Bratislava and important cities, pointing out that even Montenegro with only 623,000 citizens has its national carrier with six planes. “A national carrier would significantly contribute to development of air transport in Slovakia,” said Trhlík. Rail versus air Lacking state support While some kinds of passenger transport receive support from the state, this is not the case for air transport. “Passenger air transport is part of the system of transport serveability of the territory of the state,” said Kazda. “Scheduled air transport is a significant factor in the development of the region and a catalyst for its economy. Contrary to other forms of transport, bus and rail transport, there exist neither financial nor systematic support for scheduled air transport and regional airports.” In this respect Kazda was not only speaking about subsidies. According to him, a survey of passengers who instead of taking flights from Slovakia use services of airports close to borders would provide relevant information about the Slovak market and prospective passengers. This would help during negotiations with carriers about opening new routes. “The performance of airports in the sector of charters and low-cost carriers make up only a portion of the air passenger transport from Slovakia,” said Kazda. “Based on estimates, most travellers, especially from the most lucrative sector of business travellers, use Vienna airport.” While a complete highway connection between Bratislava and Košice is still lacking, the cities are connected by rail as well as air. But experts do not expect that the latest changes in support for rail transport, where train fares are free or discounted to a significant portion of the population, will affect the air connection between Bratislava and Košice. Kajánek believes that the domestic line between Bratislava and Košice should be understood and operated as an offer of transport for higher middle business clients and meet the needs and expectations of this group of passengers. In his opinion even after the latest changes in the rail fares would not mean competition for air transport on this route. Kazda agrees, adding that the latest changes in rail transport are targeted on groups of passengers who are not perspective for domestic air transport. “Domestic air transport is justified between Bratislava and Košice with connections to Prague or another hub,” said Kazda. “Connecting Žilina to some important hub with a stop at another regional airport, for example in Brno or Ostrava, to fully use the capacity of the route could be similarly promising.” More airlines use the Bratislava airport. Photo: Sme 10 December 1 – 7, 2014 10 December 1 – 7, 2014 CULTURE / FOCUS CULTURE / FOCUS Connecting with the classics JAZZ: Goe / NEWSConnecting BUSINESS November 24the – 30, 2014 classics 9 / NEWS April 6 – 19, 2015 9 CULTURE / FOCUS with JAZZ: round February 9 also – 22,had 2015 9Goes members at their disYoung Slovak posal whole portfolios, so that section of the Music Centre members also had at their dis- they can evaluate if the comNovember 24 – compete, 30, 2014 9 Currently, there are the painters Young Slovak Slovakia – due to the composal whole portfolios, so that Continued from pg 8 dal heads GDP: Economy to scrutiny FIRM:Košice Restructuring draws CARE: Nurses G features RETAIL: Shopping displaymodernism works painters compete, display works GDP: Economy to down slow resign in protest habits changing slow down Continued from pg 8 peting painting is not a mere four already named, who are position of the band, they they can evaluate if the comCurrently, there are the stroke of luck. participating (with prospects peting painting is not a mere four already named, who are needed a saxophonist,” “When looking at a paintof one Vienna-based and one He used an example of a Continued from pg 1 born Amália Moskowitz (Anna easternstroke of luck. participating (with prospects Nikitin said. “We rehearsed ing, it is always like this: one Munich-based jazz club joinIT IS difficult and challenging project of the D1 motorway Les-nay is her artistic name) in and the “When looking at a paintof one Vienna-based and one seven tunes in total: two stretch between Dubná SkalaRestructuring needs to put the work and its ing in). Musicians to evaluate art, but there are Nižný Hrušov, lived much of age thatIT IS difficult from have each aoffree us, ing, it is always like this: one Munich-based jazz club join- composition and challenging ening Russian currency, Continued pgtread 4 the patients addressed,” the contract signed Continued frompubpg 4 author into context,” hand inischoosing what to thatfrom dare to her life in Budapest andthe later Turany, aims of the retailers at Brat-to evaluate art, but there are competitions Continued from pgand 7 with the exception of the needs to put the work its ing in). Musicians have a free Pravda daily wrote. While Visolajský said a press re- if a during Radičová’s term in 2011. Another of the country’s on this thin ice – with the goal Skřivánek idea that but in this changes moved to the US. lished by ZOCR are“The to mainry as partcompetitions drummer, who got one.” He into statecontext,” hand insays. choosing what to lease. play; that dare to firms, tread the Russian client paid “Household consumpIn author thatM-Market case, while exconstruction All about politics the work speaks for itself and bigger band gets involved. of exhibiting and promoting In the 1920s, the Easttain a long-term positive nism andonbiggest investment ening Russian currency, the Continued from pg 4 opined that for a small band, Skřivánek says. “The idea that play; but this changes if a this thin ice – with the goal RUB484,324 for a €10,000 car tion most probably rose added thatis doctors opinion showed thataspect the recently under- certain thatbigger even band a between solitarily hanging He“The different every genres, young Slovak Museum organised pertthe the n, whichofDoprastav, group focuses on this Pravda daily styles wrote.or While this pointing isresult the best work speaks itself and relationship getsare involved. exhibiting andrestructuring promoting less than100 three months ago, again, although maybe at a have been tomethod, bad project could be built for for €334.7 went a similar Mass departures not nearly exhibitions where producers and the retailers, 5. of the market. original can win the awe of time, of course, because artists. the Russian client paid “Household consumpwhileina the bigger musical body that even a solitarily hanging “Theproblem result isVolák different certain genres, styles or young now itworks is RUB580,382. slower pace,for which is indicconditions internal million, the priority winning bid was process. 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It is consumer there are different temperais maybe the ninth retailitof sales and a drop in Employment grows “Thehistorically difference was nearly Doprastav private broadcaster TV pubproblems that now is RUB580,382. slower pace, which isblamed indic- competition, duced. As a result, Košice extowards the consumer e of this contractors. are close to the strong artworks, expressive at summed up. and 20 artworks Nikitin said that each rather thesaid other way round – Markíza ments involved,” Torfs were noted version the Maľba/Painting imports,” J&T Bank analyst adding badof economic situation and reported that the by an inspection by a cooling down in tended its already abundant 60 percent,” lic. wo world theated customers andFico, designed for a first sight, cana manageabsorb a per-from the But there is a change have made to “Nevthe ficoncert was different, from a strong artworks, expressive summed up. competition, and artworks Pánis it said. Employment also kept that this was the kind ofsaid pres- at hospital in demand for incon- thatStanislav ordered district public retail sales and20 a drop Employment grows domestic and foreign contacts The trend of new retail f its past decline everyday shopping,” son only for a brief moment, planned: next year, a big nals can be seen until Decembig Slovak jazz festival in a first sight, can absorb a perBut there is a change that have made it to the fiertheless, overall consumer increasing, by a seasonally sure that was imposed on comstruction. ment restructuring plan for health authority and the rein the art world. Ľudovít imports,” J&T Bank analyst Marian Šufliarsky, the pres- projects will continue. andplanned: then they getyear, overlooked band put together, 21 Employment in the tobe a small jazz club in son only fortransport a briefSomoment, can be seen until Decemis Nedbalka still sound, since adjusted 0.3ofpercent com- focus panies by minIn recent years it has been berdemand €10,000 from anext company chiefwill public health Pánis said. “Nevalso gallery kept Many those works Romaňák believes that a big gionalKošice, Halász-nalsStanislav ident ofthen M-Market. far, andband ignored Good-officer. with one artistic director Bratislava. consumer confidence is at pared to the previous Ormes (which looked like a and then overlooked will bequickly. put together, 21 in the Nedbalka gallery in downtown Figeľ in they orderget tocentres demoncommon practice forconsumer construcwhose legal representative ertheless, overall increasing, by a seasonally on the local cultural and so- ister has not drained its d as theber they have opened in Slovakia its highest since the while it grew by 1.4 quality requires people to Kavecká hired to arrange Juraj Florek won the con- inquarter, politically tenders firms to be- Váhostav-SK was Juraj Majer, a boilersaid that them. former farming-cooperativeand ignored quickly. Good- full withart one artistic director downtown Bratislava. demand is take still contracts sound, since adjusted 0.3level comispercent heavily involved building highways. Photo: Sme strate cial urban life, some showing potential for new rnism inintion Senec, Zvolen,that Turčianske autumn 2008. This develon an annualised their first government costsFlorek to keep its labour force man. Itmore also heit isVolák’s leave was necessary know about it,that and As for selection of artists, of this year. Jury mem- J.percent turned-cultural-venue). In quality art requires people hired toreported arrange them. Juraj won the isconconsumer confidence at testpared to of the previous Florek: Night Teller Machine Photo: Courtesy of VÚB projects, cafes and bohemian intellec- during many of them locthe 19th- low Teplice and Modra with opment is being supported basis. were Criminal Agency (NAKA) are (2006-2010) and amid ber isbetter a neighbour of Volák. the tojust im-look for OĽaNO), Daniel Lipšic (indeits highest levelactive, sincememthe while ittold grew by 1.4 Luxembourg, the concert ifAsthey struggle with itbut only he saidfirst thatstep they Jan Skřivánek Sme he al know more about it, and forthe selection of artists, test ofmachinery this year. Jury tuals, others concencloser to residential plans to open inoverpriced. Martin in it is ated J.