TELECOMMUNICATIONS, THE NETHERLANDS CONSTRUCTION INTERNET BELGIUM & ONLINE SERVICES Vol. 21, No. No. 38 Vol. 21, Vol. 20, No. 41 Monday, April 20, 2015- Sunday, - Sunday,February May 3, 2015 Monday, February 9, 2015 22, 2015 Monday, December 1, 2014 - Sunday, December 7, 2014 SELECT FOREX RATES RATES SELECT FOREX benchmark as November of April 1627 € benchmark as of CANADA CAD 1.40 1.31 CANADA CAD CZECH REP. CZK 27.50 CZECH REP. CZK 27.61 RUB 53.41 RUSSIA RUSSIA GREAT BRITAIN RUB GBP58.66 0.71 GREAT BRITAIN GBP 0.79 HUNGARY HUF HUF 307.300.95 14 HUNGARY JAPAN CZK 127.64 JAPAN JPY 146.67 PLN 4.03 POLAND POLAND PLN USD 4.181.07 USA 1.25 USA USD Váhostav scandal Smer’s Pellegrini uproar role takesspurs up speaker WITHIN a matter of weeks, the finPRIME Minister Robert Fico conhas ancial affairs of Váhostav-SK picked rising star his Smer structiona company haveof mushroomed party, Peter Pellegrini, become into a full fledged scandal.toAfter first the speaker parliament after Padoing little, ofPrime Minister Robert vol Paška resigned from the key Fico’s government is now scrambling constitutional on the heels ofto a to recover withpost a fast-tracked plan scandal, and alleged corruption, bail out creditors and oust Ján Figeľ, a surrounding overpriced deputy speaker of parliament.medical equipment. Váhostav-SK owes hundreds of Pellegrini has changed jobs sevmillions of euros to hundreds of eral times in recent months: from a small and medium-sized companstate secretary the Financetaking Minies. Prior to theatgovernment istry he replaced Dušan Čaplovič action, Váhostav-SK offered to payas 15 education after brief percent ofminister, what it and owed to aunsestop he is now moving to parcuredthere creditors, mostly small and liamentary speaker. Pellegrini, who started his career as assistant to a Smer deputy, earlier this year advanced to the post of deputy chairman of Smer. BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ Anti-corruption Spectator staff rallies intensify, CT scanner fallout medium-sized businesses. On April continues 14, the Fico cabinet proposed to buy up the debt. The programme would be financed by a special levy on comBY banks BEATA BALOGOVÁ mercial and lead to the state Spectator staff obtaining Váhostav-SK shares. While small and medium-sized companies welcome that the cabinThebegun post to of solve education minister et has their problems now goes to the the ministry’s state with Váhostav-SK, opposition as secretary Juraj Draxler, who in the well as law experts criticise the propast worked for the Brussels-based think-tank, the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), and focused on education and science. Paška’s fall has not calmed pub- posed solution. lic anger over dubious deals in the Fico approved the proposal his health-care sector while14 the cabinet adopted on April and protests organised by a number which advanced to parliament byof of opposition culminated on a fast-trackdeputies proceeding, within one November when approximately day. In the 25 meantime, the share the 5,000 filled streets of Slovakpeople Guarantee andthe Development Bratislava. Bank (SZRB) is willing to pay to unThe creditors protestersgrew demanded the secured from 40 perban shell companies in public cent of to 50 percent. Apart from selling tenders the creditors recall of additional claims toand SZRB, would also people linked to a flawed computer be enabled to claim from the debtor tomography scanner tender. full coverage(CT) of debts from the debtor’sLast futureweek, profits.the government pitched a revision to the public procurement law parliament to lock Seeto CASE pg 4 out shell companies from the tenders; critics call the law toothADVERTISEMENT less. Fico speech lauds successes, launches 2016 campaign Harabin out of Judicial Council See NEW pg 5 Fico listed as the biggest successes of his one-party cabinet the consolidation of public defeats have always launched me to Court and Judicial BY RADKA MINARECHOVÁas both Supreme BY BEATASpectator BALOGOVÁ finances, one in ofhis thebid lowest levels of general victories”. Harabin did not say Council chair, also failed to big staff Spectator staff POLITICIANS can hardly keep convincing YM ICHAELA TERENZANI peopleB that the biggest problem of health care staffstate tolerates is the lack of Spectator money if the murky deals and waste of public funds in the healthcare sector, President Andrej Kiska said “IFhisWE expected any probin firstonly key slightly address to the parliament on lems, a camera wouldPrime be there for sure,” the November 26 – with Minister Robert Košice regional police head Juraj Leško told Fico notably absent. The president’s speech a press from came onconference the heels ofinareaction number to of Roma changes to the eastern Slovak of Vrbnica senior political posts,village including that of who the allege the police usedafter unnecessary force. of speaker of parliament the resignation locals by describe April 3surpoPavolWhile Paškathe provoked a recentanscandal lice intervention Vrbnicaequipment as brutal and and rounding overpricedinmedical violent, andanti-corruption displayed theirrallies. bruisedFico anddid insubsequent jured bodies forKiska cameras, police the alnot attend and spoke to a deny half-empty legations. raid in is reminishouse in theThe presence of Vrbnica a single cabinet officentFinance of an earlier incident of alleged cial, Minister Peter Kažimír, thepolice Sme brutality against Roma near Moldava nad daily reported. Bodvou in 2013, where likewise nocase record“Understandably, people in this reingsespecially were made. act sensitively to profiting from illness and human misfortune,” said Kiska in See RAID pg 2 response to a series of anti-corruption rallies. “There are few people who in such a case would remain indifferent and would not be disillusioned and angry. This is how I see protests and demonstrations these days.” The protests organised by a number of opposition deputies culminated on November 25 when approximately 5,000 people filled the streets of Bratislava. Uranium deposit not to be probed See SPEECH pg 9 B R M Mochovce budget hike cleared Y ADKA INARECHOVÁ Spectator staff NO GEOLOGICAL survey will be carried out at the uranium deposit in the Kurišková area near Košice for now. This is the result from the April 16 decision by the Environment Ministry which said it stopped the decadelong dispute between the company that wanted to probe the locality and environBY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ mental activists who opposed doing so. Spectator staff already said it The company, however, is prepared to turn to courts with a lawsuit against the state. THE ECONOMY Ministry agreed to increase the budget on building two reactors at See STOP pgnew 3 the Mochovce nuclear power plant during a Slovenské Elektrárne (SE) shareholder meeting on November 21. Costs will balloon a further €830 million to €4.63 billion, the of SE’s shares with Bratislava state owns a third Italian conglomerate Enel controlling the rest. The third block of Mochovce is planned to be put into commercial operation in late 2016 and the fourth one year later, both four years later than originally planned. “There is no other possibility than to complete Mochovce,” Economy Minister Pavol Pavlis told the Hospodárske Noviny daily, referring to already invested money, thousands of people working on the blocks under construction as well as 150 subcontractors, half of whom are from Slovakia. While SE will take out a loan to cover the extra €830 million, the postponed completion of the project also means less money in the state budget as SE dividends are used to finance completion works. At the shareholder meeting, Enel agreed to 14 measures to improve project management. government debt among whethercountries, he would challenge the get re-elected as Supreme Court eurozone foraeconomic growth and reduction of in which he finresults of the vote, chairman. support Čimo was former Judiunemployment. IN AN April 13 speech, Prime Ministercial Robert Council member who was dis- ished third. addedparthat FicoČimo used ofthethe op- Trnava Regional Fico evaluated the achievements gov-by theMesežnikov missed Smer-controlled JUDGES have opted for yet anotherof his portunity promote “some messages to the ernmenttoduring three years in judioffice in a dis-only liament one weektobefore the key change the country’s ailing Court said the results were better via promoting play analysts consider as the judge launch September of cam- public 16 election of the the Su-achievements”. ciary, selecting pro-reform than his expectations and that they paigning for next election. the speech lacked any controverpresident and the Dušan Čimo over year’s Štefangeneral Harabin to preme Court Since “give a reason for optimism”, the SITA was a party action the aim to di- chair. sial He topics or failures of the cabinet, council returns to the newswire fill “It a vacant seat on thewith Judicial reported. Čimo is a White vert attention from not very pleasant events, after Mesežnikov as some kind of an honour that 342 of theconsiders country’sit Crow Council, a collection of judges that council award winner, like oversee problems Váhostav construction event” which alsowho be took personal risk 1,119 voting“communication judges supported him. help the with country’s court sysgoes tocan Slovaks company or the situation in the health sector,” as “the unofficial launch of the by challenging While considered Harabin’s critics rejoiced tem. as whistleblowers Grigorij Mesežnikov, head of the Institute for results, pre-election campaign”. over the the man who con- unethical or corrupt behaviour. Earlier this year Harabin, who Public Affairs thinkfor tank, told Slovakthe country’s judiciary over trolled has long been(IVO) criticised how heThe Festival is organized by the Milan Šimečka Foundation Spectator. See“small GOV pg 9 guided the judiciary while operating more than a decade said that See OUT pg 2 See NUCLEAR pg 4 fb [ úžn] Classicsinitiation for tourists Artistic Bratislava’s Tourism Board The top works by some of and country’s Konvergencie the mosthave promteamed up toare bring ising artists onmore classicalat music to tourists. display Bratislava’s pg 10 Nedbalka gallery through December 21. pg 10 The Váhostav-SK company has been occupying the attention of the Slovak parliament with its members debating changes to legislation enabling a bailout of creditors of the troubled construction company as well as dismissal of Ján Several thousands of people gathered SNP Square in Bratislava on September 25 to protestfor against corruption in Photo: TASR Figeľ, deputy speaker of parliament, toat whom PM Robert Fico ascribes political responsibility the case. the healthcare sector. Photo: Sme th New Minorities Week CULTURE of this issue Roma village Kiska makes alleges police first address brutality to MPs NEWS NEWS Ageing Eight is population enough A recent findstothat Slovakia report has agreed take mostmore districts in Slovakia two detainees from are ageing quickly dueBay to the US’s Guantanamo lower birth rates more prison camp. Thisand brings pensioners. the total number up to eight pg 2 since 2010, with a Yemeni and a Tunisian slated for arrival shortly. Gambling addictionpg 2 The number of licensed slot machines has dropped but experts say internet Lucrative libel suits gambling couldcentury be even of After a quarter morepress, dangerous. free Slovakia still struggles with onerous pg li- 3 bel laws. Excessive payouts to public officials can BUSINESS often serve to threaten journalists and lead to selfFigeľ’s blame censorship. PM Robert Fico blames pg 3 former transport minister Ján Figeľ for current problems of Váhostav, citing esOPINION pecially prices in highway construction tenders below Cautious optimism expert estimates. Recent changes in the judipg 4 ciary are a sign of positive change. At the same time, the chance to reform public OPINIONcannot be procurement missed. Will he or won’t he? pg 5 It is still unclear whether the prime minister will travel to MoscowFOCUS to mark BUSINESS the end of WWII. Dutch directness pg 5 Judges in the Netherlands make strong efforts to comBUSINESS FOCUS municate and engage with the public. The Slovak judiSwan telecom waits ciary might consider doing What would beDutch Slovakia’s the same, says Amfourth mobile operator bassador Richard Van has failed to get access to other Rijssen. carriers’ national net- pg 6 works. pg 6 Presidential partners As Slovakia takes on the Smart phones surge European Council’s rotating Mobile capabilities are on presidency in 2016, expect the rise, with greater focus investment cooperation on applications, data and with Dutch companies to security. grow even further. pgpg 77 € 1.20 .20 FOCUS FOCUS of this issue www. On sale sale now now On SP015041/002 2 NEWS April 20 – May 3, 2015 Police Corps rector pleads guilty THE FORMER rector of the Police Corps Academy in Bratislava, Václav Krajník, accused of accepting bribes, officially concluded a plea bargain with the prosecutor of the Special Prosecutor’s Office and left with a sentence of suspension and a fine. “I agree with the proposal of Mr. prosecutor and beg for approval of the bargain,” Krajník said on April 13 as cited by the TASR newswire. The lawsuit against Krajník was filed for the continued crime of accepting a bribe and the attempted misdemeanour of abusing the power of a public official in the arena of an attempt. Krajník was detained during the so-called Mahony action in 2012. Originally he faced imprisonment of between five and 12 years. By making a plea deal with the prosecutor, the punishment of Krajník reduced by one third. In order to achieve this, he was obliged to plead guilty. He also has to pay a fine of €5,000. “It’s obvious that he lived a proper life before committing crime,” said the head of court’s senate Ružena Sabová when commenting on mitigating circumstances in favour of Krajník. The former rector was accused of committing the crime by ordering an academy employee, as his superior, to favour at least 29 applicants for study at the Police Academy in a competition, while allegedly taking a bribe of €5,000 for accepting at least two of them, Special Prosecutor’s Office spokesperson Jana Tökölyová stated earlier the TASR newswire. “It is the right decision which will have a milder effect on his autumn years,” Krajník’s advocate Peter Filip commented on the result of the case. Krajník was not suspected only of corruption. Before his 2012 detainment the Sme daily reported about suspicious graduation at the academy of Czech politician Jan Rytíř. The document with names of opponents present at his thesis defence contained a forged signature of Jaroslav Ivor who was not present. Krajník was the head of that commission. Police accused him of fabricating a signature but later stopped the investigation. Also former Czech transport minister Vít Bárta graduated from the academy in 1996 despite the fact that part of his thesis was copied from textbooks of his tutor Jiří Straus. Recalled archbishop meets the Pope AFTER long months of effort, former Trnava archbishop Robert Bezák succeeded in meeting Pope Francis I on April 10. The audience was long wished for by Bezák and was supported by his previous meeting with the Pope during a wider general audience at the Vatican, by intervention of Czech emeritus Bishop Miloslav Vlk and maybe also thanks to the April 9 visit of Slovak President Andrej Kiska, the Sme daily wrote. “We held a long discussion on Bezák’s situation, as well as on what troubles us in Slovakia,” said the President Kiska on his Facebook page. Although the papal schedule is planned long in advance, Francis I is known to also act spontaneously, so Kiska might have weighed in, church analyst Imrich Gazda told the Pravda daily. But Bezák was seen in the Vatican already on April 8 – which rather supports the theory of an earlier planned audience. Bezák was recalled as Trnava Archbishop – very popular with believers across Slovakia – allegedly due to investigation into the financial operations of his predecessor Ján Sokol in 2012 by the previous pope, Benedict XVI. Both the Vatican and the Slovak bishops refused to ex- plain the reasons for the decision and Bezák was forbidden from discussing the issue publicly. The case stirred wide public and media attention. Bezák’s recent visit with the Pope lasted 50 minutes and he managed to explain that his dismissal occurred suddenly and under very mysterious conditions, with him receiving no official document until now. Bezák had already spoken briefly to the Pope at a general audience in June 2014 and gave him a letter requesting a personal audience. He told Sme that Pope Francis listened attentively and promised to look into his case. They talked also about his time spent in an Italian Redemptorist monastery in Bussolengo where he suffered ever more and more, mostly due to the unresolved case and his return to Slovakia in December 2014. The Conference of Bishops of Slovakia (KBS) is pleased that the Pope received Archbishop Bezák. “We esteem and fully respect all decisions and steps of our Most Holy Father,” KBS spokesman Martin Kramara told the TASR newswire. Compiled by Spectator staff from press reports Study notes Slovakia’s fast ageing population BY RADKA MINARECHOVÁ Spectator staff THOUGH Slovakia is now among the three youngest countries of the European Union, it is on pace to become one of the oldest nations by 2060. One of the most distinctive features of demographic development in Slovakia in the past two decades is that the population is ageing in all of the country’s districts and most of the municipalities. There are, however, visible differences between the regions when it comes to the average age and ageing index, with the western and central districts becoming older quicker than those in the north and the east, the Demographic Atlas presented to the public on March 12 suggests. The fact remains that in coming years ageing will be impacted mostly by the middle- Slovakia’s population is rapidly growing older. aged generation starting to gradually retire. “The demographic future of Slovakia is not optimistic,” Branislav Bleha, vice dean of Comenius University’s Faculty of Natural Sciences, told the press. Though history has already shown that the catastrophic predictions of so-called population pessimists have not come true, it is not very probable that Slovakia will turn Photo: Sme away from the current trends in Europe. Terms like ageing and depopulation will gradually become part of the vocabulary of ordinary people, according to Bleha. Average age is increasing The average age in Slovakia increased to 39.6 years in 2013, which is 5.5 years more than 20 years ago. The index of ageing has shown similar dynamics. While in 1993 there were 45 seniors per 100 children, in 2013 it was 88 seniors per 100 children, the Demographic Atlas shows. Moreover, the previously positive trend of decreasing values in the economic dependency ratio has changed to negative. Since 2009 the values of the ratio have grown slightly, which means that there is bigger pressure by the economically inactive part of the population on the economically active one, said Viera Pilinská of Infostat. The ageing effect is visible also at the regional level, with the average age increasing in all of Slovakia’s districts. The oldest district is Bratislava I, while the youngest are Kežmarok (Prešov Region) and Námestovo (Žilina Region). The gap between them is 11.5 years, Pilinská added. See AGE pg 5 RAID: No video made of intervention Continued from pg 1 The raid in Vrbnica was part of a large police action that took place on the morning of April 3 in which the police were looking for people who failed to show up to start prison sentences. The police raided 46 locations and found seven people they were looking for, but none in Vrbnica, public-service RTVS radio reported. Two of the 46 raids were recorded on cameras, but not the one in Vrbnica. Police opt out The police did not use a camera during that intervention because they did not consider the place to be “problematic”, as Leško stated to the press conference, as reported by the Korzár regional daily. Human rights watchdogs questioned whether the police should be selective in making recordings of their interventions. “It would also protect the police who are often times unnecessarily accused, nevertheless it is suspicious that some raids led by the police have surveillance by cameras and others don’t,” Peter Pollák, the government’s proxy for Roma communities, told public-service radio RTVS. Ombudswoman Jana Dubovcová insists that the police should record every such raid, “in order for the state to be able to prove how it behaved in a critical situation, because [the state] bears the burden of proof”, the ombudswoman’s spokesman Ján Glovičko told The Slovak Spectator. lice station. Several of the Roma were injured and at least one of them contends that he underwent two more severe beatings at the police station itself. But the rules have not changed since then and the law allows the police to record the raids but does not oblige them to do so. The Interior Ministry, however, is planning to introduce some changes to the law on the police corps regarding the use of cameras over the summer, according to the ministry’s spokesperson Ivan Netík. “In order to be able to make camera recordings of actions no legislative change is required, since video and audio recordings are allowed to be made,” Netík told The Slovak Spectator, adding that in many cases the raids are indeed recorded and it is up to the commander of the raid to decide whether to record or not. There are no concrete criteria for video recording of police raids. Thus it is unclear whether the police decided not to record the raid in Vrbnica but had recorded a police action against migrant smugglers. Police claim recording all their raids would not be a problem if they had the necessary recording equipment at their disposal. The Interior Ministry admitted that the recording of police actions is a “technical and technological problem”, according to Netík. “It will be necessary to buy the equipment and to archive the recording for some time,” Netík said, adding that the police have already submitted their requests and are waiting for financial resources. Making cameras obligatory Injuries sustained in Vrbnica Dubovcová has repeatedly called on the police corps president and the interior minister to make the recording of every police action obligatory, after a similar situation occurred in June 2013, when more than 60 police officers raided the Roma settlement informally named Budulovská outside Moldava nad Bodvou. According to eyewitnesses, violence ensued and 15 Roma were taken to the po- The police intervention in the settlement near Michalovce allegedly left 15 people injured. The men claimed the police had brutally beaten and kicked them. Vrbnica Mayor Jaroslav Tokár labelled the police raid “inappropriate and brutal”, Korzár reported. “Citizens who were working in community services at that time were at- tacked as well,” Tokár told Korzár. The Michalovce hospital confirmed that a group of 15 people had been admitted to the hospital with light injuries that required outpatient treatment, Korzár reported. “No persons were injured,” Leško told the press conference, as quoted by Korzár. The raid in Vrbnica took half an hour and 15 police officers were deployed there, including officers from the emergency motorised unit, and dog handlers, but no SWAT units, according to the police. “We object to the words that it was a brutal police raid, it is nonsense that someone wants to use against the police,” Leško said, adding that he was convinced the police were doing their job “well and right”. Watchdog groups respond It will be hard, however, for any investigative body to prove whether that is true or not, given the fact that without the recording it is the word of the police officers against the word of the injured Roma. Pollák requested that the General Prosecutor’s Office and the Interior Ministry look into the allegations. He visited the village on April 4 to hear the account of the raid from the locals. “I’m curious how the investigation will treat the medical reports and findings of the affected Roma, where the character of the injuries is stated,” Pollák said. The ombudswoman will look into the case as well from the perspective of basic human rights and freedoms, Glovičko confirmed for The Slovak Spectator. “She will focus on whether the raid was necessary and appropriate, as well as how it was prepared, run, managed, and what means and procedures were used,” Glovičko said, adding that since Dubovcová only has information about the police raid in Vrbnica from the media, she has requested an explanation and further information from the police corps President Tibor Gašpar. NEWS Gambling evolves but still can ruin lives BY ROMAN CUPRIK Spectator staff THERE were three pubs with slot machines in Madunice village in western Slovakia. Whole Roma families regularly gathered in front of them waiting for the head of the family to bring some money and many soon lost all of their monthly welfare grants in a matter of days – until the machines were banned. As an addiction, gambling does not discriminate and plenty of wives from households with high salaries came to the municipal office complaining that their husbands had gambled away the money, said Madunice Mayor Alena Jelušová before the town outlawed the machines in 2012. Professionals have been treating around 300 new gambling addicts each year over the last 10 years, compared with 2,000 drug abusers and 20,000 alcoholics each year. Experts say many more individuals go untreated. “It doesn’t matter how many patients we have but rather how seriously they are affected, ” said Ľubomír Okruhlica, head of the Centre for Treatment of Drug Dependencies in Bratislava. One-armed bandits move to the internet There are approximately 3.2 slot machines per 1,000 citizens in Slovakia and their number has been falling since 2008 when parliament began adopting a series of amendments to the Gambling Act. In 2008 there were 27,000 legal slot machines in the country while in 2014 the number fell to 21,050, according to data from the Association of Videogames Operators and the Slovak Association of Amusement and Games (AZAH). “The public may have an impression that there is an increasing number of slot machines but there are not; they are just regrouping,” AZAH spokesman Juraj Danielis told The Slovak Spectator. “Many operators [of slot machines] move their machines from pubs to gambling houses which are under more strict supervision.” Besides “regrouping” of slot machines there is an increasing number of video games and players on internet casinos, said Danielis. For example, Bratislava has noted that while the number of traditional slot machines, informally called “onearmed bandits”, decreased from 1,574 in 2010 to 696 in 2014, the number of video games increased from 944 to April 20 – May 3, 2015 STOP: Public kills mining site Continued from pg 1 “With this decision, the time that has been traumatising the whole of Slovakia and inhabitants of Košice and the nearby villages for the entire decade ends,” Žiga told the press, as quoted by the TASR newswire. No to extended permission The number of traditional slot machines decreases as they move from pubs to casinos. Photo: Sme 2,177 during the same period, according to spokeswoman Ivana Skokanová. While operators of slot machines face falling revenues, gambling is still on the rise. In 2010 the state gained around €100 million from levies and taxes related to gambling, including slot machines, video games, betting parlours, and so forth. That revenue reached €146 million in 2014, according to the Finance Ministry. “Fees for operating slot machines in Slovakia are among the highest in Europe,” Danielis said, adding that for example there is a €5,900 tax levy on gambling video games of which €5,000 goes to the state and €900 to the municipality where the machine is placed. The gambling industry currently provides jobs to around 12,000 to 14,000 people, he said. Ruining streets In January, the Sme daily reported on buses with gamblers coming from Vienna to Bratislava on New Year’s Eve after the Austrian capital banned all slot machines as of January 1. Bratislava Mayor Ivo Nesrovnal responded by saying he lacked the power to limit gambling. “There is evidence that casinos or gambling houses sooner or later destroy every street,” Nesrovnal told Sme on January 9. “Normal shops leave then and serious social problems arise, such as gambling, alcoholism, prostitution, violence, chaos.” However, regional cities approached by The Slovak Spectator claim they have not noticed above average levels of criminality near gambling houses. Police in Poprad have seen no such thing, according to town spokesman Marián Galajda. Banská Bystrica officials said the same. Žilina and Bratislava officials did not respond to requests for comment. “Claims about criminality, prostitution or drug abusing around gambling houses is a popular stereotype used by politicians and activists to improve their image,” said Danielis. Bachledová told the Slovak Spectator. Gambling associations, however claim bans have little effect. “Experience shows that removing two or three slot machines in problematic areas does not solve the situation,” Danielis said. “The group of problematic players will move to pubs.” Municipalities that have banned gambling all claimed Effect on smaller towns the social situation improved On the other hand, smal- when slot machines disapler towns and villages that peared. tried more or less to successfully ban slot machines in Ruining lives their municipalities report a different picture of how Gambling is dangerous begambling affects street life and cause it is relatively difficult to lives of individuals. manufacture and distribute “The local man comes back illegal drug compared with a home after working for a week, slot machine, which is legal gets drunk and leaves almost and available in most munihis whole salary in a ma- cipalities. At first gambling chine,” Gbeľany mayor Jozef can start as fun but some Martinček told The Slovak people like the thrill it brings Spectator. “Subsequently their and spend all they win on wives or parents come to com- playing again, according to plain about that to the local Okruhlica. municipality.” “The whole thinking of Martinček added that gamblers is focused on playGbeľany issued an edict ban- ing. Care for their family, chilning gambling in the muni- dren, work, vacations is cipality. However the new curbed and gambling impovamendment to the Gambling erishes the family,” OkruhAct effective since the begin- lica said. “It can end with a ning of 2013 required that if suicide attempt.” citizens want to ban such Gambling associations debusinesses they must gather a fend themselves by claiming petition signed by at least 30 that gambling is the most regpercent of all eligible local ulated industry in Slovakia. voters. The village so far has For example, gambling machines have to contain innot succeeded in doing so. On the other hand, the formation about phone numtown of Podolínec did suc- ber of the hotline for gamceed in such an effort. Before blers. They also say they are the ban the town was called not against stricter regula“Little Las Vegas” and simil- tions but new rules should be arly to Madunice it also had a result of dialogue not popuproblem with the marginal- list proposals by politicians, ised Roma community, ac- according to Danielis. “We don’t want to have cording to former mayor Ivaddicted customers,” Danielis eta Bachledová. “One citizen saw a little said. “Playing is for fun. child standing on the street Simply, people come, play and waiting for mum who was try- leave.” ing to win some money to buy shoes for the child,” See GAME pg 5 3 The Environment Ministry put a definite stop to Ludovika Energy company that had originally received permission to carry out the survey in 2005. Though it was valid only until 2009, the company succeeded in having it prolonged until 2015. Furthermore, the company asked for another extension of an additional 10 years, with validity expiring in 2025. It claimed it wanted to study the possible existence of rare ores in the locality, the Sme daily wrote. The recent decision only confirms a previous order from February when the ministry also refused to prolong the permission, saying that the company did not meet the legal conditions and that it had enough time to carry out its research, TASR reported. The permission will expire on April 20. “The company will submit an application to set a new surveying locality in order to carry out a new geological task,” according to the statement of Ludovika Energy, as quoted by the SITA newswire, adding it will focus the survey on rare ores in the area. The company also repeated its previous claim that it will turn to court to reassess the ministry decision. It claimed in the past that it had already invested €23 million into the survey and declared that it would lose some $616 million in profit, Sme wrote. The ministry, however, says it is prepared for such a possibility. “We are not afraid of arbitration or the courts,” Žiga said, as quoted by the SITA newswire. “We have observed the valid laws.” The decision was welcomed by Greenpeace Slovensko. People protested against uranium mining. Photo: TASR “We do not see any reason to prolong the geographical survey in this locality,” Pavol Široký of Greenpeace said in a press release. “Ten years is enough for a foreign private company to survey the area and persuade the public about the benefits of its plans.” He noted that Ludovika Energy did not talk seriously to the public seriously but rather attacked it. Fight for Kurišková Though the locality of Kurišková (or ČermeľJahodná) reportedly has among the best global deposits of uranium, the problem is that it lies close to the secondbiggest Slovak city of Košice, and its weekend and holiday destination Jahodná. In response to the plans of Ludovika Energy (previously known as Kremnica Gold), environmentalists and local residents launched the biggest environmental petition in the country between 2005 and 2009, signed by more than 113,000 people, Sme reported. Despite this, the Economy Ministry signed a memorandum in December 2012 with the investor about mining the deposit. However, the protests continued. In response, the country conditioned getting permission for launching the mining with the consent of involved municipalities, as expressed in a local referendum. Under the rules, which came into force in June 2014, companies that complete a geological survey will need to ask the affected municipalities to hold referendums in which people can express their agreement or disagreement with the mining. The amendment also contains a proposal by Košice Mayor Richard Raši (Smer) in which mining in both Košice and Bratislava will require holding a referendum with attendance by residents of the whole city, not just the affected borough, SITA wrote. While the Environment Ministry claimed the change should give more powers to people when deciding over a new mining operation, activists suggest that the state did not ban uranium mining in Slovakia but only set conditions for it. “With the referendum, the state got rid of the duty to maintain citizens’ constitutional rights on health and a healthy environment to which the author of the amendment refers in the explanation,” Košice activist Ladislav Rovinský said, as quoted by SITA. Activists say that mining of radioactive ores should be banned in the master plan. With press reports 4 BUSINESS April 20 – May 3, 2015 Lots of automotive news in mid April THE THIRD April week in Slovakia was packed with automotive news. Bratislava’s Incheba hosted the 25th edition of the most prestigious car show in Slovakia, the oldest carmaker in Slovakia, Volkswagen Slovakia, launched construction of a brand new body shop and university students teamed up in the Solar Team Slovakia to design an ultra-light electric vehicle powered by direct solar energy. The car show Autosalón, thanks to its good timing only about one month after the car show in Geneva and about three months after the auto show in Detroit, drew a total of 35 car brands and almost 80 Slovak premieres to Bratislava. Among other novelties, visitors saw the Audi Q7 introduced in Detroit but produced in Bratislava, new SUVs, the Mercedes-Benz GLE Coupé, the Hyundai Tucson manufactured in Czech Nošovice and the Škoda Superb while the latter was introduced in Slovakia earlier than in its homeland, the Czech Republic. Peter Mihók, chairman of the Slovak Trade and Industry Chamber (SOPK), highlighted the importance of the automotive industry for Slovakia’s economy and employment. “The Automotive industry has brought to Slovakia a large wave of innovations and a positive image of Slovakia as a country with developed industry,” said Mihók as cited by the TASR newswire. Part of the fair is an Exclusive Salon for those seeking a more demanding exhibition of luxurious and sport cars. The 25th edition of the car show held between April 14 and 19 as well as sound sales of passenger cars, which grew by about 9.5 percent y/y to more than 72,000 cars in 2014, drew to Bratislava also car makers that were missing at the car show during previous years, for example Renault, Dacia, BMW and Audi. Of the prime brands, only Lexus and Volvo were missing at this year’s show. On April 14, the same day when doors of the car show opened, Albrecht Reimold, CEO of the Slovak arm of the German carmaker Volkswagen and Bratislava Region’s governor, Pavol Frešo, laid the foundation stone of a new body shop to produce bodies for SUVs or more specifically, for the Porsche Cayenne. “Volkswagen Slovakia is growing and expanding its competencies,” Reimold said at the ceremony. “The most modern technologies of the automotive industry are arriving in Slovakia. The construction of the new Porsche body shop, into which we will invest €0.5 billion, confirms this.” VW will build the body shop on the site of a former logistics hall and the production hall should be completed in late 2015 so that technologies can be installed during 2016. Production is projected to start in 2017. There will be 200 employees in each work shift and 500 robots. Last but lot least, students of Žilina University and the Bratislava-based Academy of Fine Arts and Design (VŠVU), teamed up in the Solar Team Slovakia, unveiled on April 13 their plan to design an ultra-light electric vehicle powered by direct solar energy. They want to enrol the car in the World Solar Challenge in Australia in 2017. Juraj Makarovič from Žilina University, is the main initiator of the project while Štefan Klein, the head of the Transport Design Atelier at VŠVU and designer of the famous flying car, is also involved in the project. Fewer Slovak firms in tax havens THE NUMBER of Slovak companies residing in tax havens dropped in the first three months of this year to 4,248, which is 114 less than at the end of last year. Most companies left Monaco and Jersey. The trend is the opposite in the Czech Republic, when they rose by 23 to 13,270, the TASR newswire reported. “Currently it is not possible to predict whether it is a change of trend or statistical divergence,” Petra Štěpánová of Bisnode said, as quoted by TASR, adding that in the case of the Czech Republic they have already noticed significant slowing of the growth in tax haven companies. This comes as a result of stricter regulation, tax and legislative changes and closer supervision, as well as concerns of entrepreneurs from revealing bank secrecy. The introduction of a special tax of 35 percent on payments into tax havens is cited as one of the reasons behind the decrease in Slovakia, the Hospodárske Noviny wrote. Most Slovak companies left in the first quarter of 2015 Monaco (50), Jersey (33) and the Netherlands (14), as well as Cyprus (12) and Seychelles (10). Their number increased in Panama (6) and Malta (5), TASR wrote. In 2014 a total of 400 left Slovakia for tax havens. Compiled by Spectator staff Fico seeks to blame Figeľ for Váhostav Growing scandal shakes up parliament as opposition threatens walkout BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ Spectator staff CONTRARY to the cases of construction companies TSS Grade or Doprastav that underwent restructuring, the case of Váhostav-SK has grown into a nationwide affair. While Prime Minister Robert Fico first distanced himself from the case, he and Ján Figeľ, KDH head Photo: Sme his cabinet later prepared a measure to help small and medium-sized companies to whom Váhostav-SK plans to pay out only 15 percent of their debt. As he sees especially cheap highway construction orders behind troubles of Váhostav-SK he has called on Ján Figeľ who served as a transport minister during the time many of the contracts were closed, to take political responsibility and resign from his post of the deputy speaker of parliament. Figeľ, Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) chairman, refuses to resign responding that he only respected the law. “If somebody should leave from the political-economic playground, these are misters Fico and Široký,” said Figeľ, as cited by the TASR newswire. The Fico cabinet responded with a proposal to dismiss Figeľ with which parliament started to deal immediately during a special session, starting April 15, which also included a no-confidence motion against Health Minister Viliam Čislák and revisions to legislation related to bankruptcy and restructuring instigated by Váhostav-SK. See ORDERS pg 9 CASE: Changing legislation Continued from pg 1 SZRB will capitalise claims and thus obtain a stake in Váhostav-SK. “The basic aim of the amendment is to prevent the damaging of creditors during the bankruptcy and restructuring proceedings and bolster responsibility of running a business,” reads the text drafted by the Justice Ministry. The initiative is a response mostly to the current restructuring case of Váhostav-SK. Changes to the current scheme of bankruptcy and restructuring proceedings should apply to all still opened restructuring proceedings, including that of Váhostav-SK’s, a company heavily involved in highway construction in Slovakia. Under the proposed restructuring plan, Váhostav-SK plans to settle 15 percent of its debts or €15.7 million to small and medium-sized companies during five years. So-called secured creditors, especially banks that have secured their loans with collateral, will receive 100 percent of their claims. In total the firm wants to repay just 32.3 percent of its total debts of €136 million, or €43.9 million. The session at which Váhostav-SK’s creditors should vote on the restructuring plan is scheduled for April 30. Finance Minister Peter Kažimír said that the cabinet is not prepared to buy claims of shell companies. “We are not prepared to buy claims from shell companies,” said Finance Minister Peter Kažimír as cited by the Sme daily. Out of 688 creditors these account for about six companies and €33.4 million of the debts. This means that the state is willing to buy claims of about €71.3 million. Law experts warn that it would be impossible to check this as these transactions would be hidden behind commercial and banking secrecy. “Due to banking secrecy SZRB basically does not have the possibility to inform about transactions it carries out on behalf of it or its clients,” Peter Kunder from the Fair-Play Alliance, told Sme. Via the purchase of claims SZRB will become a creditor of Váhostav-SK while the company would settle the debt with SZRB from its future profits. “We think that during the current situation this solution would bring reduction of losses for [unsecured] creditors,” said Marián Moravčík, general director of Váhostav-SK, in response to the cabinetproposed solution as cited by the Pravda daily. Earlier on April 14 Moravčík said that his company is not able to settle over more than €44 million of its debts during the next five years. “I won’t sign under this, as I would be lying not only to myself but also to everybody else, and this would mean that the company goes bankrupt,” said Moravčík as cited by the TASR newswire, adding that this would jeopardise 1,500 employees of Váhostav-SK. According to Moravčík, even the current restructuring plan will be difficult to carry out. “This company has generated a loss of nearly €30 million over the past three years,” said Moravčík, recalling that the average margin in the construction business is around 3 percent. The cabinet proposes to finance purchases of claims by SZRB from money commercial banks have paid within a special temporary levy into a special fund that was earmarked to help banks if they got into trouble during the past years of financial crisis. Banks are obliged to pay the special levy until the account contains €1 billion. About half of that has been collected thus far. The cabinet approved on April 14 a change in the related legislation in order to redirect money from this fund to support business environment. This proposal has raised concerns as this enables the government to support selected companies. “This opens a way for subsidising various subjects,” said Peter Goliaš, analyst with the INEKO think thank, as cited by Sme. “When the cabinet decides, it will take money from banks and use it as it wishes.” Responses The opposition criticises the solution proposed by the Fico cabinet. The SlovakDemocratic and Christian Union (SDKÚ), when responding to the first, 40-percent proposal, called it a 40-percent solution as it will reimburse small companies only for costs they have already paid to the state in the form of taxes and levies, TASR wrote, while Most-Híd opined that the proposed solution omits those who caused the current situation – i.e. the company’s management and its