– quarter, Florek: Night Teller Machine Photo:while Courtesy of VÚB Found. byalready an improving situation “The economy continued companies, including already checking various cirpledges to make up forSme the difthis case consider the situation theprobably pendent, non-parliamentary autumn of 2008. This develpercent onput an Florek’s annualised took place in ainclub where better if is they struggle with said thatwe they just look for young Jan Skřivánek told he had hand, Florek man“This a conceptual ap-it areas for“In ahe while before deciding andprove musicians, work one trated on thebut industrial and so- Thus and traffic hubs. tself notber early 2015. on the labour market, during the third quarter to which signed cumstances. parties ference with profits fromwork oth- called occupation ofbuilding the auaccording to NOVA) andTeller Ľubomír Galko opment is being supported basis. there are Sunday concerts, one hand, but Florekaccelman“This isOpposition aa bit conceptual ap-Váhostav-SK for a“We while before deciding and the young musicians, probably already put Florek’s shift itthat further. “It proach towards painting appreciating its quality.” under 35, and inTASR. each counNight Machine on aged cial to motifs made Košice Furman sees of hospital, selectionhad focus not only onthat erated growth salarproduce work positions intowns a unthe termonof is- new such asout the Christian er by projects. ThoseMachine more profthorised representative ofa coun- Čislák stated he it organ(Freedom and – SaS) an improving situation “The economy continued andthe aged to shift itSolidarity ain bit further. “It is proach towards thatcontracts appreciating its quality.” under 35, and in each Night Teller on the in Bratislava, was in a stand among other shopping centres as lso bill-called retailwith asunder such, but also rather an altarpainting of Demoan works the important The jury of the competitry, duethat partner first place of areal short list ies with zero inflation, and larger extent than used to be on the labour during toun- known have a motive cratic Movement (KDH) andofis-Radičová, itable orders now look as ifaccelthey the [which prepared time to the filed a the criminal complaint is rather anthird altar of works with thethe important jury ofartthe competitry, thecomposed due partner organfirst place ofmarket, a short list when small studio of the Slovak and cities of the region. for local businesses of somethe services andof long-term god than portrait sue ofThe themight role in our life,” way tionfirm was ofto Pawelneedsisation –examine Music:LX in Luxselecting thequarter 20 an finalerated growth in real salarproduce work positions in a favourable conditions for historically common at such to engage in fraud. non-parliamentary Sieť ofartists Radid not arrive fast enough. the plan] to be absolutely situation because some musician against an unknown perpetLater, many of of the their standards. ing placewhen selecting the 20 final- ists functionality of the known god than the portrait of a sue of the role of art incity our life,” tion was composed of work Pawel improve isation – Music:LX inirLuxRadio. TheMusic Slovak common routine enSkřivánek said. The Jarodzki (Poland), Jan Skřiembourg, Centre from among nearly 100 ies with zero inflation, and larger extent than used to be loans.” aSkřivánek growth,” said Arady. Figeľ responded that Jan it wasSkři- relevant,”commented Procházka are calling for Last year Váhostav-SK Zuzpiecesdeemed of information about the restructuring of doslav moved out to try their ’’By opening a newCentre books ists – centres,” said Šufliarsky. common routine of city ensaid. The luck work communicates Jarodzki (Poland), embourg, Music from among nearly took 100 arator the firstare concert “the says exhibition with the his- ana vánek (Czechwho Republic), Tiborcontradicting Slovakiaone in Slovakia, Jazzlab favourable conditions for by contestants. historically attosuch Analystscommon concurexhibition that Over theor last year there neither the(Czech cabinet of Radičová help to small businesses and the note of several proposals Zvolenská then Jazzlab other. Váhostav-SK. According the vironment,” elsewhere returned to Huncentre, the local entreprenappearedcontestants. Disabled facilities, new vironment,” says communicates with the hisvánek Republic), Tibor Slovakia in Slovakia, most cautious andand tentative, curator Alexandra Kusá. tory of modern painting, limSomorjassi Kiss (Hungary) and Series in Belgium Jazzus “If someone paints like van loans.” a growth,” said Arady. apartthe from household conwere working him who pressed on lots conself-employed to pardon whomin nor technologies, to seize assets to cov- MPs, assellers healthraise minister, need to verify some firm’s management gary25,800 after anew general eurs and their scientific creditors parking curator Alexandra Kusá. tory of modern painting, lim- itsSomorjassi Kiss (Hungary) and served Series in Belgium andas Jazzus “I Productions “If someone paints like unfortunately”,France complaining of thecompanies genre. Rudolf Sikora (Slovakia). did, itthe isthe very tricky, and Váhostav-SK Analysts concur thatvan Over last year there sumption, GDP growth places generated, toare reduce wantsoftowhich pay only struction er debts and instead sought re- Gogh quoted by the Sme daily. things to make myin decision – then has committed several crimes, 1925. Some died. standards, design and offer,”– then deo withGogh and glass elevators a Konštantín Bauer – Odsúdená (1927). Photo: Courtesy of SNG its of the genre. Rudolf Sikora (Slovakia). Productions in France did, it is very tricky, and also about the long pauses “The result is an intelliThe chooses one performer to the result is usually kitsch,” Runners-up exhibition, organised apart from household conwere 25,800 new working was also positively wereofcreated in highway construction fraction what itduring owes. structuring. Váhostav-SK asked including current problem the right and optimal for all deliberateinflubank- a5,500 Before coming toanthe Na- bidsmust, saidThe Furman. “Moreover, person-the heexhibition, added, as well as “Theis calling result isperiod. intelliThe chooses one performer to result for is usually between thewithout concerts that Runners-up organised the GDP kitsch,” growth places generated, ofcreditors, which gent picture that tests the limparticipate, disone of the four members of the by the VÚB Foundation, is free enced by a more intense the July-September tenders and that it was the KDH for a special a sumption, court protection from with the nurses and doctors employees,” Čislák said, as ruptcy, damaging tionalpicture Gallery’s Esterházy new participate, centres and retail parks coffee houses and children European stream of Symbol- gent Thefour East-Slovak Museum that tests lim-market without one of the members of the makes jazzmen contact the VÚB generated Foundation, is free is was also influ5,500 were created during itsby of contemporary paintthe the 2014 Jan inoccurring the Nedbalka Gallery ondisNed-quotedcussing Second place went tothe Matej consolidation of jury, public which such session on creditors onpositively September and Painting the year before by SITA, “I choice needlose towith thwarting bankruptcy andfinset- parliamentary Photo: Sme Palace the exhibition also attract international conmpact ofPainting corners for the shopping ism with expression form, led by inspiring and 26 creative its of contemporary paintcussing the choice with the 2014 jury, Jan and theTorfs “common drive”. in the Nedbalka Gallery on NedSecond place went to Matej enced by a more intense the July-September period. ances and growth in investOutlooks prices. He sees Fico’s criticism ing,” Kusá commented. Váhostav-SK. others. concluded that Skřivánek told the Sme daily. to launch the restructuring parliamentary elections. find out what the problem is tlement proceedings, preferbalova Street daily from 13:00 Fabian with a large-sized moshowed at the East Slovak Galthat offer employment is appar-Skřivánek families. curators Bartošová, Alexandra head Josef Polák, young law- Fabian Kusá commented. Torfs concluded that told the daily. Asked what was the Street daily from 13:00 cerns with a large-sized mo- ing,” consolidation of Sme public finSme cancel theThis contract withwill Medments byFlorek, the public sector eand coman indirect confession that want toare deal with thisof as balova process. process al- a“But the health-care and I will give informential treatment of all creditors there arefinal ongoing discuswith it holds and others. 19:00, except Mondays, of“We skiers – or they ghosts? The Bratislava version opportunities.” nto: one“But Looking ahead, the main Moreover, Homoľová and Michal Burdz- tiflery. yer and art lover, represented ances and growth in investOutlooks there are ongoing discus- ation about with Florek, it all holds project’s ultimate asset for and 19:00, except Mondays, tif of skiers – or are they ghosts? ical Group SK. Yet, director of and companies. Paška Slovakia’s economic the first Fico government set and other cases, which we conlow the firm to reduce part of its sector had a series of scanwhat I am going and fraud. sions between musicians, together. He works with this through December 21. “This painting surprised us Work and its background tors Zuz- kind of by refuge for artists flee- inski write in the exhibition the exhibition is smaller – h Medments the public sector sions together. works with this him, said that the through December 21. and “This painting surprised us in Work and its background hospital Mária Domčeková “[Companies] areare carryprices politically sider to be fraudulent conduct performance in the next few debts andHe avoid liquidation. The form, dals in 2014between making musicians, the to do in this hospital during “The whole process ofvery reand soNikitin the first concert is but his artworks closer view,” Skřivánek said. highway comprising a mere one floor, ,idence in of the the brochure. ing the aftermath of Hungariector and companies. Slovakia’s economic and so the first concert is form, but his artworks are very interesting thing was to finein closer view,” Skřivánek said. Aupark retools image not via transparent competiagainst the weak, conduct in an interview with Sme on ing out hitherto postponed Bratislava I District Court acused to public more sensitive to this week for sure.” structuring of Váhostav-SK months will be mainly inwith some of the paintings of Koloman Other notable names of this an revolution. He founded an usually quite different than up-to-date. His painting of the “It is very sculpted, pasty, even The exhibition of indiCompiled by Zuzana čeková “[Companies] are carryperformance inprojects thepasty, nextand few which usuallySzalay quite commendifferent than painting of the theor- “It tune the different styles and is very sculpted, even The byexhibition of in indi-tions, TASR Compiled by Zuzana wrote. theslowdown powerful but cepted the His request. looks like it said November 12, that modernisation enfluence of the up-to-date. the graphic artworks period inis fraudulent,” Košice include art school atinsisted the museum, the last one. teller machine ismainly a very in- afluenced reliefsuits painting. It isdifferent a very vidual artists can be slightly such cases. using Sme Vilikovská Sme on teller ing outVáhostav-SK hitherto postponed months will be inthe last one. machine is a very intemperaments of the partia relief painting. It is a very vidual artists can be slightly using Sme Vilikovská The KDH head also reharms not only the economy Now is workted that Volák was forced to Lipšic, as cited by SITA. “The The role of the minister purchase came after a legitimcapacity expansion, a deby the the eurozone and the ongothanpicture those shown in Košice. an modFrantišektestimony Foltýn, Gejza ganised 200 exhibitions. adjustments, butNémeth also THE BRATISLAVA shopping This year, Ruben of Schilour – already in how confusing for people. The jury visual report by Jana hat the teresting projects and teresting fluenced by the slowdown in good This year, Ruben of plan our cipants, “but we have found a good picture – the already