owners. Law experts opine that the proposed solution does not only resolve unfair restructuring processes but it even creates space for abuse of creditors or putting them at an advantage. “This is a toothless proposal because it does not contain any real sanction against owners,” Radovan Pala of the law firm Taylor Wessing told Sme, adding that it is possible to optimise and reduce profits and that shareholders can take money out from their companies without being dependent on profits and thus payment of dividends. The proposal also does not solve the way in which the company would divide money among creditors after the restructuring process is over when shell companies may be preferred, Pala told Sme. Váhostav-SK’s troubles After Doprastav and TSS Grade, which recently underwent restructuring processes, Váhostav-SK is another of the country’s biggest construction firms which failed to pay its subcontractors and nearly closed its doors. Construction companies blame the bad economic situation and decline in demand for construction for their troubles. Last year Váhostav-SK took note of several proposals by creditors to seize assets to cover debts and instead sought restructuring. Váhostav-SK asked a court for protection from creditors on September 26 and to launch the restructuring process. This process will allow the firm to reduce part of its debts and avoid liquidation. The Bratislava I District Court accepted the request. Now, Váhostav-SK is working on its restructuring plan while the committee of creditors consisting of Slovenská Sporiteľňa, ČSOB and Tatra Banka, as well as the construction company Doprastav and subcontractor Lomark, approved its draft earlier in April. Transparency International Slovakia in cooperation with Bisnode have earlier uncovered that there are three Slovak companies behind Váhostav-SK linked with Juraj Široký, while ownership relationships continue on to Cyprus, New Zealand and Costa Rica with involvement of shell companies. QUOTE OF THE WEEK: OPINION / NEWS OPINION / NEWS “You are alone in the parliament, nobody wants to have anything to do with you.” KDH MP Július Brocka told the ruling Smer party that has the majority “I wish our education sector had the same efficiency as the exchange of with 83 seats. QUOTE OF THE WEEKin: parliament education ministers has had in recent months.” AGE: Many factors at play NEW: Pellegrini named after Paška is forced out President Andrej Kiska said while appointing new Education Minister Juraj Draxler, the third to serve since July. Continued from pg 2 Among other older areas in Slovakia are the other Bratislava districts, as well as districts in Považie and Pohronie regions. The fastest ageing Continued from pg 1 districts are Bratislava V and Banská Bystrica. The new speaker and said he does not see it as a Along with a law to limit sign that Paška is necessarily shell companies in public done in politics. tenders, the protesters also The scandal surrounding demand a law on material reNewborns and migration Pellegrini said he would be the CT device has also claimed sponsibility of state officials not enough guided by tolerance, respect head of Zuzana Zvolenská as and a special committee overseeing the investigation of the and openness in his new par- health minister. Ageing is driven by lower The Piešťany Hospital of Gorilla file, a transcript purliamentary job, and has drawn population num-of op- Alexander Winter purchased porting to originate from conpraisegrowth. from a The number ber ofposition people deputies grew onlywho by said earlier this year a CT scanner versations between senior 70,000they between 1993that and 2013, believe the new with a price tag approxim- politicians and Penta covertly ately three times higher than recorded by the country’s SIS speaker will be less said Danica Jurčová of confrontInsimilar devices purchased in intelligence service between fostat.ational than Paška. the Czech Republic. Medical 2005 and 2006 mainly about “I am ready for This is impacted byconstructtwo Group SK won the criticised the privatisation and sale of iveFirst cooperation,” factors. is a drop inPellegrini the said, which as quoted by the SITA tender after facing a single state property. birth rate, fell significcompetitor, the Nitra-based They also call for the end of newswire, antly in the 1990s.adding While atthat the imFewer children are being born. Photo: Sme the belonged political culture time proving Slovakia to in firm Meditecon, which offered political nominations in a price €300 lower. health care and the election of parliament credibility “The situation has stabil- soon, countries with and the the highest according to Pilinská. the Supreme Audit head of thein institution are aittask Fico number called Paška’s ised nowWhile and the of birth rates Europe, now is for “The number of Office people proposed by the opposition. both the ruling majority and decision the gesture of a among nations with the low- immigrants is some 5,000,” born in the 1970s is twice as the opposition. statesman, which is rare in Moreover, they urged Fico to told The Slovak Spec- high as the number of curest birth rates, with only 1.3 Jurčová Of 136 deputies present, 120 Slovakia, opposition MP Daniel step down, according to Sme. children per woman, said tator. rently born children,” she told Ice hockey player Michal supported Pellegrini as speak- Lipšic claims that the CT scanThese migrants go mostly The Slovak Spectator. Branislav Šprocha of Infostat. “They and Zuzana er. Miroslav Číž was elected to dal must not end with resig- Handzuš to the regions with foreign inThough the birth rate has will soon be in retirement age decorated replace Renáta Zmajkovičová, nations only, but it also should Melicherčíková, vestments, (upcriminal to andwith increased slightly the past who it willthe be White necessary to supCrow corrupa key Smerin official, continueBratislava at a level of Trnava andwrote. Nitra porttion decade, causeddown mostly the one quarter), them.” whistleblower award, as stepped in by connection responsibility, TASR and currently the Žilina fact that women postadmits of it actors, is com-also well as a number withmany the CT scandal, in the The opposition putRePaška Pilinská is also attractive, at-they poneddeputy havingspeaker their first plicated to deal with this addressed the crowd. post.child, gion in hot water over the what las shows. it still cannot cover the drop in Béla problem as you cannot order say are his ties to medical Most-Híd Chairman however still be- the the 1990s, hesaid added. young people to scandal have chilcompanies, especially Bugár he hopes that Pel- Slovakia The CT longsMedical to countries rel- the Another factor dren. While before 1989 there Group,with whicha won legrini important would respect the opatively low number of claimed for- were some is foreign migration, pro-family meas-had CT tender. They also position and make itwhich possible for The Piešťany hospital eigners. 2013did nearly 72,000 his has been affectedits bycontrolling political role. ures, like loans for young thatIn Paška not publish it to perform announced a tender to purfromin thethe salecounof shares chase acouples CT Somatom said foreigners he incomelived and socialPellegrini changes inhas society. married andDefinition conin private AS produced by Siemens in 2012 listen of which wascompanies. 1.3 percent of struction In thewould beginning of to thearguments 1990s it try, of kindergartens, roughly has €1 million with the opposition butbyhesepexpects total population. In the Czech the for was influenced mostly situation changed after officials theofsame in return. and Republic it was The protests 4 percent. aration Czechoslovakia afterVAT; the however, Velvet Revolution. fromnot the ruling Smer party took “People often view parlia- The positive trends like the Women the mutual movement only postpone the hospital ment as acounpolitical More in than 1,000 rate people slight increase the birth between the only two new timecontrol whenover theythehave chil-following election, theatre,”explained. said Pellegrini, and as benefits gathered from in Bratislava to deforeign mitries, Jurčová dren, but the the 2012 families alsothe cancelled quoted bythen the TASR mand however, Paška’s resignation cannot on Migration rose newswire. after gration, needmanagement to have enough moneythe deal family and announced a new Pellegrini’s November during a rally orfor14the shrinking Slovakia joined the EU appointment and the compensate for their life. tender for a more expensive cameArea, as aand surprise, as many independent and ganised ageing by population, the MP “It Schengen especially is necessary to motivCulture Minister AlojzofHlina, a similar device, TV Markíza reported on authors the following Demographic after expected Romania and Bulgaria ate people to have children in Marek Maďarič of Smer to take protest in Košice in front of October 30. joined the EU in 2007 when the Atlas warn. order to increase the age up the post. Paška’s house where around 300 The winning bid by Mednumber of immigrants stood group of 0-14,” Pilinská conpeople gathered on November ical Group SK at almost €1.6 at some 9,000 a year. The tinued. someIngenuity proDealing with the problem 11, according to TASR. million“Pass for a Philips Paška’s departure growth culminated in 2008, population Core 128 measures, CT scannerbutwas Bratislava saw a rally on but then Paška decreased withasthe they€600,000 should higher not bethan one-off government and other by the CT November 25 organised resigned speaker The start of of parliament the economic crisis,night since then from they would have relevant device the cancelled Hlina,authorities Daniel Lipšicshould of opposithe same she added. onlytender, short effect.” start tion dealing with Richard this problem Sme reported. At the NOVA, Sulík of as municipal elections, overshadowing reports on out- Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) time of the deal, Zmajkovičová comes of mayoral races across and Igor Matovič of the Ordin- headed the hospital’s superSlovakia. Fico, who had been ary People and Independent visory board. The leadership of the hosbacking Paška since the CT Personalities (OĽaNO) swellscandal broke, said Paška ing to a gathering 5,000-strong, pital announced on November 6 that they are seeking ways to resigned to protectfrom his family Continued pg 3 according to the Sme daily. cancel the contract with Medical Group SK. Yet, director of Dangerous internet the hospital Mária Domčeková in an interview with Sme on When commenting on the danger, DanielNovember 12, insisted that the is stressed the problem that forcing players purchase came after a legitimfrom brick and mortar casinos merely moves ate tender. them to their online counterparts. Online In an unexpected turn, the gambling is not regulated and income goes to authorised representative of firms based in tax havens, he said. Medical Group SK, Juraj Koval, There are some gamblers who became adsacked its director Erika Bilá for dicted on the internet but majority of gamwhat he called damaging the blers come from pubs and casinos, according to company’s reputation. The suOkruhlica. pervisory board of the com“If many people played on the internet they pany allegedly had not known would also come to us,” Okruhlica said. “We about the €1.6 million deal, don’t see such a trend.” sealed in the summer. A few As solutions of the gambling problem in Online gambling getsdays earlier, the Photo: company popular. Smehad Slovakia he proposes even stricter regulation said it was prepared to file lawand removing of slot machines and gambling suits over the claims that the houses, because it is easier for addicts to con- will usually not want travel for 20 CTtoscanner wasgambling overpriced. front their problem if they are unable to ac- kilometres to the next municipality,” Okruhcess the source of their addiction. “TheSITA need for gambling Read leaves them New Speaker of Parliament Peter Pellegrini lica says. Photo: more on pg 9 “A person who is used to playing in a pub until they get there.” GAME: Hard to control April 20 – May 3, 2015 A liberating experience There is still a long road ahead December 1 – 7, 2014 pute with the US ambassador. WILL he or won’t he? As of press time we have Zeman then softened his no idea whether Prime Min- stance and said he would skip ister Robert Fico will attend the military parade, but stick the May 9 celebrations in Mo- around for the post-parade scow meant to mark the end of festivities. The Czech presidŠTEFAN failed in his ent post on one Facebook, when is never to miss out on World WarHarabin II. Botched public last shotofatCzech keeping power in a celebration judges elected their repres– even occasionrelations President the Zeman’s Slovak office judiciary after entatives to the 18-member Miloš on April on the November 25 said Judicial Council, Harabin de10 judges indicated two of them they do not want to see the feated his challenger Dušan were destined to meet in Moman who lorded over the secscow – a clue that Fico at least PINIO tor for much of past decade to told the Czechs he was going – have a seat on the Judicial butCouncil, thus farwhich the prime minisoversees the terfunctioning has not confirmed his of courts nationplans. Kim wide. North The yearKorea’s 2014 is praised Jong-un be there, soin by manywill as a year of change either way the party likely a the judiciary, and isisproving to be an interesting one. who thorny one for Harabin There is no thatrealso failed in disputing his bid to get theelected Soviet Union’s Red Army as Supreme Court played a key, and theas chairman and perhaps departed key, roleofin Hitler’sas head thedefeating Judicial Council well. Nazi Germany in 1945. There is Harabin, truethat to six his also no disputing nature, did not defeat, years earlier theadmit Molotovbut said instead that “small Ribbentrop Pact split Poland defeatsthe havetwo always between andlaunched ceded to big victories”, statetheme Baltic states to the aSoviBY BENJAMIN indeed suggests ets.ment The which Red Army liberated C UNNINGHAM thatofheeastern takes his role inbut the BY Spectator BEATA BALOGOVÁ much Europe, staff judiciary very personally. Spectator staff also kept on “liberating” much “Have lost?toWhat you of it all theI way 1989 –are some about?” Harabin re50 talking additional years. Hungary ally before lunch. sponded in an interview and the then-Czechoslovakia Much like Zeman, Fico earlier this year after he saw Čimo, a pro-reform judge, in both had the unfortunate ex- appears to have come to the his hopes to return to the Su- regions where the so-called perience being re-liberated belated realisation thatflouratpreme of Court evaporating. judge family clans still by their comrades, in 1956underand tending the Moscow parade is Harabin indeed ish. According to TIS, every 1968 respectively. more than the stands the current situation about fifth active judge meets in Slovakia It isinhard to understand minor details asAlas, a proverbial lost need battle, eye. voted favour of Harabin, might cheering as notwhile spoil aatgood the shindig. same time his how andone thus in sit some way his Russian military Zeman had been adamant rhetoric indicates an unwill- modern world view too. rolls by. that he would to Moscow ingness to go surrender in to the hardware Čimo noted in anPaying interto the of that dehonour larger Soviet war. soldiers who tribute view with thesacrifice Sme daily Soviet soldiers from 70 died liberating country. He is righthis in one thing. ceased Harabin “still received relatone thing, This Justprompted because he condemnawas removed years ivelypast high is support”. Whatbut can from judicial induce a mental shiftcivilians in heads about the 298 tion fromthe a gaggle of EUsteering lead- what not Czech mean Rethat killed of the 255 judges who still when Russian-backed ers,wheel manydoes in the howitself the and courts workdiswill separatists voted for Harabin? shot down the public a public automatically, dramatically MH-17Society does seem be passenger jet to in improve. It does however Ukraine losing last patience year? with wellmean that there is now a con- connected publicbefore officials siJust a month that siderably bigger chance for horrific phoningJuly funds from the no2014 incident, letting fresh air into the Fico toriously cash-strapped compared the potential country’s court system and presence healthcare sector. A recent of NATO troops on for the atmosphere of fear and Slovak 5,000-strong rally territory protest to the aforeintimidation to be replaced by suggests that the scandal surmentioned 1968 Warsaw Pact transparency and accountab- rounding overpriced medical invasion. Absurd as it was at ility. equipment hit a raw nerve the time – there are already Still, Harabin is far from with many who feel it takes troopsgreed in Slovbeing the sole problem of 15,000 both NATO excessive and the Slovak army – it looks Robert Fico (l)courts. and Miloš Slovakia’s As ZeTrans- akia, strong political connections more incoherent given man in 2005.International Photo: Sme parency Slov- even to make a mint at the expense country ensko (TIS) noted in a public the of the sick. is now slated to O N EDITORIAL 5 5 host a small logistics base as part of NATO’s rapid reaction force project. In recent days, a shift in Fico’s tone has become more apparent. Speaking before the It Foreign also seems that the Slovak Policy Associprotests are making the govation on April 14 he said that ernment nervous Slovakia would because not last “go week the a against thecabinet unity ofpitched internarevision to the public protional organisations, especurement law to parliament cially the EU and NATO,” and that purports to eliminate the went on to that criticise the shell Ruspossibility murky sian annexation of Crimea in companies can take part in his clearest termsHowever, yet. public tenders. a Priorreview to this, of Fico’s of quick thetalk law the war seems in Ukraine already to showhad it amounted to bland stateneeds significant revisions to ments about harmactually makesanctions it effective. ing The tradedeparture and so forth. Osof Pavol tensibly this to Paška from thewas postmeant of speakplay some domestic coner oftoparliament is a strong stituency orjust another, though indicator of how deep the rabbit hole goes, if the opwho exactly thatand was is unposition cares about clear. Thetruly Slovak economy transparent public procurecontinues to grow. ment, is the time to sancpress Ficonow would criticise the ruling party and try tions, thenSmer Slovakia would to comethem up with real proposendorse in Brussels. Fico als in parliament that would was against a NATO base unactually induce progress. til he was for it. The prime If the is new the minister a speaker domesticof orihouse Peter Pellegrini really ented politician and as the old means what he says, and acsaying goes – all politics are tually will listen to argulocal. There is no sign that inments by the opposition, then coherent utterings about the there is a chance something war in Ukraine did from anything useful could come this to stoke hisIfvoting base.out They situation. this turns to do, however,way confuse allies be another the opposiabout the Slovak on tion tries to makeposition voters rekey economic security ismember their and names and dissues and give appearance tinguish theirtheparties from that has no control of the one Fico another, then it will go country’s foreignopportunpolicy, down as a missed which ity. continues to walk the NATO and EU to line. Changes the judiciary andEven publicifprocurement Fico thinkslaws in could of course workterms, hand-inpurely self-serving gohand. there was a watering to If Moscow makes all of proof things prosecution wellthese worseand without functioning system, thea any obviouscourt benefits. Lay public could that wreath, say ahope prayer or anygive one whothat outrageously thanks the Redabused Army their political helped defeat connections the Nazis to 70 makeago, a fortune years but staywould away actufrom pay for it by losing aally May 9 celebration thatmore has than their political post. more to do with the present While there may be some than the past. reasons for tentative optimThere is little need to ism about recent changes, the share toastranking with Kim Junglist ofahigh public ofun and convicted if Fico wants to have ficials of graft anda drink Zeman, he is sittingwith in jailMr remains shamesurely welcome any time. fully low. JÁN PALLO -- Publisher Publisher EDITORIAL EDITORIAL BEATA BALOGOVÁ - Editor - In - Chief MICHAELA TERENZANI - Editor-In-Chief BENJAMIN CUNNINGHAM - Senior Editor JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ - Managing Editor BRIGITTE MORENCY - Copy Editor BENJAMIN CUNNINGHAMSenior Editor RAUB WILLIAM WILLIAM MURRAY RAUB MURRAY --Copy CopyEditor Editor Writer JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ - Staff ZUZANA VILIKOVSKÁ - Staff Writer MICHAELA - Staff Writer ROMANTERENZANI CUPRIK - Staff Writer ZUZANA VILIKOVSKÁ Staff Writer RADKA MINARECHOVÁ - Staff Writer & Project Manager ROMAN CUPRIK - Staff Contributor Writer BEATA BALOGOVÁ - Special RADKATOM MINARECHOVÁ - Staff Writer & Project Manager NICHOLSON - Special Contributor PETERLAYOUT, ADAMOVSKÝ Freelancer WEB & IT RÉDLI - Freelancer TATIANAERIK ŠTRAUCHOVÁ - Graphic Designer ROMAN KRÁĽ - IT LAYOUT TOMÁŠ PALLO - Online Publishing MIROSLAV ŠMIČKO - Graphic Designer SALES - FINANCES - FINANCES BEATASALES FOJTÍKOVÁ - Sales Executive BEATA FOJTÍKOVÁ --Sales Sales Executive Executive JOZEF HÁMORSKÝ JOZEF HÁMORSKÝ Circulation Manager & Sales Executive JÁN PESTÚN - Circulation & PR Manager Subscriptions: Inquiries The Spectator is independent an independent newspaper by The Rock, Inquiries to The Slovak TheSlovak Slovak Spectator is an newspaper publishedpublished every Monday by The Rock,s.r.o. s.r.o. 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IČO: 313 86 237. 