in confusing forcrisis. people. The jurycalled report byisJana Németh leave that current Transport but also realexhibition families,” said KDH ingmodernisation on itstestimony restructuring after thenew current scanproblem is that course ofhow reate tender. velopment that is indicated ing Ukrainian Based The is open ler, Konštantín Bauer and AlOne such artists-immiby attracting brands centre Aupark launching Machtelinckx from Belgium egitimcapacity expansion, a de- world.” the eurozone and the ongo- well he has mastered such a Machtelinckx fromone. Belgium Meanwhile common opposition language and I has such Ján Počiatek behaved Jánfar, Figeľ, cited by Minister when the committee of creddal not the previous structuring ismastered fraudulent, fora chairman In an unexpected turn, the by ahe gradual recovery in on data thus SLSP eshe short-world.” exander Bortnyik –from although grant was Eugen Krón who well thatand have not been represenreconstruction – more than daily, except forasMondays, velopment that is indicated ing Ukrainian crisis. Based (guitar), Nikolaj Nikitin to from Florek, a graduate the format.” when acceptedbea itors consisting Slovenská “His [Volák] mistake was example how claims partiesthink NOVA, Ordinary from authorised representative of format.” long-term loans provided tosix TASR. timates the10:00 GDPand growth foruntil similarly (guitar), Nikolaj Nikitin Florek, a graduate from the that we managed t Repubthe last stayed only forficlater onrecovery toofrun his ted on the Slovak market so from 10 years sincehe originally between 18:00 urn, the by a went gradual in ownBanská on data thus far, SLSP esSlovakia (saxophone), Charly Bystrica Artthe Academy, Nonetheless, the motif is price of €410 million for conHe pointed out that under Sporiteľňa, ČSOB and Tatra that he let the situation to People and Independent titious companies in Cyprus Medical Group SK, Juraj Koval, companies,” said Pánis. 2014 at 2.2 percent. VÚB esSlovakia (saxophone), Charly Banská Bystrica Art Academy, create something new and Nonetheless, motif is eftistof in- graphic months,the his stays school School ing built. The goal is to renew far. March 15. Admission is free, as tive long-term loans(Krón’s provided to timates GDP growth for in important, Vilmart from France for between his paintings unaccording to struction of with the Višňové highrestructuring fivein Banka, as well as theErika construcreach the state when it Personalities (OĽaNO) and (double and Belize are registered.” sacked its director Bilá timates year’s economic tal had selects Juraj Valachy, senior Vilmart from France (double for his paintings un- selects interesting”. important, according to the country, Weimar and Budapest. ofcompanies,” Graphics), while also teach“Within one year, several the mall a new design it process is forthis allofSNG exhibitions Koval, said Pánis. 2014 at 2.2 percent. VÚB esbass) and Jeff Herr fromfound attractive, ignored places and Skřivánek. “It gives the viewway tunnel, a price 55 percent shell companies have been cretion company Doprastav and draws such media attenFreedom and Solidarity (SaS) Lipšic has also suspicions for what he called damaging growth at 2.4 percent, while o puranalyst with Tatra Banka bass) and Jeff Herr from attractive, ignored places and He added that they Skřivánek. “It gives the viewtheBilá new ing and During guided lecture, Bratislava this year. Apart from artsenior personal- timates new novelties will appear,” and adapt it to current ka thisayear’s economic Jurajforming Valachy, (drums) poetry in them. a and disquieting, provoking than that estimated by ated that there is(available a seri- lower subcontractor Lomark, retion,” Szalay said. beganLuxembourg on Marchplayed that representatives company’s reputation. The next year itin may accelerate Definirecalled that data Luxembourg certain poetry inBanka them. aclamouring concord and understanding er acertain disquieting, provoking ecame finds a the the curators mentioned as ofan er ities like with Július Jakoby and thefinds Arnaud Burlin, CEO(drums) of the played trends. a bulletin English maging growth at 2.4monthly percent, while analyst Tatra Bratislava, invote Ormes; “He year has athem techthem to the state’s of €900 milous suspicion that in the comturned its draft on March 31 for impression; When dealingcompany with the near 24 for in aalso no-confident for near Váhostav-SK at theanalysts time when board of the comtoat2.6 percent. emens based on which es- to impression; in Bratislava, in Ormes; “He has acquired a techon the human level, in forcing outstanding example, maybe aforementioned Sokol. Unibail-Rodamco Theexperts reconstruction that the box forcing office), the cataon. The supervisory next itacquired may accelerate recalled that monthly data mittee ofaccompanying creditors there were reworking. firm hasknown 15 days Volák behaved Čislák,Reims, SITA reported. they were signing contracts for react. pany allegedly had not France in mid- even which is were tricky, and Valachy expects thatlooking the million timate the economic develAnd we were roup differing from other artists, Another central figure which operates Aupark logue the ex- already underway will last departures Reims, France in midnique which is tricky, and humour and mentioned react. And we looking e com-of to 2.6 percent. based onThe which analysts es-ofnique Fico also recalled thatwill the companies which have funtoKošice respond. confidently and said thatde his Despite thein current highway construction back in exactly about theModernism million deal, upcoming coner offi- combines opment, compared October; Abbaye itworsened with banal city that can ld otherAnna Lesnay, local artist who isdevelAnton Bratislava, said. exuntil October 2015 and hibitionformonths ispaintings also will available in known Valachy expects that the timate the economic October; in “For Abbaye it€1.6 with banal city combines an ambition to meetdeoutside exactly for paintings that can current law on restructuring nelled state payments to exotIn in original plan it corners decision was definitely not tense situation in the 2011 knew that they would not sealed summer. A to few tinue to be under the influSmer to the previous quarter. Neumünster in the capital of – a soda machine, the activate people. With many of pn in Cze-corners collected folk embroidery, deJaszusch who returned the ample, the US brand of luxcost €15.5 million. ReconEnglish. I comprises 140 pages deal, upcoming months will conopment, worsened compared Neumünster in the capital of – its athe soda machine, the the project – which is rather activate people. With many of adoptedwill by not thelimit second ic planned settle 15 percent voluntary, according toagain sector Fico notespebetinue able to pay their subcondays theyears’ company hadof corner ence of the€10. Russo-Ukrainian er the corner “The most important A few to be under thethe influto earlier, the previous quarter. Luxembourg andisagain in ofwe apatterns parking lot, wall we said thatsotheythat are wasstruction ed there signed and organised city after five imprisonury clothing Ralphand Lauren or in health-care and destinations costs Luxembourg of ato parking lot, the wall demanding, though, them, said that they are them, Dzurinda cabinet and Váhostav-SK need notsomewhat fully pay Mikuláš itsment ormost €15.7 to political analyst considering dismissal of FOR Sale tractors. it“The was prepared to file conflict, “which further ement for our economy, inhad ofsaid ence ofdepartment the Russo-Ukrainian important asector commercial manufacin Russia, tomillion develop hisofwell-mastered Italian brand Sylvia Aupark’s operation in any rny years,” Slovakia, at theasJazz asmall store,” well-mastered but Slovakia, at Jan theHeach.” Jazz FOR Sale adebts department store,” cially for him, he lives but somewhat 781 proposals for restrucits debts.Byincreasing small and Baránek. He mono-brand referred to Čislák,festival he saidin onKošice, the side“It of is grew very important that lawsuits over the claims comthat rate of but thatway. nd andustry, only at half the academic: to daily. file Skřivánek conflict, “which further sector formedium-sized our economy, inture embroidery. Les-nay, own style combining theSkřivánek The first vda Zuzana Vilikovská at the“But becontinued. “The well-painted, festival in Košice, at the becontinued. “The 1,500 kilometres away. academic: well-painted, but means an submitted between to the Sieť party, turing were panies. secured credVolák’s statement thatwill if lines of the government bodies active inwith prosecution CT So-called scanner was overriskAccording and uncertainty”. Tatra r for a the pace compared the first ms that means an ratemaof dustry, grew only at half thepainting shopginning of Pandora jewels Analysts say the reconginning offrom November. The of increasing the teller the artists does not risk and of November. The painting of the teller maJeff Herr Luxembourg the artists does not risk and and 2014, outcentre of which of the itors, are especially banks nurses didlhere, not change their session in Trenčín on March start deal with theofcase Banka does notrestructuring count in its of 2006struction ce,overTV priced. and to second quarters thisas victims risk and uncertainty”. Tatra pacethat compared with the firstchine, be opened too. of the is intook place on too, remindsthat me the of the provoke.” need immediate courts last took the place on 25. last chine, too, reminds mewas of the evenconcert proposed two concerts allowed 526 restructurhave secured their minds heconcert would close soon as possible re- Váhostav-SK Medical Group SK co- provoke.” prognosis with a further esOctober that year,” Valachy wrote Banka does notso countin inhis its and second quarters ofloans this Drahovský opined that evitable. “Aupark is one of November 26 in Gent, Belgipainting of a chair by van Third place went to András November 26 in Gent, Belgipainting of a chair by van for next year, and I would be Third place went to András theand state, ings. with collateral, will receive 100 entire intensive care unit. “We’re all supporting plan aof Váhostavby Paška before he structuring calation ofhelp the from conflict, analysis. “Retail sales reporwas co- founded prognosis with further es- practical year,” Valachy wrote in his presenting new brands is the the oldest shopping centres um. Gogh; it is a similarly banal glad if we can make it,” Cséfalvay who usually works um. Gogh; it is a similarly banal Cséfalvay who usually works The opposition argued that a deafany ear to percent of their claims. Inreportotal is a him at the moment and we is not approved,” said Lipšic. he entered politics. Thesales speaker of SKcalation of the third conflict, and which analysis. “Retail thus it has doesturned not predict yore Medted during quarter onlyVolák’s way todeparture stand out among in Bratislava, and so it re“I selectedof by the jazz although wasthat ajust more concluded. with video, sound and music. “I was selected motif, although it was more video, sound and Fico cabinets haveto had sevthe desperate situation ofmusic. famtheted firm wants toitrepay 32.3 message forwas employees strive Nikitin to create the best by the jazz The obliged turn with eaker of motif, thus it 1does predict any during the third quarter parliament claims he February further deceleration of the €1.6 the court slowest ofato this the growing competition. renovation continductor of Bratislava Boys’ Choir the quires and awarded on atis growth anot ceregstSlovak personalitradical step at the end of the This time, the music is radical step at the end of the This time, the music is hat he ended further deceleration ofMagdaléna the of ilies the year slowest growth this to change the and restrucof dynamics. self-employed percent ofactivities itsmony total debts ofMed€136 other that they conditions possible for down such a construction plan if approval his with growth itcraftswillthe en years enuity year while While,hospitals “Bratislava isifalready ue being attractive inRovňáková for But music, in of the Slovak National Theatre al Wings every century to paint aThe chair present, but rather inaband ait sym19th century to paint chair present, butprognosis rather inofa2.7sym- turing Medgrowth dynamics. But will year while construction legislation while it not men and small entrepreneurs. million, or €43.9 million. persevere their efforts him,” said Fico, as quoted by such a deepened plan was byKorben ical Group SK as a minority decrease its rhnames was 19th even itsachieved fall.” filled within shopping centres, triguing for customers,” Dallas for rock-pop-jazz, building. Crystal Wings 2014 winwere anSOZA prizes given SOZA priz to paint a years teller machine bolic way. The painting shows inority decrease its of 2.7 bolic even deepened itsago. fall.” toSlovakia’s paint aprognosis teller machine way. The painting shows has notDrahovský, done so butanalyst they “Sieť wants justice for the and media coverage it is TASR. “Believe me, it isn’t fraudulent actions. have shareholder 13 percent. the CT than automotive and get with new brands, Olympic winner Anastasia Kuzmina for onlyĽubomír ners were selectedthan by expert juries in due“We But is a certain two men in period clothing o. percent. Slovakia’s automotive down drafttold legisself-employed and smallclothing a problem direasy to move around these from today two when Charges against today. But there is two menfor inphilanthropy period Meanwhile, Paška admit“Our basic scenario isentrencelled industry is also feeling a Peter Aupark strivesto tohave makeathe the Terno sport, Káčer (he is evenof turned categories, followed by the Big Jury ofmonths thea certain or, and today. architect, a there agency, the not admit“Our scenario isconisthe also feeling aheaded – who would like to similarity beating awill third man, and the after hop band Kontrafakt THE SLOVAK prepared by the opposipreneurs,” said Procházka, as lation ector recalled yearPerforming before – days in Slovak health care, for the the decide about Váhostav-SK ted knowing former boss of that it’s only apolio, transitory repor- similarity lower demand of Russian – basic who would like to beating a third man, the THE SLOVAK Performing impression of abeing unique disabled battling butand collecCrystal Wing bycourt Gabriel Csollár. nthropist, aindustry scientHospodárske Noviny ecoboss of that it’s only a transitory lower demand of Russian have a teller machine hanging text overhead says: most sold soundtrack mediand Mechanical Rights Sotion. cited by TASR. “Their claims elections, according to Szain this desert that was firming or not confirming the Medical Group SK, Bilá, oriweakness, which might be e deal, clients, when European cars havethe a teller machine text says: and Mechanicalmade Rights Sobut this is a long-distance ted money crossing overhead Slovakia on a special award for ar- hanging ete, an aero-mobile Štefan Polakovič got nomic daily. lá, ori-of weakness, which might when European carson should fully equally lay. thefor opposition was in restructuring plan.” On 27 opposition MPs onginally aclients, wall today?” “Wolfgang, the music in be your “Wolfgang, um their Navždy (Forever) (SOZA), a non-profit[whenciety aMarch physician from Snina. followed by reacceleration,” he hosbecoming too expensive run”,ciety Drahovský said. bicycle), Juraj be Pechan for medicine, chitecture, founder of Decodom Vladimír reates the award Aupark wants to differaare wall today?” thesettled; music in your (SOZA), a non-profit M. Fabian: Ghost Riders. Photos: Courtesy of VÚV Foundation m followed by reacceleration,” are becoming too expensive to banks which have lent power].” The General in head Igor (Ordinary People Ownership structure Fabian: Ghost Riders. of VÚV Foundation It isMatovič a common city view on head isa superfluous us!”on According toŠrámek daily Sme, Bilá album. The most sold audioassociation of authors and Pánis d.Snina. for due toProsecution thefor weakHenrieta Moravčíková for a book on ar- M.entiate for business, and conment were selected itself from its com- Photos: Courtesy Itfounder isthem common city view iswrote. superfluous for us!” association of authors and e, hosBilá manages Pánis wrote. forIndependent them additional due toPersonalities the weakVáhostav-SK. The further stated that with the Nation- money and Minister’s visit changed firms collaboration he visual track medium for 2013 publishers ofSpectator musical works Fico chitect to Freidrich Weinwurm, petitors not just through Compiled by staff publishers of musical works firms CLASSIFIEDS small and weak have the right the post of health is There are three Slovak where Paška appeared as co- ADVERTISEMENT vember CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS became the minister DVDtheir Spevankovo whichnothing protects their copyand actor Juraj Vajda, who just CLASSIFIEDS which protects copyas coPuppet awarded ADVERTISEMENT for the same approach as theatre the companies not a “reward but World) a punishbehind Váhostav-SK ways to owner. (the Song’s granted for the 17th popped in from his performPuppet theatrerights, awarded rights, forby theMária 17th RELIGIOUS SERVICES large and strong.” whichgranted is attributable linked with Juraj Široký, acFico stressed during ENGLISH LANGUAGE WORSHIP anceWORSHIP in a drama staging next RELIGIOUS SERVICES ENGLISH LANGUAGE WORSHIP Podhradská and Richard time the awards tothe artistsment”, ENGLISH LANGUAGE time the awards to artists While Ficoinfirst sought to cording reforms of previous to Transparency Inter-at Slovak Radio discussion that to the Čanaky. Bratislava International Church Bratislava International Church door; allLANGUAGE clad a nice attire. ENGLISH WORSHIP has already been awarded successful in the Slovak BRATISLAVA Puppet Theatre Bratislava International Church has already been awarded at right-leaning successful in the Slovak BRATISLAVA Puppet Theatre ENGLISH LANGUAGE WORSHIP Bratislava International Church stay out of the process, he laterof national Slovakia and Bisnode he had to exert pressure on Sundays, 10:00 at historic Štefan Klein, thefinancially designer several international competThe governments. award for the highest musical scene who are placed among 10 Sundays, 10:00 at historic Small LutheranBratislava Church International Church several international competmusical scene who placed among 10 financially Small Lutheran Church Small Lutheran Sundays, 10:00 at historic Sundays, 10:00 at historic Church even convened a press conferhealth minister is aare investigation. Ownership relaČislák and send him to of music The the break-through aero-mobile (Malý evanjelický kostol) in central Bratislava(Malý evanjelický itions. share of Slovak music in forming the profile awarded pieces at the interSundays, 10:00 at historic Small Lutheran Church kostol) in central Bratislava (Malý evanjelický kostol)Church in central Bratislava ence itions.Despite his visit in forming the profileinof music awardedcontinue pieces attothe interon March 27central tomeans, mere cosmetic accessory Cyprus, Žilina. announce Small Lutheran hybrid transport (near Hodzovo namestie); on Lycejna at (Malý evanjelický kostol) in Bratislava re- tionships It is directed by Ivan Marbroadcasting went to Radio culture. It awarded eight national festival, Harmony (near Hodzovo namestie); (near namestie); on Lycejna at (MalýHodzovo evanjelický kostol) in central Bratislava It is directed by Ivan culture. It awarded eight national festival, Harmony (near Hodzovo namestie); health-care sector Zealand Costa Rica. on March 23 Mar-the whole that his cabinet would support ds.Slovenské Rudohorie Mountains. intersection with Panenska 26/28. ceived the award for visual art. New on(near Lycejna at intersection Hodzovo namestie); tinka andand Andrej Kalinka and the hospital SITA wrote. musicians altogether, with Modra, World Puppet Carnival, held intersection with Panenska 26/28. on Lycejna at intersection Sunday School provided. and Fico is the man who There are also some suspiwhere he personally spoke investigation of Váhostav-SK’s tinka and Andrej Kalinka and musicians altogether, with World Puppet Carnival, held withLycejna Panenska 26/28. at almostChildren's €260 million. on at intersection Anton Srholecwith whoits translated by Katarína with Panenska 26/28. SOZA also granted three two Slovak composers inin Priest Bangkok, Thailand, Children's Sunday School provided. ACCOMMODATION Panenska 26/28. Children'swith Sunday School provided. hospitals, accord- incions that behind the with shell its with hospital employees, 64 leads the restructuring process and protranslated by Katarína two Slovak composers in Bangkok, Thailand, Children's Sunday School provided. ged 12,600 hectares of forests when it has helped the homeless and Everyone Welcome. Children's Sunday School provided. en it honorary awards. Vašo Patescribed into the SOZA playEveryone called Aaahr!! performed Jánošová. Everyone Welcome. Welcome. Everyone Welcome. Szalay. into the SOZA that are creditors of nurses and 13 doctors did not ing toscribed posed measures avoid sim-as companies ubic of trees within the terInformation at 02-5443-3263 Everyone Welcome. Jánošová. play called Aaahr!! performed people living on to the Information at02-5443-3263 0918 828 156 r- metres Information at 0918 828 margin, 156 nglish TRANSPORT The play, intended for jdl received the award for in English. golden book, the SITA Information at Information at 0918 828 156 Site: Web Dušan Zachar of INEKO is Široký himself recallThe their resignations. ilar in the future. He Váhostav-SK nal Park (TANAP). Foresters have Web Site: wellsituations wine-breeder Dorota play, intended for inchildren English.younger golden book, the SITA to Web WebSite: Site: Site: Web than 5be years significant contribution Itas was the only Slovak newswire reported. ble agreed, adding that mixing and thus part of money to Volák’s decision to step also blamed the previous er the last 10 years . Pospíšilová who bred 24 new children younger than 5 years It was the only Slovak newswire reported. SP013235/041 Tel: +421 (0)907 640 190 ofout age,during describes the world of a down does introducing Slovak music theatre tocabinet, attend the festival Musician Ivanthe Tásler,politics SP013235/022 SP015023/002 SP013235/022 SP013235/042 SP013235/041 with hospital manrestructuring not resolve Radičová’s on which eadwood was excavated, while fallen taff vine cultivars, got the Crystal paid of age, describes the world of a allen theatre to child attend thetries festival Musician Ivan Tásler, SP015043/001 creative who to abroad. 