6 April 20 – May 3, 2015 TELECOMMUNICATIONS, BUSINESS FOCUS Funny stories not just on Fools’ Day Some villages still without websites INTERNET & ONLINE SERVICE Swan still waits for deal on national roaming Late decision may cost the operator collaboration with the postal service S BUSINESS FOCUS OUTSOURCING Institutions and organisations in the telecoms sector in Slovakia Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development, Minister: Ján Počiatek Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Postal Services (RÚ), – RÚ is the national regulatory authority and pricing authority in the sector of electronic communications and postal services. IT Association of Slovakia (ITAS), – ITAS is a professional association representing the most important local and international companies operating in the Slovak information and communications technology market. BY RADKA MINARECHOVÁ Telecom services providers Spectator staff NEW MOBILE services provider Poštatel may start offering its services to customers as of this autumn. The project of the state postal services operator Slovenská Pošta and a fourth telecommunication operator Swan is, however, conditioned with granting permission to the latter to use networks of established mobile operators within the socalled national roaming. If it does not get it, the postal service may search for another partner. The Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Postal Services (RÚ) issued on March 25 a preliminary provision setting the basic conditions for three established telecommunication operators to provide the national roaming to Swan, with which they competed on frequencies to offer 4G network frequencies in 2013. When taking the licences, O2 Slovakia, Orange Slovensko and Slovak Telekom promised to offer their networks to Swan. However, they did not strike a deal even after 10 months of negotiations, so Swan turned to the RÚ to solve the dispute in November 2014. Though the RÚ was to decide on the case by March 25, with the preliminary provision it postponed its deadline by another four months. “With the preliminary provision the whole situation only has become more complicated,” Peter Steigauf from the Živé.sk website told The Slovak Spectator. When setting the conditions for competition, the regulator was inspired by previous experiences and information from national regulatory authorities from other European countries. “None of the operators complained on the commitments or the conditions,” RÚ’s spokesman Roman Vavro told The Slovak Spectator. The RÚ should have defined the conditions of the LTE licence more clearly “with Next issue: – Antik Telecom, – Benestra, – Energotel, – Orange Slovensko, – Slovak Telekom, – Slovanet, – Swan, – O2, – Vnet, – Železničné Telekomunikácie, The mobile market in Slovakia gets more dense. the aim to prevent disputes Slovak Spectator. and misunderstandings”, Both Orange and O2 SlovSteigauf said. akia confirmed the ongoing negotiations with Swan, though they say there has not Discussions will continue been much progress and, acThe RÚ ordered the three cording to Jamrichová, Swan operators to offer Swan na- seems to want to rely on state tional roaming under condi- interference. tions that will provide Swan’s customers with the same exPermission necessary tent and quality of services given to their own clients. The Swan obtained 4G network companies also must ask Swan frequencies for €6.6 million in for a fee which they will agree 2013. It plans to provide mass during talks. If they do not mobile services in cooperation agree, the fee will be set by the with Slovenská Pošta under the RÚ, Vavro explained. brand Poštatel and focus on Such a case would be a rare more sophisticated services example in Europe, as the op- under its Swan brand. In total erators usually agree during it plans to invest €100 million the talks, said Steigauf. into the mobile services. While Slovak Telekom and “Slovenská Pošta is a comOrange did not want to com- pany which has the biggest ment on the preliminary pro- distribution network in Slovvision, O2 Slovakia considers it akia, which we would like to “absolutely illegal and inap- use as a mobile operator,” propriate interference into Mosný said. Though the company competition in Slovakia’s telecommunication market”, claims it is prepared for the cosaid its spokesperson Martina operation, it needs to get permission for national roaming Jamrichová. “Imagine that somebody “as it does not have its own will force you to provide a ser- network with nation-wide vice to your rival for free, with coverage”, said Slovenská saying it maybe will pay for it Pošta’s spokeswoman Stanin the future, but you do not islava Pondelová. This model know how much,” Jamrichová has already been used in Slovtold The Slovak Spectator, akia in 2006 when O2 entered adding they will take steps to the market. It used the network of Slovak Telekom, the prevent such interference. Swan, however, hopes that Sme daily wrote. all three providers will respect The companies already the decision. They plan to con- signed a memorandum on cotinue with negotiations with operation last autumn, based them in order “to obtain nation- on which Slovenská Pošta will wide coverage for our custom- get 20-percent share in the ers as soon as possible”, Mar- firm and will have a deciding tin Mosný, head of strategy and word on its future developdevelopment at Swan, told The ment. They will, however, Compiled by Spectator staff Photo: Sme wait for two years with the purchase to see whether Poštatel is successful. If not, it would step out of the business, Sme wrote. Meanwhile, Slovenská Pošta has prepared a business plan and also a proposal of initial products and prices. In the first phase it plans to focus on its current employees and offer them pre-paid services, said Pondelová. Though both Swan and Slovenská Pošta say they want to offer mass-oriented products, we still do not know the exact portfolio, said Steigauf. Therefore it is hard to predict what impact it would have on the market, he added. “Slovenská Pošta is undoubtedly strong in the countryside and in the regions, so the potential offer of the provider will also focus there,” Steigauf explained. Disputes over national roaming As Swan is only building its network, based on the licence, it can use the national roaming after it has built a network covering 20 percent of Slovakia’s population. The national roaming plan should secure that Swan’s clients can use its services also in areas where it has not yet built its own network. But it has failed so far to clinch an agreement with an established mobile operator on the national roaming, thus the matter has escalated. See SWAN pg 8 FOCUS short Slovakia ranked 21st in digitalisation IN DIGITAL readiness, Slovakia placed 21st from among 28 European Union member states, according to the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) published in February by the European Commission. “We have a good level of digital skills, 76 percent of Slovaks use the internet regularly, while almost 60 percent have at least basic digital skills,” Ingrid Ludviková of the EC Representation in Slovakia told the SITA newswire. DESI strives to check on the level of internet connections, internet skills, online activities, as well as the level of key digital technologies and digital public services. Slovaks are quite active online, according to the information published. As many as 65 percent read online, 63 percent use social networks and 55 percent make voice or video talks via the internet. They also use, to quite a significant extent, electronic banking at 51 percent and 58 percent shop online, Ludviková informed. She added, however, that the country lags behind in fixed broadband networks: 15 percent of Slovak households still lack broadband connection. Another challenge for Slovakia is digital public services, according to the EC. “So far only every fifth internet user has met with public administration and sent electronic forms; in online offering, Slovakia is at one of the worst places in Europe,” Ludviková said. Only 7.4 percent of general practitioners use electronic exchange of medical information (36 percent in the EÚ) and a mere 3.5 percent of them send prescriptions to pharmacists in electronic form – Slovakia placed 23rd in this criterion. The EC finds the digital index especially important when preparing its strategy for a unified digital market, which should be presented in May 2015. Its goal is to create conditions for European citizens and society to better use cross-border opportunities stemming from digital technologies. The report noted that with a unified digital market, Europe could achieve €250 billion in additional growth within five years – as well as hundreds of thousands of new jobs. Compiled by Spectator staff BUSINESS FOCUS Smart phones continue to make their mark Mobile technology offers a growing number of services and the trend will continue BY ERIK RÉDLI Special to the Spectator MUCH has changed since their arrival to the Slovak market in the late 1990s – mobile phones have now become a personal diary, camera, flashlight and more. “Today, a smartphone is more of a computer; it is about social services, instant messages, browsing the web and sending emails. And this trend is going to develop further,” says Ondrej Macko from the IT website touchIT. Last year, the Ericsson Mobility Report predicted that in 2015 the number of mobile phones will exceed the number of people on Earth. Martin Mosný, director for strategy and development at Swan, a telecom operator agrees. “Today’s smartphones are computers that we carry in our pockets,” Mosný told The Slovak Spectator. Most people use their mobile phone for social networks, instant messaging, web browsing, listed Macko. Slovaks are more likely to install applications into their mobile Slovaks install various apps in their smartphones. phones than the neighbouring Czechs, and this will likely spur an increase of services such as mobile banking and mobile payments. Online services Most of the mobile phones users in Slovakia have direct access to the latest technologies. “Smartphones take up 80 percent of all sales and we expect the number to grow with the arrival of 4G technology,” said Slovak Telekom spokesman Milan Korec. Mobile operators view the functions of the mobiles differently. “Being a mobile operator is mainly about offering voice services,” said O2 spokeswo- man Martina Jamrichová. While she admitted that there is an increase in mobile data usage, it is still unlikely to ever fully replace a fixed connection. “In the future, the data services that today constitute only additional services will become more important for customers,” said Jamrichová. While the basic applications, like ATM locators or Viamo – an application that enables direct debit payments via mobile phones – work on almost all new smartphones, more complex features have specific requirements. The tipping point is a stable internet connection and fast data transfers that does not slow down when more customers log on. Photo: Jana Liptáková “At the moment, 4G internet that enables people to watch live TV or listen to music via mobile phone is spreading in Slovakia,” Macko said. “Therefore it matters whether there will be any limitations to this fast internet connection.” In the past, multitasking mobile phones were reserved only for the corporate class and high-earners. Not any more. “Almost all currently available smartphones above €300 are compatible with the latest trends,” said Macko, specifying that the main requirement is Android 4.4 or iOS operating systems and a 3G connection. It is ideal if phones have 2GB RAM for smooth performance. See MOBILE pg 8 Website to compare broadband offers Two government agencies collaborate BY PETER ADAMOVSKÝ Special to the Spectator ANYONE looking for a provider of internet services can be overwhelmed by comparing upload speeds, monthly data volumes, types of connections and monthly fees, and as such the state regulatory office is working to create a comparison website for consumers. The Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Postal Services (RÚ) in cooperation with the Research Institute of Posts and Telecommunications (VÚS) launched public testing of a new website for comparing fixed broadband internet services on January 20. “Certainly it is an interesting idea,” Peter Steigauf from the IT website told The Slovak Spectator. “Each operator, when calculating the price for access to the internet, proceeds differently; thus any help to customers should be welcomed.” Ondrej Macko from the IT website touchIT also praises the idea. “A person can quickly make an overview of the basic parameters and prices of The website will offer an overview of parameters and prices of the internet. Photo: Sme the broadband internet in their region,” obtain information also about services of Macko told The Slovak Spectator. local and regional providers,” RÚ spokesman Roman Vavro told The Slovak Spectator. The state’s site The site is similar to previous Amid the lack of a independent ser- consumer-oriented projects launched by vice enabling comparison shopping on the RÚ. In 2005 it published a list of places internet service the RÚ decided to devel- in which it is possible to connect to the op the site in cooperation with providers internet at cost up to 250 Slovak crowns (€8.30), a list of free hot-spots and comand VÚS. “The website, apart from its inform- parisons of services for electronic comative value, will simultaneously contrib- munication users. ute to the development of competition on the market because those interested will See WEB pg 8 April 20 – May 3, 2015 7 FOCUS shorts Funny stories not just on Fools’ Day EMPLOYEES of the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Postal Services (RÚ) experience funny situations due to various odd requirements and statements from both citizens and operators – and not just on April Fools’ Day. The anecdotal requirements of citizens include requests for abolishing an operator and sacking the CEO of an operator, the spokesman of the RÚ, Roman Vavro, told the TASR newswire. In postal services, a lady demanded her post to be delivered to a mailbox not marked with her name. When informed that her mailbox must have the names, she protested that she did not want the box marked so that it would not be burglarised. A famous foreign band asked for TV transmitters to be switched off so that their concert would not disturbed. A client of a postal company who used to send bottles with honey wrapped in used clothes turned to the RÚ: the honey jar broke in the parcel and he asked the post to clean his clothes. In another case, a postwoman came to the door of an addressee to deliver a registered letter. He started to shout, call her names, so she fled and left him an announcement that the letter is at the post office. He complained about her not having delivered the letter although he was at home. RÚ employees understand that not everyone is an expert, and so they patiently explain and give information; but in the process some really curious stories unfold. Sometimes, however, Slovaks ask the RÚ for impossible things, failing to understand their competences and tasks. The requirements include, e.g., sacking of the operator’s CEO because of unhappiness with the operator’s services. They have also asked for an operator to be abolished because its employees were not behaving well and such an operator is really not needed. A real curiosity is a vaguely worded request: “I need some frequencies, but first write me how much it will cost”. After being asked by RÚ to define the use of the frequencies, the applicant reacted crossly that the experts of the regulatory office must know this. Sometimes, the applicants show lack of knowledge of physics when they want to know whether the payment for frequencies can be calculated according to the volume, or by the weight of the frequencies. Regarding the electronic collection of data from telecom operators, the RÚ sometimes gets wrong information, e.g. that there are 20 telecom operators in Slovakia and a similar number of satellite operators. A cable TV operator claimed, even after being warned about the error, that it is a satellite operator, as it has a satellite antenna on its roof. The antenna served to receive the TV programmes from a satellite. IBM and STU found research centre IBM COMPANY, together with the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STU) and the DWC Slovakia company are preparing a project to found a research centre for analysis and protection of data in mobile devices. The project will support top level research that enables companies and organisations to be connected online through mobile devices, the cloud and social networks – without any security threats, IBM explained in a press release. “An international research centre will bring to Slovakia top research in ‘Big Data’,” said Martin Murgáč CEO of IBM Slovensko. “By September, students of the STU will participate in the practical simulation and testing of security violations of mobile services with specific tasks crucial for the foreseen results.” The focus of the scientific work, worth €5.2 million, will be data. Today, Big Data is not just a source of important and useful information for companies, but also one of the crucial assets that needs to be carefully protected. The ever-faster development of IT and innovations brings new challenges in finding ways to minimise the risk of cyber attacks. The project is cofinanced from the European Fund for Regional Development, via the Slovak Education Ministry’s Agency for EU Structural Funds. “One of the goals of this project is a better connection between academia with practical applications, and its involvement in solving the research tasks necessary for the needs of business in cyber security,” Murgáč added. The centre will be one of just a few research centres in Slovakia with active participation of international researchers. Compiled by Spectator staff from press reports 8 April 20 – May 3, 2015 BUSINESS FOCUS WEB: Questions if new site is needed Continued from pg 7 The website should provide all offers from registered internet service providers to final users, especially households, in each region. All fees charged by the provider will be included in a so-called average monthly payment for 24 months, through which it will be possible to very easily compare deals with different time periods. The offers will be primarily arranged upwardly, starting with the lowest monthly payment, according to the RÚ. Comparison websites help clients choose. Photo: Sme For now the website is in a Orange Slovensko does not testing phase while the launch “It can, however, help clidate for the final version has ents to get a comprehensive expect that the website would not been set. overview and be capable of have much effect as custommaking a more qualified de- ers make their choice based on factors other than price, cision,” said Steigauf. Varied expectations Alexandra Martin Mosný, strategy spokeswoman Macko expects prices to and development director of Piskunová told The Slovak level with one another when Swan, a telecom and internet Spectator. service provider, agrees saythe site is launched. Steigauf, however, does ing that “none of the providers Commercial alternative not expect that the website will will be able to puzzle customhave a more significant im- ers with non-transparent tarOne privately run site that pact on provision of internet iffs. Conditions of comparison makes such comparisons services or the price policy of are precisely set and known in already exists. Roman Greguš, advance”. operators. spokesman of Slovanet, said has a more sophisticated user interface than the state’s planned site, which furthermore allows direct ordering of products. “Thus, the state agencies have invested taxpayers’ money into something that was already here for a long period of time and operates well,” said Greguš. Greguš added that the new website brings a new duty for providers – to prepare for it and provide it with the most current data adapted to the set structure. was founded as a commercial project by Tomáš Novotný, the developer of a well-known petrol pricing site,, which has covered most regions of Slovakia for several years. But Jozef Pavlík, director of VÚS, said there have been a variety of private comparison sites and noted that commercial motivations may mean they do not provide transparent or relevant data. He said a non-commercial site operated by an independent institution, like the RÚ, is needed. MOBILE: New apps for lots of users Continued from pg 7 Also the NFC data transfer technology is a necessary prerequisite. It consumes less energy and needs less time for pairing than Bluetooth. Money and health The recent introduction of mobile banking and cash withdrawals from the ATMs via a mobile phone is an indication of the increased role smartphones are set to play in our personal lives. “Slovakia is one of the first countries to start using mobile phones to manage ATMs,” Roman Janota, the director of the banking system division at the software company Softec, told The Slovak Spectator. Most experts expect a growth trend. “The majority of people are interested in their instant account balance,” said Richard Walitza, vice-president for mobile payments and innovations at MasterCard Europe. “Applications enable them to have an overview of their real time transactions.” A MasterPass now allows clients to pay waw april 2015 inz Spectator 171 x 84 OK 01.pdf for goods using their mobile phone or other device. At the moment, MasterPass is accepted at 150,000 locations around the world. Tatra Banka offers its own application for mobiles and tablets. It includes a spending report where you can customise your accounts and pay with one click and navigation to the nearest branch or ATM. “VISA Europe expects that in a few years, up to 50 percent of payments will be handled via mobile phones,” Marcel Gajdoš, the company’s regional director, told The Slovak Spectator. VÚB bank, on the other hand, does not expect such a boom in mobile banking. “The number of people that use mobile banking is increasing but still, they are just an addition to the traditional internet banking,” VÚB spokeswoman Alena Walterová said. VÚB offers a basic application to support its mobile banking. Popular applications go well beyond banking. Jamrichová from O2 mentioned that many people seek high-resolution cameras and even front cameras – so-called “selfie friendly” functions. Many people like when their phones come with built-in applications for Facebook or other social 1 4/12/2015 8:49:56 PM networks, she said. Other apps are used to monitor health, even how many hours the mobile’s owner sleeps at night. In the future, Walitza forecasts increased utilisation of touch ID technologies and biometric data to facilitate log-in. “The number of users of iPhone devices or higher versions of Android is increasing,” said Korec of Slovak Telekom. “Mobile data are being made available to larger numbers of customers of various age categories. In the past two years we experienced expansion of the customers using their first smartphone and making contact with mobile data and we believe that this trend will continue.” However, increased personalisation also brings increased exposure to online crime. For that reason the providers of services put online security as one of their top priorities. Although the companies offer several layers of data protection, the protection depends on the approach of each particular user. Macko attributes the problems with security to the human factor: easy-to-figure-out passwords, using public Wi-Fi to connect to internet services and lost mobile phones that are an easy target for data abuse. ADVERTISEMENT C M Y CM MY CY CMY K SP015044/001 SWAN: Deadline approaching Continued from pg 6 On February 23, the Bratislava court issued, at the request of Orange Slovensko, the biggest mobile operator in Slovakia, a preliminary injunction stating that