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Itmight won the laststaff cat-fromdrawabout Peteris Bič Project for Thinking egory, $1,000. Compiled by Spectator or e-mail:, 0905 - 659156, SP013230/038 told Sme. ofstaff cited byAaahr!! TASR. business anyway. rSP015007/002 staff SP013230/039 SP013223/023 SP013230/041 SP013230/038 SP015019/001 SP015019/005 SP015023/006 Compiled by Spectator staff Compiled by Zuzana Vilikovská ofegory, Aupark will undergo refurbishing. Photo: Smehipreceiving $1,000. about You. Compiled by Spectator from The performance SOZAsituation also awarded Compiled by Spectator staff press reportsif the adverse madison@nextra.skSP013223/023 SP013230/039 The Aaahr!! performance SOZA also awarded hippress reports ystal Wings awards conferred f windstorm TICKETS chance chance CULTURE 10 April 6 – 19, 2015 Whippings all in good fun as Easter tradition BY ZUZANA VILIKOVSKÁ Spectator staff IN SLOVAKIA old pagan seasonal rituals must have survived the country’s conversion to Christianity and one need look no further than the Easter tradition of whipping girls and women with homemade switches. Made from young willow branches, the whippings are followed by a splashing with with water, ideally ice-cold. Both are meant to guarantee girls and women stay young, fit and beautiful all year long. The tradition became linked with Easter after Christianity came to Slovakia in the ninth century, some sources suggest. But the traditions originated as part of folk beliefs based on nature’s cycle. Though a moveable holiday, Easter generally coincides with the arrival of spring and thus is celebrated as a time of new life and rebirth. Processions were meant to drive away evil spirits, houses were decorated with vegetation, and whipping and water were employed to ensure a young woman’s fertility and beauty. It was believed that the vitality from the young twigs entwined in the whip would flow into the female body. Boys and men were offered decorated eggs, which also symbolised new life. The ancient rites have changed with the gradual urbanisation of Slovakia, and in the cities, women are rather sprayed with a perfume and Traditional Easter in SNM, Martin. symbolically hit once or twice with whatever apt “beating” tool men can find. Eggs given as a reward for their “beating” are often also rather massmade or chocolate ones, instead of the originally handmade decorated eggs; the style, technique and ornament used to be typical for each village, town, or region. The days preceding Easter Monday are generally reserved and religiously oriented, but on this day, a distinctly unChristian atmosphere breaks out. Starting in early morning, males visit their female relatives, friends and colleagues, whipping them with a “korbáče” and splashing them with water. Instead of being reported to the police, they are offered eggs, sweets, cakes and alcohol. During White Saturday there were several other customs connected with agriculture, health and protection of one’s home. Preparation of the Easter Sunday meal – ham, eggs, lamb and cakes – began. Fried rolls with poppy seeds or sheep’s cheese and sauerkraut soup were traditionally eaten on White Saturday. Photo: Courtesy of SNM Easter Sunday – the day of Christ’s resurrection – is an opportunity to bless Easter meals and a time for ceremonial fare. Before Easter dinner, an egg was also divided among all family members to remind them not to forget each other and to stick together. For those wishing to try and revive some of the old customs and handicrafts, there are some opportunities today. The ÚĽUV centre of traditional arts and crafts each year offers some workshops on egg decorating, but it is advisable to check whether they are offered also in English at its website, The museums and venues administered by the Slovak National Museum also offer some Easter decorations and an insight into Slovak traditions in Martin, at Betliar and Bojnice castles, in the Museum of Ruthenian Culture in Prešov, or close to Bratislava, at the Červený Kameň (Red Stone) castle. More information can be found at Some smaller museums of local cultural centres also offer exhibitions of decorated Easter eggs or special Easter whips, the korbáče. Many cities and towns offer Easter markets with traditional goods and meals, and some places even organise the re-enactment of the Via Dolorosa, Christ’s walk to the crucifixion. The ski season ends in many resorts around Easter, too, and in Kremnica, a fun event called Easter Egg is organised annually, requiring skiers to masquerade. This year, doctors and nurses are preferred at this mock Easter skiing – probably to emphasise the recent series of scandals in the health-care sector. It takes place on Easter Monday at 14:00 in downtown Kremnica. THE INTERNATIONAL film festival Febiofest, which takes place in both successor countries of Czechoslovakia, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, ran for just a week in Bratislava but it was rich in events. At its opening in the Slovak capital, the annual awards of the Association of Slovak Film Clubs (ASFK) were announced – to US actor Isaach Bankolé who plays in a western titled Mirage that launched the festival and to Slovak scriptwriter and director Eduard Grečner. The best club (meaning art) film for 2014 was the Polish movie Ida and the best club cinema was Lumiere in Bratislava, the TASR newswire wrote. More awards were given in the competition for short films made in the Visegrad Four (V4) countries – Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary – as well as in Belarus. The international jury of three members chose the Polish feature film Milky Brother by Vahran Mchitarjan as the winner while several other movies, including Czech and Slovak ones, were selected for other awards from among the total of 24 films. After the week of showings in the capital (between March 20 and 26) when more than 100 movies were screened in 12 sections, the 22nd year of the festival moved to other Slovak cities and towns: Trenčín, Levice, Košice, Prešov, Martin, Kežmarok, Trnava, Prievidza and Banská Bystrica. Within Febiofest, “Works in Progress” were also presented, including those by renowned directors or those which have already received awards and honorary mentions at festivals abroad. Three of them – Koza (directed by Ivan Ostrochovský), Eva Nova (Marko Škop) and Sedem zhavranelých bratov (Allice Nelis) – will be released in 2015 while others need more time before they arrive at cinemas. The screening of the Hungarian movie Mirage on March 20 was attended not only by director Szabolcs Hajdu but also by its prominent cast, Hollywood actor Isaach de Bankolé (a favourite actor of director Jim Jarmusch) who plays alongside a mostly Hungarian cast – including eight Slovak actors who speak Hungarian, such as Attila Mokos, Adam Mihál and others. The co-producer, Matyás Prikler, also hails from Slovakia. Mirage tells the story of an African footballer (de Bankolé) who is searching for a job and finds himself in the Hungarian countryside, at one of the farms where people are forced to work like modern slaves, often falling prey to human traffickers and international criminals who had taken over the emptied farms after the economic crisis. Slovak audiences can see the unusual, modern centralEuropean western currently running in several cinemas, for instance at the Lumiere in Bratislava, as well as in Prešov, Žilina and elsewhere. Compiled by Zuzana Vilikovská Easter celebrated traditionally, by re-enactment or by record Easter exhibition at the culture centre in Trebišov. Photo: TASR Latino meets jazz on the Danube IN THE world of jazz, international collaborations and musical mergers are not unusual. However, the Rio Danubio album combines not just Latin and classical jazz, but interesting musicians as well. It consists of two quite different parts recorded in two separate sessions. In the first, Brazilian drummer Andre Antunes performs – together with Slovaks Roland Kaník on piano, trombonist Michal Motýľ, Pavol Bereza on guitar, bass players Juraj Griglák and Michal Šimko, as well as Slovak-Peruvian percussionist Eddy Portella). Mainstream jazz “classics” can be found here, including “Here’s the Rainy Day”, which Rothenstein dedicated to musicians of the US West Coast, like Jim Hall and Paul Desmond. The second “session”, called Latin Evening, includes drummer Marian Ševčík, bass player Vlado Máčaj and pianist Ľubomír Šrámek, along with Portella. “I met with flutist Jorge Pardo who used to play with Paco de Lucia, along with other musicians, and we loosely agreed that he could record some songs Febiofest shows films, launches a Hungarian western with me,” Rothenstein said at the launch of the album on March 14. “Unfortunately, it did not work out as he was busy, but I had already prepared some tunes and so we decided to record them on an album.” The launch involved not just “Godfathers”, jazzman Peter Lipa and producer Peter Stankovský, who launched the album into life but also Matúš Jakabčic of the state Music Fund, which also supported the release of the album. Jakabčic is Rothenstein’s former professor and he wished all the best for “perhaps Slovakia’s only saxophonist who consistently focuses on baritone saxophone”. Slovak trumpeter Martin Ďurdina was also supposed to play on this album, but died last summer. One piece of the selection, Maurice Ravel’s Kaddish, is dedicated to him – and also to Rothenstein’s late uncle Jaro Tonyk. “The album was meant to be a little in the Amy Winehouse style and Andre Antunes was logistically the closest – he lives in Ireland – and he used to play with her,” Rothenstein told The Slovak Spectator. “So we invited him and he accep- ted.” The baritone saxophonist admitted that the original plan was different, but the death of Ďurdina changed things, and in the end there are just two pieces composed by Rothenstein himself, the eponymous Rio Danubio, and Bebe Rebe (dedicated to his small daughter); while the Kaddish is a step more into the classical music realm, while also a tribute to the late musician. Rothenstein said about his plans that there are stints planned with Michal Motýľ Tentet, CZ/SK Big Band of Matúš Jakabčic. Apart from jazz, a more pop oriented project is being prepared with Irish song-writers (but without more specific details) and Rothenstein also plays in the Lento ad Astra band with Zita Slavíčková classical music – impressionist arranged for baritone saxophone. Rio Danubio is also one of the 13 nominations for the Esprit Award for Slovak jazz musicians. Esprit Awards will be handed out on International Jazz Day, April 30. By Zuzana Vilikovská EASTER is quite a popular and well-observed holiday in Slovakia, but ways to stress its importance, or to share its message with others, can vary a great deal. In the eastern-Slovak city of Prešov, there is a thriving tradition of re-enactment, with the Last Supper performed on April 1 in front of the Concathedral of St Nicolaus at 17:00. Two days later, on Good Friday, the Live Way of the Cross starts at 10:00, with 14 stops. The city hall informed the SITA newswire that 30 volunteers participated in the performances of the last days of Jesus Christ. In the previous year, around 4,000 people came to watch the authentic re-telling of the events surrounding the Easter period. In the High Tatras, an Easter Town will appear: in Nový Smokovec, a centre of traditional crafts, folk performances, competitions and regional gastronomy will be built, striving also to make a new record in the number of Easter eggs hung on the Tatra Easter tree, the TASR newswire informed. In April 4, from 12:00; folk music, entertainers and events for children will attract locals and tourists to this mountain spa site, situated about five minutes’ walk from the Starý Smokovec railway station. Bardejov, another town in eastern Slovakia, has the biggest hand-decorated Easter egg in all of Slovakia – it has a diameter of 411 centimetres and is 213 centimetres tall. Made of Styrofoam, construction glue and façade plaster, it was decorated by 20 children from two elite