Orange does not need to provide national roaming to Swan. Orange argued that its network is not prepared for usage by two mobile operators and that the danger of a network failure can be prevented only by extensive technical measures and investments exceeding €1.6 million, according to the Pravda daily. Swan responded by filing a counter complaint, as it believes that during the auction of frequencies two years ago one of the operators committed fraud.Swan’s General Director Miroslav Strečanský explained at a press conference on March 12 that the provision of national roaming was one of the conditions on which the mobile operators received their licences. And when Orange now claims that it is not able to provide the service of national roaming, it is actually violating conditions of its licence. The preliminary injunction does not pertain to the other two mobile operators, Slovak Telekom and O2. Meanwhile, the RÚ confirmed on March 16 that Swan has already covered more than 20 percent of Slovakia’s population via the granted frequencies and thus is entitled to national roam- ing. This was confirmed by calculations based on the list of Swan’s stations that will be established until December 15, 2015, as well as inspections of the base stations carried out by the RÚ, states the press release. New competition possible Slovenská Pošta will, however, not wait long for Swan to begin offering its telecommunication services. “Slovenská Pošta wants to launch the offering of mobile telecommunication conditions under its own brand to catch the strong pre-Christmas season,” Pondelová said. If Swan fails to meet the conditions, Slovenská Pošta will announce a new competition, Pondelová added. In this event it would be only a virtual operator, meaning that Slovenská Pošta will have its own SIM cards, products and pricing policy, but its customers will actually use the services on the network of another mobile provider, Sme wrote. This was a reason Slovenská Pošta first approached Swan. As Swan lacks a strong sales network and brand, Slovenská Pošta would offer and provide all of this to the firm, its head Tomáš Drucker told Sme. “ Slovenská Pošta’s priority is to offer telecom services under its own brand, regardless of the final selection of a partner,” Pondelová said. FOCUS short Some villages still without websites THERE ARE still some municipalities in Slovakia, although not too many of them, that do not have their own websites. Kunešov near Kremnica is one of them; but the mayor, Mária Slašťanová, has announced this should change soon. She wants to launch a municipal website within a few months, as promised in her election campaign. “I want to launch it as soon as possible, because if we want to draw finances from European Union funds, we need to publish invoices and also contracts on the internet,” she explained for the TASR newswire at the end of March. She added that even though many of the village’s 250 residents are elderly, they still want to “keep up with the modern era”. The website would offer another means of communicating with the local government and maybe in- spire more elderly to discover modern technologies. The nearby village of Kremnické Bane has a similar idea, with mayor Juraj Vozár planning to launch a municipal website within 2015. He said that he mostly expected the site to improve communication with local residents, offering information for visitors, as well as municipal plans and administrative announcements. The better internet coverage in the village also supports taking this step. Also, a website is to be launched in the village of Počúvadlo in the Banská Štiavnica district. Mayor Dušan Triebušník stated this could happen by the end of May. Apart from the obligatory online publication of contracts and invoices, he also plans to use the website to improve information for residents about current events. Compiled by Spectator staff 10 December 1 – 7, 2014 10 December 1 – 7, 2014 CULTURE / FOCUS Connecting with the classics JAZZ: Goe / NEWSConnecting November 24NEWS – 30, 2014 classics CULTURE / FOCUS /9BUSINESS with the JAZZ: February 9 also – 22,had 2015 9Goes April 3, 2015 9 members at their dis- 20 – May round Young Slovak posal whole portfolios, so that section of the Music Centre members also had at their dis- they can evaluate if the com24 – compete, 30, 2014 9 Currently, there are the painters Young Slovak November Slovakia – due to the composal whole portfolios, so that Continued from pg 8 dal heads GDP: Economy G features Košice modernism ORDERS: Fico questionsto display works painters compete, display works GDP: Economy to down slow tendered prices slow down Continued from pg 8 RETAIL: GOV: Shopping No big changes habits changing expected peting painting is not a mere four already named, who are position of the band, they Currently, there are the they can evaluate if the comstroke of luck. participating (with prospects four already named, who are needed a saxophonist,” peting painting is not a mere “When looking at a paintof one Vienna-based and one born Amália Moskowitz (Anna easternparticipating (with prospects Nikitin said. “We rehearsed stroke of luck. ing, it is always like this: one Munich-based jazz club joinIT IS difficult and challenging Les-nay is her artistic name) in and the of one Vienna-based and one seven tunes in total: two “When looking at a paintneeds to put the work and its ing in). Musicians Nižný Hrušov, lived much of age thatIT IS difficult and challenging to evaluate art, but there are from have each aoffree us, Munich-based jazz club join- composition ing, it is always like this: one ening Russian currency, the Continued from pgtread 4 author into context,” hand in choosing what to competitions that dare to her lifewas in divided Budapestinto andindilater of the pubat Brat-to evaluate Continued from pg1and 7 (SE), Fico told the press. of the Continued fromthere pg 4 are mouth] because of truthful project Continued from pg with the exception in).retailers Musicians have a free needs to put the work its aimsing art, but Pravda daily wrote. While Skřivánek idea that but this if aHe this thin ice – with goal vidual moved to the US. by ZOCR are“The to mainry as partcompetitions that dare to tread ontestimony,” said Figeľ,the adding stretches, for which new this respect hechanges stressed drummer, who got one.” hand insays. choosing what to In play; author into context,” lished the Russian “Household consumpthe aplay; work speaks for itselfifand bigger band gets involved. exhibiting promoting In were the client 1920s,paid thesome East- Social tain long-term positive nism andon this M-Market investment ening Russian currency, from pg 4 ofthat it is Ficoand and Široký, the in- tenders announced, that his government dis- band, measures highlighted AsContinued of press time parliaopined that for a small but this changes a Skřivánek says. “The idea that thin ice – with the goal RUB484,324Museum for a €10,000 car tion genres, most probably rose thatbigger even band a between solitarily hanging is different styles or young the n, whichofment group focuses on this aspectand relationship Pravda daily wrote.leave While stead who should the ofSlovak which Váhostav-SK organised won, as agrees“The with selling the 66- every had notand decided about certain this isresult the best method, gets involved. the work speaks for itself exhibiting promoting less than three months ago, again, although maybe at a nearly 100 exhibitions where producers and the retailers, 5. of the market. original can win the awe of time, of course, because artists. the Russian client paid “Household consumppolitical-economic arena. a member of consortiums, for percent share in SE by ItaliFigeľ while opposition parties “We are a social demo“The result is different every while a bigger musical body that even a solitarily hanging certain genres, styles or young now is RUB580,382. slower pace,for which is indicthe itbelow works of modern and cratic of the It is n insightartists. “Our priority to re-awe RUB484,324 €10,000 car prices tion most rose Figeľyear’s rejectsisaFico’s what experts had an company Enel as the warned thatprobably if parliament, government,” Fico told of adequate everybody is illusory. there different temperaThis the claims ninth needsare someone to concoordinate time,protection of course, because original can winisthe ated by a cooling down in avant-garde artists were introconsumer and objectivity and vivid which vitalise original centres that less than three months ago, again, although maybe at a that he, as a former transport estimated it would cost. the third and is dominated by the ruljournalists on April 13, as rather the other way round struction – ments involved,” Torfs version of the Maľba/Painting and of conduct them. there are different temperaeverybody is illusory. It is This year’s is the ninth retail sales and a drop in Employment grows now it is RUB580,382. pace, which is indic- competition, duced. As 2011, a result, Košice ex- quoted towards the consumer pub- at e of this ingslower are historically close tonewsthe minister, artificially drove In June a consortium fourth nuclear blocks of the Smer party, dismisses by the SITA strong artworks, expressive summed up. and 20 artworks Nikitin said that each ments involved,” Torfs rather the other way round – version of thecooling Maľba/Painting imports,” J&T Bank analyst atedthey by awill downtheir in that its already lic. wo world Figeľ, customers and designed for down prices for highway Váhostav-SK and abundant Bögl a Mochovce withdraw wire. “We perceive developa first sight, up. can absorb a perButnuclear there is apower change have made it to “Nevtheconfi- oftended concert was different, from a summed strong artworks, expressive at competition, and 20 artworks Stanislav Pánis said. Employment also kept retailfrom salesall and a drop in Employment grows domestic and foreign contacts The trend of new retail f its past people everyday shopping,” said struction asseen partuntil of a Decemmarket- Krýsl, signed with the Nationplant is underway. The posparliamentary nals ment of the social state and son only for a brief moment, planned: next year, a big can be big Slovak jazz festival in But there is a change a first sight, can absorb a perthat have made it to the fiertheless, overall consumer increasing, by a seasonally imports,” J&T Bank analyst ing stunt, which allegedly alinHighway the art world. . Ľudovít posts. Marian economy Šufliarsky, as the equal pres- projects will continue. Company a consible sale would certainly enmarket andplanned: then they getyear, overlooked band will be put together, 21 Employment in the Nedbalka gallery Košice, to a small jazz club in next a big son only for a brief moment, can be seen until demand is still sound, since adjusted 0.3 percent comPánis said.Decem“Nev- ber also kept Many of those works focus Romaňák believes that Halász-nalsStanislav ident of M-Market. So far, caused the current Váhostav- tract to build the first 9 km part danger the completion, he steps.” and ignored quickly. Goodwith one artistic director in downtown Bratislava. consumer confidence is at pared to the previous Ormes (which looked like a band will be put together, and then they get overlooked ber 21 in the Nedbalka gallery overall consumer SKincreasing, by a seasonally culturalJánovce and soSlovakia has not drained its added. d as the ertheless, they opened centres in Robert crisis. ofon thethe 18.5local km stretch Hehave promised that during Fico’s accusations Fico Photo: Sme its highest since the while it to grew by 1.4for quality art people to “The hired tofarming-cooperativearrange them. Juraj Florek won the conformer with onerequires artistic and ignored demand is Bratislava. still sound, since adjusted 0.3level percent comcial urban life, some showing potential for new director rnism inin downtown Senec, Zvolen, Turčianske “That’s ridiculous, false –quarter, Jablonov close Levoča economy minister in the last year of quickly. his term, Goodhis full autumn 2008. This develpercent on an annualised know more about it,them. and Aswith for selection of artists, ofuntrue,” this year. Jury memturned-cultural-venue). In hired to arrange quality art people wonasthe consumer at test pared to of the previous Florek: Night Teller Machine Photo: of VÚB Found.totaxes, cafes and bohemian intellec- cabinet projects, many them loc-orit is the 19th- Juraj TepliceCourtesy and requires Modra with and said Figeľ. “I J. almost €60 million without cooperation the finance reforms inof education would pursue politFico Florek labelsconfidence Figeľ theisconperopment is being supported basis. its highest level since the quarter, while it grew by 1.4 Luxembourg, the concert better if they struggle with it he said that they just look for ber Jan Skřivánek told Sme he As for selection of artists, know more about it, and it is test of this year. Jury memtuals, while others concenated closer to the residential plans to open in Martin in J. Florek: Night Teller Machine Photo: Courtesy of VÚB Found. ics that respects consolida- missing support for start-ups. minister will soon submit to son responsible for the current didn’t force anyone but respec- VAT while expert estimate was byalready anlaw. improving situation “The economy continued autumn ofof2008. This develpercent onIt an annualised took place clubprobably where he said thathubs. they justthe look for cabinet better ifpublic they struggle Jan Skřivánek told Sme he had hand, but Florek man“This is a conceptual ap-itThis for agovernment while before deciding and young musicians, put Florek’s work trated on the industrial so- tion areas and traffic tself notber early ted the was the era of fair one almost €95 million, theand SITA the thein aproposal passed of2015. finances with but problems small and on transparent the labour during the third quarter opment being supported basis. there are Sunday concerts, one hand, butmarket, Florekaccelman“This isitthat aa bit conceptual ap- proach youngwhich musicians, probably for a“We while before deciding andmeasures already isput Florek’s work shift further. “It towards painting that appreciating itsbuilding quality.” under 35,under and in which each counNight Teller Machine on aged cial to motifs made Košice Furman sees of whether selectionhad focus not only and tenders, with newswire reported at to that and creates conditions for onimmedium-sized companies to called it liked, erated growth salarproduce work positions intowns a unbyNight anVáhostav-SK improving situation “The economy continued andthe aged to shift it of ain bit “It is proach towards that works under 35, and in each appreciating its quality.” Teller Machine on the in Bratislava, it organwas stand out among other new The shopping centres as a counlso bill-called retailwith asliving such, but also on is- without rather an altarpainting of an the important jury of the competitry, due partner first place areal short list the tenders’ time. conditions Slovakia will try to in a proving standards. whom owes mildiscussing them results infurther. line with ies with zero inflation, and larger extent than used to be ofis- sue on theeuros. labour during the toun- known is rather anthird altar an works with the important thecomposed due partner organThe jury ofartthe competifirst place ofmarket, astressed shortaccellista when small studio of thein Slovak and of the region. way for local businesses of somethe services and long-term Incities October 2011 Váhostavbuy back the 66When assessing the three lions of He at someone else ofto and the European state of of affairs.” god than the portrait of the role of in our life,” with tiontry, was Pawel isation – privatised Music:LX Luxselecting thequarter 20 finalerated growththe inonreal salarproduce work positions favourable conditions forin aof SK historically common at such Later, many of of the artists improve their standards. ing placewhen functionality the known god than the portrait sue of the arole of art into our life,” isation – Music:LX in Luxtion was composed ofcame Pawelsearching selecting 20April finalRadio. SlovakCentre musician signed contract conpercent stockThe orMusic other share years since hisofcabinet press conference 14 ists for compromises, On the other hand, opposa common routine city enSkřivánek said. The work Jarodzki (Poland), Jan Skřiembourg, from among nearly 100 iesmost with zero inflation, and ition extent than the used to enbe struct loans.” aSkřivánek growth,” said Arady. moved out to try exhibition their luck ’’By opening a new books ists – that centres,” Šufliarsky. the 16.4-km highway with the aim tothe thisconcert strato power, said Fico said contracts between analyst Miroslav parties ascribe blame a larger common routine of city said. The work communicates embourg, Music Centre Jarodzki (Poland), Jan Skři-political from among nearly 100 contestants. deemed first “the vironment,” says withthat the the hisvánek (Czech Republic), Tibor Slovakia inget Slovakia, Jazzlab favourable conditions for historically common at such Analysts concurexhibition that OverDubná theorlast year there elsewhere returned to Huncentre, the local entreprenappearedcontestants. Disabled facilities, new stretch Skala – Turany tegic Series company government has fulfilled the small and medium-sized com- vironment,” Kusý added. for the Váhostav-SK affair to under says communicates with the hisSlovakia in Slovakia, Jazzlab vánek (Czech Republic), Tibor most cautious andstate tentative, curator Alexandra Kusá. tory of modern painting, limSomorjassi Kiss (Hungary) and in Belgium and Jazzus “If someone paints like van loans.” a growth,” said Arady. apart household conwere 25,800 working gary after anew general pardon in its andSikora sellers raise their scientific panies technologies, parking lots and eurs €137.75 million without basic tasks of its programme as sub-contractors and curator Though the government Fico andfrom his control,” Fico said, in as France quoted Alexandra Kusá. tory of modern painting, limSeries in Belgium and Jazzus Somorjassi Kiss (Hungary) “If someone unfortunately”, complaining of the genre. Rudolf (Slovakia). Productions – then did, itthe isgovernment. very tricky, and for Analystspaints concurlike thatvan Gogh Over last year there sumption, the GDP growth places generated, of which 1925. Some died. standards, design and offer,” deo withGogh and glass elevators are a VAT, which was just 41.15 perstatement, including the Váhostav-SK were signed contributed to improving the– then “The ruling Smer party by TASR. added that Konštantín – Odsúdená (1927). Photo: Courtesy of SNG its of the genre. Productions in France Rudolf Sikora (Slovakia). did,from it is Bauer very tricky, and the alsoHe about the longthey pauses “The result is an intelliThe chooses one performer to result is usually kitsch,” Runners-up exhibition, organised apart household conwere 25,800 new working was also positively influ5,500 were created during Before coming to the Nasaid Furman. “Moreover, the person-the must, added, well as of theresult originally consolidation of as public fin- current between and 2012 when played ball economic into will also in fraudulent beha- cent “The submitthe theconcerts report onthat isperiod. anestimintelli- gent chooses onesituation performer Theheexhibition, result 2010 is usually between Runners-up organised sumption, the GDP kitsch,” growth oneplaces generated, of which picture that tests the limparticipate, without disof the four members of the by the VÚB Foundation, is free enced by a more intense the July-September tional Esterházy newcountry, centres and coffee houses and children European stream Symbol- ated The East-Slovak Museum cost ofGallery’s €334.72 million. economic Figeľ served as the transport via retail betterparks col- SE privatisation viour of not only thisof company at parliapicture that tests lim- ances, participate, without one of the four members of the Painting makes jazzmen losewith contact by the supporting VÚB Foundation, is freethe was also positively influ5,500 were created during of contemporary paintcussing the choice the 2014 Jan gent in the Nedbalka Gallery ondisNedSecond place went tothe Matej consolidation of jury, public finPhoto: Sme [Váhostav-SK] Palace the exhibition also its attract international conimpact ofPainting corners for theboosting shopping ism with expression form, led by inspiring and creative In both cases Váhostav-SK growth and emminister as part of the Iveta lection of taxes, the favourbut also other ment’s next session. its of contemporary paintcussing the choice with the 2014 jury, Jan and the “common drive”. in the Nedbalka Gallery on NedSecond place went to Matej enced by a more intense the July-September period. ances and growth in investOutlooks ing,” Kusá commented. others. Torfs concluded that Skřivánek told the Sme daily. balova Street daily from 13:00 Fabian with a large-sized moshowed at the East Slovak Galcerns that offer employment is appar-Skřivánek families. curators Bartošová, Alexandra head Josef Polák, young lawclaimed that the prices were ployment. Radičová cabinet. Figeľ, acable economic situation is companies in such a way that Neither Mesežnikov nor Kusá– or commented. Torfs concluded that there told the Asked what was the balova Street daily from 13:00 and others. Fabian with a large-sized mo- ing,” consolidation of Sme public fin- “But Sme cancel theto contract with daily. Medments byFlorek, the public sector eand comareexpect ongoing with it all holds 19:00, except Mondays, of skiers are ghosts? lery. TheWhile Bratislava version opportunities.” nto: one“But Looking ahead, the main Michal Burdzyer and art lover, realistic. in they regards toof He also announced that mostly cording Fico, pushed on a tif the are result of external itHomoľová is taking aand toll on the self- tif Kusý however thatdiscusthe for ances and growth in investOutlooks there ongoing discuswith Florek, itrepresented all holds project’s ultimate asset and 19:00, except Mondays, of skiers – or are they ghosts? ical Group SK. Yet, director of and companies. Paška Slovakia’s economic sions between Heand works with this the through December painting Work itswill background the“This exhibition smaller tors Zuz- highway inski write in the exhibition kind of construction refuge for artists fleefirst order Jánissurprised Kato, theus– his Smerand party approve its factors, prices to together. including the21.restor- government employed small busiwill passmusicians, any reh Medments by the public sector sions between musicians, together. He works with this him,soNikitin said that the through December 21. “This painting surprised Work andinits background hospital Mária “[Companies] areare carryfidence performance the next and the first concert but his artworks veryus in closer view,” Skřivánek said. comprising a mere onefew floor, , in of the the then general director of brochure. second social package on May ation of European econom- form measures ing the aftermath of Hungaridecrease