classes of the Komenský Elementary School in Bardejov. The town received a certificate for the record egg, according to TASR. On March 27, a total of 420 children came to the central Radničné (Town-hall) Square, bringing with them traditionally decorated eggs and hanged them on nearby trees, close to the giant egg – which is placed in a big wicker nest to be lighted at night. The Bardejov Easter decorations can be seen until April 13. Compiled by Spectator staff CULTURE CULTURE 11 ULTURE althhants for l the the from r exngariailed porok s the l the re he k. In mayor r the using Even nobilticipnear perial elling f the ovan Prize whose d the Best d the Prize ty of nt in of Po00 in CulcováOther clude O/FR), Adam ISR), of the rspo- zana vská akia Slovakia’s forest epoch Postcard to the president EVENTS COUNTRYWIDE Western SLOVAKIA BRATISLAVA n LIVE MUSIC: Take 6 – The 10- time Grammy laureate will play in Bratislava with the Slovak a cappella band Fragile. Starts: Dec 1, 19:00; Istropolis, Trnavské Mýto 1. Admission: €20-€40. Tel: 02/52933321; BRATISLAVA n CLASSICAL/LIVE MUSIC: RENOWNED countertenor Max Emanuel Cenčic is considered one of the greatest singers in the world in his category; he received the Best Singer 2003 award from the German musical magazine Opernwelt. He performs famous arias, as well as pieces from lessknown or undiscovered operas in prestigious opera houses, at festivals and on tours. On December 6 at 19:30, he will give a performance in the concert hall of Reduta, Slovak Philharmonic building, in Eugena the Low Tatras, severalSuchoňa lum- In the course of the 17th cenSquare 1 in Bratislava. Tickets berjacks’ hamlets were built. tury, more lumberjack settlecost €22-€30 and can be bought However, their story was ments came to exist in the via or in the Requite and they were in nearby valleys: Horný Jeleduta specific ticket-office. Cross-over Organ with Electric Guitar – The last concert of the Bratislava Organ Festival was moved to December, combining the performances of Slovaks; organist Marek Štrbák, drummer Lenka Novosedlíková and young guitar player IN THE Bugala first centuries of the Michal playing several Middle Ages, Europe was stillof pieces, including a premiere covered by dense forests. The a composition by Lukáš Borzík, first more compact settleand also improvisation. Starts:were Dec 4,established 17:00; big the hinterland a big minments Photo:of Courtesy of BHS nec, Rybie, Prašnica, Haliar, concert studio of thelogging Slovak ing city, Banská Bystrica. and one century later also Vathrough laborious Radio,could Mýtnahave 1. Admission: €7 ingSometime the borders of countries, Starts: Dec 4-7, Along various and Bachlačka. between 1401 lentová that lasted for (CD-LP bazár Mjuzik shop, traditions and modernism, in times and venues. Admission: decades before a town came to and 1550, metallurgical town these hamlets, an ancient Hummel Music shop, Andalusian flair. On December free. More info: www.citylroad led to the reexist. Klobučnícka 2, postcard Music Forum 7, they will perform Nitracountry, particularly wealth- – workers. This isinathe famTHIS nice colour de- with gion of Liptov OnNa Slovak tershop, Vŕšku 1). More info: theatre of Andrej Bagar. and merchants picting the town of ous raft harbour called Polík. ier people however, there are ritory, forests reStarts: Dec 5, 19:15, Aréna BRATISLAVA used traces raftsleft of forit Ružomberok the mained for inmuch Theatre, Viedenská Cesta 10. n ART few HAPPENING: Ashley transport untiland theUnLiptov region these days. longer than stems in othAdmission: €15-€20. Tel: Bell Clark, BRATISLAVA “Known beginning of the – from the times of n 02/6720-2550 or www.divadLIVE MUSIC: known Is All The Same Land” Lamb – British In this picturer parts of Europe 20th century. monarchy; but as& www.ticketduo (Lou because Rhodes Bar-, The US artist will present postcard, we can see – in Jelenec appeared. The staff esque partially ofAndy its locaWeher know from can become seen here itsthe low) to play, among oth- the capital personificathe Hungarian name the local iron mill also lived under tion outside main old records, for ex-and sender(s) crossed tions of plants, nature er songs, their recent album Alsó Szarvas (Dolný Jelenec) – European events, and also the in Jelenec. landscape Backspace Unwind. BRATISLAVA that in symbolising 1656 Hungari- hugravelly areas lying close ample, out the Hungarian name and Flat, also Zólyomvármegye – The iron mill later ceased mountainous terrain. Thus, it n FOLKLORE: man ambitions, and also feaStarts: Dec 4, 20:00; 65th anto embankments were selec- an palatine Wesselényi sailed left only the Slovak one. župa, or the Zvolen direct suc-le- Zvolenská is no surprise that in Club, this to exist, and Majestic of the SĽUK – The to atures court video-installations session in Prešporokand for raft harbours. Carmen Frequently,Music this used to be tedniversary Region. It is really remarkcessor of Jelenec became, landscape of2. forests and Karpatská More info: from gendary ensemble otherBratislava) works. across the valley folklore stores used to (today’s done on postcards after the how strong probability, mountains, people continued with Dec 2, regional 18:00; A4 SĽUKallcelebrates its the 65thhambirth- able Starts: entire Liptov region allKultúry, the wood meant for bindfirst Czechoslovak Republic bring Priestor Súčasnej day with a show that comto engage in logging and let of Dolný Jelenec which we identity was until recently. way to Sereď, from where he ing together – lashing, i.e. the came into existence. bines as well BRATISLAVA can seeold intraditions this period post-as Karpatská 2. Admission: free. charcoal burning. horseback. In of rafts – and also bycontinued It would be MUSIC: interesting to making n CLASSICAL More info: modernist ideas, directed Advent Also in the wilderness of card dating back to the 1900s. By Branislav Chovan for further pro- 1758, Ružomberok mayor learn who–sent postcard, Jurajbound Hamar. Concert The this concert of Aus- wood at lumber mills. astrian it is addressed none othStarts: Dec 4, 19:00; DPOHJuraj Rosinský rafted for the soprano to Antonija Ko- cessing CentraltoSLOVAKIA Laurinská 19.same purpose andfirst Slovak tenor of and City Pest, using It isTheatre, worth remembering ervacevic than the president Admission: €10-€12. pianist Mairán Bango, due to the absolute lack ofTel:four rafts for transport. Even Czechoslovakia, Tomáš focuses Gar- that ŽILINA 02/5910-3107; www.mestof theMasaryk, festive season. farmers and petty nobiland safe roads, river rich rigue at the Prague passable n FOLKLORE: Čaro vianoc– The Starts: 18:00; Austri- transport Liptov who participwas the only well- ity from castle. WithDec all4,probability, an Cultural Forum, Hodžovo Christmas Magic – A folklore ated in the greattaps battle working means of movement they belonged to the presidBRATISLAVA Squ-are 1/A. Admission: free. the performance intonear the “Webetween decided to imperial focus theold culmination ofLiptov, which Trenčín THE WHOLE month of April the innthe Middle Ages. In ent’s close circle. Slovak music, dances, tradiTel: 02 /5930-1500; www.rakCHRISTMAS MUSIC: 9th Inwarm-up fortnight of the shall be – already next year – will be dedicated to Slovak and Rákóczy’s rebelling first more Festival or less passable What the image offers is a the tions surrounding Christmas. ternational of Christ-army event to the five years prethe awarding of the national films – screened in the Luto the site19:00; of theCity built in 1364, as units got matter of the past. As can be road Starts: Dec maswas Music – The festival ceding Pavel7,Smejkal of film prize Sun inthe the Net,”ofbattle miere film the clubČebrať in downtown on2014,” rafts. by Louis Great. seen, across hill, on ordered BRATISLAVA Thea-tre, Horný Val 3. More Christmas music features team reLeščák Bratislava. n WORLD MUSIC: CuadronuFla- Despite info:programme choirsconcluded. thefrom effortSlovakia, of those inthe the the bend of the Váh River, The chart of successful The hasroads been shared The rafts Week of Slovak Film power menco – Renowned Czech Republic, Russia, to idea secure for theThe vealed.By merous used to Spanish stand Branislav Chovan is topped by the movie time, Lithuania, but the final will be a retrospect of a selecBANSKÁ BYSTRICA dancer/choreographer Juan for UK,some Ireland, Po- films n (directed byHorúčava Juraj was made after the tion of 22 long - both MODERN DANCE: Polvillo will joinfilms forces with decision land, South Africa, and Bathory singer Cheita and Slovak gui- new Ukraine, at Bratislava Main Jakubisko), / Heat – followed The Laban by Atelier Slopresident (Leščák) and feature and documentaries, tarist Morenito de Triana to give new Square and in churches/music Brati-slava, choreographed coproduction Jáchairmanship of the vak-Polish shortand medium-length a special flamenco crosshalls downtown. and – The directed by and Marta True History, were elected last au- nošík films – made in theshow course of SFTA Poláková, performs danceother tumn: director Martin Šulík Long 2014; including panel debates feature movies,the as well was a 2012 prizes. THERE have been a host of many theatre piecePulitzer about Prize friction, and documentary-maker Maand workshops. The first year as a very successful docuin Poetry, and Visitors of Ars Poetica 2014 Finalist festivals recently in Slovakia; communication andwhose tensions rtinchoose Remo.from “Recently, si- Collected of this claim event that willthis takeisplace mentary about the very popbetween a man and a woman, Poems received the among the more sceptics due can tuation in Slovak Aprilsystem 13 and 19. ular ice-hockey player to Los the music of Martin Polák. Angeles Times Pavol Best twenty poets cinematoand au- 2014 tobetween the Slovak of state than graphy has12changed a lot,” “The event Demitra, called Features Dec 1,38. 19:00; Theatre ofStarts: Poetry prize and the from countries, or- Book grants. Among all was those,estabone thors Studio of Dance (DŠT), Martin Šulík said.The “... Slovak Despite William lishedout, withas the in mind and documentary films areNa Carlos Williams Prize informed stands it goal is focused onto ganisers Kačici,represented, Komenského 12. Adthe situation in film-making fillancient the blank space equally Smejkal the Poetry Society of The festival’s stage from an art that hasbetween found Spectator. mission: €7-8. Tel: 048/4146having it seems America, the biggest events to or- will added. will be present in host astabilised, few first showings itself somewhat on and the mar540; filmmakers fail use the person ganiseof a review can ofthat Already the film shown on on the Evening of Poperformances of to internagin public which interest international achievements each year follow the film proApril 3, MiracleSLOVAKIA by December 5/atZázrak 19:00 in tional artists that connect po- etry onEastern nowadays: the art of poetry. to lure visitors duction in Slovakia,”festival presid- etry Juraj Lehotský, has English Space of Independent Culand Slovak visual art: Marcto A4 The international cinemas.” entPoetica of the2014 Slovak Film and Atkins, subtitles as do many more of PREŠOV on the– corner of Šancováa poet, visual artist ture Ars is organised event will Martín be pre- Karpatská n list Television Academy the Bathory). It Beatles Vianoce LIVE(including MUSIC: streets. Other photographer; between December 3 and(SFTA) 7 in and This Backwards – include One ceded by the Viewers’ and guests which centre organises thestrives event, Bakero, is2014 advisable to check in of thethe of– that evening a surrealist Chilean culture A4 and mostDraghincescu respected bands coverFestival Hits,Radi a selection of the Rodica said. He added poet, programme or on the website (RO/FR), Ariadna Cor, Italian toMarek bring Leščák, a number of surprises ingLumiere the music of legendary 17 most successful Slovak that the effort is to make space of cinema or atUK Bajsić (CRO), Adam for all staunch poetry ad- poet and performance graphic Tomica band, the Beatles, gives a Chrimoviesand – of also all genres – from Borzič for professional evaluation of artist; AT af(CZ), Hilá Lahav (ISR), a on Krakowmirers and fans. concert at home, ST NICOLAS is theand sainta who in Slovakia givesfive presents December the last years; that are and the production debate terstmas the playing movie means willotherbe Karol Chmel (SK). itabroad. duo of digital poetry The headliner the fest- based mostly 6 to children who of are well-behaved. On that day, the KošicepiChil- wise were seen by at least 50,000 between theoreticians, filmscreened with English subThe full programme of the oneers. Slovak poetry will be ival’s 12th year is Ron Padgett, Starts: Dec 6, 19:00; PKO dren’s Historical Railway organises a special train ride, the last in 2014. viewers or won prizes at in- festival and viewers. “The titles. Tickets cost €3-€4 can be found at arspoby ofthe leading amakers US poet, of the Čierny orol, Hlavná 50.forAdStarting at co-founder Alpinka station inultherepresented Čermeľ borough Košice at 10:00 ternational festivals. The timate goal is toSchool form the authors April 1-12 and for 051/7723-741; the Week mission: €13.