to show Domčeková that he can form, nesses,” said Figeľ. until the elec- is ector and companies. Slovakia’s economic and so the first concert is form, but his artworks are very interesting thing was to finein closer view,” Skřivánek said. Aupark retools image in an interview with Sme on ing out hitherto postponed used to months will be mainly inwith some of the paintings of Váhostav-SK said that “the 23 and will immediately bebuild highways for lower costs. ies, including Germany, and Koloman According to Figeľ, Smer tions. Other notable names of this an revolution. He founded an usually quite different than up-to-date. His painting of the “It is very sculpted, pasty, even The exhibition of indiCompiled by Zuzana čeková “[Companies] are carryperformance inprojects thepasty, nextand few fluenced usually quite different than His painting of the tune the different styles and “It is very sculpted, even The exhibition of indiCompiled by Zuzana November 12, insisted that the modernisation enfluence of the up-to-date. by the slowdown in is painting. maintainable, but it gin carrying meas- effects ofVilikovská The prime remeasures passed graphic artworksIt isdifferent has been sitting idly letting is one. not a reform period in be Košice include art school at theminister museum, or-teller the last machine is a by, very in- aprice relief a very vidual artists out can the be slightly usingbySme “Smer Sme on ing out hitherto postponed months will mainly inthe last one. cabinets, machine isfrom a avery in- athose of the partirelief painting. ItGejza is a act. very does vidual artists can slightly ures using Smethe Vilikovská purchase after legitimcapacity expansion, aand dan by the teller the eurozone and the ongonot provide opportunities without jeopardising called thatcame apart harming previous powerful decide Mesežnikov than those shown inbe Košice. František Foltýn, ganised 200 exhibitions. adjustments, butNémeth also party,”temperaments THE–BRATISLAVA shopping This year,said. Ruben testimony ofde-Schilour picture – already in how confusing for people. The jury visual report by Jana hat modthe teresting modernisation projects and teresting fluenced by the slowdown in good This year, Ruben testimony of our cipants, “but we have found a good picture – already in how confusing for people. The jury report by Jana Németh ate tender. velopment that is indicated ing Ukrainian crisis. Based for development of theissuch comaasuspiMesežnikov said. Had wanted, said Though it may pass some The exhibition opena public ler,Smer Konštantín Bauer and it Al- well One there suchis also artists-immiby attracting new brands centrefinances. Aupark is launching Machtelinckx from Belgium he has mastered egitim- creditors capacity expansion, de- world.” the eurozone and theFigeľ, ongoMachtelinckx from and Belgium common language and I well has mastered such a pany Inofanfraud unexpected turn, the by ahe gradual recovery in on data thus far, SLSP es- situand responds to the cion and that the poBoth Mesežnikov could have backed several bills laws to solve the acute probFico further voiced his he short-world.” exander Bortnyik – although grant was Eugen Krón who that have not been represenreconstruction – more than daily, except for Mondays, velopment that is indicated ing Ukrainian crisis.from Based (guitar), Nikolaj Nikitin to from Florek, a graduate the format.” authorised representative of format.” long-term loans provided timates the10:00 GDPand growth foruntil (guitar), Nikolaj Nikitin Florek, aalready graduate from the think that we managed on the market”, cited cronyism as so the from tabled bythus opposition parties lems, Slovakia like in the case ofCharly that originally several statehemotif said inis concerns et Repubthe last stayed only fortosix ation later onrecovery to started run his own ted on the Slovak market 10 years since be- Kusý between 18:00 urn, the lice byhave a went gradual in inon data far, SLSP es(saxophone), Banská Bystrica Art Academy, Nonetheless, the Medical Group SK, Juraj Koval, companies,” said Pánis. 2014 at 2.2 percent. VÚB es(saxophone), Bystrica Art Academy, create Nonetheless, the motif is case vestigation. He also delivered factor impacting theCharly that camethe to grips with sort Váhostav, thesomething party willnew not and made by opposition of the second order thatas ments eftistof in-Banská months, histhe stays graphic school (Krón’s School far. Slovakia ing built. The goal is to renew main March 15. Admission is free, tive long-term loans provided to selects timates GDP growth for in Vilmart from France (double for between his paintings unaccording to sacked its his director Bilá timates year’s economic tal had selects Juraj Valachy, senior Vilmart from France (double for paintings uninteresting”. according to important, toofcompanies,” the General Prosecutor’s Of- important, three years. of2014 problems faced now by small adopt measures which would indicate a right- past “Within “the is final; changes arein leaders Weimar and Budapest. Graphics), while also teachone year, several the mall with athat newifdesign it isprice forthis all SNG exhibitions jcountry, Koval, said Erika Pánis. at 2.2 percent. VÚB esbass) and Jeff Herrwith fromfound ignored places and “Itpercent, gives the viewfor what he calledplaces damaging growth at only 2.4 while othepuranalyst with Tatra Banka bass) and will Jeff appear,” Herr from “reduce ignored and attractive, He added that they Skřivánek. “It gives the viewfice an analysis confirming “This government is quite businesses on the back of Skřivánek. their credit coalition possible in Apart reasoned newattractive, During ayear’s guided lecture, ing and forming art personalnovelties and adapt it toemerged current from new Bratislava this year. from wing ka Bilá timates this economic Juraj Valachy, senior Luxembourg (drums) played finds certain poetry in them. er a disquieting, provoking the company’s reputation. The next year it may accelerate Definirecalled that monthly data Luxembourg played certain poetry inBanka them. a concord and understanding a curators disquieting, provoking badly set contracts were regarding using Váhostav-SK ’s mentioned restructuring – cases”. voters”, Kusý added. 2016 general election, successful ecame finds a that the as an ities like with Július Jakoby and the er Arnaud Burlin, CEO(drums) of the its trends. a bulletin in English (available the maging growth at 2.4 percent, while analyst Tatra in Bratislava, in Ormes; “He year has athem techthem board of which the comtoat2.6 percent. emens based onthat which analysts behind most claims, are impression; to implement meas- near “They a next process Figeľ went ones-toto impression; willthecontinue in near would be nothingthat left position In November theto thereThe in Bratislava, in Ormes; “He has acquired a techalso on human level, in forcing outstanding example, maybe aforementioned Sokol. Unibail-Rodamco company reconstruction the box forcing office),2013, the cataon. The supervisory itacquired may accelerate recalled that monthly data pany allegedly had not known France inasmidisand tricky, and react. Valachy expects thatlooking theex- from million timate thefrom economic develAnd we were now part of the restructuring. strengthening the posi- what Reims, call scandalous unfair. Fico described the even the two social packages. consortium Čebrať whose group differing other artists, Another central figure which operates Aupark is already underway will last ures logue accompanying the Reims, France in midnique which is tricky, and humour and mentioned react. And we were looking he com-of to 2.6which percent. based on which analysts es-ofnique about million deal, upcoming months coner offi- combines opment, compared in Abbaye deoutside itworsened with banal that can Ficothealso indicated that of Smer its sur- politicsOctober; a strong social members are Váhostav-SK and “Under a pretext of will some tions ld otherAnna Lesnay, local artist who Košice Modernism isdevelAnton Bratislava, said. “For ex- de until October 2015 and hibitionfor ispaintings also will available in known Valachy expects that the timate the economic October; inand Abbaye it€1.6 with banal citya combines anof ambition to meet exactly for paintings thatcity can exactly sealed in the summer. Amight few tinue to be theŽS influSmer to the quarter. in the capital of – previous apeople. soda machine, the people. With many of kind criminal of fraud Mesežnikov ex- state,” Mesežnikov Czech company OHL signed of unsystematic Underpriced orders pn in Cze-corners collected folk embroidery, deJaszusch who returned to thecorners ample, the US brand luxcost €15.5 million. Recon-ap- rounding,” English. I under comprises 140 pages deal, upcoming months will conopment, worsened compared Neumünster inof the capital of Neumünster – aoffence soda machine, the the project – said. which is rather activate With many of activate days the company had ence of the Russo-Ukrainian erA few the corner “The most important have been committed. plained, adding that this cona contract to construct the 15.3 proach, such a rightist govtinue to be under the influto earlier, the previous quarter. Luxembourg and again in corner of a parking lot, the wall them, we said that they are ved there signed patterns and organised city after five years’ imprisonury clothing Ralph Lauren or struction will not limit and costs €10. Luxembourg and again in of a parking lot, the wall them, we said that they are demanding, though, espeit“The was prepared to confilehisofwell-mastered conflict, “whichbut gement for our economy, incontinue be part of the km Hubová –further Ivachnová will, without In 2010 Figeľ cancelled the well-mastered The campaign had ofsaid ence ofdepartment the Russo-Ukrainian most important asector commercial manufacment in Russia, totodevelop Italian brand Sylvia Aupark’s operation in any a cerns rnyyears,” at theasJazz FOR Sale asmall store,” somewhat ernment Slovakia, atbusiness theHeach.” Jazz enFOR Sale Slovakia, a“We department store,” cially for him, he lives but somewhat lawsuits over the claims that means an increasing rate of nd andustry, only at half the academic: to daily. file Skřivánek vinced that there is also a“The susthat from conflict, “which further sector forcontinued. our economy, inofBy road for €227.26 milso-called first package of“The ture of grew embroidery. Les-nay, own style combining theSkřivánek The first mono-brand way. cancel a major part of vironment vda Zuzana Vilikovská festival in Košice,away. at the“But becontinued. well-painted, but doubt, festival in benefits Košice, at the be1,500 kilometres academic: well-painted, but stretch CTof scanner was overrisk without and uncertainty”. Tatraand theseAnalysts r for a the pace compared the first ms that means an ratemaof dustry, at half the picion agrew criminal offence of painting links to Smer. lion VAT, not 48.8 risk percent measures, as reconit can’t its public–private partnership for the main motive ofThe shop of Pandora jewels will The As ginning say the offrom November. of increasing the with teller artists does ginning of November. painting of theonly teller maJeff Herr Luxembourg the artists does not risk and the Banka not count in its of ce,overTV priced. and project, second quarters of Tatra this risk and uncertainty”. pace compared with the first fraud because managers had to chine, The mentioned of thedoes expert estimate identify with the centre measures in be opened (PPP) launched campaign, here, too. struction of the is inlast took place on too, reminds me during of the provoke.” lastanalysts concert took place on the upcoming chine, too, reminds me of the evenconcert proposed two concerts provoke.” Medical Group SK was coprognosis with SITA a further esOctober know year,”first Valachy in Banka does notwrote count inhis its and second quarters of that they would bethis not painting various scandals, including €465.71 million, wrote. terms of values,” said Fico, as Fico’s term, to build and Smer will probably use “theBelgiDrahovský opined that evitable. “Aupark is one of November 26 in Gent, of a chair by van Third place went to András November 26 in Gent, Belgipainting of a chair by van for next year, and I would be Third place went to András bybut Paška before he operate conflict, and analysis.five “Retail reporwas co- founded prognosis withD1 asales further es- calation year,” Valachy wrote in this his able to pay, I will leave currentnew problems Otherof the companies, apart cited by theshopping TASR newswire. highway served as the presenting brands iswith the social generosity the oldest centres the um. it politics. is a“Retail similarly banal glad if we can make it,” Cséfalvay who usually works um. Gogh; it is a similarly banal Cséfalvay who usually works he Gogh; entered The speaker of calation of conflict, and analysis. sales reporthus it does not predict any yore Medted during the third quarter to prosecutors and police,” Fico stretches with total length of 75 from company Váhostav-SK also claims and that only way to stand out among main achievement of their in He Bratislava, so itsuch re- a construction “I was selected by the ruling”, jazz Nikitin it third wasthat aquarter more concluded. with video, sound and music. “I was selected motif, it was more video, sound and music. eaker of motif, thus it 1does predict any ted during the parliament claims he February further deceleration of the €1.6 the although slowest ofaductor this said asalthough cited by TASR. overpriced Doprastav and Eurovia, won would puttoacontinhalt to Váhostav, km. Váhostav-SK and with Mesežnikov Hethe jazz the growingthe competition. quires renovation of Bratislava Boys’ Choir scenario and awarded on at growth anot ceregstSlovak personalitradical step at the end of the This time, the music is radical step at the end of the This time, the music is hat he further deceleration of the the slowest growth of this ended his activities with Medgrowth dynamics. But it will genuity year while construction Speaking at a press conferpurchase of computed tomo- however questioned the setendersfor formusic, prices bein the minimum Doprastav members of highway While, “Bratislava is already ue being attractive and inMagdaléna Rovňáková the increases in the Slovak Nationalwere Theatre al Wings every year mony century to paint aThe chair present, but rather inaband ait sym19th century to paint chair present, butcalculated rather inofby a2.7symMedgrowth dynamics. But willKorben year while construction ical Group SK a minority decrease its prognosis rhnames was 19th even deepened its fall.” ence onanApril 14,as Figeľ stressed device by the Piešťany low those exwage, boost the position of graphy the winning consortium, while lection of the groups which filled with shopping centres, triguing for customers,” Dallas for rock-pop-jazz, building. Crystal Wings 2014 winwere SOZA prizes given SOZA priz to paint a years teller machine bolic way. The painting shows inority decrease its of 2.7 bolic even deepened itsago. fall.” toSlovakia’s paint aprognosis teller machine way. The painting shows shareholder 13 percent. the CT than automotive that Fico – together with Juraj than thebrands, EU Star case really need social help. Sociperts with some admitting that in the Labour Code hospital construction costs €2.4 and withornew Ľubomír Drahovský, analyst Olympic winner Anastasia Kuzmina for employers ners were selected by expert juries in duewere today. But there is a certain two men in period clothing o. percent. Slovakia’s automotive there a certain two men inphilanthropy periodmight clothing Meanwhile, Paška admit“Our basic scenario is (he ncelled industry is also feeling a ofPeter Široký, who is involved with today. one company with vis- ologists say that they should some of the projects beis toofthe of employbillion. AllJury three packages Aupark strives to make the the detriment sport, Káčer for followed by theBut Big of is the or, and architect, a categories, Terno agency, told the when admitscenario is to isthe also feeling would likeaheaded to similarity beating a– basic third man, and the after hop band Kontrafakt for the THE to SLOVAK Performing ted knowing former boss of that it’s only apolio, transitory repor- similarity lower demand of Russian Váhostav-SK and an alleged links the ruling party loss-making for them. This way lead to increases in en- ible PPP highway construction target those who are who would like beating a third man, and the ees, SLOVAK Performing impression of being unique – ratherTHE disabled battling but collecCrystal Wing by “Our Gabriel Csollár. nthropist, aindustry scient-– who Hospodárske Noviny ecoof aero-mobile that it’s only aEuropean transitory lower demand of Russian have a teller machine hanging text overhead says: most sold and soundtrack and Rights Medical Group Bilá, ori- got weakness, which might besays: ergy eboss deal, clients, when Smer sponsor –SK, can dismiss 100isMechanical percent of the or- Sothey wanted to keep prices and scrap free-of- won projects, of which one really and in danger may fallmedihave a teller machine hanging text overhead Mechanical Rights Sobut this a long-distance tedcars money crossing Slovakia onemploya special Štefan Polakovič the award for ar-only ete, an nomic daily. lá, ori-of weakness, which might when European cars onginally aclients, wall today?” “Wolfgang, the music in be your “Wolfgang, um theirline. Navždy (Forever) ciety (SOZA), a non-profitbelow ciety a physician from followed bytechnologies reacceleration,” he hosbecoming too expensive him, but they won’t be Snina. able to on in which it competed. ment afloat transportation for ders materialised, were considered the for poverty run”, Drahovský said. bicycle), Juraj and Pechan for medicine, chitecture, founder of Decodom Vladimír reates the award Aupark wants to differaare wall today?” the music in your charge (SOZA), a non-profit M. Fabian: Ghost Riders. Photos: Courtesy of students. VÚV Foundation m followed by reacceleration,” are becoming too expensive Fabian: Ghost Riders. Courtesy of VÚV Foundation It ishim a common city view on head isa superfluous for us!”on head According toŠrámek daily Sme, Bilá album.isThea most sold audioassociation of authors Pánis d.Snina. for due tocontheits weakshut up. scandals haveand “There during years when the pensioners and too expensive. After cancelHenrieta Moravčíková for a book on ar- M. for business, and ment were selected entiate itself from its com- Photos:“These Itfounder isthem common city view iswrote. superfluous for finanus!” association ofquestion authors and me, Bilá Pánis wrote. for them due to the weakhe hos- manages “They additional can’t shut firms [my lation, the first-package of the cial been played to out,” and Freidrich economicWeinwurm, crisis hit As fornot thejust adopted meas- mostly whether Smer really solves visual track medium for 2013 publishers ofSpectator musical works chitect petitors through Compiled by staff publishers of musical works firms CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS Paška appeared as co- ADVERTISEMENT vember where said. Heprotects mentioned Slovakia forwho better these problems systematically CLASSIFIEDS becameprotects the DVDtheir Spevankovo theirthe copyand actorand Jurajwait Vajda, just ures, he praised the agree- Kusý which CLASSIFIEDS which copyas coPuppet theatre ADVERTISEMENT ways to owner. CT purchase case which on17th times. ment awarded withPuppet the opposition or it targets only theWorld) part ofby (the Song’s rights, granted for the popped in from his performtheatre awarded rights, granted for the theMária 17th RELIGIOUS SERVICES ENGLISH LANGUAGE WORSHIP hand Another explanation of parties on passing the con- the one which isand ableRichard to reance in a drama staging next RELIGIOUS SERVICES ENGLISH LANGUAGE WORSHIP Podhradská time theresulted awardsin to sevartistspopulation ENGLISH LANGUAGE WORSHIP time the awards to artists Bratislava International Church prominent nominlower prices than expert esstitutional on turn itČanaky. in form of increased Bratislava International Church Bratislava International door; all clad in a nice attire. ENGLISH LANGUAGE WORSHIP has alreadyamendments been awarded at eral Smer successful in the Slovak BRATISLAVA Puppet Theatre Church already been awarded successful the Slovak Theatre ENGLISH LANGUAGE WORSHIP Bratislava International Church Sundays, 10:00 at historic leaving their posts, butare onat voter support,” timates was that duringof BRATISLAVA protecting thePuppet marriage and eeshas he in added. Štefan Klein,10 thefinancially designer several international competThe award for the highest musical scene who placed among Sundays, 10:00 at historic Small LutheranBratislava Church International Church several international competmusical scene are placed among 10 financially Small Lutheran Church Small Lutheran Sundays, 10:00 at historic Sundays, 10:00 at historic Church it didthe not profile lead to any Radičová’s term a at new water, way of who leading the break-through aero-mobile (Malý evanjelický kostol) in central Bratislava(Malý evanjelický itions.and also changes to the the other share of Slovak music in forming of musicAnother awarded pieces thesystem interSundays, 10:00 at historic Small Lutheran Church kostol) in central Bratislava (Malý evanjelický kostol) in central Bratislava itions. like the criminal the campaign formingwas the profile of music pieces at the interof procurement started to be judiciary. Another important Small Lutheran Church hybrid transport means, re- awarded (near Hodzovo namestie); on Lycejna at (Malý evanjelický kostol) in central Bratislava It is directed by Ivan Mar- solution, broadcastingindicated went to Radio culture. It awarded eight national festival, Harmony (near Hodzovo namestie); (near namestie); on Lycejna at (MalýHodzovo evanjelický kostol) in central Bratislava It is directed by Ivan Mar-by theculture. It awarded eight national festival, Harmony (near Hodzovo namestie); prosecution or end of investused, the Denník N daily rechange was the adoption of a way Fico ds.Slovenské Rudohorie Mountains. intersection with Panenska 26/28. ceived the award for visual art. on(near Lycejna at intersection Hodzovo namestie); tinka and Andrej Kalinka and wrote. musicians altogether, with Modra, SITAconfronted World Puppet Carnival, held intersection with Panenska 26/28. on Lycejna at intersection Sunday School provided. tinka and Andrej Kalinka and musicians altogether, with World Puppet Carnival, held igation. called. Within it, the construcdual education law. Ján Figeľ, the Christian withLycejna Panenska 26/28. d at almostChildren's €260 million. on at intersection Priest Anton Srholec who with Panenska 26/28. SOZA also granted three two Slovak composers inin Bangkok, Thailand, with its translated by Katarína Children's Sunday School provided. ACCOMMODATION Panenska 26/28. Children'swith Sunday School provided. tion company can itself design Democratic Movement (KDH) translated by Katarína two Slovak composers in Bangkok, Thailand, with its Children's Sunday School provided. ged 12,600 hectares of forests when it has helped the homeless and Everyone Welcome. Children's Sunday School provided. en it honorary awards. Vašo inPatescribed into the SOZA playEveryone called Aaahr!! performed Jánošová. Everyone Welcome. Welcome. Everyone Welcome. technologies for construcleader scribed and former transport Government of cronyism No reforms till elections ubic of trees within the terInformation at 02-5443-3263 Everyone Welcome. Jánošová. intothe the SOZA for called Aaahr!! performed people living on the the margin, as play Information at 0918 828 156 r- metres Information at 0918 828 156 TRANSPORT nglish The play, intended for jdl received award in English. golden book, the SITA Information at 02-5443-3263 Information at 0918 828 156 Site: Web tion reduce this minister, for book, the Váhostav nal Park (TANAP). Foresters have Web Site:the priceDorota welland wine-breeder The play, intended inchildren English.younger than 5 years golden the SITA to Web WebSite: Site: Site: Web significant contribution Itaswas the only Slovak reported.for11 case, essentially ble way. transferring Political analysts, Innewswire theyounger following er the last 10 years . Pospíšilová who bred 24 new children than 5 years It was the only Slovak newswire reported. SP013235/041 Tel: +421 (0)907 640 190 of age, describes the world introducing music theatre tothan attend the festival Musician Ivan Tásler, SP013235/022 SP015023/002 SP013235/022 SP013235/042 SP013235/041 Lower expert estimfor Slovak the probhowever, did notthe offer suchof amonths the government will ofresponsibility eadwood was excavated, while fallen taff vine cultivars, got the Crystal theatre of age, describes the world a allen to child attend festival Musician Ivan Tásler, SP015043/002 creative whooftries to focus abroad. Two else, composers of the where 116 plays from 64 counfrontman of IMT Smile ated prices by which construclem to someone said positive evaluation the Fico on implementing ed parts of the National Park were left WingREAL for ESTATE life-long achieve- where 116 plays from 64 coun- creative child who tries to REAL ESTATE e left frontman of Alexander IMT SmileAlREAL ESTATE catch what is real and what is last century tries were presented, the TASR band, received the award for ENGLISH LANGUAGE WORSHIP tion companies win highway government. Though it had measures meant to Kusý. Also this behaviour inREAL ESTATE This ment. k of has led to a massive outbreak of is real of and what is tries were presented, the TASR catch band, received thedealaward for Bratislava International Church not. andstarted Štefan Németh newswire reported. thewhat composer the tenders have also occurred that he an advantage of having no co- strengthen the rule of lawmost in dicatesbrecht f this insect intoFor parts of Tatra forests They were selected out of a newswire rests For RENT: RENT: For RENT: not. reported. the composer of the most Sundays, 10:00 at historic It gradually reveals the Šamorínsky were inscribed The theatre was nominplayed songs in 2013, while during For exFor RENT: storm. The bark beetle damaged total ofFico’s 32 term. nominees. The alition partner, which al- Slovakia, especially changes ing with this problem only Small Lutheran Church It gradually reveals themost Theittheatre was nominplayed songs in 2013, book whilein APARTMENTS APARTMENTS APARTMENTS relations of an ordinary faminto the SOZA golden ated in three categories: the the lyrics writer of the ample, the Dúha company in when he could not circumlowed to pass the measin judiciary and fighting coradministered by the state forest award, in its–18th year, aims to evanjelický kostol) in central Bratislava - in Ružinov – Drotárska in Ružinov Drotárska (Malý APARTMENTS - in Ružinov – Drotárska relations of an ordinary famated in three categories: the the lyrics writer of the Take your ily, its problems and also joys memoriam. best artistic performance, the played songs became Kamil consortium with Italian Salini (near Hodzovo namestie); NAP. search and bring to the fore- ures easily, it did not use the ruption. Combating corrup- vent it. He tries to find the most (Bôrik) – Karadžičova (center) (Bôrik)Take –for Karadžičova (center) - (Bôrik) in Ružinov –atDrotárska Karadžičova (center) your on – Lycejna intersection ily,is itsamong problems joyslast-minute best artistic performance, the played songs Impreglio offered to build the solution and usesKamil potential this searching brought, the and top also priorconnected with for tion The awardbecame for lifetime best actress (where Adela Peteraj. llen trees and help nature recover by ground outstanding Slovak r by (Bôrik) –with Karadžičova (center) Panenska 26/28. connected searching forpromotional, best actress (where Adela by ities Peteraj. andHOUSE place your 13.5 km stretch oftheir the fields D1 highbuttoaSlovak clearly Mesežnikov reported together with improvyour own self, work went writer, Mojžišová was nominated) The with award for the most FAMILY HOUSE FAMILY HOUSE leave fallen trees as they are and al FAMILY doalpersonalities in who Children's Sunday School provided. classified advertisement andmost placean your – the in castle area –and in including castle area way 8-km tunnel your ownhealth self, reported by untrue campaign. was nominated) He pointed to the lack of ing the care – in castle areaWelcome. The and award for the most Everyone FAMILY HOUSE TASR. lyricist dramaturge Boris the original perplayed songas for 2013and went to azine he of windstorm remains a insimpact a are sometimes rather low- Mojžišová For information call: classified advertisement at 0918 828 156 02 / area 59 233 312, – inInformation castle for €409.8 million or 45.5 perThis way will befor the dommeasures affecting the pub- strengthening the state’s poTASR. and the most original perplayed song 2013 went to Filan. formance. It won the last catsts. Peter Bič Project for Thinking resters, environmental0905 activists. profile. For information call: orWeb e-mail: Site:, 0905 - 659156, - 659156,, 0905 - 659156, / 59expected 233 312, cent of02the price of in the upcoming lic andCompiled state administration, in strategic compan- inant tactic formance. It won the laststaff cat-fromsitionabout Peter Bič Project for Thinking egory, receiving $1,000. You. by Spectator or e-mail:, 0905 - 659156, €899 million. campaign, added. decrease in taxes and refurbishing. payroll ies, likeCompiled Slovenské Elektrárne SP013230/038 rSP015007/002 staff SP013230/039 SP013223/023 SP013230/041 SP013230/038 SP015019/001 SP015019/006 Compiled by Spectator staff SP013223/023 Compiled by Zuzana Vilikovská Aupark will undergo Photo: Smehipegory, receiving $1,000. aboutheYou. Spectator staff from The Aaahr!! performance SOZA by also awarded Compiled by Spectator staff press reports madison@nextra.skSP015023/007 SP013230/039 The Aaahr!! performance SOZA also awarded hippress reports ystal Wings awards conferred f windstorm TICKETS chance chance 10 April 20 – May 3, 2015 CULTURE Classics a draw for tourists BY ZUZANA VILIKOVSKÁ Spectator staff THE CLASSICAL music heritage of Vienna allows it to draw tourists from all around the world. Now, Bratislava is looking to do the same and the recent launch of the Bratislava Goes Classical website is now the focal point of these efforts. The site ( details the current offers in symphonic, chamber and opera music, as well as ballet, and some other projects. Apart from an overview of musical personalities connected with the capital, the site has a unique feature – a musical map that details key music-related points of interest in Bratislava. “The Bratislava Tourist Board had an idea to stress Bratislava’s musicality and to unify its presentation towards visitors, mainly abroad,” Jozef Lupták, cellist and the art director of the project, told The Slovak Spectator. “They wanted to present the “haute culture” of the Slovak capital and invented this umbrella name, Bratislava Goes Classical. Apart from presenting events organised by other institutions or groupings, they also wanted to have their own project so a tender was opened and we, the Konvergencie / Convergences festival and project, won.” Lupták added that for now, the project includes 12 concerts in one year, having started in November 2014 and ending in December 2015 with the outlook for some kind of continuation. “What I like most has been the fact that each concert includes a master class, seminar or workshop for music students – which thanks to its quality and experience its guest performers can en- Three Medieval Tenors – John Potter, Chris O’Gorman and RoPhoto: Courtesy of Konvergencie gers Covey-Crump hance the music scene in Slovakia,” he added. Launched by the Bratislava Tourist Board (BTB), the website is offered in five different languages – an indication of the desire to target foreign visitors. In late 2014, it was created by Martin Horváth and František Morong from the BTB and it is the first joint product of collaboration between the BTB and flagship Slovak cultural institutions like the Slovak Philharmonic, Slovak National Theatre, Musical Centre and some selected organisers of festivals and musical cycles, Morong told The Slovak Spectator. “The goal of this project is to create a collaboration of the crucial players in classical music in Bratislava, to define the system of mutual cooperation so that it can exist over the long term and be mutually favourably, while also increasing the amount of domestic and foreign tourism here,” he said. There is also a concert cycle specifically made for this project, Hudobné večery na hrade / Musical Evening at the Castle, organised by the Konvergencie project, led by Lupták who is also the art manager of the Bratislava Goes Classical project, while the BTB is the producer. The chamber cycle is meant for smaller groupings of musicians, up to seven people. “I see a big potential here, and as we – Konvergencie – have a good base of audience members and all concerts have been full,” Lupták said. “BTB focuses on potential foreign guests and attention abroad. I think this is achievable but this is rather a matter of years, it seems to me, even though they [BTB] would like to complete it sooner.” The next concert of the Music Evenings cycle is 14 Strings on April 20 at the Bratislava Castle. It features the works of romantic virtuosos Paganini and Giuliani, as well as exotic and temperamental compositions by Manuel de Falla and the tango-inspired music of Astor Piazzolla. Lupták will play with Briton Daniel Rowland on violin and Italian Alberto Mesirca on guitar. Concerts in May and June will present Japanese soprano Shigeko Hata performing a selection of operatic arias, accompanied by Daniel Brunovský on piano, Lupták on cello and Martin Krajčo on guitar. Later, the Solamente Naturali troupe will perform 18th century songs and dances by Anna Szirmay-Keczerová. Blueprint in Slovakia IT IS not rare that an exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue, and sometimes the catalogue starts living an independent life after the show ends. However, the book Blueprint in Slovakia / Modrotlač na Slovensku is definitely much more than merely a catalogue accompanying an exhibition, although its launch has coincided with the exhibition Painted Blue which focuses on the same phenomenon. Blueprint is a special technique that arrived to Europe from the Orient in which a clean linen cloth is dyed in a mixture of kaolin and gum Arabic (or today rather semiliquid aluminium acetate), then painted – by hand or with a wooden form – then immersed several times into a dying solution of indigo, lime and copperas; and when exposed to oxygen in the air, the cloth changes colour to blue. The Blueprint in Slovakia book is bilingual and in its 370 pages rich with photo documentation, it explores very thoroughly the arrival of the technique of blueprint to Slovakia, its highlights and gradual decline – mostly during the communist times, unfavourable towards rich decorations and traditional, rural aesthetics – all the way to its recent revival, albeit in a more exclusive, fancy way. Written by Oľga Danglová, it was published in December 2014 by the ÚĽUV – the Centre For Folk Art Production. Although daring insights into the history (including numerous prestigious guilds of dyers), special technologies, system of patterns and symbols, as well as the ethnographic context of blueprint in Slovak folklore are featured, thanks to numerous and vivid photographs, the book has also appeal to laypersons who simply enjoy traditional techniques, unusual designs and Biblical scenes on damask pillowcase, Spiš, 1768. Slovak folklore. The publication shows blueprint also in the European context, but mostly focuses on its Slovak version. It was completed with the support of the Cultural Heritage in Slovakia project. Blueprint arrived to Slovakia from India and the oldest dated work is from 1783. First, it thrived mostly in towns and cities, giving birth to many specialised guilds. After its appeal with the burghers faded away, it moved to the Slovak rural areas where it became, unlike in the urban environment, part of everyday life for all classes and social groups. In the second half of the 20th century, the prevailing fashion and aesthetic trends – mainly Bauhaus – pushed blueprint on the margin of popular interest, almost into oblivion. Only recently, fashion designers have started to re-discover this once so common technology and style and to use it to decorate clothing. The communist era with all its – pretended or real – interest in Slovak history and roots, had not promoted blueprint very much, stressing rather practical aspects of mass fashion and importing Soviet and other communist countries’ aesthetics. Professor Jozef Vydra wrote a book on blueprint in 1956, but since then only separate stories on this subject appeared and thus this thorough study, with rich illustrations and sophisticated layout, is all the more valuable. By Zuzana Vilikovská Mangling with horses, Rajec, 1923 Photos: Courtesy of ÚĽUV ADVERTISEMENT Festival is organized by the Milan Šimečka Foundation th New Minorities Week — Bratislava SP015041/002 CULTURE CULTURE 11 ULTURE althhants for l the the from r exngariailed porok s the l the re he k. In mayor r the using Even nobilticipnear perial elling f the ovan Prize whose d the Best d the Prize ty of nt in of Po00 in CulcováOther clude O/FR), Adam ISR), of the rspo- zana vská akia Time-honoured dodging Postcard to thetax president EVENTS COUNTRYWIDE Western SLOVAKIA BRATISLAVA n LIVE MUSIC: Take 6 – The 10- time Grammy laureate will play in Bratislava with the Slovak a cappella band Fragile. Starts: Dec 1, 19:00; Istropolis, Trnavské Mýto 1. Admission: €20-€40. Tel: 02/52933321; BRATISLAVA n CLASSICAL/LIVE MUSIC: RENOWNED countertenor Max Emanuel Cenčic is considered one of the greatest singers in the world in his category; he received the Best Singer 2003 award from the German musical magazine Opernwelt. He performs famous arias, as well as pieces from lessknown or undiscovered operas in prestigious opera houses, at festivals and on tours. On December 6 at 19:30, he will give a performance in the concert hall of Reduta, Slovak Philharmonic building, in Eugena Suchoňa Square 1 in Bratislava. Tickets cost €22-€30 and can be bought dežmár. As the tithe repres- ted already via or in the Reented a considerable sum for vest. duta ticket-office. Cross-over Organ with Electric Guitar – The last concert of the Bratislava Organ Festival was moved to December, combining the performances of Slovaks; organist Marek Štrbák, drummer Lenka Novosedlíková and young guitar player Michal Bugala playing several pieces, including a premiere of during the harTHIS postcard by from 1947Borzík, capa composition Lukáš tures town of Zlaté and alsothe improvisation. Starts:in Dec 17:00; big the villagers, triedof BHS to Moravce the 4, Žitava river The Ottoman wars were a Photo:they Courtesy concert the Slovak basin. Onstudio its mildofslopes there avoid paying it. In practice, bad blow for local viticulture Radio, 1. Admission: €7 this ing meant the borders of countries, Starts:armies Dec frequently 4-7, various that they picked as enemy are stillMýtna vineyards in which (CD-LP bazár Mjuzik shop, traditions and modernism, in times and venues. Admission: the grapevines were fixed to a the grapes and processed made it to Požitavie. VineHummel Music shop, Andalusian flair. On December free. More info: www.citylštek, or a firm club. yards were Klobučnícka 2, Music Forum 7, they will perform in the Nitra THIS nice colour postcard de- with workers. This is a fam- country, particularly This way of fastenplundered wealthand shop, Na Vŕšku 1). More info: theatre of Andrej Bagar. and that merchants picting the vines town of ous raft harbour called Polík. ier peoplethose ing grape survived Starts: Dec 5, 19:15, Aréna BRATISLAVA used taxed rafts for Ružomberok in the continued until the the Theatre, Viedenská Cesta 10. n ART were HAPPENING:by Ashley transport untiland theUnLiptov region 1970s when stems it was Ottomans. Admission: €15-€20. Tel: Bell Clark, BRATISLAVA “Known of Ottothe – from theMUSIC: times of – British 02/6720-2550 or www.divad- known beginning n LIVE Is AllAfter The Same Land” Lamb replaced by binding the century. monarchy; but as& Andy Bar- them, www.ticketduo (Lou Thewars, US20th artist will before the dežmár came. man with long Rhodes wires. a law waspresent passed in Weher know from can be seen here itsthe low) come to play, among oth- the capital personificaAlong with Smallstipulated whoever Then they hid barrels of that oldplants, records,nature for ex-and sender(s) crossed tions of er songs, their recent album Carpathian region, Požitavie wine in pits dug in fields or planted a vineyard did not landscape Backspace Unwind. BRATISLAVA that in symbolising 1656 Hungari- hugravelly areas lying close ample, out the Hungarian name and Flat, is among the Dec country’s have toambitions, pay taxes and for several on their propnembankments man also feaStarts: 4, tradi20:00; tosomewhere 65thselecan-an FOLKLORE: palatine Wesselényi sailed were left only the Slovak one. tional wine producing Club, re- erty. This is probably the only Majestic of SĽUK Carmen – The le-toyears. atures court video-installations session in Prešporokand for raft harbours. Frequently,Music this used to be tedniversary gions. Here,2. monasteries for that fact that Of course, the lords knew explanation Karpatská More info: from gendary ensemble otherBratislava) works. across the valley folklore stores used to (today’s done on postcards after the pursued wine-making in the about big areas brand newA4 evasions andbirthas in 1715, Starts: Decof 2, 18:00; SĽUK such celebrates its 65th entire Liptov region allKultúry, the wood meant for bindfirst Czechoslovak Republic bring Priestor Súčasnej day with a show that comMiddle Ages and all viticul- early as 1500 the regional vineyards appeared above the to Sereď, 2.from where he ingbines together – lashing, as i.e. the asway came into existence. Karpatská oldissued traditions BRATISLAVA turists had to pay taxes, a council of Čifáre.Admission: Tax dodgingfree. is a law well that village horseback. In of rafts – and also bycontinued It would be MUSIC: interesting to making n More info: modernist ideas, directed Advent CLASSICAL tithe of one-tenth of the har- stipulated that instead of as old as viticulture itself. wood for further pro- 1758, Ružomberok mayor learn who–sent postcard, Jurajbound Hamar. Concert The this concert of Ausvest. The person authorised to taxing wine, grapes should at lumber mills. astrian it is addressed none othStarts: Dec 4, 19:00; DPOHJuraj Rosinský rafted for the soprano to Antonija Ko- cessing collect this tax wastenor calledand a be counted and taxes collec-19. By Branislav Chovan Central City Laurinská andfirst Slovak same purpose toSLOVAKIA Pest, using It isTheatre, worth remembering ervacevic than the president of Admission: €10-€12. pianist Mairán Bango, due to the absolute lack ofTel:four rafts for transport. Even Czechoslovakia, Tomáš focuses Gar- that ŽILINA 02/5910-3107; www.mestof theMasaryk, festive season. farmers and petty nobiland safe roads, river rich rigue at the Prague passable n FOLKLORE: Čaro vianoc– The Starts: 18:00; Austri- transport Liptov who participwas the only well- ity from castle. WithDec all4,probability, an Cultural Forum, Hodžovo Christmas Magic – A folklore ated in the greattaps battle working means of movement they belonged to the presidSqu-are 1/A. Admission: free. BRATISLAVA performance intonear the tions and communities. Theold THE [fjúžn] festival which InMiddle the 10 Ages. years,In Slovak so- Trenčín between the imperial innthe Liptov, ent’s close circle. Slovak music, dances, tradiTel: 02 /5930-1500; www.rakCHRISTMAS MUSIC: 9th Inprogramme which can be opens the issues of migration ciety has progressed in getting and Rákóczy’s rebelling first more Festival or less passable What the image offers is a the tions surrounding Christmas. ternational of Christ-army foundgot at and integration celebrates its road used toMusic foreign even to the ofoffers theCity built in 1364, as ofunits matter of the past. As can be Starts: Dec site 7, 19:00; maswas – cultures, The festival something for everyone, 10th anniversary. when they closer – even battle on rafts. by come Louis the Great. seen, across the Čebrať hill, on ordered BRATISLAVA Thea-tre, Horný Val 3.from More Christmas music features through party-loving Thisofjubilee year hasnuthe very close, to the country n WORLD MUSIC: Cuadro Fla- Despite info: choirs Slovakia, thefrom effort of thoseitself inthe children the bend the Váh River, and concert-goers, “Puzzle” leitmotif that power –Czech but there cannot be for enough menco rafts – as Renowned Russia, to Republic, secure roads theThe teenagers merous used to Spanish stand By Branislav Chovan BYSTRICA dancer/choreographer Juan projects UK, Ireland, Lithuania, Po- toBANSKÁ gourmets and intellectuals meanders along the whole that could open the n MODERN DANCE: Horúčava Polvillo willlist. join forces with locals, land, after South Africa,of the and alike. dramaturgy forty years singer Cheita and– Slovak guiUkraine, at Bratislava Main / Heat – The Laban Atelier In 2015, Fjúžn which is a Iron Curtain, towards other tarist Morenito de Triana to give Square and in churches/music Brati-slava, choreographed literal Slovak transcription of languages, cultures, tradiCompiled by Zuzana Vilikovská a special flamenco show cross- halls downtown. and directed by Marta the word fusion – lasts for a Poláková, performs the danceweek, from to April Long was a 2012 THERE have April been 23 a host of many prizes. theatre piecePulitzer about Prize friction, 30. It comprises a host of difin Poetry, and Visitors of Ars Poetica 2014 Finalist festivals recently in Slovakia; communication andwhose tensions ferent claim events, from