€1Tel: of three famous New and and 12:00, theYork train will be awaited by St Nicolas andgenerations: his entourage willBuzássy, be also screened inbought Lu- ofwww. Week of Slovak FilmTickets as a Films. theof terminal station. - €3 (children)-€5 (adults) can be Ján Karol Chmel and one the prominent figures miere in Špitálska 4, between display, complete oncontemporary the spot. More information at Jana Pácalová. ofresentative American Compiled by Zuzana By Zuzana Vilikovská Photo: Courtesy of Children’s 1 and 12. with who accompanying events Compiled by Zuzana Vilikovská Kal_02:Kal19 24.1.2013 16:31 Stránka 1 April Ron Padgett, whose Railway How poetry, has been awarded Vilikovská HISTORY TALKS HISTORY TALKS Slovak films shown in English Festival courts US poet N A M E M onday Monday Alfonz Irena January 28 April 6 April 6 – 19, 2015 December 1 – 7, 2014 December 1 – 7, 2014 D A Y J A N U A R Y - F E B R U A R Y Western SLOVAKIA Western SLOVAKIA ca January 29 April 7 Albert Milena Igor e fou d at w w w .spec a to /w ea ther. January 30 April 8 January 31 April 9 F ebruary 1 April 10 F ebruary 2 April 11 Photo: Courtesy of BHS ing the isborders of countries, Adam a masterpiece of the traditions in Romanticand era modernism, of ballet; choAndalusian On December reographedflair. by Jospeh Mazilier 7,and theyconnected will perform in the with theNitra heytheatre Andrej Russian Bagar. ballet. day of of classical Dec Arénain TheStarts: version to 5, be 19:15, premiered Theatre, Viedenská the Slovak National Cesta Theatre Admission: €15-€20. Tel: inspired by the version of le02/6720-2550 or www.divadgendary Marius Petipa, while, www.ticketstaged by Vasily Medvedev. Starts: April 16 (11:00), 1718, 19:00; new SND building, BRATISLAVA Pribinova 17. Admission: €6n FOLKLORE: 65th an€25. Tel: 02/2047-2299; niversary of SĽUK – The gendary folklore ensemble SĽUK celebrates its 65th birthBratislava day with a show that comn PARTY/INTERNATIONAL: bines old traditionsnetwork as well as The Internations ormodernist ideas, directed by ganises monthly parties and Juraj Hamar. “ice-breaking activities” for Starts: Dec 19:00; DPOHor foreigners new4, to the city, City Theatre, Laurinská 19. the country. Admission: €10-€12. Starts: April 17, 18:00;Tel: The 02/5910-3107; Taste Wine Bar, www.mestLaurinská 8. Admission: €8. More info: ntionsBratislava. CHRISTMAS MUSIC: 9th International Festival of ChristBratislava mas Music – The festival of n PHOTO EXHIBITION: Takí Christmas music features ako my from / Just Like Us – Thethe exchoirs Slovakia, hibition of talented Czech Republic, Russia,young The Roma photographers UK, Ireland, Lithuania, from PoVtáčkovce can seen inand the land, South be Africa, capital’s University Library Ukraine, at Bratislava Mainin April, and within the Roma learnSquare in churches/music ing to Fly project, also supporhalls downtown. Photo: Courtesy of Orepole Dec 4-7, various tedStarts: by other initiatives. From times Admission: there,and it venues. then moves on to free. More info:and www.citylBanská Bystrica Košice. Open: April 8-April 29, Exhibition Hall of the University BRATISLAVA Library, Michalská 1. Tel: n ART HAPPENING: Ashley 02/2046-6105; Bell Clark, “Known and Unknown Is All The Same Land” – The US artist SLOVAKIA will present in Central the capital her personifications Žilinaof plants, nature and landscape symbolising n CLASSICAL MUSIC: huAlman ambitions, and also legretto Žilina festival of feaclastures sical video-installations music celebrates 25and and other offersworks. four concerts between Starts: Dec 2, 18:00; A4 April 13 and 18; with the openKultúry, Priestor Súčasnej Slovak ing one bringing sopKarpatská 2. Admission: free. rano Andrea Vizvári and Czech More info: violinist Josef Špaček with Janáček Philharmonic from Ostrava, conducted by HunCentral SLOVAKIA garian Gergely Madaras. Starts: April 13, 19:00 Fatra ŽILINA of Arts, Dolný Val 47. AdnHouse FOLKLORE: Čaro vianoc– The mission: €4-€9. More info: 02 Christmas Magic – A folklore /2047-0160; performance taps into the old Slovak music, dances, traditions surrounding Christmas. Banská Bystrica Starts: Dec 7, 19:00; City n ROMA EVENT: Balvareskle Thea-tre, Horný Val 3. More čavore – The Children of Wind info: – The International Roma Day is commemorated in the BANSKÁ BYSTRICA Independent Centre nZáhrada MODERN DANCE: Horúčava by screening / ofHeatCulture – The Laban Atelier movies, a discussion, a conBrati-slava, choreographed cert by Cool Band Trio Plus, and directed by Marta Maroš Kováč (accordion), Poláková, performs the danceVladimír Berky (guitar), Jozef theatre piece about friction, Gorči (bass, double and communication and bass), tensions Janka Tóthová (vocals). between a man and a woman, 8, 10:00-22:00; to theStarts: musicApril of Martin Polák. Záhrada Centre of IndependStarts:–Dec 1, 19:00; Theatre ent Culture (CNK) in SNP Studio of Dance (DŠT), Na Square 16 (Beniczkého PasKačici, Komenského 12. Adsage). More info: mission: €7-8. Tel:www.zahra048/ 540; PREŠOV nHigh LIVETatras MUSIC: Beatles Vianoce n EASTER/SKIING: Funny 2014 – Backwards – One of the MIKE Parker’s Trio / Unified Theory - Within a bigger tour, Mike Parker ST NICOLAS is the saint who in Slovakia gives on December Trio combines jazz, rock, classical music and presents avant-garde into a spe6cific, to children areMike well-behaved. On that day,is the Košice Chiltypical who sound. Parker on double bass accompanied by organises a special train(saxophone). ride, the last in 2014. dren’s Railway FrankHistorical Parker (drums) and Polish Bartek Plucnal On April Starting at Alpinka the ČermeľKulturFabrik, borough of Košice at 2. 10:00 4, at 21:00, they willstation play atin the Tabačka Gorkého Othand 12:00, the train will by St Nicolas his entourage in include onebe inawaited the Humbook club in and Bardejov (April 2) and er concerts the terminal Tickets(April - €3 (children)-€5 in the Wavestation. club in Prešov 3). Tickets for(adults) Košice can costbe €4bought and can on spot. More information at bethe purchased through More information at Photo: Courtesy Children’s Railway Photo:of Courtesy of M. Parker 2N0AM 1 E3 D AY APR IL 2 0 1 5 N A M E Július RENOWNED countertenor Max Emanuel Cenčic is considered one of the greatest singers in the world in his category; he received the Best Singer 2003 award from the German musical magazine Opernwelt. He performs famous arias, as well as pieces from lessknown or undiscovered operas in prestigious opera houses, at festivals and on tours. On December 6 at 19:30, he will give a performance in the concert hall ofDELILAH, Reduta, with Slovak herPhilharmonic two-times postponed Bratislava concert,will fibuilding, in Eugena nally perform on April 11Suchoňa at 21:00 in Majestic Music Club in Karpatská Square 1 in time Bratislava. Tickets 2; her first in Slovakia. The British singer (dubstep, neo-soul) cost €22-€30 and can be the bought whose popularity is on rise will present her current, second alvia or in Re- to €27 ( More bum. Tickets cost €23 (inthe advance) duta ticket-office. information can be found at Eastern SLOVAKIA Eastern SLOVAKIA Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday W ednesday Thursday Tuesday Friday Em a Em il Tatiana Eri k, Eri ka Ga‰par W eather u ates and fore asts from across SlovakiaBl aÏej Zoltán VENTS C COUNTRYWIDE OUNTRYWIDE EEVENTS Bratislava n FILM: In Memoriam: Peter BRATISLAVA nPišťanek LIVE MUSIC: Takemovies 6 – The shot 10– The time will basedGrammy on works laureate of the recently play in Bratislava with Peter the deceased Slovak writer Slovak a cappella Pišťanek will beband screened Deccinema, 1, 19:00;with IstrotheStarts: Lumiere the polis, Trnavské Mýto(2007, 1. AdMuzika / Music film dirmission: Tel: 02/5293ected by€20-€40. Juraj Nvota) screened 3321; English subtitles. Starts: April 2, 18:00; LuBRATISLAVA miere cinema, Špitálska 4. Adnmission: CLASSICAL/LIVE MUSIC: €3-€4. More info: Cross-over Organ with Electric Guitar – The last concert of the Bratislava BratislavaOrgan Festival was moved to December, n PARTY: MoustachecombinParty – ing the performances of SlovInternationals Bratislava, aks; organist Marek Štrbák, striving to bring together fordrummer Lenka or Novosedeigners staying living in líková and young playera Bratislava, is guitar organising Michal several party Bugala focusedplaying on the phepieces, including of nomenon of thea premiere moustache, ainviting composition by Lukáš Borzík, visitors to bring along and also improvisation. a moustache, fake or real. Starts: big Starts: Dec April4,9, 17:00; 22:00-4:00; concert studio of the Slovak The Club Bratislava, Rybné Radio, 1. info: Admission: €7 SquareMýtna 1. More www.face(CD-LP bazár Mjuzik shop, Hummel Music shop, 113; Klobučnícka 2, Music Forum shop, Na Vŕšku 1). More info: Bratislava n MUSICAL: Jesus Christ Superstar – The legendary muBRATISLAVA sical with mystic, religious n LIVE MUSIC: Lamb – British and symbolic themes is now duo (Lou Rhodes & Andy performed by stars of the BarSlovlow) come –toPatrik play, among ak scene Vykočil,othJán erSlezák, songs,Ivan their recent album Tásler and his IMT Backspace Unwind. Smile, Katarína Hasprová, Starts: Dec and 4, 20:00; Nela Pocisková others. Majestic Music Club, Directed by Ján Ďurovčík. Karpatská 2. 