between a manreceived and a woman, Poems the sceptics that this exhibiis due can choose from among more Collected to Los the music of Martin Polák. to concerts (and party than twenty poets and au- 2014 Angeles Times Best totions, the Slovak system ofastate Dec 1, 19:00; organised by expats andone fo- thors from 12 countries, or- Book ofStarts: Poetry prize andTheatre the grants. Among all those, StudioCarlos of Dance (DŠT), cused out, on expats!), workshops Williams Prize Na stands as it is focused on ganisers informed The Slovak William Kačici, Komenského 12. Ad– including one forhas children the Poetry of an ancient art that found – Spectator. The festival’s stage from mission: €7-8. Society Tel: 048/4146markets offeringon exotic goods will host a few first showings America, will be present in itself somewhat the mar540; and ofmeals, get- of performances of interna- person on the Evening of Pogin publicmerry interest togethers,the art debates DecemberSLOVAKIA 5 at 19:00 in nowadays: of poetry.and tional artists that connect po- etry onEastern presentations, the festival organ- etry and visual art: Marc A4 Space of Independent CulThe international PREŠOV ising team has on the corner of ŠancováArs Poetica 2014informed. is organised Atkins, a poet, visual artist ture n LIVE MUSIC: BeatlesOther Vianoce The December Fjúžn 3organisers streets. between and 7 in and photographer; Martín Karpatská 2014of– that Backwards One of the have again joined forces with Bakero, a surrealist Chilean guests evening– include culture centre A4 and strives mostDraghincescu respected bands coverincluding poet, Ariadna Radi Cor, Italian Rodica (RO/FR), toother bringinstitutions, a number of surprises ing the music of legendary UK foreign culture poetry institutes, (CRO), Adam for all staunch ad- poet and performance graphic Tomica band, Bajsić the Beatles, gives a Chricultural venues and indi- artist; and also a Krakow- Borzič (CZ), Hilá Lahav (ISR), mirers and fans. ST NICOLAS is the saint who in Slovakia gives presents on December stmas concert at home, otherviduals to offer a of selection Karol Chmelmostly (SK). abroad. duo of digital poetry The headliner the fest-as basedOn playing 6 to children who are well-behaved. that day, the KošicepiChil-andwise rich as possible that could oneers. TheStarts: full programme of thePKO Slovak poetry willinbe ival’s 12th year isRailway Ron Padgett, Dec 6, 19:00; organises a special train ride, the last 2014. dren’s Historical step canorol, be found at arspoby ofthe leading aprompt US poet, co-founder of the Čierny Hlavná 50. AdStarting atanother Alpinka station in in therepresented Čermeľ borough Košice at 10:00festival mission: €13. Tel: 051/7723-741; of three famous New York and bringing Slovaks and for- authors and 12:00, the trainSchool will be awaited by St Nicolas andgenerations: his entourage www. Fjúžn 2014,(adults) Sunday Parade in Old Market Hall. theof terminal station. Tickets - €3 (children)-€5 can be bought Ján Buzássy, Karol Chmel and one thewho prominent figures eigners live here closer oncontemporary the spot. More information Photo: Boris Németh Jana Pácalová. oftogether. Americanat Compiled by Zuzana By Zuzana Vilikovská Photo: Courtesy of Children’s Kal_02:Kal19 24.1.2013 16:31 Stránka 1 Ron Padgett, whose Railway How poetry, who has been awarded Vilikovská HISTORY TALKS HISTORY TALKS Discovering charms of puzzle Festival courts US poet N A M E M onday Monday Alfonz Marcel January 28 April 20 April 20 – May 3, 2015 December 1 – 7, 2014 December 1 – 7, 2014 D A Y Western SLOVAKIA Western SLOVAKIA ca January 29 April 21 Vojtech Juraj Marek e fou d at w w w .spec a to /w ea ther. January 30 April 22 January 31 April 23 F ebruary 1 April 24 F ebruary 2 April 25 with Fajt, and ing thedrummer borders Pavel of countries, Australian-German grouping traditions and modernism, in Transmit. flair. On December Andalusian Starts: April 20-25, 7, they will perform in thevarious Nitra sites. ofAdmission: theatre Andrej Bagar. various, mostly free.5, 19:15, More Aréna info: Starts: Dec Theatre, Viedenská Cesta 10. Admission: €15-€20. Tel: Bratislava or www.divad02/6720-2550 n LIVE MUSIC: Bonnie Tyler –, www.ticketThe star of the 1980s with an unforgettable, unique, husky BRATISLAVA voice will sing her staple hits. n FOLKLORE: 65th Starts: April 21, 20:00;anAeniversary of NTC, SĽUKPríkopova – The le-4. gon Aréna, gendary folklore ensemble Admission: €35-€55. Tel: SĽUK celebrates itswww.ticket65th birth02/5293-3321; day with a show that bines old traditions as well as modernist Bratislava ideas, directed by n JAZZ: Juraj Hamar. Within the City Sounds Starts: Dec 4, 19:00; series, renowned US jazzDPOH musiCity Laurinská 19. cian,Theatre, composer and actor, Admission: €10-€12. Grammy laureate Gregory Tel: Port02/5910-3107; www.mester, will be supported by an singer Susana Sawoff and Slovak band Talent Transport. BRATISLAVA Starts: April 22, 19:00; Old nMa-rket CHRISTMAS 9th InHall,MUSIC: SNP Square 25. ternational of ChristAdmission:Festival €13.90-€45. Tel: mas Music – The www.ticketfestival of 02/5293-3321; Christmas features www.staratrznportal. sk; music choirs from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Russia, The UK, Ireland, Lithuania, PoBratislava land, South Africa, and n FOREIGN/GASTRONOMY: Ukraine, at Bratislava Maina Internations club organises Square andclass in churches/music cooking as an apt occahalls siondowntown. to meet new people, learn Jaroslava F ebruary April 26 A Slovak’s name day (meniny) is as important as his or her birthday. It is traditional to present friends or co-workers with a small g new thingsDec and 4-7, have various fun getStarts: ting to Slovak cuisine, times andknow venues. Admission: e.g. the (in)famous bryndzové free. More info: www.citylhalušky. Starts: April 29, 19:00; Košická 58. Admission: €25. BRATISLAVA nMore info: www.faceART HAPPENING: Ashley Bell Clark, “Known and Un452. Is All The Same Land” – known The US artist will present in SLOVAKIA the Central capital her personifications of plants, nature and landscape symbolising huŽilina n PUPPET man ambitions, and also TourfeaTHEATRE: tures video-installations minator, or Tour de Paris –and The other play works. about famous Slovak cycStarts: Dec Sagan 2, 18:00; A4 ling star Peter is meant Kultúry, Priestor for youthsSúčasnej over 12 years of age, Karpatská 2. by Admission: but written Jakub Nvota, More info: music by Jozef Vlk and directed by Peter Palik, it can also entertain adults. Central SLOVAKIA Starts: April 17 (9:00), 22 (19:00), 23 (10:00); Puppet ŽILINA Theatre, Kuzmányho 2. More ninfo: FOLKLORE: Čaro vianoc– The Christmas Magic – A folklore performance taps into the old Banská Bystrica Slovak music, DANCE: dances, tradin MODERN Guest tions surrounding Christmas. Martina Nevistič: Lina Starts: Dec 19:00;– City Malekova and 7,Posed two Thea-tre, Horný Val 3. More pieces will be performed in the info: theatre – the Lina Malekova, a play about an alter ego, choBANSKÁ BYSTRICA reographed and danced by nMartina MODERN DANCE: and Horúčava Nevistič; Posed, / by Heat The Laban Atelier the– Slovak/Spanish duo Brati-slava, choreographed Olga Csobos and Peter Mika. and Starts: directed by 19:00; Marta April 24, DiPoláková, performs the dancevadlo štúdio tanca, DŠT, theatre piece about Komenského 12 (Nafriction, Kačici). communication andMore tensions Admission: €3-€6. info: between a man and a woman, to the music of Martin Polák. Starts: Dec 1, 19:00; Theatre Eastern SLOVAKIA Studio of Dance (DŠT), Na Kačici, Prešov Komenského 12. Admission: €7-8. Tel: 048/4146n LIVE MUSIC: Violin Show – 540; Stanislav Salanci & Ružový Panter Band – The violin show Eastern SLOVAKIA of Salanci (accompanied by the Ružový Panter / Pink Panther PREŠOV Band) on electric violin merges n LIVE MUSIC: Beatles Vianoce classical music with a modern 2014 – Backwards Oneofofworld the arrangement and–hits most respected music. Guest isbands Petercover“Arming the music of legendary UK strong” Ondria. band,Starts: the Beatles, gives a ChriApril 20, 19:00; hisstmas home,– othertoricalconcert hall ofat PKO Čierny wise playing mostly abroad. orol, Hlavná 50. Admission: Starts: Dec More 6, 19:00; PKO €19-€25. info: Čierny orol, Hlavná Admission: €13. Tel: 051/7723-741; www. By Zuzana Vilikovská Photo: Courtesy of Children’s Railway J A N U A R Y - F E B R U A R Y N AM 2 0E 1D AY 3 APR IL / M AY 2 0 1N5 A M E Slavomír RENOWNED countertenor Max Emanuel Cenčic is considered one of the greatest singers in the world in his category; he received the Best Singer 2003 award from the German musical magazine Opernwelt. He performs famous arias, as well as pieces from lessknown or undiscovered operas in prestigious opera houses, at festivals and on tours. On December 6 at 19:30, he will give a performance in the concert hall of Reduta, Slovak Philharmonic ROBBIE Williams, the renowned building, in Eugena Suchoňa British singer, ex-Take That, makes a stop in 1Bratislava within Tickets his Let Me Entertain You tour, on April 18 at Square in Bratislava. 19:00, in the Slovnaft (Ondrej Nepela Ice Stadium) in Odbojárov cost €22-€30 and can Arena be bought 9 downtown Bratislava. via or in theTickets Re- for the concert cost €142 and more andticket-office. can be purchased through, www.viagduta Photo: Courtesy of BHS Photo: Courtesy of Robbie Williams HISTORICAL RAILWAY in Košice, or Košická detská železnica, brings the Rušňoparáda event – rides on historical train engines accomST NICOLAS is the saint who in Slovakia gives presents on December by concerts, competitions, historical re-enactments 6panied to children who areshows, well-behaved. On that day, the Košice Chilprogramme – to visitors andthe residents of the and aHistorical seasonally adjusted organises a special train ride, last in 2014. dren’s Railway city, thus also in forthe adults. On the weekend of April Starting atoffering Alpinka fun station Čermeľ borough of Košice at18-19, 10:00it Košice Tickets cost €0.50-€1.50 and more starts at 9:00 at the and 12:00, the train will be awaited St Nicolas and his entourage in information can be found the terminal station. Tickets €3 (children)-€5 (adults) can be bought Photo: of Košická detská železnica on the spot. More information atCourtesy Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday W ednesday Thursday Tuesday Friday Em a Em il Tatiana Eri k, Eri ka Ga‰par W eather u ates and fore asts from across SlovakiaBl aÏej Ervín VENTS C COUNTRYWIDE OUNTRYWIDE EEVENTS Bratislava n CLASSICAL MUSIC: The BRATISLAVA nSpring LIVE MUSIC: Take 6 –víťazstva The 10of Victory / Jar time Grammy laureate wellwill – The respected, play in Bratislava the established Marinowith Theatre Slovak a cappella band Fragile. and the Symphonic from St Starts: Dec 19:00; IstroPetersburg will1, perform maspolis, Trnavské Mýto 1. ofAdter pieces of vocal works the mission: €20-€40. Tel: 02/5293World War II period. Conduc3321; ted by Pavel Petrenko, soloists – Irina Mataeva, Yekaterina BRATISLAVA Sergeyeva, Alexander Tronfimov, CLASSICAL/LIVE MUSIC: Grigory Tschernersov Cross-over with Electric will sing Organ the works of ShosGuitar – TheFrenkely, last concert of the takovich, MolchanBratislava Organ Festival was ov, Fradkin, and others. moved to December, combinStarts: April 17, 19:00; hising the performances of Slovak Slovtorical building of the aks; organistTheatre, Marek Štrbák, National Hviezdrummer Novoseddoslavovo Lenka Square 1. Admislíková guitar sion: and free,young tickets canplayer be obMichal playing severalor tainedBugala at 02/2049-4290 pieces, including a premiere of a composition by Lukáš Borzík, and also improvisation. Bratislava Starts: Dec MUSIC: 4, 17:00;Music big n CLASSICAL concert studio the Slovak Evenings / 14 of Strings – This Radio, Mýtna 1. cycle Admission: €7 concert in the of classic(CD-LP bazárbrings Mjuziktheshop, al music proHummel Musicby romantic shop, gramme of works Klobučnícka 2, Music and Forum virtuosos Paganini Gishop, NaasVŕšku 1). exotic More info: uliani, well as positions of the Spanish Manuel de Falla and tangoBRATISLAVA inspired music by Astor n LIVE MUSIC: Lamb – British Piazzolla. Slovak cellist Jozef duo (Louwill Rhodes Andy BarLupták play&with famous low) come to play, amongBriton othforeign musicians, erDaniel songs,Rowland their recent album on violin and Backspace Unwind.Mesirca on Italian Alberto Starts: Dec 4, 20:00; guitar. Majestic Music Club, Starts: April 20, 19:00; MuKarpatská More Castle. info: sic Hall of 2.Bratislava Admission: €15 (in advance)€20. More info: www.konverBRATISLAVA; www.bagoesclasn CLASSICAL MUSIC: Advent Concert – The concert of Austrian soprano Antonija KoBratislava vacevic and Slovak tenor and n LITERATURE/MUSIC: Anapianist Mairán focusesof soft Litera FestBango, – The festival ofSlovak the festive season. literature that hails Starts: Dec as 4, 18:00; Austrilocal writers well as transan Cultural Forum, Hodžovo lators offers, among the events Squ-are 1/A. Admission: free. focused only on words, also Tel: 02 /5930-1500; www.rakmusic and visual art – an acoustic performance by Milan Adamčiak at the opening, BRATISLAVA the exhibition of works of n and WORLD MUSIC: Cuadro FlaSlovak –artists Peter Spanish Barényi, menco Renowned Ľubomír Ďurček, Svätopluk dancer/choreographer Juan Mikyta,will Katarína Poliačiková Polvillo join forces with and Dezider Tóth.Slovak Later,guialso singer Cheita and Slovak musicians Martina Jatarist Morenito de Triana to give andflamenco Archívnyshow Chlapec, avor special cross-a Czech troupe called WWW M onday Monday Alfonz Jaroslav January 28 April 27 D A Y January 29 April 28 Lea January 30 April 29 By Zuzana Vilikovská J A N U A R Y - F E B R U A R Y Tuesday Wednesday Thursday W ednesday Thursday Tuesday Em a Em il Ga‰par Jarmila 11 11 Anastázia January 31 April 30 Friday Friday Tatiana F ebruary 1 May 1 2 0 1 3 Saturday Sunday Sunday Saturday Eri k, Eri ka Bl aÏej Žigmund F ebruary 2 May 2 Galina F ebruary May 3 A Slovak’s name day (meniny) is as important as his or her birthday. It is traditional to present friends or co-workers with a small g as chocolates or important flowers, andastohis wish Všetko najlepšie k meninám day)or co-workers with a small gift, suchsuch as chocolatesororflflowers, Všetko najlepšie k meninám (Happy(Happy name day) A Slovak‘s name such day (meniny) is as orthem her birthday. It is traditional to (Happy presentname friends as chocolates owers,and andtotowish wishthem them všetko najlepšie k meninám name day). 12 FEATURE April 20 – May 3, 2015 SPECTATOR COLLEGE For exercises linked to the Spectator College programme please visit Spectator College is a programme to support the study and teaching of English in Slovakia, as well as to inspire interest in important public issues among young people. The project was created by The Slovak Spectator and the Petit Academy Foundation. Please see our online Spectator College section at for articles, glossaries and tips for exercises which can be used in English lessons. Glossary activity – činnosť after school – po škole achievement – úspech alienation – odcudzenie sa anxiety – úzkosť appropriate – vhodný appropriately – vhodne aspiration – ambícia associate – spájať sa at full throttle – na plný plyn attendance – dochádzka attitude – postoj available – dostupný avoid – vyhnúť sa base – základ bear – zniesť benefit – prospech carefully – opatrne co-author – spoluautor cohesiveness – súdržnosť comfortable – pohodlný concentration – sústredenosť consequence – dôsledok consumerist – konzumný contribute – prispieť cooperation – spolupráca correctly – správne delinquency – kriminalita dependency – závislosť depression – skľúčenosť development – vývoj enable – umožniť engagement – angažovanie sa entertaining – zábavný follow – nasledovať force – nútiť free time – voľný čas garner – zhromaždiť go overboard – prehnať niečo gradually – postupne hobby – voľnočasová aktivita impact – vplyv initiative – podnet interest – záujem juvenile – mladistvý knowledge – znalosť, vedomosť lifestyle – životný štýl memory – spomienka mutual – vzájomný nutrition – výživa observation – pozorovanie outcome – výsledok overburden – preťažiť participate – zúčastniť sa performance – výkon preference – prednosť prevention – predchádzanie reduce – znížiť relationship – vzťah self-confidence – sebadôvera self-realisation – sebarealizácia schoolchildren – školáci sibling – súrodenec skill – schopnosť spend – stráviť surround – obklopiť sa tackle – popasovať sa tardiness – nedochvíľnosť unhealthy – nezdravý unique – unikátny violent – násilný way of live – spôsob života youth – mládež Lesson 16 Hobbies, Leisure and Lifestyle Activities should be chosen carefully BY RADKA MINARECHOVÁ Spectator staff DESPITE the positive impacts of after-school programmes on children’s development, parents should not go overboard and force children to participate in every possible activity, experts tell The Slovak Spectator. “Correctly selected afterschool activities help children to develop their talents,” Marta Hanečáková, head of the free time centre in Stará Ľubovňa, told The Slovak Spectator. Though parents want to offer their children as many possibilities for their selfrealisation as possible, some do not think about the consequences, which may result in overburdening the child, warns Dagmar Kopčanová, psychologist of the Research Institute for Child Psychology and Pathopsychology. “Fortunately, most parents know the interests and hobbies of their children, so they choose the after-school activities based on these preferences,” Kopčanová told The Slovak Spectator. Benefits for development Youth who participate in after school programmes can garner academic, social and health benefits, according to the 2008 Harvard Family Research Project report focusing on the potential of activities after school. Such programmes can, for example, improve academic achievement as they are associated with better attitudes toward school and higher educational aspirations, better school attendance and less tardiness, less disciplinary actions, better performance in school and engagement in learning. Moreover, they can im- Correctly selected activities may help children develop their abilities. prove social and developmental outcomes, as participation in them is connected with decreased behavioural problems, improved social and communication skills and better relationships with others, increased self-confidence, as well as lower levels of depression and anxiety and development of initiative, the report suggests. As for the positive impact on prevention outcomes, students participating in after school programmes more often avoid drug and alcohol use, decrease delinquency and violent behaviour, increase knowledge of safe sex, and reduce juvenile crime. Additionally, it can also contribute to healthy lifestyles and increased knowledge of nutrition and exercise. Afterschool programmes can also tackle the growing problem of obesity among children and youth, the report states. The offer is really wide, as there are various activities directly at schools, in free time centres or personal interest clubs, Hanečáková said. “There is, however, a question whether the offer is based on the child’s needs or is prepared by parents who think Photo: Sme it would be appropriate,” she a machine we can programme to run at full throttle.” added. In addition to activities after school, they should also Selecting activities have time to relax and regenIt is important to talk with erate, she added. children to find activities they would like, Hanečáková and Digital impact Kopčanová agree. For example, it is good to learn forDespite the broad offer of eign languages, but if children after-school activities, an inare more interested in, let’s creasing number of children say, sports, it is better to find spend their free time behind a an activity they like, computer or TV as “it is simKopčanová added. pler and more comfortable”, From Hanečáková’s obser- Hanečáková said. vation, especially younger Despite the negative imschoolchildren often change pacts on children’s health activities as they want to try shown by several studies, everything. However, it is not computers and tablets – when good to start with too many used appropriately – can deactivities and then gradually velop children’s logic, strareduce them, Kopčanová tegic thinking and concentraclaimed. tion, according to Kopčanová. “Such approach may result Since we cannot prevent in children not spending much children from sitting behind time in any activity,” the psy- computers and TVs, we should chologist explained. try to find ways that will help It is also individual how children develop their knowmany activities the children ledge and skills in their future can bear. Parents should not lives, Hanečáková added. compare them with other “That is the reason why the children or their siblings and after school programmes make them do the same. should be interesting, create “Every child is individual, room for children to meet and unique and thus has a right to talk, and to offer safe space for follow his or her own way,” un-organised activities availKopčanová said. “A child is not able to all,” she said. Family time still remains the key to successful childhood development IT IS still important that children spend much of their free time with their families, experts agree. It helps them feel good with the other family members and creates memories that are unique for the family. “It is necessary to think carefully to find something entertaining and easy that enables every member of the family to join in mutual activities that will increase its cohesiveness,” Dagmar Kopčanová, psychologist of the Research Institute for Child Psychology and Pathopsychology, told The Slovak Spectator. One of the current trends, however, is that families visit shopping centres. The risk is that children are gradually led to a consumerist and passive way of life. This may then result in some kind of emotional alienation within the family and also building a certain “dependency” on surrounding oneself with new things, Kopčanová said. “Shopping activities should thus not become the only activity of Spending time together is important for families. Photo: Sme the family, especially during the weekend,” she added. The activities should support mutual cooperation between the family members, according to her. Young families often realise the need to spend time with their children, said Marta Hanečáková, head of the free time centre in Stará Ľubovňa. The free time centres thus often offer activities for parents and children. “Parents search for activities that support their children in moving and sport as they realise the danger of an unhealthy lifestyle spent in front of the TV and computer,” Hanečáková said. There remains a lack of activities that would attract schoolchildren aged 11-15 so they are not only “consumers”, but also co-authors of the activities, she added. By Radka Minarechová
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