8, More info: Starts: April 9, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 19:00; Tower Stage theatre, Pribinova 25. AdmisBRATISLAVA sion: €29. Tel: 02/5293-3321; n CLASSICAL MUSIC: Advent Concert – The concert of Austrian soprano Antonija KoBratislava vacevic Slovak tenor and n LIVE and MUSIC: Nneka – pianist Mairán Bango,singer focuses – German-Nigerian ofsoul, the festive season. hip-hop – returns to Starts: Decto4, 18:00; AustriBratislava present her an Cultural Forum, Hodžovo fourth album, My Fairy Tales. Squ-are 1/A. Admission: free. Starts: April 15, 21:00; Ateliér Tel: 02 /5930-1500; www.rakBabylon, SNP Square 14. sion: €25-€30. Tel: 02/2090-1900; BRATISLAVA n WORLD MUSIC: Cuadro FlaBratislava menco – Renowned Spanish n BALLET/PREMIERE: Le Cordancer/choreographer Juan saire – Adolphe Polvillo will joinCharles forces Adam with – The Cheita ballet, written by Julessinger and Slovak guiHenri Vernoy de Sainttarist Morenito de Triana to give Georges, and composed by a special flamenco show cross- 11 11 Estera F ebruary April 12 A Slovak’s name day (meniny) is as important as his or her birthday. It is traditional to present friends or co-workers with a small g M onday Monday Alfonz Aleš January 28 April 13 D A Y January 29 April 14 Fedor January 30 April 15 ByZuzana ZuzanaVilikovská Vilikovská By J A N U A R Y - F E B R U A R Y Tuesday Wednesday Thursday W ednesday Thursday Tuesday Em a Em il Ga‰par Justína Easterrespected – Skiingbands in seasonal most covermasks will highlight the Easting the music of legendary UK er events in the gives HighaTatras, band, the Beatles, Chriincluding folkatmusic old stmas concert home,and othertraditions (water abroad. pouring, wise playing mostly beating women). Starts:of Dec 6, 19:00; PKO Starts: 5, 10:00-16:00; Čierny orol,April Hlavná 50. AdŠtrbské €13. Pleso. More info: mission: Tel: 051/7723-741; www. Friday Friday Tatiana Dana Danica Rudolf April 16 April 17 January 31 F ebruary 1 2 0 1 3 Saturday Sunday Sunday Saturday Eri k, Eri ka Bl aÏej Valér F ebruary 2 April 18 Jela F ebruary April 19 A Slovak’s name day (meniny) is as important as his or her birthday. It is traditional to present friends or co-workers with a small g as chocolates or important flowers, andastohis wish Všetko najlepšie k meninám day)or co-workers with a small gift, suchsuch as chocolatesororflflowers, Všetko najlepšie k meninám (Happy(Happy name day) A Slovak‘s name such day (meniny) is as orthem her birthday. It is traditional to (Happy presentname friends as chocolates owers,and andtotowish wishthem them všetko najlepšie k meninám name day). 12 FEATURE April 6 – 19, 2015 SPECTATOR COLLEGE For exercises linked to the Spectator College programme please visit Spectator College is a programme to support the study and teaching of English in Slovakia, as well as to inspire interest in important public issues among young people. The project was created by The Slovak Spectator and the Petit Academy Foundation. Please see our online Spectator College section at for articles, glossaries and tips for exercises which can be used in English lessons. Glossary access – prístup aesthetic – estetický animation – animačný approach – prístup art work – umelecké dielo artist – umelec availability – dostupnosť collection – zbierka commonplace – bežná súčasť compose – skladať sa connectivity – konektivita, súvislosť contemporary – súčasný content – obsah contribution – príspevok creativity – tvorivosť curricula – školské osnovy design – naplánovať discovery – objav disused – nepoužívaný draw – pritiahnuť effort – snaha enable – umožniť establishment – vytvorenie evaluation – hodnotenie event – udalosť evidence – dôkaz evoke – vyvolať exhibit –vystaviť; exponát facility – zariadenie familiarise – oboznámiť sa fine art – výtvarné umenie gallery educator – galerijný pedagóg get in touch – dostať sa do styku handle – zvládnuť heat exchanger station – výmenník tepla chemistry – chémia impact – vplyv in advance – vopred innovative – priekopnícky issue – vydať jewellery – šperky large-scale – široký, vo veľkom meradle lasting – stály, trvalý lecturer – lector liquid – tekutý multiple – početný muse – múza objective – cieľ oeuvre – dielo opinion – názor opportunity – príležitosť participation – účasť performance – predstavenie piece – dielo praise – chváliť recurring – opakujúci sa regeneration – obnovenie reproduction – kópia requirement – požiadavka resident – obyvateľ, domáci reveal – odhaliť scope – záber, rámec share – zdieľať schoolchild – školák spirit – duch sustain – udržať theatre – divadlo timetable – harmonogram topic – téma vibrancy – vitalita, živosť weary – ustatý Lesson 15 Culture and Art Galleries connecting kids with art BY RADKA MINARECHOVÁ Spectator staff CHILDREN have multiple opportunities to directly learn about art. Teachers sometimes take their classes to visit galleries where students get in touch with original art. The aim of the special programmes, designed by galleries across Slovakia, is not only to raise the interest of young people in art, but also to teach them to think critically and express their own opinions on what they see in the picture, teachers and gallery educators say. “It is important to find ways of drawing youth and to reveal the beauties of fine arts, culture, and to messages hidden in colours, forms, and the lives of creative spirits from every era,” art teacher Miloš Kmeť from the school in Novohradská Street in Bratislava told The Slovak Spectator. Though some programmes by galleries for schools were established long ago, they have gradually developed and, in some cases, they are designed based on the individual requirements of schools, galleries addressed by The Slovak Spectator said. They agree that these kinds of activities bring art closer to the children and teach them to better understand their meaning. “Educating about art and for art enables children to better read the visual language,” Vladislav Malast, gallery educator from the Slovak National Gallery (SNG), told The Slovak Spectator. Special programmes for children, adults and seniors are now considered commonplace for a modern gallery as this not only brings life to its spaces but is also a cheap investment for forming visitors of every age, said artist and jewellery designer Ivana Por- Galleries enable children to learn more about art. uban Santová, 27, from Trenčianska Teplá. “In some countries they have even become part of the educational process,” Poruban Santová told The Slovak Spectator. Tailor-made programmes “Gallery pedagogy is one of the bridges which connect the exhibited work, author and visitor to the gallery,” Luboš Hamaj from the Gallery of M. A. Bazovský in Trenčín told The Slovak Spectator. The special programmes for schools in this Trenčín gallery date back to the 1980s. Currently, it organises about 220 special events connecting the exhibitions with creative activities every year, focusing not only on schoolchildren, but also on adults and seniors. In the SNG, schools can choose from programmes based on exhibitions, topics and age. Sometimes the topics are connected also with the school subjects, which is welcomed by teachers, Malast explained. One of the recent exhibitions is called the Liquid Muse, which has links to chemistry. They also offer programmes focusing on theatre performances and creative readings. In the Bratislava City Gallery (GMB), the programmes try to offer a broader context through creating actual art pieces. They are composed of two parts: the theoretical part and a creative workshop, explained GMB gallery educator Photo: Sme Petra Baslíková. GMB also organises the national education programme titled “Art from Near” for pupils aged 10-15 which has already been attended by more than 330 schools. It works in a way that the gallery issues a catalogue with seven reproductions of works from its collections and teaching materials which it then sends to schools. The children then draw the pictures in their own way and send them back. The best pictures are exhibited alongside the originals. The project’s idea is interesting as well as the methodological approach, said Kmeť, who together with his students has attended the programme twice. “Children perceived it as part of their education,” he said, “the only difference was that they had a feeling they were part of something bigger.” The programmes in the East Slovak Gallery (VSG), which started being systematically organised in 2009, are connected to particular actual exhibitions. They are very specific and depend on the concept of the exhibition or the art technique the artist used, explained VSG gallery educator Viera Dandárová. The schools choose from various activities and search mostly for the programmes where children can actively participate, she added. Also the Nitra Gallery offers a variety of educational activities, from lectures focused on interpretation of the oeuvres, short animations, workshops lasting two hours and also education programmes. “All activities are focused on three aims: the concept of exhibition and specifics of exhibits, the formal side of art, and pupils’ own works inspired by the philosophy and concept of the selected piece from a contemporary exhibition,” Elena Tarábková of the gallery explained. Visitors to the StanicaŽilina Záriečie can also find special events for schools, started in 2006, which focus on “evoking perception of schoolchildren towards art”, meaning that they show some work to children and wait for their response, said Hana Hudovičová Lukšů, responsible for programmes for children, families and schools. “We let children reveal and share their discoveries among one another,” she told The Slovak Spectator, adding that their experience shows that together, and with help from lecturers, they can also decode the more difficult concepts of a work of art without knowing about them in advance. They also offer special language classes in English at which they discuss the exhibition, she added. Art impacts personality The galleries’ projects help pupil to familiarise themselves directly with art, says Dagmar Kochanová, art class teacher from the primary school at Benkova street in Nitra. She sometimes visits exhibitions with students and has also attended some special programmes. Pupils should attend similar activities “so their aesthetic perception of the world develops more intensively and they learn more about our culture”, she told The Slovak Spectator. To read the whole article, please go to EC praises Košice for 2013 culture capital project THE EUROPEAN Commission has praised Košice for the city’s handling of the European Capital of Culture (ECOC) 2013 project. The eastern Slovak city shared the title with French Marseille. “In its evaluation report issued in the beginning of March, the EC highlighted the highly innovative programme of Košice during the whole year, especially regarding its scope and content, with experimental art forms and creativity in its broader sense strongly represented,” Culture Ministry spokesman Jozef Bednár said, as quoted by the TASR newswire. Košice’s programme made a contribution to many of the defined European Union level objectives for the ECOC, especially in terms of strengthening the capacity of the cultural and creative sectors and their connectivity, as well as access to and participation in culture by a broad cross-section of residents. This was possible One of the SPOTs projects in Košice. Photo: J. Liptáková thanks in large part to investments in SPOTs, a programme featuring the regeneration of a number of unused heat exchange stations and cultural events in Košice’s neighbourhoods, other cultural facilities and the number of large-scale public events, the report reads. The ECOC title also positively impacted tourism. “The number of nights spent in Košice increased by 10 percent in 2013 as compared to 2012,” Bednár said, as quoted by TASR. The EC also praised Košice for its effort to sustain the projects. “Evidence of lasting improvements in the cultural vibrancy of cities is perhaps strongest in the case of Košice, thanks to the numbers of continuing projects and the establishment of a new timetable of recurring events and festivals,” the report states. Compiled by Spectator staff
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